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Design of an Optoelectronic Laser based Vibration


Umar Javed (7419)
Humair Ahmad (7314)
Muhammad Shehzad (9192)

Final Year Project Report

Department of Electrical Engineering

Riphah International University, Pakistan

Spring 2016
Riphah International University, Pakistan

Design of an Optoelectronic Laser based Vibration Sensor

A Final Year Project Report Presented to

Riphah International University, Pakistan

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirement for the degree of

B.S. Electrical Engineering

Umar Javed (7419)
Humair Ahmad (7314)
Muhammad Shehzad (9192)

Spring, 2016

We, hereby declare that this project Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser base
Vibration Sensor neither as a whole nor as a part there of has been copied out from
any source. It is further declared that we have developed this project and the
accompanied report entirely on the basis of our personal efforts made under the
sincere guidance of our supervisor. No portion of the work presented in this report
has been submitted in the support of any other degree or qualification of this or any
other University or Institute of learning, if found we shall stand responsible.

Name: Umar Javed


Name: Humair Ahmad


Name: Muhammad Shehzad

Riphah International University, Pakistan

Spring 2016

Department of Electrical Engineering
Riphah International University, Pakistan

The project Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration Sensor, presented by:
1 Umar Javed 7419

2 Humair Ahmad 7314

3 Muhammad Shehzad 9192

under the supervision of their project advisor and approved by the project examination committee,
has been accepted by the Riphah International University, Pakistan, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the four year degree of B.S. Electrical Engineering.


(Dr. Usman Zabit)

Associate professor & HOD
Department of Electrical Engineering

(Dr. Usman Zabit)

Associate professor & HOD
Department of Electrical Engineering

We dedicate this project to God Almighty our creator, our strong pillar, our source

of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of

our strength throughout this program and on His wings only have we soared.

We would also like to dedicate this project to our parents, who supported us

morally and economically. We would like to thank them for their unconditional

support and for believing in us.We are grateful to them for giving us chance and to

prove our self in the field of our choice. It was the result of their prayers that in

the end we succeeded in our project.


As a student of Electrical Engineering , one should have strategic intent to fulfill

the requirements of the each and every semester project with devotion, courage
and loyalty. Thanks to Almighty Allah who gifted us with knowledge and power
to complete our project.We wish to express our profound and the sincere sense of
gratitude to Dr. Usman Zabit to sparing his valuable time and extended help in
every step of our project. We were not only inspired by his teaching, but also by
his way of encouraging us in every single step. It was the result of his continuous
advice and encouragement that we succeeded in our project. We also especially
like to thank our friends and family for their moral support and encouragement.

This FYP is based on the design of optoelectronic laser base vibration sensor
which is able to sense the vibration or displacement of a target in contactless

Such sensor has wide applications in non-destructive testing of machinery and

materials, automotive and aircraft industry, as well as for biomedical products.

It uses a semiconductor Laser diode and operates by using optical feedback

interferometer. The laser signal is converted to electrical signal by using a
photodiode. The laser diode and photodiode are both contained in a 3-pin
transistor type package.

Table of Contents
Declaration ……………………………...……………………………………………………II
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………...V
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………VI
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………...……………….....VII
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………………...IX
List of Tables……………………………………………………………………………..…..X
List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………..………………..XI

Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 12
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
1.2 Description………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12

1.3 Block diagram…………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………15

1.4 Algorithm………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………16

Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 17
2 Literature Survey .................................................................................................................................. 17
2.1 Literature Review (SM Interferometry) ........................................................................................ 17
2.2 Self-Mixing and its Applications……………………….………………………………………………………………………20

