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Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133

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Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments

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Original Research Article

Lead-acid battery response to various formation levels – Part B: Internal

Justin Deveau ⇑, Chris White, Lukas G. Swan
Renewable Energy Storage Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering, Dalhousie University, PO BOX 15000, B3H 4R2 Halifax, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In Part A of this study, eight lead-acid battery cells were formed to different levels to investigate their
Received 24 March 2015 performance in conventional and off-grid solar photovoltaic applications. In Part B of the study (this arti-
Revised 14 August 2015 cle) the objective is to investigate the internal resistance of the cells as a function of finished formation
Accepted 16 August 2015
level. Cells were formed to levels corresponding to 0.7, 1.4, 1.9, 2.3, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 7.0 times their the-
oretical capacity, and cycled 10 times using a deep-cycle algorithm. A correlation between formation
level and internal resistance is shown. Higher formation levels resulted in lower internal resistance val-
ues for both discharging and charging processes, although they differed in magnitude. It is also shown
Lead-acid battery
Formation level
that internal resistance values of the under-formed cells start converging with the remaining cells after
Internal resistance 4 cycles as they complete their formation process. It is recommended that manufacturers of under-
Off-grid formed cells suggest higher voltage setpoints during the constant-voltage phase of the charge. This would
Solar storage overcome the high internal resistance limitations of these aforementioned cells, thus allowing for faster
formation completion, while increasing their energy efficiency in deep-cycling operation.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction electrolyte will inherently feature an electrical double layer (EDL)

at the interface. This phenomenon is explained in detail in [4].
As introduced in Part A of this study, the initiative to develop The electrostatic charge and discharge of the EDL plays an impor-
rural electricity services using off-grid solar photovoltaic systems tant role in the charge/discharge mechanisms of the battery and
provides new sale opportunities for lead-acid battery manufactur- is typically modeled as the parallel capacitor, C dl . Diffusive mass
ers. The lead-acid battery (LAB) is presently the most widely used transfer effects are usually included in the model as well, and are
energy storage medium for off-grid systems due to comparatively typically represented by the Warburg impedance, Z W , which is a
low cost, its wide availability, and its maturity [1,2]. Part A constant-phase-element [4]. While the electrical response of the
investigated the LAB characteristics of amp-hour (Ah) capacity, ohmic resistance is essentially instantaneous, both the EDL and
voltage, and temperature as a function of formation level using a the diffusion effects will have significant time constants in their
constant-current formation algorithm [3]. In Part B of this study electrical responses to stimuli. Time constants for the EDL, while
(this article), we will investigate the LAB characteristics of internal current dependent, are typically on the order of seconds, while
resistance (IR) as a function of formation level. time constants for diffusion are typically on the order of minutes
to hours [5].
By considering the equivalent electrical circuit in Fig. 1, it can be
Background and motivation
seen that an open-circuit battery in equilibrium will have a total
voltage V bat equal to the electromotive force V EMF , which is equal
The IR components of a battery can be modeled by an equiva-
to 2.041 V + (RT/nF) ln ða2H2 SO4 =a2H2 O Þ, where R is the ideal gas con-
lent electric circuit, as shown in Fig. 1. In the diagram, the current
conducting elements, such as the tabs, grids, active material, and stant (8.314 J K1 mol1), T is the temperature in K, n is the number
electrolyte, are modeled with the series resistor, Ro (i.e., ohmic of moles of electrons exchanged in the electrochemical reaction (i.
resistance), while the charge transfer reactions are modeled e., 2 for a LAB), F is the is the Faraday constant (96,485 C mol1),
with the parallel resistor, Rct . A charged electrode immersed in and where aH2 SO4 and aH2 O are the activity coefficients of sulfuric
acid and water, respectively [6]. When a current is applied to the
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 506 442 2563; fax: +1 902 423 6711. battery, the corresponding voltage change is a result of the elec-
E-mail address: (J. Deveau).
tronic dynamics in the metallic components (i.e., voltage across
2213-1388/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133 127

