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Lenox Halftix Instructions

Updated May 26, 2018

Opening Procedures

1. On Google Chrome, log into

Open daily email from Linda Beach— this should arrive shortly before 11
Print out several copies of the attached daily door posting; if necessary, reformat
until entire document fits onto one page.
Open invitation to Daily Shared Spreadsheet — this is the doc where sales take
2. On Google Drive, go to the folder Daily Sales [year].
Make a copy of the file “[Year] Half Tix Daily Sales Master.”
Rename the copy of the file “Daily Sales [Month Day].”
Enter the date in the appropriate cell of this file.
Using the daily door posting for reference, enter the day’s shows and prices in
the appropriate cells.
Leave the document open in Drive.
3. Check cash drawer.
Bring yesterday’s deposit to the bank.
Make sure to get appropriate change (approx 5x $10, 10x $5, 45x $1, $5 in
When the LVC envelope contains more than $100 (NOT including $1s & $5s),
alert the Director that this should be deposited. Record deposit on envelope (like
a checkbook).
4. At 11:00 (promptly, and not before), begin taking names of patrons in the order they
Record the show they’re interested in and how many tickets they would like.
If patrons arrive before 11, explain that they must remain in the office to hold their
place until names are taken on the formal list.
Explain to the patrons that the should return a few minutes BEFORE noon and
that if they are not present when their name is called, they will be moved to the
end of the list.
5. Before 12:
Prep vouchers by circling “Lenox” and signing copies in advance to streamline
Remove cash from cashbox and prep neatly.
Tip: make a cheat-sheet of ticket prices (including the service charge of $4 per


1. Once the OK message is sent in the Daily Shared Spreadsheet, you may begin
Start with the first name on the list and make your way down.
Don’t be afraid to encourage patrons to take a seat until their name is called.
2. Making a Sale
Sell only Lenox’s tickets! These are blue on the spreadsheet.
Make sure to give patrons options and use the seating charts in the book to
show seats.
Enter the voucher number, patron name, patron’s phone number (in case of
cancellation) and “LVC” for location into the spreadsheet.
Enter this info on the voucher as well.
Fill out info on the top half of the voucher.
Collect the cash, making sure to add the service charge of $4 per ticket.
Keep the pink copy of the voucher and give the white and yellow copy to the
Tell patron to bring the voucher to the venue’s box office to receive their ticket —
recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before curtain.

1. Linda will send a message indicating that sales have closed for the day at 4:30.
2. In the Shared Spreadsheet (where you’ve been entering voucher info)…
Download the spreadsheet as an Excel file.
Upload the Excel file to the google drive folder titled “Shared Daily Spreadsheets”
3. On the Daily Sales Spreadsheet…
Make sure all information is entered accurately— check against pink vouchers
and shared spreadsheet.
Print & Download (leave in downloads folder to email later).
4. Deposit slips can be found in the lock box in the back.
Record total deposit amount from Daily Sales Spreadsheet (tix + $2 BVB service
In “Total Items,” record number of tix sold.
Write “LVC” to the left of the total.
Using the flash drive in the printer’s USB port, scan the deposit slip to the flash
Insert the flash drive into the computer and copy the jpeg of the slip to the
desktop — the scan can be found in the folder “HP.”
5. Email Linda
Send an email to with the Daily Sales Spreadsheet
(from Downloads) and the jpeg of the deposit slip.
6. Daily BVB Envelope
Place deposit slip and cash in an envelope. Label it with “BVB,” the date, and the
amount of cash. Place it in the locked box.
7. Add the $2 service charge cash to the LVC envelope. Record the date and amount
on the back of the envelope and return it to the locked box.
8. Staple the printed Daily Sales Spreadsheet to the pink vouchers and store them.
9. Timesheets:
Enter hours in the shared timesheet in Drive. Send this on Saturdays to and
10. LVC Service Charge Fees [Year]
Find this spreadsheet in drive and enter the number of tickets sold in the
appropriate cell. The fee is calculated by the spreadsheet.
11. Percent of Total HalfTix Sold by LVC
Find this spreadsheet in Drive and enter the total number of tickets available for
that day, the total number sold by all venues, and the number sold by Lenox. The
spreadsheet will take care of percentages.
12. There should be $200 left in the cash box. Record amount and remedy any
13. Shut down computer, turn of lights and A/C, return cash box and lock box, and lock


1. If you have run out of Lenox seats for a show…

Send a chat requesting tickets from another venue. (i.e. “Pittsfield, may I have
two seats for [show]?”)
The other venues have three minutes to respond. After 3m with no response, you
may take the seats. Send a message alerting the venue that you’ll be selling
those seats.
It may be helpful to type out the current time in your messages to ensure there’s
no confusion over the 3m waiting period.
Enter the info as you normally would, and make the entire row blue to clarify that
those tickets were sold at the Lenox venue.
2. If all venues are sold out…
Check for “Second Release Possible” at the top of the spreadsheet.
If possible, chat Linda to inquire as to if and when those seats will arrive. Make
sure to keep patrons updated on this process.
If not, print out a “sold out” sign and cover the show on all door postings.
3. If a patron requires handicapped/special seating…
Call Linda to check for other options!
4. If you need to step out…
Leave a message in the shared spreadsheet to let other venues know and that
your tickets are up for grabs. Likewise, send a message when you return.
Lock the door and put up the “I’ll be back” sign.
5. If a patrons asks about a restroom…
The visitor’s center restroom is not public (unless it’s an emergency!)
The library has a public restroom, as does the Town Hall on Walker St.
6. On Sundays…
Tickets for both Sunday and Monday are sold.
Make two Daily Sales spreadsheets, fill out two deposit slips, and send two
7. Office chores:
Remove outdated posters/brochures. Store one copy in filing cabinet.
Take out trash, keep floor swept, etc.
Make sure there are printed copies of the Halftix flyer.

End of Season

1. Move folders (Shared Daily, Daily Sales, Timesheets, Service Charge & Percent
Sold reports) into “[Year] Halftix” Drive folder.
2. Delete any leftover door postings.
3. Print out Service Charge & Percent Sold reports and leave for Director.
4. Collect single copies of brochures and leave for Director.
5. Make sure that Timesheets have been sent.
6. Make sure all LVC and BVB cash has been deposited appropriately.

computer login: chamber 3646

wifi: visitlenox
password: halftix1

Administrative Contact

Judi Fairweather: 413-329-6632

Caroline Fairweather: 413-329-6622
Lenox Chamber: 413-637-3646
Tim (brochures): 413-822-5451
Halftix Hotline: 413-743-1339

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