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Literary Terms

Terms Associated with Close Reading

Characters are people or animals who take

Definitions contain examples from part in the action of a literary work. Readers
Jane Eyre and Antigonê, and an learn about characters from
explanation of how the use of the • what they say (dialogue),
device links to meaning. • what they do (actions),
• what they think (interior monologue),
Literary Elements • what others say about them, and
Archetype is a character, action, or situation • through the author’s direct statement.
that is a prototype, or pattern, of human life,
occurring over and over again in literature, The protagonist is the central character of a
such as a quest, an initiation, or an attempt to drama, novel, short story, or narrative poem.
overcome evil. Many myths contain archetypal. The adversary of this character is then the
Two common types of archetypes involve set- antagonist. To be believable, a character must
ting and character. A common archetypical reflect universal human characteristics that
setting is the desert, which is associated with are the same despite geographical differences
spiritual sterility and barrenness because it is and time periods. The emotions and concerns
devoid of many amenities and personal com- of real people of all times are expressed in
forts. Archetypal characters are those who concrete terms through the traits of literary
embody a certain kind of universal human characters. An author may choose to empha-
experience. For example, a femme fatale, size a single important trait, creating what is
siren, or temptress figure is a character who called a flat character; or the author may
purposely lures men to disaster through her present a complex, fully rounded personality
beauty. Other examples of archetypal figures (a three-dimensional or round character). A
include the “damsel in distress,” the “mentor,” character who changes little over the course of
the “old crone,” the “hag” or witch, and the a narrative is called a static character. Things
“naïve young man from the country.” These happen to these characters, but little happens
characters are recognizable human “types,” in them. A character who changes in response
and their stories recreate “typical” or recur- to the experience through which he or she
rent human experiences. Jane Eyre’s journey is passes is called a dynamic character.
a heroic journey. She begins life as a Epiphany is a sudden unfolding in which a
lowly orphan, mistreated by her guardian. By character proceeds from ignorance and inno-
challenging her unfair treatment, she finds cence to knowledge and experience.
herself sent away to school and into the The protagonist of Jane Eyre is Jane herself
world. She travels through life, tested, because it is her story, and she is always
Literary Terms

tempted, and abandoned. In utter despair, central to the action. She is dynamic
she survives by remaining true to her convic- because she changes and adjusts to new
tions. Her ultimate reward is a strong (legal) circumstances throughout her journey.
marriage to Rochester, a marriage in which
she is an equal partner. Jane Eyre’s chief antagonist is Rochester
because he tries to make her into some-
thing that she is not, as does St. John later
in the story.

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A flat, static character in Jane Eyre is the may indeed have suspected something;
spiteful Aunt Reed, who never changes in but she could have gained no precise
her attitude towards Jane, not even on her knowledge as to facts’ (272).
deathbed. Rochester seems to have made the best
arrangements he possibly could have made
Motivation – Jane’s motivation is self- for Bertha, but he also wants to keep her
preservation; she is trying to find a hidden away. Since she has periods of sanity,
measure of happiness in a world of dreary she might reveal her identity if others
prospects for an orphan girl with no money. interacted with her.

Epiphany – For example, Jane Eyre Diction is word choice intended to convey a
suddenly understands all the mysterious certain effect: e.g., in Jane Eyre, Bronte
events and signs when she hears Mr. describes Bertha in harsh terms:
Briggs announce that Mr. Rochester has a In the deep shade, at the further end of
wife still living. Everything makes sense the room, a figure ran backwards and
to her now. forwards. What it was, whether beast or
human being, one could not, at first
Foil – a character, usually minor, designed sight, tell: it grovelled, seemingly, on all
to highlight qualities of a major character: fours; it snatched and growled like some
e.g., Blanche Ingram enhances Jane’s strange wild animal: but it was covered
qualities of modesty and humility. with clothing; and a quantity of dark,
grizzled hair, wild as a mane, hid its
Stock – a flat character in a standard role head and face (257-258).
with standard traits; e.g., Mrs. Reed is Words such as grovelled, snatched, mane make
like a wicked stepmother, and her chil- Bertha appear as something less than human.
dren act as wicked stepsisters and brother.
The denotative and connotative mean-
Details are the facts, revealed by the author ings of words must also be considered.
or speaker, facts that support the attitude or Denotation refers to the dictionary
tone in a piece of poetry or prose: e.g., in definition of a word, whereas connota-
Jane Eyre, Rochester explains the arrange- tion refers to the feelings and attitudes
ments he made for housing his “mad” wife associated with a word. Here is an
in this way. example from Jane Eyre: “And, Miss
‘I had some trouble in finding an atten- Eyre, so much was I flattered by this
dant for her: as it was necessary to select preference of the Gallic sylph for her
one on whose fidelity dependence could British gnome, that I installed her in an
Literary Terms

be placed; for her ravings would hotel…” (123).

inevitably betray my secret: besides, she
had lucid intervals of days – sometimes In this sentence, Charlotte Bronte empha-
weeks – which she filled up with abuse of sizes the contrast between Rochester and
me. At last I hired Grace Poole, from the Celine Varens, the French opera singer,
Grimsby Retreat. She and the surgeon, by having him call Celine a sylph –
Carter…, are the only two I have ever “(1) any of a class of imaginary beings
admitted to my confidence. Mrs. Fairfax supposed to inhabit the air. (2) a slender,


