Pixes As A Complement To Tracemetal Analysis of Sediments

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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4782–4787

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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B

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PIXE as a complement to trace metal analysis of sediments by ICP-OES

J.M. Lunderberg, R.J. Bartlett, A.M. Behm, C. Contreras, P.A. DeYoung *, N.L. Hoogeveen,
A.J. Huisman, G.F. Peaslee, J.K. Postma
Department of Chemistry, Hope College, Holland, MI 49422-9000, United States
Department of Physics, Hope College, Holland, MI 49422-9000, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The adverse effects of metal contamination in sediments require methods that can quickly and accurately
Received 13 May 2008 assess the extent of environmental pollution. Particle induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE) is
Received in revised form 18 July 2008 demonstrated to be a viable alternative to an established method, which consists of acid digestion and
Available online 29 July 2008
Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) to measure trace metals in sedi-
ment. The analysis of trace metal composition by both techniques on a NIST Standard Reference Material
PACS: mud gives results that are consistent with the certified values for fourteen measured metals, seven of
which are common to both methods. A comparison study conducted on a sediment core from a freshwa-
81.70. q
ter lake with a known chromium contamination in Muskegon County, MI also shows a good correlation
82.80. d between the methods for transition metals of environmental interest over a wide range of metal concen-
82.80.Ej trations. Total sample preparation and analysis time for the PIXE measurements is roughly one third that
83.80.Nb of acid digestion and ICP-OES. Also, the acid digestion step does not elute all the metal, while the nonde-
structive PIXE approach is a total metals analysis method. However the PIXE method generally has higher
Keywords: limits of detection for many environmental metal contaminants. By combining the two techniques, the
ICP-OES acid digestion elution factor can be quantified by running PIXE on an original sample and on the residue
resulting from acid digestion.
Sediment trace metal analysis
Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction amount of bio-available metal in the sediment (which can depend

additionally on temperature, pH and Eh, for example). One previ-
A widely used method for the characterization of trace metal ous study that focused only on arsenic found that the amount of
concentrations in sediments is based on inductively coupled plas- extracted arsenic varies greatly with the acid used and the origin
ma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) [1,2]. This method has of the sample [9]. Typically, acid digestion results are reported at
very low detection limits for most metals, but requires the diges- only one pH in order to be reproducible [10]. Thus the analytical
tion of the sediment sample with strong acid [3–5]. Unfortunately, measurements by ICP-OES, while very precise, do not yield abso-
this digestion process destroys the sample material and the frac- lute concentrations that can be used directly without careful inter-
tion of metal that the process extracts is dependant on the geolog- pretation. Particle induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE) has
ical matrix properties of each sample [6–8]. For example, chromate acceptable detection limits for many transition metals, and it is
ore contains Cr3+ oxides which are very resistant to acid digestions, nondestructive. This is a significant advantage if the sample quan-
while Cr6+ oxides from anthropogenic sources are readily extracted tities are small or difficult to obtain. The method we developed
from acid digestion of sediments. This results in measured values here is also faster, a significant advantage if there are many sam-
that can be significantly less than the actual total values for the ples to be processed. More importantly, once the efficiency of the
metal concentrations and which can vary greatly from metal to detector is calibrated, the PIXE approach yields metal concentra-
metal even within a single sample. Additionally, the acid-soluble tions that are consistent from metal to metal and sample to sample
fraction of each trace metal does not typically correspond to the without separate dilutions for each metal type. Although PIXE has
been successfully applied to the analysis of sediments previously
[11–17], the target preparation methods described here and the
use of it as a complementary technique to ICP-OES for the two sed-
iments studied is novel.
* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Physics, Hope College, Holland,
MI 49422-9000, United States. Tel.: +1 616 395 7517; fax: +1 616 395 7123. Of course all analytical techniques also have disadvantages. In
E-mail address: deyoung@hope.edu (P.A. DeYoung). the case of PIXE, the technique requires a source of energetic

