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Dang Nguyen Thanh Hang



- At this stage,students are encouraged to sit in rows in classroom because the
teacher has a clear view of all students.It makes lecture easy to explain a grammar
point,useful phrases ,vocabularies or expressions that students can have enough
input and resources to prepare for the next stage.In addition,it is accepted for
students to sit in circle or separate tables to play games, some warm -up activities or
discuss the task the teacher gives.
-Orderly rows imply teachers working with the whole class,maintain eye contact with
students and have controlled practice of suggested language material.Group work
and pair work are also helpful that they can work together to handle the tasks or
exchange opinion fo pre-speaking activities .Solo work can be used,as well.

-It is advisable for students to work in pairs,groups because it is time they practised
due to the fact that speaking lessons involves conservation or role play activities that
require at least two people, or speech that students need to present at first in front
of their partners .This boosts their confidences,speaking skills and each student can
make judgement or give feedback to the speakers.
-Therefore, separate table or circle/horseshoe are ideal for this stage and easier for
groupwork and pairwork.Teacher can go around to check what and how students are
practicing,monitor the activity and note common errors but do not correct
immediately their errors unless asked to do so.

Because this stage includes activities such as reporting on findings,recording
mistakes,giving feedback and correction,students should sit in orderly rows so that
they can easily see the presentation and the correction of mistakes as a result of the
fact that students can all see the teachers and presenters.Teachers also can monitor
whether students pay attention or not when she /he working with the class as a
whole.After that,students can correct their errors by working on their own.

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