2.3 Advantages of Self-Mixing……………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22

3 Characteristics of Laser Diode…….……………………………………………………………………………………………22

3.1 LASER……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

3.2 Laser Principles……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

3.3 Laser-Diode operating principles…………..………………………………………………………………………………24

Chapter 4…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29

4 Characteristics of Photo-diode….……………………………………………………………………………………………29

4.1 Photo-diode………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29

4.2 Dark Current………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29

4.3 Junction Capacitance……….…………………………………………………………………………………………………29

4.4 Responsitivity………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30

Chapter 5…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32

5 Sensor Design…..…………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………32

5.1 Block Diagram of Project…….…………………………………………………………………………………………….32

5.2 Laser Driver Circuit……….…………………………………………………………………………………………………..32

5.3 [LD+PD] Package………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………33

5.4 Detector Circuit……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………34

5.5 Filter…………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………...35

Chapter 6……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….36

6 System Design Implementation and Results………………..…………………………………………………………36

6.1 Driver Circuit (Results)………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….36

6.2 Detector Circuit (Results)……..…………………………………………………………………………………………….37

6.3 Demanded Results…………….……………………………………………………………………………………………….39

6.4 Practical Results………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….40

Chapter 7………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………41

7 Conclusion, Future Prospects……………………………………………………………………………………………..41

7.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….41

7.2 Future Prospects……………..………………………………………………………………………………………………41


Figure1: block diagram of Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser based Vibration sensor……..……………..…..15

Figure 2: Real time view of Opto-electronic Laser Based Vibration Sensor …………….……………………..15

Figure 3: Algorithm of Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser based Vibration sensor……..…………………….16

Figure 4: SM-Laser Dopler Vibrometer and Michealson Interferometer……………………………………….17

Figure 5: Typical hardware setup for SM interferometry ..................................................................................... 18

Figure 6: Self-Mixed Signal and extracted Displacement Signal ......................................................................... 19

Figure 7: Coherant and Non-coherant beams ....................................................................................................... 22

Figure 8: Comparison of Spectral Width of Laser and LED. ............................................................................... 23

Figure 9: Curve optical power vs Forward current. .............................................................................................. 24

Figure 10: Minimum optical power at threshold current=30mA. ......................................................................... 25

Figure 11: Linear Behavior. ................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 12: Variation of threshold current by temperature. ................................................................................... 26

Figure 13: Variation in Wavelength by temperature. ........................................................................................... 26

Figure 14: Equivalent Circuit for Quantim Well Laser Diode. ............................................................................ 27

Figure 15: Equivalent Circuit for Photo-diode . ................................................................................................... 30

Figure 16 : Approximately Constant monitoring current vs temperature variation. ............................................. 31

Figure 17 : PD operating modes. .......................................................................................................................... 31

Figure 18 : Driver Circuit for Laser Diode. .......................................................................................................... 33

Figure 19 : Schematic of [PD+LD]. ..................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 20 : Detector Circuit for Photo-diode........................................................................................................ 35

Figure 21 : Passive Low pass filter....................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 22 : Constant Current Soucrce fo LD Design on Multisim. ...................................................................... 36

Figure 23 : Typical TIA Detector circuit for PD. ................................................................................................. 37

Figure 24 : Design of Detector Circuit on Multisim. ........................................................................................... 37

Figure 25 : Results of Detector Circuit on Multisim. ........................................................................................... 38


Table 1:Typical Source Spectral Width ................................................................................................................22

Table 2:Specification of LD .................................................................................................................................24

Table 3:Defined parameters for equivalent cicuit of LD .....................................................................................28

Table 4:PD Materials and their relative Dark currents,speeds,sensitivity and costs .............................................29

LD……………………………………………………………………………… LASER DIODE

LED…………………………………………………………………………….LIGHT EMITTED DIODE

PD……………………………………………………………………………..PHOTO DIODE



TIA……………………………………………………………………………TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIER.

BJT…………………………………………………………………………….BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR

FET……………………………………………………………………………FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR

OP-AMP…………………………………………………………………….OPERASIONAL AMPLIFIER

PCB……………………………………………………………………………PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD

Chapter One


In modern electrical systems there is need of advance electrical sensors, which senses the
parameters according to system requirements using new techniques. So sensors plays important
role in electrical as well as mechanical systems. So the project (Design of an Opto-Electronic
Laser base Vibration sensor) in which we designed a sensor, which is able to sense vibrations
and displacement in contactless manner. Basically it uses a semiconductor Laser diode and
operates by using optical feedback interferometer. The laser signal is converted to electrical signal
by using a photodiode. The laser diode and photodiode are both contained in a 3-pin transistor type
package. Vibration sensing techniques can be used in different type of problems like:
1. Quality Control (Automobiles , Aerospace)
2. Improving Stability and reducing external disturbances
3. Meteorological sensing applications
4. Civil Infrastructures Monitoring
5. (Vibration, displacement and velocity) Sensors
The object of this project is efficient sensing techniques, reduced cost, ease of
implementation, compact size.