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Literary Terms

graceful woman or girl.” And he calls somewhere, Helen? Are you going
himself a gnome – “in folklore, a dwarf home?’ ” And Helen replies, “ ‘Yes; to my
supposed to dwell in the earth and guard long home – my last home’ ” (70). These
its treasures.” (definitions from Webster’s) phrases (not be here long and long/last
home) soften the blow of Helen’s dying.
The connotations of these two words
reinforce even more the differences Idiom – is an accepted phrase or expres-
between Celine and Rochester. “Sylph” sion having a meaning different from the
suggests beauty, delicateness, happiness, literal: e.g., when Abbot and Bessie take
lightness, etc., while “gnome” suggests Jane to lock her in the red room, she says,
ugliness, heaviness, despair, darkness, “The fact is, I was a trifle beside myself;
etc. – or day and night. Neither sylphs nor or rather out of myself, as the French
gnomes exist, Bronte perhaps suggesting would say” (9). Both phrases are idioms
through these words that neither does because it is physically impossible to be
their relationship. Rochester discovers next to oneself or outside of oneself. She
later that Celine was only using him. means she is thinking and behaving in a
way she has not before.
Dialect is the speech of a particular
region or group as it differs from those of Imagery consists of the words or phrases
a real or imaginary standard speech. For appealing to the senses – the descriptive
example, John and Mary, the servants at diction – a writer uses to represent persons,
Ferndean, speak in a lower-class dialect, objects, actions, feelings, and ideas: e.g., in
speech that distinguishes their position in Jane Eyre, Jane describes one of her paintings
society. After Jane and Rochester marry, that caught Rochester’s attention with
Jane hears John say, “ ‘She’ll happen do its vivid images:
better for him nor ony o’ t’ grand ladies.’ One gleam of light lifted into relief a
And again, ‘If she ben’t one o’ the’ half-submerged mast, on which sat a
handsomest, she’s noan faal and varry cormorant, dark and large, with wings
good-natured; and i’ his een she’s fair flecked with foam: its beak held a gold
beautiful, onybody may see that’ ” (395). bracelet, set with gems, that I had touched
(Translation: “She will be better for him with as brilliant tints as my palette could
than any of the grand ladies.” And, yield, and as glittering distinctness as my
“If she isn’t one of the handsomest, she’s pencil could impart. Sinking below the
no fool and very good-natured; and in bird and mast, a drowned corpse glanced
his eyes she’s quite beautiful, anybody through the green water; a fair arm was
may see that.”) the only limb clearly visible, whence the
Literary Terms

bracelet had been washed or torn (110).

Euphemism is the use of a word or phrase Not only do the images set an eerie mood,
that is less expressive or direct but consid- they also foreshadow disastrous events in
ered less distasteful or offensive than Jane’s relationship with Rochester.
another: e.g., when Helen Burns is dying
of tuberculosis, the doctor says, “she’ll
not be here long” (69). Then Jane visits
Helen and asks her, “ ‘Are you going

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Mood is the emotional atmosphere in a Examples of each stage from Jane Eyre:
literary work: e.g., in Jane Eyre, the • Exposition: The first two sections of the
atmosphere of Moor House beckons to novel, Gateshead Hall and Lowood
a miserable, destitute Jane: School, provide details of Jane’s child-
I could see clearly a room with a sanded hood and adolescence. She demonstrates
floor, clean scoured; a dresser of walnut, courage by standing up to John Reed,
with pewter plates ranged in rows, reflect- Mrs. Reed, and Mr. Brocklehurst and
ing the redness and radiance of a glowing learns to balance her temper with patience
peat-fire. I could see a clock, a white deal from both Helen Burns and Miss Temple.
table, some chairs. The candle, whose ray • Inciting Incident: Serious conflicts for
had been my beacon, burnt on the table; Jane begin when she takes a job as a
and by its light an elderly woman, some- governess at Thornfield Hall.
what rough-looking, but scrupulously • Rising action: Jane falls in love with her
clean, like all about her, was knitting a employer, Mr. Rochester, as she grows
stocking (292). increasingly fearful of whatever haunts
Nothing could appeal to Jane more at this the attic.
point than a clean, warm home. The occupants • Climax: After Jane accepts Rochester’s
take her in, nurse her back to health, and help marriage proposal and endures his out-
her achieve a measure of independence. rageous courtship methods, her discom-
fort turns to horror and humiliation
Plot is the sequence of events or actions in a when she finally meets Bertha Mason
short story, novel, play, or narrative poem. Rochester, his wife in the attic.
Freytag’s Pyramid is a convenient diagram • Falling Action: Jane escapes Rochester
that describes the typical pattern of a dramatic and his desire to make her his pampered
or fictional work. The structure of the work mistress and, after much trouble, finds
begins with exposition, in which the author herself at Moor House, where her only
lays the groundwork for the reader by reveal- living relatives take her in and help
ing the setting, the relationships between the her recover.
characters, and the situation as it exists before • Denouement: After Jane fends off St.
conflict begins. The inciting incident interrupts John’s advances, she returns to Mr.
the harmony and balance of the situation, Rochester, now blinded and crippled, but
and one or more of the characters comes into a widower whom she happily and legally
conflict with an outside force, with his or her marries at Ferndean in the end.
own nature, or with another character. During
the plot events that constitute the rising Conflict is a term that describes the
action, the things that happen in the work tension between opposing forces in a
Literary Terms

build toward an irreversible climax, or pivotal work of literature and is an essential

point, after which the falling action leads element of plot. Some of the more
inevitably toward a revelation of meaning that common conflicts involve the following
occurs at the denouement, or unraveling, of forces: a person in opposition to another
the problem set up by the inciting incident. person, a person opposing fate, an inter-
nal battle involving contradictory forces
within a character, a person fighting


