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www. JEE MAIN (OFFLINE) SOLVED PAPERS by a. IAIEEE - 2003} (2) L272) oor) Pere ‘The: et quantities not having same dimensions AIEEE - 2003) (1) torque and work (2) momentum and planck’s constant (3) stress and Young's modulus, Q> speed and (uoeor™ Which one of the following represents the comect cimensions cf the coefficient of viscosty [AIEEE 2004) (1) (MET) (2) IMLT 7} mm) (@ IML2T-4j If Ax BBA , then the angle between A and Bis: IAIEEE - 2004) ew (1) x (A) 0/4 A force F = (51+3}+2h) N is applied over a particle which displaces it from its origin to the (3) 2/2 point ¥ = (2i-j)m. The work done on the particle in joules is- [alee - 2004) (y-7d (2) +7) (3) +103 (4) +130 (Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimensions ? IAIEEE - 2005) (1) Anguler momentum and Planck's constant (2) Impulse and momentum (3) Moment of inertia and moment of a force + (@) Work and torque Which of the following units denotes the dimensions [ML2/Q2), where Q denotes the electric charge? [AIEEE - 2006) (1) Wo/m? (2) henry (H) @)H/m? (4) weber (Wb) 11. 10. The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, __€ (Colulomt) is given as (MLC (3) MT!C7 “The respective number of significant figures for the ‘numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 x10 are: [AIEEE - 2010) (4, 4,2 (3 5,1,2 3) 5,1,5 45,5, 2 12. Ascrew gauge gives the following reading when used to measure the diameter of a wire ‘Main scale reading : O mm: Circular scale reading : 52 divisions Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to 100 divisions of the circular scale, The diameter of wire from the above date is :- IAIEEE - 2011] (1) 0.026 cm (2) 0.005 cm (3) 0.52 em (4) 0.052 em 13. A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism, Main scale reading : 58.5 degree Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to. 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and match with 29 divisions of the main scale. ‘The angle of the prism from the above data IAIEEE - 2012) (1) 59 degree (2) 58.59 degree (3) 58.77 degree (4) 58.65 degree 14. Resistance of a given wire is cbtained by measuring the current flowing in it and the voltage difference applied across it. If the percentage errors in the measurement of the current and the voltage difference are 3% each, then error in the value of resistance of the wire is - IAIEEE - 2012) (1) 3% 26% ; (8) zero 4) 1% ne 4 r 2 NSION) a From building two balls A and B are thrown such that A is thrown upwards and B downwards (both vertically) with same speed: If va and vg are their respective velocities on reaching the ground, then- Wve > va [AIEEE - 2002] (2)v,-%5 (8)%%>¥5 (4) Thetr velocities depend on their masses, Speeds of tio identical cars are u and 4u at a specificinstant. The ratio of the respective distances, ‘at which the two cars are stopped from that instant is AIEEE - 2002} @i:i 1:4 @1:8 (41:16 A lift is moving downwards with acceleration a. A man in the lift drops a ball inside the lift. The acceleration of the ball as observed by the man in the lift anda ian standing stationary on the ground are respectively- IAIEFE - 2002) (a. (2)g-a, g-a Bs-a9 Wag _ A car moving with a speed of 50 km/h, can be "stopped by brakes after at least 6 m. If the same “caris moving at @ speed of 100 kra/>h, the minimum “stopping distance is- [AIEEE - 2003] gah (2)18m (46m dinates of a moving particle at any time t (x= at$ and y = pt3. The speed of the 5 given by- {A balls released from the top of a tower of height hm. It takes T s to reach the ground. What is the position of the ball in T/3 8” {AIEEE - 2004) (1) h/9 m from the ground (2) 7/9 m from the ground (3) 8h/9 m from the ground (4) 17h/18 m from the ground An automobile travelling with a speed of 60 ‘can brake to stop within a distance of 20m. If the! car is going twice as fast, i.e., 120 km/h, the stopping distance will be- [AIEEE - 2004] (1) 20m (2)40 m (3) 60m, (4)80m ‘The relation between time t and distance x is t= ax” + bx, where a and b are constants, Th acceleration is- (1) = 2aby? (8) - 2av3 (4) 2av? ‘A car, starting from rest, accelerates at the ra through a distance S, then continues at co speed for time t and then decelerates at the ; 4/2 to cometto rest. If thet teen e total distance tra (Smt dingy 50) Gs~ EK (3) zer0 1 (8) Jp me? towards northwest 11. A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at 2 m/s. He reaches the ground with a speed of 3m/s. At what height, did he bail out ? (1)91m (2) 182 m (3)293 m (4)122 in A particle located at x = 0 at time t = 0, starts moving along the positive x-direction with a velocity ‘V that variesas v= a. . the displacement of the [AIEEE - 2006} 12. particle varies with time as ae (it ge (ay 8 The velocity of a particle is v = vg + gt + 2 position is x = 0 at t = 0, then after unit time (t = 1) is- (1) vp + 2g + 3f (2)vy + 9/2 + 1/3 Ifits ts displacement [AIEEE - 2007] 13. GBuyta+t @)vp + 9/2 +8 15. 16. 17. bei) iad ‘A particle has an initial velocity of 3i-+4] and an bya) — mais (4) acceleration of 0.4i + 0.3). Its speed after 10s is AIEEE - 2009 (1) 7 units (2) 8.5 units (3) 10 units 72 units ‘An object, moving with a speed of 6.25 m/s, is decelerated at a rate given by ae where vis the instantaneous speed. The time taken dv by the object, to come to rest, would be IAIEEE - 2011] 4s (28s (a)2s From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown vertically upwards with a speed u, The time taken by the particle, to hit the ground, is nn times that taken by it to reach the highest point of its path The relation between H, u and nis : EE(Main)-2014] (1) 2g H = nun — 2) (2) gH = (n- 2h (3) 2g H = n’u? 2)2u? (4) gH =(n- 10 mhigh building f 10 m/s at an angle of ~ 30° with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be at the height of 10 m from the ground ? IAIEEE - 2003) lg= 10 m/s®, sin30° = 1/2, cos 30° = 3 /2) (1)5.20 m (2) 4.33 m (3) 2.60m (4) 8.66 m A ballis thrown from a point with a speed vg at an angle of projection 9. From the same point and at the same instant, a person starts running with a constant speed

(1) 0.2 Ns (2) 0.4 Ns (4) 1.6 Ns 2 # oe 58 3 G58 Ws A particle of mass m isat rest atthe origin at time 1 = 0. It is subjected to a force Fit) = Fye™ in the xcdirection, Its speed vit} is depicted by which of the AIEEE - 2012 18. following curves ? “ielinC — (3)0.06 (4)0.01 3. A block rests on 2 rough inclined plane making an ‘angle of 30° with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane is 0.8. Ifthe frictional force on the biock is 10 N, the mass of the block (in ka) is : (taken g = 10 m/s?) IAIEEE - 2003] M20 (24.0 4. (31.6 (425 4. smooth block is released at rest on 2 45° incline and then slides a distance d. The time taken to slide is n times as much to slide on rough incline than ona smooth incline. The coefficient of friction is IAIEEE - 2005] 1 frat (ya 1- ug= yt 2 y= 1- (4)y,= y? E then the ratio pis = a4 Qi @2 (@)3 A block of mass m is placed on a surface with = vertical cross section given by y=——-. If the coefficient of friction is 0.5, the maximum height above the ground at which the block can be placed without slipping is [SEE (Main)-2014] a) 2 . x e a 5m @ 5m Bem) gm Given in the figure are two blocks A and B of weight 20 Nand 100 N, respectively. These are being pressed against a well by a force F as shown. Ifthe. coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0.1 andl between block B and the wall is 0.15, the: force applied by the wall on block B is (1) 120 N (2) 15 (3) 100 N oN ee igi DR eonihicens, aes teu aarOrsi SF 82.3 “8. Consider the following two statements -- ‘A: Linear momentum of a system of particles is zero. B : Kinetic energy of a system of particles is zero, Then- AIEEE - 2003) (1) A does not imply B and B does not imply A (2)A implies B but B does net imply A (3) A does not imply B but B implies A (4) A implies B and B impos A A spring of spring constant 5 x108 N/mis stretched Initially by 5 em from the unstretched position. Then the work required fo stretch it further by another 5 cm is- AIEEE - 2003) (1) 12.50 Nem (2)18.75 Nn (3) 25,00 N-m (4) 6.25 Nem ‘A body is moved along a straight line bya ma deliveringa constant power. The distance moved by the body in time t is proportional to- [AIEEE - 2003] a 84 (2) 1872 (31/4 4)? ‘Two spherical bodies of mass M and SM and radi R and 2R respectively are released in free space with initial separation between their centres equal to 12R li they attract each other due to gravitational force only, then the distance covered by the smaller body just before collision is- [AIEEE - 2003] (1) 2.58 (45K @75R ()15R A particle moves in a straight line with retardation Proportional tots displacement Itsloss of kinetic eneray forany displacement x is proportional to- [AIEEE - 2004] (1) x? (2)e* (x (4) log,x ine 10. 11. 12. 13. such that ae ae edge of the table, The total mass ae cra 4 kg. What is the work done in. mane the entire | chain on the table “(AIEEE - 2004) ()7.24 (2)3.64 (3) 120d (4) 1200 J ‘A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3em. How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest, assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion ? [AIEEE - 2005} (2) 3.0 em (2)2.0em @)1.5 om (4)1.0em A body A of mass M while falling vertically downwards under gravity breaks into two parts; a body B of mass 1 2 -g Mand, a body Cof mass 3 M. The centre of mass of bodies B and C taken together shifts compared to. that of body A towards- (AIEEE - 2005 (2) depends on height of breaking (2) does not shift (@) body ¢ (4) body B The block of mass M moving on the frictionless horizontal surface collides with the spring of spring constantkandcompressesit bylength L. The maximum momentum of the block after colision's- {AIEEE - 2005] eS () VM) 5 M (zero) we ‘A mass m moves with a velocity v and collides inelastically with another identical mass, After collision the I" mass moves with velocity Sina. direction perpendicular to the initial direction of, ‘motion. Find the speed of the second mass after collision- IAIEEE-2005) (a) B (ly (2) Bu Ome ae ie 16. A particle of mass 100 g is thrown vertically ‘upwards with a speed of 5 m/s. The workdone by the force of gravity curing the time the particle goes up is- AIEEE - 2006) @-05s (2-125) (9)1.254 (050 17, Abomb of mass 16 kg at rest explodes into two leves of masses 4 kg and 12 kg, The velocity of the 12 kg mass is 4 ms-1. The kinetic energy of the other mass is AIEEE - 2006) (144) (2/2884 (3) 1925 (4) 964 18, Atallof mass 0.2 kgis thrown vertically upwards by applying 2 force by hand. If the hand moves 0.2 m while applying the force and the ball goes ‘upto 2m height further, find the magnitude of the force. Considerg~10m/s?: amcer - 2006) @4N (2)16N (3)20N (a) 22. Consider two particle system vith particles having masses m, and mp, If the first particle is pushed towards the centre of mass through a distance d, by what distance should the second panicle be 19. Moved, s0 a5 10 keep the centre of mass at the same position ? IAIEEE - 2006} my (2) mam d Ad abe 23. 2a, A Bikg block aides or a hovizonlal loorwit aepeed ‘of 4 m/e. It strikes an uncompressed spring, a compresses itil the block is motionless: The kinetic {nletion foree is 15 N and spring constant is 10,000 N/m. The spring compresses by ~ [AIEEE - 2007] (1)5.5 cm (2)2.5 em @ 110m (4)8.5cm A circular disc of radius Ris removed from a bigger cireular disc of radius 2R such that the rcumferences ofthe dises eoinekde. The centreof | ‘mass of the new disc is aR from the centre of the bigger ise. The value of wis:- {AIEEE - 2007] 1 1 Ms > 1 1 Os Ma An athlete in the Olympic games covers distance of 100 m in 10's, His kinetic energy can be estimated to be in the range :- [AMBEE - 2006) (1) 2001-5004 (2)2x10°J-3 x1058g 8)2x10°J-3x19¢5 4)2x10J-5 x107y A block of mass 0.50 kg 2.00 ms on a smooth mass of 1.00 kg and they single body, The ene, Be (0.165 (3) 0.67.4 a n 27. Consider a rubber ball freely falling from a height h = 4.9 m onto a horizontal elastic plate, Assume that the duration of collision is negligible and the teollsion with the plate is totally ela Then the velocity as a function of time and the height 8 a function of time will be - {AIEEE - 2009} given by Ube) = irae constant and x is the distance between the atoms. if the dissociation energy of the molecule is D = [UK = %) = Us: ccuttonumls Dis + ; AIEEE - 2010) ve e be be We Ms Bia Oa 30. At time t = Os particle starts moving along the x-axis, If its kinetic energy increases uniformly with time 't', the net force acting on it must be: proportional to: [AIEEE - 2011) 1 r ve a OF This question has Statement-1 and. Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose the one that best describes the two statements. two springs 5; and S, of force constants ky and ky, respectively, are stretched by the same force, itis found that more work is done on spring S, than ‘on spring S,. : ‘Statement-1: If stretched by the same amount, work done on S,, will be more than that " Statement-2 : ky A charged particle gis shot towards another charged particle Q which is fixed, with a speed v. It approaches Q upto a closest distance r and then retums. If q was given a speed 2v, the closest distance of approach would be- _[AIEEE-2004} Ete) ols se 2 (2 ()r (2) 2r (3) 1/2 (4) 1/4 sheet P, as shown in the figure. The surf density ¢ of the sheet is pe : saree ACG oI (1)e0s8 otal (Q)eot8 +B + (3)sind z (@)tano + “Two point charges + 8q and — 2q are located at x= Oandx = L respectively. The location of a point ‘on the x-axis at which the net electric field due to these two point chargesis zerois- _[AIEEE-2005] L (1) 2L QZ (3) 8. (4) 4. Two thin wire rings each having a radius R are placed at a distance d apart with their axes coinciding. The charges on the two rings are +qand q. The potential difference between the centres of the two rings is {AIEEE-2005] aR © Gre fthe magnitude of the electne of spheres A and B is- IAIEEE - 2006) i) (1:2 2:1 @is4 12. “An electric charge 10-3 :C is placed atthe origin (0,0) of X-¥ coordinate system. Two points A and Bare situated at( 9, /5) and (2, 0) respectively ‘The potential difference between the points A and B will be- [AIEEE - 2007) ()9V (jr (3)2V 4) 4.5 V 13. Charges are placed on the i A" vertices of a square as shown, Let E be the electric field g = and V the potential at the contre. I the charges on A and B are interchanged with those on DandC respectively, then- IAIEFE-2007) (1) E remains unchanged, V changes (2) both E and V change () E and V remain unchanged (4) E changes and V remains unchanged The potential at a point x (measured in ym) due tosome charges situated on the x-axis is given by Vb) = 20/(x? - 4) volt. The electric field E at xX = 4 um is given by IAIEEE-2007) 14, a 3 ‘Véum and in the -ve x direction 5 (2) 3 V/um and in the +ve x direction 10 “ Wfim and in the ~ve x direction 16. IZ A charge Qis placed at each of the opposite ofa square. A charge ais placed at each of the. two comers Ifthe net electrical foree on Qik Q then equals a1 @) 3 (3) -2V2 (4) -1 This question contains Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose the one that best describes the two. statements. ‘Statement-1 : For a charged particle ‘moving from Point P to point Q the net work done by an electrostatic field on the particle is Independent 6 the path connecting point P to point Q. Statement-2 : The net wack dase ay conservative force on an object moving along dos loop is zero, IAIEEE - 20¢ {) Statement-1 is true, Statement is ty Stslement-2 Is not the correct explana of Statemeni-1 (2) Statement-1 's false, Statement-2 is t rs ar * etn the magnitude of electric 21. Peete meacnsaroneteas umccaipeininsnemypconins 22. ata slid sphere of radius R and total charge Q. -@ point 'p'inside the sphere at distance r, from IAIEEE - 2009) G0 A thin semicircular ring of radius r has a positive charge a distributed uniformly over it. The net field E at the centre O is :- IAIEEE - 2010) ase a aj 28 0) a Oa aa = 8) ae 4) Pategr? Let there be a spherically symmetric charge distribution with charge density varying as Scr) pt) = pol2-2) upto r = R, and p(t) = 0 for 1>R, where ris the distance from the origin, The electric field at a distance r (r < R) from the origion is given by: IAIEEE - 2010) Bt (5_1) Sapte 7) a) BG R! (2) “ae, \3 D por (5_ 3) ig, Seat (5 ofG-2) w #8 Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal lengths. The strings make an angle ‘of 30° with each other. When suspended in a liquid of density 0.8.9 cm, the angle remains the same. If density of the material of the sphere is 1.6 g ery, the dielectric constant of the liquids: (AIEEE - 2010} (yi (4 3 (4)2 (1) -24n ae, ie (8) -20r eg: - t “Two postive charges of magnitude are placed. tthe ends of aside (side 1) ofa square of side "2a “Two negative charges of the same magnitude are kept at the other comers. Starting from rest, Ifa charge Q moves from the middle of side 1 to the centre of square, its kinetic eneray at the centre of square 1s AIEEE - 2011] Q 1 1 0) a See Ele 1 29Q(, are, a0 #) This question has Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose the one that best describes the two statements. ‘An insulating solid sphere of radius R has a uniformaly positive charge density p. As a result of this uniform charge distribution there is a finite value electric potential at the centre of the sphere, at surface of the sphre and also at a point out side the sphere. The electric potential at infinity is zero. ‘Statement-1: When a charge ’g' is taken from the centre to the surface of the sphere, its potential energy changes by 22 36 Statement-2 : The electric field at a distance ¥ (¢ 5) aa 5 ivity of vacuum. If M = = Length, es cn tes, (a) Ry # 0nd Rp— Fa) > Ra Rad (fe) = [Me Ls T A) [SEE(Moin)-2013) | 38- A long cylindrical ‘shell carries positive — @ LS THY charge ¢ in the upper half and negative st Mewinay charge —o in the lower half. The electric fil ie fe Soa crud the cde wl look Me Bren ied) = IMO be Ts iqures are schematic and not drawn to sca Two charges, each equal to a, are kept at eee ee = -aand x= a on the x-axis. A particle of mass mand charge 4) =5 is placed at the origin, I * oe charge’, is given a small displacement (y << a) along the y-axis, the net force acting on the particle is proportional to WEE(Main)-2013] 1 l Ce Wy 87 9 wy oe J 30. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over a long rod ‘AB of lenath L as showm in the figure. The electric potential at the point O lying at a distance L. from the end A ts: [BEE (Main}-2013) 8 G6) ° Dect] E O —L L athe SOR: 1) ore) L 8 tre @ Qin o 5 9) are, Lind great a EUS aphid Batata ter aes eae aluminium foil of negligible thickness is __ introduced between the plates of a capacitor. The se of the capacitor {AIEEE - 2003} ° " (1) decreases (2) remains unchanged ie (B)becomesinfinite (4) increases tone a ci 4. Thework done in placinga charge of 8 «10-18C ona, oe process condenser cf capacity 100 micro farads- [AIEEE - 2003) 2 ge aeue VP IK- 1K (116x105 (2) 3.1 «10-84 94 ie 8h) (3) 4 x10-10 J (4) 32 «10-3? 9 (3) K-1)ev? (4) zero 5. A fully charged capacitor has a capacitance C. itis | 10. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the discharged through a small coil of resistance wire phtes has a capactiance of 9 pF. The separation (bedded in a thermally insulated block of specific between its plates isd. The space between the ee plates is now filed with two dielectrics. One of the heat capacity sand mass m. If the temperature of i Rohe ail RY Ce coternal dilerence ielectic has dielectric constant K, = 3 and thickness V across the capacitance is- [AIEEE - 2005) § hile the other one has dieleetic eonstant K, = 6 [2mCAT meat es 24 and thickness “Capacitance of the capacitor is mt @ now [AIEEE 2008) 6. A parallel plate capacitor is made by stacking n ; ee Oe 3 equal) spaced ploes connected atematvely. | yy i neue cancel eee icone the capacitance between any two adjacent plates through a redstor R. Suneelels se eae s _8C, then the resullant capacitance is for the energy stored in the capacitor to reduce to : IAIEEE - 2005] half its initial value and ty is the time taken for the ; (Im-1)C (2)(ns1)C (3)C {4) nc charge to reduce to one-fourth its initial value. Then 47, Twoinsilaing plates are both uniformly charged in the ratio t/t, will be : AIEEE 2010) £ sucha way/that the potential difference between them a2 (1 f —_BVz-V=20V. lic, rlate2isatahighe poten. @172 (1A The plates are separated by d= 0.1m andcanbe | 12, A resistor ‘R’ and 2uF capacitor in serles is PM igloo iintch ince. An ecren seesotfece connected through a switch to 200 V direct ‘ i ‘est on the inner surface of plate 1. What is its speed Across the capacitor is a neon bulb that when it hits plate 2? (e = 16 «10-19 c, at 120 V. Caleulate the value of Rto Mp = 9.11 x 10-3! kg) IAIEEE - 2006] light up 5s after the switch has (1) 2.65 «108 m/s (logyo 2.5 = 0.4) (2) 7.02 x 1012 m/s (1) 2.7 x1060 3 6 (3) 1.3 x108Q- 15. = 950. 100150200 250 S00 ‘Time tin seconds > The figure shows an experimental plot for discharging of 2 capacitor in an R-C circuit. The time constant + of this circuit lies between =~ (1) 100 sec and 150 sec (AIEEE 2012) (2) 150 sec and 200 sec 8) 0 and 50 sec (4) 50 sec and 100 sec ‘Two capacitors C, and C, are charged to 120V and 200V respectively. It is found that by connecting them together the potential on each one can be made zero. Then : (JEE(ain)-2013} (1) 5¢, = 3c, (2) 30, = 5c, (B)3C;+5C,-0 4) 9C, = 4c, (3) St ‘the temperature, the specific }of @ conductor and a semiconductor- {AIEEE - 2002} (2) ee for both (8) increases, decreases respectively (@) decreases, increases respectively ‘The lenath of a wire cf potentiometers 100 cm, ‘and the emf of its stand and cell is E volt. It is ‘employed to measute the emf of a battery whose intemal resistance is 0.5 @ If the balance point is obtained at ¢ = 30 cm from the positive end, the emi of the battery is- [ater - 2003), 30E 30E © jo0s 00-05 (3) SO PO), where | is the current in the potentiometer wire 30E 00 ‘An ammeter reads upto 1 A. Its internal resistance is 0.81 Q. To increase the range to 10, the value ofthe required shunt is- [AIEEE - 2003) (0030 (2032 (3/092 (40.090 ABV battery with negligible internal resistance is connected in a circuit as shown in the figure. The ‘current I, in the circuit will be- [AIEEE - 2003), Q1A LSA (3)2A se 1 (4) 3 A The lenath of a given cylindrical wire is increased by 100%. Duc to the consequent decrease in diameter the change in the resistance of the wire wil be- (AIEEE - 2003) (1)200% (2)100% (350% (4) 300% The (otal current supplied to the circuit by the battery is [AIEEE - 2004) 1A 122A an \oA oo 30 a. 12, 13) Sagninen eae in parallel [tthe lengths and radi oft the ratioof 4/3and 2/3, then the passingthrough thewirewillbe-_{AIBEE: (3 213 38/9 42 Ina metre bridge experiment, null pointis obtained at 20 om from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If X < Y, then where will be the new position of the null point from the same end, if one decides to balance a resistance of 4X against Y ?{AIEEE - 2004] (1) 50cm (2)80cm (3)40cm (4) 70cm ‘The thermistor are usually made of- [AIEEE - 2004] (1) metals with low temperature coefficient of resisthty (2) metals with high temperature coefficient of resistivity (3) metal oxides with high temperature coefficient of resistivity (4) semiconducting materials having low temperature coefficient of resistivity In the circuit, the galvanometer G shows zero deflection. Ifthe batteries A and B have negligible internal resistance, the value ofthe resistor R willbe (AIEEE - 2005) (1) 200 a ae (2) 100 a aM (5002 = 129 (4) 1000 2 Two sources of equal emf are connected to an external resistance R. The internal resistances of the two sources are Ry and Ry (Rp > Ry). If the potential difference across the source having intemal resistance R,, is zero, then- [AIEEE - 2005} Rox(Ry +Ry) yr See k= RyRy r= RiRe _ Bike (+R) alae PS 7) 19 {AIEEE (a) 2 Kirchhoff's first law (21 = 0) and second law _ GIR = BE),Where the symbols have their usual ~ Meanings, are respectively based on (AIEEE -2006] }consenation of charge, conservation of momentum (2) conservation of energy, conservation of charge (3)conservation of momentum, conservation of charge (4) conservation of charge, conservation of energy A material 'B hes twice the specific resistance of ‘A’ A circular wire made of 'B' has twice the diameter of a wire made of A Then for the two Wires to have the same resistance, the ratio Ip /Iy of their respective lenaths must be-1AIEEE:- 2006} Mm OF @2 we 18. The resistance of bulb filament is 100 Data temperature of 100°C. If its temperature coefficient of resistance be 0.005 per °C, its resistance will become 200 Mata temperature of-JAIEEE - 2006) {1} 300°C (2)400°C (3) 500°C (4) 200 °c 19. Ina wheatstone's bridge, three resistances P, Q and R are connected in the three arms and the fourth arm is formed by two resisances S, and $, connected in parallel, The condition for the bridge to be balanced will be- IAIEEE - 2006) P 2R P_ RG +52) ne @) = = BE +82) v Q 1 + Sp @ Q SiS. P _ RS, +S,) P R (3) <= egy PR Bossi qr srs 20. The current I drawn from the 5 volt source will be- (AIEEE - 2006) resistor Ris (1) 13.752 (2)2200 (3)110a (4) 550 ‘A 5V battery with internal reistance 26 anda 2V battery with internal resistance 1 are connecte toa 10 q resistor as shown in the figure. current in the 100 resistor is fs ()0.27AP, toP, (2) 0.03 AP, 10 P, (3) 0.03 AP, toP, (4)0.27A P, toP, Directions : Question No. 24 and 25’are ba on the following paragraph. Consider a block of conducting material of ress p’ shown in the figure. Current ‘T enters at ‘A’ leaves from 'D’. We apply superposition prinieple find vokage "a\V' developed between ‘B and'C’, ‘alauation is done inthe following steps : AIEEE: AV 1 — 1 () Take current entering from ‘A’ andassun 28. "Yesistance of a wire changes a 100110 1500 |. | when its temperature is increased from 27°C to 227°C. This implies that o, = 2.5 x10°3/°C. Statement-2 : R= Ro(1 + At) is valid only when the change in the temperature AT is small and AR = (R - Ry) << Ry. AIEEE - 2009) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statemeni-2 is true; Slatement-2 is not the correct explanation f Statement-1 (2) Stetement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (@ Statement-l is tue, Slaicment 2 fake Statement-I is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 js the Correct explanation of Statement—1 ‘Two conductors have the same resistance at 0°C but their temperature coefficients of resistance are a ‘and G,. The respective temperature coefficients of theit series and parallel combinations are nearly [AIEEE - 2010} eee +a, (1) 5 (2) ty +g ay 0 + ty + 0, @) a 0,95 Bliss as Ifa wire is stretched to make it 0.1% longer its resistance will :- IAIEEE - 2011) (1) decrease by 0.2% (2) decrease by 0.05% (3) increase by 0.05% (4) increase by 0.2% 1f 400 @ of resistance is made by adding four 100 @ resistance of tolerance 5%, then the tolerance of the combination is : [AIEEE - 2011) (1) 20% — (2)5% (3) 10% (4) 15% ‘The currentin the primary circuit of a potentiometer is 0.2 A. The specific resistance and cross-section Of the potentiometer wire are 410-7 ohm metre and 8 x10~7 m? respectively. The potential gradient willbe equal to :- (1) 0.2. V/mn IAIEEE - 2011) (2)1 V/m (3) 0.5 V/m 35, 36. (9) 0.1 V/m| basal + Higher the range, greater resistance of ammeter, tk ‘Statement-II : To increase the range of additional shunt needs to be used across it, (1) Statement is true, Statement is true, Statement Il is the correct explanation of Statement! (2) Statement- is true, Statementll is true, StatementlI is not the correct explanation of Statement. (3) Statement is true, Statement-ll is false. (@) Statement is false, Statement is true. Ina large building, there are 15 bulbs of 40 W, 5 ulbs of 100 W, 5 fans of 80 W and 1 heater of 1 kW. The voltage of the electric mains is 220 V. ‘The minimum capacity of the main fuse of the building will be [JEE(Main)-2014) (1) 12a 14a (3) 8A (4) 10A When 5V potential difference is applied across a uwite of length 0.1 m, the drift speed of electrons is2.5 10-4 ms~, If the electron density in the wire is B x1028 m3, the resistivity of the materials close [JEE(Main)-2015] (2)1.6 x105.9m (4) 1.6 x10-7 0m p22 19 a 3a Q 3a In the circuit shown, the current in the 10 resistor is = [JEE(Main)-2015) (1) 0.13 A, from Q to P (2)0.13.A, from P to Q (3) 1.3, from PtoQ (4) 0A (1) 1.6 x10-6 Om a 1 ee 22 aes Role aval : ) expand (2) compress 4 @)iemain same (4) none of these 4. The time period of a charged particle undergoing 2 Greular motion in a uniform magnet field is independent of its- IAIEFE - 2002) pees (2) mass charge {4) magnetic induction $. Wires tarad 2 carrying curents |; andi, respectively are Inclined at an angle 0) to each other, What the force on a sinall element dé of wire 2 at a distance r from wire Tas shoum in figure) due to the magnetic field of wire 1? eed os 6. Avparicle of mass M and velocity V describes a cir when subjected to a ur se magnetic field of induction B, The work done by the field AIEEE - 2002) #0, 0) FE hip driano (2) FPiindesino seer (8) FP ip dtcoso 8) Fo ite atsine arge Q moving with Jar path of radius R when the particl tes one full circle is- (mv?) M) (Ro) 2k (2) zero [AIEEE - 2003] (3) BQ (4) BQv 2xR A particle of charge -16 x 10728 C moving with velocity 10 ms~ along the x-axis enters a region where a magnetic field of induction B is along the yeaxis and an electric field of magnitude 10* V/m is along the negative z-axis If the charged particle continues moving along the x-axis, the magnitude of Bis- [AIEEE - 2003} (1) 103 Wb/m? (2) 10° Wo/m2 (3) 1026 Wb/m? (4) 10-3 Wb/m? Ee ved through a spring then the’ 15. 12. 13. ‘position will be- yo a Bw Bw Bia /2w | ‘The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet, AIEEE - 2003) (are from north-pole to south-pole of the magnet {2) do not exist (3) depend upon the area of cross-section of the ‘bar magnet (4) are from south-pole to north-pole of the magnet Acurrent iA flows along an infinitely long straight thin walled tube, then the magnetic induction at ‘any point inside the tube is- (AIEEE - 2004) Yo Bin yy 2 @ 2. Sr@ Sr ‘Along wite carries a steady current. itis bent into a cirde of one turn and the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is B. It is then bent into a circular loop of n turns. The magnetic field at the centre of the coll ull be {AIEEE - 2009) (1) nB (2) 2B (3) 2nB (4) 2n2B, ‘The magnetic field due toa current carrying circular loop of radius at a point on the axis ata distance of 4 cm from the centre is 54 'T. What will be its value at the centre of the loop ?\AIETE - 2004) (1) 250 pT(2) 150 wT (8) 125 pT (4) 75 oT Twolong conductors, separated by a distance d cany ‘currents I and lyin the same direction. They exerta force F on each other. Now the currentin one of them is increased to two times and its direction is reversed, also increased to Sd, The new value of the force between them is IAIEEE - 2004), ()-2F (E73 (3) 2E/3 (4) -F73 The length of a magnet is large compared to its \width and breadth, The time period of its oscilaion in a Vibration magnetometer is 2s. The magnet is cut along its length into three equal parts and three parts are then placed on each other with their like poles together. The time period of this combination will be- AIEEE - 2004] (1) 2s (2) 2/3 s (a) 2/85 (@) infinite (2) zero The distane (3) 23s fog isto be conus nevis uh a Rca be IAIEEE - 2005) “(103 (2) 105 =). 99995 (4) 9995, 418, Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance d carry a current of ( A in the same direction, They vil- IAIEEE - 2005) (1) attract each other with a force of ey 2 (2) repel cach other with a force of - } (3) attract each other with a force of HO we ) (4) tepel each other with a force of @ z 19. Two conceniric colls each of radius equal to 2x cm placed at right angles to each cther 3A and 4A. are the currents flowing in cach coil respectively. ‘The magnetic induction in Wis/m2at the centre of the coils will be- (i = 4x x 10-7 Wo/Am) [AIEEE - 2005] () 12 x 10-5 ie (8) 5x10 x 10° 20. A charged partic and charge q travels ona eiveular path of radius r that is perpendicular foamagneticfieki B. The time taken by the particle to complete one revolution is- {AIEEE - 2005), 2am Os is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences- [AIEEE - 200: i (1) a torque but not a force (2) neither a force nor a torque i (8) a force and a torque i 22. (4) a force but not a torque In a region, steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields are present. These two fields are parallel o each other. A charged particle is released from rest in this region. The path of the particle will be a~ IAIEEE - 2006} (1) helix (2) stra: (3) ellipse (4) circle 25. 26. 27 (3) 1.05 « 102 weber/m™ -(@) 1.05 x 104 weber/m? ‘A long straight wire of radius'a carries 2 steady. ‘current The current is uniformly distributed across its cross-section. The ratio of the magnetic field at Gand 2 is- IAIEEE - 2007] ete . 1 My @4 (31 @>5 {A current | flows along the length of an infinitely Jong, straight, thin walled pipe. ‘Then {AIEEE 2007] (1) the magnetic field {s zero only on the axis of the pipe (2) the magnetic field is cifferent at diferent points inside the pipe (8) the magnetic fi is zero @) the magnetic fied at all points inside the pipe Id at any point inside the pipe is the same, but not zero A charg enters a reaion niform and mutually orthogonal fields E and B witha velocity V perpendicular to both: E and B , and comes out without any change in’ magnitude or direction of V . Then-{AIEEE - 2007) aU - ExBm 2 Y= Bx Em @) V-~ExBA? @ Y= Two identical conducth B x Eve? wires AOB and COD are ch other. The wire AOB * carries an electric current I, and COD carries a current Ip. The magnetic field on a point ying at a distance d from ©, in a direction perpendicular ig the plane of the wires AOB and COD, will be given by. [AIEEE - 2007) placed at right angles i Wo (litle 7? cee) 2a (Bag (3) aa +i) rae) =e Needles Ny Nz and Ny are made of @ ferromagnetic, a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance respectively. A magnet when brought dose to them will- IAIEEE - 2006] (1) attract Ny and Ny strongly but repel Na (2) attract N, strongly, Np weakly and repel Ng weakly (Bjattract Ny strongly, but repel Np and Na weakly (4) attract all three of them 31. A horizontal overhead powerline is at a helght of 4m from the ground and carries.a current of 100 A from east to west. The magnetic field directly below it one the ground isu, = 4a x 107TmA2) (1)2.5%107 T southward [AIEEE - 2008) (2)5 «10% T northward (3) 5 x10* T southward (4) 2.5 107 T northward 5 32. Relative perimitivity and permeability of a material are ¢, and i, respectively, Which of the following values of these quantities are allowed for a diamagnetic material? IAIEEE - 2008} (1) ¢=05, p,=15 @) 6 =15, 4,-0.5 (3) 6, =05, n,=0.5 (4) ¢=15, y,=15 33. loop ABCD at the origin (O) is = TAIEEE- 2999) 34, “The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due ta = a) Sl H afo-2) +E ta +] an @ oe (3) Zero el(d—a) (0 2aab Due to the presence of the current, attheo {AIEEE - 2008 (1) ‘The magnitude of the net force on the given by Hl 2-21-5048) (2) The magnitude of the net force on theb0?i Hol | given by Bap) (3) The forces on AB and DC are zero (4) The forces on AD and BC are 2er0 i i TID exsesenzseccasanaoynerosrascuronnssiunnessecy Mths | 36. 37. we iJ wo © 36. 37. 38. Accurrent I flows in an infinity long wire with cross section in the from of a semicircular ring of radius R. the magnitude of the magnetic induction along its axis is ~ {AIEEE - 2011) ee oe OT, = & 4 ie oR én electric cites +q ies with velocity i +4)+k, in an electromagnetic field given i+ ]j+2k B=i+)-3k. The y-component of the force experienced by + q is »- AIEEE - 2011) @2q @ilq (5a = (4)3q A thin circular disk of radius R is uniformly charged with density o> O per unit area, The disk rotates about its axis with a uniform angular speed «. The magnetic moment of the disk is - [AIEEE - 2011} (1) 2aR4oo (2) moo (3) oo @ aR ow ee Deuteron and alpha patie of the same kinetic energy are moving in circular trajectories in a constant magnetic field. The radii of proton, deuteron and alpha particle are respectively r,t and 1,. Which one of the following relations is correct ? [AIEEE - 2012] (I), => % Q) r= 13 = % Bm =< (4) ty > 14> Tp 41. ‘Two short bar magnets of length 1 em each have magnetic moments 1.20 Am? and 1.00 Am# respectively. They are placed on a horizontal table parallel to each other with their N poles pointing towards the South. They have a common magnetic equator and are separated by a distance of 20.0 cm, The value of the resultant horizontal magnetic induction at the mid-point © of the line joining their centres is close to = [JEE(Matn)-2013] (Horizontal component of earth's magnetic induction is 3.6 x 10% Wb/m4) (1) 3.6 x 10 Wb/m? (2) 2.56 x 104 W/m? (3) 3.50 x 104 Wb/m? (4) 5.80 x 10+ Wb/m? ———<\_ —_——_* (2)29.7W (42.97 W mnaynet where the ferromagnet gels. demagnetized is. 3 x108 A m1, The current required to be passed ma solenoid of length 10 cm and number of tums 100, so that the magnet gets demagnetized when inside the solenoid, is : [JEE(Main)-20341 (Q) 34 (2)64 (8) 30. mA, (4) 60 mA ‘Two long current carrying thin wires, beth with current, are held by the insulating threads of lng) Landare in equilibrium as shown in the figure, with threads making anangle’@ with the vertical. wires have mass ® perunt length then the value of st {@ = gravitational acceleration) JEE(Main)-2015] 46. If there is 2 uniform magnetic field of 0.3 Tin the positive z direction, in which orientations the loo. would be in (i stable equilibrium and (i) unstable equilibria ? WEE(Malo} 2015) (1) (b) and (), respectively (2) (6 and (@), respectively (3) (a) and ©), respectively 1 (4) () and fe), respectively “Two coaxial solenoids of different rad cany curent tin the same direction. Let Fy ‘be the magnetic force on the inner solencid due to the outerone and F; ‘be the magnetic force on the outer solenoid dbeto (WEE Mai) 20151 (1) F is radially inwards and F-0 (2) F; is radially outwards and F-0 @) R=—-0 (4) F; isradially inwards and F is realy twas the inner one. Then 15) ce earl = " Taduction Brconstant in time and space. pointing perpendicular and into the plane at the loop exists ‘everywhere wath half the loop outside the field, as showin in figure. The induced em is- JIEEE-2002} (1) zero (2) RB Rye ee ees BR [x] x xe x (4) vBL. Ina transformer, number of turns in the primary are 140 and thatiin the secondary are 280. Ifcurrentin primty is 4A, then that in the secondary is [atEeE- 2002), (yaa (224 @)6A (4)10 The core of any transformer is laminated so as to- IAIEEE - 2003) (1) reduce the energy loss due to eddy currents (2) make it light weight (8) make it robust and strong (4) increase the secondary voltage Two colls are placed dose to each other. The mutual inductance of the pair of coils depends upon: [AIEEE - 2003) (1) the rates at which currents are changing in the two coils (2) relative position and orientation of the two coils: (3) the materials of the wires of the coils (4) the currents in the two coils When the current changes from +2A to ~ 2A in 0.05 s, an emf of 8V is induced in a coil. The coefficient of selfinduction of the collis- (AIEEE -2003} ()0.2H (04H B)08H (4)0.1H 10. 