0168-583X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.M. Lunderberg et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4782–4787 4783

particles; typically from a small particle accelerator. Such devices 2.2. PIXE measurements
are typically more expensive than ICP-OES instruments, but for
those laboratories that already have ion beam capability, the addi- For the PIXE measurements, solid soil targets were made from
tion of the sediment analysis methods described here can provide 0.5 g of loose sediment. The sediment was homogenized first by
another avenue to address quantitative trace metal analysis of sed- shaking in sealed plastic vials for several minutes. This was to in-
iments. Another disadvantage of PIXE is that the detection limits, sure that the surface measurements were representative of the
while acceptable, are generally higher than those for ICP-OES. bulk volume. The homogenized sample was pressed into a self-
There can be issues that skew results with PIXE if care is not supporting target by 10,000 psi of pressure in a standard 1.0-cm
exercised. When one works with bulk material the preparation pellet press. For typical sediments, rich in clays and dry organic
and sample handling can result in skewed results. While true for material, no binding agent was necessary to make the target self-
all analytical techniques, with PIXE only a subset (close to the sur- supporting. In particularly sandy soils, up to 5% by weight of poly-
face) of all the grains available in a sample are irradiated, which vinyl alcohol was added to make the targets self-supporting. The
may not accurately represent the bulk sample properties. As bulk targets were attached with a drop of cyanoacrylate glue to a thin
material is handled and either deliberately or unintentionally sha- sheet of aluminized mylar in order to minimize charge collection
ken, the Brazil Nut Effect [18] can occur so that the resulting pellet difficulties on these relatively insulating targets. The material
is inhomogeneous. Secondly, even avoiding this, it is easily possible remaining after the acid digestion preparation for ICP measure-
with modern beam focusing systems to achieve beam spots smal- ments was prepared in the same fashion. The target pellets were
ler than 100 lm and such small beam spots can give skewed re- placed in vacuum and irradiated with a 2.3 MeV proton beam with
sults if the beam is swept over a large area of the target. Lastly, an intensity of approximately 10 nA. The beam was produced at
PIXE requires one to make an absolute determination of the inci- the Hope Ion Beam Analysis Laboratory (HIBAL), with a 1.7 MV tan-
dent particle flux for each measurement, to have an accurate deter- dem PelletronÒ accelerator. The target was irradiated with an ellip-
mination of the any X-ray filters, and to understand the X-ray tical beam spot (1 mm by 2 mm) for 300 s. Typically, the
detector efficiency well. incident beam current was measured with a Faraday cup immedi-
The work described below discusses the general normalization ately before and after each sample run and was found not to vary
of the PIXE method based on a National Institute of Standards more than 10%. The X-rays emitted from the samples were de-
and Technology (NIST) reference standard and then examines tected with a 10 mm diameter by 5.35 mm thick Si(Li) detector lo-
how well the PIXE method is able to reproduce a significant num- cated 135° from the incident beam. The entrance window of the
ber of trace metals without individual corrections. Then, a compar- detector is a 0.025 mm beryllium foil. For each measurement two
ison of the results for sediments from a local lake from the PIXE runs were made, one where a 50 lm mylar filter was used to sup-
method and the ICP-OES method is presented. This comparison press back-scattered protons while allowing efficient counting of
shows excellent correlation between the two methods but high- elements such as Ca and a second with a 500 lm mylar filter used
lights the problem of incomplete digestion in ICP-OES. By compar- to optimize the counting of the higher Z elements. There was no
ing the published values of the standardized NIST SRM mud with ambiguity about the origin of the various X-ray lines in the spectra
the summed values of ICP-OES analysis and PIXE analysis on the but the energy calibration of the PIXE detector systems was still
resulting residue, an estimate of the fraction that eluted in the acid regularly determined with a set of known metal foils. A typical
digestion is possible. The use of these complementary trace ele- spectrum of the NIST SRM 2586 with the thick filter is shown in
ment techniques will be valuable for contaminated sediment Fig. 1.
characterization. In many measurements the size of the beam spot is only of sec-
ondary concern. However, here we note that a spot which irradi-
ates a significant area, relative to the average grain size, helps
2. Experimental detail insure that one does not bias the PIXE measurements by sampling
individual grains in the sediment sample that are not representa-
2.1. Sample material description