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Literary Terms

against the forces of nature, or a person in of cloud. The wind fell, for a second,
opposition to some aspect of his or her round Thornfield; but far away over
society. Examples of each conflict from wood and water, poured a wild,
Jane Eyre: melancholy wail: it was sad to listen
• a person in opposition to another person: to, and I ran off again (243).
Jane vs. John, Jane vs. Mrs. Reed, Jane The eerie color of the moon and the wild
vs. Mr. Brocklehurst, Jane vs. St. John cry occur shortly before Jane’s illegal
• a person opposing fate: Jane vs. her wedding. Both warn of the forthcoming
position in life as an orphan, a charity disastrous ceremony and the revelation
school girl, a lowly governess, a village of Rochester’s mad wife locked in
schoolmarm Thornfield’s attic.
• an internal battle involving contradictory
forces within a character: Jane vs. her Suspense is the quality of a short story,
strong feelings for Rochester, when he is novel, play, or narrative poem that makes
still a married man the reader or audience uncertain or tense
• a person fighting against the forces of about the outcome of events. Because
nature: Jane vs. the elements and dire Jane Eyre tells her own story, we experience
hunger when she wanders penniless on her confusion about Grace Poole, and her
the moors after escaping Rochester dread of the eerie cries and laughter, and
• a person in opposition to some aspect of her fear of the figure who visits her in
his or her society: Jane vs. the rest of the night to tear her wedding veil. Our
society when she, a mere governess, first discomfort grows as does Jane’s during
accepts Rochester’s marriage proposal Rochester’s courtship. We know some-
thing bad will happen and learn just how
Flashback is a scene that interrupts the bad when Mr. Mason and his lawyer stop
action of a work to show a previous event: Jane’s wedding. The tension builds as we
e.g., at different points in Jane Eyre, climb up to the attic with Jane and finally
Rochester tells the stories of his affair relents as we come face to face with
with Celine Varens, the French opera Bertha Mason Rochester.
singer, and of his entrapment into a mar-
riage with Bertha Mason, the West Indian Point of view is the perspective from which a
madwoman. narrative is told. Some technical terms for
different points of view include omniscient
Foreshadowing is the use of hints or clues and limited; however, point of view may also
in a narrative to suggest future action. refer to the bias of the person or thing through
Bronte uses foreshadowing in the passage whose eyes the reader experiences the action.
Literary Terms

that follows: Jane Eyre tells her story from the distance of
As I looked up at them, the moon ten years’ time, a perspective that influences
appeared momentarily in that part of her story yet provides the understanding she
the sky which filled their fissure; her has gained over the years.
disk was blood-red and half overcast; Shift in point of view – The point of
she seemed to throw on me one view shifts to Rochester’s in Chapter 26
bewildered, dreary glance, and buried when he explains to Jane the history of
herself again instantly in the deep drift his marriage to Bertha.


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Rhetorical Shift or turn refers to a change or use them to make inferences, or reasonable
movement in a piece resulting from an guesses, as to which themes seem to be
epiphany, realization, or insight gained by the implied. An example of a theme on the
speaker, a character, or the reader. In Jane subject of pride might be that pride often
Eyre, when Jane falls in love with Rochester, precedes a fall. Themes in Jane Eyre might
her language reflects her new-found happiness: be stated as “Be true to your beliefs” and
I felt at times as if he were my relation, “Act from a balance of passion and reason.”
rather than my master: yet he was imperi-
ous sometimes still; but I did not mind Tone is the writer’s or speaker’s attitude
that; I saw it was his way. So happy, so toward a subject, character, or audience, and
gratified did I become with this new it is conveyed primarily through the author’s
interest added to life, that I ceased to pine choice of diction, imagery, figurative lan-
after kindred. My thin crescent-destiny guage, details, and syntax. Tone may be seri-
seemed to enlarge; the blanks of existence ous, humorous, sarcastic, indignant, etc.
were filled up; my bodily health improved; Jane’s description of the morning after
I gathered flesh and strength (129). Rochester proposes to her reflects her intense
Of course, this happiness she feels now only happiness:
makes more painful her disappointment later I was not surprised, when I ran down into
when she discovers Rochester already has the hall, to see that a brilliant June morn-
a wife. ing had succeeded to the tempest of the
night; and to feel, through the open glass
Setting is the time and place in which events door, the breathing of a fresh and fragrant
in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem breeze. Nature must be gladsome when I
take place. Jane Eyre takes place in the early was so happy. A beggar-woman and her
nineteenth century and has five major set- little boy – pale, ragged objects both –
tings: Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfield, Moor were coming up the walk, and I ran down
House (Marsh End), and Ferndean Manor. and gave them all the money I happened
to have in my purse – some three or four
Style is the writer’s characteristic manner of shillings: good or bad, they must partake
employing language. of my jubilee. The rooks cawed, and
blither birds sang; but nothing was so
Theme is the central message of a literary merry or so musical as my own rejoicing
work. It is not the same as a subject, which heart (226).
can be expressed in a word or two: courage, Again, this supreme happiness of hers will
survival, war, pride, etc. The theme is the soon come crashing down when Jane learns
idea the author wishes to convey about that of the existence of Bertha Mason Rochester.
Literary Terms

subject. It is expressed as a sentence or

general statement about life or human nature.
A literary work may have more than one
theme, and most themes are not directly
stated but are implied. The reader must think
about all the elements of the work and