11. 12. Ina uniform magnetic field of induction B, a wire in the form of semicircle of radius r rotates about the diameter ofthe circle with angular frequency a. I the total resistance of the circuit is R, the mean power generated per period of rotation is- [AIEEE - 2004 Brew Bn7oF a 2k @ BR (Brea)? (Brra??? os @ oe ‘A metal conductor of length 1m rotates vertically about one of its ends at angular velocity 5 radians pper second. I the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is 0.2 x 10, then the emf developed between the two ends of the conductor & AIGEE - 2003] (spy (2) 50 pV 3)5 mv (4) 50 mv A coll of inductance 300 mH and resistance 20 is connected to a source of voltage 2V. The current reaches half ofits steady state value in- IAIEEE - 2005} (1) 0.05 (201s 3)0.15s (40.35 ‘The flux linked with a coil at any instant’ is given by d= 10: - 50t + 250 The induced emf at t = 3s is- [AIEEE - 2006] ()-190V (2)-10V (3)10V (4) 190 ‘An inductor (L = 100 mH), a resistor (R = 1009) anda battery (E = 100 V) are initially connected in series as shown in the figure. After ® a long time the battery is disconnected after short circuiting the points A and B, The current in the circuit 1 ms after the short circuit is- [AIEEE - 2006} ()1/eA (ea (3)0.1A @IA value of the electric field of the light coming ; "from the sun is 720 N/C. The average total eneray - density of the electromagnetic wave is[AIEEE-2006) 4.58 x 10° d/m? (2) 6.37 x 10° d/m3 (3) 81.35 x 1071? J/m? (4) 3.3 x 103 J/m3 16. An ideal coil of 10 H is connected in series with © a resistance of 50 and a battery of 5 V.2s after ( 4g made, the current flowing {in ampere) in the circuit is- {AIEEE - 2007] wa-e @e Bet (4) (1 —e) 17. Two coaxial solenoids are made by winding thin insulated wire over a pipe of cross-sectional area A = 10 cm*and length = 20 cm. If one of the solenoids has 300 turns and the other 400 turns, their mutual inductances (ip = 47x 107 TmA *) [AIEEE-- 2008} (2.4 nx 105H = (24.8 2x 10H ()4.82x10°H (4) 24 xx 10H 18. An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors of resistances R; = 2 and Ry = 20 are connected to a battery of emf 12V as shown in the figure. The internal resistance of the battery is negligible. The switch S is closed at t = 0. The potential drop across Las a fmction of time is a = 2009} ) 61 = 1/92) [AIEEE (2) 12e5'V (4) Bev v ; 4) Fees ee 20. A rectangular loop has @ sliding connector PQ of lenath ¢ and resistance RO and it is moving with a speed vas shown. The set~ up is placed in 2 uniform ‘magnetic field going into the plane “The three currents I, lp and Lare ah 2Biy BR Bu @h-hk- 3R° Biv (4) 1, <1, =] = —— (ly <1, =1 R 21, A boat is moving due east in a region: earth's magnetic field is 5.034,0-SNA tm north and horizontal. The boat carries: aerial 2m long. If the speed of 1.50 ms, the magnitude of the indt the wire of aerial is == (1) 0.50 mv (2)0.15 mV (31 mV (4) 0.75 m 22. Aborizontal straight wire 20 mong: east to west is falling with a speed tight angles to the horizontal earth's magnetic field 0.30 x 1 instantaneous value of the e. will be i= (1) 6.0 mV (3)4.5 mV {5 8 paramagnetic material rs ics and magnetic fields E and J, which are aluays ‘perpendicular to each other. The direction of polatizaiton is given by X and that of wave Propagation by K. Then = (AIEEE - 2012) () RIE and kyBxE (2) X||B and kI|BxE (3) XB and k/ExB 4) RIB and Ri|ExB ‘A metalic rod of length Tis tied to a string of length 21 ard made to rotate with angular speed o ona horizontal table with one end ofthe siring fixed. f theres a vertical magnetic fie! in the region, the e.m/. induced across the ends of the rod is : [SEE(Main)-2013] 2Bol” 3Bol” 4Bol _, SBol @ a BI 2 Birss 8 A circular loop of radius 0.3 em lies parallel to a much bigger circular loop of radius 20 cm. The centre of the small loop is on the axis of the bigger Joop. The distance between their centresis 15 cm Ifa current of 2.0 A flows through the smaller loop, then the flux linked with bigger loop (1) 9.1 x10" weber [JEE(Moin}-2013) (2) 6 x10 weber (3) 3.3 x 10 weber (4) 6.6 x10? weber ‘To detect fracture of bones Ultraviolet rays ‘Absorbed by the ‘ozone layer of the atmosphere @ © @ @ wy ma) o Co) (D0) i) w) ) 8 je ip i) ) oo @ ) ) 28. During the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a medium = [JEE(Masn)-2013) (1) Electric energy density is equal to the magnetic. energy density (2) Both electric magnetic energy densities are zero, (3) Flectric energy density's double of the magnetic energy density (4) Electric energy density is half of the magnetic energy density 29. In the circult shown here, the point ‘C’ is kept connected te through point ‘A’ til the current flowing ne circuit becomes constant, Afterward, suddenly, point ‘C’ is disconnected from point ‘A’ and connected to point ‘B’ at time t = 0. Ratio of the voltage across resistance and the inductor at t=L/R will be equal to JEE(Main)-2014), lo) 7 B A qa qt (41 Lg (1) 6.7ma (2) 0.67 ma (3) 100 ma, @ 67 mA $1. Ared LED emits light at 0.1 watt uniformly around it. The amplitude of the electric field of the light at @ distance of 1 m from the diode is ; WJEE(Main)-2015} (1) 5.48 V/m (2) 7.75 V/A (3) 1.73 V/m (4) 2.45 Vm 2 5 * e Aerentveles Lane > of the following represents this gr (plots are schematic and not Faun \ Ol ForbomT,aeLT (a, (2) Gal we a ee eee ae “ 7 aie 6728/9 Ans.| 4 | 4 2 a eee 2 12] 19 | 1448 pt 3 a Que] 21 | 22 | 231] 24 | 26 | 26 | 27) 2a] 29 1 lans| 2] 2/1[3]4]1]2 1 2 3 __n of the alternating source is- ALTERNATING CURRENT ‘The power factor of an AC circuit having resistance R and inductance L (connected in series) and an angular velocity w is- IAIEEE - 2002) ae Q) ol Oe (4) A metal wire of linear mass density of 9.8 g/m is stretched with a tension of 10 kg-wt between two rigid supports 1 m apart, The wire passes at its middle point between the poles of a permanent magnet and it vibrates in resonance when carrying analtemating current of frequency n. The frequency f [AIEEE - 2003] L) 50 Hz (2) 100 He 200 Hz (4) 25 He Jnan oscillating LC clreult the maximum charge on. 2 the capacitor is Q. The charge on the capacitor § when the energy is stored equally between the | electric and magnetic fields is- IAIEEE - 2003) i MQ2 (2)Q/ V3 B)Q/ V2 4Q Altemating current can not be measured by DC 3 ammeter because- TAIEEE - 2008] § () AC cannot pass through DC ammeter (2) AC changes direction (3) average value of current for complete zero. hn? eee (4) DC ammeter will get damaged @B)L72 (4) La @ of the motor of an electric fan rrto impart maximum power at 50 He, it should be connected to a capacitance of- id IAIEEE - 2005) ()4pF 2) 8uF 1) uF |. Acircuit has a resistance of 12. © and an impedance ‘of 15 Q. The power factor of circuit will be- AIEEE - 2005) (10.8 (2) 0.4 (3) 1.25 (4) 0.125 . The phase difference between the alternating cument and emt is 7/2. which of the following cannot be the constituent of the circuit ? {AIEEE - 2005) ()Calone 2)R,L (3)L,C (A) Lalone D. Ina series resonant LCR circuit, the voltage across Ris 100 volts and R = 1 k@ with C = 2uF. The resonant frequency « is 200 rad/s, At resonance the voltage across L is- [AIEEE - 2006) (1) 25 x10? V (2)40V (3) 250 V ()4x103V Inan AC generator, a coil with N turns, all of the same area A and total resistance R, rotates with frequency in a magnetic field B. The maximum value of emf generated in the coil is- AIEEE -2006] (1) NABRo (2) NAB (3) NABR (4) NABo In an AC circuit the voltage applied is E =Egsinot, The resulting current in the circuit is T= Iysin (o- 5) . The power consumption in the circuit is given by- [AIEEE - 2007} qyp - Fol (2)P = zer0 I ‘ (P= Fala (4) P= V2E iy nical connected to a coll of self inductance L att = 0. The time at which the energy is stored equally ‘between the electric and the magnetic fields is + AIEEE - 20111 (2) Jue @) xvic (a) Gate 15. Inan LCR circuit as shown below both switches are ‘open initially. Now switch S, is closed, S, kept open, (qis charge on the capacitor and t=RC is Capacitive time constant). Which of the following statement is [JEE(Main)-2013} (1) 2nvLe correct? (1) Work done by the battery is half of the energy dissipated in the resistor (2) Att=1,q=CV/2 (3) Att = 21, q = CV(1-e2) (4) At '=5, = Cv{l-ey) EO Pfie fis | Ao Sa eta|wedla eee Stays ia: Following i used in optical bres? [AIEEE - 2002] An astronomical telescope has a large aperture to- (1) reduced spherical aberration [AIERE - 2002) (2) have high résolution (8) increase span of observation (@) have low dispersion ‘The image formed by an objective of a compound microscope is- [AIEEE - 2003} (2) virtual and dis (2) real and ai (3) real and enlarged (@) virtual and enlarged To get three images of a single object, one should have two plane mirrors at an angle of- (AIEEE 2003) (a)60° (2)90° (3) 120° (4) 30° Alightrayis incicent perpendicular to one face of a 90° prism and is totally internally reflected at the dless-irinterlece.IFthe angle of reflection is 45%, we conclude that the refractive index n : {AIFFE-2004) G)n< % @n> ve a— @n> 4 @n<@ as A plano-convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radius of curvature 30 cm is silvered at the curved surface, Now this lens has been used to form the image of an object. At what distance from this lens, an object be placed in order to have a real image of the size of the object? IAIEEE-2004) (1) 20 cm (2) 30 cm (3) 60 cm (4) 80 cm 13. a. a ae ‘Two point white dots are 1 mm They are viewed by eye of pupil ‘Approximately, what s the maximum distar these dots can be resolved by the eve ? [Take wavelength of light = 500 nm (5m (21m (3)6m (4) 3m Athin glass (refractive index 1.5) lens has: power of - SD in air, Its optical power in a medium with refractive index 1.6 will be- (1D ()-1D (3)25D D A The refractive index of glass is 1.520 for red lk and 1.525 for blue light, Let Dy and Dp be angle : of minimum deviation for red and blue ligh : respectively in a prism of this glass. Then 4 t : d (1) Dy < Dy IAIEEE-2006) (2D, =D, (3) D, can be less than or greater than D depending upon the angle of prism Dd, > Dy Two lenses of power ~ 15D and +5Dare in cont vith each other. The focellenath of the combina & |AIEEE. (1) - 20 cm (2)- 10 om (3) + 20m (4) +10 em A stuydent measures the focal length of a €o lens by putting an object pin at a distance ‘w’ fra the lens and measuring the distance ‘v’ of the pin. The graph between ‘u’ and ‘v’ plotted by| student should look like- IAIEEE - 2008) ern) lem (), Q ‘OF aem) Tier) lem) em) “4. al Tim) a a ams) (4) sine (¥) Direction ; The question has a paragraph followed by two statement, Statement-1 and statement-2. OF the given four alternatives after the statements, choose the one that describes the statements. A thin air film ts formed by putting the convex ‘surface of a plane-convex lens over a plane glass plate, With monochromatic light, this film gives an interference pattern due to light reflected from the top (convex) surface and the bottom (glass plate) surface of the film IAIEEE - 2011) Statement-1: When light reflects from the ai-dass plate interface, the reflected wave suffers a phase change of 7. Statement-2: The centre of the interference pattern is dark. (2) Stetement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2 is not the correct explanation of Siatement-1 (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (3) Statoment-1 is true, Statement-2 is false () Stotement-1 is true, Stalement-2 is true and Statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement-1. Let the x-z plane be the boundary between two “transparent media. Medium 1 inz 2 0 has a refractive index of V2 and medium 2 with 2 cos") isin| A + sin a 4 Intivocfferent igus hang refractive indicos ; 5 and thas the focal length f, and jg respectively w/t ; 1 The correct relation between the focal lengihs is 9) 9> sin psin| A-sin-*(2 [UEE(Main)-2019) : (1) fe > f and f, becomes negative ny (2) f, and fz both become negative (4) 0 fand fy become negative Vfa ys [4s [eT re lie | sofas (2 sas ae ase (i 4 [Bows] 4] 213 Direc [ow 2H [22] as | 28 | 2s fae i the fo | i WAVE OPTICS : 1. Blectromagnetic waves are transverse in natireis | 3. The maximum number of possible interference. # : evident by IAIEEE - 2002) maxima for slitseparation equal to tik —" (2) polarization (2) interference Wavelength in Young's double-sit experiment (8) reflection 4) difraction a 2, To demonstrate the phenomenon of interference (2) infinite (2) five We Tequire two sources which emit radiations of: (3) three (pa ; (1) nearly the some frequency AlEEE - 2003) | 4. (2) the same frequency (3) different wavelength (@)the same frequency and having adefinite phase Felationship A Young's double slit experiment ust ‘monochromatic source. The shape ofthe intro fringesformed ona screens: ales - 208 (1) hyperbola (3) straight tine (2) circle (4) parabola sm of Fal of On the ceAC 2015, Whenan unpolarized light of intensity Ips incident ‘on. polarizing sheet, the intensity ofthe ight which ‘does not get transmitted is IAIEEE - 2005) a; 1 Web Ago Br My 6. pis the intensity of the principle maximum in the single it diffraction patter, then what vil be its intensity when the slit width is doubled- |AIEEE - 2005} (2% 4p Dy a » 4. na Young's double sit experiment the intensty at ‘point where the path differences 5 (being the ‘wavelength ofthe light used) is |. If Ip denotes the ‘maxianim intensity, 1/ is equal to- [AIEEE - 2007) 3 le 3 OR ey 1 @5 5 8 A mixture of light, consisting of wavelonath IM eececcncvocsnermaennctooiumse tsuneo 590) rm ard an unknown wavelenath, ilurinates ‘Young's double sit and gives rise to two overlapping interference patterns on the screen. The eentral faximum of both lights coincide. Further, it is observed that the third bright fringe of known light oles with the 4th bright fringe ofthe unknown light Fromthis data, the vavelength of the unknown light is = IAIEEE - 2009] (1) 442.5 nm (9776.8 nm (3)393.4.nm (4) 885.0 nm Direction : Questions number 9 ~ 11 are based on the following paragraph. ‘An initially parallel cylindrical beam travels in medium of refractive index pl) = we + Bal, where igand pz are positive constants and lis the intensity ‘of the light beam, The intensity of the beam Is decreasing with increasing radius. ‘The initial shape of the wavefront of the beam i [AEE - 2010] (1) planar (2) convex. (3) concave (4) convex near the axis and concave near the periphery 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, 15. "The speed of the light in the median 18 = [AIEEE - 20101 (1) maximum on the axis of the bear (2) minimum on the axis of the beam (3) the same everywhere in the beam (@) directly proportional to the intensity I ‘Asthe beam enters the medium, itil: AIEEE ~20101 (1) travel as oylindrical beam (2) diverge (8) converge (4) diverge near the axis and converge near the periphery ‘Attwo points P and Q on seteen in Young's double slit experiment, waves from sits S, and S, have 8 of intensities at P and Q willbe; AIEEE - 2041] (3:2 (22:1 3) 2:1 Wet ‘Statement-1: On viewing the clear blus portion of the sky through a Caleite Crystal, the intensity of transmitted light varies as the crystal 15 rotated. Statement-1: The light coming from the shy Is polarized due to scattering of sun light by particles inthe atmosphere. The scattering largest for blue light. AIEEE - 2001] (D Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is rue (2) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false {@) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 true Ssiatement-2 is the correct explanation of statement-1 (@ Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true; statement -2 1s not correct explanation of stotement-1 Ina Young's double sit experiment, the two sits act as coherent sources of waves of equal ampliturle A ‘and wavelength 2. In another experiment with the seme arrangement the two sits are made to act as incoherent sources of waves of samme amplitude and. ‘wavelength. ifthe intensity at the middle point of the screen in the frst cave is I, and in the second case ly, thon the ratio is = (AIEEE. 2011 a4 @2 “@1 @05 In Young's double slit experiment, one of the slit is wider than other, so that the amplitude of the light, from one slit is double of that from other slit. If 1, be the maximum intensity, the resultant intensity | when they interfere at phase difference } is given wy AIEEE - 20121 Ta o P21 + Boor 2 () PUL + Boos") 1 pated 2eoat hy (2) GG + Scost) 1 6) BQ + deo: @ Bas 16. ‘A beam of unpolarised light of intensity, is passed shrough a polaroid A and then through another ‘Polaroid B which is oriented so thatits principal plane mikes an angle of 45° relative to that of A. The intensity of the emergent light is -{JEE(Main)-2013}, (21,72. ALS (1, (3) 1,4 pee ect ble light wall come The entire spectrum of sible i z of the water at an angle of 90° to the norma (4) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency, Jess thantthat of green light will come out to the air medium. 20. Two beams, A and B, of plane polarized light with ‘mutually perpendicular planes of polarization are seen through a polaroid. From the position when 17. Twocoherent point sources S, and S, are separated i tensity (and beam 8 4 es the beam A has maximum intensity 8 es oe as shown, The fringes chained tae ero intensity), a rotation of polaroid through : ie screen will be ; [JEE(Mainy-2013) 20° edie hearse oppeaeniely bright (Q) points If the initial intensitites of the two beams are I, and (2) straight tines E : Ig respectively, then 1A equals: JEE(Main)-2013) (3) semi-circles = Te ‘ (4) concentric eircles sb 2 es 3) 3 ars 7 18. The magnetic field in a traveling electromagnetic a (2) 5 e 2 wave has a peak value of 20nT. The peak value 21. Ona hot summer night, the refractive index of air ‘of electric field strength is [JEE(Main)-2013} {s smallest near the ground and increases with height () 3V/n (2)6 V/m from the ground. When a light beam is directed (3) 9 V/m (4) 12 V/m horizontally, the Huygens’ principle leads us to 19. A green light is incident from the water to the air conclude that as it travels, the light beam ~ Water interface at the critical angle (0). Select the [JEE(Main)-2015] 8. correct statement. (JEE(Main)-2014] (1) bends dounwards : (1) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency (2) bends upwards is more than that of green light will come out {3) becomes narrower to the air medium, (4) goes horizontally without any deflection (2) The entire spectrum of visible ight wil come out (of the water at various angles to the normal Ae (awa as sts 7 as eT 7 | 49] lans.| 114; 2Pa}a]314 suleouleaglea.|_4.| 2 | 2 : GRAVITATION — = DO eaeany 2 eve tional forse ef allan ion|| FA ends) serie male's bly of mass mor F 10 between earth and a satellite revolving around it an orbit of radius 2R to SRiis- [AIEEE - 2002) becomes zero, then the satellite will (1) GMm/taR2 | ' IAIEEE - 2002) ; 4 (1) continue to move in its orbit with same velocity (2) CMin/3R: i (2) move tangentially to the original orbit with same (8) GMm/sR (4) GMm/6R 11. velocity ‘4 The time period of a satelite of earth is 5 Pou. i (3) become stationary in its orbit If the separation between, the centre of earth and lecnove beeen ent the satelite is increased to 4 times the pratt | | 2. Thekinetic energy needed to project a body of mass value, the new time period will become | "gn from the earth's surface (radius R) to infinity is areee: - 20031 1 IEFE - 2002) tau i (1) 10 b (2) 80 h 2 R 3 : ee ee ae (@) 20 i = 36 ee — 8, 10. ‘Two spherical bodies of mass Mand 5M and radii Rand 2R respectively are released in free space with initial separation between their centres equal to 12 R. If they attract each other due to gravitational force only, then the distance covered by the smaller body just before collision is- [AIEEE - 2003) ()25R (245R (3)75R (4) 15R Astle of mass m revolves around the earth of radius Rata helght x from its surface, Ifa is the acceleration due fo gravity on the surface of the earth, the ertital speed of the satellite is- IAIEEE - 2004] 2 a2 SR gy ( We Op, OR, ie ‘The time period of an earth satellite in circular orbit is independent of IAIEEE - 2004] (2) the mass of the satellite (2) radius of its orbit (3) both the mass and radius of the orbit (4) neither the mass of the satellite nor the radius of its orbit If gis the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface, the gain in the potential energy of an object ‘of mass m raised from the surface of the earth to’ a height equal to the radius R of the earth, is IAIEEE - 2004) (1) 2mgR (2) prek @) Grek (4) mgR ‘Suppose the gravitational force varies inverscly as ‘the n'h power of distance. Then the time period of a planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be proportional to- [AIEEE - 2004) a) al an?) ar a Rt =) Average density of the earth- [AIEEE - 2005) (2) does not depend on g (2)is'0 complex function of ¢ (B)is cirectiy proportional to g (@)is inversely proportional to g ‘The change in the value of g at a height h above the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. When both d and h ‘are much smaller than the radius of earth, then which one of the following is correct AIEEE-2005] fee pj = 3h d= 2 ad= > G)d=2h dah 13. 14. 15. fo JEE= MANY A particle of mass 10 is kept on the surface of ‘a uniform sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10 cm Find the work to be done against the gravitational force between them, to take the particle far away from the sphere {AIEEE - 2005] (you may take G = 6,67 x 1041 Nm?/ig?) (1) 13.34 x 1071 J (2) 3.33 x 1010 J (3) 6.67% 10-9 J (4) 6.67 x 10-105 Igy and gy are the accelerations due to gravity on the surfaces of the earth and the moon respectively and if Millikan's oi! drop experiment could be performed on the two surfaces, one wil ind the ratio electronic charge on the moon electionic charge on the earth f° be IAIEEE - 2007) ai (2)zer0 (3) a¢/ay (4) au/ae A planet in a distance solar system is 10 times more massive than the earth and its radius is 10 times sinaller. Given that the escape velocity from the earth fs 11 km s", the escape velocity from the surface of the planet would be [AIEEE - 2008) Q) 1a kms (2) 11 kn s* (3) 110 km s? (4) 0.11 km ‘This quigestion contains statement-1 and statement-2 of the four choices given after the statements, choose the one that best describes the two statements, IAIEEE - 2008} Statement 1: Fora mass M kept at the centre of a cube of side ‘a’, the flux of graviational field passing through is sides is 4 x GM, Statement 2 : If the direction of a field due to a point Source is radial and its dependence on the distance ‘t' from the souree is given as 4 sits fox through a closed surface depends only on the * strength of the source enclosad by the surface and not on the size or shape ofthe surface (2) Statement -1 is false, Statement -2 is true @) Statement-1 js true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (3) Statement-1 js true, Statement-2 ts true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for ‘Statement-1 (@) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false Eig The height at which the acceleration cue to gravity becomes 5 (where g = the acceleration due to rautly on the surface of the earth in terms of R, the radius of the earth, is = IAIEEE - 2009) 1) R (2) /2r (4) - 5 ar OF 17. Two bodies of masses m and 4m are placed at a distance r, The gravitational potential ata point on the line joining them where the gravitational field (3)2R 1s zer0 is AIEEE - 2011) @) zet0 (@)- sen 18. Two perticles of equal mass ‘m’ go around a citcle of radius R under the action of their mutual ‘avitational attraction, The speed of each particle uth respect to their centre of mass s = [AIEEE-2011) [Gm 1) (e » ie 8 VaR (om (ca 8) Yar 19. The mass of a spaceship is 1000 kg. It is to be launched from the earth’s surface out into free space. The value of 'g| and radius of earth) are 10 m/s? and 6400 km respectively, The required energy for this work will be IAIEEE-2012) (1) 6.4 102° Joules, (2) 64 x10" Joules (3) 6:4 x 10° Joules (4) 6.4 x 10° Joules 20. 21. 22. sa me | What fs the minimum eneray required to launch y satelite of mass m from the surface ofa mass Mand radius R in a circular orbit at an altitule of 2R? BEE(Main).2013 5GmM. >) 2GmM. VeoR 3k GmM GmM 8 SR Gar Four particles, cach of mass Mand equidistant fron each other, move along a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational attractio The speed of each particle is ¢ [JEE(Matn)-2014) From a solid sphere of mass M and radius R @ spherical portion of radius = is removed, as : shown in the figure, Taking gravitational potential V = Oatr =, the potential at the centre of the ‘cavity thus formed is : (G = gravitational constant WEE(Min)-2015) 5 GM oa 6. a i i i i : E ATOMIC STRUCTURE & X-RAY oh 6. 113.6 eV energy is required to ionize the hydrogen ‘atom, then the energy required to remove an electron from n = 2 is- IAIEEE - 2002) (2) 10.2 ev 20 (3) 3.4 ev (4) 6.8 ov Which of the following atoms has the lowest Ionization potential 2 IAIEEE - 2003] @) Nn O Sq a @) ig Ar 4) 80 A charged oil dtop is suspended tn uniform field of 3 x 104 V/m so that it neither falls nor rises. The charge on the drop will be- (take the mass of the oll drop = 9.9 x 10°19 kg and g = 10 m/s’) IAIEEE - 2004) M33x10%%C (232x108 Cc @ 16x10 C @) 48x10 ‘The manifestation of band structure in solids is due to- [AIEEE - 20041 (1) Heisenbera's uncertainty principle (2) Paul's exclusion principle (8) Bohr’s correspondence principle (@) Boltzmann's law The diagram shown the energy levels for an electron ina certain atom. Which transition shown represents the emission of a photon with the most energy ? JAIEEE - 2005) pay eee sy i Sele nw ae (I (2)V 3)1 (4) ‘Which of the following transitions in hydrogen atoms ‘emit photons of highest frequency ?1AIEEE - 20071 ()n=2ton=6 (2)n=G6ton=2 Q)n=2ton=1 (@)n= ‘An aeparticle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through 180° by a fixed uranium nucleus. The distance of the closest approach is of the order of ton=2 AIEEE - 2004] aid (2) 107° em @) 10-12 em (4) 10-75 om 9. 10. as 12. Suppose an electronis attracted towards the ongin bya force t where ‘k’ Is @ cosntant and Is the distance of the electron from the origin. By applying Bohr model to this sytem, the radius of the n* orbital of the electron is found to be ',' and the Kinetic energy of the electron to be T,”. Then which of the following is true? IAIEEE - 2008) wnehaes (2)7, independent of n, 1, «9 @telnen @ Tet, yan ton=3ina ‘The transistion from the state n = hydrogen like atom results in ultraviclet rediation. Infrared radiation will be obtained in the transition from = {AIEEE - 20091 452 (534 @2>1 (332 Eneray required for the electron excitation in Lit? from the first tothe third Bohr orbit is- (AIEEE-2011] (1) 108.8 ev (2122.4 ev (9) 121eV (4) 36.3 eV Hydrogen atom is exelted from ground state to another state with prineipal quantum number equal to 4. Then the number of spectral lines in the ‘emission spectra will be = IAIERE - 2012} a6 (22 @3 (45 ‘Adiatomic molecule is made of two massesm, and mp which are separated by @ distance r. If we ‘calculate its rotational energy by applying Bohr's ule of angular momentum quantization, ils energy will be given by : (nis an integer) (AIEEE - 2012) (m, +m, )n?h? (mm +m,)'nh? (0) 2mm, (2) amimir he 2n?h? Bamamye | Game ee RADIOACTIVITY, NUCLEAR PHYSICS. 3; 6. If Np is the original mass of the substance of half-life period t, 2 = 5 years, then the amount of substance left after 15 years is- (AIEEE - 2002] No No se ere At a specific instant emission of radioactive ‘compound is deflected in a magnetic field. The ‘compound can emit- i) electrons (ii) protons (ii) He®* _ ((y) neutrons The emission at the instant can be-{AIEEE - 2002] (1) 5, 8, 2)4, i, ii, )iv (4) 8, ii Which of the following radiations has the least Ne N Gis. oF wavelength ? IAIEEE - 2003) (1) prays (2) prays (3) arrays: (4) X-rays When U28% nucleus originally at rest, decays by emitting an alpha particle having a speed u, the recoil speed of the residual nucleus is-[AIEEE- 2003} 4u au seman Sayre 4u (2)= 53q (3) 334 4u sa, ()- 335 A radioactive sample at any instant has its clsintegration rate 5000 disintegration per minute. After 5 minutes, the rate is 1250 disintegrations per minute, Then, the decay constant (per minute) s IAIEEE - 2003} (1) 0.4 In 2 (2) 0.2 In 2 (3) 0.1 In 2 (4) 0.8 in 2 A nucleus with Z = 92 emits the following in a sequence a, a, Br, @,a, a, 4, BB, a, 8*, BY, a. The Z of the resulting nucleus is- [AIEEE - 2003) (76 (278 =) 82 (a) 74 Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay ? [AIEEE - 2003) (1) Protons (2) Neutrinos (3) Helium nucle: (4) Electrons In the nuclear fusion reaction, 3H 5 4 2H + 7H > $He +n given that the repulsive potential energy between, the two nuclel is 7.7 x 104 J, the temperature at which the gases must be heated to initiate the reaction is nearly (Boltzmann's constant “= 1.38 x 10°73 J/KI- [AIEEE - 2003] (1) 107k (2) 10° K (3) 103 K (4) 10? K 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Ifthe binding eneray of the electron in a hydrogen atom is 13.6 ev, the eneray required to remove the electron from the first excited state of LI? is: IAIEEE - 2003] (1) 30.6 eV (2) 13.6 eV. (3) 3.4 eV (4) 122.4 eV ‘Annucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts which have their velocities in the ratio 2 : 1 The ratio of their nuclear sizes will be- [AIEEE - 2004] (28 1 ina @) 31221 (a) 1.28 The binding energy per nucleon of deuteron (/H) and helium nucleus (JHe) is 1.1 MeV and 7 MeV respectively. If two deuteron nuclei react to form: a single helium nucleus, then the energy released s [AIEEE - 2004) (1) 13.9 Mev (2) 26.9 Mev (3) 23.6 Mev (4) 19.2 Mev The intensity of gamma radiation from 2 given source is I. On passing through 36 mm of lead, it Is reduced to I/8, The thickness of lead, which ‘will reduce the Intensity to 1/2 will be- IAIEEE-2005] (Q6mm (2)9mm —(3)18mm_ (4) 12mm Starting with a sample of pure ©6Cu, 7/8 of it decays into Zn in 15 min, The corresponding hall-life is- IAIEEE - 2005) (10min (2) 15 min 1 (3)5 mi e (3)5 min. (4) 75 min If radius of the 771 nucleus is estimated to be 3.6 fermi, then the radius of 12°Te nucleus be nearly- IAIEEE - 2005) (1) 6 fermi (2) 8fermi (3) 4 fermi (4) 5 fermi A nuclear transformation is denoted by X(p, @)—> 711. Which of the following isthe nucleus of element X ? Pc @ (AIEEE - 2005) @) 5B @) MBe An alpha nucleus of energy 22 bembards a heavy nuclear target of charge Ze. Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to- [AIEEE - 2006) (yw? 217m 3)1A4 4) 172e 18. 19. 21. 22, will be- [AIEEE - 2006) (1) alpha partices (2) beta particles (3) gamma photons (4) neutrons The energy spectrum of f-particles [number NIE) as a function of B-energy F] emitted from a radioactive source is- IAIEEE - 2006] Ne] Ne) a) lA. ee nal | | ) LN 4 — Ifthe binding energy per nucleon in Li and $He nuclei are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV respectively, then in the reaction : p + J1i + 24He ‘energy of proton must be- IAIEFE - 2006) (1) 28.24 Mev (2) 17.28 Mev (3) 1.46 Mev (4) 39.2 MeV If Mg is the mass of an oxygen isotope g017, M, and M,, are the masses of a proton anda neutron, respectively, the nuclear binding energy of the isotope is- (AIEEE - 2007) (1) (M, = 8M,Je? (2) (M, - 8Mp - 9M, )e? 8) M,<' (4) (M, - 17M, )e? Ingamma ray emission from a nucleus{AIEEE-2007} (1) both the neutron number and the proton number ‘change (2) there is no change in the proton number and the neutron number (9) only the neutron number changes (4) only the proton rilmber changes ‘The half-life period of a radioactive element X is same as the mean life time of another radioactive element ¥. Initially they have the same number of atoms. Then- (AIEEE - 2007) (1) X will decay faster than Y (2) ¥ will decay faster than X (8) ¥ and X have same decay rate initially (9) X and ¥ decay at same rate always ———_ 23. This question contains Statement-1 and 2. Outof the four choices given after the statements choose the one that best describes the two staternents Statement-1 : Energy is released when heavy nuclei undergo fission or light nuclei undergo fusio: Statement-2 : For heavy nuclei, binding energy per nucleon increases with increasing Z while for ight nuclei it decreases with increasing Z. [AIEEE - 2008} (1) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. (2) Staterment-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement 2 fs a correct explanation for Statement-1 (3) Statement-1 istrue, Statement-2 is true; Statement- 2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1 (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. 24. i aban ‘n F M ‘The above is a plot of binding energy per nucleon F,, against the nuclear mass M; A, B, C, D, E, F correspond to different nuclei. Consider four reactions IAIEEE - 2009} MA+B3C+e JC 5A+Bae WW D+E>Fre (WF5D+Ese where e is the eneray released ? In which reactions is positive ? (2) (8) and (iy) (2) @i) and (ui) (3) () and (ty) (4) (@ and (ii) Directions : Questions number 25 - 26 are based ‘on the following paragraph, A nucleus of mass M + Am is at rest and decays into two daughter nuclei of equal mass M each Speed of light is ¢. 25. The speed of daughter nuclei is = [AIEEE-2010) ea i eT eS eaam [Amn a Bc ae ec io 26. The binding @neray per nucleon for the paren a us is Ey an that for the daughter nuclei is Ep IAIEFE - 20101 QE, = 26, (4) E> Ey | Statement-1: A nucleus having eneray Ey decays (2) copper strip increases and that of germanium decreases (3) copper strip decreases and that of germanium as an amplifier IAIEEE - 2004) (1) electrons move from base to collector 27. A radioactive nucleus (initial mass number A and | 30. foes atomic number 2) emits 3 a-particles and 2 ‘be B emission to daughter nucleus having energy positrons, The ratio of number of neutrons to that Ey, but the BP rays are emitted with a conlinuous cf protons in the final nucleus will be:~ energy spectrum having end point energy E,-Fa, ae ‘Statement-2 : To conserve energy and momenturn o in P-decay at least three particles must take part Bat. in the transformation, (WIbeE - 2031) iS w 4: (1) Statement-1isincomect, statement-2 is correct 2-8 2-4 (2) Stotement-1 is correct, statement-2is incorrect 28. The halite of radioactive substances 20 minutes. (3) Stotement-1 is correct, statement-2 correct; ‘The approximate time interval {, -t between the Bee res ihe coaeet explanation of when = of it has deca ime t, when stateiorte) 5 ee tt eae es hie (@) Statement-1 is correct, statement-2 is correct; 1 stat 2 is not the correct explanation of 3 litthad decayed is IAIEFE - 2011) eS ee ; eae reat anit G)7min (2) 14min | 34. assume tata neutron breaks inica proton and an See eee ot te neuion ime my electron. The energy released during this process {momentum ~0)a nucleus of mass M breaks into two a 3 [AIEEE - 2012} is nulel of masses m, and 5m,(6m; = M + ma), hei 16725 310-7 la respectively. the de Broglie wavelength of the nucleus Ree a cigene naan with mass m; is A, then de Broglie wavelength of the ee * oa) = is een a 2 ther nucleus will be: (AIEEE - 2031 ets Oe eas pete Ra l (1) 5.4 Mev (2) 0.73 Mev (252 (5A EA (3) 7.10 Mev (4) 6.30 Mev Ts. | 9] a0} 44 | 412 [48 4a] 48 | 46 [an] Ae Ao] 20 1[4[i[4[s{4]3]1[2]2]3]3]2]2 Bae faa [so] st z 3 [1] 4 [3 | Bonus SEMI CONDUCTORS 1, At absolute zero, Si acts as- [AIEEE - 20021 | 5. The difference in the variation of resistance with (1) non-metal (2) metal temperature in a metal and a semiconductor arises (3) insulator (4) none of these essentially due tothe difference in the|AIEEE-2003) 2, The eneray bend gap is maximum in- [AIEEE - 2002] (1) crystal structure (1) metals (2) superconductors (2) variation of the number of charge carriers with : (3) insulators. (4) semiconductors temperature ; 3. The par of a transistor which is most heavily doped (3) type of bonding | 10 produce laige number of majority carriers is- (4) variation of scattering mechanism with | (0) emitter IAIEEE - 2002) temperature ; (2) base 6. _ In the middle of the depletion layer of reverse | (9) collector biased p-n junction, the- IAIEEE - 2003) | {@) can be any of the above three (1) electre field Is zero | 4. Asttip of copper and another of germanium are (2) potential is maximum cooled from room temperature to 80 K. The (3) electric field is maximum | fesistance of- IAIEEE - 2003) (4) potential is zero [each ofthese decreases 7, When npn transistor is used Increases (4) each of the above increases (2) holes move from emitter to () electrons move from collects (4) holes move from base to en base ‘or to base, mitter 10. ) at 12, 13, 14, 15. Fore transistor amplifier in common emitter configuration forlsad impedance of 1 hy = 25 p AAV) the ourent gains |AIEEE - 2008) ()-52 9-157 (248 @)~48.78 A piece of copper and another of germanium are ceoled from room temperature to 77 K, the IAIEEE - 2004) resistance of- (2) cach of them increases 16. Ifthe ratio of the concentration of electrons to of holes in a semiconductor is = and the ratio currents 1s 7, then what isthe ratio of the 4 velocities ? [AIEEE - 2006) 4 i We @ @F 17. The cireuit has two oppositely connected ice: @) each of them decreases diodes in parallel. Whatis the current flowing in the (2) copper decreases and germanium inereases onan IAIEEE - 2006) (4) copper increases and germanium decreases 40 When pm junction diode ig forward based, then | 1) 172.4 5 IAIEEE - 2004] (2) 2:00 A : a) the dere ton is redced and barrier aaa aa 2a (2) the depletion region is widened and barrier (4) 1.33.4 helght is reduced 18. Inthe following, which one of the diodes is ever (3) both the depletion region and barrier are reduced (4) both the depletion region and barrier height are increased The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor increases when electromagnetic radiation of Wavelength shorter than 2480 nm, is incident on it, The band gap in (€V) for the semicond ht biceed? IEEE - 2006) av Spy a) eu @ z 10 +50) +5V : z 8 @ 5 tor is- 2 IAIEEE- 2005) tae @25 ev ce G05 ev (07 eV 19. If the lattice constant of this semiconductor is In. common base ampiifer, the phase difference “serosa, then which ofthe flowing is correct? Botweenthe input sgn wtage ard output lage Conduction te is: IAIEEE - 2005) ie eS Wada (a (3) zero. (4) 2/2 Band gap. Ina full wave recier circuit operating from 50 Vaterce 2 Hos fens, be inseca nna ae te in the ripple would be: TAIEEE - 2005) QANE. EE i Ey, Eyincreaso ——taReEE - 2006 (NS0Hz @25'z @)100He w707HE (VE, and Ey Increase, but E, decreases nce cette ede of anni the | (9 and dereane ut 2 ee i Sop dot aerti5.488 mA foranemitercuen | (8) AllE,, Es, E. decane ©3 ; ©f5.60 mA, The velue of the current amplifcation | 20+ Carbon, siicgn aie sermanium have four valence | # factor (f) will be. IAIEEE - 2006) electrons each, At room femperaturewhichonee, | m4 @50 51 aay the folowing statements is moot appropriate? ¢ & ‘sold, which isnot transperent to visible ight ang i for 3 : in C but small in Si and Ge i ae IMIEEE:- 2006) Re erie eee Fo tellatnetes Se )The numbor of re cece ‘ : (4) metalic binding Them altho thes | j (The number of free Slectronsforconductionis | 2 ME EN Tonics i a 21, Consider telecommunication through optical fibres ‘Which of the following statements is not true ? (AIEEE - 2003) (1) Optical fibres can be of graded refractive index (2) Optical fibres are subjected to electromagnetic Interference from outside (3) Optical fibres have extremely low transmission loss (@) Optical fibres may have homogeneous core with a suitable cladding ‘A working transitor with its three legs marked P, Q and R is tested using a multimeter. No Conduction is found betwen P and Q. By connecting the common (negative) terminal of the muikimeter to R and the other (positive) terminal to P or Q, some resistance is seen on the multimeter. Which of the following is true for the transistor? [AIEEE - 2008) (1) Itis an npn transistor with Ras base {2) It isa pnp transistor with R as collector (3)Itisa pnp transistor with R as emitter (4) tis an npn transistor with R as collector och L 22. 