The project that we designed (Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration sensor) can
sense vibrations and displacement in contactless manner in efficient way. Basically the project
consist of a
1. [Laser Diode + Photo Diode] package
2. Collimating Lens-Tube with Key
3. Driver Circuit (Constant Current Source) for LD (Laser Diode)
4. Detector Circuit for PD (Photo Diode)
5. Filter (Analog Low pass filter)

The package contain laser diode is connected with driver circuit which is constant current
source controls current through laser diode to drive LD under safe limits.

The main objective of driver circuit is to drive LD above its specific threshold current level. We
are using HL6750MG and L785P090 laser diodes. HL6750MG is visible high power LD also
contain PD. The lasing wavelength of this LD (HL6750MG) is 685nm. The LD (HL6750MG)
has 30mA threshold current. The maximum optical power of this LD (HL6750MG) is 50mW. The
lasing wavelength of L785P090 LD is 785nm. The LD L785P090 has 35mA threshold current
and having 90mW maximum optical power also contain PD. The drive current through LD will be
constant so it is required in optical feedback interferometer technique. The main purpose of
constant current through LD is constant optical power emitting by LD. So it is also required that
the driver circuit should be a variable constant current source, because when the vibrating target
will near to sensor then less optical power will need to approach the target. When the vibrating
target will far from sensor then there will be need of large amount of optical power to approach
the target. In order to increase the optical power emitting from LD it is required to increase the
drive current through LD according to distance of vibrating target. Another important point is that
laser diode will be in forward bias to work because it is basically a diode having p and n region.
Now when optical power signal emitted by LD interacts with vibrating target, the signal will pick
the vibrations if it is vibrating. If the target is not vibrating then the emitted signal will reflect back
and results will be destructive interference with the incoming LD signal. If the target is vibrating
then LD signal will pick the vibrations (means there will be change in electrical and optical
properties in Laser signal by interfacing of Laser beam and vibrating target) and reflect back
into the laser cavity interfaces with the incoming signal of LD which will result in constructive
interference. So this signal is required SM signal (self-mixed signal).
Now when there will vibrations which will cause SM signal detects by PD. PD is connected in
reverse bias to work in photoconductive region. This configuration is connected with detector
circuit. Detector circuit consist of (TIA) Trans-impedance amplifier. The trans-impedance
amplifier circuit has ability to convert current to voltage signal. The reason why we are using trans-
impedance amplifier circuit is that PD will generate currant signal according to variation of optical
power signal sense by PD. We do not want to deal with current signal because the signal generated
by PD according to variation of optical power sense by PD will be small in magnitude and there
will be great chance of sinking required signal in thermal and shot noise which will affect our
output signal. So this TIA in our circuit will solve our problems in effective way. We will set the
bandwidth and gain by feedback resistor and capacitance to improve its stability and frequency
When we will bias PD, so we will keep in mind that the reverse bias should be at some proper
level to work PD in linear region.

Following parameter affect the sensitivity of the optical detector circuit
1. Linearity
2. Responsivity
3. Dark current
4. Response time

Now there is need of analog filter connects with detector circuit to eliminate unwanted frequencies
from required SM signal. When required signal travels through whole opto-electronic analog
system it interacts with unwanted frequencies in physical environment and in analog electronic
components like amplifiers, bjt’s ,fet’s and resistors. So we apply analog passive low pass filter
to eliminate unwanted frequencies.
The [LD + PD] package will fit in Laser Diode Collimation Tube (LT110P-B) which is adjustable
to set its focus according to requirement.


Figure 1: block diagram of Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration sensor

Figure 2: Real time view of Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration sensor


Figure 3: ALGORITHM of Design of an Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration sensor

Algorithm explained in description.........

Chapter Two


(2.1) Literature Review (SM Interferometry)

Self-mixing interferometry:

Self-mixing (SM) interferometry is advance technique, in which optical power signal emitted by
LD interacts with vibrating target, the signal will pick the vibrations if it is vibrating. If the target
is not vibrating then the emitted signal will reflect back and results will be destructive interference
with the incoming LD signal. If the target is vibrating then LD signal will pick the vibrations
(means there will be change in electrical and optical properties in Laser signal by interfacing
of Laser beam and vibrating target) and reflect back into the laser cavity interfaces with the
incoming signal of LD which will result in constructive interference. So this signal is required SM
signal (self-mixed signal).