List of Nomenclature and Symbols

Acronyms HFR high-frequency resistance

a.c. alternating current IR internal resistance
CC constant-current LAB lead-acid battery
CV constant-voltage SG specific gravity
d.c. direct current SoC state of charge
EDL electrical double layer

Ro ) as well as the ionic dynamics at the reaction layer (i.e., voltage The resistivity of the electrolyte, influenced by its concentration
across the C dl  Rct  Z W sub-circuit). The total battery voltage V bat and temperature, plays a significant role regarding the IR of a LAB
is therefore increased or decreased from V EMF depending on the and consequently on its power capability [19]. Pavlov [19] has
direction of the current flow. More complex equivalent circuit shown that electrolyte specific gravity (SG) values ranging
models can also include inductive effects (which are important at between 1.100 (fully discharged LAB) and 1.275 (fully charged
high frequencies), components for both positive and negative LAB) [20] have the lowest resistivity (e.g., 1.7 X cm to 1.3 X cm,
plates, geometric capacitance, self-discharge resistance, and addi- respectively, for an electrolyte temperature of 25 °C), where being
tional resistor–capacitor sub-circuits, as additional time constants outside this range results in a substantial increase in resistivity.
improve the accuracy of the model. Examples of more complex Furthermore, he has shown that the resistivity of the electrolyte
models can be found in [7–11]. has an inverse relationship with temperature, with electrolyte
With respect to the aforementioned ohmic resistance of the LAB temperatures higher than 40 °C offering the lowest resistivity,
(Ro in Fig. 1), its three major components (i.e., the electrode, the and temperatures below 0 °C resulting in a reduction in available
electrolyte, and the separators) have the greatest influence. Wag- power and energy for a LAB [19].
ner [12] states that in order to achieve ideal battery performance Finally, the resistance of the separator is a function of its poros-
and to reduce the effect of inhomogeneous current distribution ity and tortuosity factor (i.e., the ratio of the mean path length the
across the plates, the overall resistance of the electrode must be ion will travel, to the actual thickness of the membrane) [21]. Thus,
minimized. This parameter can be controlled by the grid structure one is able to reduce the electrical resistance of the separator by
and material of the plates, and by the composition of the active increasing its porosity and by decreasing the tortuosity factor.
material [12,13]. Lead-antinomy alloys, which are used in a wide With these characteristics in mind, measuring the IR of a LAB
range of lead-acid battery applications such as stationary power can be used to obtain information about its power performance
storage and automobiles, are strong, creep resistant, and can easily and its relative ‘‘state-of-health”. This can be accomplished using
be cast into the desired shape [14]. While these benefits result in two different methods: alternating current (a.c.) impedance mea-
easier handling of the material for the remainder of the manufac- surements, and direct current (d.c.) impedance measurements. In
turing process, lead-antimony alloys are 3–10% less conductive (i. its most advanced form, the a.c. impedance is measured using elec-
e., higher resistance) than comparable calcium or tin alloys, thus trochemical impedance spectroscopy, which injects an a.c. excita-
resulting in reduced performance [14]. Regarding the composition tion current into the battery with frequencies ranging from a few
of the active material, considerable work has been done regarding millihertz to several kilohertz. Alternatively, a single a.c. current
the addition of carbon additives in the paste of the negative active frequency can be injected with the goal of isolating the ohmic
material to improve the electrical conductivity at partial state-of- resistance from the other impeding components [22]. In either
charge operation [15–18]. For instance, Fernandez et al. [17] case, Ohm’s law is used to calculate the impedance based on the
demonstrated that the addition of a carbon additive to the negative change in a.c. voltage and, in some cases, the corresponding phase
active material of a LAB evenly distributes the generation of PbSO4 shift. Huet et al. [22] measured the high-frequency resistance
throughout the thickness of the plate during cycling, which is (HFR) of a LAB during charge and discharge conditions with the
otherwise deposited on the surface of the plate, inhibiting the acid goal of evaluating the feasibility of state of charge (SoC) character-
diffusion to the reaction pores, as well as creating a high ohmic ization. They developed an electronic device capable of processing
resistance barrier. the voltage response of a 1200 Ah, 2 V cell to a high-frequency cur-
rent perturbation (10 A a.c. at 500 Hz) supplied by a galvanostat.
Using a discharge current of 10 A d.c., the authors showed minimal
change in the HFR of the cell for the first 75% of discharge (i.e.,
900 Ah), after which it increased rapidly from 0.2 mX to 1.7 mX
as the cell reached a fully discharged state. The HFR of the cell
relaxed towards 1.0 mX once the cell stopped discharging and
was in open-circuit. The authors attributed the sharp increase at
the end of the discharge to either a reduction in available active
material, or to an increase in resistivity of the electrolyte in the
pores of the active mass. In contrast, the relaxation in HFR after
discharging the cell could be attributed to the dissolution of the
PbSO4 crystals formed at the end of discharge, or to the increase
in concentration of electrolyte ions diffusing towards the pores of
the active mass. Using a charging current of 10 A d.c., the authors
showed a quick initial decrease in HFR during charging of the
LAB from 1.0 mX to 0.25 mX, explained by the rapid dissolution
of unstable PbSO4 crystals. The resistance then increased slightly
Fig. 1. Simple equivalent electric circuit for a battery. for the second part of charge due to the progressive formation of
128 J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133