23, Inthe circuit below, A and B represent two ‘inputs and C represents the output. The circuit represents IAIEEE - 2008} (2) AND gate (4) OR gate (Q) NOR gate (B)NAND gate ‘A.p-n junction (D) shown in the figure can act as a rectifier. An alternating current source R (V)is connected in the circuit. ‘The current (I) in the resistor (R) can be shown by:- ae Sate Sian 24, 25. Thelogie craut shown below has the input waveform 26. 27. 28. ‘A’ and 'B' as shown. Pick out the correct output waveform : [AIEEE - 2009] Output is at a )qeh ea Geieiet The combination of gates shown below viel: Axop —=D-x Beofp— (1) NAND gate (2) OR gate (@) NOT gate (4) XOR gate ‘The ouput of an OR gate is connected to both the inputs of a NAND gate, The combination will serve asa: [AIEEE-2011) (2) OR gate (2) NOT gate (3) NOR gate (4) AND gate Truth table for system of four NAND gates as shown in figure is + IAIFFE-2012} SE D4 Bo [AIEEE - 2010] Do Q (2) al|sfolol> alofa}olo alolofal< a|sfofo[> alolafolo of-|afol< @) (4 alalolof> alolslolo a} a}olo|< a|sfolo|> alo}-fo|a ofo}-|-|< diode connection is 29. The andde voltage of photocell s Kepl fixed, The | 31. The forwerd biased diode conn a wavelength 2 of the light falling on the cathode is. at gradually changed. The plate current I of the oe av Photocell varies as follows : _{JEE(Main-2013] Uesigmee e+ 1 1 a av t 1 (2) o @ ol = d = 1 1 t t (3) ies 4) 32. Asingle of 5 kHz frequency is amplitude modulate a Q 8 ‘on @ cartier wave of frequency 2 MHz. The 30. The V characteristic ofan LED seefain)-201) frequencies of the resultant signal is/are EE(*ain)-2015) I (1) 2005 kHz, 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz (2) 2000 kHz and 1995 kz (3) 2 MHz only “| (4) 2005 kHz and 1995 kHz v 4 v 0 8) @ © : 1 7 [ass ef aTeTs Eo z Sto fan | 2s a6 8 aes 20] ns; Salus |cas]_aajraiee Quel 24 | 22 [29 | 24 [8 | 26 | ar pea | Berea eae S[eyayays OEE eee ape Fi | ROTATIONAL MOTION ] 1. _Tnliatangulr velocliy ofa cieular lsc of mass M| 2. Moment of ti raett of inertia ofa circular wire of mass M and is o,, Then two small spheres of macs m are rads R about its diameter ge oma M a is ; meter is- alge» 2002) attached gentiy to two diemetricaly opposite points (OMR'/2 (MRE (3) amet ta tiRere on the edge of the disc. What isthe final angular | A rarticle of mass m : velocity of the disc? IAIEEE - 2002) wie satona line PC ¥ With velocity v as i 9 (™)o (MiB) shown What is the Lp i oy) a} anauat momen 4 of the particle about Bf le (Minti ©? {AIEEE - 20 ” 8) team | © aon ; ie ee Y emi ()mwé 3} mur (4) zero ———— é 48 5. 6. a, (2), (3) (ays One are mon resp (11, 1, where $$$ ____________ A ciroular disc X of radius R is made from an iron plate of thickness t and another disc ¥ of radius AR is made from an iron plate of thickness 1/4 ‘Then the relation between the thoment of inertia I,andllyis [AIEEE - 2003) (l= 321, l= 16k, B)ly= ly (@)l,= 641, A pattie performing uniform circular motion has angular momentum L. If its angular frequency is doubled and iis kinetic energy halved, then the new angular momentum is- IAIFEE - 2003] L (4) L aq (2. aL 5 Let F be the force acting on particle having position vector y° and 7 be the torque of this force about the omigin. Then- AIEEE - 2003), a Oand FY +0 @) 7.7 40and Fe <0 @) 2.2 e0and F.? «0 @) 2.2 -Oamd F.% -0 Which of the following statements is false for a particle movingin a cree with a constant angular speed ? IAIEEE - 2004) (1) The velocity vector is tangent to the circle (2) The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle (3) the acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle (4) The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other ‘A solid sphere is rotating in fre space. Ifthe radius ‘of the sphere is inereased keeping mass same which cone of the followiag will not be affected ? (1) moment of inertia (2} Angular momentum (3) Angular velocity (4) Rotational kinetic anergy AIEEE - 2004] One sold sphere A and another hollow sphere B are of same mass and same outer radii, Their 10. 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. "An annular ring with inner and outer radii Ryand R, is rolling without slipping with uniform angular speed. The ratio of the forces experienced by the two particles situated on the inner and outer parts [AIEEE - 2005] R Ry ae Re i) 2 (2) @1 Rt Mies 2 The moment of netia of uniform semicreular disc of mass M and redusrabout a line perpendicular ih the centre s- (AIEEE - 20051 to the plane of the disc tl 1 2 aime @2xne 3) MF Q) gM? @) EM G)M A spherical ball of mass 20 kg is stationary at the top ofa hil ofheight 100 m, Itrolls doun a smooths surface to the ground, then climbs up another Hil ht 30 m and finally rolls down toa horizontal base at @ height of 20 m above the ground. The velocity attained by the ball is- {AIEEE - 2005] (1) 40 5 m/s (2) 20 m/s (3) 10 m/s (4) 10 V80 m/s A coin is placed on a horizontal platform which undergoes vertical simple harmonic motion of angular frequency . The amplitude of oscillation is gradually increased. The coin uil leave contect With the platform forthe first time: [AIFEE- 2006} (1) at the mean postion of the platform (2) ior an amplitude of a/e? (3) for an amplitude of (G) at the highest position of the platform, Four point masses, each of value m, are placed at the comers ofa square ABCD of se f, The moment Of inertia ofthis system about an axis passing through and perallal to BD is [AIEEE - 2006), @)2me # (3) 3me (a) met A force of =F acts on O, the origin of th ordinate system. The torque about the point moment of inertia about their diameters are (1, -1)is [AIEEE - 2006] respectively I, and |, such that- {AIEEE - 2004) @ FG x mh-4 Bik. cee F ; Bch 4 a ig @) F(+4) , whee wh te anarte @- FG} ar eh 18. 19, 20. 21. 48 A thin circular ring of mass m and radius R is tolating about its axis with a constant angular velocity @. Two objects each of mass M are aitached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter Of the ring. The ring now rotates with an angular (AIEEE - 2006} velocity 0! lm 2M) ‘olm-2M) ean ens 2M om eM © Gai2M) For the given uniform square lamina ABCD, whose centres [AIEEE 2007) (1) YB e= be Oy Si Gly he= By dae A citellar dsc of radius Ris removed from a bigger Piteular disc of radius 2R, such that the Gireumference of the discs coincide. The centre of ‘ass of the new disc is & from the centre of the Bigger disc. The value of wis jaNEEE- 2007) 1 i ee a 3 Bp we wt round uniform body of radius R, mass M and momient of inertia I, rolls down (without sipping) an inclined plane making an angle @ with the honzontal. Then its acceleration is{aieee - 2007) gsing 14MR? /1 gsno sind Bas (rareg Angular momentum of the particle rotating with a entra force is constant due to: AIEEE - 2007) (constant force (2) constont linear momentum (8) zero torque (4) constant torque ‘Consider a uniform square plat of side‘ and mass im the mement of inertia ofthis plate about an one oy ntl ots plane and passing through ‘one of ts corners is IAIEEE - 2008) oe 1 (0) 2 ma 2) spmat ye 2 (8) 5m () Frat SS a 23, 24. 25. eee ‘Aithin uniform red of length / and mas: freely about a horizontal axis passing through iso Itsmaximum angular speed is 0. Its centre of rma, [AIEEE - 2009, rises toa maximum height of:- 1 fo? 1 Fo? om me 1 fot ile lara 6s A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle @ with the x-axis with an initial velocity vg in the xy plane as shown in the figure. At 2 time vo sind g t< the angular momentum ofthe particle y [AIEEE - 2010) (1) 3mg up? cos 01 (@)~ ma vp t2c0s 0} é 1 eS .. @)me vy tcos@& (4) = Pang yp t2cos 04 Where i, j and & are unit vectors along, y and Zaxis respectively ‘A pilley of radius 2 m ts rotated about its axis by a force F= (201 — 512) newton (where tis mens n seconds) applied tangentially. If the moment of inertia of the pulley about its axis of rotation is 10 kg m?, the number of rotations made by the Pulley before ifs ditection of motion it reversed, is (1) more than 6 but less than 9 (2) more than 9 (3) less than 8 IAIEEE-2011] (@) more than 3 but less than 6 ‘A thin horizontal circular dise is rotating about 2 | vertical axis passing through its centre. An insects ‘testa a potnt near the tim of the die. The insect ences along a diameter of the disc to reach other end, Euring the journey ofthe insect then | angular speed of the disc := [ateee-2011) | (1) continuously increases (2) frst inereases and then decreases @) remains unchanged (4) continuously decteses 26. 27. 28. 2 lAns. lowe The (1) 0 2 Aw toa at 2 = a lt Gee 26. A particle of mass ‘m' ig projected with a velocity | 29, A mass'm' is supported by mei sna wound making an angle of 30° uith the horizontal, The around e uniform hollow eylinder of mass m a magnitude of angular momentum ofthe projectile ras Rf the sting doesnot sip onthe eines about the point of projection when the particle is with what acceleration will the mass fall on release? at is maximum height his (MEEE.2013) [EE@oimy 2014) 3 me? Me (2) 22% mi! : a (eselace eq Oigag m 27. A-hoop of radius + and mass m rotating with an angular velocity ©, placed on a rough hosizontal surface. The initial velceity ofthe centre ofthe hoop is zer0. What will be the velocity of the centre of |m the hoop when it ceases to sip?1JEE(fatn}-2019) : 5g 38 z oOo? 22 @2 @0, Dee On 28. Atob of mass m attached to an inextensibie string | 30+ From solid sphere of mass Mand radius Ra cube cof length ¢s suspended from a vertical support. The of maximum possible volume is eut. Moment of bob roiates ina horizontal circle with an angular inertia of cube about an axls passing through its speed w rad/s about the vertical. About the point centre and perpendicular to one of is faces is = of suspension EEQ%sin)-2014) UEEDoiny 2015) (2) Angular momentum changes in direction but not in magnitude aMRe (2) Angular momentum changes both in i @ oe and mageitude (8) Angular momentum is conserved Mie a () Angular momentum changes in magnitude but pe 4 not in direction, 9 0B OTeGs EB es 2 Ee Ee ee Re Bae | 2s] 26 | a7 | 2s] 29 8) fans [2] t[4[a[o}4]s]s[4]4 ip 2 ‘A vire suspended vertically from one of its ends is stretched by attaching a weight of 200 N to the lower ends. The weight stretches the wire by Imm, Then the elastic eneray stored in the wire is- [AIEEE - 2003} (20.25 2103 (203 (0140 A wire fixed at the upper end streiches by length {by applying a force F. The work done in stretching s AIEEE - 2004] Fe F (5 GF war IfS is stress and Y is Young's modulus of material of a wire, the energy stored in the wire per unit volume is [AIEEE - 2005} S 2y s asey gS > aS a My Se Way ‘A wire elongates by £ mm when a load W is hanged from it, Ifthe wire goes over a pulley and two weights W each are hung at the two ends, the elongation of the wire will be (in mm)- : IAIEEE - 2006] he (2) 2¢ (3) zero (4) 4/2 of height 20 m is completely filled with The velocity of efflux of water (in m3") igh a small hole on the side wail of the eyinder AF Its botiom, Is {AIEEE 2002], 220 8/255 (45 Spherical bois of radius Rare falling in a viscous fuid ‘of viscosity n with a velocity v, the retarding viscous force acting on the spherical ball is- [AIEEE - 2004] {1) directly preportional to R but inversely proportional tov (2) directly proportional to both radius R and velocity u (9) inversely proportional to both radlus Rand velocity v 4) inversely proportional to R but directly Proportional to velocity v If tuo soap bubbles of different radi are connected by a tube. IAIEEE - 2004] (1) alr flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller | bubble till the sizes become equal (2) bir flows from bigger bubble to the smaller babble til the sizes are interchanged (S) iF Rows trom the smaller bubble tothe bigger bubble (4) there 18 no flow of air 8. A .20 cin long capillary tube is dipped in water ‘The water rises upto 8 cm. If the entire arrangement is put in a freely falling elevator, the fenathof water column in the capillary tube will AIEEE - 2005), 2) 10 em (3) 4 em 4) 20 cm Mf the terminal speed of a sphere of gold (density = 19.5 kg/m) is 0.2 m/s in a viscous quid (density = 1.5 kg/m®), find the terminal speed of a sphere of sivar (deneity=10.5 kaya) of the same size in the same liuld, (AIEEE: 2006) (1) 0.4 m/s (2) 0.133 m/s G) 01 m& @) 0.2 m& A spherical solid ball of volume V is made of a 10. material of density p, tis fling througha liquid of onsity Px(Pe 0), Then terminal speed of the balls (AIEEE - 2008) ) apy . irate a (2) k of @ Valen, 13, 50 i. 12. "Aja is filed with two non-mixing ligudis 14 having densities p, and p,, respectively. ball, made of a material of density p, is f rium in the posi far It comes to equilib ' Gein ite figure. Which of the following for p; . pe and ps IAIEEE- 2005 15. () ps

Pa>Pe (3) ps mst (3) 650 2 ms? (4) 330 9 mst One kg of a diatomic gas is at a pressure of 8 x104 N/m?, The density of the gas is 4 kg/m’. What js the energy of the gas due to its thermal motion? IAIEEE - 2009} (6 «104d (Q7 «1085 (3)3x108J (4) 5 «108d 100 g of water is heated from 30°C 10 50°C Ignoring the slight expansion of the water, the change in its internal energy is (specific heat of water is 4184 J/ig/K) :- [AIEEE - 2011] () 84k (Q)21kI 42k) (84k Three perfect gases at absolute temperatures T;, Teand Tyare mixed. The masses of molecules are m,, fp, and m, and the number of molecules are n;, nz and n respectively, Assuming no loss of energy, then final temperature of the mixture is IAIEEE - 2011] ny Ty net +n. Ty O) Sanh tnyT, nf Te-+ngTy ngs 1, Ty #21, +057 T+h+T, ayh enh +nsTy aaa () ayy 13. 14, 15. The specific heat capacity of ‘metal at low temperautre (7) is given as Cylkdkkg) = alg) ‘A100 gram vessel of this metal is to be cooled from 20% to 4%K by a special refrigerator operating at room temperature (27°C). The amount of work required to cool the vessel is:- [AIEEE - 2011] (1) equal to 0,002 ki (2) greater than 0.148 kJ (8) between 0.148 kJ and 0.028 kJ (4) less than 0.028 kJ A container with insulating walls is divided into two ‘equal parts by a partition fitted with a valve. One. part is filled with an ideal gas at a pressure P and temperature T, whereas the other part is completely evacuated. If the valve is suddenly ‘opened, the pressure and temperature of the gas will be = AIEEE - 2011] P PT @ 5T Q55 i @eT @) Ps One mole of diatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process ABC as shown in figure, The process BC is adiabatic. The temperatures at A, B and C are 400 K, 800 K and 600 K respectively. Choose the correct statement [JEE(Main)-2014) B 800K Pp 600K. A aor © = (1) The change in internal energy in the process AB, is -350 R. (2) The change in internal energy in the Process BC is -500R (8) The change in internal energy in whole cyclic process is 250 R. (4) The change in internal energy i Deo ray inthe process CA THERMODYNAMICS 2s Which statement is incorrect ? [AIEEE - 2002) (1) All reversible cycles have same efficiency (2) Reversible cycle has more efficiency than an imeversible one (3) Camot cycle is a reversible one (4) Carnot cycle has the maximum efficiency in all eyeles f mass-energy equivalence is taken into account, when water i cooled to form ice, the mass of water should- [AIEEE - 2002] (1) increase (2) remain unchanged (3) decrease (4) first increase then decrease Even carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency because we cannot- IAIEEE - 2002) (1) prevent radiation (2) find ideal sources (8) reach absolute zero temperature (4) eliminate friction “Heat cannot be itself flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature" is a statement or consequence of- AIEEE - 2003] (1) second law of thermodynamics (2) conservation of momentum (3) conservation of mass (4) first law of thermodynamics Which of the following parameters does not characterise the thermodynamic state of matter ? IAIEEE - 2003] (1) Temperature (2) Pressure (3) Work, (4) Volume A camot engine takes 3 x 10° cal of heat from a Teservoir at 627 °C and gives it to a sink at 27°. The work done by the engine s- AIEEE - 2003) (1) 4.2 x 108) (2) 84 x 106 J + (8) 16.8 x 108 5 (4) zero Which of the following statements is correct for any thermodynamic system ? {AIEEE - 2004) {1) The internal eneray changes in all processes (2) Intemal energy and entropy are state functions (S) The change in entropy can never be zero {4) The werk done in an adiabatic processis always 7200 ‘Two thermally insulated vessels 1 and 2 are filled With air at temperatures (1, Ta), volume (VV) and pressure (P,, Po) respectively, If the vali Joining the lwo vessels is opened, the temperature Thi the vessel at equilbrium wil ‘be {AIEFE-2004) Gitys-1, @) ee ) BRAM +P,V,) Te (PVs +P2Vp) PMTs + PVT, +E (ODMR + Pete 9. 10. u. 12. 13. Which of the following is incorrect regarding thy first law of thermodynamics ? [AIEEE - 2005) (1) It is applicable to any cyclic process (2)ltisa restatement of the principle of consenvato, of energy, (3) It introduces the concept of the internal er @) It introduced the concept of the entropy The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible 2Tp engine cyele is given in the NK figure. Its efficiency is- To [AIEEE - 2005] a M12 814 @13 23 A system goes from 4 A to B via two Processes | and I] u as shown in figure Ao! If AU, and AU, are 7 the changes in intemal energies in the processes I and Il respectively then: (1)-au, = au, IAIEEE - 2005] (2) relation between AU, and AU determined (3) AU, > AU, Ip cannot be (4) AU, < AU, Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on a table. Box A contains one mole of nitrogen at temperature Ty, while box B contains one mole of helium at temperature (7/3) T;. The boxes are then put into thermal contact with eae other, and heat flows between them until the gases eacti acommon final temperature (anore the hea! Capacity of boxes), Then, the final temperature o Gases; Ty, in terms of Ty is- [AIEEE - 2006] 3 7, = 37, (27; 8) T= $1 (@) 7; = ets The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of a gas adiabatically anc inthis process the temperature ofthe gas incrcos2* by MC: The gas is- (R= 8.3 J’ mol} K-!) (1) diatomic latezE - 2006) (2) triatomic (S).a mixture of monoatomie and diatomic (4) monoatomic 16. 17. 18. ee Ass gas t The ()s @- Ther (n)1 Adi the w expat 1) 0! Athe of ml rest. ts tem aM ws ( 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. "A camnot engine, having an efficiency of = 1/10 as heat engine, is used as a reftigetator. ifthe workdone on the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is- [AIEEE - 2007] (993 (2903 8) 1d 4) 1000 When a system is 5 : taken from state i to state f along the path vaf, it is found that Q = 50 cal and ‘ u W = 20 cal. Along the path ibf Q = 36 cal W along the path ibf is [AIEEE - 2007] (1)6 cal (2) 16 cal (8) 66 cal (4) 14 eal Directions : Question number 16, 17 and 18 are based on the following paragraph Two moles of heltum gas are taken over the cycle ABCDA, as shown in the P-T diagram, ®, aut sf] Pes) rao} b é 300K 500K z ‘Assuming the gas to be ideal the work done on the gas in taking it from A to Bis = (AIEEE - 2009) (1) 400R (2)500R (8) 200R (4) 300R ‘The work done on the gas in taking it from D to A Is AIEEE - 2009) (1) -690 R (2) +690 R @)-414R (4) +414 R The net work done on the gasin the cycle ABCDA is [AIEEE - 2009} (1) 1076 R (2) 1904 R (3) Zero (4) 276. R A diatomic ideal gas is used in a cannot engine as the working substance, If during the adiabatic expansion part of the cycle the volume of the gas increases from V to 32 V, the elficiency of the engine is - (AIEEE - 2010) (1)0.25 | (2)0.5 (30.75 (490.99 A thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas of molecular mass M and ratio of specfic heats y, Itis moving with speed v and is suddenly broght to rest. Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, ‘is temperature increases by = {AIEEE- 2011) (1-1) * (2) OR MviK og ON (4) 2yR Mv'K 21. A Camot engine operating between T, and Ty has efficientey Z When T, is lot by62 K, its efficiency increases to. - Then T and T, are, respectively:- AIEEE - 2011) (1) 330 K and 268 K (2) 310 K and 248 K (3) 372 K and 310 K (4) 372 K and 330 K ‘An aluminium sphere of 20 em diameter is heated from 0°C to 100°C, Its volume changes by (given that coefficient of linear expansion for aluminium Oy = 23 «1067 ;- [AIEEE - 2011) (1) 28.9 ce (2) 2.89 ce (9) 9.28 ce (4) 49.8 cc ‘A metal rod of Young's modulus Y and coefficient of thermal expansion ct ts held at its two ends such that its length remains invariant. If its temperature is raised by t°C, the linear stress developed in its: [ateee - 2013) Y YF es @)Yot (a) it (Yat) Helum gas goes through a cycle ABCDA (consisting Cf two isochoric and two isobaric lines) as shown in figure. Efficiency of this cycle is nearly (Ass 98 to be close to ideal gas) :~ (4) 12.5% (2) 15.4% 89.1% (4) 10.5% me the IAIEEE - 2012) A Camot engine, whose efficiency is 40% takes in heat from a source maintai ined at a temperature of 500 K. Itis desired to h "ave an engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the intake temperature for the same. exhaust ink) temperature must be [AIEEE -2012) () 600 K @) efficiency of Camot engine cannot be larger than 50% 3 (3) 1200 Kk (4) 750 k v ‘The above p-v diagram represents the thermodynamic ‘cycle of an engine, operating with an ideal monoatomic gas. The amount of heat, extracted from the source ina single cycle is : [JEE(Main)-2013) eH —21()avo (Fn ary, 27. _ Anideal gas enclosed in a vertical cylindrical container ‘Supports a freely moving piston of mass M. The piston and the cylinder have equal cross sectional area A. When the piston is in equilibrium, the volume of the gasis Vj and its pressure is P,, The piston is sight displaced from the equilibrium position and released. ‘Assuming that the system is completely isolated from its surrounding, the piston executes a simple harmonic motion with frequency, [JEE(Main)-2013) Larry Losey ) on VOM 2 Ay 1 fv 1 [ate 8 5a) iy 4 oN are, 28. A solid body of constant heat eapacty 1J°/C is being heated by keeping it in contact with reservoirs in two ways - (JEE(Main}-2015) ( Sequentially keeping in contact with 2 reservoirs such that each reservoir supplies same amount of heat. i) Sequentially keeping in contact with 8 reservoirs such that each reservoir supplies same amount of heat. In both the cases body is brought from initial temperature 100°C to final temperature 200°C. Entropy change of the body in the two cases respectively is - (1) In2, 2in2 (8) ind, 4in2 (2) 2in2, 8in2 (4) In2, Ina 30. Consider a spherical shell of radius Rat tem T, The black body radiation inside it can 4, considered as an ideal gas of photons with inten energy per unit volume y — ee Té and pressire BES. expansion the relation between T and R is - [JEE(Main)-2015) au 7 |: lithe shell now undergoes an adiabat ated Qtew QB) Taek (4) Tess Consider an ideal gas confined in an isolated close: chamber. As the gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion, the average time of collision between molecules increases as V8, where V is the volume ‘of the gas. The value of q is := (r- ) [JEE(Main)-2015) 4 @Q). 2 3 (8 = 2 ea =| N/R) fa) ERE [Ans, IM soos nag aenneron seaciien sr vesnnmmece.mns L oO 5G 4. SS .-s $ tO T TRANSFER Hleat given to a body which raises its temperature by 1°C ise IAIFEE - 2002), (2) water equivalent (2) thermal capacity (3) specific heat (@) temperature gradient Which of the following is more close to a black body: AIEEE - 2002] (2) Black board paint (2) Green leaves (8) Black holes (@) Red roses Infrared radiations are detected by- |AIERE- 2002) (2) spectrometer Solas @) photometer Two spheres of the same material have radii 1 m and 4 m and temperatures 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. The ratio of the eneray radiated per second by the first sphere to that by (3) nanometer the second is- IAIEEE - 2002) Mast (2) 16 : 1 @)4:1 1: Ifthe temperature of the sun were to increase from. ‘Tio 2T and its radius from R to 2R, then the ratio of the radiant energy received on earth to what it was previously, will be- [AIEEE - 2009) a4 (2) 16 (3) 32 (4) 64 The temperature of the two outer surfaces of a ‘composite slab, consisting of two materials having coefficients of thermal conductivity K and 2K and thickness x and 4x, respectively are T and Ty( > T;). The rate of heat transfer through the Se aoe) (22), sant equals to- [AIEEE - 2004) aja 7 (2) 1/72 q i - (3) 2/3 41. iB The figure shows system of two concentric spheres of radii ry and rp and kept at temperatures T, and Ty, respectively. The radial rate of flow of heat ina substance between the two concentric {AIEEE - 2005} O spheres, is proportional to- =n) Oa) — aa(2) ne fe 4) (tp -m) ‘Assuming the sun to be a spherical body of radius Rata temperature of TK, evaluate the total radiant power, incident on earth, at a distance r from the sun- (when radius of earth is vo) [AIEEE - 2006) (1) 4mgR? oT 4? (2) mR? oT? (3) BR20T4 /4aR2 (4) R? oT? ‘One end of a thermally insulated rod is kept at a temperature T; and the other at Ty, The rod is. composed of two sections of lengths ¢, and fy and thermal conductivities Ky and Ko respectively, The temperature at the interface of the two sections is- IAIEEE - 2007) (1) WoT, + Ky TQAK ys + Kolp) (2) oT) + Kye TK yey + Kyt) ()Bi6T) + KOTAK yy + Kyl) VLG, + Ky TK e+ Kot) 57 metallic bar is carrying heat from one of its other end under stea variation of temperature 0 along the length x of the ‘bar from its hot end is best described by which of the following figures ? [AIEEE - 2009] 8 9 a, (2) ) 9 a 3) (4 : A bguld in a beaker has temperature Ot) at time t and 8, is temperature of surroundings, then ‘according to Newton's law of cooling the correct ais ~~ staph between log, (6 ~ 0,) and tis :- (AIEEE - 2012} al 2 ¢ 2 2 2 (1) Q IL ef = =e | 2] { 3 3) Ons = t 7 12. A wooden wheel of radius R is made o/ 13. 14, semicircular parts (see figure). The two pars held together by a ring made of a metal strip of sectional area Sand LengthL..L issihtly less, 2nR. To fit the ring on the wheel, it is heated that its temperature rises by AT and itjust stepson, the wheel. As it cools down to surroundin. temperature, it presses the semicircular together, Ifthe coefficient of linear expansion of te metal is a, and its Young's modulus is Y, the for that one part of the wheel applies on the other is: [AIEEE - 2012) (1) 2SYoaT a (2) 2.x SYaaT 3 @)S¥oaT (4) x SYoAT SZ Ifa piece of metal is heated to temperature 6 and then allowed to coo! ina room which is at temperature 0, the graph between the temperature T of the metal and time t will be closed fo: JEE(Main)-2013) 1 a Nee @ (2) % Three rods of Copper, Brass and. ‘Steel are welded together to forma ¥-shaped structure, Area of cross: section of each rod = 4 cm?. End of copper rod is maintained at 100°C where as ends of brass and steel are kept at 0°C, Lengths of the ‘copper, brass and steel rodsare 46, 13 and 12 cms respectively. The rods are thermally insulated from surroundings | except at ends. Thermal conductivities of copper, | brass and steel are 0.92, 0,26 and 0.12. CGS units | ‘espectively. Rate of heat flow through copper rod ! is: {JEE(Main)-20141 1) 48 cal/s (2) 6.0 cal/s (3) 1.2 cal/s (4) 2.4 cals. m q, SHM If a spring has time period T, and is cut into n equal parts, then the time period of each part will be- {AIEEE-2002} i MTe @z @nt wT In a simple harmonic oscillator, at the mean position: AIEEE - 2002] (i) kinetic eneray is minimum, potential energy is, maximum (2)both kinetic and potential energies are maximum. (@) kinetic energy is maximum, potential energy is minimum (@) both kinetic and potential energies are minimum A child swinging on a swing in sitting position, stands up, then the time period of the swing will (2) increase AIEEE - 2002} (2) decrease (3) remain same (4) increase if the child is long and decrease if the child is short ‘Armass M is suspended from a spring of negligible mass, The spring is pulled a litle and then released so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If ‘the massis increased by m, the time period becomes ST/3, thentthe vlioh [s+ AIEEE - 2009} 3 eo. ae 5 Cae Bl eeG)2 The displacement of a particle varies according to the relation x = 4(cos nt + sinzi). The amplitude of the particle is- {AIEEE - 20031 (24 B42 48 A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (PE}, the Kinetic energy (KE) and total energy (TE) are measured as function of displacement x. Which of the following statements is true? [AIEEE - 2003] (y-4 (1) KE is maximum when x = 0 (2) TE is zero when x = 0 (8) KE is maximum when x is maximum (4) PE is maximum when x = 0 ‘Two particles A and B of equal masses are suispended from two massless springs of spring constants ky and kp, respectively If the maximum velocities, during oscillations are equal, the ratio of amplitudes of A and [AIEEE - 2003] Q) Jig 7a kik 8) Jka 7k (4) Ko /ky Te 10. n. 12, 13. The bob of a simple pendulum executes simple harmonic motion in water with a period t, while the period of oscillation of the bob is ty in air. Neglecting frictional force of water and given that the density of the bob is (4/3) «1000 ka/m®. What velationship between t and tp is true?(AIEEE - 2008] (itty Qt= ty/2 (B)t = 2ty (4) t = tty ‘A particle at the end of a spring executes simple harmonic motion with a period t;, while the ‘corresponding period for another spring is tp. If the period of oscillation with the two springs in series is T, then- [AIEEE - 2004] (T=t tp O43 @T=ql+g! @re= The total energy of a particle, executing simple harmonic motion is~ IAIEEE - 2004] (t)ecx (2) ex? (8) independent of x (4) =: x!/2 A particle of mass m is attached to a spring (of spring constant k) and has a natural angular frequency wy. An external force Ft) proportional to cosut(n # 0g) is applied to the escilator. The time displacement of the oscillator will be proportional to- IAIEEE - 2004] (Ohaus 5 naa miog— 07) (9) mlof +0?) ee ew) A particle of mass 0.3 kg is subjected to a force F = lo with k = 15 N/m. What will be its initial acceleration, if itis released from a point 20 cm away from the origin? IAIEEE - 2005), (1) 3 my? (2) 15 m/s? (3) 5 mys? (4) 10 m/s? The function sin4(ut) represents- [AIEEE - 2008) (1}.2 periodic, but not simple harmonic, motion with a period 2r/» (2) a periodic, but not simple harmon with @ period n/ (3)a simple harmonic motion with a period 2/o (4) a simple harmonic motion with a period n/« ic, motion: 59 14. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations y, = 0.1 sin(100nt+ 3) and Yp=0.1 cosat. The phase difference of the velocity of particle 1, with respect to the velocity of particle is: IAIEEE - 2005) kk = a ee Ce 15. If a simple harmonic motion is represented by + ax = 0, its time peried s- [AIBEE - 2005) 2n a 16. The bob of a simple pendulum isa spherical hollow bal filed with water, A plugged hole near the bottom of the oscillating bob gets suddenly unplugged. During observation, till water is coming out, the time period of oscillation would- {AIEEE - 2005] (1) first increase and then decrease to the oriainal value (2) frst decrease and then increase to the original value () remain unchanged (4) merease towards a Saturation value 17. The maximum velocity of a particle, executing simple harmonic motion withan amplitude 7 mm is 4. m/s, The period of oscillation is (AIEEE -2006) (001s (210s 01s (4) 1008 18. Sterting from the origin a body oscillates simple harmonically with a period of 2s. After what time ul ts kinetic energy be 75% of the total energy ? [AIEEE - 2006) (4) 2x Ja a 2n @) iG: (3) 2xa 1 A ps 19, The displacement ofan object attached to a spring and executing simple harmonic motion is given by x= 2x10? cos nt metre, The time at which the maximum speed first occurs is- [AIEEE - 2007) (0.55 (2)0.75 s (3) 0.125 4)0.25 5 20. A point mass oscillates along the xaxls according to the law x = x9 cos(wt ~ 2/4) Ifthe acceleration of the particle is written as- a = A cos (ot + 8), [AIEEE - 2007) 1 | Ms @4s was then (Q)A =x, 5 =—7/4 (2)A=xg0? 6 = 7/4 (3) A= xp0”, 5 = -n/4 (4) A = xy02, 5 = 30/4 - a: EE 21. 23. 24, 25, ‘A 2ikg block slides on a horizontal floor with as, of 4 m/s. It strikes a uncompressed spring ay ‘compress tilthe blocks motionless, The kinetic etn force is 15 Nand spring constantis 10,000 N/mm, Tre spring compresses by- (AIEEE - 2007 (0) 5.5 em (2)2.5.em (3) 11.0cm (4)8.5 cm Two springs, of force constants ky and ky, are connected to a mass m as shown. The frequ of oscillation of the mass is f. IF both kyand ky are made fourtimes their original values, the frequenc cof oscillation becomes- [AIEEE - 2007) ky ZA, (t/a (2)1/4 (at (4) 2 A patticle of mass im executes simple harmonic motion with amplitude a and frequency v. The average kinetic eneray during its motion from the Position of equilibrium to the end is-[AIEEE-20071 (1) x®ma?y? (2) mobs? @) 4x2mav2 (4) 2x2ma2v2 Ifx, vand a denote the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration of a particle executing simple harmonie motion oftime period T, then, which ofthe following does not change with time ? [AIEEE - 2005, (1) aT + 2ay (a (8) aT? + anzye @ 2 A'mass M, attached to a horizontal spr j rh e ing, executes | SM. with amplitude A;. When the mass M passes through its mean position then a smaller mase Placed overit and both of them move together with { amplitude A,, The ratioof (4) Ga) {s+ [AIEER- 2011] (ten)? 2 20 27 28. 29, TEER] 07 03) Ti t an a oscillator decreases to ‘Two partides are executing simple harmonicmation | $0. The amplitude of 2 26. 27. 29. of the same amplituce A and frequency @ along the xexis. Their mean position is separated by distance Xo(Xp > A). I the maximum separation between thems Mo +A), the phase difference between their mation is = IAIEEE-2011) x n fr z Oe Oy 8s M5 Avwroden cube (density of wood'd) of side’? floats in 9 liquid of density ‘p' with its upper and lower surlaces horizontal. If the cube is pushed slightly down and released, it performs simple harmonic motion of period T. Then, 'T is equal to = ® (1) 2p —P (2) el ‘eae ¢ IAIEEF-2011) Po. td -dg fio 6) ane (4) 2r, : Ifa spring of stiffness kis cut into two paris’ and B' of length ¢, : f = 2 : 3, then the stiffness, of spring Ais given by [AIEEE-2011] & 3k (y 5 a> 2k a> (Qk fa simple pendulum has significant amplitude (up to.a factor of 1/e of original) only in the perio between t = 0s tot = rs, then + may be called the average life of the pendulum. When the spherical bob of the pendulum suffers a retardation (due to ¥iscous drag) proportional to its velocity, with 'b’as the constant of proportionality, the average lifetime of the pendulum is (assuming damping is small in seconds :- [AIFEE-2012), 2 0.693 OF a Bb @+ as 31, 32. 33, 0.9 times its original magnitude in 5s. In another 10s twill decrease to a. times its original magnitude, 2013) where o équals : Eee (1) 0.7 (2)0.81 (3) 0.729 (4) 0.6 AA particle moves with simple harmonic motion in 2 stroight line. In firsts, after starting from rest it travels a distance a, and in next + sit travels 2a, in same direction, then : HEE(@ain)-2014) (1) Amplitude of motion is 4a (2) Time period of ascillation is 6r (3) Amplitude of motion is 3a (4) Time pertod of oscilation is 8 A pendulum made of a uniform wite of cross sectional area A has time period T. When an ditional mass M is added to its bob, the time period changes to Ty. If the Young's ricdulus of the 1 materia of the wire is Y then > is equal to = (@ = gravitational acceleration) [aan GSS eee ye sony le vate (lef a 2 I ar) | Ma For a simple pendulum, a graph is plotted between its kinetic eneray (KE) and potential energy (PE) against its displacement d. Which one of the following represents those correctly ? (araphs are schematic and not drawn to scale) [BEE(Main} 209° [JEEQoin)-2015} Sodium and copper have work functions 2,3 eV and 4.5 eV respectively, Then’ the ratio of the ‘wavelengths is nearest to- JAIEEE - 2002) (1:2 4:1 2:1 wi:4 Formation of covalent bonds in compounds exhibits- (1) wave nature of electron (2) particle nature of electron (8) both wave and particle nature of electron (4) none of the above ‘Two identical, photocathodes receive light of frequencies f, and f,. If the velocities of the photcelectrons (of mass m) coming out are respectively vj and vp, then- [AIEEE - 2003) 2h O) vf NB = ty = ty {AIEEE - 2002) ae oe Ohi [Gem] Ovi +p = Ba ety =| vy + vy ~ [ARG 8) vy mt) I” ‘The wavelengths involved in the spectrum of deuterium (7D) are slightly different from that of biydrogen spectrum, because. (AIEEE - 2003] Q) sizes of the two muclet are different (2) nuclear forces are different in the two cases (3) masses of the two nucle! are different (4) attraction between the electron and the nucleus 's different in the two cases A radiation of energy E fals normally on a perfectly reflecting suriace. The momentum transferred to the surface is IAIEEE - 2004) (Ee (2) 2Efe (8) Fe (4) Eye? According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, the plot of the kinetic energy of the emitted Photoelectrons from a meial Vs the frequency, of the incident radiation gives a straight line whose slope: [AIEEE - 2004) (1) depends on the nature of the metal used (2) depends on the intensity of the radiation (3) depends both on the intensity of the radiation’ and the metal used (4) is the same for all metals and independent of the intensity of the radiation 7 10. RN UM yo -& MATTER WAVES ‘The work function of a substance is 4.0 eV. Thy longest wavelength of light that can cause photoelectron emission from this substance », approximately- [AIEEE - 2004) (1) 540 nm (2) 400 nm (3) 310 nm (4) 220 nm A photocel i illuminated by a small bright source placed 1m away, When the same source of lia is place ; m away, the number of electrons ‘emitted by photocathode would-1AIEEE - 2005) (1) decrease by a factor of 4 (2) increase by a factor of 4 @) decrease by a factor of 2 (4) intrease by a factor of 2 If the Kinetic energy of a free electron doubles, its de-Broglie wavelength changes by the facto: IAIEEE - 2005) ws ie a, we The threshold frequency for a metallic surface Corresponds to an energy of 6.2 eV and the stopping potential for a radiation ineident on this surface is 5V. The incident radiation lies in IAIEEE - 2006) (2) tnfra-red region (4) Xray reaton The time taken by a photoelectron to/come out after the photon strikes is approximately. IAIEEE - 2006) (1) 10-45 (2) 10-10, (8) 10-16 (4) 10-1 5 the anode voliage of a photocellis kept fixed. The Kavelenath 2. of the ight faling on the cathode Gradually changed. The plate current | of the Photocell varies as follows () ultra-violet region (3) visible region IAIEEE - 2006) 1 ‘ a @'| \ ork o— i a) 1 Ga (4) 2. oO % f i : i i i i i — 14, 15, ——__ a 14, equericy vhas a momentum associated with it. If ¢s the velocity of light, the momentum is AIEEE - 2007] Nv (hve 3) hve? (@) hve fons : Questions No. 14, ‘on the following paragraph, Wave property of electrons implies that they wil show diffraction effects. Davission and Germer demonstrated this by diffracting electrons fre ‘crystals, The law governing the diffraction enystal is obtained by r and 16 are based ting that ele ellecied ftom the planes of atoms in a crystal Interfere constructively (see figure) Pee. mis are made to pass through a narrow slit of width ‘d theirde-Broghe wavele comparable They are detect a screen ata distance Drom the sit (see fi the following graphs can be e the ected ber af electrons 'N’ detected © represe; as a function of the detector position 'y ) = 0 comesponds to the middle of the sti) 2 AIEEE - 2008) t if | a) ‘aa i =| 5 Neat ‘ saat 8 SH foie Electrons accelerated by potential V are diffracted from a erystal. If d= 1A andi = 30° V should be about th = 6.6 x10" Js, m, = 9.1 x10-31 eg @= 1.6 x10-19¢y IAIEEE - 2008) (1) 2000 y (2) 50.V. (3) 500 v (4) 1000 v 17. Direeti Statement-1 and Statement-: Siven alter the statements, choose the one that best discribes the two statements. 