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Literary Terms

Tone shift, multiple tones – reveal changes ‘My daughter, flee temptation!’
in attitude or create new attitudes: e.g., ‘Mother, I will’ (281).
when Jane has run from Rochester and Motherless Jane finds the comfort and
has to spend the night on the moor, at support she needs in the light of the moon
first her tone is apprehensive – “What just as she will find in the heath after she
was I to do? Where to go? Oh, intolerable runs from Thornfield.
questions, when I could do nothing and go
nowhere!” (284) But then she adjusts, and Metaphor is a comparison of two unlike
her tone grows calm: “I looked at the sky; things not using like or as: e.g., in Bronte’s
it was pure: a kindly star twinkled just Jane Eyre: “The gaping wound of my
above the chasm ridge. The dew fell, but wrongs, too, was now quite healed; and the
with propitious softness; no breeze whis- flame of resentment extinguished” (200).
pered. Nature seemed to me benign and Here, Jane has returned to Gateshead to visit
good…” (285). her aunt, Mrs. Reed, on her deathbed. She calls
her old emotional hurt a “wound” and her
Figures of Speech resentment a “flame,” and both are now gone.
Figures of speech are words or phrases that
describe one thing in terms of something else. Also, “A fierce cry seemed to give the lie to
They always involve some sort of imaginative her favourable report: the clothed hyena rose
comparison between seemingly unlike things. up, and stood tall on its hind feet” (258). In
Not meant to be taken literally, figurative lan- this quote, Jane says upon first seeing
guage is used to produce images in a reader’s her that Bertha literally is a lowly hyena, a
mind and to express ideas in fresh, vivid, and scavenging animal.
imaginative ways. The most common exam-
ples of figurative language, or figures of Both quotes enhance understanding of and
speech, used in both prose and poetry are offer insight into Jane’s emotions.
simile, metaphor, and personification.
Extended (controlling) metaphor –
differs from a regular metaphor in that it
Apostrophe is a form of personification in
is sustained for several lines or sentences
which the absent, or dead, are spoken to as if
or throughout a work. Bronte sustains the
present, and the inanimate, as if animate.
Bertha as less-than-human (animal)
These are all addressed directly: e.g., the
metaphor throughout the story.
night after Jane learns about Rochester, she
lies in her room thinking what to do: Metonymy is a form of metaphor. In
She broke forth as never moon yet burst metonymy, the name of one thing is applied
from cloud: a hand first penetrated the to another thing with which it is closely
Literary Terms

sable folds and waved them away; then, associated: e.g., in A Tale of Two Cities,
not a moon, but a white human form Dickens describes the common people in the
shone in the azure, inclining a glorious streets: “A narrow winding street, full of
brow earthward. It gazed and gazed offense and stench, with other narrow winding
and gazed on me. It spoke to my spirit: streets diverging, all peopled by rags and
immeasurably distant was the tone, nightcaps, and all smelling of rags and night-
yet so near, it whispered in my heart – caps, and all visible things with a brooding


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look upon them that looked ill.” The starving describing her consistently as an enchanted
commoners are associated with their “rags being) or on “heir” (Jane inherits a fortune
and nightcaps” to emphasize their extreme large enough to split four ways) or “err” (Jane
deprivation. makes mistakes). Another pronunciation of
“Eyre” is “ire.” Jane learns to express her “ire”
Oxymoron is a form of paradox that com- and to control it as she grows more mature.
bines a pair of opposite terms into a single
unusual expression: e.g., in Jane Eyre, when Simile is a comparison of two different things
St. John explains to Jane why he will not or ideas through the use of the words like or
marry Rosamond Oliver, the great love of as. It is a definitely stated comparison in
his life, he calls what he feels a “delicious which the poet says one thing is like another.
poison” (328). He knows that his marriage to When Jane has caught up with a blinded,
Rosamond would consume his passion, dis- maimed Rochester at Ferndean, Bronte
tracting him from his goal to be a missionary. writes, “The water stood in my eyes to hear
(Poison is not “delicious.”) this avowal of his dependence: just as if a
royal eagle, chained to a perch, should be
Paradox occurs when the elements of a state- forced to entreat a sparrow to become its
ment contradict each other. Although the purveyor” (387). Jane has always considered
statement may appear illogical, impossible, or Rochester to be a powerful, controlling man.
absurd, it turns out to have a coherent mean- Now his helplessness reminds her of a
ing that reveals a hidden truth: e.g., in chained majestic hunting bird reduced to
Bronte’s Jane Eyre, it is paradoxical that Mr. requesting help from a little songbird.
Rochester must go blind before he can “see”
the errors of his ways and gain humility. Epic simile (Homeric) – more involved,
more ornate than the typical simile. When
Personification is a kind of metaphor that trying to make something new and
gives inanimate objects or abstract ideas strange understandable to their audience,
human characteristics. Bronte uses personifi- authors compare it to something familiar.
cation in the passage that follows. “ ‘Your For example, when St. John pressures
pity, my darling, is the suffering mother of Jane to marry him, she hears a voice
love; its anguish is the very natal pang of the calling her, giving her strength to resist
divine passion. I accept, Jane; let the daughter St. John. She thinks about it later:
have free advent – my arms wait to receive The wondrous shock of feeling had
her’ ” (270). Here, Rochester tries to persuade come like the earthquake which shook
Jane to live with him as his mistress, and his the foundations of Paul and Silas’s
comparison of pity to a mother is meant to prison: it had opened the doors of
Literary Terms

