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Photoshop Exploration

Create a POSTER!

For this project you will be taking 2+ images and blending them together on photoshop to create a poster!

Types of posters:
Event ​: Create an event poster (Can be a fake event, or a real one! Maybe it’s your birthday! Did you protest, What
were you protesting? Is there a day coming up people should know about?)

Awareness: ​Is there something you feel needs to be said? Did you see a political/ cultural poster that inspired you?
Try to inspire others!
Is there something you want people to know? (Climate change, Garbage disposal , Recycling ?)

Movie ​-Create a movie poster for a made up movie. (School Appropriate)

Video Game -​ Create a video game poster for a made up video game. (School Appropriate)

Things to think about:

Who is going to be looking at your poster? / Who is it made for / Who is your audience?

Students are asked to :

● Work independently.
● Use PHOTOSHOP to create an image.
● Stay organized and keep all designs and worksheets in their folder.
● Create a design unique to them
● Consider all aspects of the end product.
● Present their end project to the class.
● Share poster with Ms. D so she can print them and put them up.
● Use their class time wisely, show up ready to work.
Students will be able to :
● Learn a new tool, and explore it.
● Choose a design opportunity.
● Develop a plan and identify key stages and resources.
● Demonstrate their product and describe their process.
● Reflect on their design thinking and processes and evaluate their ability to share and maintain an efficient
cooperative workspace. 
Follow these steps :

1) Research your favorite movie, check out the posters.

2) Find an image on google that will create a good background for your movie poster.


- It will then need to be cropped to a movie poster shape.
- Check your IMAGE SIZE​. ( Go to Image - image size - change it to 8.5 x11 )

3) Now, find other images to add on top of your background.

- What is your movie? Add in your characters.

- Save all your images and open them in photoshop
- Use the MASKING TOOL to take the elements that you want to copy and paste.

4) Find a TEXT that fits your movie poster, are you renaming the movie?
5) Check out the other photoshop tools. Try on a seperate file.

Tools Cheat sheet :

- Eraser ​- You can change the size / shape at the top

- ​Burning or Dodging tool -​ Makes a space lighter (D) or darker (B) You can change the size / shape at the
top of the menu.

Quick Selection Tool -​ Helps you “Grab” a specific part of a picture that you want to take, Instead of
cropping it. It will follow the closest lines around the image.

Shape tool -​ There is tons of different shapes - you can also use lines, squares , circles. The colour can be
changed at the top.

Paint brush tool ​- Colour and size can be changed at the top. As well as style - Check out the different ones

Crop tool - ​Will shrink your image to whatever size you want, or change it to a different shape.

Move tool - ​This is the tool you should always go back to. It makes it so you are able to move things around!

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