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F l u o re s c e n c e A n g i o g r a p h y i n

the Assessment of Flap

Perfusion and Vitality
Melvyn S. Yeoh, DMD, MD, D. David Kim, DMD, MD*,
G.E. Ghali, DDS, MD

 Fluorescence angiography  Pedicle flap  Reconstruction  Free-tissue transfer

 Intraoperative Fluorescence angiography is increasingly being adopted by reconstructive surgeons
for use in pedicled tissue flaps and microvascular free-tissue transfer procedures.
 The ease of use and the need for minimal amounts of equipment make it advantageous for surgical
teams to use intraoperatively.
 At present, the main disadvantage of this technology is its cost; but with time and greater adoption
of this technology, the cost will eventually decrease.
 Decreased postoperative complications and reduced need for revision surgery with the use of this
technology will play a significant role in decreasing the overall health care costs for these complex
reconstructive procedures.

Videos of fluorescence angiography accompany this article at http://www.oralmaxsurgery.

INTRODUCTION and identify vessel occlusion, with varying degrees

of success. At present, the gold standard in evalua-
Pedicled flaps and free-tissue transfers have tion of microvascular reconstruction remains clin-
become invaluable tools for reconstruction of the ical evaluation of color, turgor, bleeding, and
head and neck region. These methods are used warmth of the exposed soft tissue paddle.1 Several
routinely to reconstruct hard and soft tissue noninvasive and invasive technologies have been
defects, but compromised blood supply and developed to enhance the accuracy of the clinical
subsequent flap failure remains a constant concern examination, but none of these devices has been
for the surgeon, particularly in free-tissue transfer. universally adopted. Noninvasive techniques
Early detection of vascular compromise and its include hand-held Doppler ultrasound, infrared
prompt correction are thus critical to the success thermography, polarized spectral imaging, and
of these procedures. laser Doppler perfusion imaging. Invasive tech-
Many intraoperative and postoperative moni- niques include implantable Doppler probes, micro-
toring devices have been developed to help prevent

dialysis, and venous pressure measurements with

Funding: No funding was received or solicited for this article.

Conflict of interest: Dr Kim is a consultant for LifeCell Corporation.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial/Head and Neck Surgery, Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Shreveport, 1501 Kings Highway, PO Box 33932, Shreveport, LA 71130, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 25 (2013) 61–66
1042-3699/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
62 Yeoh et al

indwelling venous catheters. Despite the ingenuity INDOCYANINE GREEN ANGIOGRAPHIC

of these novel technologies, clinical flap perfusion IMAGING SYSTEM
evaluation is still based on subjective criteria in
both the intraoperative and postoperative periods. Intraoperative fluorescent angiographic imaging
During surgery, evaluation of flow through a micro- uses the dye indocyanine green (ICG) given intrave-
vascular anastomosis has previously only been nously through a peripheral vein. ICG is a water-
possible with the intraoperative clinical patency soluble, tricarbocyanine dye and it has been used
test (ie, strip test; Fig. 1), which has been reported for more than 40 years for measuring cardiac
to have a low sensitivity in the diagnosis of luminal output, as a liver function test, and for fluorescent
obstruction.2 Whether it is a pedicled flap or micro- angiography of the ocular choroidea.4 ICG dye
vascular free-tissue transfer, early detection of absorbs light in the near-infrared spectral range
vascular compromise with prompt correction still with a maximum at 805 nm and emits fluorescence
remains crucial to success of the procedure. with a maximum at 835 nm. These absorption and
The ideal flap evaluation system for head and emission characteristics are optimal in the visuali-
neck reconstructive surgeons would have a high zation of deeper structures because the absorption
sensitivity and high specificity for detecting com- of intrinsic chromophores like hemoglobin and
promised perfusion, and would have a high prog- water is low in skin. This property makes skin trans-
nostic value for predicting vascular compromise parent to ICG’s emitted light spectrum and it can
and overall flap success. This ideal system would therefore be visualized and recorded with a suitable
have the ability to distinguish between arterial and camera. This system uses near-infrared light pro-
venous compromise and would also be able to jected onto the target area, where it penetrates
predict future tissue necrosis. The introduction of deep into the skin and acts as an excitation light
intraoperative fluorescent angiography approaches to the ICG dye and induces fluorescence from
the criteria listed earlier with a noninvasive, intrao- blood vessels containing dye within the deep
perative system that is able to visualize blood flow dermal plexus and subcutaneous fat, rather than
and tissue perfusion.3 With this system, assess- the superficial dermis as when fluorescein is used.
ment of anastomosis and vessel patency, along Along with the emitted spectrum of light of ICG,
with soft tissue perfusion of the flap, is possible to this allows deeper vessel imaging than with fluores-
help predict flap prognosis. cein. Detection of blood vessels at a depth of up to
2 cm from the body surface has been shown.5
After intravascular injection of ICG, it is bound
completely to large plasma proteins, allowing
complete intravascular localization of the dye.
The binding of the dye to these proteins makes it
a suitable tracer for assessing vessel perfusion,
because no capillary leakage of the dye occurs.6
It also has a short half-life of 3 to 4 minutes, which
allows sequential monitoring of skin perfusion
because previous use does not affect subsequent
examinations. ICG dye is efficiently removed from
the blood by the liver and excreted into the bile.
The incidence of adverse reactions after intrave-
nous injection is low, and it has no effects on blood
constituents or on the hemostatic system. Usual
doses used for perfusion imaging are in the range
of 0.1 to 1 mg/kg; toxicity is not reached when less
than 5 mg/kg is used.
There are multiple near-infrared video camera
systems that can be used for ICG angiography
(ICGA). These systems include the SPY Elite
system (LifeCell Corporation), the IC View System,
Fig. 1. The clinical patency test (strip test). To evaluate and the PDE system (both from Pulsion Medical
flow through a vessel, the vessel is occluded with Systems and Hamamatsu Photonics). These
2 microvascular forceps downstream of the anastomosis. imaging systems all activate ICG by emitting light
The distal forceps is gently moved more downstream at the appropriate wavelength (806 nm), which
while both forceps are still closed. The upstream forceps
excites the dye to emit light at w830 nm. The
is then released and a patent anastomosis should allow
blood to refill the area between the forceps.
system uses a camera with appropriate filters to
Assessment of Flap Perfusion and Vitality 63