play upon Jane’s sympathetic nature. the soul’s cell, and loosed its bands –
it had wakened it out of its sleep,
Pun is a play on words that are either identi- whence it sprang trembling, listening,
cal or similar in sound but have sharply aghast; then vibrated thrice a cry on
diverse meanings. Puns may have serious as my startled ear, and in my quaking
well as humorous uses: e.g., Jane’s last name heart, and through my spirit; which
“Eyre” might be a play on “air” (Rochester’s neither feared nor shook, but exulted
as if in joy over the success of one

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Literary Terms

effort it had been privileged to make, and onomatopoeia (words that sound like
independent of the cumbrous body (371). their meaning).
Bronte refers to a biblical story her audi-
ence would have been sure to recognize. Alliteration is the practice of beginning
Jane feels as if she has been released several consecutive or neighboring words
miraculously from prison by something with the same consonant sound: e.g., Jane
similar to an earthquake when she hears Eyre describes a perfect summer day: “I saw
the voice. a bee busy among the sweet bilberries.”
The repetition of “b” captures the erratic
Synecdoche is a form of metaphor. In synec- movement of the insect.
doche, a part of something is used to signify
the whole: e.g., “All hands on deck.” Also, it Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds
can represent the reverse, whereby the whole in a series of words: e.g., the words “cry”
can represent a part: e.g., “Canada played the and “side” have the same vowel sound and so
United States in the Olympic hockey finals.” are said to be in assonance; e.g., Jane Eyre
Another form of synecdoche involves the returns to Thornfield after her encounter with
container representing the thing being con- the stranger (Rochester) whose horse slipped
tained: e.g., “The pot is boiling.” In one last on ice and who needed her to help him. At
form of synecdoche, the material from which this point Thornfield is cozy, but dull for her:
an object is made stands for the object itself: “The hall was not dark, nor yet was it lit, only
e.g., “The quarterback tossed the pigskin.” An by the high-hung bronze lamp: a warm glow
example from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar suffused both it and the lower steps of the oak
occurs in Antony’s speech: “Friends, Romans, staircase” (102). The repeated “o” gives the
countrymen, lend me your ears” (III.ii.75). In scene a mellowness, but all that will change
Jane Eyre, Jane marries the blind, maimed when she finds that the stranger she helped is
Rochester and says, “Mr. Rochester continued Rochester who has arrived home.
blind the first two years of our union: perhaps
Consonance is the repetition of a consonant
it was that circumstance that drew us so very
sound within or at the end of a series of words
near – that knit us so very close! For I was
to produce a harmonious effect: e.g., when
then his vision as I am still his right hand”
Jane Eyre is lost and wandering the moors,
(397). She means, of course, that, even
she says, “while the rain descends so, must I
though he still has his “right hand,” he relies
lay my head on the cold, drenched ground?”
on her for help.
(290). She wishes to die at this point, and the
Sound Devices “d” sound suggests a dull, thudding finality.
Sound devices are stylistic techniques that Just before this scene, she looks up at the
Milky Way: “Remembering what it was –
Literary Terms

convey meaning through sound. Some exam-

ples of sound devices are rhyme (two words what countless systems there swept space like
having the same sound), assonance (repeti- a soft trace of light – I felt the might and
tion of similar vowel sounds), consonance strength of God” (285). The repeated “s”
(repetition of consonant sounds in the middle suggests a sighing or a “shushing” sound a
or at the end of words), alliteration (words mother might use to soothe an unhappy child,
beginning with the same consonant sound), something Jane has never heard.