Two sets of sediments were analyzed by ICP-OES and PIXE in Ca Ti Cr Fe Cu Zn Pb

this study. The first set of sediment samples was Trace Elements
in Soil NIST SRM 2586 [19]. This is a freeze-dried homogenized 10000
sample with 26 known concentrations of trace elements and is cer-
tified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The second set of samples was from sediment cores taken from 1000
White Lake in Muskegon County, MI. Three 82-cm deep sediment
piston cores were obtained as part of an EPA study [20–22] and
subsequently sliced into 2-cm sections, freeze-dried, homogenized

by a mechanical shaker and stored for analysis by both PIXE and 100
ICP-OES. The environmental cores provided a second type of geo-
logical matrix and the extended depth provided samples with a
large range of metal concentrations. This lake was known to have 10
extensive historical contamination of the sediment due to chromic
acid spills from an adjacent tannery. Lastly, a set of material was
analyzed only with the PIXE approach. This material was the solid
residue remaining after acid digestion of a sample in preparation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
for ICP-OES. An additional standard sediment, Buffalo River Mud X_Ray Energy (keV)
NIST SRM 2704 [23], was used as part of an absolute PIXE efficiency
Fig. 1. A typical X-ray spectrum from the irradiation of a pressed pellet of Trace
calibration. All of these samples were very fine-grain sediments Elements in Soil NIST SRM 2586. Selected lines are identified. In this spectrum, a
and so were not expected to exhibit the Brazil Nut effect to any 500 lm mylar filter was placed between the target and detector to suppress the
great extent [18]. yield from lighter elements.
4784 J.M. Lunderberg et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4782–4787

tive of the whole sample. For the NIST measurements, each day the the acidic matrix and high concentrations of interferents: Fe, Al
sample pellets were irradiated, a beam was directed to a different and Ca, the method of standard additions, or internal standards,
spot. This, too, reduces any bias associated with residual inhomo- was employed using three spikes of a multielemental ICP standard
geneity in the sample even though the sediments were fine- solution (PlasmaCAL Trace Metals I). In addition, due to the limited
grained. linear dynamic range of most ICP-OES systems, three different
In this study the absolute efficiency of the system was deter- dilution factors were used with each sample (1000, 10,000,
mined in order to extract absolute concentrations of the various 100,000). A PerkinElmer, Inc. Optima 4300 DV ICP-OES was used
trace elements. To determine the absolute efficiency for the White for all measurements of the eluent and the analysis was done in
Lake sediment measurements two NIST standards were measured Excel. The elements analyzed included aluminum, cadmium, co-
along with the White Lake samples. The detector efficiency, solid balt, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, vanadium
angle and filter parameters were adjusted to match the NIST stan- and zinc and the measured concentrations of the elements in solu-
dard values. Care was taken to insure that the NIST standards were tion were reported in lg/l. Using a standard mass of soil diluted to
measured with the same experimental conditions. Generally, only a standard volume during the digestion allows the conversion from
small variations (<10%) were observed from day-to-day. In cases elemental concentrations in the eluent (lg/l) as measured by ICP-
where a large deviation in the efficiency parameters was seen, OES to elemental concentrations in the soil (lg/g). The wave-
the samples were remeasured. lengths used for ICP-OES measurements are listed in Table 2. These
All recorded X-ray spectra were analyzed off-line with the are the typical wavelengths used for analysis of samples with high
thick-target option in GUPIXWIN [24], a commercial PIXE analysis iron and aluminum contaminants. Note that in Table 1 that the
program where the elemental concentrations are given in parts per uncertainty in the ICP values and the LOD for the various elements
million relative to the mass of the geological matrix. In addition to are the same. This is a result of the use of internal standards where
the concentration of particular trace element concentrations, it known amounts of the elements are added to the samples and a
also provides an estimate of the level-of-detection (LOD). For our regression is performed to find the intercept which corresponds
system, PIXE has a higher limit of detection than the ICP technique to no added standard. The uncertainty in this intercept is then
for most metals. Table 1 shows the NIST values, typical PIXE and the uncertainty in the amount of material in the original sample.
ICP measurements of the NIST SRM and LOD’s for a variety of ele- This uncertainty is also an estimate of the LOD since samples with
ments in the NIST standard. actual amounts of a particular element would be considered to
For the PIXE measurements of the NIST 2586 standard, a nor- contain a measurable amount only if the intercept was greater that
malization of the detector size, detector geometry and filter prop- zero plus the uncertainty. Iron, because of its high concentration,
erties was made and it was possible to reproduce all the trace was measured directly, leaving it without an ICP-OES-associated
elements shown in Table 1 with a single normalization. (The en- uncertainity or LOD.
ergy dependance of the efficiency was based on the fitting pro-
gram’s model of attenuation in mylar and Be along with the
intrinsic efficiency of the Si(Li) detector. No additional energy- Table 2
dependant factors were needed.) The ICP wavelengths used for the various measured elements