detect the fluorescent signals. ICG technology has

also recently been integrated into the optical path
of a surgical microscope that allows microangiog-
raphy of vessels with diameters of less than 1 mm.
It also allows for more magnified visualization of
vascular flow through anastomosis sites.


In pedicled flap surgery, adequate blood flow to the
flap is an important determinant of the viability of
soft tissue reconstruction. When flaps have local-
ized or generalized hypoperfusion, they have
a significant risk of postoperative wound dehis-
cence, skin slough or necrosis, infection, and flap
loss. Until now, evaluation of flap perfusion has
been based on subjective criteria that rely on tactile
and visual characteristics including color, capillary
refill, warmth, and bleeding. These subjective eval-
uations are often inaccurate even for the most
experienced surgeons.
Other, more objective, evaluation tools have
been proposed. These tools include ultrasonic
Doppler, transcutaneous oxygen monitoring, and
skin temperature recording, but none of these
methods have been universally adopted because Fig. 2. (Top) Still image of video of inset soft tissue
there is a lack of convincing evidence to their effi- flap to the left mandible and buccal mucosa showing
cacy. ICGA is unique in that it is able to provide good, even distribution of fluorescence throughout
the skin paddle of the flap. Close examination of
a dynamic map of dermal circulation that serves
the image reveals the deep dermal plexus. (Bottom)
as a topographic analysis of the effective blood
Use of proprietary software (SpyQ) allows evaluation
supply to the flap tissue.7 It is also able to assess of relative perfusion of the flap soft tissue compared
the surrounding normal tissue perfusion and with the unoperated area in the field of view (in
compare that with the flap skin perfusion, providing this case, the lower lip).
a relative perfusion index (Fig. 2). Depending on the
level of the perfusion differential, a low perfusion
index may predict postoperative complications instrumentation, suture materials, magnification,
and partial or complete flap failure. At present, there and technique have made this reconstructive
are few data to establish a threshold for adequate method reliable. In the most experienced hands,
perfusion. A perfusion index threshold value of there is currently a 1% to 5% risk of flap compro-
25% has been suggested, but it is not well estab- mise that can lead to flap failure.10 When microvas-
lished.8,9 ICGA perfusion index measurements are cular free-tissue transfer reconstruction fails, it
merely a snapshot of the tissue perfusion at a given can produce an even larger tissue defect with
point in time; perfusion values for patients may fluc- surrounding necrosis. Even partial flap failure
tuate as a result of variations in systemic hemody- creates a difficult problem for the reconstructive
namics, cardiac output, body temperature, and surgeon. Thus, the search for an ideal technique
administration of medications. Although no exact to analyze flap perfusion and microsurgical anasto-
critical perfusion index value exists, a filling defect mosis patency continues in an attempt to decrease
seen via ICGA on a pedicled flap during reconstruc- the risk of postoperative flap compromise.
tion may necessitate modification of the surgical In microvascular free-tissue reconstruction,
plan to proactively prevent flap complications. initial perfusion of the flap depends completely on
the flow in the vascular pedicle. Techniques such
USE IN MICROVASCULAR FREE-TISSUE as the double forceps patency tests and Doppler
TRANSFER surveillance are used to assess the patency of
the microvascular anastomosis. Subjective criteria
Microvascular free-tissue transfer has become a such as color, capillary refill, and bleeding are used
dependable reconstructive method for complex to assess the viability of transplanted tissue. Tradi-
hard and soft tissue defects. Advances in surgical tional radiographic contrast angiography is the
64 Yeoh et al