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Meter is the measured, patterned arrangement Rhythm is the varying speed, intensity, eleva-
of syllables according to stress and length in tion, pitch, loudness, and expressiveness of
a poem. In the lines from the song Rochester speech, especially poetry. The rhythm of this
sings to Jane (see rhythm below), the meter stanza from a song Rochester sings for Jane
alternates from tetrameter (4 stressed sylla- is iambic rhythm with the first syllable
bles per line) to trimeter (3 stressed syllables unstressed and the second syllable stressed
per line). Authors provide variations in throughout:
rhythm and meter to keep poems from Her coming was my hope each day,
becoming repetitious or too predictable. (iambic tetrameter)
Her parting was my pain;
Onomatopoeia (imitative harmony) is the use (iambic trimeter)
of words that mimic the sounds they describe: The chance that did her steps delay
e.g., “hiss,” “buzz,” “bang.” When onomato- (iambic tetrameter)
poeia is used on an extended scale in a poem, Was ice in every vein (239).
it is called imitative harmony. The sounds (iambic trimeter)
Bertha Mason makes when the wedding Iambic rhythm is the natural rhythm of the
party confronts her in her attic room are English language and possesses a smooth,
onomatopoetic: “snatched,” “growled,” flowing feel as does this song.
“bellowed.” These words recreate the animal
sounds she makes. Literary Techniques
Allusion is a reference to a mythological,
Rhyme is the repetition of sounds in two or literary, or historical person, place, or thing:
more words or phrases that appear close to e.g., in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre: “I
each other in a poem. End rhyme occurs at lingered in the long passage to which this led,
the end of lines; internal rhyme, within a line. separating the front and back rooms of the
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of end rhymes. third story: narrow, low, and dim, with only
The following lines from Jane Eyre illustrate one little window at the far end, and looking,
how regular rhyme (a rhyme scheme of with its two rows of small black doors all
ABAB) connects the lines of the ballad with shut, like a corridor in some Bluebeard’s
clarity and concision: castle” (93). The echoes of “Bluebeard”
My feet they are sore, and my limbs they become obvious as the story of Rochester’s
are weary; mad wife locked in the attic unfolds.
Long is the way, and the mountains
are wild; Antithesis is a contrast or opposition. St. John
Soon will the twilight close moonless and with his icy disposition is the antithesis of the
dreary fiery-natured Rochester:
Literary Terms

Over the path of the poor orphan ‘The picture you have just drawn is sug-
child (18). gestive of a rather too overwhelming con-
Bessie sings this song to Jane; it captures trast. Your words have delineated very
Jane’s present and foreshadows her future. prettily a graceful Apollo: he is present to
Rhyme may enhance the experience of your imagination, – tall, fair, blue-eyed,
reading a poem and may promote memory and with a Grecian profile. Your eyes
through the pattern of sounds. dwell on a Vulcan, – a real blacksmith,


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brown, broad-shouldered; and blind and not doubt but it will bear the weight of
lame into the bargain’ (388-389). your human weakness’ ” (354).
Bronte’s allusions to Apollo and Vulcan
capture perfectly the contrast between the Logical – In his attempts to persuade Jane
two men. to marry him and become a missionary,
St. John appeals to Jane’s reason, to her
Argumentation functions by convincing logic, by enumerating her strengths: “ ‘In
or persuading an audience, or by proving or the village school I found you could per-
refuting a point of view or an issue. form well, punctually, uprightly, labour
Argumentation uses induction, moving uncongenial to your habits and inclina-
from observations about particular things to tions; I saw you could perform it with
generalizations, or deduction, moving from capacity and tact: you could win while
generalizations to valid inferences about you controlled’ ” (355). Earlier Jane uses
particulars – or some combination of the two – her logic to resist Rochester’s appeals:
as its pattern of development. Composers “I care for myself. The more solitary,
of arguments will also use a combination of the more friendless, the more unsus-
logical (logos), emotional (pathos), and tained I am, the more I will respect
ethical (ethos), evidence to establish both myself. I will keep the law given by
their credibility as writers or speakers. Though God; sanctioned by man. I will hold to
Jane Eyre contains no formal arguments, the the principles received by me when I
conflicts between (or within) the characters was sane, and not mad – as I am now.
illustrate the appeals made in attempts to Laws and principles are not for the
persuade the audience. times when there is no temptation:
they are for such moments as this,
Emotional – In his attempts to make Jane when body and soul rise in mutiny
agree to become his mistress, Rochester against their rigour; stringent are they;
plays upon her guilt feelings: “ ‘Then you inviolate they shall be. If at my indi-
condemn me to live wretched, and to die vidual convenience I might break
accursed?…Then you snatch love and them, what would be their worth?
innocence from me? You fling me back on They have a worth – so I have always
lust for a passion – vice for an occupa- believed…” (279).
tion?…Is it better to drive a fellow-crea-
ture to despair than to transgress a mere Cause/Effect consists of arguing from the
human law – no man being injured by the presence (or absence) of the cause to the
breach?’…” (278-279). existence (or nonexistence) of the effect,
or result. Conversely, one may argue from
Literary Terms

Ethical – St. John employs the tactic of an effect to its probable cause(s). As Jane
posing as God’s voice as he tries to con- wrestles with her conscience and her
vince Jane to marry him: “ ‘A missionary’s sympathy for Rochester, she fears that, by
wife you must be – shall be. You shall be leaving him, she will be the cause of his
mine: I claim you – not for my pleasure, return to a life of dissipation and, ultimately,
but for my sovereign’s service… his ruin: “Oh, comply! it [feeling]
Think like me, Jane – trust like me. It is said. ‘Think of his misery; think of his
the Rock of Ages I ask you to lean on: do danger – look at his state when left alone;

