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Learn how to program your mind

to attract LUCK...lots of it!!!!

There is nothing more satisfying than being in the right place at the
right receive a totally unexpected windfall.

The program contained within will show you exactly how to achieve

Firstly, before I share this new knowledge with you, let me recap
on my original Fiscal PK Luck System, which I discovered in 1993.
In case you’re new to all this, then here is a brief summary of
my original system:
After years of experimenting I concluded that luck is “an
individual’s personal psychokinetic resonance with their
environment”. As is well known psychokinesis is the mind/machine
interaction effect.
No other possible definition of luck can explain why some
individuals are very lucky...while others are definitely not!
I found during experimentation that luck appears to run in
cycles on a daily basis.
That is, it peaked at certain brief times during any 24 hour
period. This peak may have lasted several hours....or only several
I also found that under certain circumstances the timing of this
peak could be predicted a day or so in advance.
This was quite extraordinary new knowledge and I was able to use it
to win a number of jackpots on the slot machines.
I developed this as a program and released it to a restricted
number of gamblers worldwide.
The reported results were in some cases almost beyond belief.
Over the page is a chart of how I believe the daily luck cycle

(The above chart may vary from person to person)
It appears that most individuals experience this “high PK” (luck)
window at least once a day. It also seems to wax and wane in strength
over a larger cyclic period......... possibly 4-6 weeks, depending on the
individual and there may even be a longer cycle.
I discovered that by supplying precise instructions to the
subconscious mind (via a nightly cassette tape message) a person
could raise their natural PK level to a point where they suddenly
generated “bursts” of good luck.
I suggested that the easiest way for an individual to discover the
timing of their daily luck periods was by randomly playing slot
machines at various times during their waking hours. If they noticed a
luck window peak, say, between 2pm and 3pm on a specific day, then
it was likely that the same “PK window of opportunity” would appear
1-2 hours earlier the next day. That is, they could expect a similar run
of high PK activity possibly starting from midday the next day.
Some of the original purchasers of the original Fiscal PK Luck

System have confirmed that their luck window regresses in time each
day. Others weren’t able to confirm this.
I used poker (slot) machines initially as they contained the
necessary electronic random-number generator software. This is
somewhat equivalent to an electronic version of a heads/tails coin
flipping device.
The PEAR Lab at Princeton University proved that a focused
human mind can affect the otherwise random outcome of a random-
number mechanism.
I took their findings and applied it to the gambling environment.
But....the original Fiscal PK method relied upon the user
artificially generating sufficiently strong psychokinetic bursts to affect
their own personal resonance with their environment...i.e....their luck.
The brand new method, which I’ll explain shortly, enables your
mind to let you know when you can gamble to win, without the
necessity of applying excessive artificial PK influence.


Since I developed the original system some years ago, I have

made a number of quite startling discoveries.
One of the more interesting ones is that there definitely appears to be
an overriding longer-term cycle, possibly in the 4-6 week range.
And this may well turn out to be a 5th biorhythm.
When this longer cycle is near its strongest point I notice that I
start to win “clusters” of jackpots on the slot machines. It does not
matter whether they are the electronic or mechanical types...both are
absolutely controlled by a central computer chip.
As I write this I have recorded in my “jackpot logbook” that I
have won 5 small jackpots in the last 4 days. Nothing big....most were
round the $100 mark. But....very satisfying, because once again I was

aware that this “higher PK luck surge” was due and was able to take
advantage of it.
I also had the “urge” to buy a scratchit ticket this morning.
Something told me to select a cheap $1 scratchit, instead of my usual
$5 one. I scratched off a $50 prize! Nothing big....but once again...very


Now what has happened over the past 4 years is this:

