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Energy transition


What’s in store for CO2?

particular, has the potential to
maintain sustainable energy
consumption at current levels and
improve living conditions globally.

Powerful solution
CCS and its variations – carbon
capture, usage and storage (CCUS)
and bio-energy carbon capture
and storage (BE-CCS) – represent a
powerful solution to the problem
of excessive anthropogenic CO2
emissions, acting as a bridging
technology for the energy
transition to a decarbonised world.
CO2 capture is the more costly
element of the CCS chain. It has
been shown that CO2 storage
can be carried out safely and
relatively cost effectively in
suitable subsurface sites, with
many potential storage reservoirs
identified and tested worldwide.
However, CO2 storage is impossible
without CO2 capture at the same
scale. Carbon capture can be done
using established technologies
such as post-combustion CO2
scrubbing from fumes, pre-
combustion CO2 separation from a
hydrogen-rich gasification stream
and oxy-combustion.
While solid fossil fuel
gasification is currently the
cheapest option for capturing
CO2, oxy-combustion has the
best chance of gaining industry
favour in the near future. Besides
the power generation sector,
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has lots of potential worldwide CCS is of particular use to other
high CO2 producers such as the
but also faces significant challenges, explains Roberto Bencini, steel, cement, chemicals and
Chartered Petroleum Geologist, and Greg Coleman, Managing petrochemicals sectors.
CCUS is a technological scheme
Director, PetroMall consultancy. where the CO2 is used in an

economic way in an industrial
xcessive anthropogenic BP’s latest Energy Outlook points process. For example, large
carbon dioxide (CO2) out that improved living standards amounts of CO2 can be used for
emissions from the use are distinctly targeted by many enhanced oil recovery (EOR;
of fossil fuels are contributing governments, and will demand using CO2 to get more out of oil
to global warming and climate increasing energy consumption, reservoirs) at many sites in the US
changes, according to the particularly in Asia, Africa and and could be deployed elsewhere.
Intergovernmental Panel on South America. However, as a BE-CCS is a clever idea. If
Climate Change (IPCC) and other society we should aim to abate CO2 the source of carbon for CO2
leading experts. Anthropogenic CO2 emissions despite the prospect of a capture is vegetable material,
is the single largest contribution to rise in energy consumption. the geological storage of the
greenhouse gas (GHG) levels and is Indeed, all practical methods captured CO2 will implement the
responsible for about 64% of global for limiting and reducing CO2 incremental removal of CO2 from
warming. emissions should be implemented the atmosphere. Such integrated
Nevertheless, no science-based worldwide as a matter of urgency technology is more efficient than
forecast of future energy needs and national priority, including direct capture from air, an energy
suggests that fossil fuels will energy saving and efficiency, use intensive technology currently
Petra Nova CCS project, provide less than 50% of primary of renewable energy sources, being studied, and is an attractive
Texas, US energy sources for the next 50 reforestation, and carbon capture
Photo: NRG Energy years at least. and storage (CCS). The latter, in u p28