18, 19. "aoa a Hen 16. _ (fa strong diffraction peak is observed wl vo (the threshold frequency). The maximum kinetic energy and the stopping potential are Kyy,, and Vo Tespectively. Ifthe frequency incident on the surface is doubled, both the K.,4. and Vp are also boubled. Statement-2 : The maximum kinetic energy and the stopping potential of photoelectrons emitted from a surface are linearly dependent on the frequency of incident light. IAIEEE 2011) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true, Staiement-2 is not the correct explanationof Statement-1 (2) Stotement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 Is false (3) Stetement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true, Statement-2 ts the correct explanation of and| 21. This question has Statement 22, Statement-2. Of the four choices given aj. the statements, choose the one that bes, describes the two statements. Statement-1: Davisson-Germer experimen, established the wave nature of electrons Statement-2 : IFelectrons have wave nature, th can interfere and show diffraction. [AIEEE-2012, (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true anj Statement-2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1. (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 Is true and Statement-2 is the correct explanation o statement-1, The radiation corresponding to 3 -> 2 transition o{ hydrogen atom falls on a metal surface to produce photoelectrons. These electrons are made to enter magnetic field of 3 x 10-4T. If the radius of the largest circular path followed by these electrons s Stetement-1 10,0 mm, the work function of the metal is close to MEE(Main}-2014} () 08 ev 166 @) 182 @11ev aia sea [as Tae] ans. [3 [1] 1[3]2]4[ale2 212 Ona WAVE THEORY & DOPPLER EFFECT ] Tube A has both ends open while tube B has end closed, otherwise they are identical, The ratio. of fundamental frequency of tubes A and B is (1:2 @1.4 IAIEEE - (1) 286 eps Cae, (3) 294 eps (4) 288 cps ‘A wave y = asinlat ~ kx) on a string meets with another wave producing a node at x = 0. Then the equation othe unknoum wave is AIBEE-20094 {D) ¥ = asinfot + io) (2) ym — asinfat +) G) y = asinfat — 1) (4) y = — asinfat ~ tx) Length of @ string thed to two Held suppor is 40 cm. Maximum length (wavelength in em) of stationery wave produced on it, is- [AEEE-2002) @) 120 (20 2)80 3) a0 The displacement y of a wave travelling in the x-direction isgiven by y = 104 sin (600: =2+2) 3 metre, where, x is expressed In metres and (2 Seronds. The speed of the wave-motion in ms7 js- IAIEEE-2003) (1) 300 (2) 600 (3) 1200 (4) 200 sti ra belore increasing the tension wos, (0 (256 + 2) He {AIEEE-20031 (2) (256-2) tz (3) (256~5) 14, (4) (256 +5) He When two tuning forks (fork 1 and fork 2) are sounded simultaneously, 4 beats per second are heard. Now, some tape is attached on the prong of the fork 2. When the tuning forks are sounded again, 6 beats per second are heard. If the frequency of fork 1 is 200 Hz, then what was the original frequency of fork 2? [AIEEE - 2005] (1) 200 He (2) 202 Hz (8) 196 He (4) 204 He . An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of sound. what is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency ? AIEEE - 2005} (1) zero. (2)0.5% (3) 5% (4) 20% A whistle producing sound waves of frequencies 9500 Hz and above is approaching a stationary person with speed v ms, The velocity of sound in air is 300 ms~1. If the person can hear frequencies upto a maximum of 10,000 He, the maximum value of v upto which he can hear the whistle is- IAIEEE - 2006] () 15 V2 mst (2) 15/2 ms? (3) 15 ms (4) 30 mst 0. A sound absorber attenuates the sound level by 20 dB. The intensity decreases by a factor af- [AIEEE - 2007} (1) 1000 (2) 10000 (3) 10 (@) 100 1. While measuring the speed of sound by performing arresonance column experiment, a student gets the first resonance condition at column length of 18 cm during winter. Repeation the same experiment during sumer, student measures the column length to be x cm for the second resonance. Then IAIEEE - 2008} () 18 > x (2)x > 54 (3) 545x536 (4) 36 >x > 18 2. A wave travelling along the x-axis is described by the equation y (k, t) = 0.005 cos (ax ft). If the wavelength and the time period of the wave in 0.08m and 2.0 s respectively then a and B in appropriate units are [AIEEE - 2008} (1) =25.007,p=2 jq=208 5.29 Ba ()a=12.505. B= 79 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ‘of equal amplitudes have Three sound waves frequencies (v-1), v, (v+1). give beats, The number of be second will be = a2 @1 (3)4 43 ‘A motor eye starts from rest and accelerates 2long a svaight path at 2 m/s®, At the starting point of the motor cycle there is a stationary electric siren. How far has the motor cycle gone when the driver hears the frequency of the siven at 94% of its value hen the motor eycle wasat rest ? (Speed of sound [AIEEE - 2009] = 330 ms“) = (1) 147m (2196m (349m (4) 98m The equation of a wave on a string of linear mass density 0.04 kg m-! is given by ‘They superpose 10 wats produced per aleee - 20091 Rc na corr ean ee tension in the string is : IAIEEE - 2010] (1) 6.25 N (2)4.0N 125. (4)0.5.N ‘The transverse displacement yx, t) of a wave on a string is given by y(x,t) [AlEEE-2002) Ris alkyl group) decreasing order of inductive effect is- (1)(CH,),C- > (CH,),CH- > CH,CH,- (2)CH.-CH,-> (CH,),CH-> (CH,),C- (3)(CH,),CH-> CH,CH,-> (CH,),CH- (4) None of these Inthe anion HCOO™ the two carbon-oxyaen bonds are found to be of equal length. What is the reason. for it IAIEEE-2003} (1) Electronic orbits of carbon atoms are hybridised (2) The C=O bond is weaker than the C-O bond (3) The anion HCOO™ has two resonating structure (4) The anion is obtained by removal of a proton form the acid molecule ‘The correct order of increasing basic nature for the ‘bases NH, CH NH, and (CH,),NHis- ~ ()CH.NH, < NH, <(CH,),NH |aIFEE-2003] (2)(CH.),NH < NH, < CHNH, (3)NH, < CH,NH, <(CH,),NHL (4) CH,NH, <(CH,),NH < NH Consider the acidity of the carboxylic acids- IAIrEE-200) () PCOOH (ti) o-NO,C,H,COOH GW NO,CJH,COOH (yj m-NO,C,H,COOH ‘which of the following is the correct order of actcity- (is iis ti > i Q)it> iv > ti >1 B)ii>vsi> ii i> iis ivot Which of the following is the strongest base - (AIEEE-2004) € Y—mien, | ) €S-cunn, CH, Rate of the reacti 0 0 RCS 4Nis RCS 47 Is fastest “ Ny, iz lu when Z is JAIEEE-2004) (1) OCOCH, (2) NH, (3)0C,H, (4) Cl Which one of the following does not have sp? hybridised carbon [AIEEE-2004] (1) Acetamide (2) Acetic acid (3) Acetonitrile (4) Acetone 10. i. 12. 13, 14. 15, Due to the presence of an unpaired electro radicals are - IAIEEE-2005) (1) Chemically inactive (2) Chemically re (3) Cations (4) Anions The decreasing order of nucleophilicity among the nucleophiles IAIEEE-2005) @)CHF-0- 0) CHO” 0 9 i (He <»- peck oO (1) @ , (©), (b), (a) (2) (@), (®), (0), (d) (3) (c), {b), (@), (2) (4) (b), (C), (a), (a) Tertiary alkyl halides are practically inert to substitution by SN? mechanism because of (c) CN" IAIEEE-2005] (1) unstabiliiy (2) inschubilty (3) steric hinderance (4) inductive effect ‘Among the following acids which has the lowest pk, value- IAIEEE-2005) (1) CH,CH,COOH (CH,),CHCOOH (@)HCOOH age Amongest the following the most ba: is IAIEEE- ) prnitro aniline 2) Acetanilide (3) Aniline (4) Benzylamine The easing order of the rate of HCN addition to compounds A~D is {AIEEE-2006} (A)HCHO (8)CH,cocH, (CPhcOcH, (D) PhCOPh, MD— CH, — Nu + Br- | The decreasing order of the rate of the above i reaction with nucleophiles (Nu) A to D is {AIEEE-2006) * (©) HO>, (D) CH,071 A>B>CaD | )D>C>a>B ° INu = (A) PhO-, (B) Aco-, ()D>C>B>A @)B>D>csa cas Re 1s 19 20. 21. 16. 7 18. 19. m 20. 21, The correct order of increasing acid srengi compounds is [e)CH,CO,H1 () MeOCH,CO,H Me. cF,co. ig ot (c)CF,CO,H (4) Meo: H ()d C,H, CH, > (CH,),CH > (CH,),C (2) (CH,),€ > (CH,),CH > C,H, CH, > CCl, (8) GH.CH, > Cc, > (CH,), C > (CHy),CH @) (CH,),CH > Cal, > C,H,CH, >(CH,);C ‘The correct order of increasing basicity ofthe given conjugate base (R=CH,) is (AIEEE-2010), (1) RCOO < Lic cR (2) RCOO < HC () R C>A>B (4)A>B>D>C ()C>B>A>D @)B>D>A>c Consider thiol anion (RS®) and alkoxy anion (RO®), Which of the following statement is correct ? [AIEEE-2011) (1) RS? fs less basic and less nucleophilic than Roe (2) RS® 1s less basic but more nucleophilic than RO? (8) RS® ts more basic and more nucleophile than RO? 4) RS® is more basic but less nuleeophilic than RO? Ortho-Nitrophenol is less soluble in water than >and m- Nitrophenols because :- {AIEEE-2012) (1) Melting point of o-Nitrophenol is lower than those of m= and p- isomers (2) o-Nitrophenol is more volatile in steam than those of m= and p- isomers {9) ©-Nitrophenol shows intramolecular H-bonding {4) ©-Nittopheno! shows Intermolecular H-bonding A solution of (-) -1-chloro-1-phenylethane in foluene racemises slowly in the presence of a small amount of SbCI,, due to the format {EECMoin)-2013) (2) Carbene (4) free radical on of = (1) carbanion (3) carbocation lt = | 28. Arrange the following compounds in order of | $1. Considering the basic strength of amines inacuse, decreasing acidity ; WEEMain)-2013} solution, which one has the smallest pk, vajy, OH OH OH OH HEE(Main)- 2034 aN: G ; (1) (CHAN (2) C.H;NH, 7. ; Hm, Wo, OCH, (3) (CHy)NH (4) CHyNH, Qo @M a w 32, Inthe reaction @U>W>i>m — Q)I>1>m>v @l>i>0>V a) V>ml>1>0 NH, : 29. Theorderof ay WM p GOH 59, . CH; cu-cn-8h, ; CH,-cH-cH, ; ied) 9. I i . the product E is - [JEE(Main)-2015, L [SEE(Main)-2013) CN Ql>tl>1 i> il >1 q @loism @) i> i> 30. For which of the following molecule significant a) (2) ped [JEE(Main)-2014) CH, 1 HH SH Die 00H fa) ®LO)] © [oO] @ 10. a cN on SH (0) Only (e) (2) (3 and (@) b @) Only @) (4) (6) and () 11. 412 4 2%, 3 2 § 12. f i 1. Which of these will not react with acetylene - : : eas 4 On mixing a certain alkane with chlorine and i () Neon eianmibuscae ‘radiating it with ultraviolet light, it forms only one i (3) Na fateh 8 monechloroalkane, This alkane could be - i 2. What is the product formed when acetylene reacts Ane IIEEEZ003) with hypochlorous acid - IAIEEE-2002) a eh (2) propane i (1) CH,CocI @CIcH,cHO Sawa iO ware one i @)C,CHCHO (4) CICH,COOH Zn a the following is reduced with 4 13 3. 1-Butene may be converted to butane by reaction ‘Salve the corresponding hydrocarbor : wile IAIEEE-2003} (1) Butan-2-one IAIEEE-2008 ayPds, @zn-Hal 2) Acci act i (3) Sn - HCI (4) Zn - Ha/HiCl (3) Acetamide i (4) Ethyl acetate E 72 See 6 10. 11. ee Which one ofthe folowing has the minimura boing point: IAIFEE-2004) (1) fsobutane (2) 1-butyne (@) Hbutene (@) n-butane 2-Methylbutane on reacting with bromine in the presence of sunlight gives mainly —JAIFEF-2005} (1) 2-bromo-2-methylbutane (2) 1-bromo-2-methylbutane. 3) 1-bromo-3-methylbutane (4) 2-bromo-3-methylbutane Alky] halides react with dialkyl copper reagent to give [AIEEE-2005} (2) alkyl copper halides (2) alkenes (3) alkenyl halides (4) alkanes Reaction of one molecule of HBr with one molecule of 1,3-butadiene at 40°C gives predominantly (1) 1-bromo-2-butene under thermodynamically controlled conditions TAIEEE-2005) (2) 3-bromobutene under kinetically controlled conditions (3) 1-bromo-2-butene under kinetically controlled conditions (4) 3-bromobutene under thermodynamically controlled conditions ‘Acid catalyzed hydration of alkenes except ethene leads to the formation of AIEEE-2005} (2) secondary or tertiary alcohol (2) primary alcohol (3) mixture of secondary and tertiary alcohols (4) mixture of primary and secondary alcohols Elimination of bromine from 2-bromobutane results in the formation of IAIEEE-2005} (1) predominantly 2-butene (2) equimolar mixture of 1 and 2-butene (3) predominantly 2-butyne (4) predominantly 1-butene Me 2 4 @ Me OH —S—> i Et p—Bu The alkene formed as a major product in the above elimination reaction is- IAIEEE-2006] () ae Reaction of trans-2-phenyl-1-bromocyclo pentane on teaction with alcoholic KOH produces- (1) 4-phenyl cyclopentene {AIEEE-2006} (2) 2-pheny! cyclopentene (3) L-phenyl cyclopentene (4) 3:phenyl cyclopentene NZ Me 14, Phenyl magnesium bromide reaets with methanol to give- IAIEEE-2006] (1) A mixture of anisole and Ma(OH)Br (2) A mixture of benzene and Mg{OMe)Br (3) A mixture of toluene and Mg(OH)Br (4) A mixture of phenol and Mg(Me)Br 15. Which of the following reactions will yield, 2, 2-cibromopropane [AIEEE-2007] (1) CHy—C=CH + 2HBr —> (2) CH,CH=CHBr + HBr —> (G) CH=CH + 2HBr — (@)CH,—CH = CH, + HBr —> 16. The reaction of toluene with Cl, in presence of FeCl, gives predominantly- IAIEEE-2007] (1) benzoy chloride (2) benzyl chloride (3) o-and p-chlorotoluene @) mchlorotoluene 17. Presence of a nitro group in a benzene ring IAIEEE-2007] (1) activates the ring towards electrophilic substitution (@) renders the ring basic (8) deactivates the ring towards nucleophilic substitution () deactivates the ring towards electrophilic substitution 18. The compound formed as a result of oxidation of ethyl benzene by KMnO, is- _[AIEEE-2007] (1) benzophenone (2) acetophenone (@) benzoie acid (4) benzyl alcoho! 19. In the following sequence of reactions, the alkene affords the compound 'B’ :- AIEEE-2008} CH,CH=CHCH, —2 > a #2, B, The compound B is (1)CH,CH,CHO (2)CH,COCH, ()CH,CH,COCH, (@) CH,CHO, 20. The hydrocarbon which can react with sodium in. liquid ammonia is IAIEEE-2008} (1)CH,CH,CH,C =CCH,CH,CH, (2)CH,CH,C=CH (@)CH,CH-CHCH, (@) CH,CH,C = CCH,CH, 21, The treatment of CH,MgX with CH,C=C-H produces {AIEEE -2008} (1)CH,-CH=CH, (2)CH,C=C-CH, Hu ri (3) CH—C=C—CH, (4) CH, 22. The main product of the following reaction is tie, 26. 2-Hexyne gives trans -2-Hexene on treatmg Cone. H,SO, with IAIEEE-2012) (C(HCH,CHOH)CHICH,), 2 (1) Li AIH, (2) PH, H.C.CHCHA (3) Li/NH; (4) Pa/BaSO, a Ho Ee IFFE20101 | 97. Inthe given transformation, which ofthe follouing Hea H is the most appropriate reagent ? AIEEE-201 @ ee ra CH=CHCOCH, ee aie Lik Emme, CHCH, HO" ® = SS eo CH-CHCH.CH, CH, CH ‘CHICH)), oO ne H i F A . “ ; (1) NaBH, (2) NH, ii OH 23. mole of a symmetrical alkene on ozonolysis si i (4) Na, Lig.NH, ghtsivorics lan alee hein amolclat 28 . 7 ae Bie a Bie the mass of 44 u. The alkene is: _{AIBEE-2010) | 28. The major Ss isi, (1) ethene (2) propene reaction of 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane with silver (3) T-butene (4) 2-butene powder is - [JEE(Main-2014) 24. Ozonolysis of an organic compound gives (1) 2-Butyne (2) 2-Butene (3) Acetylen (4) Ethene formaldehyde as one of the products. This confirms | 29, Which compound would give 5-keto- -methy) aera = TAIEEE-2011 hexanal upon ozoniysis ? [JEEQMain}-2015} ‘an isopropyl group (2) an acetylenic triple bond : eet, (two ethylenic doutle bonds He (4) a vinyl group q) Chae 25. Ozonolysis of an organic compound ‘A’ produces acetone and propionaldehyde in equimolar CH, ‘mixture. dentily'from the fllowing compounds:- (AIEER-2011) (1) 2Methyi- T-pentene (2) 1-Pentene CH, (3) 2-Pentene (4) 2-Methyi- 2-pentene (3) (4) Rie PA ST ase 7 fs | sae Pan ba Ans 1 2 4 1 iL 1 iz | Que.| j2u | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 [26 [a7 Ans sae a4) 4] sole ___HALOGEN DERIVATIVE | 1, Following reaction 3. 74 (CH,),C-Br + H,O —> (CH,),C-OH + HBr is an example of- IAIEEE-2002] (1) Elimination reaction (2) Free radical substitution (3) Nucleophilic substitution (4) Electrophilic substitution " reaction is feasible in- (1) >-Cl + KOH —> [AIEEE-2002) 2) a7. KoH-—> 3) we ©- +KOH—> (4) Cyrene Cl + KOH—> Bottles containing C.Hyl and C,41,-CH,l lost their! original labels. They were labelled A and B for testing. A and B were separately taken in a tes tube and boiled with NaOH solution, The en. solution in each tube was made acidic with dint HNO, and then some AgNO, solution was added Substance B gave a yellow precipitate, Which one Of the following statements is true for this experiment. (AIEEE-20031 (1) A was CgHgl (2) Awas CoH.CH,1 (3) Bwas C.H.1 (4) Addition of HNO, was unnecessary 4, Thereaction of chloroform withaleoholic KOH and cn ~ a p-toluidine form- {AIEEE-2003} 7 | a) Q a7 a) copa cn cl an aue-{6)-nc : ; CN 3 1 & Which of the following on heati 1eous 8) ne-(Omn KOH, produces acetaldehyde? _[AIEEE-2009} (1) CH,CICH,C1 (2)CH,CHC!, @ nie{O)- Ne (@)CH,COCI(4) CH,CH,CI ‘der the following bromides :- {AIEEE-2010] 5, The compoiid formed on heating chlorobenzene | 9 Consider the following Me Me ‘i With chloral in the presence of concentrated Me SB AY te sulphuric acld s+ IAIEEE-2004 oF es (1) Gammaxe (2) DpT @ ® © (3) Freon, (4) Hexa chloro ethane ‘The correct order of Sy" reactivity is 6. Among the following the one that gives posiive ()A>B>c Q)B>C>A jodoform test upon reaction with Ip and NeOH is ()B>A>C (4)C>B>A (DCH.CH,CHOHICH,CH, —" tarere-2006) | 19, In §,2 reactions, the correct order of reactivity for (2)C,H.CH,CH,OH_ the following compounds = [JEE(Main)-2014] Cry CH,C), CH,CH, CI, (CH,),CHCI and (CH,),CClis, ee (1) CH,CH,C1> CH,Cl > (CH,),CHCI> (CH,),CC) a ae (2)(CH,),CHCI> CH,CH,Cl> CH,CI> (CH,),CCl : i eS ee Sie aik (8)CH,Ci> (CH,),CHC] > CH,CH,Cl> (CH,),CCI Sees ne sealer preset Pe (4) CHCl> CHCH,C!> (CH), CHC1> (CH,),CC! Be eee WEEE20061 | 11. The synthesis of allyl uoride is best accomplished EE (Main}-2015) (0) Finkelstein reaction (2) Swaits reaction I (3) Free redical fluorination (4) Sandmeyer's reaction : Sei aoa : 2 alae bete| 2] i __ OXYGEN CONTAINING COMPOUND 21. Maximum dehydration takes place that of - 2. Pherle acid is IAIEEE-2002) [AIEEE-201 : u Me} COOH coor i : a) @ oO i @ 0, ou i OH ; NQ No, OH i (a) i (3) afO i NO, ‘NH; E ed 6. 76 volatile than an alechol having the lar formula, This is due to - [AIEEE-2003] ‘molecular hydrogen bonding in ethers molecular hydrogen bonding in alcohols Dipolar character of ethers (4) Alcohols having resonance structures When CH, =CH-COOHis reduced with LiAIM,, the compound obteined will be- _[AIEEE-2003) (I)CH,-CH,-CH,OH — (2)CH,-CH,-CHO (@)CH-CH,-COOH —_(@)CH,=CH-CH,OH ‘The general formula C,H,,0, represents [AIEBE-2003) (1) Dicls (2) Dialdehydes (3) Diketones (4) Carboxylic acids Which one of the following undergoes reaction with 50% sodium hydroxide solution to give the corresponding alcohol and acid? _[AIEEE-2004) (2) Phenol (2) Benzaldehyde (3) Butanal (4) Benzoic acid Among the following compounds which can be dehydrated very easily is IATEEE-2004] (Q) CH\CH,CH,CH,CH,OH oH @ CHCH.CHCHCH, CH, (3) one (CH,CH, OH (4) CH,CH,CH CH,CH,OH Gy pp-cresol reacts with chloroform in alkaline medium to give the compound A which adds hydrogen cyanide to form, the compound B. The later on acidic hydrolysis gives chiral carboxylic acid. The structure of the carboxylic acid is [AIEEE-2005] cH, f SHOHICOOH q (/ (OH)COOH oH CH, coon 3) (4) "cH,COOH on 10. 11. | 12. 13. 14, 15. HBr reacts with CH, = CH -OCH, under anbiyro, conditions at room temperature to give - (1) BrCH,CHO and CH,OH IAIEEE-2096 (2)BrCH,-CH,-OCH, (3)H,C-CHBr-OCH, (4) CH,CHO and CH,Br ‘The structure of the compound that gives tibroms derivative on treatment with bromine water is. IAIEEE-2006) CH, as H,OH OH ) (2) cH oH, 18. 8) @ IH Phenol, when it first reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid and then with concentrated nitricack, ‘19. gives {AIEEE-2008) (1) 2, 4, € trinitrobenzene (2) a-nitrophenol (3) p-nitrophenol (4) nitrobenzene * Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting With {AIEEE-2008) (@)(CH,OF), (2CH,CHO @)CH,COCH, (a) HCHO The best reagent to convert pent-3-en-2-ol inio pent -3-en ~2-one is - JAIEEE-2005] (1) Acidic dichromate (2) Acidic permanganate (3) Pyridinium chloro-chromate (@) Chromic anhydride in glacial acetic acid | Rate of the reaction- {AIEEE-2005) © - RC +N&+R-€ +xe° ‘2 ox lu is fastest when X is - () NH, ci (3)0CcOR Moc.H, In the following sequence of reactions Pek lee a CH,CH,OH2*4, a Map HCHO, ¢ 100, 5 1 then compound ‘Dy is - pureso fg (1) butanal (2) n-butyl alcobol (3) n-propyl aleohol (4) propanal fe — CO —— a7. 18. 19. 20. JEE=MAIN nd product of the following reaction is - 24, Tichloroacetaldehyde was subjeciod to Cannizann [AIEEE-2002) GL) Alc. KOH CH,CH,COOH > > (1) CHCHCOOH (2) CH,CH,COOH oH 1H @)cHy-CHCOOH 4) GHL.GH-COOH CO On mixing ethyl acetate with aqueous sodium chloride, the composition of the resultant solution se IAIEEE-2004) (1}CH,COOC,H, + Na (2) CH,COONa + C,H,OH (3) CH,COCI + C,H,OH + NaOH (4) CHCI + C,H,COONa ‘The mar product obtained on interaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is (1) Selieyiie ackd IAIEEE-2009} (2) Phthalic acid G) Benzoie acid (4) Salicyladohyde Jn Camnizzaro reaction given below 2PhCHO 24> PRCH,OH + PhCO? the slowest step is IAIFEE-2009) (1) The abstraction of proton from the carboxvlic group (2)"The deprotonation of PhCH,OH @) The atiack of : OH at the carboxsl group (2) The transfer of hide to the carbons group A liquid was mixed with ethanol and a drop of concentrates H.SO, vnsacded Acrmpcundva fy ssnall uns formed. The laid was + {AIEEE-2003] ()CH,COCH, (@)CH,CooH (3)CH,OH @HCHO From amongst the following alcohols the one that would react fastest with cone, HCl and anhydrous ZnCl, is IAIEEE-2010) (1) 1-Butanol (2) 2-Butanol (3) 2-Methylpropan-2-ol (4) 2-Methylpropancl Sodium ethoxide has reacted vith ethanoyl chloride The compound that is produced in the above reaction is = |AIEEE-2011] (1) Eths! chloride (2) Ethy! ethanoate (3) Diethyl ether (4) 2-Butanone Phenol is heated with a solution of mixture of KBr and KBrO,, The major product obtained in the above reaction is [AIFEE-2011) (1)4Bremophenol —_(2)2,4,6-Tribromophenol ()2-Bromophenol (4) 3: Bromophencl 25, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. reaction by using NaQH. The mix products contains sc another compound. The other compound re of the ium trichloroacetate and (1) 2,2,2-Trichloropropancl IAIEEE-2011) (2) Chloroform (3) 2,2,2-‘TWichloroethanol (4) Trichloromethanol Silver Mirror test Is given by which one of the following compounds ? [AIEEE-2011) (1) Formaiehyde (2)Bemzophenone @) Acetaldehydle (4) Acetone Which of the following reagents may be used to distinguish between phenol and benacic acid ? IAIEEE-2011) (1) Molisch reagent (2) Neutral FeCl (3) Aqueous NaOH (4) Tollen’s reagent Consider the following reaction CyHjOH + H,S0, > Produce ‘Among the following, which one cannot be formed asa product under any conditions? (AIEEE-2011] (1) Ethythydrogen sulphate (2) Ethylene (8) Acetylene (@) Diethyl ether lodoform can be prepared from all except (1) lsobuty alcohol (AIFEE-2012) (2) Bthyl methy! ketone (3) lsopropy) alcohol (4) 3 Meth1-2-butanone A compound with molecular mass 180 is acylated with CHsCOCI to get a compound with molecular mass 390. The number of amino groups present per molecule of the former compound is = ae (2)5 WEE@tatn)-2013) @4 M6 ‘Compound (A), CHB, gives a white precipitate ‘when warmed with alcoholic AgNO. Oxidation of (A) gives on acid (B), CH,O;, (B) easily forms ‘anhydride on heating. Identify the compound (A) (EE (Matn)-2013) CH,Br CH, (a) @ OL Br CH; CH.Br OH, Br @) @ OL, OH, cH, | is treated with the “Lucas determine whether the alcohol s primary, am Ei OH CocH, Hs or Q) on or tertiary. Which alcohol reacts fastest COOH what mechanism ;- _[JEE(Main)-2013] | secondary alcohol by SN1 OCOCH, COCK, (2) tertiary aleohol by SN1 2) tertiary by 8) COOH (a) (3) secondary alcohol by SN2 COCH, Os le reagent forthe conve 2 k -2014) | 34, The most suitable reagent for the sion 32. eee lecshort A R-CH, ~OH > R-CHO is - (SEE (Main}-201, () Cr, a Ap MEK, ihe (2) PCC (Pyrtinium chlorochromate) product Cis = . @) KMNO, (1) Ethylene (2) Acetyl chloride (@) K,C,0, * @) Acetaldehyde (4) Acetylene jlowing sequence of reactions : 33. Sodium phenoxide when heated with CO, under | 35+ !n the fo! ie x SOC Hye pressure at 125°C yields a product which on Toluene MnO, 4 SOCK p peccc acetylation produces C. HEE (Matn)-2024) 7 the product C is [SEE(Main)2015 (OPM c0-Ess oc () H,CH,OH (2)C¢H,CHO HCOOH (4) HCH. ‘The major product C would be : ae es [ oT 2 2 15 2) ai Bonus|_ 4 | 4 | 2 fos 16 | 17 26 |'27 | 28 [39 3 2 2 3 eee 2 4 31 [32 : 2 1 3 2 2 NITROGEN CONTAINING Reaction - WAIFEE-2002] | 4. In the chemical reaction, Primary amine + CHCl, + KOH + product, here CH;CH,NH, + CHCl, +3KOH > (A) + (2) +3140 product will be - the compounds (A) and (B) are respectively (1) Cyanide (2) lsoeyanide (1) CH,CN and 3kCi {AIEEF-2007 3) Amine (4) Alcohol (2) CH,CH, CONH, and 3KC1 2, The compound formed in the positive test for (8)CH.NC andk,Co, nitrogen with the Lassaigne solution of an organic (4) CHNC and 3KCI exnitatct taitee-2009) | 5+ In the chemical reactions, {AIEEE:201° (1) Fe,[Fe(CN),), (2) Na,IFe(CN),] NH, @)Fe(cN), (4) NafFe(CN),)NOS) NaNO, |, _ ue, 3. Which one ofthe following methods is neither meant Tria A 9B for the synthesis nor for separation of amines - at (1) Hofmann method IAIEEE-2005 fe Pounds ‘A and respectively are Omen (2) Nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene : (2) Nitrobenzene and fluorobenzene (3) Curtus reaction (@) Pheadl ane berne ne ee ection (4) Benzene diazonium chloride and fluorober" OO SS ee — FID cca scresmcnsossimsinwonises out ere In the chemical reactions ‘NH, > B, the compounds A and B respectively are IAIEEE-2011) (1) Puorobenzene and phenol 9% (2)Benzene diazonium chloride and benzonitrile (3) Nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene (4) Phenol and bromobenzene “The gas leaked from a storage tank of the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal ges tragedy was'~ (1) Methvlisocvanate [MEE(Main)-2013) (2) Methylamine (3) Ammonta (4) Phosgene On heating an aliph chloroform and ethanolic potassium hydroxide, the organic compound formed is ~ [JEE(Main)-2014] (1) an alkyl cyanide primary amine with 7, Anvorganie compound A upon reacting with NH, 2 isocyanid gives B. On heating, 8 aives C. C in presence of Oevl see KOH reacis with Bry to give CHsCH,NH), A is» Gl envalkanel ()CH,COOH EE (statn)-2013) (6) an elkanediol (@)CH.CH,CH,COOH @) een Hi, (@)CH,CH,COOH | Que. | d ‘oEfEa ans |2 [i | 4 [4] 4[2]4)a BIOMOLECULES, POLYMER, CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE @ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRY. ‘| 1. A substance forms Zwitter ion. It can functional | §. Monomers are converted to polymer by- groups IAIEEE-2002) (2) Hydrolsts of monomer IAIEEE-2002) (1)-NH,, -CooH (2) Condensation reaction between monomers (2)-NH,, -SO,H {3) protonation of monomers (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) none of the above (4) None of these Complete hyetroiysis of cllulose gives- IAIFFR-2003) 2, Inanoranie compound of molarmass 108gmat4 C, (1) D-fructose (2) Durbose Hand Natomsate presentin9:1:3.5by wegih, (8) Datucose (4) L-ghicose : i Molecular formula can be- (DOH N, Q)CjHyqNN CHAN, @)C HN, [AIEEE-2002}, ‘Compound A given below is AIEEE-2002) ococH, coo 8 (2) Antiseptic (2) Antibiotic G) Analgesic (9) Pesticide 5 RNA contains- IAIEEE-2002] | ~~ (1) Ribose sugar and thymine (2) Ribose sugar and uracil (8) deoxyribose sugar and uracil (A) decxyribose sugar and thymine The reason for double helical structure of DNA is operation of: IAIEEE-2003} (1) Vanderwaal’s forces (2) Dipole-Dipole interaction (3) Hydrogen bonding (4) Electrostatic attractions Nylon treads are made of- 2) polyvinyl polymer (2) polyester polymer (3) polyamide (G) polyethylene polymer Which of the following could act as @ propellant for rockets: (AIEEE-2003 (1) Liquid hydrogen + liquid nitrogen (2) Liquid oxygen + liquid argon (3) Liquid hydrogen + liquid oxvgen (4) Liquid nitrogen + liquid oxygen IAIEEE-2003), -regatding enzymes [AIEEE-2004] biological catalysts that normally heterogenceus catalysis specific in their action ‘are specificbiological catalysts that 5055 well defined active sites h base is present in RNA but not in DNA, {ANEEE-2004] (1) Urea (2)Cytosine G) Guanine (4) Thymine Insulin production and its action in human body are responsible for he level of dabetes. This compound ‘belongs to which of the following categories [AIEEE-2008) (1)A coenzyme 2) Ahormone (8) Anenzyme (4) An antibiotic ‘The ammonia evolved from the treatment of 0.309 of an organic compound for the estimationof nitrogen was passed in 100 ml of 0.1 M sulphuric acid, The excess of acid required 20 mi. of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution for complete | heutvalization. The organic compound is [AIEEE-2003) (2) acctamid (2) bonzamide (@) urea (4) thiourea 14. Which one of the following types of drugs reduces fever- IAIEEE-2005) (1) Trangutlzer (2) Antibioue (3) Antipyretc (2) Analgesic Which ofthe following sa polyamide IAIEEE:2005) (1) Bakelite (2) Terylene (8) Nylon-66 (4) Teflon |n both DNA and RNA, heterocyclic base and phosphate ester linkage are ai |AIEEE-2005) 16. (1) Cs and C, respectively of the sugar molecule (2) Cy and Ce, respectively of the sugar molecule (8) C, and C; respectively ofthe sugar molecule (4) Cs and C respectively of the sugar molecule 17. Which of the following is fully fluorinated polymer: IAIFEE-2005} (2) Thiokol (4) Neoprene (pve (3) Teflon 80 19. 22, 23. 2a, ‘An organic compound having molecular mass 6 is found to contain C = 20%, H ~ 6.67 % N=46.67 % while rest s oxyyen on heating tg, NH, along with a solid residue, The solid resi, give violet colour with alkaline copper sulphate IAIEEE:2005 solution, The compound is- (1}CH,CH,CONH, (2) (NH,),CO (8)CH,CONH, (@)CH,NCO ‘The term anomers of glucose refers to- AIEEE: 2005, (1) Isomers of glucose that difer in configurations at carbon one and four (C-1 and C-4) (2) A mixture of (D}-glucose and (L)-glucose, (3) Enantiomers of glucose () Isomers of glucose that differ in configuraticn at earbon one(C-1) ‘The pyrimidine bases present in DNA are (1) cytosine and adanine [AIEEE-2006) (2) cytosine and guanine (3) eytosine and thymine (@) cytosine ard uracil ‘The secondary structure of a protein refers to ) c-helical backbone [AIFEE-2007) (2) hydrophobic interactions (3) sequence of cvaming acids (4) fixed configuration of the polypeptide backbone Regular use of which of the following! (1) Potassium nitrate (2) Urea (8) Superphosphate of lime (4) Ammonium sulphate Identify the wrong statement in the following (1) Chleroflucrocarbons are responsible for o7 layer depletion IAIEEE-2008) {2) Greenhouse effect is tesponsible for glote! warming (3) Ozone layer does not Permit infrared radiation from the sun to reach the earth (4) Acid rain is mostly because of oxides of nitroge" and sulphur Buna-N synthetic rubber is a copolymer of [AlEEE:200! (1) HyC = CH CN and HyC = CH=CH C’ (2) Msc = CH-CN and HC = CH Cc -cll cH, qa { (SHE =CH~C =CH, and HC = CH-CH-Ci! (@)HaC= CH-CH = CH, and HC, - CH= J SS eee 28 29 30. oh i 3 i i | i i E ‘The two functional groups present in a typical carbohydrate are - IAIEEE-2009} (1)>€=Oand-OH — (2)-OH and -CHO (3)-OH'and-COOH (4) -CHO and -COOH 29.5 mg of an organic compound containing nitrogen was digested according to Kieldahi's ‘method and the evolved ammonia was absorbed in 20 ml. of 0.1 M HCI solution, The excess of the ‘cid required 15 mL. of 0.1 M NaOH solution for complete neutralization, The percentage of nitrogen in the compound is :- IAIEEE-2010] (1295 (2)59.0 (3)474 (ay. 23,7 27. The polymer containing strong intermolecular forces eg, hydrogen bonding, Is - IAIEEE-2010) (Q) natural rubber (2) teflon (3) nylon 6, 6 (4) polystyrene 28. Bluest test is not given by = —_JAIEEE-2010) (1) proteins (2) carbohydrates (3) polypentides (4) urea 29. The presence or absence of hydroxy: group on which carbon atom of sugar differentiates RNA and DNA? AIEEE-20111 ae eyat 1" (a) 2" 30, The change in the optical rotation of freshly prepared solution of ghicose is known as : IAIEEE.2011) (2) tautomerism (2) racemisation (3) specific rotation (4) mutarotation 31. —Hentify the incorrect statement from the following: IAIEEE-2011] (1), Oxides ofnitrogen in the atmosphere can cause the depletion of ozone layer (2) Ozone absorbs the intense ultraviolet radiation of the sun (8) Depletion of ozone layer is because of its chemical reactions with chlorofluoro alkanes @) Ozone absorbs infrared radiation ‘Thermosetting polymer, Bakelite 1s formed by the reaction of phenol with = IAIEEE-2011) ()CH,CH,CHO (2)CH,CHO (3) HCHO. {4) HCOOH 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38, 39. 40. 41, 42. Dieta Which of the following compounds can be detected by Molisch's test ? IAIEEE-2012), (1) Primary alcohols (2) Nitro compounds (8) Sugars (4) Amines Which one of the following statements is correct ? AIEEE-2012) (1) All amino acids except glutamic acid are optically active {2) Allamino acids except lysine are optically active (3) All amino acids are optically active (9) Allaminc acids except glycine are optically active The species which can best serve as an initiator for the cationic polymerization is = _[AIEEE-2012) (1) Buti (QA, (3)HNO, (aici, What is DDT among the following {AIEEE-2012] (1) Non-biodegradable pollutant (2) Greenhouse gas Q)A fertilizer (4) Biodegradable pollutant Aspirin is known as :- (AIczE-2012) (1) Methyl salieylic acid (2) Acetyl salicylic acid (@) Phenyl salicylate (4) Acetyl salicylate Synthesis of each molecule of glucose in photosynthesis involves :- UEE(Main}-2013] (2) 18 molecules of ATP. (2} 10 molecules of ATP (3) 8 molecules of ATP. (4) 6 molecules of ATP Which one of the following bases is not present in DNA? [JEE(Main)-2014) (1) Cytosine (2) Thymine (8) Quinoline (4) Adenine Which one is classified as a condensation polyme:? [SEE(Main)-2014) (1) Teflon (2) Acrylonitrile (8) Dacron (4) Neoprene Which of the vitamins given below is water soluble? [JEE(Main)-2015) (1) Vitamin E (2) Vitamin K @) Vitamin C (4) Vitamin D. Which of the following compounds is not an antactd? [JEE(ain)-2015) (2) Ranitidine (4) Cimetidine (1) Phenelzine 3) Aluminium hydroxide qela [2] s Paps fs [7] ss Trop papas ya [as Ans | 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 1 Zz 3 3 3 ‘ 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 23 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 fps ate tabe 2e | peal ces Mee ped elas Emuleon [eae |iea re] 4 | 4 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 [40 [ai | a2 Anata | 3 | 3] 4 | 4 122 2h S| Peels: 3 1 ATOMIC STRUCTURE ‘Anatom has a mass of 0.02 kg and uncertainty in its velocity is 9.218 x 10-6 m/s then uncertainty in position is (h = 6.626 x10-4Js) [AIEEE 2002} ()2.86x10-%m —— (2)2.86 x10-%cm 3) 1.5 x10-7 m (4) 3.9 109° m 2, Energy of H-atom in the ground state is -13.6 eV, Hence eneray in the second excited state is AIEEE 2002) ()-6.8 ev (2)-3.4 eV (3)-1.51 eV 4)-4.3 ev 8. Uncertaintyin position of a particle of 25 g in space is 10° m. Hence uncertainty in velocity (ms")is (Planck's constant h = 6.6 x10-* Js) IAIEEE-2002} (2.4 x10 (2) 2.1 x10-$ @)05 x10-%4 (4) 5.0 x20 4. The orbitel angular momentum for an electron = h evolving in an orbits guen by JAECT). 5. Tis Tomenttim for an s-clectron will be given by IAIEEE-2003) ot au h W224 For Bizet 5. The number of d-electrons retained in Fe2* {At. no. of Fe = 26) ion is : IAIEEE-2003) Me 83 34 5 6. The de Broglie wavelength of a tennis ball of mass ‘60. gmoving with a velocity of 10 metres per second is approximately : AIEEE 2003) (1)10® metres (2)10 metres (3)10 metres (4)101 metres 7. In Balmer series of lines of ‘hydrogen spectrum, the third line from the red end corresponds to which one of the following intor-orbit jumps ofthe electron for Bohr orbits in an atom of hydrogen AIEEE:-2003) (y2s5 (32 552 M41 8. Which ofthe following sets of quantum number is correct for an electron in 4 orbital ? (AIEER-2004) Mn=3.1=2m=-2 30+} @n=4)1=4,m=—4, 5-4 14, pe=5 4, ls= 2 @)n=41=3,m=41sa43 1 2 )n=41=3,m=+4,s=4 5 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16, Consider the ground state of Cr atom (Z = 24), Th, numbers of electrons with the azimuthal quantum numbers, /= 1 and 2 are, respectivaly {AIEEE-2094) (1) 16 and § (2)12 and 5 (@)16 and 4 (4) 12 and 4 ‘The wavelength of the radiation emitted, when ina hydrogen atom electron falls from infinity to stationary state 1, would be IAIEEE-2004) (Rydberg constant = 1.097x 10! m?) ()9.1x10%nm (2) 192 nm 8)406 nm (4) 91 nm Which one of the following sets of ions represents the collection of isoelectremic species ? [AIEEE-2004) (1) Na*, Mg?*, Al+, Cl (2) Nat, Ca*, Sc#*, F (3) K*, Cl, Mg*, Sc3* (4) K~, Ca*, Sc*, C} In a multielectron atom, which of the following orbitals described by the three quantum members willhave the same energy in the absence of magnetic and electric fields ? IAIEFF-2005) (A)n=1,1=0,m=0 @)n=2,1=0, (Qn=2,1=1,m=1 ()n=3,/=2,m-1" (€)n=3,1=2,m-0 (1) D)ana (E) (2)(C)and(D)_ @BardQ (IA) ond (3) ; Of the following sets which one does not ¢6 4 Isoelectronic species ? IAIEER-2005) ( (1) BOY, COP, NO, (2) SO®. CO, No, @) @) CNN, Cc (4) PO, SO, clo, 22 Th Which of the following statements in relation tc the kes hydrogen atom is correct ? IAIEEE-2005) e- (1) 85, 3p and 3d orbitals all have the same enera/ (2) 35 and 3p orbitals are of lower energy than 3d orbitals (3) Sp orbital is lower in energy than 3d orbital (4) 3s orbitals is lower in energy than 3p orbital According to Bohr’s theory angular momentum! electron in 5¢ shel is [ATEEE.20061 (1) 1.0 hye 2) 10 b/n (8) 2.5 h/x (4) 25 b/n Uncertainty in the position of an electio" (mass = 9.1 x 10°31 Kg) moving with a velo 300 ms, accurate upto 0.001%, wil be = (h=6.63 x10 5) {AtEEE-2006 (5.76 x10%im (2) 1.92 «102m (3) 3.84 x 102m (4) 19.2 x10? m 18 19. 