standard for analysis of vascular anatomy. How- (Fig. 3, Videos 1 and 2 [see videos online within
ever, intraoperative angiography techniques using this article at www.oralmaxsurgery.theclinics.
traditional intravenous contrast agents have com, February 2013 issue]).
proved cumbersome and add risks to the patient ICGA also allows objective quality assessment
from the contrast dye. Radiation exposure to of anastomotic patency, which is the primary
both the patient and the operating staff is also of determinant for initial microvascular free-flap
concern. Traditional intraoperative angiography survival (Fig. 4). Conventional subjective patency
has therefore been considered largely inappro- tests such as the double forceps test and clinical
priate for free-tissue transfer. ICGA is a valuable inspection have been shown to have a low sensi-
tool for the microvascular reconstructive surgeon, tivity for revealing anastomotic deficiencies. As
because it provides the visual properties of tradi- many as 22% of anastomoses classified as patent
tional contrast angiography combined with relative based on conventional subjective patency tests
ease of use without the potential risks.11 have shown abnormal flow through the anasto-
ICGA can provide important information at all mosis on subsequent angiographic studies.14
stages of microvascular free-tissue transfer Through the objective verification of the vascular
surgery. During harvest, it can provide information inflow and outflow of the microvascular free-
about the distribution of blood flow to the flap and tissue flap, it would be possible to identify these
the territories of tissue supplied by the vascular vascular issues early, while the patient is still on
pedicle. This information is especially important the operating table. After the insetting and anasto-
when raising extended flaps for large, complex mosis of the vessels, the free-tissue flap can then
reconstructions. ICGA has also been shown in be reanalyzed with ICGA to assess for adequacy
experimental and clinical studies to have a high of blood supply to all zones of the inset flap, which
sensitivity in identifying perforators and their is especially important in preventing partial flap
supplied territory for use in perforator flaps.12,13 failure (Video 3 [see video online within this article
The use of perforator flaps in microvascular free- at, February
tissue transfer has become favored because the 2013 issue]).
perforator flap is based on 1 or 2 perforating ICGA has also found a role in patients under-
vessels. Thus, sparing the inclusion of underlying going reexploration surgery for a threatened blood
fascia and muscle has permitted the reconstruc- supply to a microvascular free-tissue flap. Finding
tive surgeon to decrease donor site morbidity, the cause of the flap compromise is essential in
resulting in faster recovery for the patient. Disad- salvaging a microvascular free-tissue flap. These
vantages of the perforator flap are the high vari- causes can be varied and include microvascular
ability in perforator vessel anatomy and territories thrombosis, pedicle kinks, external compression
supplied. With the use of ICGA, the identification of the vascular pedicle, hematoma, and vaso-
of the perforator and the territory it supplies can spasm. In large reexploration studies, microvas-
be verified before flap harvest, increasing the reli- cular thrombosis is only found in half of the
ability and success rate of these types of flaps reexplored patients. Because early or very small

Fig. 3. Still image from Video 1. Right lower extremity intraoperative angiography before harvest of a fibula
osteocutaneous flap. ICGA is used to identify the dominant perforator to the lateral calf skin to include it in
the skin paddle of the flap.
Assessment of Flap Perfusion and Vitality 65

these reconstructive procedures even more pre-

dictable. At present, the main disadvantage of
this technology is its cost; with time and greater
adoption of this technology, the cost will eventu-
ally decrease. Decreased postoperative complica-
tions and reduced need for revision surgery with
the use of this technology will play a significant
role in decreasing the overall health care costs
for these complex reconstructive procedures.

Supplementary data related to this article can be
found online at

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