I had discovered the Fiscal PK Luck method and had fiddled
with it for some time....making minor improvements and tabulating
results with the help of customer feedback. It was the first of its kind
in the world, so I had nothing to compare it with.
But I felt I had gone as far as I could go. It needed a new that didn’t involve extended periods of slot machine
playing to establish luck cycles.
I needed something simpler and easier to use. Some sort of
“automatic alert” program in my mind that would direct me exactly
when to take a punt....a subconscious instruction that would indicate
exactly what I should do.
I knew this was possible, but I just couldn’t figure exactly how it
could be achieved.
I dwelt on this for months... and... very slowly.......a possible
solution emerged. In fact the more I thought about it.....the more
convinced I became that the answer lay in a staggering bit of
information uncovered by the USA Military Remote Viewers.
In the short time I had been involved with the military Remote
Viewing training program I had come to the realization that the mind
has access to all knowledge....past, present and future......and it is
fully capable of tapping into the source of this “all-knowing”.

This is the very basis of Remote Viewing. And it works
The mind will tap into this knowledge if you specifically instruct
it to, but unfortunately, the answers arrive in your subconscious
mind...and are never permitted to seep through into the conscious
mind. Occasionally of course, this does happen...and an individual
has a vivid dream (or something similar) directing them to take a
ticket in a specific lotto, or whatever. There are plenty of documented
cases in Australia where this has happened.
I felt that the answer to this dilemma was to set up a mental
training program to firstly instruct the mind to tap into future luck
knowledge...and transfer it to the conscious mind in a
manner that was clear and precise.
I was also fully aware that the language of the subconscious is
that of pictures and emotions....not of words and languages.


With this in mind I set about developing a mind-training

program that would tap into a persons future luck knowledge, then
transfer it by strong impressions or emotions into the conscious mind.
I felt that if a punter could receive sudden strong impressions or
emotions impelling him or her to take a certain course of action, then
he or she would enjoy financial windfalls on a regular basis, without
having to plot luck cycles.
It took me over 12 months of experimentation with different
alpha/theta formats before I hit on the exact wording of the training
instructions to my subconscious mind.
And did it finally work?
It was absolutely brilliant!!!

Earlier on it was producing only mediocre results until I
developed this strong urge to change 4 words in my experimental
mind training cassette.
I changed them....and the immediate results were quite
The improvement in my own “luck recognition” urges were “out
of sight”.
What I had done was to develop a simple cassette tape program
which I turned on just as I was about to fall asleep at night. This
played for around 30 minutes and the dynamic message impinged
slowly on my subconscious mind...and gave it precise training
The upshot was that during my waking periods I would develop
a sudden “urge” to buy a lotto ticket, play a specific slot machine, buy
a certain scratchit, or back a certain racehorse...and to my stunned
amazement......I almost always won!!
Due to the tape program, my subconscious had tapped into this
“future knowledge” and successfully transferred it to my conscious that I was consciously aware of it.
That is...I had consciously become aware of imminent potential
This, tied in with my existing knowledge of luck cycles, has
turned out to be a very powerful tool.
So powerful in fact, that it is sometimes a bit scary.
After all, the average person is not always mentally prepared for
a phenomenal run of luck.
In fact, when an ordinary individual has a superb run of
luck...they automatically prepare themselves for “when it will stop
But with this method that you’re about to learn, the runs of
luck just keep going...and going....and going.
And you automatically accept that this will keep happening!


After using this nightly program for a couple of weeks you will
find an automatic acceptance of your sudden change of fortune. You
will start to “expect” lucky events...and they will continue to happen.
And there is so little effort required on your part to make all this
happen. In fact there is no effort at all.....because you will be sleeping
on it!
While you are sleeping your mind will be training to work for
you...not against you, as it is currently doing.