Figure 4: SM laser-doppler-vibrometer and Michelson interferometer

The technique SM interferometry is also called optical feedback interferometry.


The technique Laser base interferometry are extensively used in a sensing parameters including

1. Vibration
2. Velocity
3. Displacement

In these techniques reflected back LD signal (optical power) interface (mix) with incoming LD
signal (optical power) to produce SM signal. The LD signal is basically coherent light source signal
having narrow line width or spectrum width.

Usually, the LD signal is divided (splits) into two signals. Each signal (optical power beam) travels
through different route and reflect back then interfere. Then variation are measure in optical power
according to vibrating target. The example of such a classical optical system is Michelson

Figure 5: Typical hardware setup for SM interferometry

Comparing classical interferometers with self-mixing interferometers, Interference occurs in

cavity of LD between reflected back optical power from vibrating target and incoming generated
optical power from LD. The vibrations in target causes variation accordingly in reflect back signal
and varies the signal properties (Amplitude, Frequency, phase). The reflected back signal enters

into the cavity of LD and modulates with incoming signal generated by laser diode form self-
mixed signal.
Now this output signal (optical power signal) have all the properties of vibrating body. So we can
measure the parameter of targeted object including
1. Vibrations
2. Displacement
3. Velocity

Figure 6: Self-Mixed signal and extracted displacement signal

(2.2) Self-Mixing and its Applications

The effectiveness of LD’s (lasers diodes), specifically in Opto-electronics has long been renowned.
Many of Opto-electronic systems are developed and proposed in past years. First time in 1963,
King & Stewart saw variations in self-mixed signal (optical power) output from a gas laser, due to
the reflected back signal inside the laser cavity.

This technique, usually defined as "SM or Self-Mixing" in the Research and literature work, in
past years this technique offered parasitic effects to some application , such as optical fiber
communications and in compact disc players. This effect was reduce by implementation of optical
isolating elements. This technique increased the complexity and cost of the systems.

It was also introduced that sensitivity of the lasers to the reflected back laser beam presented many
benefits in some applications. Certainly, Rudd in 1968, was the first person uses a Helium-Neon
laser by using the effect of "self-mixing" for measuring (Doppler) velocity. Churnside observed
the laser Doppler veloci-metry using CO2 laser in 1984.

Following are some application s of Self-Mixing interferometry

1. Vibrations, displacement and velocity sensors using laser diodes
2. Non-destructive testing of machinery and materials, automotive and aircraft industry, as
well as for biomedical products.
3. Sensing of the net motion of an ensemble of Brownian particles suspended in water
4. Nano-mechanical polymer cantilever sensing
5. Medical applications: To generate blood flow maps
6. Hybrid micromechanical gyroscope with self-mixing interferometry
7. Velocity measurements in fluids, including in vivo blood measurements
8. Recognition and discrimination of rough surfaces
9. The field of metrological sensing

(2.3) Advantages of Self-Mixing

Advantages of the self-mixing sensing arrangement are:

(1)No need of external beam splitters, lenses and mirrors. So compact in size
(2) No need of external LD and PD, Both are contain in compact package
(3) The responsivity and sensitivity of the system is very high, because of coherent detection by
PD that easily attains the quantum detection system
(4) Very successful results achieved while operating on rough (diffusive) surfaces
(5) Information signals are sent by the laser beam signal and it can be captured everywhere
specially at remote targeted areas

Chapter Three


(3.1) LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)

LASER is light emitting device works on the principle of stimulated emission using optical
amplification process. Lasers are the coherent light sources having narrow line/spectral as compare
to other non-coherent light sources.

Typical source Spectral Widths……………………..

Source……….. Line width (nm)………

LED 20-100

Laser Diodes 1-5

Nd:YAG lasers 0.1

HeNe lasers 0.002

Table 1: Typical source Spectral widths

Smaller the line width more coherent will be the light source. As we know real light sources are
non-coherent they emit light with some range of continuous spectrum.

Figure 7: Coherent & Non-Coherent beams

Figure 8: Comparison of spectrum width of Laser’s & LED’s

In above figure we can easily examine that the line width of LED’s are very much wider than
LD’s which is the reason for limited bandwidth in LED.