H2 bubbles which blocked the active mass, and then finally Table 1
decreased again at the end of charge as the average lifetime of bub- Cell characteristics [27].

bles over the active mass became shorter. While the authors Cell type Flooded lead-acid
showed a direct correlation between the SoC and HFR of the LAB, Number of positive plates 7
it was found to be a non-linear relationship. This conclusion was Number of negative plates 8
Plate height 293 mm
later reaffirmed by Huet et al. [23], who investigated the HFR of Plate width 143 mm
a 45 Ah LAB, and found that ‘‘Monitoring the SoC from the single Positive plate thickness 4.32 mm
value of HFR was found to be impossible since, for different cycling Negative plate thickness 3.05 mm
rates, distinct values of SoC may correspond to the same value of Dry weight 12.3 kg
Rated capacity 244 Ah
Theoretical capacity 710 Ah
The d.c. resistance is also measured using Ohm’s law, based on
the relationship between the change in d.c. voltage resulting from
a change in d.c. current. While SoC characterisation using d.c. resis-
tance measurements has the same limitations as a.c. impedance the theoretical capacity (TC) was calculated based on the active
measurements addressed above [24], it is an important parameter material of the positive plates.
in determining the power performance of a LAB. Applying a d.c.
current pulse to the equivalent electric circuit in Fig. 1 would result Algorithms
in an immediate voltage drop across Ro , while C dl would have to
charge/discharge to a new equilibrium voltage before the final The cells were formed and cycled using an Arbin BT-2000
voltage drop across Rct and Z W would be apparent. This reveals power-cycler, rated 0–20 V and ±100 A, with auxiliary T-type ther-
the importance of the d.c. pulse duration when measuring d.c. mocouples and cell voltage ports. The SGs of the cells during the
resistance. Thus, if a measurement is taken before the EDL has performance analysis were measured using a digital density meter
reached its new equilibrium, the true d.c. resistance will not be (Anton Paar DMA 35) by taking samples of electrolyte from the top
observed. Kirchev et al. [25,26] used d.c. pulse charging of LAB of the cell through the fill port, and were corrected to a tempera-
electrodes to compare the response of the EDL over a range of pulse ture of 20 °C using a correction factor of 0.00088 g/cm3/K. One
frequencies. Using pulse durations ranging from 25 ms to 50 s, the should note that due to the size of the cells, SG values obtained
authors found that the EDL of the positive and negative electrodes using this method are subjected to the effects of acid stratification.
had their most significant responses towards the end of charge, This effect was not taken into account due to the configuration of
and that the EDL response of the positive electrode had a very dif- the cell, and the resulting difficulties in obtaining SG values at dif-
ferent dependence on the pulse frequency than that of the negative ferent height intervals. The laboratory temperature was main-
electrode. As expected, longer pulse durations provided the most tained between 20 and 25 °C for the duration of this study.
time for the EDL to reach equilibrium, but the data presented by
the authors indicated that pulse durations as short as 5 s may be
Formation algorithm
enough to enable EDL equilibrium.
Prior to the one-shot container formation, the cells were soaked
for 1 h using electrolyte with an SG of 1.200. The formation was
Objective then completed using a constant-current algorithm of 20 A. Eight
cells were formed in series, each to a different formation level
The preceding review shows that IR research has been done (coulombic value, Ah) in order to capture a wide range of formation
with regards to the influence of SoC on IR, and the influence of IR levels while measuring cell voltage, outside cell temperature at
on the pulse charging of a LAB. No studies were found which dis- mid-height, and cell SG. Additionally, distilled water was added
cussed the influence of formation levels on IR during cycling. Thus, to the cells during formation when deemed necessary to ensure
the objective of this article (Part B) is to complement the former the plates remained submerged, while electrolyte with an SG of
article (Part A) by presenting the characteristic of IR for the LAB 1.265 was used to top-up the cells if required at the end of forma-
while cycling (for both charging and discharging processes), as a tion. The selected formation levels are shown in Table 2, along with
function of formation level it had previously received. This project their respective ratios of the calculated theoretical capacity. The
uses an applied engineering evidence-based approach using exper- cells are named based on their ratio of theoretical capacity.
imental data, so that recommendations can be provided to battery
manufacturers seeking to enhance the performance of their as-
Cycling algorithm
delivered product.
The deep discharge cycling algorithm which was used to test
the eight cells is shown in Table 3. This algorithm is comprised
Method of a 4 h discharge rate at a constant-current (CC) to a voltage cutoff
setpoint, and a three-step charging configuration: CC, constant-
The following section provides a brief review of this study with voltage (CV), and CC. Rest periods of 30 min are provided between
respect to the cells employed, and the formation and test cycling
algorithms. A complete description was provided in Part A of this
Table 2
study [3].
Selected formation levels.