26 Petroleum Review | October 2019


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Energy transition

t p26 solution relative to simple CCS Canada, two in China). One plant CO2 will not ‘leak’ from the
from use of fossil fuels. completed its operative life in 2011 underground storage site.
BE-CCS, however, is likely to be at In Salah, Algeria. There is wide agreement in
applicable at a smaller and more Another 20 plants are at academic and industrial circles
local scale than fossil fuel CCS. The different stages of development that the largest CO2 underground
vegetable carbon source for BE-CCS worldwide. With reducing carbon storage capacity by far is located
can be fuel crops (sorghum, maize, capture costs, more and more in deep saline aquifers that are
etc) or managed forestry, spirulina projects become economical under unsuitable for other human use.
group algae (biofuel, biodiesel) today’s market conditions. It is estimated that there is
or other types of algae (chlorella, Of course, if the CO2 emission more CO2 underground storage
dunaliella, scenedesmus, etc). Such certificate prices climb steadily capacity worldwide than CO2 that
bio-energy sources can be grown above the current capture cost per can be generated by burning all
in many parts of the world, and the tonne then there will be a strong the past, present and future fossil
CO2 captured and stored, to offset economic incentive to capture fuel reserves until their compete
CO2 emissions elsewhere. and permanently store the CO2 depletion.
underground. We are at the very beginning
The challenge Many fundamental factors are of a new CO2 storage era, and
The key challenge of CCS is currently changing. The economic trying today to calculate the total
reducing the capture cost, which crisis that started hitting the world CO2 storage capacity is
represents two thirds or more of western world in 2008– 2010 is like trying to calculate the total
the total cost of CCS. relenting, and energy generation amount of producible oil in the
The current anticipated CCS and consumption from fossil fuels years following first oil production
cost, measured pro-rata per tonne is resuming its growth despite from the Colonel Drake well at
of CO2 avoided, is likely to be less the rocketing rise of renewable the end of the 19th Century. The
than the European penalty that is power generation (particularly opportunity is highlighted by
currently set at €100/t of CO2 for photovoltaic and wind power). the abundance of CO2 storage
emitting CO2 above the given (and Consequently, the gradual capacity located somewhere in the
ever reducing) threshold. The CCS reduction of CO2 allowances on the shallowest few kilometres of the
cost is, however, still higher than market is pushing the emission crust of this planet.
the current cost of the European certificates price higher and higher.
Union Emission Trading Scheme Since early 2018, after some In conclusion
(EU ETS) emission certificates. 10 years of stagnation, the ETS Every industrial product consumes
Until it is cheaper to buy CO2 CO2 emission certificate price has materials and energy. If the
emission certificates to avoid been growing with moderate materials are entirely recycled and
heavy penalties, CCS is unlikely oscillations from approximately the energy comes from renewable
to take off as a new industry. €5/t to some €29/t more recently. sources, there is no CO2 emission
On the other hand, if capturing, It is likely, therefore, that the two problem to take care of. If, however,
transporting and storing CO2 curves, lowering capture cost and new raw materials are inserted
underground steadily becomes rising certificate price, will cross in the productive cycle and non-
cheaper than buying standard CO2 in the near future, allowing CCS to renewable energy is used, as most
emission certificates, there is a progress and grow worldwide. commonly is the case for years
strong chance that CCS can develop Erik Reinhardsen, Chairman to come, then a full lifecycle CO2
worldwide. of Equinor, speaking at the emission can be calculated for
It should be noted that verified opening session of the European every single industrial item sold
CO2 underground storage can Association of Geophysicists and worldwide.
generate tradeable CO2 emission Engineers (EAGE) annual meeting Producers of industrial products
allowances for the same amount in June 2019, sees a carbon tax as should calculate a total life-cycle
that is documented to be a very important measure to drive CO2 emission allowance for that
permanently stored, according to change in emissions. ‘From an item and offset such CO2 quantity
EC Directive 2009/29/EC of the international perspective we don’t with CO2 emission certificates
European Parliament and of the have a legislative framework. But that will increasingly come
Council of 23 April 2009 on the we do have the Paris Agreement from permanently storing CO2
geological storage of CO2. and UN sustainable development underground in a certificated way.
The challenge is to lower the goals,’ he said. ‘Both accords have There is an opportunity for the
CO2 capture cost, and therefore become widely accepted among leading oil and gas companies to
create better return on investment. societies, investors and companies evolve into leading CO2 storage
This can be done by capturing the as targets to strive for improved companies due to the similar
CO2 at plants that are most suited climate.’ toolbox and challenges entailed.
to have low capture costs, such as Equinor is an example of this, as it
coal or tar gasification applied to The opportunity operates the oldest CCS project (the
power generation. Alternatively, Discovering suitable CO2 storage Sleipner gas field, which involves
it is possible to adapt the oxy- sites is much like discovering oil or producing a CO2-rich gas stream)
combustion technique, which has gas fields, and requires the same and promotes the technique in
the extra advantage of avoiding set of tools, techniques, knowledge other projects (eg Snøhvit, In
entirely the formation of nitrogen and technical know-how. Safe CO2 Salah, as well as the Mongstad test
oxides (NOx). underground geological storage facility for CO2 capture).
Currently, according to can be done in depleted or semi- We also predict the birth and
StorageData, there are 19 large depleted oil and gas fields, deep rise of dedicated CO2 underground
scale CCS plants in operation (nine coal seams unsuitable for mining storage companies that could
in the US, three in Canada, two in and deep saline aquifers (with prosper selling guaranteed CO2
Norway, one in Australia, Brazil, or without structural closures). emission certificates to whoever
China, Saudi Arabia and the United This will require comprehensive needs them, from service stations
Arab Emirates), and a further four risk mitigation and monitoring to power suppliers or food
are under construction (two in to reassure the public that the retailers. ●

28 Petroleum Review | October 2019

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