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remember his headlong nature; consider same feeling which now in his mind
the recklessness following on despair – desecrated their memory (274).
soothe him; save him; love him; tell him
you love him and will be his’ ” (279). Contrast is a traditional rhetorical strate-
gy based on the assumption that a subject
Classification, one of the traditional ways may be shown more clearly by pointing
of thinking about a subject, identifies the out ways in which it is unlike another
subject as a part of a larger group with subject. When Jane first hears of Blanche
shared features. Jane asks Helen Burns Ingram’s beauty, she tries to maintain her
about the teachers at Lowood School and, grip on reality (she has no business
though Helen will not criticize them or falling in love with her employer) through
classify the teachers as good or bad, Jane painting two portraits showing the con-
does. She thinks Miss Scatcherd is a bad trast between her and Blanche – “Portrait
teacher because she constantly picks at of a Governess, disconnected poor, and
Helen for the slightest infraction. Jane plain” and “Blanche, an accomplished
thinks Miss Temple is the best teacher lady of rank” (141).
because she is so kind, dignified, and
intelligent. Characterization is the act of creating
or developing a character. In direct
Comparison is a traditional rhetorical characterization, the author directly states a
strategy based on the assumption that a character’s traits. Through Jane’s character,
subject may be shown more clearly by Bronte makes direct statements about
pointing out ways it is similar to some- Rochester’s character:
thing else. The two subjects may each be …all my acquaintance with him was con-
explained separately, and then their fined to an occasional rencontre in the
similarities are pointed out. For example, hall, on the stairs, or in the gallery, when
Rochester explains to Jane about his he would sometimes pass me haughtily
living with mistresses, how it is “ ‘the and coldly, just acknowledging my pres-
next worst thing to buying a slave: both ence by a distant nod or a cool glance,
are often by nature, and always by posi- and sometimes bow and smile with
tion, inferior: and to live familiarly with gentlemanlike affability. His changes of
inferiors is degrading’ ” (274). And Jane mood did not offend me, because I saw
sees that she would be no different from that I had nothing to do with their alterna-
Celine, Giacinta, or Clara: tion; the ebb and flow depended on
I felt the truth of these words; and I causes quite disconnected with me (113).
drew from them the certain inference,
Literary Terms

that if I were so far to forget myself Bronte also uses indirect characterization to
and all the teaching that had ever been reveal Rochester’s character: Rochester talks
instilled into me as – under any pre- with Jane during his first evening at home,
text – with any justification – through questioning her about her skills and demand-
any temptation – to become the ing that she demonstrate her piano playing.
successor of these poor girls, he Soon after she begins playing, he called out
would one day regard me with the in a few minutes, “ ‘Enough!’ ‘You play a


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little, I see, like any other English schoolgirl: itself might have woven; these, I
perhaps rather better than some, but not repeat, must be cut off; think of the
well’ ” (109). His comments reveal his time wasted, of –’
brusque, imperious manner. Mr. Brocklehurst was here interrupt-
ed: three other visitors, ladies, now
Hyperbole is a deliberate, extravagant, and entered the room. They ought to have
often outrageous exaggeration. It may be used come a little sooner to have heard his
for either serious or comic effect. Bronte use lecture on dress, for they were splen-
hyperbole in this passage: didly attired in velvet, silk, and furs.
My hopes were all dead – struck with a The two younger of the trio (fine girls
subtle doom…. I looked on my cherished of sixteen and seventeen) had grey
wishes, yesterday so blooming and glow- beaver hats, then in fashion, shaded
ing: they lay stark, chill, livid corpses that with ostrich plumes, and from under
could never revive. I looked at my love: the brim of this graceful head-dress
that feeling which was my master’s – fell a profusion of light tresses,
which he had created; it shivered in my elaborately curled; the elder lady was
heart, like a suffering child in a cold enveloped in a costly velvet shawl,
cradle; sickness and anguish had seized it; trimmed with ermine, and she wore a
it could not seek Mr. Rochester’s arms – it false front of French curls (56).
could not derive warmth from his breast. In this scene, Mr. Brocklehurst has just
Oh, never more could it turn to him; for ordered haircuts for the impoverished
faith was blighted – confidence girls at Lowood School so they aren’t
destroyed! (260). indulging in vanity. In walk his wife
These words of Jane’s capture the seriousness and daughters, decked out in the latest
of her mood shortly after her discovery of fashions and sporting fashionable hairdos.
Rochester’s dishonesty, but the words are He obviously does not see the irony here
excessive because Jane never truly loses her in applying different rules to his own fam-
hope, faith, or confidence. ily than to the girls at Lowood.

Irony occurs in three types. Situational irony occurs when a situation

Dramatic irony occurs when a character turns out differently from what one would
or speaker says or does something that normally expect – though often the twist
has a different meaning from what he is oddly appropriate. Bronte’s Jane Eyre
thinks it means, though the audience and contains this example:
other characters understand the full ‘…that if either of you know any
implications of the speech or action: e.g., impediment why ye may not lawfully
Literary Terms

Oedipus curses the murderer of Laius, not be joined together in matrimony, ye do

realizing that he is himself the murderer now confess it…’
and so is cursing himself. Also, the He paused, as the custom is. When is
following passage from Bronte’s Jane the pause after that sentence ever
Eyre contains dramatic irony: broken by reply? Not, perhaps, once
[Mr. Brocklehurst]’…each of the in a hundred years. And the clergy-
young persons before us has a string man, who had not lifted his eyes from
of hair twisted in plaits which vanity his book, and had held his breath but