All you need to do is to play your cassette just before you go to

sleep at night. The repetitive message on it will do all the work for you.
(I’ll tell you how to make this in a moment).
Your subconscious will hear the instructions crystal
clearly...and fully understand them.
This will work while you are asleep...or in the very drowsy state
just before sleep and just after waking. Basically the program will
impinge on your subconscious only when your conscious critical mind
is in sleep, alpha, theta, delta, or hypnosis.
You do not need to have your cassette volume turned up high.
In fact it can be turned down so low that you can barely hear it. You
can place your cassette player (or a set of headphones) under your
pillow so that your partner is not disturbed. The message will be
heard clearly through your pillow. The idea is to turn it down so that
you cannot quite consciously hear the words being spoken........ but
your subconscious will hear each word perfectly clearly.
I turn mine down so low that I am sometimes uncertain that it
is switched on. It is a well documented fact that your subconscious
mind can hear a low-level sound that is too soft for your conscious
mind to hear. This is how subliminal tapes work. The actual message
in that case is slightly below the level of the background music....but
the subconscious mind of the listener still hears it.
This is similar to the situation where you enter a room of noisy
people. All conversation is a simultaneous babble. But suddenly you
hear your name mentioned across the room....and you focus intently
on the sound source. In fact your focus is so concentrated that all
other sounds fade out. Your subconscious mind is capable of locking
in to a low level sound source in this manner.


I have printed out below the exact words used in the tape
message. This simple short message is repeated over and over.
All you need to do is to place a blank cassette tape in any
recorder, even a Dictaphone. Repeat the message below about 30
times, leaving a 20-30 second space between each message.
So you will end up with the same message repeated 20-30
If you are able to record this on your computer via your sound
card you will probably only need to record the message once….then let
the “continual replay” function repeat the message over and over so
that you can record it on to a cassette tape.
Some users will find that this program works almost
immediately. Others may find that it takes several weeks to “sink in”.
It is just that each and every mind has its own bank of built-in
programs already running...and every one is different.
This new program will have to over-ride some of the existing belief
I’d suggest you play this cassette every night for a week...then
give it 2-3 days rest.

Then repeat the whole process for as long as it takes. You can
do yourself no harm by becoming more attuned to your environment.
And the health suggestions on the tape will be beneficial to everyone
who uses it.
The 2-3 days rest break between your weekly playing sessions
will give your subconscious time to assimilate and install the program.


The first thing you will probably notice is an improvement in

health and well-being...and an ever increasing awareness of luck and
It may even appear for a while that nothing much is happening,
but rest assured that your subconscious is taking it all in... and
acting on it. It has is receiving nightly programming. There is no
way your subconscious can ignore it all!
I have spent well over a year developing this program...but I
cannot install it in your mind as I could in a computer.
You have to do this.
It is now over to you.
Remember, the subconscious mind is like a computer hard-
drive… you can install virtually any compatible program on it, but
until it is fully will not work.
Over the past 4 years I have proven conclusively that the
human mind can....and does..... have a psychokinetic affect on the
environment. And that was what my original fiscal PK method was all
Your mind affects your environment. Specifically it can affect
your general luck environment.
This new program actually works the opposite way round. It
tends to “extract” the windfall luck knowledge out of the mental

environment ....and makes you consciously aware of your potential
Once you have this knowledge, you can use it to your personal
The simple trick is to transfer this knowledge from your
subconscious to your conscious a manner that you can
recognize....and act upon.
And that is what this new method is designed to do.
Good luck...and remember......when you start collecting these
substantial financial windfalls please share them with others who are
less fortunate.
Your subconscious mind will react to this generosity and create
even greater wins for you.
What goes round....come round!


“From this point on your subconscious mind will search

for....and alert you to....wonderful luck opportunities.
It will transfer this knowledge to your conscious mind in a manner
which you will easily understand.
You will act on these hunches as they are your instructions for
unlimited wealth creation.
You will become increasingly aware of potential luck
opportunities in your environment.
Each morning you will wake up feeling refreshed and
enthusiastic. Your health and well-being improves daily.
Every time you take a drink of liquid this program will reinforce itself”.
Now comes with your own celestial luck mp3 available in the
download area.


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