Element Wavelength (nm)

2.3. ICP-OES measurements
Al 308.215, 394.401
As 193.696
Split samples from the same NIST and sediment samples used in Co 228.616, 230.786
the PIXE analysis were digested using EPA method 3051A [4], Cr 205.560
microwave-assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils Cu 327.393
Fe 239.562
and oils. Then the eluents were analyzed using EPA method
Mn 294.92
200.7 [2] for ICP-OES. Approximately 0.5 ± .01 g of each sediment Ni 221.648, 231.604
sample was measured and then digested with 10 ml of concen- Pb 220.350
trated nitric acid (Trace Metal Grade 99.9% purity Fisher Chemical Zn 206.200
Co.) in a CEM MARS5 microwave-accelerated reaction system. The These are based on [25]. In the cases where multiple wavelengths are given, there
digested samples were centrifuged and the eluent was diluted to was not a single best wavelength and the ICP-OES results for the given wavelengths
50 ml using deionized water to create a stock solution. Due to were averaged.

Table 1
Both ICP-OES and PIXE values from a typical single measurement of the NIST 2586 sediment sample together with reported LOD’s


Concentration (ppm) Measured values (ppm) LOD (ppm) Measured values (ppm) LOD (ppm)
K 9760 ± 180 9830 ± 200 130
Ca 22,180 ± 540 22,020 ± 270 160
Ti 6050 ± 660 6670 ± 110 66
V 160 250 ± 53 130
Cr 301 ± 45 303 ± 35 47 142.7 ± 0.1 0.1
Cu 81 66 ± 10 10 51.6 ± 0.6 0.6
Fe 51,610 ± 890 51,200 ± 2000 37 25,900 ± 1400 5
Mn 1000 ± 18 904 ± 59 57 636.3 ± 0.2 0.2
Ni 75 71 ± 33 27 39.01 ± 0.02 0.02
Pb 432 ± 17 375 ± 41 40 251.65 ± 0.01 0.01
Zn 352 ± 16 340 ± 20 7 244.07 ± 0.01 0.01
Sr 84 ± 8 102 ± 20 21

The elements for which there is no information given for ICP-OES are elements measured by PIXE that were not included in the ICP-OES analysis protocol. Except for Fe the
uncertainty and LOD for the ICP-OES measurements are identical. More detail is given in the text. The error shown for ICP-OES measurements does not reflect variation due to
the acid digestion process, it only reflects the variation in the actual ICP-OES measurement of the eluent.
J.M. Lunderberg et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4782–4787 4785