Following are the laser principles:
1. Pumping threshold: Laser requires some threshold power according to its specification to
emit light.
2. Output Spectrum: The Laser emits a light beam which spreads over some frequency
3. Radiation Pattern: Radiation pattern (range of angles) of laser beam depends upon area
of emitting region and Oscillation modes of LASERs.

As we seen in laser principles that LD’s need some threshold current because of its

Table 2: Specification of LD

Figure 9: curve Optical power vs Forward current

Above are some operating characteristics of LD (HL6750MG). We can clearly observe that this
LD needs at least 30mA threshold current to operate. At threshold level LD basically switches ON
and now to keep LD ON we need to maintain this constant 30mA threshold current.
Now for this minimum level of threshold current LD will emits corresponding optical power. We
can observe this optical power through P-I curve in figure 10.

Figure 10: Minimum Optical power at threshold current =30mA

So observing above curve figure10 at room temperature 25 degrees centigrade, at 30mA optical
power is approximately 0.5 – 1mW. Now after increasing current from minimum threshold level
optical power will also increase and we can observe linear behavior between current and optical

Figure 11: Linear behavior

Observing specification sheet closely, we also observe that threshold current changes with
change in temperature.

Figure 12: Variation of Threshold current by Temperature

Variation in temperature effects threshold current and variation in threshold current also
effects corresponding output optical power.

Figure 13: Variation in Wavelength by Temperature

Observing specification sheet of LD figure13 we find that variation in temperature also affect
lasing wavelength of LD.

Figure 14: Equivalent circuit for Quantum well Laser diode

The parameters in equivalent circuit are defined on next page………………

Table 3: Defined parameters for equivalent ciruit of Laser diode

Chapter Four


Photo diode is basically a sensor which detects optical power and converts it into the current or
voltage according to variations in corresponding optical power.
It has 2 modes of operation
1. Photovoltaic : When PD bias at zero level then flow of current limited to PD as a result
voltage generates when interacts with optical power. This configuration is use in solar cells.
In photovoltaic mode it is required to keep dark current low.
2. Photoconductive : When PD bias at some reverse voltage level then PD undergoes
photoconductive region, there for any optical power PD will generate corresponding
current signal according to variations in optical power. Responsivity of PD increases by
increasing reverse bias voltage across PD which also decreases its junction capacitance. In
photoconductive mode, large amount of dark current produce which can be reduce by PD

(4.2) Dark current

Dark current is basically leakage current through PD that flows under reverse bias voltage. Dark
current increase with increase in reverse bias voltage across PD. For every 10 degree centigrade
dark current doubles.

Table 4: PD materials and their relative dark currents, speeds, sensitivity, and costs.

(4.3) Junction Capacitance

Junction Capacitance is property of PD that effects the

1. Bandwidth 2. Response of PD
While increasing the reverse bias voltage, depletion region of junction increase, this
reduces the junction capacitance which increases the response time of PD.

(4.4) Responsivity
Responsivity is define as ratio generated current across PD to the incident optical power.

Figure 15: Equivalent Circuit for Photo-Diode

In project we are using the package which contain PD and LD in it. The specification sheet also
contain some characteristics of PD as below.

Figure 16: Approximately constant monitoring Current vs corresponding change in temperature

From above characteristics of PD we observe that there no change produce in monitoring current
when temperature changes. We observe approximately constant monitoring current when
corresponding changes occurs in temp.

Figure 17: PD operating modes

Chapter Five

5 Block by Block Explanation

(5.1) Block Diagram of Project

(5.2) Laser Driver Circuit:

The main objective of driver circuit is to drive LD above its specific threshold current level. We
are using HL6750MG and L785P090 laser diodes. HL6750MG is visible high power LD also
contain PD. The lasing wavelength of this LD (HL6750MG) is 685nm. The LD (HL6750MG)
has 30mA threshold current. The maximum optical power of this LD (HL6750MG) is 50mW. The
lasing wavelength of L785P090 LD is 785nm. The LD L785P090 has 35mA threshold current
and having 90mW maximum optical power also contain PD. The drive current through LD will be
constant so it is required in optical feedback interferometer technique. The main purpose of
constant current through LD is constant optical power emitting by LD. So it is also required that
the driver circuit should be a variable constant current source, because when the vibrating target
will near to sensor then less optical power will need to approach the target. When the vibrating
target will far from sensor then there will be need of large amount of optical power to approach

the target. In order to increase the optical power emitting from LD it is required to increase the
drive current through LD according to distance of vibrating target.