20. (148 (3) 6: Iori ener ass 23. ie following sets of quantum numbers 17. ‘of the yopresents 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. the highest energy of an atom ? (jeedt=Lim=1.s-+% @n-3'-2m-=1, (na 41=0m-0,s- 1% {ne 31-0, =0, s = He hich one of the following constitutes a group of the isoelectronic species? IAIEEE-2008} iu) CF,0;,CO.NO (2) NO",CE.CN-.N, @) CNN,,07.Cz (N,,0;,NO",CO The fonziation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1.312% 108 Jmol, The energy required to excite the electron in the atom from n =1 ton =2 is {AIEEE-2008}) (1) 851 x 10°.J mot! (2) 6.56 x 10° J mol (3) 756 10° J moi (4) 9.84 x 10° J mol Inan atom, an electron is moving with a speed of {600 m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainity \ulth which the position ofthe electron can te located is (h = 6.6 x 10-% kg m? $4, mass of electron, eq = 9:1 10-1 eg) [AIEEE.2009} @)192x103m — (2)3.84x103m @)152x104m (4) 5.10 x103 m Calculate the wavelength (in nanometer) associated with a proton moving at 1.0 x 103 mst (Mass of proton = 1.67 x 10-27 kg and IAIEEE-2007} pA b= 6.63 x10°94 Js) = IAIEEE-2009), (1) 2.5 nm (2) 14.0 nm (3) 0.032 nm. (4) 0:40 nm. ‘The eneray required to break one mole of CLC] bbondsin Ci is 242 kJ mot. The longest wavelength ‘of light capable of breaking a single CI-Cl bond is (C= 3 «10° ms and Ny = 6.02 x10" mol) IAIEEE-2010] (1) 494 nm (2) 594 nm (3) 640 nm_ (4) 700 nm Jonisation energy of He" is 19.6 x107"8 Jaton’. The ‘energy of the first stationary state (n = 1) of Li?*is:- 24. 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. 30, A.gas absorbs a photon of 355 nm and emits at two wavelengths. If one of the emissions is at 680 nm, ther is at + IAIEEE-2011) (2) 743 nm. (2) 518 nm (3) 1085 nm (4) 325 nm The frequency of light emitted for the tran: al to the transition in H atom corresponding to which of the following AIEEE-2011) Q)n Qn- Gin @n= 4 The increasing order of the ionic radii of the given isoelectronic species is (OKT Se Ca Cr (2) Cl" Ca, K*, 2 (8)S*, Cr, Ca", K* (4) Ca”*, Kt, Cl, $* ‘The electrons identified by quantum numbers: (AIEEE-2012} br [alEEE-2012) @)n-4,é-1 ()n=4,6-0 (n=3, 6-2 @n-3, 6-1 Can be placed in order of increasing eneray as MA<@ Nat > Mg?! > Be? (2) Mg? > Be?* > Lit > Na (3) Lit > Be? > Nat > Mg? (4) Nat > Lit > Mg?+ > Be? 18. ‘The correct sequence which shows decreasing order of the fonic racit of the elements is - (1) O% > F > Na’ > Mg” > Al’ [aieee-2010) | 23. (2) Al > Mg** > Nat > F > 0% (8) Na’ > Mg” > AIS*> 0% > F (4) Na* > F > Mg” > 07 > Al* 19, Which one of the following orders presents the ‘correct sequence of the increasing basic nature of | 24- the given oxides ? (1) Na,O < K,0 < MgO < Al,03 (2) K,0 < Na,O < Al,03 < MgO @) ALLO, < MgO Br>Cl>F (2) F>Cl>Br>1 Q)Cl>F>Br>1 @)Br>Cl>1>F Which of the following represents the correct order of increasing first ionization enthalpy for Ca, Ba, S, Se and Ar? [JEE(Main)-2013] (1) Ca <$ oO; (8) No Ny 4) C5 ¢ Which of the following hydrogen bonds is the strongest [AIEEE (1) F-H.F (2)O-H. aa ee QOH.F @)O-H,...N Which of the following diamagnetic behaviour M0; Qo, IAIEEE-2007) NO (a oF Species exhibits the 26. 27, 28. 29, 30. , The charge/size ratio of a cation determines its polarizing power. Which one of the following sequences represents the increasing order of the olanzing power of the cationic species, K*, Ca-?, ‘Mg'?, Ber? {AIEEE-2007] (1) Be? < K> < Cat? < Mgi2 (2) K+ , sp* 2)spt, sp°, sp 8) sp, sp", sp" (@) sp", sp, sp" The structure of IF; is = IAFEE-2011) (1) octahedral (2) pentagonal bipyramid (3) squere pyramid (4) trigonal bipyramid Among the following the maximum covalent character is shown by the compound :- [AIEEE-2011], 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. the fol fast nuriareliobe ich of the following i sii) ‘associated with Xe ? {i)xeO,@)XeF, —(3)XeF, (4) Xehs ‘The number of types of bonds between two earbon atoms in calcium carbide is :- {AIEEE-2011] (1) One sigma, two pi (2) One sigma, one pi (3) Two sigma, one pi (4) Two sigma, two pi ‘The molecule having smallest bond angle is {AIEEE-2012] (IPC, (2)NCk —@)AsCl, (4) SbCl, In which of the following pairs the two species are riot isostructural ? _,_(AIEE20121 (1) AIFS and SF, (2) COF and NOS (3)PC\; and SiCls (4) PFs and BrFs ‘Which one of the following molecules is expected +o exhibit diamagnetic behaviour ?NEE(Main)-2013) (1), (2) Np (3), (4), Which of the following arrangements does not represent the correct order of the property stated against it 2 [JEE(Main)-2013] (1) V* < Cr’* < Mn? < Fe**: paramagnetic behaviour (2) NP* < Co” < Fe” < Mn** : ionic size (8) Co™ value ? (1) Cr(Z = 24) (3) Fe @ = 26) The color of KMnO, is dt (I) L> M charge transfer transi (2) 6 ~o* transition ee (3) M-> L charge transfer transiiion (@) dd transition [Q Psa Ts 40 | it ant a[a]2f]3]3 214] peeks _ CO-ORDINATION CHEMISTRY __ Fee 1. In[Cr{C,0,),}*, the isomerism shown is 6. Ammonia forms the complex jon (CulNH,),)2* with ime copper ions in alkaline solutions but not in acidic solution. What is ihe reason for it :- [AIEEE-2003] (1) Ligand (2) Optical (1) In acidic solutions hydration protects copper (3) Geometrical (4) lonization fons 2, In the complexes (Fe(H,0),)%*, [Fe(SCN),I*, (2) In acidic solitons protons coordinate with FelC,0,),)* and [FeQ))*, more stability s shown by. ammonia molecules forming NH; ions and [AIEEE-2002) NH, molecules are not available (D[FatH,0),%* (2)IFelscny, 8) In alkaline solutions insoluble Cu(OH), is eee Eee precipitated which ssokiblein excess of any alkalt GIERC;O;) i (4) Copper hydroxide is an amphoteric substance 3. One mole of the complex compound Co(NF 1)5Cls, 7. Among the properties (a) reducing {b) oxidising (c) gives 3 moles of ions on dissolution in water. One complexing, the set of properties shoun by CNY mole of the same complex reacts with two moles ion towards metal species is - _JAIEEE-2004) of AgNO, solution to yield two moles of Mea (bc Bab Mabe AgCl (3). The structure of the complex is += 8. The coordination number of a central metal atom IAIEEE.2003} ina complex is determined by: _[AIEEE-2004 (1) The number of ligands around a metal ion MODI oINE).C), 2NH, bonded by sigma and prbonds both (2)[CotNH,),Cl,] CLNH, (2) The number of ligands around a metal ion @)ICONH,),ClC),.NH, goes by pi ~ e number of ligands around a metal ion \ ICON). bonded by sigma bonds 4. In the coordination compound K,[Ni(CN),], the (4) The number of only anionic ligands bonded to Onidation state of nickel is ~ IAIEEE-2003} ins mieGlion (1)0 @)+1 B42 @-1_| 9. Which one ofthe folowing complexes isan onter . 1 lectrons remained in Fe®* orbital complex IAIEEE-2004) 5. The number of Sd-electons 1 : Micon amcor ( of Fe = 26) ion is IAIEEE-2003) G)FeICN Cate M4 @5 6 Ws : BEDE (Atomic nos, :Mn= 26 ; Co: 7; Ni = 28) ——————— 1 SS er 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, complex with a Ca?* ion ? or 2 Two Coordination compounds have great importance in biological systems. In this contect which of the following statements is incorrect ? {AIEEE-2004) {1) Cyanocobalamin is vitamin B,, and contains ‘cobalt (2) Haemoglobin is the red pigment of blood and contains iron (3) Chlorophylls are green pigments in planis and contain calcium (4) Carboxypeptidase - contains zine ‘The correct order of magnetic moments (spin only. values in B.M.) among is :- IAIEEE-2004] (1) IFe(CN).J* > MnCl, > [Cocl,)* (2) [Mn > [Fe(CN),!-> [CoC P- (3) IMnCl,P-> {CoCl,|2 > (Fe(CN),I* “(A)IFACN),I > [CoC], > [Mncl, > (Atomic nos. ; Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27) For octahedral complex, the value of the ‘spin only’ magnetic moment for one of the following configurations is 2.84 BM. The correct one is ‘A is an enzyme and TAIEEE-2005} (1) d¥ (in strong ligand field) (2) d* (in weak ligand field) (3) d3(in weak as well as in strong field) (4) a8 (in strong ligand field) The IUPAC name for the complex [CofNO;) (NH). ICl,is IAIEEE-2006] (2) pentaammine nitrito-N- cobalt (ll) chloride (2) pentaammine nitrito-N- cobalt (III) chloride (3) nitrito-N- pentaamminecobalt (Il) chloride {4} nitrito-N- pentaamminecobalt (ll) chloride Nickel (Z=28) combines with a uninegative monodentate ligand X-to form a paramagnetic: complex [NIX,|?-. The number of unpaired electron, in the nickel and geometry of this complex ion are, respectively. [AIEEE-2006] (1) one, square planar _ (2) two, square planar. (3) one, tetrahedral (4) two, tetrahedral InFe (CO), the Fe-C bond possesses |AIEEE-2006] (1) ionic character ~ character only character only 1 and x character ‘many EDTA (ethylenediaminetetreacetic acid) ndletules are required to make an octahedral wit [AIEEE-2006] (4) Three (8) Six 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, The "spin-only" magnetic moment [in units of Bohy magneton, (jig of Ni2* in aqueous solution kd be (At. No. Ni= 28) IAIEEE-2096) (1) 0 (2)1.78 @)2.84 —(4)4.99 Which one of the following has a square planar geometry = (Co = 27, Ni = 28, Fex26, Pr = 78 IAIEEE-2007) (1) (CoC, (2) (FeCl, (3)(NiCL,}?- (@ IPC The coordination number and the oxidation state of the element ‘E’ in the complex [E(en),(C,0, 9) NO? (where (en) is ethylene diamine) are respectively [AIFEE=2008) (1) 6 and 2 (2)4 and 2 (3) 4 and 3 (4) 6 and 3 In which of the following octahedral complexes of Co (at. no. 27), will the magnitude of A, be the highest ? IAIEEE-2008) (1)I[Co(CN),1* (2)[ColC,0,),° (3) [Colt4,0},)°* (4) [Co(NH,) 5 Which of the following pairs represents linkage isomers 2 IAIEEE-2009) (1) [CoffNHg)sNOs}SO, and [Co(NH.),S0,]NO; (2)[PiOL,(NH,),]Br, and [PtBre\ (3) [Cu(NH,),|[PtCl,] and Ta (4) [Pd (PPh,),(NCS}_} and [Pd(PPh. Which of the following has an optical isom: IAIEEE-2009) (1) (CofH,0), (en) 5+ (2) [Colen) {NH3),}* (3) ICofNH,),Cll* (4) [CofenyNH,),}2+ Which one of the following has an optical isomer ? [AIEEE-2010) (1) 2nlen),)** (2) l2nlen(NH,)p\"* (3)Cofen),1°* (4) ICo(H4,O),(en)}* (én = ethylenediamine) \ A solution containing 2.675 g of CoCl,,6NH; , (molar mass = 267.5 g mol!) is passed through a cation exchanger, The chloride ions obtained in | solution were treated with excess of AgNO, toe | 4.78 Gof AgCl [molar mass = 143.5 q mol). The formula of the complex is : [AIEEE-2010} (At, mass of Ag = 108 u) (1) [CoCiINH,). Cl, (2)ICo(NH,) IC, (3)(CoCl,(NH,),|C) (4)[CoCl(NH,)3) Tine of the following facts about the complex {CHINH,).ICI, is wrong ? IAIEEE-2011] (2) The complex is an outer orbital complex (2) The complex gives white precipitate with silver nitrate solution (@) The complex involves d’sp® hybridisation and fs octahedral in shape (4) The complex is paramagnetic 26. The magnetic moment (spin only) of [NiCI,] is = [AIEEE-2011] ~ @) 2.82 BM (2) 1.41 BM (3) 1.82 BM (4) 5.46 BM 27. Among the ligands Nlis,en, CN- and CO the correct order of their increasing field strength, is:- (1) CO < NH; < en < CN IAIEEE-2011), (2)NH, < en KyICUICN),] + KoSO5 @) 1i,0 + 2KCI > 2LiCl + K,0 excess NOH (4) [CoCl(NH,)_I* + SH* > Co’ + SNH; + Cl Which of the following compounds is not elored yellow ? [MEE(Qain)-2015) (1), (NEQsASMogO;o)4) (2) BaCrO, (3) Zn,{Fe(CN).] (4) KgICofNO7)a1 ‘The number of geometrical isomers that ca for square planar [Pt (C)) (py) (NH) (NH,OH) (py = pyridine) [JEE(Mtain)-2015), qa) 4 @)2 (26 (4) 3 (4) Not an ore ‘Which of the following factors is of no significance for roasting sulphide ores to the oxides and not "subjecting the sulphide ores to carbon reduction _ direaly ? [AIEEE-2008) (1) Metal sulphides are thermodynamically more stable than CS, (2) CO, is thermedynamically more stable than CS, (3) Metal sulphides are less stable than the corre sponding oxides (4) CO, is more volatile than CS, 5. In context with the industrial preparation of hydrogen from water gas (CO + H,), which of the following is the correct statement? |AIEEE-2008) (1) CO and H, are fractionally separated using dif ferences in their densities (2) CO is removed by absorption in aqueous Cu,Cl, solution (3) H, is removed through occlusion with Pa (4) CO is oxidised to CO, with steam in the presence of a catalyst followed by absorption of CO, in alkali BLE ‘KEY hich methodol purfiction i epresentcd by the following equation : IAIEEE-2012) TiG)+2h@) 2K, Tifa) 5 THY + 21,6) (1) Van Arkell {2) Zone refining (3) Cupellation (4) Poling Which series of reactions correctly represents chemical relations elated to iron and its compound? HIEE(Moin)-20141 (2) Fe Oster, FeCl, tse, FeCl, 2 » Fe (2) Fe —Ontet, Fe,0, 00-00, Feo 010°C, 4 @ Fe _wim50, , FeSO, _#S0..0, FegSO,), "> Fe (@) Fo Outen, Feo altho, FeSO, “5 Fe “See In the context of the Hall-Heroult proces: rite, extreaction of Al, which of the following statements is false ? [JEE(Main)-2015] (1), AB+ is reduced at the cathode to form Al 2) NagAlF, serves as the electrolyte (3) CO and CO, are produced in this process (4) Al,Os is mixed with CaF, which lowers the melting point of the mixture and brin: conductivity 94 - TOR FIT aces connec no ‘metal M reachly forms its sulphate MSO, which ter Soluble, It forms oxide MO which becomes inert on heating. It forms insoluble hydroxide which ~ Issoluble in NaOH. The metal M is: (AIEEE-2002} WMG 2) Ba B)Ca a) Be 2, KO, is used in space and submarines because it (1) Absorbs CO, and increase O, concentration 2) Absorbs moisture (3) Absorbs CO, (4) Produces ozone AIEEE-2002] 3. Incuring cement plasters, water is sprinkled from time to time. This helps in ; IAIEEE-2003} (1) Hygrating sond and gravel mixed with cement (2) Converting sand into silicate (8) Developing interlocking needle like crystals of hydrated silicates {) Keeping it cool 4, The solubilities of carbonates decreases down the * Magnesium group due to decrease in-(AIEEE-2003} (1) Interionte attraction (2) Entropy of solution formation (8) Lattice energy of solids (@) Hydration eneray of cations 5. The substance not likely to contain CaCO. is: IAIEEE-2009] (1) Sea shells (2)Dolomite (3) A marble statue (4) Caleined gypsum One mole of magnesium nitride on reaction with excess of water glues [AIEFE-2004), (1) Two mole of HNO; (2) Two mole of NH (8) 1 mole of Ny (4)1 mole of HNO, PEs 8. 10. 1. 12. Si4 Berylium and aluminium exhibit many properties which are similar. But the fwo elements differ in [AIEEE-2004] (4) Exhibiting maximum covalency in compounds (2) Forming polymeric hydrides {) Forming covalent halides (4) Exhibiting amphoteric nature in thelr oxides. “The ionic mobility of alkali metal ioins in aqueous solution is maximum for = IAIEEE-2006) (1) Rot ur (3) Nat @) Kr The products obtained on heating LINO, willbe [AIEEE-2011) (1) LINO, + 0, (2)Li0 + NO, + O, (3) LIN +O, (4) Li,0 + NO + O, What is the best description of the change that ‘occurs when Na, O(s) is dissolved in water ? [AIrEF-2011] (1) Oxidation number of sodium decreases (2) Oxide ton accepts sharing in a pair of electrons (3) Oxide on donates a pair of electrons (@) Oxidation number of oxygen increases Which of the following on thermal-decompesition yields a basic es well as an acidic oxide 2 [ateee-2012) ()NH,NO, (2) NaNO, @)KCIO, (Caco, The correct statement for the molecule, Cs, 1s EE(Main)-2014] (Q) it contains C38 and T- ions (2) it contains Cs*, I- and lattice I, molecule (9) itis a covaient molecule @) st contains Cs+ and 15 fons 96 a 5. Which one of the following is the correct state! @)taini,oy." + scr SHC| (4) Al,0; + 6HC! of diborane contains. (AIEEE- 2005] @)A,0, {AIEEE-2005) (1) Borie acid is a protonic acid (2) Beryllium exhibits coordination number of six (8) Chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium have bridged chloride structures in solid phase (@) BH, 2NH, is known as "inorganic benzene? Boron cannot form which one of the following anions ? fatece-20131 | 4 (1) B(OH); (2) BO; (BRS (4) BAS CARBON FAMILY Graphite sa soft sold iubicantof@@hely cieue to melt. The reason for this anomalous behaviour is that graphite ; IAIEEE-2003} (1) Has molecules of variable molecular masses like polymers (2) Has carbon atoms arranged in large plated of rings of strongly bonded carbon atoms with weak interplate bonds (3) Is a non crystalline substance (4) Is an allotropic form of diamond SSS SS eee 12. Z lity mirrors, plates of float glass a eee a nlg molten glass over a liquid metal which does not solidify before lass, The metal used can be: _{AIFEE-2003) (1) Sodium’ (2) Magnesium (8) Mercury (4) Tin ‘The soldiers of Napolean army while at Alps during freezing winter suffered a serious problem as regards to the tin buttons of their uniforms. White “Metallic tin buttons get converted to grey powder. This transformation is related to:- _{AIEEE-2003) (1) An interaction with water vapour contained in humid air (2) A change in crystalline structure of tin (8) A change in the partial pressure of O, in air (4) An interaction with N, of air at low temperature JAIEFE-2005) surrounded by four oxygen ‘bonded to two atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded 40 two silicon atoms (3) Silicon atom is bonded to two oxygen atoms (4) There are double bonds between silicon and oxygen atoms The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb increases steadily in the Sequence; JAIEEE-2007) ; (1) GeX, << SiKy << SaX, << POX, : Q)SIX, << GeX, << POX, << Snk, (8) SIX, << GeX, << SnX, << POX, (4) POX, << SnX, << GeX, << SIX, nview ofthe sans of &,G° forthe folowing reactions £ PbO, + Pb > 2 PLO, A.G? < 0 Sn, + Sn > 2 $n0, 4.6°> 0, i Which oxidation states are more characteristic for i lead and tin ? IAIEEE-2011) | (1) For lead + 4, for tin + 2 i (2) For lead + 2, for tin + 2 i (8) For lead + 4, for tin + a { (4) For lead + 2, for tin + 4 NITROGEN FAMILY 13, Ih case of nitrogen NCI, is possible but not NCI, ‘while in case of phosphorous, PCI, as well as PCl, are possible. This is due fo - _[AIEFE-2002] (1) Availabilty of vacant d-orbitals in P but not in N (2) Lower electronegativity of P than N (8) Lower tendency of H bond formation in P than N (4) Occurence of Pin solid while N in gaseous state at room temperature 14, What may be expected when phosphine gas is mixed with chlorine gas. IAIEEE-2003} (1)PC), and HC] are formed and mixture cools down (2) PH, I, is formed with warming up (3) The mixture only cools down (4) PCI, and HClare formed ard the mixture warms up 15. ‘The mumber of hydrogen atoms attached to phosphorus atom in hypophosphorous acid is [AIEEE-2005} (Zero (@)Tw (3) One_. (4) Three 16. Regular Use of which of the following fertilizer increases the acidity of soil : {AIBEE-2007] (1) Potassium nitrate (2) Urea (3) Superphosphate of lime (4) Ammonium sulphate 17. Which of the following statement is wrong ? IAIEEE-2011] (1) Single N-N bond is weaker than the single P-P bond (2) N,O, has two resonance structures (@) The stability of hydrides increases from NH to Billy in group 15 of the periodic table (4) Nitrogen cannot form di-pr bond OXYGEN FAMILY 18. Which of the fellowing statements regarding sulphur is incorrect ? [AIEEE-2011) (1) At 600°C the gas mainly consists of Sp molecules (2) The oxidation state of sulphur is never less than, +4 in its compounds (3) S, molecule is paramagnetic (@) The vapour at 200°C consisis mostly of Sp rings HALOGEN FAMILY 19. Which products are expected from the disproportionation of hypochlorous acid |AIEEE-2002] (2)HCIO, and HCIO (1) HCIO, and C10 (4) HC! and HCIO,, (3) HCl and Ci,0 20, _ Identify the incorrect statement among the following 21. 22, 23. 24. 25, [AIEEE-2002) (1) Ozone reacts with SO, to give SO, (2) Silicon reacts with NaOH(aq,) in the presence of air to give Na,SiO, and H,O (3) CA, reacts with excess of NH, to give Ny and HL (a) Br, reacts with hot and strong NaOH solution to given NaBr, NaBrO, and HO Concentrated hydrochloric acid when kept in open air sometimes produces a cloud of white fumes. This is due to: IAIEEE-2003} (1) Strong affinity of HCI gas for moisture in air results in forming of droplets of liquid solution. which appears like a cloudy smoke (2) Due to strong affinity for water, cone, HCI pulls moisture of alr towards self. The moisture forms droplets of water and hence the cloud (3) Conc. HClemits strongly smmeling HCI gasall the time (4) Oxygen in air reacts with emitted HCI gas to form a cloud of Cl, gas The correct order of the thermal stability of hydrogen halide (H-X) is [AIEEE 2005) (1) HI > HBr > HCl > HF (2) HF > HCL > Her > Hi (3) HCl < HF > HBr < HI (@) HI > HCl < HF > HB: ‘Among the following oxoacids, the correct decteasing order of acid strength i [JEE(Main}-2014} (1) HCIO, > HCIO; > HCIO, > HOC! (2) HClO, > HCIO, > HCO, > HOC! (3) HOCI> HCIO, > HCIO, > HCIO, (4) HClO, > HOC! > HCIO, > HCIO, NOBLE FAMILY In Xe, XeF,, XeF, the number of lone pairs on Xe is respectively [AIEEE-2002] (1) 23,1 (2)1,2,3 (3) 4, 1,2 (4) 3,21 Which one of the following statements regarding helium is incorrect {AIEEE-2004) (1) Its used to produce and sustain powerful superconducting magnets (2) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying cut experiments at low temperatures {3) Itis used to fill gas balloons instead of hydrogen because it is lighter then hydrogen and non-inflammabie (4) It is used in gas-cooled nuclear reactors — 16. Four species are listed below : (AIEEE-2008) (HOO, HO" —{WHSO, —WHSO,F ‘Which one of the following is the correct sequence of their acid strength? (iv 2Xe + 4HF +O, (Kel, + RbF > RoIXeF] (@)XeO, + 6HF + XeF, + 3H,0 (A) 3keF, + GH,0— 2Xe + XeO, + 12HF + 1.50, 29. Which of the following is the wrong statement? MEE(Moin)-2013] (1) ONCl and ONO” are not isoelectronic (2) O, molecule is bent (@] Ozone is violet‘black in solid state (4) Ozone is diamagnetic gas 30. 31. 32. Which among the following is the most reactive JSEE(Main)-2015 @, OC OC, MB, ‘Assertion + Nitrogen and Oxygen are the ma; components in the almosphere but these do n react to form oxides of nitrogen Reason : The reaction between nitrogen ang ‘oxygen requires high temperature. [JEE(Moin-20} (1) The assertion is incorrect, but the rea: correct {@) Both the assertion and reason are incorrec {@) Both essertion and reason are correct, ar reason is the correct explanation assertion (@) Both assertion and reason are correct, but th reason is not the correct explanation for th: assertion Which one has the highest boiling point ? [SEE(Main)-2015) (2) Xe (4) Ne @) Kr (B) He f hum forms body centred Cubic ae tonath ofthe side of its mit cllis 351 radius of the lithium will be = (AIEEE-2012] (Q) 152 pm 2) 75 pm (3) 300 pm (4) 240 pm Which of the following exists as covalent erystas in ‘Copper erystalises in fee with a unit call length of | 13. pm. What is the radius of copper atom ? * IAIEEE-2009] )) 157 pm (2) 181 pm ~@) 108 pm (4) 127 pm a 9in)-2013) 9. Theadge length ofa face centered cubic cell of an Se ae @) a “onic substance is 508 pm, Hthe radius ofthe cation (1) Todine (4) Phosphorus "18110 pm, the radius of the anion is (3) Sulphur es Expermentally it was found that a metal oxide has ss 15. - [AIEEF-2010] formula Mp 930. Metal M, is piesent as M* and 144 (2) 288 sen a nee S (@) 618 oe M®* in its oxide. Fraction of the metal which exisis 10, Percentages of free space in cubic close packed as M™* would be = j el sinicture andin body centered packed structure are (D7 oo a oy respectively = [AIEEE 2010) @6 08 = (1) 48% and 26% (2) 30% and 26% 16. CsC! erystallises in body centred cubic lattice. if a’ (8) 26% and 32% (4) 32% and 48% Js tts edge length then which of the following 11. Inaface centred cubic lattice, atom A occupies the expression is corréct Ey Oh corner positions and atom B occupies the face 3 centre postions. If one atom of B is missing from () te (2) tog. Fg: = 80 ‘one of the face centred points, the formula of the 2 _ compound is JAIEFE-2011), @) ty. +1. =38 8) toy Hee = RR NAB, | az. Scam metal cgsaies ina boty coned abe 12, Copper crystallses in fe lattice with a unit cell edge lattice with a unit cell edge of 4.29A. The radius f $61 pm. The radius of copper atom is.- ‘of sodium atom is approximately -\JEE(Main)-2015} IAIEEE-2011) (a) 572A (2) 0.93A, ees (3) 1.864 (4) 3.022A a 3) coe (4) 157 pm a] i esa Sil ed es] So The no. of moles per litre in the equation | 4. What volume of hydrogen as, at 273K and 1 atin, PV = nRT is expressed by : IAIEEE-2002} ‘Pressure will be consumed in obtaining 21 6g of elemental 4 i Ss = boron atomic mass = 10,8) from thereon of boron ¢ War Qi Bey (4) None trichloride by hydrogen 2 IAIEEE-2003} i (448. (2)2241 @)896L (672. § 2. The comect value of Ris = (AIEEE-2002] | 5. As the temperature is raised from 20°C to 40°C i (1) R = 0.082 litre atm the average kinetic eneray of neon atoms changes § (2) R= 8314 «107 erg K+ mol by factor of which of the following ? [AIEEE-2004) = 2K molt i e ea ol ai (2) @i37253) i 3. According to the kinetic theory of gases, inan ideal (3) 313/293 (4)2 1 2s, between two successive collisions 0 gas | 6 invanderumas equation of state ofthe asa, the molecule travels - [AIEEE-2003} Constant bis a measure of IAIEEE-2004 (1) ina straight line path (1) intermolecular repulsions Es (2) with an accelerated velocity (2) intermolecular attraction / a E : oa ea (3) volume occupied by the molecule g (4) intermolecular colisions pe = > deal gas expands in volume from 1x10 m® 10? mat 300K against a constant pressure 10° Nin. The work done is - AIEEE-2004} 1) = 900 J (2)- 900 K {3) 2710 kd (4) 900 kd For which of the following parameters the structural ‘Isomers C;H,OH and CH,OCH, wouldbe expected to have the same values ? (Assume ideal betiavio:) (1) Heat of vaporization IAIEEE-2005) (2) vapour pressure at the same temperature (3) Bolling points (4) Gaseous densities at the same temperature and pressure 3 9. Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed nan empty container at 25°C. The fraction of the total pressure exerted by oxygen is - {AIEEE-2008} (> S55 7 1 28 sre Os Ws ‘a end are van der Waals' constants for gases. Chlorine is more easily liquefied than ethane because IAIEEE-2011) (Ia for Cl, bfor CH, (2)a for Cl, > a for CzH, but b for Cly a and b for CH, (4) a and b for Cl, C>B (@)A>B>C DO ES For the redox reaction 2a{6) + Cu?> (0.1M) — 2n2* (1M) + Cufs) taking place in a cell, F¥cay 18 1.10 volt. Eo, for the cell will be f RT ze aa (: 3037 0591 IAIEEE-2003) | (1) 1.07 volt (2)0.82 volt (2)2.14 volt (4) 1.80 volt BE FID ease pce penn cet nein ON CREA I AISNE a 20 coulombs of charge pass through the ing bath, the mass of silver deposited on IAIEEE-2003) 63 (2) 1085 (3) 1.083 (4) 10.89 sider the following E° values |AIEEE-2004) Bere -+077V Elie -- ody © Uhder standard conditions the potential for the action 7 Sil) = 2Fe** (aa) — 5 2Fetfag) « Snes | G)091V (i40v Bissy uoesy . ‘Thestandarde.m. of a cel, involving one electron change is found to be 0.591 Vat 25°C. The equilibrium constant of the reaction i¢ (F = 96,500C mol ; R = 8.314 Jk mol) IAIEEE-2004] 1) 1.0% 1010 (2)1.0 x 10 8) 1.0x 10! (4) 1.0 x 10% ‘The limiting molar conductivities A for NaCl, KBr and KCl are 126,152 and 150Sem? moi-t respectively. The A° for NaBr is» {AIEEE-2004] (1) 278 S em? molt (2) 176 S cm? mob? 3) 128.S cm? mol (4) 302 S cm? mort In a cell that utilises the reaction Znls) + 2H"aq) —> Zn?*[aq) + Hi,{g) addition of H,SO, to cathode compartment, will IAIEEE-2004) (1) inerease the E and shift equilibrium to the right (2) lower the E and shift equilibrium to the right “B)lower the E and shift equilibrium to the left @ The Enysejyee values for Cr, Mn, Fe and Co are 0.41, + 1.57, 40.77 and + 1.97V Tespectively. For which one of these metals the change in oxidation state from +2 to +3 is easiest ? [AIEEE-2004) Fe (2)Mn —(3)Cr_-— (a) Co For a spontaneous reaction the AG, equilibrium (aq) is f nerease the E and shift equilibrium to the left 5 constant (K) and E2.,, will be respectively AIEEE-2005) (1) =ve, < 1, -ve (2) -ve, >1, -ve G) -ve, >1, +ve (4) +ve, >1, ve Aluminium oxide may be electroiysed at 1000°C to furnish aluminium metal (At, Mass = 27 amu; 1 Faraday = 96500 Coulombs). The cathode reaction is IAIEEE-2005} Ag* + Se > AM To prepare 5.12 kg of aluminium metal by this method would require. (1) 5.49 x 104 C of electric charge (2) 5.49 x 10! C of electric charge (3) 5.49 x 107 C of electric charge (4) 1.83 x 107 C of electric charge ae a. Mhen during elecirolysis of a solulion of AgNO, | 12. The highest electrical conduc ofthe folowing aqueous solution is of IAIFEE-2005] (1) 0.1 M fluoroacetic acid (2) 0.1 M difluoroacetic acid (3) 0.1 M acetic acid (4) 0.1 M chloroacetic acid A=(Scm? mol") 13. Electrolyte KCl 149.9 KNO, 145.0 Hel 426.2 NaQAC 91.0 nacl 126.5 Calculate Ajig,. using appropriate molar conductances of the electrolytes listed above at Infinite dilution in HO at 25°C [AIFFE-2005) (1) 390.7 (2) 217.5 (8)517.2 (4) 552.7 14. Given the data at 25°C, Ag+ I > Agi +e, E°- 0.152V Ag Agt +e, E=-0800V What Is the value of log Ksp for Agl ? ic 30387 ~0, ossv) {AIEEE 2006) (1)-8.12 (2) 48.612 @)-37.83 4-16.13 Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with a sohition of an electrolyte of concentration 0.1M is 1002. ‘The conductivity of this solution is 1,29 Sm. Resistance of the same cell when filled with 0. 02M of the same solution is 5200. T he molar conductivity of 0.02M solution of the electrolyte will be IAIEEE-2006) (1) 124 x 104 Sm? molt {2) 1240 x 10-4 Sm? molt {3) 1.24 x 104 Sm? mol-t (4) 12.4 x 104 Sm? mol 15. 16. The molar conductivities A284, and Afi 2 infinite dilution in water at 25°C are 91.0 and 426.2 S cm2/mol respectively. To calculate Afjon: the additional value required is IAIEEE-2006] (3)Nacl (4) H,0 Given Eon, = - 0.72 V, Ej =~ 0.42 V. The potential for the cell Cr | Cr 0.1 M) 11 Fe (1) 0.26 v )-0.339y (KCl (2) NaOH 17. IAIEEE-2008) (0.01 M)iFe is (2) 0.339 v (4) -0.26 v eee 101 20. ‘ Bie Gia: [JEE(Main)-2015) Eby ioe = -OTAV 5 Eiogyusee = 151 ‘Thevalue of standard letrode potential or the a a : Bh joe =133V ; Egya =! Chane a os : SO Based on the data given above, strongest oxisin (1) 0.770 v (2)-0.270V agent will be : : (4) 0.385 V (Cr QC B)Ma® (4) Mn, . The Gibbs energy for the decomposition of AlL03 | 25, ‘The metal that cannot be obtained by electrcls at 500 °C is as follows : [AIEEE-2010] ‘of an aqueous solution of its salts is: Spas 4 [SEE(Main)-2014) BAlOs —> Fal + 0,..4,G = +966 Kd mot ajc. @Cr Ag Co The potent ference neadal for letrobic | 26. Reston of (ee ae Me ace ee 1.4.S m4, The resistance of 0.5 M solution of the 2 ae @yo5V same electrolyte is 280 Q. The molar conductivity eee e cof 0.5 M solution of the electrolyte in Sm? mo! The correct order of El... values with negative is [SEEMain}-2014) () 5 x103 (2).5 x10? Sign forthe four successive laments Cx Mn, Fe and se 04 Te aos Ose UAIEFE-2010] | 97. ‘The equivalent conductance of NaCl = ‘2 22, (1) Cr>Mn>Fe >Co (2)Mn>Cr>Fe>Co (3) Cr> Fe > Mn >€o (4) Fe>Mn>Cr>Co The reduction potential of hydrogen half-cell will be negative if = IAIEEE-2011) (1) pH, = 2 atm [H"] = 10M (2) plH,) = 2 atm and [H*) = 2.0M (3) ptH,) = 1 atm and {H"} = 2.0 M @) ptH,) = 1 atm and (H") = 1.0M Resistance of 0.2.M solution of an electrolyte is 50 Q. The specific conductance of the solution is 1.3, Sim 1. Ifresistance of the 0.4M solution of the same electrolyte is 260 Q, its molar conductivity is - IAIFFE.2011] 28, (1) 6250 $ m2 mol! (2) 6.25 x104 Sm? mol? (3) 625 «10-4 S m2 mol (4) 62.5 S m? molt 29, concentration C and at infinite dilution are iard 1.,, Fespectively. The correct relationship between heand [JEE(Main)-2014) (where the constant B is postive) Q) Ace &, BYE 2) 4B) JC B) Ac =A, + BC echt Given below are the half -cell reaction: SEE (Main) 207%} Mn2 + 2e-—> Mn; Eo = -1,18V 2{Mn* + e- > Mn®); E> = $1.51 V ‘The E® for 3Mn? + -» Mn + 2Mn3+ will be (1) -0.38 V; the reaction will not occur (2) -0.33 V; the reaction will occur (3) =2.69 V; the reaction will not occur (@) -2.69 V; the reaction will occur Two Faraday of electricity is passed through ¢ solution of CuSO4. The mass of copper deposite! 23. The standard reduction potentials for at the cathode is : [JEE(Main)-2015) Zn** / Zn, Ni?* / Ni and Fe* / Fe are at. mass of Cu = 63.5 amu) 0.76, - 0.23 and ~ 0.44 V respectively. The (1) 2g (2) 127g reaction X + ¥'? 5 X% + ¥ will be spontaneous B09 4) 63.5 when IAIEEE-2012) (1)X=Zn,Y=Ni (2)K=N,Y~ Fe ()X=N,Y=Zn (4)X= Fe, ¥= Zn Que fii | 2 ae a ‘Ans | 3 3 3 Rails 2 Que.| 16 | 17 eS z Ans [ 3 [ot a | a [et fea) 1 am eae re 102 IEEE ete ones ome a NANAK WAN ROVELS RCN IAT} ARSE AI ‘According to Freundlich adsorption isotherm, whic! ‘he volume of a colloidal particle, V, as compared | 4, ’ 2012 tothe volume of a solute particle in a true solution Of the following is comact ? EET) Vs, could be :- [AIEEE-2005} e a. oe () Sept) ee BaP ( Yent ee =10° m m : Vv \ oe . (4) Allthe above are correct for different ranges of Vesyae pressure ' =o is 5. “The coagulating power of electrojtes oe oS 2. Thedisperse phase in colloidal iron (ll) hydroxide Nat, Al? and Ba®* for aresenic sulphic ~ and colloidal gold is positively and negatively increases in the order = EEO) 2078) charged, respectively. Which of the following (1) Als < Ba’ < Na” (2) Na* < Ba®* < Al? statement is NOT correct [AIEEE-2005) (3) Be < Na? < AI (4) A < Ne* < Ba (1) Magnesitim chloride solution coagulates, the gold = sol more readily than the iron (ll hydroxide soi | 6 Match the catalysts to the correct processes : (2)Sedium sulphate solution cause coagulation in both sols Catalyst Process (8) Mixing the sols has no effect @ [ra, (| Wacker protest {4) Coagulation in both sols can be brought about by electrophoresis ®) | Paci, (i) | Ziegler-Natta 3. Which of the following statements is incorrect Polymerization physissorptions 2 IAIEEE-2009] © Jac, (it) | Contact process (1) Under high pressure it results into multi molecular layer on adsorbent surface (D) ]V,0, (iv) | Deacon's process (2) Enthalpy of adsorption (AH ssemion) i low and [JEE(Moiay-2015] positive () Asi, Bai, Cay, =D (3) It occurs because of Van der Waal's forces (2) Adi, By, Biv: (4) More easily liquefiable gases are adsorbed (8) Adi, = Ba, Di readily (4) Adi, Bi, Civ, Dili Que. i 2 3: 4 5 6 [an > a@ [3 f2.4f[efa REDOX REACTION | 1, Oxidation number of Cl in CaOCl, (bleaching | 3. In the coordination compound, K,INi (CN), J, the powder is ) IAIEEE-2002) oxidation siate of nickel is IAIEFE-2003] (1) Zero, since it contains Cl, (+t Q)+2 - (2) -1, since it contains Ba (4) 0. Gniaeehoras: 4. The oxidation state of Crim [CHNH,),ClyI* is - (4) +1 and —1 since it contains ClO- and CI ne = latex 72008) + 2) 4 of the following isa redox [AIEEE-2002) aa oan 2m (CN), + 2 A¢ Oe et ISN eN et 2a NECN ees ‘The oxidation sate of chromium inthe final product (2) BaO, + H,SO, —— BaSO, + H,0, formed by the reaction between KI and acidified @)N,0, + 1,0 —>2HNO, Potassium dichromate solution is - {AIEEE.2005) > Agl + KN ee eas (4) AgNO, + Ki ial KNOS: (3)43 (4) 42 = a nea Se oxidizing behaviour of H,SO, ? {AIEEE-2006) (1) Ca(OH), + H,S0, + CaSO, + 2H,0 (2) Nacl + H,SO, > NeHSO, + HCI (3) 2PCI, + H,S0, > 2POCI, + 2HCI + $0,Cl, (4) 2H + H,S0, > I, + SO, + 2H,0 Consider the following reaction: [JEE(Main)2013] xMnO; +yC,0} +24" > ie 2 The values of x, y and 2 in the reaction are respectively = (1) 5,2 and 16 (8)2, 5 and 16 ‘xMn* + 2yCO, + = H,O (2) 2,5 and 8 (4) 5,2 and 8 8. 10. In which of the following reaction H,O, acts as a reducing agent ? [JEE(Main)-2014) (@) H,0, + 2H+ + 2e- > 2H;0 (0) H,O, - 2e + Op + 2H* (©) H,O, + 26 > 20H" (@) H,0, + 20H- - 2e + O, + 21,0 (1) @), (¢) (2) (b), (¢) (3) (a), () (4) (0, ‘3g of activated charcoal was added to 50 mLof acetic acid solution (0.06N) ina flask. After an hour it was, filtered and the strength of the filtrate was found to be 0.042 N. The amount of acetic acid adsorbed (per gram of charcoal) is : WWEE(Main)-2015), (1) 42 mg (2) 54 mg (3) 18 mg (4) 36 mg. From the following statements regarding H,0, choose the incorrect statement : [JEE(Main)-2015) (1) It has to be stored in plastic or wax lined glass bottles in dark (2) It has to be kept away from dust (8) It can act only as an oxidizing agent (@) It decomposes on exposure to light CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM IAIEEE-2002] 1 @ ver @) z ar 60 @ eT) ar One of the following equilibrium is not affected by change in volume of the flask-_{AIEEE-2002) (1) PCI,(@) === PCL,(a) + Clyla) (2) NJg) + 3Hyla) === 2NH,fa) (3) N,(g) + 0, === 2NO(g) (4) $O,Cl,{a) == $0,{a) + Cigfa) For the reaction equilibrium. (1) (4) RT N,O; (2) === 2NO,(q) the concentration of NO, and NO, at equilibrium are 4.8 x 10°? and 1.2. x10-2mol L=! respectively. The value of Ke for the reaction is- [AIEEE-2003} (1) 3 x10-$ mol L-? (2) 3 x 10% mol L-? (3) 3:3 x 102 mol L=! (4) 3x10"! mol L-? 4. Consider the reaction equilibrium — {AIEEE-2003) 25035 +O ng == 2 SOz0) 5 AI Css On the basis of Le-Chatelier's principle, the condition favourable for the forward reaction is (1) Lowering the temperature and increasing the pressure (2) Any value of temperature as well as pressur (3) Lowering of temperature as well as pres (4) Increasing temperature as well as pressure 5. Whatis the equilibrium expression for the reaction Paty + 50 ry == PLO ? IAIEEE-2004] (1) Ke = [P,Oy91 / P4110, (2) Ke = (P0161 /5 IP) 10,1 @)K, = [0,5 @Ke= 1/10, 6. By thereaction CO + Clg === COC, the P ik, 1 equal to - WiEEE20081 | a Opp @RT (3) /RT (41.0; 10. 11. The equilibrium constant for the reaction Nag + Ong == 2NO,, at temperature T is 4 x10°4. The value of Ke for the reaction L 1 NOG = aXe + 3%n0 (1) 2.5 x10? (2) 50 (3}4x10°4 (4) 0.02 For the reaction 2NO,,, ——== 2NO jy + Opgs 1K, = 1.8 x10-6 at 184°C) (R = 0.831 kd(mol.K)) When K, and k, are compared at 184°C itis found ‘that JAIEEE-2005) (ly K, is less than K_ (2) K, is greater than K. (3) Whether K is greater than, less than or equal to K, depends upon the total gas pressure (4) kK, =k, ‘The exothermic formation of CIF, is represented ‘by the equation IAIEEE-2005) Ope, + SF yy == 2CIF,., ; AH, ~ - 329 ki) Which of the following will increase the ‘quantity of ‘GIF, inan equilibrium mixture of Cl, F, and CIF? (1) Removing Cl, (2) Increasing the temperature (8) Adding F, (4) Increasing the volume of the container A schematic plot of mn K,, verus inverse of temperature for a reaction is shown below. The reaction must be [AIEEE-2005] [AIEEE-2008] 60 é 4K, t 20 1SxIP 17) B0x10° (1) endothermic (2) exothermic (3) highly spontaneous at ordinary temperature (4) one with negligible enthalpy change Phosphorus pentachloride dissociates as follows, in a closed reaction vessel, IAIEEE-2006} PCI, (a) === PCL(a) + Cl,fo) Jf total pressure at equilibrium of the reaction mixture is P and degree of dissociation of PCl, is x, the partial pressure of PCl, will be (2x) itary ia @G- @) 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. JEE=MAIN, The equilibrium constant for the reaction 1 $0,(6) —= 80,10) + 5 0,6)is K,-4.9300-? The value of Ke for the reaction _{AIEEE-2006) 280,10) + O,{c) = 250,(g) will be (1) 2.40 x 10-2 (2) 9.8 x10-2 (8) 4.9 x10-? (4) 416 ‘The equiibrium constants K,, and Ky, for the reaction X === 2Y and 2 == P+ Q, respectively are in the ratio of 1 : 9. If the degree of dissociation of X and Z be equal then the ratio of total pressure at these equilibria is [AIEEE-2008), @)1: 36 (as @)1:3 1:9 A vessel at 1000 K contains CO» with a pressure Of 0.5 atm, Some of the COp is converted into CO on the addition of graphite. Ifthe total pressure at equilibrium is 0.8 atm, the value of K Js - IAIEEE-2011) (1) 03 atm (2)0.18 atm (3) 18 atm (4) 3 atm The equilibrium constant (Ke) for the reaction N,{g) + O,{g) —> 2NOg) at temperature T is 4x10, The value of Ke for the reaction. 