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Yarn: 130 yds blue DK Needles: Size 9 (24”) circulars Notions: 1 locking stitch marker
350 yds red DK Size 10.5 (32”) circulars Fray Check
260 yds white DK

Start blue section with size 9 (24”) needles

Blue Section:
Cast on 2 stitches in blue.
Row 1(RS) KFB, knit 1= 3 stitches
Row2 (WS) KFB, KFB, Knit 1 = 5 stitches
Row 3 (RS, KFB, knit to last 2 stitches, K2 tog
Row 4 (WS) Knit to last 2 stitches, KFB, Knit 1
Place a locking marker on the right side row to help you remember which is the right side row.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 thirteen more times through row 30= 19 stitches.
Star pattern
Continue with increase and decrease pattern above.
When the pattern calls for a white stitch, you wrap a 4-5” length of white yarn around a blue knit stitch. These
will be tied & secured at the end of the section.
Repeat between *’s until directions say otherwise.

Star row 1 (RS):KFB, K3 sts blue, k1 white, *K 5 Blue, 1 white*2 times, k until last 2 stitches, K2tog= 2 stars
Star row 2 (WS)- K1, knit to last 2 stitches, KFB, Knit 1
Row 3 (RS) KFB, knit to last 2 stitches, K2 tog
Row 4 (WS) Knit to last 2 stitches, KFB, Knit 1
Row 3 (RS) KFB, knit to last 2 stitches, K2 tog
Row 4 (WS) Knit to last 2 stitches, KFB, Knit 1
Row 7 (RS) KFB, K I white, *5 blue, K1 White*3 times, k till last 2 sts, K2 Tog blue- 22 stitches= 3 stars
Row 8 (WS)Knit 1 Blue, 1 white, knit rest of the row, until last 2 stitches, KFB, K1 =23
Repeat rows 3 and 4 of star pattern 2 times. 25 stitches
Row 13: (RS) KFB, K3 blue, *K1 White, K5 Blue*3 times, k until last 2 stitches K2 tog, =3 stars
Row 14 (WS) Knit until last 2 stitches, KFB, knit one=26 Stitches
Repeat rows 3 and 4 twice. 28 Stitches
Row 19-KFB, K1 Blue, *K1 White, K5 blue* repeat 4 times, K2 tog = 4 stars this row
Row 20 (ws) K1 Blue, knit rest of row until last 2 stitches KFB, K1
Repeat Row 3 and 4 twice with Blue yarn.
Row 25 (RS) KFB, Knit 4 blue. *K1 white, K 5 blue* to last 2 stitches, K2tog=4 stars
Row 26 (ws) K1 Blue, knit rest of row, until last 2 stitches, KFB, K1 =32 stitches
Repeat rows 3 and 4 twice. 34 Stitches
Row 31(rs) KFB, K2 blue, *K1 white, K5 Blue* end with K4 K2Tog =5 stars
Row 32 (ws) K1 Blue, knit rest of row until last 2 stitches KFB, K1 =35 stitches
Repeat Row 3 and 4 twice with Blue yarn.
Row 37 (rs) KFB, *K5 Blue, K1 White* end with K4 blue, K2tog = 5 stars this row
Row 38 (ws) Knit 1 stitch, knit until last 2 sts, KFB, K1=38 Stitches
Repeat Row 3 and 4 twice with Blue yarn.
Row 43 (RS) KFB, Knit 2 blue, *K1 White, K5 Blue*, K4 blue, K2tog = 6 stars
Row 44: (ws) K1 Blue, knit rest of row, until last 2 stitches, KFB, K1 =41 stitches
Repeat rows 3 and 4 twice.
Row 49: (RS) KFB, Knit 5 blue, *K1 white, K5 Blue* , K4 K2tog = 6 stars
Row 50: (ws) K1 Blue, knit until last 2 stitches, KFB, K1 = 44 stitches
Repeat Row 3 and 4 twice with Blue yarn.
Row 55: KFB, K8 *K1 white, k5 Blue*, k4 blue, k2tog = 6 stars
Row 56- K row, until last 2 stitches, KFB, K1 = 47 stitches
Repeat rows 3 and 4 twice.
Row 61: KFB Knit 11 blue, *k1 white, k5 blue* end knit 4 blue, K2tog = 6 stars
Row 62: K row, until last 2 stitches, KFB, K1 = 50 stitches
Repeat rows 3 and 4 twice.

Tie white yarn stars using surgeon’s knots. Trim to about ¼”. Apply Fray Check on each knot. Let dry


Alternate Red & White sections, carrying yarn up the side, by knitting 2 strands together on the first half of
each first stitch. (2 strands in front, 1 strand in back).
The first red section is done with size 9 (24”) needles
The first white section is done with size 9 (24”) needles.
The second red section -and the rest of the shawl- is done with size 10.5 (32”) needles
R 1, 3, 5, 7 (RS): KFB, k until last 2 sts, k2tog *Some rows end with yo, k1, KFB, k1
R 2, 4, 6 (WS): (k2tog, yo) until last few sts* Some rows end with yo, KFB, k1
R 8 (WS): k to last 2 sts, KFB, k1

R 1 (RS): KFB, k to last 2 sts, k2tog
R 2 (WS): (k1, yo2) until last 2sts, KFB, k1 (do the yo2 very loosely)
R 3 (RS): KFB, k across, dropping yarn overs
R4 (WS): k2tog, k across until the last 2 sts, KFB, k1

Alternate Red & White sections until almost out of yarn. End with a Red section.

Continuing in the increase pattern, finish with 4 rows garter stitch in blue, 2 rows garter stitch in white, 2 rows
of garter stitch in red & 7 rows garter stitch in blue.
Bind off, using the Super Stretchy Crochet Bind Off, as found on You Tube.
Weave in ends & block.

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