Figure 18: Driver circuit for Laser Diode

(5.3) [LD + PD] package

The package we are using in this project contain PD and LD.

Figure 19: Schematic diagram of Package containind PD + LD

Now when optical power signal emitted by LD interacts with vibrating target, the signal will pick
the vibrations if it is vibrating. If the target is not vibrating then the emitted signal will reflect back
and results will be destructive interference with the incoming LD signal. If the target is vibrating
then LD signal will pick the vibrations (means there will be change in electrical and optical
properties in Laser signal by interfacing of Laser beam and vibrating target) and reflect back
into the laser cavity interfaces with the incoming signal of LD which will result in constructive
interference. So this signal is required SM signal (self-mixed signal).

(5.4) Detector Circuit

Now when there will vibrations which will cause SM signal detects by PD. PD is connected in
reverse bias to work in photoconductive region. This configuration is connected with detector
circuit. Detector circuit consist of (TIA) Trans-impedance amplifier. The trans-impedance
amplifier circuit has ability to convert current to voltage signal. The reason why we are using trans-
impedance amplifier circuit is that PD will generate currant signal according to variation of optical
power signal sense by PD. We do not want to deal with current signal because the signal generated
by PD according to variation of optical power sense by PD will be small in magnitude and there
will be great chance of sinking required signal in thermal and shot noise which will affect our
output signal. So this TIA in our circuit will solve our problems in effective way. We will set the
bandwidth and gain by feedback resistor and capacitance to improve its stability and frequency
When we will bias PD, so we will keep in mind that the reverse bias should be at some proper
level to work PD in linear region.
Following parameter affect the sensitivity of the optical detector circuit
1. Linearity
2. Responsivity
3. Dark current
4. Response time

Figure 20: Detector circuit for Photo-Diode

(5.5) Filter
Now there is need of analog filter connects with detector circuit to eliminate unwanted frequencies
from required SM signal. When required signal travels through whole opto-electronic analog
system it interacts with unwanted frequencies in physical environment and in analog electronic
components like amplifiers, bjt’s ,fet’s and resistors. So we apply analog passive low pass filter
to eliminate unwanted frequencies.

Figure 21: Passive low pass Filter

Chapter Six



(6.1) DRIVER Circuit (Results)

Laser Driver circuit is implemented. We bias the laser diode in safe manners with driver circuit.
We design the Driver circuit that is able to provide variable constant current. We can set LD
constant current between threshold and its maximum operating current. We use HL6750MG
package which contain LD and PD in it.

Figure 22: Constant current source for LD design on Multisim

In this circuit we use LM324 quad op-amp cascaded in series to control gate voltage across
MTP3055E/MC logic level MOSFET. When we vary voltage across the first op-amp it effects
drain to source current. Basically there is linear behavior between gate voltage and drain to source
current. So we are precisely controlling current through LD. We limit maximum constant current
of circuit by load resistor R3.

(6.2) DETECTOR Circuit (Results)

Detector circuit is also implemented .We worked on biasing of PD with Detector circuit to get LD

Figure 23: Typical TIA detector circuit for PD

Figure 24: Design of detector circuit on Multisim

Figure 25: Results of detector circuit on Multisim

As we can observe in Multisim simulation that detector circuit gives response to corresponding
variation in optical power. PD is biased properly under reverse bias of 5V.

(6.3) Demanded Results
So these vibrating SM signals were demanded under vibrating target:

(6.4) Practical Results

Chapter Seven



We started the project to achieve the results mention in the project statement and we achieved most
of them. We implement the design of an Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration sensor step by step.
We divided the whole projects in blocks and worked on each block step by step to achieve our
goal which will be prototype of Opto-Electronic Laser base Vibration sensor. So System will be
a PCB model of Laser base Vibration Sensor which will sense accurate vibrations in real


Vibrations measurement through self-mixed methodology is very useful technique. This particular
scheme only senses self-mixed signal and give us lot of information about target including physical
position, displacement, vibrations and velocity. Future prospective of this advance sensing
technique is very bright. In future it will be part of every robust system like
Microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems , Non-destructive testing of machinery , aircrafts
industry, biomedical industry , military defense purposes like detection of buried land mines with
laser vibrometry and in field of Seismology.


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