1 1 NOlg) —> 5 Nola) + 5 Oza) at the same temperanire is = IAIEEE-2012} (1) 50.0 (2) 0.02, (3) 2.5 x 10? @)4 «104 1 For the reaction SO. On) 280;,., 1K, = Ke (RT) where the symbols have usual meaning then the value of x is : (assuming ideality) [JEE(Main)-2014) i () 3 (2)1 1 (Q)-1 = (4) 3 === 2HI the true JAIEEE-2002) 2. A chernical reaction [24] + [28] + [C] —> product “follows the rate equation : r « (A) IBF then order of reaction is - IAIEE-2002] ao @1 @2 @3 ‘The rate constant of first & second order reaction {s respectively ~ IAIEEE-2002} (1) time", mole? titre . time? (2) mole" hite-!, time (3) mole"! fire time"! time? (4) sec), ttre? In the equation Kt = In C, ~ In Ct, the curve between t and In C, is - TAIEEE-2002] (1) a’ straight line (2) @ parabola (3) @ hyperbola (@) none of these 5. Consider following two reactions ~ A —> Product — a =k, AP B —- Product —> - # =k, [Al kk, and ky are expressed in terms of molarity (mol L 4) and time (sec!) as - IAIEEE-2002} (1) sec, M sect (2) M sec, M sect! (3) see?, M7 sec (4) M sec", sect 6. — H, gas is adsorbed on the metal surface like tungsten, This follows order reaction - {AIEEE-2002) (1) Third (2) Second (3) Zero. (4) First In respect of the equation k = Ae™¥*" in chernical kinetics, which one of the following statement is correct 2 IAIEEE-2003) (1) E, is energy of activation (2) R is Rudberg’s constant (3) k is eouilibrium constant (4) A is adsorption factor For the reaction system:2NO(Q)+O,(3)>2N0 ,(4) volume is suddenly reduced to half its value by increasing the pressure on it, If the reaction is of first order with respect to O, and second order with respect 10 NO,the rate of reaction will ~ JAIEEE-2003} (1) Increase to eight times of its initial value (2) Increase to four times of its initial value (8) Diminish to one-fourth of its initial value (4) Diminish to one-eight of lis initial value The rate law for a reaction between substances A and B is given by Rate = k IAI? [BI” on doubling the concentration ‘of A and halving the concentration of B, the ratio of the new rate to the earlier rate of the reaction will be as AIEEE-2003} (Q) {n - m) (yee ay 1 8) Fea Ina first order reaction, the concentration of the tant, decreases from 0.8 M to 0.4 M in 15 minutes. The time taken for the concentration to change from 0.1 M to 0.025 M is -AIEFE-2004) () 7.5 min ) min (4) (m + n) 10. (8) 30 min @ > 11. The rate equation for the reaction 2: is found to be : rate= KIAJB]. The correct stater™ in relation to this reaction is that IAIEEE-2004) (1) rate of formation of C is twice the rate of disappearance of A. (2) Half life is a constant (3) unit of k must be st (4) value of k ts independent of the initial , concentrations of A and B t 12. The halflife of a radio isotope is four hours. f initial mass of the isotope was. 200 g, the mass remaining after 24 hours | undecayed is : IAIEEE-2004} (l) 3.125 g (2) 2.084 g i () 1.042 g (4) 4.167 g 13. Consider an endothermic reaction X > Y with the activation energies E, and E, for the backard end | forward reactions, respectively, In general | Q es 5, {AIEEE-2005] QE, <£, (8) there is no definite 1 en i Poe elation between | WE =E, 406 GI exes exen ross cen et png carr NE HE 18. = e | —_—— 7 14. A reaction involving two di never be = (1) first order reaction (2) unimolecular reaction @) biomolecular reaction (4) second order reaction tyq-can be taken as the time taken for th ‘concetration of a reactant to drop to 3/4 of its ‘initial viaue. Tf the rate consiant for a first order reaction is K, t,,, can be written as - : {AIEEE 2005} (1) 0.29/K (2) 0,10/K 0.75/K (4) 0.69/K 16. A reaction was found to be second order with Tespect to the concentration of carbon monoxide. ‘the concentration of carbon monoxide is doubled, with ing else kepi the same, the rale of reaction vall - IAIEEE-2005} (1) triple (2) increase by a factor of 4 3) double (4) remain unchanged 17. Rate of reaction can be expressed by Athenius equation as k = Ae/RT, In this equation, E represents [AIEEE-2005) (2) the energy below which colliding molecules will not react (2) the total eneray of the reacting molecule at @ temperature, T {3) The fraction of molecules with energy greater than the activation energy of the Teaction (4) None of these 18. The following mechanism has been proposed for the reaction of NO with Br, to form NOBr - NO@) + Br,(s) == NOBr,(g) NOBr,{a) + NO(@) > 2NOBila) If the second step is the rate determining step, the order of the reaction with respect to NO(g) is [AIEEE 2006) (1) 0 (1 (Or (3 19. ‘The energies of activation for forward and reverse reactions for A, +B, === 2AB are 180 1d mol? ard 200 kJ mol" respectively. The presence of a catalyst lowers the activation energy of both (forward and reverse) reactions by 100 ki mol, The enthalpy change of the reaction (A, +B, -> 2AB) fn the presence of catalyst willbe (in kJ mol") [AIEEE-2007 @)300 (2) 120 (8) 280 (a) -20 23, 24. 25. 26. eT log 2 = 0.301) (1) 46.06 minutes (2) 460.6 minutes (3) 230.3 minutes (4) 23.03 minutes ‘Consider the reaction: ‘Clfaq) + H,Sleq) > Sis) + 2H*aq) + 2Cr (aq) The rate equation for this reaction is rate = KCLIH,S) ‘Which of these mechanisms is/are consistent with this rate equation ? IAIEEE-2010) A, Ch + H,S > H* + Cl + Ci + HS Gow) Cl + HS Ht + Cr + Stes B.H,S © H? + HS (fast equilibrium) Ch + HS" + 2Cl +H? + Sislou) (2) A only (2) B only (3) Both and B (4) Neither A nor B ‘The time for half life period of a certain reaction A —> Products is 1 hour. When the ini ial Concentration fo the reactant is 2.0 mol L-!: How much time does tt take for its concentration to come from 0.50 to 0.25 mol Lif itis a zero order Teaction ? TAIEEE-2010) (Dib (4h @)05h (4) 0.25 h The rate of a chemical reaction doubles for every 10°C rise of temperature. If the temperature is taised by 50°C, the rate of the reaction increases by about = [AIEEE-2011) (1) 32 times (2) 64 times (3) 20 times (4) 24 times reactant (A) forms two products : (AIEER-2011) A—+>B, Activation Eneray Ea, A—*-5 C, Activation Energy Eay Ba = 2 Eay, then ky and kp are related as (1) ky = 2kje™/*" (2) ky = ke" By ky = ke™™ (4) ky =A reaction, (A) — products, the ° ‘changes from 0.1 Mto 0.025M jn 40 ‘rifiutes: ‘The rate of reaction when the concentration of A is 0.01 M is - {AIBEE-2012) (1) 1.73 104 M/min (21 (3) 3.47 x104 M/min (4) 3.47 «10% M/min The rate of 2 reaction doubles when ts temperature changes from 300 K to 310 K. Activation energy ‘of such a reaction will be _{JEE(Main)-2013} (R= 8.314 JK mol and log 2 = 0.301) (1) 53.6 kJ mot (2) 48.6 kJ mol! (8) 58.5 kd mol? (4) 60.5 kJ molt For the non-stoichiometre reaction 28 +B C+D, the following kinetic data were obtained in three separate experiments, all at 298 K. [SEE (Main)-2014] 29. Initial Initial Initial rate of Concentration | Concentration | formation of C A) (B) (mol L-S) | 0.1M 0.1M 1.2x107 0.1M 0.2M 1.2x10° | 0.2M 0.1M 2,4x107 1 S_yaipe — @) “=H Wg a @ S-waiel ) SE= MAP EB) 80 Higher order (>3) reactions are rare due to [JEE(Matn)-2015) (1) shifting of equilibrium towards reactants due io elastic col (2) loss of active species on collision (@) low probability of simultaneous collision of all he reacting species @) increase in entropy and activation energy as ‘more molecules are involved 15 gg ee] |S 2_|ten! 21 | 22 [23 | 24 29 | 30 | Z 1 i 4 e. 3 7 CHEMICAL THEREMODYNAMICS AND ENERGETICS 1 Ina irreversible process taking place at constant T and P and in which only pressure-volume work is being done the change in Gibbs free energy (dG) and change in entropy (dS) satisfy the eriteria .- (1) (5), ¢ = 0, (CG, » = 0 [AIEEE-2003) (2) (dS), - = 0, (Gh; p > 0 (3) (Sly p < 0, AGI; » < 0 4) Sy p> 0, (ID; » < 0 2. The internal energy change when a system goes from state to Bis 40 kii/mole. Ifthe system goes from A to B bya reversible path and retums to state A by an irreversible path what would be the net change in internal energy ? {AIEEE-2003) (1) < 40 Kd (2) Zero (3). 40 ki (4) > 40k) 108 ay If at 298 K the bond energies of C-H, C-C, and H-H bonds are respectively 414, 347, 615 435k.) mol", the value of enthalpy change for th: reaction : IATEEE-2008] Cie Hila) + H{e) —> H,C-CH,(a) at 298 k (1) +125 ka (2) 125 1) (8) +2505 (4)-250%5 ‘The enthalpy change for a reaction does not deper upon :- [AIEEE-20081 (1) The nature of intermediate reaction steps (2) The differences in initial or final temperaiv®* Of involved substances (3) The physical states of reactants and produc (4) Use of different reactants for the same prod.“ —— qe ij 10. The correct relationship between free energ change in a reaction and the corresponding | equilibrium constant Ke. is == an (1) AG? =RT énk, (2) -AG? = RT nk AG = RT ink, (4) -aG = RT ak, ‘The enthalpies of combustion of carbon and carbon monoxide are -393.5 and -283 kJ mol! tespectively. The enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide per mole :- [AIEEE-2004} (2) 110.5 ka (2) 676.5 ki (3) -676.5 kd (4) 110.5 ks For a spontaneous reaction the AG, equill constant (K) and F2,, will be respectively == WWIEEE-2005] (1) +ve, 51, ve (3) -ve, >1, -ve @) ve, <1, ve Consider the reaction :N, + 3H, —» 2NH, cantiod Out at constant temperature and pressure, if AH and AU are the enthalpy and internal energy changes for the reaction, which of the following expressions (2) ve, >1, +ve is true? [AIEEE-2005} () aH = aU (@)4H =0 (8) AH > aU (@) aH < au If the bond dissociation energies of XY, X, and Yp (all diatomic molecules) are in the ratio of 1: 1: 0.5 and 41H for the formation of XY is ~200 kJ mol". The bond dissociation energy of X, will be : IAIEEE-2005} (1) 200 kJ mot (2) 100 kd mot-1 (3) 800 kl mot? (4) 300 kJ mol? ‘An ideal gas is allowed to expand bond reversibly ‘and irreversibly in an isolated system, IFT, i the inital temperature and; is the final temperature, which of the following statements Is correct = AIEEE 2006) (1) T, > T, for reversible process but T, = T, for imeversible process (2) Tes = Minev (3) T; = 7, for both reversible and inreversible processes @) Trae > Meee 12. 13. 14. (2) The first four ionization electron gain enth a (3) The dissociation eneray. H, a (4) The dissociation eneray of H, and enthalpy of sublimation of carbon ‘The enthalpy changes for the following processes ate listed below : IAIEEE-2006} lla) = 201), 242.3 kJ mol La) - 21) 151.0 kJ mol ICKg) = ig) + Cig), 211.3 kd mol 1,6) =1,6), 62.76 kd mo! Given thatthe standard states for iodine and chlorine are I,{s) and Cl,(g), the standard enthalpy of formation for ICi() is : (1) 16.8 kd mot! (2) +16.8 kJ mo? (8) +244.8 kJ mot 4) 14.6 kd mol? (SH — AU) for the formation of carbon ‘monoxide (CO) from its elements at 298 K is (R= 8.314 J K+ mot) IAIEEE-2006] (1) 1238.78 J mot? (2) -2477.57 J mol (8) 2477.57 J mot? (4) -1238.78 J mol Th conversion of lime-stone to lime, CaCO Js) — Ca0K) + 0,9) the values of AH*and AS*are +179.1.kJ mobtand 160.2 J/K respectively at 298 K ond 1 bar. Assuming that AH and AS? do not change with ‘temperature, temperature above which conversion of limestone to lime wall be spontaneous is = [AIBEE-2007) (1) 1008 K (2) 1200. (3) 845 K (4) 118K a cuits) 20, The standard enthalphy of formation of Ni {s-46.0 kJ mol, If the enthalpy of formation ; Hofrom its atoms is -436 kJ mot and that of i ad is -712kI mol, the average bond enthalpy, 1 kJ mol? and eae a iReee ooo] N-H bond in NH is = IAIEEE-2019 4.100%) mol! (2) 3.7904 led mot ()-1102 kd mol? (2) -964 I mol? ate aL 00 Hd mat! ()+.852 kd mol? (4) +1056 Ad mot he (237. ee Na rede patter vorrabie vend! torrperay oF zs : T, AH and AS were found to be both +ve. If T, a spontaneous process inn isolated system, tropy is pe the temperature at equilibrium, then reaction woul be spontaneous when :- IAIEEE-2030) (T=T, QT>T b @T>T, (4) T,is 5 times T 17. Oxidising power of chlorine in aqueous: ‘The entropy change involved in the isotherma| te dtertned by the parameters nated "reversible expansion of 2 moles of an ideal aes from ~ avolume of 10:din® fo a volume of 100 dm’ at 27°C IAIERE-2011) IAIEEE-2008) (242.3. J mot kK The energy invalied in the conversion of 4.,(q) 35.8 J mol! K-! fo Cag) 2 23. (AH) for the reactio: C,HsOHig + 30y4) > 20) (using the data Ay. H2, = 240 kJ molt, zoe) 20 — .. at 27°C is 1366.5 kd mol, é Aug Hg = 349 kd mol, A, H®. = -381 4} mot energy change for the above reael 2) will ber ‘ temperature will be ;- Tater Ste ieegey | enum 18. On the basis of the following thetmochemical By 364'0 ka (4) 23615 )kd sa (area gae) 24, cate = Pe IAIFEE-2011) H:0(0 > H(aq) + OHYeq) ; AH = 57.32 ky TINWOag oe be ie abowe 2) Feaction, the A,H value will be 1 Hla) + 5 O,(0) + H,0 (0) ; AH = 286.20 tal (Given, AH of sublimation for N,Os is 54 kil mol!) The value of enthalpy of formation of OH- ion at oe fon (1) 165 ky (2) +54 kel (1) +228,88 ka (2) -343.52 ky (3) +219 ky (4) -219 ks (3) -22.88 kJ (4) -228.88 ky 25. The incorrect e9 is 19. Ina fuel cell methanol is used as fuel and oxygen (Ke et ee HW gas is used as an oxidizer. The reaction is ezo1el 3 CH,OH(4) + 5 Ox) —> CO,\a) + 2H,0(0) Q oe ee a At 298 K standard Gibb's energies of formation for CHOHI), 1,010 and CO,(6) are ~166,2, 237.2 and ~394.4 kJ mol respectively. If standard (3) v enthalpy of combustion of methanol is {3)In'sotherrnal process, Wreseritle = = ART In 7 726 kJ mol-!, efficiency of the fuel cell will be IAIEEE-2009] AHE~ Tage (1) 90% (2)97% (3) 80% (a) 87% ie Sania 1 ne Lt 26, Apiston filled with 0.04 mal of an Weal gas expands reversibly from 50.0 mL to 375 mL at a constant temperature of 37,0°C. Asit does so, it absorbs 208 Jofheat. The values of qandw for the ‘process will bes (sEE(Main)-2013} (R= 8.314 J/mol K) (in 7.5 = 2.01) (i)q= + 208 J, w =- 20845 (2)q=- 208 J, w = - 2085 @)q=- 208 ),w 208 5 @)q=+ 2085, w=+ 208) For complete combustion of ethanol, CAHSOH(N + 30,{a) > 2C0,,6) + 314,040, the amount of heat produced as measured in bomb calorimeter, is 1364.47 kJ mol"! at 25°C. Assur ming ‘ideality the Enthalpy of combustion, 4.H, for the raction will be ;- (JEE(Main)-2014) (R = 8.314 ki mol!) (i) 1460.50 kj mo! (2) ~ 1350.50 ki mol (3) — 1366.95 kJ mol! (@) = 1361.96 kJ molt 27. 29. [R= 8314 J/K/mol, c= 2.718) WEE(Main) (1) forward direction because Q < K, (2) reverse direction because Q < K, (@) forward direction because Q > K, (4) reverse direction because Q > K- ‘The following reaction is performed at 298 K. 2NO(e) + Onlg) = 2NOsla) The standard free energy of formation of NO(g] is 86.6 kJ/mol at 298 K. What is the standard free energy of formation of NO,(G) at 298 K 2 (K, = 1.6 x 1022) {JEE(Main)-2025} In(1.6x10"") 0) $6600 (2) 0.512 x 86,600 — R(298) In (1.6 x102)) (3) R(298) n(1.6 x 10}4) - 86600 (4) 86600 + R (298) In(1.6 x 1012) Mira a Ans | 4 2 2 i 4 2 1 4 Q Purp asc f9: a7 \ 28 | 29) @ns[ 1 [i [4 | 2 isla lerans [eos IONIC EQUILIBRIUM ; 'B. Hydrogen ion concentration in moV/ ima solution |. The solubility of Mo(OH), is x mole/tt. then its er sobbiliy prc fiz cohai lees Maeentp5) (xt) 5x?) 42a) Bt? i ee The solubility in water of a sparingly soluble salt Cee is Sas AB, is 1.0.x 10-5 mol L=?. ts sohibity product | 6. In a saturated solution of the sparingly soluble wall be — IAIEEE-2003] strong electrolyte AglO, (molecular mass = 283) (1) 1 10-8 1x10» the equilibrium which seis in is- _{AIEEE-2007) @) 4x10 (4) 4 x 10-2 AglO, == Agia + 10. The molar solubility in mol L7 of a sparingly If the solubility product constant K,, of AglO, at soluble salt MX, is 8’. The corresponding solubility a,aivan lempetatine le: 1.0.x 10-8: What is the product is Keo, 's' is given in terms of Kp by mass of AglO, contained in 100 ml of its saturated relation [AIEEE-2003) solution ? (1) 8 = (Kep / 128)" (2) s = (128K5,)1/4 (1) 283 x107q (2) 2.83 «10°29 aes = (K/256) é, ® oe 4 s ee By ; @10x10-7g (41.0 x10-4'g sohiblity product of a salt having genera Beeps voblbiny proc’ 7. The pK, of @ weak acld, HA, is 4.80. The pk, formula MX,, in water is» 4 x 107. The concentration of M?* ions in the aqueous solution of the salt is [AIEEE-2005] ()1.0%10-4M (2) 2.0 x 10M (3)40x10-°M (4) 1.6 x10 4M Ee of a weak base, BOH, is 4.78. The pH ‘aqueous solution of the corresponding salt. BA will be IAIEFE-2008) (1) 9.58 (4) 9: (2).4.79 (3) 7.01 1109) —_AIEEE-2009) (28.1 x107 M (4) 5.1 105M tation ¢ (1)5.0 «10% g (3) 1.2 «10% (4) 10. In aqueous solution the tonizat carbonic acid are Ky = 4.2107 and Kp = 4.8 x10 Select the correct ‘statement for a saturated 0.034 M solution of the carbonic acid :- IAIEEE-2010] (1) The concentration of H" is double that of COs (2) The concentration of CO, is 0.034 M (8) The concentration of CO,” is greater than that of HCO, (4) The concentrations of H* and HCO,” are approximately equal > x 10-7, At which pH, will Mg2+ ions sta, 12, The K,, for CHOH)3 is 1.6 x 10-9. The mol, “At25°C, the solubility producct of Mg(OH), | precipitating in the form of Mg(OH), from a soli, ‘of 0.001 M Mg? fons ? IAIEEE-20 0) (8 (2)9 (3) 10 (4) 11 solubility ofthis compound in water Is = JAIEEE-29)1, (D 6x10 (2) i6xio” 8) Wiex10"/27 (4) 1.6 x10-%/27 eee Ht tA I The pH of 1.0 M solution is 5, Its dissociation | wou be = ‘Which of the following speices acts both as bronsted acid & base — [AIEEE-2002 (1) NH, ()0H" (3) Hsog (4) 1 ond 3 both For a mixture of 1M NaCl & 1M HCl, the true statement is (1) pHs less than 7 but not buffer (2) pHs greater than 7 but not bufler (3) pH ts between 4 ~ 10 & solution is buffer (4) pH is greater than 10 Which one of the following statement is not true ? TAIEEE-2003] (1) The pH of 1 x10-® MHClis 8 (2) 96,500 coulombs of electricity when passed through a CuSO, solution deposits 1 gram ‘equivalent of copper at the cathode IAIEEE-2003} (3) The conjugate base of H,PO4 is HPO? (4) pH + pOH = 14 for all aqueous solution 5. When rain is accompained by a thunderstorm, th collected rain water will have a pH value [AIEEE-2003) (1) Uninfuenced by occurence of thunderstom (2) Which depends on the amount of dust in ai (S) Slightly lower than that of rain water witho: | thunderstorm (4) Slightly higher than that when ithe thunderstorr is not there Which one of the following isan amphoteric oxid’ IAIEEE-2003) (so, (3)2n0 2)B,0, (4)Na,0 ‘The conjugate base of HPO is- {ArEEE-200!!| (Po (2)P,0, ()H;PO, (4) HPO 2- 7, What is the conyigate The pk, of aweak add (HA)is 4.5. The pOH of an QAO (20, (3)0% yor ‘aqueous buffered solution of HA in which 50% of 8. Among the following acids which has the lowest rk, the acid is ionized is IAIEEE-2007) value? [AIEEE-2005} (45 (2)2.5 (1) HCOOH (2)CH,COOH 8)95 (4)7.0 (9)CH;CH,COOH —(4)(CH,),CH-COOH 12. Three reactions involving HzPO,° are given 9. Which of the following statements is true ? below = IAIEEE-2006] () H,PO, + H,0 > H,0° +H,PO, (1) In aqueous medium HF is a stronger acid than (i) HpPOs + H,0 > HPO,? + H,0" Hel (ii) H,PO, + OH” > HPO, + 07 (2) HClO, is weaker acid than HCIO, In which of the above does H,PO, act as an (3) HNO, is stronger acid HNO, acid ? [AIEEE-2010] () HPO, isa stronger acid than H,S0, (2) only (2) Gi) only 10. The first and second dissociation constants of an (8) 0) and @i) (4) Gi) only acid HA are 1,0 x10-° & 5.0 x10! respectively, | 13. How many litres of water must be added to 1 litre ‘The overall dissociation constant of the acid will be ‘of anaquecus olution of HCI witha pil of 1 to-create IAIEEE-2007) an aqueous solution with pH of 2 J4EE(Main)-2013] (1) 5.0 «10% (2)5.0 x10" Moir (2) 0.9L (3)5.0x10 5 (4) 0.2 x10 @)20L (4) 9.0L Rea a Se iG: [avs eSep om aw] peas Pena Ans 1 1 3 3 4 3 1 3 3 3 2 oP Se 7 SOLUTION 1. Which of the following concentration factor is | 5. If liquids A and B form an ideal solution - affected by change in temperature? (AIEEE-2002} {AIeE 2008) (1) Molarity (2) Molality ec : (@)Mol frection (4) Weight fraction (1) The free energy of mixing is zero 2, For an aqueous solution, freezing point is ie) ree eneray as well ashes = 0,186°C. The boiling point of the same solution musing arevech 26%e is (K;= 1.86% mol" ka) and (Ky=0.512 mot kg) (3) The enthalpy of mixing is zero [AIEEE-2002] (4) The entropy of mixing is zero (1) 0.186" (2) 100,0512° 6. Ina.0,2 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid HX. (3) 1.86" (4) 5.128 the degree of ionization is 0.3. Taking k, for water Inamixture of A and B, components show negative 2s 1.85, the freezing point of the solution will be deviation when - IAIEEE-2003} nearest to — IAIEEE-2003} (i) A — B interaction is sironger than A ~ A bee pecs and B - B interaction 5 (2) AB interaction is weaker than A - A and (3) 0.480" (a) - 0.360°C BB interaction 7. Which one of the following aqueous solutions will (8) AVpue > 0, ASpy, > 0 exhibit highest boiling point? _—_{AIEEE-2004 A) AV, = 0; ASpag > 0 (1)0.01MNe,S0, (2) 0.01M KNO, A pressure cooker reduces cooking pee a (3) 0.015M urea (4) 0.015M ehicose because ui 1 | & Which ofthe following liquid pairs shows positive (1) The higher pressure inside the cooker crushes the food material (2) Cooking involves chemical changes helped by a rise in temperature (3) Heat is more evenly dishibuted inthe cocking space {@) Bosling point of water involved in cooking is increased deviation from Raoult's law ? [AIEFE-2004) (1) Water-hydrochlorie acid (2) Benzene-methanol (3) Water nitric acid (4) Acetone-chloroform 113 10. 1. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 114 Which one of the following statement is False? [AIEEE-2004} (1) Raoult’ law states that the vapour pressure of 2 component over a solution is proportional to its mole fraction (2) The osmotic pressure (x) of a solution is given bby the equation x = MRT where M js the molarity of the solution (3) The correct order of csmotic pressure for 0,01M aqueous solution of each compound is BaCl, > KC! > CH,COOH > Sucrose (4) Two sucrose solutions of same molality prepared in different solvent will have the same freezing point depression 3 li isthe dearee of dissociation of Na,SO,, the vant Of Hoff’ factor (i) used for calculating the molecular mass is - [AIEEE-2005), W1-@)@is+a @1-2a @i+20 Benzerie and toluene form nearly ideal solutions ‘At 20°C, the vapour pressure of benzene is 75 torr and that of toluene is 22 torr. The partial vapour pressure of benzene at 20°C for a solution coniaining 78 g of benzene and 46 g of toluene in torr is IAIEEE-2005), (25 (250 3)53.5 (4) 37.5 ‘Two solutions of a substance (non electrolyte} are ‘mixed in the following manner. 480 ml of 1.5 M first solution +520 mL. of 1.2 M second solution What is the molarity of the final mixture? [AIFEE-2005) (1) 150M (2) 1.20M (3)2.70M (4) 1.344M Equimolar solutions in the same solvent have - IATEEE-2006) (1) Same freezing point but different boiling point (2) Same boiling point but different freezing point (3) Different boiling and different freezing point (4) Same boiling and same freezing poinis 18 g of glucose (CsH,,0,) is added to 178.29 of water. The vapour pressure of water for this aqueous solution at 100° C is - IAIEEE-2006) (1) 7.60 Torr (2) 76.00 Torr (3) 752.40 Tor (4) 759.00 Tor Density of a 2.05 M solution of acetic acid in water 4s 1.02 g/mL. The molality of the solution is - IAIEEE-2006 (1) 3.28 mol kg 4 (2) 2.28 mol kg + (3) 0.44 mol kg 2 (4) 1.14 mol ke + A mixture of ethyl alcohol and propyl alcohol has 2 vapour pressure of 290 mm at 300 K. The vapour pressure of propyl alcohol is 200 mm. If the mole fraction of ethyl alcohol is 0.6, its vapour pressure (in mm) at the same temperature will be {AIEEE-2007) (1) 350 (4) 360, (2) 300 (3) 700. — 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22, 23. ‘A5.25% solution of a substance is isotoni 1,5% solution of urea (molar mass=60g mol), same solvent, If the densities of both the soi are assumed to be equal fo 1.0. gem, molar mn, of the substance will be- IAIEEE-295, (2) 90.0 g mol? (2) 115.0 g mo! (3) 105.0 g mol? (4) 210.0 g molt ‘The density (in g mL) of a 3.60 M sulphur solution that is 29% H,SO, (Molar mass mot) by mass will be - IAIEEE-2067 (D164 @)188) 3)122 145 AtB0°C, the vapoure pressure of pure liquid 520 mm Hg and that of pure liquid 'B'is 1000 » Hg, Ifa mixture solution of’ and’B boils a: 80 and 1 atm pressure,.the amount of in the mix: is (1 alm = 760 mm Ha) TATEEE-2003, (1) 52 mol % (2) 34 mal % (4) 48 mol % (4) 50 mol % The vapour pressure of water at 20°C is 17.5 Hg. If 18 g of glucose (C,H,,0,) is addes « 178.2 g of water at 20°C, the vapour pressure: the resulting solution will be TAIEEE-2005) (1) 17.675 mm Hg (2) 15.750 mm Hg (3) 16.500 mm Hg (4) 17.325 mm He , ‘Twolliquids X and Y form an ideal solution. At 300: vapour pressure of the solution containing 1 1: of X and 3 mol of ¥ is 550 mm Hg, temnperature, if mol of Yis further addledto1 vapour pressure ofthe solution increases by 10 mms Vapour pressure (in mmHg) of X and ¥ in their pv slates will be, respectively = IAIFFE-2009) (1) 400 and 600 (2) 500 and 600 (3) 200 and 300 4) 300 and 400 A binary liquid solution is prepared by mixins mheptane and ethanol, Which one of the folloosi statements is correct regarding the behaviou: cf : solution ? IAIEEE-2009 (1) The solution is non-ideal, showing -ve devia from Raoult’s law (2) mHeptane shows +ve deviation while ethan’ shows ~ve deviation from Raoul’s law (8) The solution formed is an ideal solution {@) The solutionis non-ideal, showing ve deviti from Raoult’s law 1 sodium sulphate is considered to be comple! dissociated into cati solution, the char when 0.01 mol 1 kg of water ) [areee2010 | | (2) 0.0186 k (2) 0.0372 K (3) 0.0558 K (4) 0.0744 K 2 27 24, On mixing, hepiane and octane form an ideal solution. At 373 K, the vapour pressures of the two. liquid components (heptane and octane) are 105 KPa and 45 kPa respectively. Vapour pressure ‘of the solution obtained by mixing 25.0 of heptane and 35 g of octane will be (molar mass of heptane = 100g mol " and of octane = 114 g mol) - AIEEE-2010] + (1) 144.5 kPa (2) 72.0 kPa (3) 36.1 kPa (4) 96.2 kPa 25, The degree of dissociation (a) of e weak electrolyte, A,B, {s related to van't Hoff factor (i) by the | ‘expression - IAIEEE-2011] xty-l aye=* 5 @ ree (a= @ 26. Ethylene glycol is used as an antifreeze in a cold dlimate, Mass of ethylene alycol which should be ‘added to 4 kg of water to prevent it from freezing at - 6°C will be (K; for water = 1.86 K kgmol#, and molar mass of ethylene glycol = 62 gmol!) [AIEEE-2011] : (1) 400.00 9 (2) 304.60 ¢ ‘ (3) 804.32 ¢ (4) 204.30 r 27. A 5% solution of cane sugar (molar mass 342) is . sotonic with 1% of a sclution of an unknown solute, ‘ ‘The molar mass of unknown solute in g/mol is :- [AIEEE-2011] : (1) 136.2 (2) 171.2 (3) 68.4 (4) 34.2 28. 29. 30, 31. 32. 1 ality of a urea Solution in which 0.01003 Te NEI)/CO] sede to 0.3000 dn of water at STP is = |AIEEE-2011] (2) 0.555 m (2)5.55 x10 m (3) 33.3 m (4) 3.33 x102 m for water is 1.86 K kg mol" Ifyour automobile tadiator holds 1.0 kg of water, how many grams afethylene glycol (C,H,02) must youadd to get the freezing point of the solution lowered to -2.8°C ? [AIEEE-2012] W27e 729 92 399 The molarity of a solution obtained by mixing 750 ml of 0.5{M)HCl with 250 mL of 2(M) HCI wal be = [JEE(Main)-2013} (2) 0.875 M (2) 1.00 M (3) 1.75 M (4) 0.975 M Consider separate solution of 0.500 M C,H,OH{aa), 0.100 M Mgs(PO,),(aq), 0.250 M KBxaq) and (0.125 MNajPO,(aa) at 25°C. Which statement is ‘nue about these solutions, assuming all salts to be strong electrolvies ? [JEE(Main)-2014] (2) 0.125 M NagPO, (eq) has the highest osmotic pressure, (2)0.500 M C,H, OH (aq) has the highest osmotic pressure, (8) They all have the same osmotic pressure, (@) 0,100 M Mg,(PO, ), (aa) has the highest osmotic pressure. The vapour pressure of acetone at 20°C Is 185 torr. When 1.2 of non-volatile substance was dissolved in 100 4 of acetone at 20°C, its vapour pressure was 188 torr. The molar mass (q mol) ‘of the substance is (2) 488 [JEE(Matn)-2015} 128 (3) 32 (a) 64 How do we diferentiate between Fe and Cr?* in ualitative analysis gp. Ill = |AIEEE-2002] (1) By taking excess of NH,OH (2) By increasing NH} fon concentration (3) By decreasing OH’ ion concentration (@) Both (2) and (3) IAIEEE-2003) (1) Fe® ions give deep green precipitate with K,lFe(CN,) (2)On heating K* ,Ca?* and HCO} ions, we get a precipitate of K,{Ca(CO,),) (3) Manganese salts give a violet borax bead test in reducing flame (4) From a mixed precipitate of AgCl and Ag| ammonia solution dissolves only AgCl 115 nd the roots of the equation x? + px +q = O are (02+ pA)and SP, then: atece-2002) (Q)p=1Landq-56 (2)p=1landq=-56 (3) p'= -1 and q = 56 (4)p=-1andq=-56 If @ and B be the roots of the equation 6 = a) ik - b) = c and ¢ + 0, then roots of the ‘equation (x ~ a) (x - 8) +.¢ = 0 are- [AIEEE-2002) (1) a and ¢ (2) band c @)aandd (4) a+ bandb+¢ 3. Ifa? = 5a- 3, p2 = 5p ~ 3 then the value of f. 2s ie da () 19/3 (2) 2578 8) 19/3, () none of these 4. The value of a for which one roots of the quadratic ©) equetion (a? - 54+ 3) x? + a-1)x 42-0 "1S twice as lage as the other is ja1EEP.2003] 217 8)-1/8 4) 2/3 Eun of the roots of the quadratic equation HF = 0s equal to the sum of the square of their te above ; Tesprocals, then 2.2 and 5 vein geometric progression IAIEEE-2003) (2) harmonic progression (3) arithmetic-geometrie Progression (4) arithmetic progression, 6. The number of real solutions of the equation #-3ix142_0, IAIEEE-2003 4 (2) 1 @3 me 7. The real number x when added tots inverse alvos the minimum value of the sum at x equal to- IAIEEE-2003) (1) 1 (2)-1 (3)-2 @2 8. Let two numbers have arithmetic mean 9 and geometric mean 4. Then these numbers are the Tools of the quadratic equation-_{AIEEE-2004) (1) + 18x- 16 ~ 0 (2) x*- 18% 4 16 = 0 (8) 7 + 18x + 16 = 0 (4) x*- 18-16 = 0 9. If (1 = p) Is a root of quadratic equation x + px + (1 = p) = 0 then its roots are- IAIEEE-2004) (1) 0, -1 @=1,1 3) 0, 1 =e 16 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16, 17. 18, 19, (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2 If one root of the equation x? + px +12 -, 4, while the equation x? + px + q = 0 has en, tools, then the value of ‘’ is- IAIEEE-205, (3 12) 49/4 (a) 4 If value of a for which the sum of the squares , the roots of the equation x? ~(a- 2). - a ~ assume the least value is- IAIEEE:2993, @2 3 G0 41 If the roots of the equation x? - bx + ¢ = 0 ‘two consecutive integers, then b? ~ 4c equ: IAIEEE-2005 qt 2 @3 If both the roots of the quadratic equat 5? 2h + K+ k- 5 = Dare less than 8, the k lies in the interval- IAIEEE-2005 () 4,5] (2) (2,4) BG, =) (4) 5 Ifthe equation a,x + a, x" 4 ot a,x 9 a + 0, n> 2, has a positive root x = a, then thy equation naa?! + (n-I)a, x" 4 ta, = @ positive root, which is- IAIEEE-2005) (1) equal to A (2) greater than or equal 10 « (3) smaller than a (4) greater then a All the values of m for which both ra equation x* ~ 2mx +m? - 1 = 0 are great ~2 but less than 4, lie in the interval- |AIEEE-2009 WM-l3 If the roots of the quadratic equatic X° + px +q=Oare tan 30° andtan 15°, respectivel, then the value of 2 +q~ pis» |AIEEE-2008 ao Q1 82 @3 ae, fxs real, then maximum value of 3X°+9x+17 3x7 49x47 Ua IAIEEE-2006] [AIEEE-2007| C3, 2) Q(B) (3) -m =3) (4) (-3, 3 The quadratic equations x? — 6x +a = 0 and ae The Other roots of the first and second equations a1 integers in the ratio 4.9, Then the common root's a [AIEEE-2008) PRG ite nnasemiscninans 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. If the rocis of the equation bx? + cx +a = 0 be imaginary, then for all real values of x, the expression 3b%x? + 6bcx + 2c? is :-{AIEEE-2009] (1) Greater than ~4ab (2) Less than ~4ab (8) Greater than dab (4) Less than 4ab If @ and B are the roots of the equation xé-x +1 = 0, then a2 + po — [AIEEE 2010] 2 ej 2 Let for a # a, + 0, ffx) = ax? + bx + c, glx) = a)x? + byx +c) and plx)=ffx) ~ ate) If ply) = 0 only for x = -1 and pl-2) = 2, then thé value of pl2) is: IAIEEE-2011) (18. 3 @9 @6e Sachin and Rahul attempted to solve a quadratic ‘equation, Sachin made a misiake in writing down the constant term and ended up in roots 4, 3). Rahul made a mistake in writing down coefficient of x to |. The correct roots of equation {AIEEE-2011) (3) 1 (2) 6,1 (4) -6, -1 ‘The equation e# - e-stx — 4 = 0 has : {AIEEE-2012) (1) exactly four real roots. (2) infinite number of real roots. (3) no real roots (@) exacily one real root. The real number k for which the equation 2x3 + 3x + k= 0 has two distinct real roots in [0, 1] [JE (Main)-2013] (1) lies between 1 and 2. (2) lies between 2 and 3. (8) lies between -1 and 0 (4) does not exist If the equations x? + 2x + 3 = 0 and ax? + tx +¢=0,a,b, c € R, havea common root, then a:b: cis: [SEE (Main)-2013} (42:3 (2)3:2:1 ()1:3:2 @)3:1:2 27. 28. 29. 30. fae es ay B(x — bx)? + 2x — x) +2 = aoe the greatest integer =x) has no integral solution, then all possible values ofalie in the interval : ‘WEE (Main)-2014) () 41, 0)4 0, 1) (21,2) @) (2-0 (4) (-», -2) U (2, 2) Let a@ and fi be the roots of equation pe +ax+r=0,p70.lfp,q,rareinA.P, and Lg then the valve of 1a - 1 is: a [JEE (Main)-2014} ei NIT we a=; 13 3) (4) ae ‘The area (in sq. units) of the region’ described by {(s,9) :y2<2xandy 24x ~ 1] is JEE (Main}2015) 15 i O Sq (2) 35 7 5 Glas Oa Let a and B be the roots of equation x? 6x -2= 0. fa, = a” Br, forn 2 1, then the value of $=" js equal to: IEE (Main 2015] (1) 3 @)-3 (3)6 (@-6 Basta TF, tog, V3" +2 loga(4.3% — 1) are in AP. then * equals, [AIEEE 2002) (2) logs 4 (2) 1 - logy 4 (3) 1 ~ logy 3 (4) log, 3 ‘Sum of infinite number of terms in G.P. is 20 and sum of their square is 100. The common ratio of GP. is IAIEEE 2002) ays. (2) 3/5 835 (4) 1/5 Fifth term of a G.P. is 2, then the product of its 9 terms is- AIEEE 2002] (]) 256. (2) 512 (3) 1024 (4) None of these The sum of the series 19-234. 33, 93. AIEEE 2002) (1) 300 (2) 125 (3) 425 (4) 0 Hf xt ¥9) xg and yy, Yo, yg are both in GP. with the same common ratio, then the points fx, y:), (2, Vo) and (3, ya) [AIEEE 2003) (2) are vertices of a triangle (2) lie on a straight line Let T, be the rth term of an A.P. whose first term ‘saandcommon differences d.If for some posttive messes Tm > antiTy then a ~ d equals IAIEEE 2004) «OSS Craieaac w 242 1AM and GM of two roots of a quadratic equation are 9 and 4 respectively, then this quadratic ‘equation is- IAIEEE 2004) () x2 ~ 18% + 16 = 0 (2) x2 + 18x -16 ~ 0 (3) x + 18 + 16 = 0 (4) x2 ~ 18 - 16 = 0 11, 13. ifx= Yaye ike LC" iter n=O n=l Soo ab are in AP. and Jal <1, Ib <1, el <1 then, y, z are in- AIEEE 2005) (1) HP (2) Arithmetic - Geometric Progression (@) GP oe ap, agy.u... be terms of an A.P. ip aitsitotty 6! peathen 2 equ ay tage tag gq? : 21 2 ll 41 af Opie (Canim \iege aac Thay, ag ye a, are in camper B82 + apag° + ost aq 1a, is equal to- iy (1) aye, (2) (n= Jaya, i (8) nla; ~ a,) @) =e, =a) 1 1 The sum ofthe sees 37 = Set = sa up infinity is- “i a (yet Ber Ber Mek | a geometric progression consisting of positive terms, each term equals the sum of the next two terms, Then the common ratio of this progre equals- mes v6 a @) 5(v5-1) ‘fl sumof iat 20 terms ot ine sequstve ry v-r9 17. Aman saves Rs. 200 in each of the first three | 21. Be [MEE (Main)-2013] ‘months of his service. In each of the subsequent 0.777, 2 months his saving increases by Rs. 40 more than e 799-10: the saving ofimmediately previous month. His total (yee CBO) ioe Ah G9 saving from the start of service will be Rs. 11040 us after = IAIFEE-2011) 7 Bs (1) 20 months (2) 21 months @ L079+10) — @) 52-10") (3)18 months (4) 19 months ae 5 Geta 18. Let a, be the nth term of an AP. If} 22, if x, y, are in AP. and tan-tx, fan y an tanlz are also in A.P,, then WEE (Matn)-2013] 1=B, then the common Q) x=y=2 2) 2x ~ 3y = Ge 2 @) 6x = 3y = 2 (@) 6x = dy = 32 siiferaneeiot the ALP. is IAIEEE20111 | 95° Three positive numbers form an increasing G.P. If a-B a8 E the middle term in this G.P. is doubled, the new Pe Oy ee numbers arein A.P. Then the common ratio of the [WEE (Main)-2014] 19. Statement-1 : The sum of the series 14(1+2+4)+G@+6+%9+ + 12+ 16) @) 243 (2) 342 ¢ Pager; 2000 2000 ge ons Statement-2: (Kk? —(k-1)?) =n? ,forany | 24. The sum of fist 9 tors ofthe series we 2 242? 1842843? natural number n. IAIEEE-2012] eyttes Pee ts: (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true [GEE (Main)-2015] (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; () 142 (2) 192 Statement-2 is a correct explanation for @)71 (4) 96 ‘Statement-1. 25. If mis the A.M. of two distinct real numbers / and (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; iil > 1) and G,, Gp and G, are three geometric Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for i G Statement-1 means between | and n, then Gj +2G) +G; 20. If 100 times the 100" term of an A.P, with equals [WEE (Main}-2015) non-zero common difference equals the (1) 4 ime? (2) 4 mtn? 50 times its 50" term, then the 150! term of this 3) 4 Pmn (4)4 Imen AP. is {AIEEE-2012] (1) zero (2) -150 {3) 150 times its 50% term (4) 150 0 oO -1 2 fA=10° 1 0] then o {AIEEE 2004] 0 0 (1) A dees not exist (2) A? eT @GA=0 (4) A= (a)r P= 4 fe a8! 3 WA=/2 1 -3/ and10B-|-5 0 a Ws ach [eas Where B - A“, then a. is. equal to- [AIEEE 2004] (2 @Q-1 B25 4. fA*—A +10, then the inverse of A AIEEE 2005} - 120 b & ta-[p a] sta | | then (an aryb? p= a2-be ()a=a? +b? p= ab (B)a =a? +b? p= 2eb (A) a= 2ab, Bm at +b? [AIEEE 2003) (1-A (@)A-1 BA MA+T 10 10 HA=|) jJandi=]5 |, then which one of the following holds for all n21, (by the principal of mathematical induction) TAIEEE-2005] (1) AR = nA =(n-1)1 (2) A" = 27-444 (n-1)1 (3) AP = nA + (n-1I (4) A= 271A (m-1)1 If A and Bare square matrices of size n xn such that A?~ B*= (A ~ B) (A + B), then which of the ‘following will be always true- {AIEEE-2006} (1) AB = BA (2) Either of A or B is a zero matrix (3) Either of A or B is an identity matrix (QA=B | ¢ 4) b LetA=[3 4] andB= (9 4),abeN.Then- (1) there exist more than one but finite number of B's such that AB = BA eee: 2. The number of3 x3 nonsi f (2) there exist exactly one’Bleuch that AB = BA eae ae (3) there exist infinitely many B's such that AB=BA, (4) there cannot exist any B such that AB = BA. ee 5 Sa a & LtA= [0 @ 5a) IF IAl = 25,1 0 e 5: i ae (2). B14 (4) 5 9. Let Abea2 x2 matrix with real entries, the 2 x2 identity matrix, Denoted by tA), 1 of diagonal entries of A. Assume that A’- Statement -1: If AzI and Ax-I det A= 1 ; JAIEEE- 2009, Statement 2 If A +1and A +-1, then () Statement —1 is false, Statement -2 is (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is a correct explanation |.» Statement-1 (8) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is truc, Statement-2 is not @ correct explanali Statement=1 (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 Is fal Let A be a square matrix all of whose ent 10. 