3. Measurement results surements. The standard deviation is given so the variability in

the measurements can be seen. This measurement on the NIST
3.1. Introduction standard was calibrated with a single normalization constant with
the highest concentration elements (Fe, Ca and K) dominating the
Below we detail the three phases of this study. First PIXE and calibration. Concentrations of all elements aligned well over many
ICP-OES were compared for a NIST standard mud (Sections 3.2 runs as seen in the figure even though the normalization was based
and 3.3). PIXE gave measurements that were consistent with the on iron, calcium and potassium.
published values for all elements with a single normalization fac-
tor. ICP-OES gave measurements that were reproducible from 3.3. ICP-OES measurements of NIST SRM 2568
day-to-day but were smaller than the published NIST value of total
metal concentration for some elements. This is a result of incom- For ICP-OES runs on the NIST standard, it was found that the
plete elution where only a fraction of the total concentration of ICP-OES values for the concentrations of elements were a fraction
the element was removed from the soil matrix during the micro- of the NIST published values for total metal concentration. The
wave-assisted acid digestion. fraction varied from 50% of the NIST value for chromium to
Second, the correlation between PIXE and ICP-OES results were 90% of the NIST value for zinc. The fraction of the NIST value
compared using a common sample taken from White Lake (Section was consistent within elements over multiple runs as seen in Fig.
3.4). The concentration of two elements, manganese and chro- 3. The concentration of metals in a sample that the ICP-OES gave
mium varied greatly by depth within the White Lake cores. This was based on the mass of soil digested as explained previously. It
variance allowed us to check the correlation of the two techniques is important to note that in this measurement, unlike in PIXE, there
for a typical lake sediment example. was not a single correction factor as each element was measured
Third, the concentration of elements in the digestate residue individually via an internal standard. The fraction of the NIST value
remaining after ICP-OES digestion was measured by PIXE. The ori- that the ICP measured varied widely between elements but the
ginal ICP-OES values from the NIST standard were added to PIXE measurements were consistent within each element. These varia-
values obtained from the residue (Section 3.5). The sum of these tions are an effect of the soil matrix and the acid digestion process.
two measurements were in good agreement with the published
NIST value for all elements. 3.4. White Lake sediment
In each case, one can see the tradeoffs between PIXE and ICP-
OES analysis. PIXE always measures higher levels of the metals in The White Lake samples had chromium concentrations that
agreement with standards or, in the case of the White Lake sam- varied by depth from 300 to 900 ppm and manganese concen-
ples, closer to a total concentration value. However, PIXE generally trations that varied from 500 to 1800 ppm as measured by
has larger error bars and higher LOD than ICP-OES. ICP-OES. This variation in concentrations led to an excellent oppor-
tunity for a comparison between the PIXE and ICP-OES. The con-
3.2. PIXE measurements of NIST SRM 2568 centrations given by PIXE and ICP-OES at each depth for the
concentrations of Cr were plotted against each other and a linear
Before each series of PIXE measurements of sediment samples, correlation was observed as seen in Fig. 4. The concentration of
at least one measurement of a NIST standard mud pellet (NIST SRM Mn given by both methods were plotted in the same manner as
2586) was done in order to check the general efficiency of the in Fig. 5. These regressions are not perfect, and the ICP has better
detection system. This measurement was used for calibration but LOD’s but as this graph shows, PIXE is certainly able to accurately
during the course of multiple projects, a body of data on PIXE mea- quantify the concentrations of these elements in sediment. The
surements on the NIST samples was compiled and is shown in Fig. regression lines in both graphs had slopes of less than unity, which
2. A weighted average of 18 separate measurements on NIST SRM is a result of incomplete elution of metals out of the sediment dur-
2586 is shown along with the standard deviation of those mea- ing the acid digestion process. The two graphs had slightly differ-
ent slopes which indicates a different efficiency of the acid
digestion process for each element (Mn is more efficiently eluted

x0.1 PIXE 800

600 NIST
Concentration (ppm)

x0.01 x0.05 x0.5
600 NIST
Concentration (ppm)

x0.01 x0.5




Fe Ca K Ti Mn Pb Zn Cr V Sr Cu Ni
Element 0
Fe Mn Pb Zn Cr Cu Ni
Fig. 2. NIST certified values and PIXE measurements of the concentration of various Element
elements in decreasing concentration in NIST SRM 2586. Fe, Ca, K, Ti, Mn have
relatively high concentrations and have been scaled by the noted factors for a better Fig. 3. NIST certified values and ICP-OES measurements of the concentrations of
comparison between elements. In each case, the PIXE values reproduce the certified various elements in SRM 2586. Fe and Mn have relatively high concentrations and
values well. have been scaled as in Fig. 2 for a better comparison.
4786 J.M. Lunderberg et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4782–4787

ICP+PIXE on Residue

Fraction of Published NIST Value

PIXE on Residue
ICP Concentration (ppm)

1000 ICP




0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Fe Mn Pb Zn Cr Cu Ni

PIXE Concentration (ppm) Element

Fig. 4. The PIXE and ICP-OES values for the concentration of chromium in White Fig. 6. A comparison between the NIST SRM certified values (scaled to 1.0) and the
Lake sediment. Error bars for PIXE are those given by GUPIXWIN and the error bars sum of the ICP-OES values (on NIST sediment) and the PIXE values (on the NIST
for ICP-OES are one standard deviation about the mean of eighteen runs on NIST residue after acid digestion).
SRM 2586.

