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INTR 1020 Final Reflection Prompts

1. You began this course by exploring your future career and creating a Weebly
page that described the qualifications and skills necessary to be successful in
that career. In 3-5, well written sentences tell us what career you chose and
why you want to follow this path. What is your motivation? If your choice no
longer attracts you, what alternative are you considering and why do you think
this is a better match? I chose the career path of environmental scientist.
With this career you can take many path ways. I want to take this major in
the direction of working with animals, botany, and habitat conservation. I
would like to save the planet!

2. In the second week you brought a set of notes to class and reviewed them with
a partner. Afterwards you revised them to make them more useful for learning.
In 3-5, well written sentences describe what changes you made to your notes
and explain why you found this helpful. After week 2 I started to make my
notes more organized. I left room to go back and add things from the book
or worksheets. I learned a lot on how to make my notes easier to study.

3. In week 3 you came up with a degree plan. In 3-5, well written sentences
describe what you hope to achieve at UCBA and what plan to do after UCBA.
I will complete 2 years at UCBA, after that I will have earned my associates
in environmental studies. I then plan to transfer to main campus to the
McMicken School of Arts and Science. I will continue a degree in
Environmental Studies. I have not yet chosen a minor but I am considering
some options.

4. In the fourth week you started doing research on your chemical substance. In
3-5, well written sentences describe your compound and what you found out
about it. I had the compound Formaldehyde or CH20. Formaldehyde is a
gaseous pollutant produced by humans and natural resources.
Formaldehyde is used mainly for preservation of many products. Studies are
showing that formaldehyde has long term effects such as various types of
cancer, these are showing up with people that have used formaldehyde for
long periods of time.

5. In week 5, using Bloom’s Taxonomy levels as a guide, you wrote questions about
the chapter you had read in the Poisoner’s Handbook. Share with us your two
best questions and in 3-5, well written sentences say why you picked them. My
best questions were, “Explain why all the cases involved whiskey?” and
“Argue whether the prohibition was effective in a negative way.” I chose
these questions because they both conveyed two levels of Blooms’s
Taxonomy levels well. They are important parts and concepts of the chapter
we read. It’s important to know the answer to these questions.
6. In week 6 you did an assessment of an exam and reviewed how you had
prepared for it. In 3-5, well written sentences describe three study strategies
you used that worked well and tell us why they worked well, or describe three
study strategies that you are going to try for the next exam and tell us why you
think they might help you prepare. On my next exam three study tricks I will
try are, studying in smaller increments instead of cramming, I will plan my
time better, and I will pick out the ones I’m sure about and do those first. I
think these will help me focus more on the exam and not my time. These
will help me organize the information I know and help me pick out things
I’m sure of and others I’m questionable about.

7. Threaded through the whole course has been the Poisoner’s Handbook. In 3-5,
well written sentences tell us what you enjoyed most about your chapter.
What made the case particularly interesting? I enjoyed the Poisoner’s
Handbook. I felt it was a fun read because it gave real life cases of things
that happened in our past. I thought it was interesting to learn about the
alcohol related deaths caused by the prohibition. It’s intriguing that the
government didn’t step in and try to stop it.

8. Another piece of the course was creating an e-portfolio (Weebly) that allowed
you to build a professional online image as a UCBA student. In 3-5 well written
sentences tell us what pages you found particularly useful and why. I liked the
future career tab it helped me seek some new interest in my field and led
me to some interesting minors. It also gave me info on my job outlook and
some different companies I could work for that I hadn’t thought of. I also
like the degree plan because it helps me layout my classes I need to take for
the next two years and what to expect when I transfer to main campus.

9. And finally, in 5-8 well written sentences tell us what things you really enjoyed
in the course and why. What things should we definitely keep in for next
semester? I really enjoyed this class. I felt you guys did a great job of
keeping the course interactive and in a group setting. Besides all the lovely
snacks, I enjoyed the degree planning and future career tabs on my weekly
page. These made me very excited to be in the major I am. I also enjoyed
the Poisoner’s Handbook. It’s a very interesting book and it had some good
historical crime cases that I found interesting. I liked learning about the
prohibition and the secrets behind it.

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