2 integers. Then which one of the following is true are not necessarily integers (2)Ifdet A 2 +1, then A+ exists and all ts ent are non. (B)lf det A = =1, then A exists and all its are integers (4) det A = £1, then A need not exist Let A be a 2 x2 matrix . AIEEE. Statement-1 : adj (adj A) = A Statement-2 : | adjA| = |A| (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is fals (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is a correct explanation {0 Statement-1 : (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true + Statement-2 is not a correct explanation Statement—1, enttiés as 1 and all other entries as 0, is = (Lee than ae (2)5 (4) At least 7 a 13. LetAbea? x2 matrix with non-zero entries and let A® T,where I is 2 x2 identity matrix. Define THA) = sum of diagonal elements of A and JAl =determinant of matrix A. (AIEEE-2010) Statement-1 : 11(A) = 0. Statement-2 : || (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement1 (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is not a corect explanation for statement-1 {G) Statement-I is true, Statement-2 is false. (4) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. Let/A and Be fwo symmottic matrices of order 3, Statement-1: AIBA) and (ABJA are symmetric matrices Statement-2: ‘AB is symmetric matrix if matrix multiplication of A with B is commutative \AIeEE-2011) (1) Statement- is true, Statement-2 is false (2) Statement is faise, Statement-2 is true (3) Statement-1 is truc, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Stofement-2 is not @ correct explanation for Statement-1 ‘Statement-1 : Determinant of a skew-symmetric matrix of order 3 is zero. Statements : For any matrix A, dei(AT) = det(A) and det(-A) = ~det(A), Where dei(B] denotes the determinant of matrix B, Then [AIEEE-2011] (Q) Statement is true and statement-2 is false (2) Both statements are true (3) Both statements are false (4) Statement-1 is false and statement-2 Is true Ifo 1 isthe complex cube root of unity and matrix fal ()H (20 (3)-H (4) He Let P and Q be 3 x3 matrices with P « Q. If P3 = Q3 and P2Q = QP, then determinant of (P2 + Q4)is equal to IAIEEE-2012) (1-1 (2-2 @o 14, 15. then H70 is equal to: [AIEEE-2011] 17. (1 18. 19. 20. ae 22. Let A= If uy and up are column “isle 1) 0) matrices such that Au, 9 and Au, =| 1), \o) 0 then uy + up is equal to [AIBEE-2012} a) @}-} 2 ae fl @ 3 I P=|1 3 3] isthe adjoint of a3 x3 matrix 244 Avand || = 4, then is equal to = [EE (Moin)-2013} (a Qu @s (4) 0 IA is an 3 23 non-singular matrix such that AA = A\A and B = A“! A\, the BB! equals BEE (Main)-2014) (+B On QB (4) (9) The set of all values of A for which the system of linear equations EE (Main)-2015) Prey — Bip + x5 = Don, Bx, — Bxp + Bxg = IXp xy + Exp = 2X5 has a nor-trivial solution (2) contains two elements (2) contains more than two elements @)is an empty set (4) isa singleton 1202 A= |2 1 -2| is a matrix satistying the a2b equation AAT = 91, where lis 3 x3 identity matrix, then the ordered pair (a, b) is equal to: EE (Main)-2015) ()) (2, 1) (2) (2, -1) @) (2,-1) (2, 1) 122 di Wa, b, care pth, qth and rth terms of a GP, andall loga p 1 are positive then |logb q 1 jis equal to- loge or 1 ajo (2)1 [AIEEE-2002} (3) log abe (4) par If 1, 0, @* are cube roats of unity and n # 3p, | oo PeZ,then|o 1 | is equal to Be ce wali {AIEEE-2003) (1)0 Qo (3) (4. laces |e of tee We] bP 1+b%) = 0 and vectors (I, a, af), ce desl (1, Bb and (1. ¢, <4) are non-coplanar, then the product abc equals- IAIEEE-2003) qa 20 {2-1 2), Agony a, yee arein GP anda, > Oi, loge, 109 a2 109 ayug then |!68 26 108 Qn 109 5120) ts equal to- HOG Aorr2 109 Syerg JOd Ayere) [ANEEE-04,05) @o (2)nboga, @)nln + I) log a, (4) none of these Wat+b? +c? =-2and (14b4x (1c!) ffx) =L+e'he 14d! L+c%)x), then id isa tex G+b x 1+e%| |I+arx polynomial of degree- (2 (3)0 The system of equations oxty+z—=a-1 IAIEEE 2005) (23 (41 x+aytz=a-1 xtytaz=a-1 Has no solution, If ais () 1 (3) either -2 or 1 IAIEEE 2005) (2) not -2 4)-2 SS LLL a, 12. 13, idee | ip=|1 14x 1 | forx+O,y20thenps, Ty Uy try (1) Divisible by both xandy AIEEE - 2007, (2) Diesible by x but not y (@) Divisible by y but not x (4) Digsible by nelther x nor y [5 5a LetA=|0 @ Sa}, if )A*l = 25 then | lo ons. equals: AIEEE - 2007) (a (2) 5? (31 (4) 1/5 Leta, b, cbeany real numbers. Suppose that ther are real numbers x, y, 2 not all zero such tha x= cy + ba y= ar + oxandz= bx tay, ther a? +b’ + c? + 2abe is equal to IAIEEE - 2008) (y2 @-1 30 41 Let a, b, ebe such that bla + ¢) « 0. If: a+] aq] atl b+L e-1 bri bol, aat bal ert} _, e-1 c+] \-'a Ci" !b Cite then the value of n is (AIEEE - 200%) (1) Any odd integer (2) Any integer (3) Zer0 (@) Any even integer Consider the system of linear equations Ay + 2a, +x, = 2k, + 3x, + x, Sx + 5x, + 2x, = 1 The system has (1) Infinite number of solutions (2) Exactly 3 solutions (3) A unique solution (4) No solution ‘The number of values of for which the lines equations IAIEEE - 2010) Ax + by 4 22 = 0 kx + dy 42=0 2+ Bera 0 ossess @ non-zero solution is (1 2) zero (3)3 2 e nelat sthe only solution of the system x-hy+z=0 kk + 3y- ie = 0 Sk+y-2=0 ‘Then the set of al @) @, -3) @)R- (Q} AIEEE - 2013] I'values of kis: (ateee - 2011) (2) R ~ (2, -3} (4) R- £3) DD scxweocn mice non mess a ano: us ccs stoesonsnens a | ' ( 205 I t ( ( eee f { ( — TT JA. Thonumber of vauosofk forwhichiheqmem of | 16. fray peo) and fin) = an Brand equations : (k + Ix + By = 4k kc +k + 3ly = 3k —1 has no solution, is (1) infinite (3)2 [JEE (Main)-2013] (2) 1 (43 ANSWER-KEY 3 ef) 1+ F2) 14F0) 14 f2) 7 14f@ 1+f@) 1+f¢ = Ki al? (1 — 9 (a - Bl, then Kis eau [SEE (Main)-2014) to Lh See () a8 2 op 1, Let R= {(1, 3), (4, 2), (2, 4), (2, 3), (3, I bea teleation on the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4). The relation Ris- IAIEEE - 2003) (1) transitive (2) not symmetric (8) reflexive (4) a function 2. Let R= {(3, 3), (6, 6), (9, 9, (12, 12), (6, 12), (8, 9), (8, 12), (B, 6)) be relation on the set A = (3, 6, 9, 12). The relation is- * [AIEEE - 2005], (1) reflexive and transitive only (2) reflexive only (3) an equilvalence relation (4) reflexive and symmetric only 3. Let W denote the words in the English dictionary Define the relation R by : R = {(x, y) = Wx WI the words x and y have at least one letter in common}. Then R is- IAIEEE - 2006) (1) reflexive, symmetric and not transitive (2) reflexive, symmetric and transitive {Q) reflexive, not symmetric and transtive (4) not reflexive, symmetric and transitive 4, The set S: {1, 2, 3, ...., 12) is tobe partitioned into three sets A, B, C of equal size. Thus AvUBUC=S8,A0B=BOC=ANC=$. The number of ways to partition S is- [AIEEE - 2007] (a) 12173140) (2) 121/81(31)* (3) 121/141)? (4) 12148)" 2 Let R be the real line. Consider the following subsets of the plane R xR: [AIEEE - 2008] x,y) :y=x+ land OF Os 7o+1) BIS (@) 7nfn + 1) tural numbers to integers defined by > when nisoda f=} 1s atEEE 2003) 5, Whenniseven Zz (1) neither one-one nor onto (2) one-one but not onto (3) onto but not one-one @) one-one and onto both [AIEEE - 2004) Qf, 2) (2)12, 3) (3) (1, 2] (4) 12, 3) UL. The range of the fumetion f(x) = 7P,_. is IAIEEE-2004) (M1, 2,3, 4, 5) (2) 11, 2, 3,4, 5,6) 3) (1, 2,3) 4) (1, 2, 3, 4) 12, WFR S defined by As) = sinx= J3 cos x + 1 is onto, then the interval of Sis- [AIEEE-2004) (i), 3) Qt, 1] 3)10, 11 (@) 0, -1) 13. Let fF: -1, 1) > B, be a function defined by fs) =tan- oi « then fis both one-one and onto =¥ when B is the interval- {AIFEE-2005) 0) [- FI @ @ 3) (2) es 4) sf 14. A real valued function ffx) satisfies the function equation tx — y) = xfs) =a =x)fa + y) where aisa given constant and (0) = 1, fl2a-¥) is equal to IAIEEE-2005) (1) 1) + fla ~ x) 2 fly B)-f0 4) fix) 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. Ifx is real, the maximum value of 3x? + 9x+7 IAIEEE - 2006] (8) 177 (4) 1/4 4 ) fr which the The largest intemal ving in ( es) is: (41 (21 ean tne ($1) Heatcoon is defined IAIEEE - 2007) Q (4) (0, x1 {. R > R bea function defined by x| + 1}, Then which of the IAIERE - 2007) £() = Min 41, following is true ? (1) f ( is not differentiable at x = 1 (2) £ (x) is differentiable everywhere (3) f () is not differentiable at x = 0 (4) f (9) = 1 for allx eR / N- Y bea function defined as IAIEEE - 2008} Let f ite) = 4x + 3 where Y= {yen So that { is invertible and its inverse is 4x +3 for some x €N} +4 + a= = aya 8 (3) a) = 4) aly) = For real x, let fix) = x° + 5x 4 1, thon (2) fis one-one and onto R _[aieE - 2009] (2) fits neither one-one nor onto R (3) fis one-one but not onto R (4) fis onto R but not one-one Let fis) = (+ 18-1, x 2-1 Statement-1 The set (x : fk) ~ P)) = (0, <1), Statement-2 : f is bijaction, (1) Statement-i is true, Statement-2 is false (2) Staterment-1 is false, Staternent-2 ts true. (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1, (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1, IEEE - 2009) 1) Statement-1: Theset {x f(x) =f "@)} = {1,2} Statement - 2 fis Diection and fj =14 ‘xed [AIEEE - 2011 (1) Statemen-1 is false, staterner is true. (2)Statemen-1 fs frue, statement-2 is true; Statemen-2 is correct explanation for statement-1 (8) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true, statement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1 (4) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false 23. 24, 25. me [ff: R-> Risa function defined by 2x - x) = fx) cos 5 , where [xl denote, arestest integer function, then fis: (AIEEE 9), (1) continuous only at x = 0. (2) continuous for every real x. (3) discontinuous only at x = 0. (4) discontinuous only at non-zero integral valies, 7 If g is the inverse of a function f(x) = ——>, then gx) is equal to I= gis) 14x (2) 5x4 WEE (Main) 20;, 8. (3) = (4) 1+{ob0)5 Teleco Let ix) 2[sin* x-+cas!x) where x € R ani at i d = 1. Then f(y) ~ fg) equals: (9EE (Main 2014 1 1 OT @ Le Te 12 [a3 [aa [as 2 a | 2) 1 1 2 soi7 [is [as | 20 7 OT rt 11) = 1, f(t) = 2, then lim [AIEEE - 2003] (2 2)1 @3 a4 (1=cos2x)sin5x The values of fing ==> is. [AIEEE - 2002) (a) 10/3 @3f0 (3) 6/5 ()5/6 (P45: treet | {AIEEE - 2002) lel) (1) et (2)e (ae de 4. logx" =[x) re] Integer less than or equal to x) (1) Has value -1 (2) Has values 0 (3) Has value 1 2 : : (4) Does not exist i lim »n EN, (where [x] denotes great IAIEEE - 2007 If lim Fat z =k, the value of ks IAIEEE - 2008: 2 (3 (2)0 by. (4) g i 10. | Letf() = ala) ~ k-and their n derivatives fe), o°(@) exist and are not equal for some n. Further if tin Heated eas ai)-ffsy SC 4 then the value of k is jaeee™ 008 @e (2)4 @2 (a1 [-in(2) ns 2 | ———+5——— is-__ [AIEEE - 2003) [1stan(3) i 2x? 2 1 1 Oe Qs (30 eet 26 It lim (4243) =e, then the values of a and 3 x b, are- IAIEEE - 2004) ()aeRbeR Qla-i,beR Back b-2 (@)a=1andb=2 Let a and B be the distinct roots of ax? + bx +c fax? +bxte) 9, then li SF BS ecual to- () F@- BF (2) atese - 2005) at 4 (8) > -pF (4) 5 (a- pF Letf: R > R bea positive increasing function with _ £3: (2x) fin 1, Then lim gy 7 WEEE 2010) 2 3 (V1. Qs > (4)3 _ { Ji-eostax—D) ) Tin) weer 2011 1 (@) equals - J @eawls (3) does not exist (4) equals /2 12. 13, 14, 15. 16, Let f: R-9[0, =) be such that lim fx) exists and . Then Limf(x) equal: IAIEEE-2011) 3 (2) 0. (3)1 (4) 2 If function f(x) is differentiable at x = a then im ® £@)=a°F(x) {AIEEE-2011) xa (1) 2e fa) +22 ff) (2) =a? Fe) (3) afla) -2? fle) (4) 2afla) -2? fe) im E=20820B #0083) 5, equal to a) xtandx WEE (Main)-2013) 1 on sy Os 1 2 tim “Creo is equal to: (JE (Man)-2014] ; () 2 (2)1 B-x @)x le 3+ wp dcedeand | [JEE (Main)-2015] oy () 2 (2) 2 (3)4 @3 Let f (x) be a polynomial of degree four having extreme values at x = 1 and x = 2 W ig| +a] = 3, then £ (2) is equal to EE (fatn-20151 (1) 0 (24 @)-8 (4)-4 TID seams cert vonsenpae rime aR et Ao we ee —————————— DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. (CONTINUITY) — eed ieee eg then Fs comtcnous at (wee: 2002) (2) Only at zero (2 only at 0,1 )all real numbers (4) ail rational numbers WEG) = {xe 8"), x0 then f(x is: [AIEEE 2003] 0 \x=0 1) discontinous everywhere (2) continuous os well as differentiable for all x (3) continuous forall x but not differentiable at x=0 (4) neither differentiable 3 continuous at x = 0 Ttnx ox Let fix) = axa 4 Ii) is continuous in | 0, then {| =) is- faleee 2009) ja The Qi2 inction f ()-172 R/O} + RB (4-1 given by, i fo) = > - = be made continuous at X = 0 by defining f(0) as: |AIEEE 2007), (2 Qa 0 41 The values of p and q for which the function sino +x 4 sinx } Mee es ad is continuous for all x in R, are IAIEEE 2011) 1 ee 3 2 (2) p 2 3 @p-2.q-1 pa jean d 6. Define Fix) as the product of two real f fio)= xx € IR, 1 int, if x70 DE ss folows if x=0 and (k. (Roos if x70 Te) vs Statement-1 : /{x) is continuous on IR, Statement-2 : /,(x) and f(x) are continuous (1) Statemen-1 is false, statement-2 ts true, (2) Statemen-1 is true, statement-2 ts ‘Statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1 (3) Statement-1 is true, siatement-2 is tr statement-2 Is not a correct explanatio statement-1 (4) Statement-1 is true, siatement-2 is false Consider the function, fh) = Ix- 21+ Ix-51,xeR, Statement-1 = #(4) = 0. Statement-2 : { is continuous in [2, 5) differentiable in (2, 5) and {(2) = {(S) {AIEEE 2012) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false (2) Siatement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement=2 is a correct explanation fo Staterient=1 (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Staternent-2 is not a correct explanation fo Siatement-1 1. by 4 ity Ms x itx= oy dx (sin Ify= (1) ny Q)n' If for 1 3. DTD eccrwrecom remnant 1A AESMONAST, AS 4 ANE HIRSH AS ‘FERENTIAL CALCULUS.) (DIFFERENTI. RENTIATIONS) dy Hy log, then & IAIEEE-2002} 1 1 n = ay 2 aay) 1 1 ©) Yar eay) Saar Ix = 80030- 2c08°6 and y = sing — 2sinte, then 2. IAIEEE-2002} (sind (2}cos0 8) tad (4) coto. y= (kevin) then (1 + xy, +39 ~ [AIEEE-2002| (1) ny? (2) nty (3) n’yé (4) None of these Hf for all values of x & y; fc + y) = {6).() and 46) = 2,1(0) = 3, then f(6) iss [AIEEE-2002) (3 (214 85 ae If ff) = x", then the values of s fay fay carra, a apt IAIEEE-2003) (32) ao ial function of second degree, ‘and a, b,c are in A.P. then f(a), f(o) and f(¢) are ine [AIEEE-2003} (1) Arithmetic-Geometric Progression (2) Arithmetic progression (A.P) (3) Geometric progression (G.P) (4) Harmonie progression (HP) Ix = ex 5 0, then 2 is [AIEEE-2004) SS 1 I-x 1+x ey oe ee a Oo ‘A point on the parabola y? = 18x, at which the ordinate increases at twice the rate of the abscissa is- [AIEEE-2004) (1) 2, 4) (2) (@, -4) Dag (= 2 ae) Heed)? Suppose f(x) is differentiable at x1; dia +h)=5, then f(1) equals- [AIEEE-2005) 3 (2)4 (3) 5 (4)6 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. Let be differentiable for all x, If (1) = -2 and F(x) 22forx [1,6] then- —_{AIBEE-2005] (1) 6) 28 (2) (6) <8 (8) 16) <5 (4) (6) = 5 If fis a real-valued differentiable function satistying I ffx) — fy) < & -y)?, x, y © R and f(0) = 0, then (1) equals- [AIEEE-2005) a1 (2)0 (3) 2 a)1 The set of points where f(x) = 75 differentiable- [AIEEE-2006) () C, -1) U1, @) (2) (=, 2) (3) (0, =] (4) 2, 0) 10, 2) 4 Ix y= (& + ye, then S* is- tAIeEE-2006) ay (ee (2) xy 3 = we hy ae A value of C for which the conclusion of Mean values theorem holds for the function f(x) = log,x on the interval (1, 3] is- 7 [AIEEE-2007] (1) icg,e (2) $109.3 (3) loaje (4) 109,3 Let y be an implicit function of x defined by x8 = 2x cot y- 1 = 0. Then y(1) equals - IAIEFE-20091 (log 2 (2)-log2 8) @)1 Let ffx) = x|x] and glx) = sin x. Statement-1 : gof is differentiable at x = 0 and its derivative is continuous at that point, [AIEEE-2009} Statement-2 : gof is twice differentiable at x = 0. (1) Statement=1 is true, Statement~2 is false, (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 Is true. (3) Statement=1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Stotement-1. 4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1, Letf: (-1, 1) + Rbe a differentiable func ana) ae RE Se 20, If {and g are differentiable functions in {o, es 2 = a(l), S10) = 0 an, Leas tisfying 0) = q Spare Ae fa) = 6, then for some c € 10, 1[ BEE (Main) 2015 eo {Sey @) 2f(9 = ata (18 Seto Tae) dx. (3) Fle) = gle) (4) F() = 2c) F 21. Let the population of rabbits surviving at a tim: ni (2 i. (<3) ‘s) 3 be governed by the differential equatic Ws) (4) -|—5] [2 ae) ie i ae p00) _1 64) 200, 1f £10) = 100, then py dt 2 a is equal to anal EE (Main) 2014) (1) 400 - 300 ev? WEE (Main)-2013) (2) 300 - 200 ex? (3) 600 ~ 500 ev? (4) 400 ~ 300 ev? v2 (2 (8 a] aTs MM Ss 7 | is [a9 [20 eee ae a a if | (DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS-II) TANGENTS AND NORMALS fl a 2. 1. The normal to the curve x = {1 + cost),y=asind | 4. The shortest dstance between the line y—x=1 at '8! always passes through the fixed point- and the curve x = y? is: [ATEEE-2009) [AIEEE 2004) bs ()f@, 0) (2)(0, a) sya a 5 3)(0, 0) (4), a) a ie 2. The normal to the curve x = aleos® + dsing), ” 23 i y= a(sind ~ 6cosé) at any point @ is such that- ae ¥ ge i (1) it passes through the origin ei oe of the tangent to the curve | ees 9=% + Rbe a continaous function defined by such that 4) - g's) = 0, f(1) = 2, gil) = 4. L {2) = 3, g(2) =9, then f(x) — os) at x = 3/2 10) - = [AIBEE-2002), ; (Vo (22 (3) 10 4-5 Statement-1 : {{c) 3 for some c € R. 2. A function y = f(x) has @ second order derivative f(s) = 6: ~ 1). Ifits graph passes through the point Statement-2 £0 < fo) < freien (2, 1) and at that point the tanget to the graph is y ~ 3x ~ 5, then the function, is- [AIEFE-2004) IAIEEE-2010) (1-1 B= BG+ 1) (4) (x 1? (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; 3. A function is matched below against an interval Statement-2 is a correct explanation for where it is supposed to be increasing. which of the Statement-1 following pairsis incorrectly matched ? (AIEEE-2005] (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; interval function Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for (t=, 2) = 3x + Sx +3 statement-1 2a) ince 6 (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. el FE ey (4) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. @(-33| BP = 241 6, _ the sfunction. (a), 4) P+ 6x + 6 ati)= {EE Oxxs3 4. The function f(x) = tan”[sinx + cosx) isan increasing, age sel function in- IAIEEE-2007) is differentiable, then value of k + m is (1) @/A, 1/2) (2) x72, n/a) [SEE (Main)-2015} (8)(0, 1/2) @) (n/2, 2/2) i eS 4 (92 @= Que.} 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ans| 4 2 3 2 1 3 134 Wthe funct a> 0, ata nix) = 2x°— Gax?+ 1Bahe + 1, where imum end minimum at p and ‘respectively such that p? — q, then a equels- [AIELE-2003} (ay2 ts inverse glves lie of the sum at x equal to- [Aleee-2003} @a M12 (23 @)1 teal umber x when added t }e minimum, (1-2 (2 @1 bésin?@ + GF aint o+b! then the difference between th minimuin vahies of ufis given by. mum and IAIEEE-2004) (2) 2ta? + 64 (2) 2. fa? 0? (3) a + BPP(4) (eb)? The function fs) = = + = has a local minimum at |AIEEE-20061 Mx=-2 @x=0 @)x-1 @)xe2 4 triangular park is enclosed on two sides by a etvee and on the thira side by a straight nver bank: The two sides having fence are of same lenath x. (DIFFERENTIAL CALGULUS-II) MAXIMA & MINIMA 8. 10, The maximum atea bythe porkis- | JAIEEE-2006) | ae Ome ase 5S 435 HE p and q are posiive real numbers such that p? +g? = 1, then the maximum value of (p + q) $ {AtEEE-2007] a4 as wv a2 Qs Te 2 Suppose the cubic x" — px + has three real roots where p > 0 and g > 0. Then which of the following holds ? IAIEEE-2008) (1) The cubic has minima at 15 and maxima at ~ fo V3 (2) The cuble has minima at ~ JB and maxima fi 12. a 3 rhe The cubic has minima at both =f2 ge Vg (4) The ic has maxima at bath eG &- e atk axl + bx? + cx x=0 is the only real root 4 P(x) he interval {- If P¢-1) < PQ), then in # (1) P(- 1) is the minimum but P(2) is » maximum of P. IAIEEE 299, (2) Neither P(-1) is the minimum no maximum of P ; (3)P(-1) is the minimum and PC of P ... (4) P(-1) fs not minimum but P(1) is the maxi the max, ofP Letf: RR bedelined by IAIPFE-2, Ka2e, if xsl FOR toes, if xed If {has local minimum at x =~1, then @ poss value of k is 1 i Qo @ 5 wa For x (02) suet x)= ftsin va liane IAEEE 201, (2) lecal minimum at n and local maximum a (2) local maximum at x and local minimum « (3) local maximum at x and 2x (4) local minimum at x and 2n Let f be a fimetion defined by stan 60H k 1 x=0 x20 Statement - 1; x = 0 is point of minima of { Statement - 2: (0) - 0. IAIEEE-201) (1) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. (2) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is tr Statement-2 is correct explanation statement-1, (3) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is Stalement-2 is not a correct explanation f: statements] (@) Statement- is true, statement-2 A spherical balloon is filed with 4500% is false cubiem of helium 3s. If leak in the balloon causes‘ 945 To escape at the rate of 72n cubic meters > Tinute, then the rate tin meters per minute) which the radius of the balloon decreases # finulesafter the leakage began is; jaNeeE.2014 (9/2 (977 87/9 (4)29 P a 3H (a Breet sie i i aad i 5. If 3 x g ; ms 0 h 109) th O19) 13] ae Leta, b € K be such fx) = In 1x) + bx? + ax, x 0 has extreme values atx=-landx = Statement-1 f % = Land at x - 2 Statement-2 : {1) Statemer (2) Statement-1 is false, (8) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 Is true Statement-2 is Statement-1 (@) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is tr Statement-2 is not 2 correct explana Statement-1. the function f given by | 14. If X= = has local maximum at m (a=-6,B= |alEEE 2012} Siatement-2 is fase Qan2, tement-2 is true 2 correct explanation (Qo=-6. B= 5 1 sis 1 a @a-2,B=5 ane IwN= TZ yererertremiespunne-v ff) = a log bel + Bx? + x then [JE (Main}-2014] ea Ce Te ee 2 1 —aES - TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS I 1. Period of f(x) = sin*x + cos* x is- JAIEEE-2002) ne tan @ = -4, then sin 0 is: IAIEEE-2002) (a a5 ! - a 4 4 ‘Aippal (3) 2x (4) None of these {) - Son eee (2)- 5 Bs 2. _ Period of sin® @ ts- IAIEEE-2002) 4 4 ) = (3) = but not -> (4) None of these 1) x Qn Qe Ws 3 5 3. ify sec? @ + cos? 6, 8% 0, then- {AIEEE-2002) 4xy (2) 9 = 8. sec? § = = is true if and only if {AIEEE-2003] Q)y=0 (@y<2 ()y2-2 Ay>2 ea iy I= tan? 15° Q)x+y70 (Q)x=yx*0 4, The vahie of [= "pies ~ [AIEEE-2002] @x=y (a) x40,y40 9. if w=vaFcos®0+b% an? 0+ va? sin®O+ bP cos 0 Qi 2) V3 (4)2 then the difference between the maximum and minimum values of u? is given by- [AIEEE-% 5. Ifa is root of 25 cos? 8 +5 cos 0 - 12 = 0, eee (1) 2? + b?) (2) 2Va? +b? . F< is equal to (1)2 sin 2a 4 @)4sinta 4) -4 sinta IAIEEE-2005} € 3 _. HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES 4. _ ABisaveriical pole with B at the ground level and Aatthe top. A man finds that the angle of elevation of the point A from a certain point C on the ground is 60°, He moves away from the pole along the line BC to a point D such that CD = 7 m. From D the angle of elevation of the point A is 45%, Then 1. The upper $thportion (Of a vettical pole subtends an an angle tan?® ata point in the horizontal plane through its foot andate distance 40 m from the foot, A posible height of the vertical pole is ihe hueet ci eee ered {AIEEE-2002) WA (80m —(2)20m (840m (4) 60m Oo ai 2, Apperson standing on the bank ofa river observes e that the angle of elevation of the top of a tree on ) SAQ8-1m the opposite bank of the river is 60° and when he retires 40 meters away from the tree the angle of elevation becomes 30°. The breadth of the river 5. Abird is sitting on the top of a vertical pole 20m high and its elevation from a point © on the ground 1s 45°. It flies off horizontally straight away from the point O, After one second, the elevation of the bird is: IAIEEE-2004] (20m — 2)30m 40m (4) 60m from O is reduced to 30°. Then the speed (in m/s) 3. A tower stands at the centre of a circular park. A of the bird ts [SEE (Main)-2014) and Bare two points on the boundary of the park (i) 40( 2-1) 2 40(/3 V2) foot of the tower, and the angle of elevation of the (3) 2002 (4) 20(/3 -1) 6. If the angles of elevation of the top of a tower from. three collinear points A, B and C, ona line leading to the foot of the tower, are 30°, 45° and 60° respectively, then the ratio, AB : BC, is : EE (Main)-2015) ()1:V3 (22:3 8) V3:1 4) 3.2 BY Sd top of the tower from A or Bis 30°. The height of the tower is- IAIEEE-2007] (1) 2a/V3 (2) 2a V3 2 i i such that AB (=a) subtends an angle of 60° at the : @)a/B (av8 135, a 4. I= “foo xdk then the value of nll, ,+I,is IAIEEE-2002) @i (2) 5/2 (3)n/4 (4)n 2x(ltsinx) _ dV Arco% x ~ tare 2002) (Unt (2)nt/4 (3) m/8 (a) at/8 oe fisinxldx = IAIEEE-2002} a9 (210 (3)18 —(ay20 a Jrelax = IAIEEE-2002) ° Wihere [_] denotes greatest integer function) () v2 -1 (2) VB -1) (3) 2 (4) none of these Be ar? in > = a =2tD equals: (AIEE-2002) uf il Ona ass @) Pe whee (S)->0 ef dx-= Fil) Fil), then one of the possible values of & > IAIFEE-2003) (64 (2)15 B16 (63 ‘ If fle +b—x) = 60), then fx f(x) dx is equal to- [AFEE-2003} atb aa) 0) 25° ftosb-sddu 25 fade ae | \ fiovee CQ) ag fila leita 14. 15. 16. The value of the integral !- [x(1—x)" dx is IAIEEE-2003) 1 (a) a+ wae Qa 1 ied oo a nee "Yeoc? tat The value of lim 2 is: [AIEEE-2003} xo0 xsinx (1) 0 (23 (3) 2 4)1 fim MHS tty, MUERTE tnt ae 7 a © is equal to- IAIEEE-2003] (1/52) 180 (3)zero (4) 1/4 If) =e!, ay) = yi y>Oand FW) = [f(t—y)aty) dy, 6 then- (AIEEE-2003] (R= 2)Ft) = 1-eH(1 +9) RY-e-(1+) a) Fy =tet Let f(x) be a function satisfying f(x) = f(x) with (0) = 1 and q(x) be a function that satisfies ffx) + ab) = x*. Then the value of the integral filed.) da is [AIEEE-2003] j Sng a) Wer 545 Be =F ee é 3 Biers -5 Wea Ss fim tev is. [AIEEE-2004] ae (e (je-1 @)l-e @e+1 a The value of [| 1—x? |dx is- IAIEEE-2004) 2 M23 2148 373 Wis eee The value of |= “{ SX FCOSAI" 4 6 x IAIEEE-2004) GO is G2 ae , 2 If fxtisinsdax = 4 [ finx)dx, then Ais 3 3 (1) 0 (2)x B)a/4 “Oo Tf f(x) = = 4 xgix(1—x)idx and BO (es) tet 1,= J glx(-widk, then the value of B fs: to I [Aitee. 2004) (2 Q-3 @1 1 lim, [Aue 2 cect gt soc? equals: me Lae meth [AIEEE-2005] (1) ect ©) Fcosecl (Giant (a) Stent Host 1s a Wiy= [2" dx, 1, = J2" dx, p= 2" dx and j ° i 2 I= [2 dk then- (AIEEE-2005) ML>1, @L>l, B=l, @1,>1, Let: R +R bea differentiable function having (2) = 6, f(2) = (& 5 | Then lin jopaene ak AIEEE-2005} (a) 24 (2) 36 (3) 12 (4) 18 The value of iS % dx, a> Ois- {AIREE-20051 alte’ z x (Ian Q)5 Be (4) 2x ‘The value of the integral, j dx is- (9=x+ ae {AIEEE-2006] 3 5 1 as (22 > “pf J e+ 1}?+c057(x+3n)ldx is equal to- oe IAIEEE-2006} (1) (44/32) + (n/2) (2) 0/2 (3) (n/4) -1 (4) 4/32 ‘alten cc is equal to- 3 (1) ficinwde ” (3) x | fleosx)dx 3 The value of Joreoes, a> 1, where the greatest integer not exceeding a : (1) (a) Ha) = {€(1) + 1(2) + =. + Hla) (2) fa) f(a) ~ {f(1) + 2) +... + fal) (3) a fifa) ~ 0) + (2) +... + fe (4) a fle) — {4(1) + (2) + ... + led) Lett = foo + (# 4), where f(x) = Fle) equals- m5 @o @1 The solution for x of the equation is (2 Qn (8) V3 /2_ (4) Letl= (89% de and v= [OSE e Fee Fee th ‘one of the following is true 2 2 ()i> 5 andas2 <2 and 2 Ge gents 2 ars 2 an Jfeotxtax » where [.] denotes the greatest in function, is equal io - (a & 8) a PR ase eiiontanpmctlsmrntan i liom orsietinens a 30. Let p(x) be function defined on R such that Opis) = pil — x), for all x € (0, 1], p(0) = 1 and pl) = 41. Then f p(x) dx equals IAIEEE-2010) Q) Jar (2) 21 (3) 41 (4) 42 I 31. The value of fe ax is [AIPEE-2011) ® x re} ee {2)log 2 (3) n log 2 (4) gins? 32, Let ||Jdenote the greatest integet function then the ioe: Palx lax is - (AIEEE-2011) 3 3 (i) 5 (2,0 (3) 5 Oe 33. If g(x) = Jeos4t dt, then g(x + 1) equals aleEE-2012) 0 1) (1) a0 - of) 2) aa) (3) ath) + a(x) (4) ax) — afr) 34, Statement-I : 35. 36. The value of the integral We ae x auc js equal to =. [JE (Main)-2013] iol + Vtanx 6 Statement-II : fren = fi@~ b=x)dx. (1) Statement is true, Statement-ll is true; statement-ll is a correct explanation for Statement. (2)Statement1 is true, Statement-ll is true, ‘statementll is mbt a correct explanation for Statement I. (3) Statement is true, Staiementll is false (4) Statement] is false, Statement-ll is true. The integral [SEE (Main)-2014) [See et i +4sin? 5—4sin dk equals : (Qa-4 (2) Baa 43 3) 43-4 (4)aV3 -4— The integral is equal fo (1 [EE (Main)-2015] (26 (3)2 (4 to | ai | 12 15 ES es esata 3 25 | 26 | 27 30 Ans| 2 | 1 cae ee | 2 [Qi QUADRATURE 1. Ifthe area bounded by the x-axis, curve y = ffx) and the lines x= 1, x = bis equal to (641 - V2 for all b > 1, then fx) is {AIEEE-2002} () R=, (2) Jee) fo? +1) ) 8) Ver) @ ee 2, The area of the region bounded by the curves y=\x-1landy=3- xl is- (AlEEE-2003) (1) 6 sq, units (2) 2 sq. units (3)3 sa. units (4)4 sq. units a The area of the region bounded by the curves ye Ix- 21, x= 1,x = 3 and the xaxis is [AIEEE-2004) aya aa 22 @a 10. ‘Area ofthe greatest rectangle that can be inscribed eg in the ellipse at oe tle IAIEEE-2005} e (1)2eb Gab ab (ay 2 ‘The area enclosed between the curvey = log,(x-+ @) and the coordinate axes is. IAIEEE-2005) a1 (2 3 aya ‘The parabolas y*= 4x and x?= 4y divide the square region bounded by the lines x = 4, y = 4 and the coordinate axes. If S,, S,, S, are respectively the ateas of these parts numbered from top to bottom; then S,:S,: S,is- IAIEEE-2005} (1:2:1 Q1:2:3 @2:1:2 @isae1 Let ffx) be a non-negative continuous function such that the area bounded by the curve y= f(x), x-axis and the ordinates x = a and x= B> 7 Is ( Bann Zcospsl28) then (3) IAIEEE-2005) a(t a) a) (3 + 2-1) 4) ( ts 2B) The area enclosed between the curves y?= x’and y= Ixt is: [AIEEE-20071 2 1 1 3 (1 6 as ‘The area of the plane region bounded by the curves x + 2y2= 0 and x + 3y?= 1 is equal to- {AIEEE-2008} w2 @F OF we The area of the region bounded by the parabola (y— 2)? = x— 1, the tangent to the parabola at the point (2, 3) and the x-axis is :- _(AIEFE-2009) Q2 83 We a9 a 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. The area bounded by the curves y y= sinx between the ordinates = O and x ~ e ine, ( 42 -2 ()4v2 +2 (aaa2 -1 (4)4v2 +1 ‘The area of the region enclosed by the cur, 1 = = and the positive x-axis yexxreaye ya c [AIEEE 201 5 (a) 2 square units (2) poate units 2 8) ; square units (4) 1 square units The area bounded by the curves y? = 4x and x?-4, IAIEEF-2011) 32 16 8 (0 as A> 4), ‘The area bounded between the parabolas x and x? = 9y, and the straight line y = 2 is TAIEEE-2012 1oy2 20y2 (3) 108 (3) 3 () 10¥2 (2) 20 V2 a> The area (in square units) bounded by the curves y=Vk . 2y—x +3 =0, xaxis and lying in ‘he first quadrant is; [JEE (Main)-2013) (9 @)36 (3) 18 2 The area of the region described bs Am (9): x2 + y2 <1 andy? <1 — xh is [JEE (Main)-2014) n 4 (hs auA 2°3 aes m2 8) 5-5 ae Pa (4) 2°53 y 4. 6. The solution of the differential e pe yiidk + ay dy = O's mene Mx += x (2) x2? + ox = 0 Gxt 2ay=yPt cx (A) x24 yee Dey + ox? ‘The differential equation, which represents ihe family of plane curves y = e%, is- IAIEEE.2002) yag (2) xy’ ~ logy = 0 ee w (4) ylogy = xy! The equation of the curve through the point (1, 0), yol whose slope is z oe IAIEEE-2002) @6-1) k++ 2-0 (Q%&y-1)+x+1=0 @xy- 1) +1)+2-0 (4) xy + 1) + vix + 1) = ‘The dearee and order of the differential equation cof the family of all parabolas whose axis is x-axis, are respectively- IAIEEE-2003) (23° (22,1 3)1,2 43,2 ‘The solution of the differential equation 1+ ¥)+ (x-e") 2 = 0, is [AIEEE-2003} xe me ke Qe ke" (8) Bre" =e" + (4) yom*y = tary +k ‘The differential equation for the family of curves x* + y?— 2ay = 0, where a is an arbitrary constant is- (AIEEE-2004) (1) 262 yy = wy (2) 26 + y's! = 9 @hl-vy=2y HP + yh" 9 The solution of the differential equation dr + 6+ x2uddy = O Ise [AITEE-2003} a) 5 ic fai C Gd bogy-C Way ox ‘The differential representing the family of curves y?= 2clx + Ve), where c > 0, isa parameter, is ‘of order and degree as follows- [AIEEE-2005, 17-1999} (2) order 1, degree 1 (4) order 2, degree 2 (1) order 1, degree 2 (3) order 1, degree 3 10. ul. 12. 13. 14. 15. the = yflogy ~logx + 1), then the solution of the equation is- IAIEEE-2005] a) si() -« Q xioa(2) Bo (3 ea( 2) = ex ® vo(2) ca, The differential equation whose solution is Ax? + By? = 1, where A and B are arbitrary constants is of IAIEEE-2006] (1) first order and second degree (2) first order and first degree (3) second order and first degree (4) second order and second degree ‘The differential equation of all circles passing through the origin and having their centres on the xeaxis is: [AIFFF-2007) (1) x 4 (x= Fe By Ge ey. vag By = s dg The solution of the differential equation RAY, as 7g Salslying the condition y(2) = 1 is: IAIEEE-2008} (ly = énx + x (2) y = xénx + x? (3) y = xe» (4) y = xenx + x ‘The differential equation of the family of citcles with fixed radius 5 units and centre on the line y= 2is- [AIEEE-2008) (1) & - y= 25 - y— 2 (2) y - 2ly’ =n oF (3) (y ~ 2y? = 25 - y - 2/7 (4) (& = 2)'y? = 25 — (y — 2)? ‘The differential equation which represents the family of curves y= ce" , where, and c, are arbitrary constants, [AIEEE-2009) Qyy' =v (2)yy' = GP B)y=y? @y'=yy Solution of the differential equation {AIEEE-2010} cos x dy = ysin x — sie, O- 0's a constant and T is the total ife in years of the equipment. Then the serap value V{T) of the eo = 0.5 pit) = 450. If p(0) = e |AIEEE-201 1) = atwhich the population becomes 7210 is (AIEEE no, @ex () ins 2) 218 BH 4) Fy 21. At presenta firm is manufacturing 20 1 eee is estimated that the rate of change gyre + wi- Pwr additional number of workers xis gv, 18. The curve that passes through the point (2, 3), and = =100- 12K, Hf the fiom employs 25 has the property that the segment of any tangent. workers, then the new level of production of i, 7 to it lying between the coordinate axes is bisected is [JEE (Main)-20 by the point of contac, is given by: IAIEEE-20111 (i) 2500 (2)3000 3500 (4) 45 Se 22. Let yx) be the solution of the differential cous ‘ mB) 2 (2) 2y-3x=9 ee VX (logx) H+ y ~ 2x log x, 2 I a y-$ Then ye) is equal to LEE ean 2n; By (4) x2 + y? = 13 x Qa ()2 (2) 2e 4)0 Guana . is Ans] gi | || rai| - Que.) 16 : Ans] 3 | 2 Sasa __BINOMIAL THEOREM 1. The sum of the coelficients in the expansion of (x + yP is 4096. The greatest coefficient in the expansion is- [AIEEE 2002) (a) 1024 (2) 924 ed) @ (3) 824 (a) 724 Z 2 2, for postive integerst> 1, n> 2thecoelicents | 1 Me Muber of Integral terms in the expa 3 fh th ; ae \256 i the (39) and +2!" powers of xin the expansion (va+85y is qaosee 2003 cof (14x) are equal, then- ——_|AIEE. 2002) (1) n= 2r (2) n= 8r 5 a (2) 33 @)n= are 4) n = 2; ‘ (4) 35 @n=2r-1 5+ “The toetticient of the middle term in the bina" | B. If (14x) =Cy #Cyx+Cpx? +..4..Cax" then expansion in powers of x of (1 + ax)! ar? {AIEEE-2002) ()—ax)° 1s the same iF a equals- (ree 200" ES 10 3 5 UE a, 5 142) ie 6 7 10. felsic 5 The coefficient of x? Im expansion of] (Salama fae Siatement Paine ee eee 20 (2) Statement=1 is true, Statement=2 is tru qia-) (2) (1) (1-») Statement-2 is a correct explanation @aPa Hayy Stetement-1 ifthe coofficients of , (r+ 1)hand e+ 2)* terms (8) Statement=1 is true, Statement-2 is tr jn the binomial expansion (1 + y) are in AP. thenm and satisfy the equation- {AIEEE 2005} (i) m?-m Gr 1) + 42 42-0 @ m-m(4r+1)+42-2-0 () m2 -m (4r+ 1) 4 4242-0 (4) m? - mir - 1) + 4x? -2 = 0 fara theca’ of? in| ax? s( 2) | ecu the bx} } Peeereixth (| fix? in |ax-(2.]) then o an Pee “p salsly the relation InseEE 20051 ()ab=1 @ 2-1 @ja+b-1 @ a-bel FFor natural numbers m,n if (ym (1 + yi? = 1 + ayy + ayy? + = @) = 10, then (m,n) 1s- AIEEE 20061 (45, 35) (2) (35, 45) 45) (4) (35, 20) ‘The sum of the series 209 = BOE + 2p — BOC sam sone t ME3 Is [AIEEE 2007] 4 J (D5 C10 Qo (8) -°C5 4) Cio In the binomial expansion of (e - b)",n 2 5, the um of 5 and 61 terms is zero, then = eduals {AIEEE 20071-20011 Statement 1; 5(r+1)°C,=(n+2)2"" Statement-2: 5 (r+1)"Cx'= (1 +x4me(1+9)"? a IAIFEE 2008} 13. 14, | 15. 16. 17. 18. Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for {+1 is true, Statement-2 i The remainder left out when 8 = (62/""! isdivided [AIEEE 2009), (a2 by 9's 1)7 (78 0 sei jastee-2010) Statement-1 : S, ~ 55 «2 Statement-2 : S, = 90 x28 ani 10x28 (1) Statement-1 is true, Siatement-2 is true Statement-2 is a correct explanation fer Statement-1 (2) Statement-1 is true, Stateme X Statement-2 ig not a correct explanation fo statement-1 (3) Staternent-1'i (4) Statement-1 is false, Statement e, Ststement-2 is false ‘The coefficient of x7 in the expansion of a- x? + x39 is. [AIEEE 2011] (1)= 144 (2) 132 (3) 144 (4) - 132 If n ts a posttive integer, then (Ja +1)" -(-1)" (AlEEE 2017 (Ja rat umber other than positive integers (2) an irrational number (3) an odd positive integer (4) an even posit nteger The term independent of x in expansion of x-1 ) a) (2) 120 (4) 310 jents of x and x! in the expan (1 + ax + bx) (1 - 20)18 in powers of x a: \s {EE (Main}-2073) zero, then (a, b) is equel to IEE (Mair}-2014) fe 251) (14224) Seay: 143 DO. The sum of coefficients of integral pow, | 19. if (LO + 20) (108 + aciaye COP + : n of (1-2 + 10 (11)? = k (10)? , then k is equal te the binomial expansion of (1 [SEE (Main)-20141 aes Mein 20, 1 reat 441 1g 1) @ 5 (2 +1) rt 110 @ 2 (0 9 @iqg 8100) 2 @ 30" +1) 3) a ig af Que. es - * i 3 2 4 ‘Ans 3 ome! - Que! [as [aT zor é r Ans a3] 3 z | 1. The inequality l2—41 < |z—21 represents the | 9. — fz, andz, are twonon zero complex numbers, thet Iz, + 2,/=12,|412,1 then arg 2,~erg2 following reaion ree 2002) ‘equal to- IAIEEE 299; . (1) Rel) > 0 (2) Re) < 0. : E (3) Rela) > 2 (4) none of these me ees ayo 2. Let 2 and « are two non-zero complex numbers ene 2 such that |21 = lo] and arg2 + arg @ =n, then 2 equal to TAIEFE-2002] | 10. If w=——and Iwl= 1 then z lies on (ha @-« Bs Ma 3. Let z, and z, be two roots of the equation || + az +b=0, zboing complex, Further, assume 7 | that the origin z,, 2, and 2, form an equlateral (1) a circle (2) on ellipse ee Se G)a parabok (4) e straight line triangle. then: IAIEEE- 2003) evverepon) = (a'=b (Q)at= 2b (3) a = Bb4)at= 4b] 11. if lo + 41 = 3, then the maximum value 4. If z and @ are two non-zero complex numbers z+1) is- JATEEE-2907) ! such that |2@| = 1, and Arg(e) Aral) ~ 4/2, ae 20 @6 @o then Zo is equal to IAIEEE- 2003) 1) (2) -1 (3) i (4) 4 1 pe a 2 e 12. The conjugate ofa complex number is ‘i uf ay then [AIEEE. 2003) that complex number is- IAIEEE-2008 4 (1) x = dn, where n is any positive integer ay a) = (2) x = 2n, where n is any positive integer ie aL i i (3) x = 4n + I, where n is any positive integer Up. (4) x = 2n + 1, where n is any postive integer | 13. f 2,, then the maximum value of Z i J | 6. Letz, whecomplex numbers such that 2-+i @=0 fs equal to fareze20% | and arg zu = x. Then arg z equals [AIEEE- 2004) i | (Q)x/4 (2) n/2 8) 3/4) Baya (2 212) J341 (4) 5 3. 7H lai ~11 = lal? + 1,then ties onleze. 2008) | 14. The number of complex numbers z such tv’ | (1) the real axis (2) the imaginary axis MMe) = 12-11 equals -yance20|| (3) a circle @) an elipse wo @Q1 @e @ p) 15. 3s 4 B be real and z be a complex : ot + 02+ B= 0 has two di wn the lint vatiey eee Bag listinct roots or & soWand iS = piel Oa Gags SoU Rez 1, thenitis necessary that ji:#é20! | ie IAIEEE- 2004) () (2) Bett.) i | qt @1 @2 @o i f 8 Be@y a 15 105} 07) —— 46. Ht oll) is @ cube root of unity, and (148)! =A + Bo. Then (A, B) equals + IAIrFE-20) oa. (2) 44, 1) 2 QO) (4) (1, 2) Heaand 7 isreal, then the point represented by the complex number z lies ; (1) on the imaginary axis either on the real axis or on a circle passin e Ihrowgh the origin. ee (G)on a circle with centre at the origin ether on the real axis or on a circle not passing ‘through the origin, If zis a complex number of unit modulus and AIEEE-2012} } equals 2) arsinert 6 hen are EE (Main)-2013) ()-6 5-8 Be (4) x-0 19. 