OES measurement is one standard deviation about the mean of

eighteen measurements on NIST 2586 and the uncertainity in the
2000 PIXE measurement is the uncertainty given by GUPIXWIN. As Fig.
6 shows, this technique of utilizing both PIXE and ICP-OES allows
Mn for an estimate of the elution factor for each element in the ICP-
ICP Concentration (ppm)

1500 OES method. It also validates the idea that an elution factor is
the root cause of the lowered ICP-OES measurements of elements
in the NIST standard. This reconstruction of the NIST value worked
1000 for all elements and was not dependent on the fraction of the NIST
concentration measured by ICP-OES.

500 4. Conclusion

PIXE has been shown to be a technique that can accurately

0 quantify the concentration of a range of elements of interest in sed-
0 500 1000 1500 2000 iment. It correlates well to standard ICP-OES measurements of the
PIXE Concentration (ppm) same sediment and has the advantage of having both faster sample
preparation than ICP-OES and having a nondestructive sample
Fig. 5. The PIXE and ICP-OES values for the concentration of manganese in White
Lake. Error bars for PIXE are those given by GUPIXWIN and the error bars for ICP- preparation. Disadvantages associated with the PIXE technique
OES are one standard deviation about the mean of eighteen runs on NIST SRM 2586. are that it has a lower sensitivity for most metals and the range
of elements it can analyze is more limited. Of course, one must
realize that PIXE has higher LOD than ICP-OES and requires a par-
than Cr for this sediment). Elements come out of the mud in differ- ticle accelerator that is a scarcer and more complicated device.
ent proportions during the acid digestion process due to their dif- There are several situations where PIXE could play an important
ferent binding affinity to the soil matrix. This effect can also be role in trace element measurement of contaminated sediment. In
seen in Fig. 3 which shows that elements were measured by ICP- the event of large numbers of sediment samples needing rapid
OES at different fractions of the NIST value. quantification of metal concentrations, PIXE certainly could be
used in conjunction with ICP-OES. Even though PIXE has a lower
3.5. PIXE on ICP-OES residue sensitivity, sample preparation consists merely of drying the sedi-
ment, homogenizing the mud and pressing it into a pellet. This has
As seen above, the results of ICP-OES and PIXE correlated well the obvious advantages that the measurements and analysis could
but did not give equivalent results because acid digestion does be done faster and since the samples would not be destroyed, addi-
not elute 100% of each metal in the sample. During the course of tional high precision testing could be done when needed. Similarly,
the study, the acid digestate residues of multiple NIST SRM 2586 small or one-of-a-kind sediment samples would not be destroyed
samples were retained. These samples were homogenized, pressed and would be retained for additional testing.
into pellets and the metal concentrations were quantified by sub- In addition to being used as a preliminary scan measure, PIXE
sequent PIXE analysis. The sum of the weighted averages of both can also be used as a complement to ICP-OES. PIXE could be used
the ICP-OES results on the original NIST sample and the PIXE re- on both a soil and its post-digestion residue in order to better
sults on the ICP-OES digestate residue were compared to the pub- understand the elemental elution factors of a particular soil matrix.
lished NIST value for the concentration of each element in Fig. 6. The information on elemental elution factors in a given soil sample
This figure gives the ICP-OES measurement on the NIST sample, could then be used to scale ICP-OES results to absolute values of
the PIXE measurement on the ICP-OES residue and the sum of the concentrations of elements. This would allow for a better inter-
the two measurements as fractions of the published NIST value comparison of results from different soil matrices. Further studies
for the concentration of the element. The uncertainty in the ICP- on this possibility are underway.
J.M. Lunderberg et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4782–4787 4787

Acknowledgements [11] R.K. Dutta, M. Sudarshan, S.N. Bhattacharyya, V. Chakravortty, S.N.

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[16] T.E. Gill, D.A. Gillette, T. Niemeyer, R.T. Winn, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 189
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[17] Y. Zhang, E. Lin, D. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Yu, C. Wang, W. Shen, M. Zhi, G. Zhang, Y. Li, J.
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