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for a moment, was proceeding: his ary’s wife, she finally realizes why he
hand was already stretched towards makes her uncomfortable and refuses
Mr. Rochester, as his lips unclosed to to marry him, saying she will accom-
ask ‘Wilt thou have this woman for pany him only as a sister: “ ‘Oh! I will
thy wedded wife?’ – when a distinct give my heart to God,’ I said. ‘You do
and near voice said; – ‘The marriage not want it’ ” (357).
cannot go on: I declare the existence
of an impediment’ (254). Motif is a term that describes a pattern or
It is ironic that Jane has just thought strand of imagery or symbolism in a work of
about how the ceremony is rarely stopped literature. For example, fire recurs throughout
because of an impediment when hers is Jane Eyre – Bertha Mason sets Rochester’s
interrupted by Mr. Briggs, the London bedroom on fire and, later, all of Thornfield
solicitor, who announces that Rochester Hall. Rochester’s suffering from his burns
“has a wife now living.” brings about his ultimate redemption and the
return of his true love.
Verbal irony occurs when a speaker or
narrator says one thing while meaning the Satire refers to the use of devices like irony,
opposite. In A Tale of Two Cities, the title understatement, and exaggeration to highlight
of Chapter 12, “The Fellow of Delicacy,” a human folly or a societal problem. The
is ironic. This chapter concerns the self- purpose of satire is to bring the flaw to the
important Mr. Stryver who presumes that attention of the reader in order that it may
Lucie Manette will be thrilled to marry be addressed, remedied, or eradicated. In
him, never thinking that she may have Chapters 17-19 of Jane Eyre, Bronte
other plans. When Mr. Stryver shares his exaggerates the flaws of the Ingrams and
wedding plans with Mr. Lorry, Mr. Lorry other members of the upper class at
tries to make Mr. Stryver see that it would Rochester’s house party. Her criticism
not be at all “delicate” to ask Lucie to of their behavior enhances Jane’s character,
marry him based on what Mr. Stryver for she is above reproach.
sees as his personal credentials: “a man
of business – a man of years – a man of Symbolism is the use of any object, person,
experience – in a Bank.” Dickens uses place, or action that not only has a meaning
verbal irony also in the title of Chapter 14, in itself but also stands for something larger
“The Honest Tradesman.” This chapter than itself, such as a quality, attitude, belief,
concerns Jerry Cruncher, the grave-robber, or value. There are two basic types, universal
a man anything but honest. (a symbol that is common to all mankind) and
contextual (a symbol used in a particular way
Literary Terms

Sarcasm is the use of verbal irony in by an individual author). For example, in Jane
which a person appears to be praising Eyre, the chestnut tree stands as a symbol of
something but is actually insulting it. what happens to Jane and Rochester. They
The remark may also be taunting or will be separated for a time but rejoined after
caustic. For example, when St. John Rochester suffers burns and mutilation trying
Rivers tries to persuade Jane to to rescue Bertha from a burning Thornfield:
accompany him to India as a mission-


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Literary Terms

…I faced the wreck of the chestnut-tree; Dramatic Unities

it stood up, black and riven: the trunk, Time – The play has to take place within
split down the centre, gasped ghastly. The a 24-hour period. e.g. Antigonê
cloven halves were not broken from each takes place in “real” time; the
other, for the firm base and strong roots audience experiences the action as
kept them unsundered below; though it unfolds.
community of vitality was destroyed – the Place – The action of the play is set in
sap could flow no more; their great one place. Antigonê is set in front
boughs on each side were dead, and next of the royal palace in Thebes.
winter’s tempests would be sure to fell Action – The play contains one hero and
one or both to earth: as yet, however they one plot. The action in Antigonê
might be said to form one tree – a ruin, focuses on Antigonê’s determi-
but an entire ruin (243). nation to bury her brother
Polyneices and the resulting
Understatement is the opposite of hyperbole. consequences.
It is a kind of irony that deliberately represents
something as being much less than it really Hamartia is the tragic flaw that leads to
is: e.g., Jane Eyre tries to make sense of Grace the tragic hero’s downfall. In Antigonê
Poole and her eccentric behavior. Puzzled by Creon’s tragic flaw of holding himself
everyone’s tolerance of Grace, she will not above the prophets and the laws of the
allow herself to grow too alarmed: “When gods dooms him.
thus alone I not unfrequently heard Grace
Poole’s laugh….” (96). Her understated Hubris is arrogance before the gods. In
thoughts help keep her panic to a minimum. Antigonê Creon’s pride and arrogance
cause his downfall.
Literary Forms
Aristotle’s Rules for Tragedy Recognition occurs as the hero meets his
Catharsis is the release of emotion (pity catastrophe, at which point he recognizes
and fear) from the audience’s perspective. his flaw and the reason he must die. In
e.g. After watching Antigonê, the audience Antigonê Creon acknowledges his
will feel pity for the tragic deaths and fear responsibility for the deaths of his family
for themselves because if even the “best” and confesses he was too proud.
in society fall, what future awaits the
common man? Reversal occurs when the opposite of
what the hero intends is what happens. In
Antigonê Creon thinks he is doing the
Literary Terms

right thing by imprisoning Antigonê, but

this action leads to the suicides of his son
and his wife.


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