20. Ifzis a complex number such that |z| > 2, then the minimum value of * ( 5 1) is equal to > [IEE (Main)-2014) (2) lies in the interval (1, 2) 5 (3) is strictly greater than > 3 5 (A) is stictly greater than 5 but less than > ‘A complex number 2 is said to be unimodular if such that (1) circle of 21 = 1. Suppose 2; and 2» are complex numbers 4 = 22, fg unimodular and zp is not 2 unimodular. Then the point 2; lies on a [SEE (Main20151 radius 2 (2) circle of radius J2 (3) straight line parallel to x-axis (A) straight line parallel to y-axis x s s 5 Ks 9 a2 [ a3) [iar] a5. a ees [este ea lan taro lal eos is [79 | 20 ese ee DE-MOIVER THEOREM Ifa = cosa +1 sina and b ~ cosp +i sing, | 4 ifthe cube roots of unity are 1, a, 0? then the roots ‘of equation (x - 1)° +8 = 0, are {AIEEE 2005) 1 1 3 Hee eee ane ()-1, 1+ 20,1 +20" (@)-1, 1-2, 1 2ot ag OTS) eee eaeit (1,1 + 20, -1 25" (1) cosla + 8) (2) sinla + 8) 5. z2+2+1=0, where zis a complex number, (3) cos (a B) (4) sin(a.— B) then the value of If @ is an imaginary cube root of unity then e (1 +00 (1+ 0? a) is equal to- {AIEEE- 2002) -(¢-4) is (1) of = ayo @ @2 a4 ea 1 eRERS. (6 Q12 @is (454 fz =x-lyend2? =p+in then (5 4)" +a") fies Se hen 2kn| + is equal to tatere- 2008) | & — The value of 2 sing + Ios +7" is qi Qt @2 @2 [AIEEE - 2006) Ma QA @)i @1 Que.| 15] 2 4 5] 6 Ans 1 4 2: 2 2 145 146 The points (-a-b), (0,0), (@,8) and (e'eb) are {AIEEE-2002) (1) collinear (2) coneyciic (8) vertices of rectangle (4) vertices of a parallelogram The centroid of a triangle is(2,3) and two ofits ver~ tices are (5,6) and (1,4), The third vertex of the triangle fs IAIEER-2002) MD — 2) (31,2) (4)(2-2) Let A(2,-3) and Bl-2,1) be vertices of a triangle ABC. If the centroid of this triangle moves on the line 2x + dy = 1, then the locus of the vertex C is. the line [AIBEE-2004] (1) 2x4 3y <9 (2) 2x-3y =7 (8) 3x4 2y=5 (4) 3x -2y = 3 Let P be the point (1,0) and Qa point on the curve y= Bx, The locus of mid point of POs IAIEEE-2005} =0 yf 4+dx+2=0 Bxes4ye 220 @)se-4ye2—0 | fa vortex of a triangle is (1.1) and the mid points cof tuo sides through this vertex ave(-1,2)and (3,2), then the centroid of the triangle fs- [AIEEE - 2005] (2) = 5) ey (2 12) @ (4) () y= 4x + Yet Ath,), BQ,1) and C(2,1) be the vertices fight angled triangle with AC a8 is hypoteniy 6 the area of the triangle is 1, then the set of, which ik’ can take is given by- TAIEEE pie @) 1.3) (2) (0,21 @) 1.3) (4) -3,-2) IFA(2, -3) and BE-2, 1) are two vertices of and third vertex moves on 2x + By =9, then the locus of the centroid triangle is» IAIEFE - 29; (1) 2x = 3y = 1 _ Qx-y=1 (3) 2x + 3y=1 © (4) 2x + The x coordinate of the ncenre ofthe tarde hias the coordinates of mid points of its sicos a, WEE @tain)-20 (0, 1), 1) and (1, 0) is (@) 24.2 (@ 2-2 @ 1+2 @1-v2 ‘The number of points, having both coordina. integers, that lie in the interfor of the triangle wit vertices (0, 0), (0, 41) and (41, 0) is: [EE (Matn)-2015, (1) 820 (2) 780 (3) 901 (4) 861 The angle between the straight lines x24 dey + y= Oi [AIEEE 2002] (130° (2}45" (3) 60°. (4) 90° The distance between a pair of parallel lines Ox? — 24xy + 16y® - 12x + 16y-12=0 IAIEEE 2002) (1)5 (28 (385 5/8 ‘A square of sides a lies above the x-exisand has one vertex at the origin. The side passing through the origin makes an angle a (0 < a < n/4) with the positive direction of x-axis. The equation of its diago- rral not passing through the origin is-{AIBEE 2003), (1) yecose + sina) +x(cosa — sina) = a (2) y(cosa. = sina) -x(sina ~ cosa) = a (3) ylcosa: + sina) +x(sina = cosa) = a (4) y{cosa + sina) 4x(sina. + cosa) = a If the pair of straight lines x? ~ 2pxy - y? = x2 — 2axy — y2 = 0 be such that each pair bse the angle between the other pair, then: JAIEEE 2003) (1) pq = -1 Qp-a @p=q (4) pq = 1 Locus of centroid of the triangle whose vertices (@ 008 t, a sin), (b sin t, ~b cos and (1.0), uh tis a parameter, is- {AIEEE 20031 () Gx + 1 + By? = 22 - 2 (2) (Bx — 1)? + (Sy)? = a? —b2 (8) (Bx - 1)? + (By)? = a2 + b? (4) Gx + 1)? + (By? = a? + b? ae 6. if the equation of the locus of a point equidistant from the points (a,,b,) and (a,,b,) is sree Or oy + ¢ = 0, then the value of [AIEEE 2003} (i) (ae bi -af bs ae) 2b 2) lee + be’ — Bay? - ay" +b,” - 1 2 (4) gar +a,” +b,? + b,?) The equation of the straight line passing through the point (4,3) and making intercepts on the coordinate ‘axes whose sum is 1 is {AIEEE 2004) Tithe sum of the slopes of the lines given by x? =2axy = 7y? = 0 is four times their product, then fas the value [AIEEE 2008} a @-1 @2 9-2 fone of the lines given by 6x2 - xy + doy? = O is 3x+4y = 0, then c equals- AIEEE 2004] aya @-1 @3 @-3 The line parallel to the x-axis and passing through the intersection ofthe lines ax + 2by + 3b = O and 8) + (00) {AIEEE 2005) (1) below the x-axis ata distance of = from it from it wjto (2) below the x-axis at a distance of 3 (3) above the x-axis at a distance of 3 from it from it eo|no (4) above the x-axis at a distance of 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ee are in HP, then the if nonzero numbers a,bi x yi =+2+==0 always passes through straight line = +5, #5 V5 2a fixed point that point is- [AIEEE 20051 1 Ma @A-2 0% alt -5) AA straight line passing through the point A(3,4) is such that its intercept between the axes is bisected at A. Then its equation is- [AIEEE 2006) ()3x-4y+7=0 (Q)4x+ 3y= 24 (8) 3x + dy = 25 @xt+y=7 If (a,2%) falls inside the angle made by the lines y- S,x> Oandy = 3x, x > 0, then a belongs to- 2 y [AIEEE 2006] a a4 Let P{-1,0) Q(0,0) and R(3, 3/3 ) be three points. The equation of the bisector of the angle PQR is- IAIEEE 2007), [IIT Sex. 2002} Q) V8x+y=0 @) Sx+y=0 (@)x-+8y-0 fone of the lines of my? + (1 - m®xy = mx? = 0 is a bisector of the angle between the lines xy=0, then m is- [AIEEE 2007) a) -4 2 (2)-2 1 @2 The perpendicular bisector ofthe line segment join- ing P (1, 4) and Q (k, 3) has y-intercept -4, Then 2 powsible value of kc is IAIETE 2608) aya ()-2 4-4 187 aa SS 7. The lines pip? + 1) xy + = 0 and (p? + 1k + (p? + Wy + 2q = 0 are [AIEEE 2009] Perpendicular to a common tine for : (1) Exactly two values of p (2) More than two values of p (3) No vate of p (@) Exactly one value of p x 5 * G = 1 pesses through the 18. The line L given by Point (13, 32). The line K is parallel to L and has the equation *+ 5 =, Thenthe distance between Land K is: IAIEEE-2010} 23 7. 23 7 847 @ ve Ov 19. ThelinesLy :y—x=OandL, : 2x+y=0 intersect, theline Ls :y +2 =O at Pand Q respectively. The bisector of the acute angle between L; and Ly intersects Ly at R Statement - 1: The ratio PR : RQ equals 2V2:/5 ‘Statement - 2: In any triangle, bisector of an angle divides the triangle into two similar triangles. [AIEEE 2011) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 Is false. (2) Stotement-I is false, Statement-2 is tre (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (4) Statement- is true, Siatement-2 Is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1 The lines x +y = lal and ax ~y = 1 intersect each other in the first quadrant. Then the set ofall possible values of a is the interval : (AIEEE 2011) (11, 1) (2) (0, ©) (8) [1, ©) (4), 09) 20. 21. 22. 24, 25. 26. ‘Aline is drevm through the point (1,2) 0 moe coordinate axes at P and Q such that triangle OPQ, where O is the origin. If s the triangle OPQ is least, then the slope cf jy, PQIs: WAIEEE 2p), 1 i a> Qa (3) -4 4) ithe line 2x +y = k passes through the point. divides the line segment joining the points (1,1), (2, 4) in the ratio 3 : 2, then k equals IAIEEE 29), oe as BS (46 ul OF Array of light along x + V3y =/3 seis rele, upon reaching x-axis, the equation of the reflec, ray is: BEE Main).201) Q) y=x+V3 (2) Vay =x-3 8) y=V3x-V3 (4) V3y=x-1 Leta, b, cand d be non-zero numbers. Ifthe ro of intersection of the lines dax + 2ay +c = 02: Box + 2by +d = O lies in the fourth quadran’ x {s equidistant from the two axes then « WEE (Matn}2014 (1) 2be- Bad = 0 (2) 2be + Bad = 0 (8) 3be — 2ad = 0 (4) 3be + 2ad = 0 Let PS be the median of the triangle with vers P(2, 2), Q(6,-1) and R(7, 3). The equation o! Tine passing through (1, ~1) and parallel to PS's [SEE (Main}-2014) ()4x-7y-11=0 (2) 2x+%+7-0 (8) 4x+7y+3=0 (4) 2x-9y-11-0) Locus of the image of the point (2, 3) in the (2x —~3y +4) +k(k-2y + 3)=0,k Rie SEE (Main) 2015 () circle of radius 5 (2) circle of radius J (3) straight line parallel to x-axis (4) straight line parallel to y-axis 4. Thesquare ofthe lenath of tangent from (3, 4) on the diele x? + y*— 4x ~ 6y + 3 ~ 0 jatmee-20021 (0) 20 30 ig) 40 (4) 50 Rdical axis of the circles x? + y* + 6x — 2y-9 = Qandx’+y'-2x+9y-11—0%- jErE-2002) () &-1y+2-0 Be + lly +2 @i& + 11y-2~0 (@sx- My-2-0 3, Withe two circles (& - 18+ (y - 3° = rand i y—Bx + 2y + B = O intersect in two detinct points, Pe [AIEEE-2005}) (re Q)2 Hithe lines 2x + 3y+1=Oand3x-y-4~0 tiealong diameters of a circle of circumference 107, ‘then the equation of the circle is-_[AIERF-2004] (1) 8 + y?- 2x + 2y-23 <0 (2) xf ye — 2x —2y - 23 = 0 (3) x? + y+ 2x + 2-238 = 0. (€) x2 + yP + 2x 2y- 23 The intercept on the line y = x by the circle x2 4 y— 2x = 0 is AB. Equation of the circle on ‘AB as a diameter is [AIEEF-2004], (ett yt—-x-y-0 Qxrsyr—xty=0 Qxe+ytexty=0 A@ery+x-y=0 ID nets cece cutie foimnen i » CIRC! 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. If the circles x? + y?% 2ax + cy + a = 0 ond x24 yt Bax + dy—1 = 0 intersect in two distinct point Pand Q then the ine 5x + by —2 = 0 passes through P and Q for- AIEEE 20051 (1) exactly one value of 2 (2) no value of a (3) infinitely many values of a (4) exactly two values of @ ‘A dircle touches the x-axis and also touches the circle uith centre at (0, 3) and radius 2. The locus of the centre of the circle is- IAIEEE-2005) (1) an ellipse (2) circle @) a hyperbola (@) a parabola Ifa circle passes through the point (a, b) and cuts the circle x* + y*= p? orthogonally, then the of the locus of ts centre is-_(AIEEE-20051 equat (1) x? + y? — Sax — 4by +(e? + bP p= 0 (2) 2ax + 2oy - Gt —b* + pA) = 0 (3) x2 + y? ~ Dax - Sby +? bp) = 0 (4) Bax = 2by — (at + bE + D8) = 0 Ifthe pair of lines ax! + 2a + Buy + by? = 0 He along diameters ofa circle and dude the circle into four sectors such that the area of one ofthe sectors i thrice the area of another sector then= (AIEEE-2005) (a) Se? = 10ab + 3b? = 0 (2) 3a? - 2ab + 3b? = 0 {@) 32! + 10ab + 36% = 0 (@) 32! + 2ab + 30? = 0 ithe lines 3x ~ Ay -7 = O and 2x-3y~5 = 0 are two diameters of circle of aren 49x square Units, the equation ofthe cide s+ |AIEEE2006) (xt +f + 2x 2y- 62 = 0 (Q)xt + y= 2x + 2-62 =0 Ge + 8-24-47 =O (x24 yt + &- 2-47 = 0 Let C be the circle wth centre (0, 0) and radius 3 units, The equation of the locus of the mid points of the chords ofthe circle C that subtend an angle 2 of J atitscenkre is: (ATEEF-2006, 11-1996) 27 4 (wx =1 Q)x+ y= Pe eo ; 3 @¥ty =| @tre- 5 15. 16, 17, 18. 19. Consider a family of civcles which are passing through the point (-1, 1)and are tangent to x-axis, I (b, k) are the co-ordinates of the centre of the Citcles, then the set of values of k is given by the interval- IAIEEE-2007) Qo0) touch each other if = {AIEEE-2013) (a= 2c (2) lal = 2c (@2lal =o @ lal -¢ “The equation ofthe cle passing through the points 2, 0) and (0, 1) and having the smallest radius i ()xeeyt+x+y-2-0 [AIEEE-2011} (Q)x2 + y?- 2-241 = 0 Qe rye=x-y=0 (4) xk ye + 2x + 2y-7= 0 The length of the diameter of the circle wh touches the x-axis at the point (1, 0) and through the point (2, 3) is [AIEEE-2012) (1) 5/8 (2) 10/3 S)3/o (4) 6/5 ‘The circle passing through (1, ~2) and touching the axis of x at (8, 0) also passes through the point JEE (Maie)-2015) (1) 5, 2) (2)(2,-5) (8), -2) 4-2, 5) Let be the circle with centre at (1, 1) and radius = 1 If T is the cirele centred at (0, y), passing through origin and touching the circle C external, , then the radius of Tis equal to: JJEE (Main)-2014) > 3 B 1 4) a A oe el 3 7 ‘The number of common tangents io the circle wh ty! ax — 6y— 19 — and + + 6x + 18y + 26 = 0, V7 + By 3y2— 0, at | a 1, The length of the latus rectum rabola | 6. 1 of a tangentito the parabola y’ = 8x at i latus rectum of the parabola | 6. The equation line from which the xt 4 - By + 12 = O is IAIEEE-2002} isy =x + 2. The point we (26 (3)8 (4) 10 other tangent to the par pendicular to 2, The equation of tangents to the parabola y? = dex the alven tangents is- (AIEEE-2007) ‘ai the ends of its latus rectum is- _atEEE-2002} ()e1, ) (2), 2) asa 2 (2)x+y+a=0 92.4) @ 2,0) 2 B)x+y-a=0 (4) both (1) and (2) 7. A parabola has the origin as its focus and the line ‘The normal at the point (bt, 2bt,) on a parabola x = 2s the directrix. Then the vertex of the ‘meets the parabola again in the point (ot?, 2bt,) parabola is at- aleee-20081 ibeti IAIEEE.2003) (0.2 20,0) (3)(0.1) (2,0) 2 5 8. _Iftwotangents draum froma point Pto the parabola Op-h+= (Qt =-,-= ye = 4x are at right angles then the locus of P is:~ ti acct {AIEEE-2010] | 2 2 ()x= @Q2x+1=0 | B)tenaht f Mt—t- = @x=4 (4) 2x-1-0 | 5: 9. The slope of the line touching both, the parabolas | 4 tha*Oand the ine 2x4 3ey + 4d = 0 passes yP= 4X and x? =— 32 y is: [JRE (Main)-2014) through the points of intersection of the parabolas n “ ‘ . | yF= dax and x? = day, then- {AIEEE-2004} Or a> G3 5 (1) d+ (24 So? = 0 (2) 4? + (86+ 20)? = 0 (B)d? + (2b— 3eP=0 (4) d? + (Gv - 20) 0 | 10. Let O be the vertex and Q be any point on the 5. The locus of the vertices of the family of parabolas parabola, x? = 8y. If the point P divides the line aK atk 5, segment OQ internally in the ratio 1: 3, then the 3 2 o7 REE Av] locus of P is = [JEE (Main)-2015) 3 ( y= (2) x2 = 2y fi) nga Guest ae Biers 6, (2 = @se=x 64 105, 8)» = Tes (xy = Sr ez ys pa | 6 Ans} 3 4 2 at is Hi ee ELLIPSE eee | ae : j { 1. Ifdistance between the foc! of an ellipse is equal to 2 = | __ieiminor axis, then eccentricity ofthe apse is- | 3. The foci of the ellipse ~- + 2 = 4 and the ! IAIEFE-2002) 16 * 6 : ; 1 1 ay = es ell 3 (De 6. (2) SB Hypa TT mia] = yp coincide, Then the Ge. 4 (ee = cs ee iiSieeeere é-— e-= i va 6 (35 (4)7 2, The equation of an ellipse, whose major axis = 8 | 4. The eccentrcily ofan ellipse, wth its centre atthe i ‘and eccentricity = 1/2 1s-(a>b) _{AIEEE-2002] origin, is 1/2, If one of the ditectiricesis x= 4. then { (i) 3x? + 4y?= 12 (2) 3x? + ay? = a8 the equation of the ellipse is-_ [AIEEE-2004) 4 + 3% 48) Bx? + OP = 12 (1) 3x44 ay? = 1 (2) 3x24 ay? 19 i C4 + 312A) aye aye & ee le*= 10. ‘An ellipse has OB as semi minor axis, Fand F its fecil and the angle FBF isa right angle. Then the eccentricity of the ellipse is- [AIEEE-2005, 17-1997} 1 1 1 1 4) Es 1 - () @ > Qa oe Inan ellipse, the distance between its foct is 6 and ‘minor axisis 8. Then its eccentricity is-(AIEEE-2006] 1 4 ai 3 Qs Qs Oe Ms A focus of an ellipse is at the origin. The directrix is the line x = 4 and the eccentricity is 1/2, Then the length of the semi-major axis is- [AIEEE-2008) 2 a 2 2 S a3 5 Oz s The ellipse x? + 4y? = 4 is inscribed in a rectangle aligned with the coordinate axes, which in turn is inscribed in another ellipse that passes through the point (4, 0). Then the equation of the ellipse is -~ IAIEEE-2009] (1) 4? + 48y% = 48 (2) 4x? + 64y? = 48 (3)x2+ 16y?=16 (4) x2 + 12y? = 16 Equation of the ellipse whose axes are the axes of ‘coordinates and which passes through the point (8, I)and has eccentricity /2/5 is:- (AEEE-2011) (1) 3x? + 5y2-15 = 0 (2) 5x? + 3y2- 32 =0 (3) Bx? + Sy? - 32 = 0 (4) 5x? + 3y2- 48 = 0 An ellipse is drawn by taking a diameter ofthe cirele (« - 1)? + y2 = 1 as its semi-minor axis and a diameter of the circle x2 + (y ~ 2)? = 4 as its serhi- major axis Ifthe centre ofthe ellipse is at the origin and its axes are the coordinate axes, then the equation of the ellipse is : IAIEEE-2012) (I) x? + 4y? = 16 (2) 4x24 ye = 4 Qt + 42-8 )4aeeye = Ti, Statement-1 : An ‘equation of a Common tango, 12. 13. 14, parabola y2 = 16 V3x and the elinse 2,; to the pyeadisy- 2423. 4 Statement-2 : If the line y= mx + fm #0) is a commen tangent fo the parabo yt = 163 and the ellipse 2x? + y? = 4, the, rm satisfies mé + 2m? = 24. IAIEEE-2019) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is tre, (@) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is tre Statement-2 is a correct explanation {o, Statement-1. (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is not a correct explanation io Statement-1 The equation of the circle passing through the fcc Coa of the ellipse ~-+2-=1 and having centre » 163) (0, 3)is () x2 + 92 - 6y-7 = 0 (2) x2 + y2—6y +7 =0 (8) xt@+y2-6y-5=0 (4) x2 + v2 - 6y +5 =0 The locus of the foot of perpendicular drawn from | the centre ofthe ellipse x? + 3y2 = 6 onany tanger | [SEE (Main)+2013) toitis BEE (Main 2016) (1) (2 y2)2= 6x2 + 22 (2) (x2 yee = 6x? — 2y2 y GB) 2 + y9P = 6x? + 2ye ‘ 4) (+ y2 = 6x2 — ay2 | The area (in sq. units) of the ‘quadrilateral formed bythe tangents at the end points of the latera rec’ 2 to the ellipse x 5 1 ig : (SEE (Main)-2015) 27 O> ee 27 (3) Te (4) 18 i = ‘The latus rectum of the hyperbola 16x?- Oy? = 144 js (AIEEE-2002) (16/3 (2)32/8 (3)8/3 aaa The locus of a point Pla, B) moving under the Condition that the line y = ex + 8 is a tangent to 2 the hyperbola ~ IAIEEE-2005} z (1) a hyperbola (2) parabola (3)a circle (4) an ellipse 2 For the hyperbola eg {following remains constant when a1 varies ? 7, 7-203} (1) Abscissae of vertices (2) Abscissae of foc! (3) Eccentricity (4) Directrix ‘The equation of the hyperbola whose foci are (2,0) and (2, 0) and eccentricity is 2 is given by: IAIEEE-2011), (1-32 + yF= 3 @)x? - Sy = 3 (3) 3x2 - y? = (4) 2 + By = 3 ex Be rae (4) None of these @) TBeaAce 24. ‘The values of a, for which the points A, B, C with position vectors 21 -j + k, 7-3] -5k and ai~3} +f respectively are the vertices of a tight- angled triangle with C = > are- (aIEEE-2006) (1) -2 and -1 (2)-2 and 1 (@)2 and-1 (4) 2 and 1 25, If 0 and 0 are unit vectors and 0 isthe acute angle between them, then 2 x30 isa unit vector for- = (AIEEE-2007] (1) Bxaetly two values of 8 (2) More than two values of @ (3) No value of 8 (4) Exactly one value of @ era = be 9s Reb 1 = f+ 2k and » a =xi +(x-2)j - &. ifthe vector T lies in the plane of 4 and 6, then x equals- [AIEEE-2007] (0 (1 (3) -4 (4) -2 27. Thevector 4 = ai + 2] + Bk, lies in the plane the vectors 6 = 7 + jand é = j + k and bisect the angle between 5 and ¢. Then which one of the following gives possible values of a-and B ? IAIEEE-2008} fije p=2 (a=1,p=2 @)a=2,p=-1 (@)a=1,p=1 SS. fo vectors d, 6 and ¢ are related The nor 28. @ = 86 and ¢ ==7by Then the angle between @ and € is- —s [AJEEE-2008) (yo (2) @) 1/2 @)x 29. \f i, ¥, W are non-coplanar vectors and p, 4 are veal numbers, then the equality _|AIEEE-2009] [3 p¥ pw] — [pv W qu] - 20 a¥ qu) = 0 holds for = (1) More than two but not all values of (p, @) (2) All values of (p, 0) (3) Exactly one value of (p, ) (4) Exactly tuo values of (p, 4) and é {. Then the veetor 5 saiisiying axb+e=6 and 4.b=3 fs IAIEEF-2010), ()) -i+j-2k (2) 2i-j+2k (4) i+ j-2k 31, Ifthe vectors 4=1-j+2k, b=244j+h and @=Ai+j+pk are mutually orthogonal, then (A, 2) = IAIEEE-2010} (63, 2) (2)2, -3) (3) -2, 3) (4) (3, -2) ‘32, The vectors 4 and are not perpendicular and Zand g are hwo vectors satisfying : hxé=bxd and &d=0. Then the vector q is equal to = (AIEEE-2011) 1 (ge Tee rare 33. ee +h) and b=7(2i+3)-68), then v the value of (23-6) [(a x 8)x(a+-20)] is = (AIECE-2011) 3 @-5 4-3 If the vectors pi+j+kitg+hand 1+jirk (a) 34. (#4 ++ + 1) are coplanar, then the value of par-(p+q4 iis = IATEEE-2011) (1-2 (22 (3)0 (4) -1 q 155 3! | 36. 5. Let bE be three non-zero vectors which are Pairwise non-collinear. If a + 3b iscollinear with ¢ and b +26 is collner with a, then +36 +6¢ is: IAIEEE-2011) (I) ave Be (2)a 4) 0 Let @ and 8 be two unit vectors, If the vectors @= 8+ 2b and d= 5a — 46 are perpendicular to each other, then the angle between @ and 6 is |AIEEE-2012] k x x x Clim Oe tO) Fp ic 37. Let ABCD be a parallelogram such that AB=q, AD =p and 2BAD be an acute angle. If F Is the vector that coincides with the altitude directed from the vertex B to the side AD, then 38. 39. 40. ifthe vectors AB=3)+4k and 5i-2]+4K are the sides ofa triangle ABC then the length of the median through A is [JE (Main}2013) Q) Vis @Jm @) 33) a5 tf [axb Bxeexa]=a[abel then iseoualic [EE (Main}-2013) M2 @3 (30 @1 Let 4, b and & be three non-zero vectors such that no two of them are collinear and (6.xb)xe= 34 |cla. If 0 is the angle between vectors b and €, then a value of sin 0 is : {SEE (Main)-2015), {8 glen by : IAIEEE-20121 - S a 2 BAIS 202 2 Of @=> 3a i [sar a8. es ells e 255] 30 flea A 2 Bees 1. If the line -¢- Se a 8 are perpendicular to each other then k = IAIEEE-2002) 5 ae = =10 7 Bs Or w= 2, The angle between the lines, whose direction ratios are 1,1, 2and 3 -1,-J3 -1, 4, is- |AIEEE-2002) (1)45* —(2)30° (3) 60° (4) 90° The acute angle between the planes 2x—y+2= 6 andx +y + 2z = 3is- (1) 30° (3) 60° (2) 45° (4) 75° The lines 4 ae are coplanar if- (AIEEE-2003) Mk=3 of -3 (k=O o -1 (3)k=1 or -1 (4) k=0 or -3 98 [AIEEE-2002) } "Soon A tetrahedron has verlices at 0(0,0, 0), Al, 2, ) B(2, 1, 3) and C(-1, 1, 2). Then the angle between thefaces OABand ABC willbe- _JAIEEE-2003] (2) 90° (2) 35 @)cox(27) (@) 30° The two lines x = ay +b, z= cy +dand x= ay +0.z= cy +d! will be perpendicular, if and only if IAIEEE-2003} (ea +c’ + 1-9 (2) aa’ + bY + ce + 1-0 (3) aa! + bb + cc = 0 (4) @ +a) (b+b) +4 (+c) <0 Aline makes the same angle 8, with each of the x and 2 axis. Ifthe angle B, which it makes with y-axis, is such that sin? = 35in“9, then cos?@ equals- IAIEEE-2004) (2) cos" (1) 2/3 (3) 3/5 Distance between (2) 1/5 (4) 2/5 two parallel planes 2x +y + 22 = 8 and 4x + 2y+ 4245 -Ois- IAIEEE 2005) (1) 3/2 (2) 5/2 (3) 772 (972 A line with direction cosines proportional to 2, 1, 2 meets each of the ines x = y +0 = 2 and x +a = 2y~ 22. The coordinates of each of the points on intersection are given by- [AIEEE-2004) (1) (Ba, 3a, 3a), @, a, a) (2) (a, 2a, 3a), @, a, 2) (3) Ga, 2a, 3a), fa, a, 23) (A) (2a, 3a, 3a), (2a, a,2) If the straight lines x = 1 + s, y=-3-As,z=1+ t Asandx=5 ,y=1+1,2=2-t, with parameters Sand t respectively are coplanar then 2 equals- A {AIEEE-2004) 1 ()-2 (2)-1 @-5 ao xt] ifthe angle 6 between theline * > = 977 = = and the plane 2x~y + Vi.2 +4 = Ois such that 1 sinO= 3 the value of 2 is- IAIEEE-2005} a2 wet 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, (1) 0° (3) 45° ‘The distance between F=21-2]4+3k =ali- j+ 4h) F(i+ 5] + k) = 5 ts- 10 3 10 (1) 2g Asn Bi Ws The two lines x = ay + b, z = cy + d; and x= aly+b:2=cy +d are perpendicular to each other if- IAIEEE-2006] (1) aa! + ec = 1 Ce 1 Bees (4) 2a! + cc = Ks a ‘The image of the point (+1, 3, 4) in the plane x 2y = Ois [AIEEE-2006] (oobi 19.) (1) (15, 11, 4) @ (4-34) (3)(8, 4, 4) (4) None of these Let L be the line of intersection of the planes 2x-+ 3y42=1andx + 3y 422 = 2.IfL makes an angle a with the positive x-axis, then cosa: equals- IAIEFE-2007} () 173 @)1 (2) 172 (4) 1/2 Ha line makes an angle of & with the positive directions ofeach of x-axisand y-axis, then the angle that the line makes with the positive direction of the axis ise IAIEEE-2007] z= a 5 iz Mz QF Oy OS The line passing through the points (5, 1, a) and (3, b, 1) crosses the yz-plane at the point 17 -13 fo, op 2. Then: IAIEEE-2008) @a~4,b-6 Qa=8b=2 2-3 3 and @ intersect at a point, then the integer k is equal to- IAIERE-2008) (1) -5. (5 2 @-2 20. Let the line * Bee inane 2: plane x + 8y ~cz + B = 0, Then (a, f) equals (1) 6-15) (2), 5) jatseE-2009) 6-17) 66,7) 21. The projections of a vector on the three coordinate axis are 6, ~3, 2 respectively. The direction cosines of the vector are :- JAIEEE-2009) (3)6,-3, 2 22. Aline ABiin three-dimensional space makes angle 45° and 120° with the positive x-axis and the positive vakis respectively. If AB makes an acute angle @ with the positive z-axis, then 0 equels - [AIEEE-2010) (1) 30° (245° (3) 60° (4) 75° 23, Statement-1 : The point A(3, 1, 6) Is the mirror image of the point B(1, 3, 4) in the plane x-yez=5, [AIEEE-2010) Statement-2 : The plane xy + 2.=5 bisects the line segment joining A(3, 1, 6) and Bil, 3, 4) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1. (2) Statement-1 is trie, Stalement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1. (3) Statement=1 is true, Statement-2 is false, (@) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true, 24. 25. 26. 27. Ifthe angle between the nex = “> (l the plane x + 2y + 32= 418 0087 Via) ipods WIEEE-20) 8 2 3 a2 Bees 5 Statement-2 = The point ACI, 0, 7)15 tho ri, image of the point BU, 6 3) in =2 2 Theline: 7 = 2 biseatsthe ine seams joining A (I, 0, 7) and BI1, 6, 3). IAIEEE-2011) (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement? is false (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is iru Statement-2 is a correct explanation fo: Statement-1 (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is tive Siaiement-2 is not a correct explanation fo Statement-1 The length of the perpendicular drawn from the 22 point (3, -1, 11) to the line = =% a Es IAIEFE-2011) () Jee (2) yoo 3) Jag.) 5G. The distance of the point (I, ~5, 9) from the plane X=y + z= 5 measured along a straight lin X=y- zis: [AIEEE-2011) O)3/s 10/8 @) 5/3 (4) 3/10 An equation of a plane parallel to the plane X= 2y + 22-5 = Oand at a unit distance from the origin is : IAIEEE-2012) (x= 25+ 22 +5 = 0 (2)x- 2) +27-3-0: @)x-2y+ 2241-0 (4) x= 2y + 2z2-1-03 intersect, then k is equal to: | IAIEEE-2012) @-1 3)2/9 (a 9/2 tees Een estat tee etter acti ~ Mergent ‘| 31. 32. Distance between two parallel planes 2x +y + 22 = Band 4x + 2y 4 4245 = 0s = [EE (Main)-2019} = 5 o> (2) ‘S 9 5 Or (a5 x=2 _y-3_2-4 If the lines kK and are coplanar, then k can have [BEE (Main)-2013] (1) any value (2) exactly one value (8) exacily two values (4) exactly three values The image of the line z-4 = in the plane 2014] 34. 359 > x x ira Ms ‘The equation of the plane containing the line Oey +2=3; x+y + z= 5, and parallel to the plane, x + 3y + 62 = 1, is: [JEE (Main)-2015] () x + 3y + 62=7 (2) 2x + 6y + 122=-13 (3) 2x + 6y + 122 = 13 (a)x + 3y+62--7 ‘The distance of the pdint (1, 0, 2) from the point of intersection of the line and the plane x -y +7 = 16, is [JEE (Main)-20151 () 3yaT (213 (@) 2via 8 To pad] 12 | a3] va] a5 2 Tm se | = | co (azaleas 47 | 18 25 | 26 | 27 | 28:|29 |'30 4 3 4 \a4 2 |e a: 32 | 33 Ans. 1 1 1 2 PERMUTATIONS & COMBINATION 4, Numbers greater than 1000 but not greater than | 3. Tolal number of four diit odé numbers that can be 4000 which can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2 formed using 0, 1, 2,3, 5, 7 are AIEEE 2002) | 3, 4 lepetition of dicts is allowed), are {AIEEE 2002] a) 192 (2) 375 (1) 350 (2) 375 : (3) 400 (a) 724 (3) 450 (4) 576 ‘ ‘ ve 2, Atedaitrumberdkisbeby Shas formed sig 4, ‘Thenumber of ways in which 6 men and 5 women can dine at a round table if no two women are to the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 without repetition. “The tofal number of ways in which this can be done [AIEEE 2002] is (1) 216 (2) 240 (8) 600 (4) 3125 sit together is given by TAIEEE 2003), (1) 6 x5! (2) 30 (3) 5! x4! (4) 7 xt . ee eS a 10. a 12. er A student is to answer 10 out of 13 questions in an examination such that he must choose at least 4 ~ from the first five question. The number of choices: ‘avril to him is AIEEE 20031 (1) 140 (2) 196 (3) 280 (4) 346 Hf °C, denots the number of combinations of n things taken r at a time, then the expression "C,,,+"C,_, +2x°C, equals {AIEEE 2003) aye, (etc) (yc, anc. ‘How many ways are there to arrange the letters in the word GARDEN with the vowels in alphabetical order? |AIEEE 2004] (120 (240 © @) 360 (4) 480 The number of ways of distributing 8 identical balls in3 distinct boxes so that none ofthe boxesisemply is AIEEE 2004) as (2) 21 @ 3 4) *c, If the letters of the word SACHIN’ are arranged in. all possible ways and these words are written out as in dictionary, then the word ‘SACHIN appears at serial number [AIEEE 2005} (1).602 (2)603 (3600 (4) 601 The value of “0, +3°%"C, is (AIEEE 2005) (Use, 2012) AC, Ss) so (ahees At an election, a voter may vote for any number of candidates, not greater than the number to be elected, There are 10 candidated and 4 are to be elected. Ia voter votes for at least one candidates, then the number of ways in which he can vote is IAIEEE-2006] (1) 385 (2)1110 (3) 5040 (4) 6210 The set S = {1, 2, 3,......12}is to partitioned into three sets A, B, C of equal size. Thus,A UBUC 199 Points, then 2011) (2)N < 100 (3) 100 @ 3 A die is thrown. Let A be the event that the number obtained is greater than 3. Let B be the ‘event that the number obtained is less than 5. Then’ P(AUB)is [AIEEE 2008) 3 Ge 90 @1 4 2 One ticket is selected at random from 0 tickets numbered 00, 01, 02, ..., 49. Then the probability that the sum of the digits on the selected ticket is 8, given that the product of these digits is zero, equals IAIEEE-2009} 54 (2) 1/50 (1/14 @i7 13. 14, 15. In a binomial distribution {np = + if the * probability of at least one success is greater than 9 or equal io 15 , then nis greater thon|AIEEE: 2009) ") tognd loan?) Toga leg 3 3) Wogo4 =log93 logic + Tony 16. Anum contains nine balls of which three are red, four are blue and two are green. Three balls are drawn at random without replacement irom the um, The probability that the three balls have difference colours is :- [AIEEE-2010) 1 2 1 Z M3 (2) 5 8) (4) 3 162 17. 18, 19, 21. 22, CEM Sites) Four numbers are chosen at random (with, replacement) from the set (1, 2, 3, ...., 20 Statement-1 : The probability that the ci numbers when arranged in some order vill i APIs oe Statement-2 : Inthe four chosen numbers form, AP, then the set of all possible values of com difference is (41, £2, 43, +4, £5). 1AIEE-2019, (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement=2 is a correct explanation fo Statement-1 (2) Statement=1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is not a correct explanation f, statement-1 (3) Statement-I is true, Statemeni-2 is false (4) Statement-t is false, Statement-2 is true If C and D are two events such that CD P 0, then the conect statement among ti following is IAIEEE-2011 (1) PCID) < PIC) (2) P(C|D)= (3) PICID) = PIC) @)PICID) > PC) Consider 5 independent Bernoulli trials each with probability of success p. If the probability ee i 3g: then lies in the interval : [AIEEE 2011) fsa 11 (13 3 0) [03] @) a] we | ler Let A, B, C be painvise independent events wit P(C)> 0 and P(ANBAC)=0. Then PASABE | C) is one failure is greater than or equal to equal to: [AIEEE-2013) (1) P(A) ~ PB) (2) PA) - PIB) (3) P\A®) + PIB) (4) PIAS} - PIB), Three numbers are chosen at random without teplacement from (1, 2, 3, ....,8), The probability that their minimum is 3, given that their maximum 15 6, is: [AIEEE-2012) I 4) > 2 3 1 (= = es Ns Qs 5 Z Atmiltiple choice examination has 5 questions. £2: Guestion has three alternative answers of which: exactly one is correct. The ‘probability that a siuden’ will Get 4 er more correct answers just by guessira & EE (Main)-2013} ia 13 u 10 a re ls i | { EE esi 23, Let Aand be two events such that P(AUB) 1 : PAOB)=— and PCA)= + Where & stands forthe complement ofthe event A, Then the even's (a) 220(2) A and Bare (SEE (Main)-2014) e (1) mutually exclusive and independent (2) equally likely but not independent (B)independent but not equally likely @) independent and equally likely Bul 14 Geass [ae o6 te o L Ans | 1 1 4 aa 1 ne 2 a 3 7 {18 | 19 | 20 | 21 [ 22) 23) 2a Ans| 2 | 3] 4 1 15|c3_] 3) slsens| [ MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION 1 Let SW=14345 4.0.4 (2k- 1-340, then which of the following is rue? [AIEEF-2004} 4. Statement -1 : For every natural number N= 2, (1) SQ) is true 1 ers (2) St) > Stk + 1) ae wp 8) Sl) > Stk +1) Statement -2 : For every natural number n > 2. (4) Principle of mathematical Induction can be used yaln+d) 1, (by the principal true; Statement-2 is correct explanation ‘of mathematical induction) {AIEEE-2005} for statement-1. ()A=nA+h- DP QAR 2A m+ DT (3) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true, Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for (Ar=nA-(n= 11 @)An= 241A (m1) statement (4) Statement-1 is true, statement 2 is false. ah ‘The mean of Mathematics marks of 100 students ‘of cassis 72. Ifthe number of boysis 70 and the ‘mean of their marks is 75. Then the mean of the nals ef gis inthe class wile. jaseee-2002] | (a) 60 (2) 62 (3) 65 (4) 68 In an experiment with 15 ‘observations of x, the following results were available Sx? = 2830, 2X= 170. One observation that was 20 was found to be wrong and it was replaced by it's correct value 80. Then the corrected variance is- |AIEEE-2003) 10. Ifina frequency distribution, the mean and me. are 21 and 22 respectively, then its m approximately- IAIEEE-2095, (124.0 © (2)25.5 © (3)20.5 (4) 204 Let x4 %p)-----, be n observations such ti, Sixf =400 ard x, = 80. Then « posit fn among the following is {AIEEE-2005, a2 @e 18 415 ‘Suppose a polulation A has 100 observations 10} 102, ..... 200 and other polulation B has 194 observations 151, 152, ..... 250. If V, and represent the variance of two populatioe (1) 8.33 (2) 78 (3) 188.66 (4) 177.33 respectively then Uae IAIEEE-2096) | ‘The mean and variance of a random variable X Vs | having @ binomial distribution are 4 and 2 aja (24/9 @) 2/3 (41 Pema Miey Aen A 1) WHEEE-2005) | 11. The average marks of boys in a cass 52 arth = : . Of girls is 42. The average marks of boys and girls a) i Os Big Ws Bo 50 then the parentage oe os is EEE-2007, ‘The median ofa set of 9 distinct observations is 20.5, (1) 20 (2) 80 (3)60 (4) 40 Mesh ofthat four obser othe sti | 22 The mean of the numbers ab 8 oF tO Gana incsescat ORS PME ew cot he variance is 6.80 then which one of the following Seed ee Mesos) gives possible values of and? __{AIEEE-2009, - 7 (ja=5,b=2 (1) remains the same as that of the original set lesb = 6 Gee 5-4 (2) is increased by 2 13, (3)'s decreased by2 : The variance of first n even natural numbers is (4) is two times the original median | Consider the following statements: {AIEEE-2004) (@) Mode can be computed from histogram Statement-2 : (b) median is not independent of change of scale (© variances independent of change of origin and scale ‘The sum of firstn natural numbersis 2 +1) ang which of these are comect- E tedineiay hon) the sum of Squares of first n natural numbers is (3) only (a) (4) (@), (6) and (c) n(n +1) Qn +1) Ima series of 2n observations, half of them equal 6 ee a and remaining half equal -a. If the standard ~ () Statement~1 fs true, Statement-2 is false. | deviation of the observations is 2, then la! equals- (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is tre IAIEEE-2004) (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true 6 Statement-2 is a correct ‘explanation for 1 Q Statement-1, 1)2 (8) AZ 5 nie) n Oe (8) Stalement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true The mean and the variance of a binomial distribution — is not a correct explanation ‘0: ate 4 and 2 respectively. Then the probability of | 44 u oe! pee : 2 ctteseesig: twieee-2004 | 1+ mean deviation of the numbers og oie = - F283) 142100 from their mex (556 Ao Ooec Moe fo = _[AIEEE-2009| 56 256 256 256 @i00 200 16. 17. 18. For two data sets each of size is 5, the variances ‘are given to be 4 and 5 and the corresponding measn are given to be 2 and 4 respectively, then the variance of the combined data set is IAIEEE 2010] 5 1 a5 OF Be- m¥ If the mean deviation about the median of the pee a, 2a, 50a is 50, then lal equals:- [AIEEE-20) ae (2)5 a2 “@s A scientist is weighing each of 30 fishes. Their mean weight worked out is 30 gm anda standard deviation ‘0f 2 gm. Later, t was found that the measuring scale Was misaligned and always under reported every fish weight by 2 gm. The correct mean and standard deviation (in am) of fishes are respectively (AIEEE-2011) (28,4 (2)32,2 (3) 32,4 (4) 28,2 Let X}, Xp, ... , Xy be n observations, andlet X be their arithmetic mean and 0? be their variance. 19. 20. 21. Statement=2 is a corret Statement-1 (4) Statement=1 is true, Statement 2 ‘Statement-2 is not a correct explanation Statement-1 ‘All the students of a class perfortned poorly Mathematics. The teacher decided to lve grace rmatks of 10 to each of the students. Which of the following statistical measures will nol change even after the grace marks were glven ? WEE (Main 2013). (1) mean (2) median (3) mode (4) variance “The variance of first 50 even natural numbers is = |JEE (Main)-2014) 833 437 a 833 a> The mean of the data set comprising of 16 (3) 437 Etige Weviance ol Dadi so. 2a cbservalionsis 16. If one of the observation valued Pr indie weateh 161s deleted and three new observations valued 3, 4 and 5 are added to the data, then the mean of Bxy, Zkpy a» 2Xp 8 4K IAIEEE-2012) the resultant data, is : [SEE (Main)-2015] () 158 (2) 14.0 @)168 (@) 16.0 = Tio pa aes a" 1 | ooze as aa eae 2 The statement p> (a> p) is equivalent [AIEEE-2008} () p> ~>9 (2) p> vad @)p > Pad @p > (pea) Let pbe the statement “xis an irrational number”, qbe the statement “y is a trascendental number’, and r be the statement “x is a rational number iff transcendental number”. _—_—JAIEEE-2008} tatement -1 : + is equivalent to either q oF p. State =r is equivalent to (p @ ~a) (1) Statement 1 is false, Statement ~2 is true (2) Siatement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 MATHEMATICAL REASONING — | (A) Statement-1 is true, Statement=2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1 Statement-1 : ~(p <> ~9) is equivalent top oq. Statement-2 : ~[p <> ~a) is a tautology. TAIEEE-2009] (1) Statement+1 is true, Statement-2 is false. (2) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for ‘Statement-1 (@) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1. 165-— _ em 4, Let $ be a non-emply subset of R. Consider the following statement P: There is « rational number x ¢ S such that x > 0 which of the following statements is the negation of the statement P ? IAIEEE-2010) (1) Thete isa rational number x € S such that x < 0 (2) There is no rational number x © S such that x <0 (8) Every rational number x © S satisfies x < 0 (4) x © S and x <0 = x is not rational number. Consider the following statements P : Suman is brilliant Q = Suman is rich z R : Suman is honest ‘The negation of the statement "Suman is brilliant and dishonest if and only if Suman is rich” can be expressed as = IAIEEE-2011] WM~Qe~P AR 10. 2)~P n~R OQ (3) ~P AQ -R) 4@~QeP » ~R) ‘The only statement among the followings that is a tautology is : [AIEEE-2011) (1) B> [Ad (A > By) ()A v (A * B) ‘The negation of the statement (2) Aa (Ay B) AAs A>BI>B “If become a teacher, then I will open a schol’, is IAIEEE-2012) (1) Iwill not becomea teacher or | willlopena school. (2)1 will become a teacher and I will net open a school (3) Either I will not become a teacher or | will not open a school. . (4) Neither { will become a teacher nor I will open a school. 8. ORS: Consider ‘Statement © (pA~q).<(~p.Aq) is a falidey, Statement-ll :(>—> 0) > (~@—> ~r)isauatsingy (SEE emain)-2013 (1) Statement is true, Statementll is true, siatement-ll is 2 correct explanation fo, Statement. (2)Statement-l is true, Statementell is true, statementll is not 2 correct explanation fo, Statement. (3) Statement I is true, Statementll is false (4) Statement 1 is false, Statement is true. The statement ~(p @ ~q) is: EE (Main}-2014) (1) equivalent top 4 (2) equivalent to ~p @ 4 (3) a tautology (@) a fallacy The negation of ~ sv(~rAs) is equivalent to: WEE (ain}-2015) (1) sv(rv~s) (2) sar @) sa~r @) saler~s) ~

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