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Table 1

Results of Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate correlations

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. PSY_SEL 28.440 4.657 -

2. PSY_HOP 28.84 4.2835 .773**

3. PSY_RES 27.286 4.1465 .644** .664** -

4. PSY_OPT 28.138 4.4842 .611** .670** .703** -

5. LSS_TRA 56.663 7.4261 .427** .446** .386** .375** -

6. LSS_DEM 37.098 5.7981 .269** .270** .329** .347** .618** -

7. LSS_AUT 16.915 4.8103 -0.053 0.001 .152** .120** .068 .441** -

8. LSS_SOC 30.271 6.2068 .107* .177** .217** .208** .257** .403** .482** -

9. LSS_POT 21.398 3.4290 .323** .303** .317** .332** .590** .493** .161** .474** -

10. CSSC 288.350 45.750 .534** .521** .453** .518** .589** .439** 0.018 .143** .390** -

11. Age 38.99 8.157 -0.086 -.125** -.026 -.067 -.121* -.076 .144** 0.092 -0.025 -.144** -

12. Gender 1.6 0.49 -.160** -.101* -.090* -.099* -0.025 .02 0.034 0.055 -0.019 -.089* -0.083 -

13. years of experience in coaching 5.59 4.394 0.086 0.056 .097* .106* 0.049 -.008 0.04 0.075 0.066 0.037 .410** -.090*
Note. A total of 570 teacher-coach participated in the study, PSY_SEL = psychological capital self-efficacy; PSY_HOP = psychological capital hope; PSY_RES = psychological capital resilience; PSY_OPT = psychological capital optimism; LSS_TRA =
training and instructions; LSS_DEM = demographic behavior; LSS_AUT = autocratic behavior; LSS_SOC = social support; LSS_POT = positive behavior; CSSC = coaching satisfaction for sport coaches.
*. p < .05 level (two-tailed). **. p < .01 level (two-tailed).
Table 2
Results of Mediation Analysis
BC 95% CI
Effect of IV Effect of IV Total direct Total indirect Indirect
IV MV DV on MV (a) on MV (b) effect effect Total effect Effects SE LL UL
PSYCAP_SELF TI CSSC .4611** 2.6660** 2.8092** 1.2293* 4.0384** 1.2293 .2187 2.1073 3.2247
DB .2676** 2.1676** 3.4583** .5801* 4.0384** .5801 .1567 1.5203 2.8148
AB -.0444 .4235 - - - -.0188 .3848 -.3420 1.1891
SS .0690 .2418 - - - .0167 .0334 -.3458 .8293
PB .1608** 4.0384** 3.6070** .4314* 4.0384** .4314** .1335 3.2284 4.8485
PSYCAP_HOPE TI CSSC .5380** 2.2961** 2.7552** 1.4504* 4.2056** 1.4504** .2477 2.1254 3.2668
DB .2691** 2.2461** 3.6013** .6043* 4.2056** .6043** .1722 1.5962 2.8960
AB .0244 .1867 - - - .0046 .0269 -.5873 .9612
SS .2181 -.0145 - - - -.0032 .0704 -.6146 .5856
PB .1665** 2.8172** 3.7365** .4691* 4.2056** .4691** .1457 1.5977 4.0367
PSYCAP_RESILIENCE TI CSSC .4649** 2.8384** 2.4814** 1.3196* 3.8010** 1.3196** .2456 2.2734 3.4034
DB .3767** 3.1601** 2.9873** .8137* 3.8010** .8137** .1910 1.4784 2.8419
AB .2100 -.3408 - - - -.0716 .0908 -1.1423 .4612
SS .2901 -.0977 - - - -.0283 .0942 -.7143 .5190
PB .1915** 2.8156** 3.2618** .5392* 3.8010** .5392** .1593 1.5601 4.0711
PSYCAP_OPTIMISM TI CSSC .3631** 2.7929** 3.0764** 1.0142* 4.0907** 1.0142** .2180 2.2543 3.3316
DB .3619** 2.0232** 3.3585** .7321* 4.0907** .7321** .1739 1.3551 2.6913
AB .1624** -.2998 - - - -.0487 .0695 -1.0773 .4776
SS .2282** -.0740 - - - -.0169 .0727 -.6715 .5235
PB .1815** 2.6032** 3.6182** .4724* 4.0907** .4724** .1441 1.3762 3.8302
Note. A total of 570 teacher-coach participated in the study. Data were bootstrapped to 10,000 resamples. All coefficients are unstandardized. IV = independent variable; MV = mediating variable; DV = dependent variable; BC = Bias-corrected; CI
= confidence interval; LL = lower limit; UL = upper limit; PSYCAP = psychological capital; TI = training and instructions; DB = demographic behavior; AB = autocratic behavior; SP = social support; PB = positive behavior CSSC = coaching satisfaction
for sport coach.
a = IV*MV; MV*DV.
*P < .5 ** < .01.

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