BTN Take 2

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Friday the 9th of August (Week 3 Term 3)

Subject: Literacy

Lesson focus: Making connections

Core learning objective: analysing and connecting the BTN story to self, text and world

Assessment strategy: Formative- verbal understanding of the process using questioning

2 metals and a mission – peer to peer feedback

Summative- Completed worksheet and letter

Lesson Overview:

Start with a brain break – Heads or tails

 Students choose to have their hands on their head, backside or one hand on each
 Two coins are flipped and the students that get the correct combo stay standing, the
remaining students sit

Read the BTN news story as a group

 Explain that we will be breaking the text down into text to self, text to text and text to world
 Give each child a worksheet, ask students to think about and fill in each section
o Write prompts on the whiteboard
 Text to self
 What does the story remind you of?
 When have you found something that connected you to another
 Does any element of the story remind you of part of your life?
 Text to text
 Does this remind you of anything else you have read?
 How is this BTN story similar/different to another you have read?
 What type of text is this? Informative? Imaginative? Persuasive?
How do you know?
o Emphasise how the connection enhances their understanding of the text
 In your writing books create your own message in a bottle
o Who are we writing to? Who is the target audience?
o What do we wish to tell them?
o What are we going to ask about them?
o How would you make sure you got a response?

Respond with a comment as a reader to let the students know you have read and are responding to
their work

Use same 2 medals and a mission approach

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