Cell name Formation input (Ah) Ratio of theoretical capacity

0.7TC 500 0.7
1.4TC 1000 1.4
Table 1 highlights the characteristics of the cells used in this 1.9TC 1333 1.9
study. The cells were provided to the laboratory ‘‘green”, which 2.3TC 1667 2.3
is to say the pasted and cured plates were assembled into cells, 2.8TC 2000 2.8
but electrolyte was not added, nor was formation current applied. 4.2TC 3000 4.2
5.6TC 4000 5.6
Furthermore, one should also note that the rated capacity is based
7.0TC 5000 7.0
on a 4 h discharge rate with an electrolyte SG of 1.280 [27], while
J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133 129

Table 3
Cycling algorithm.

Step # Step name Description

1 Rest – begin 30 s rest
2 Discharge Constant current (60.93 A, or C/4 Rate) until cell reaches 1.75 V
3 Rest – transition Rest 30 min and until cell temperature is <28 °C
4 Charge phase 1 CC of 60.93 A (C/4 Rate) until cell reaches a voltage of 2.50 V
5 Charge phase 2 CV at 2.50 VPC until 7.5 A is reached (2% of C/20 Rate)
6 Charge phase 3 CC of 9.15 A (C/27 Rate) for 4 h
7 Rest – end Rest 30 min and until cell temperature is <28 °C

discharge/charge transitions, and additionally require that the cell As shown in Fig. 2, the discharge capacities of cells 0.7TC and
be less than 28 °C before proceeding to the next step. 1.4TC increases significantly with each cycle, thus confirming that
Finally, while not shown in Table 3, important substeps were these two cells are still forming. Similarly for the remaining cells,
embedded in Steps 2 (discharge) and 4 (charge) of the cycling algo- with the exception of cell 7.0TC, a slight increase in respective dis-
rithm consisting of current pulses of 10 s to 100 A (discharge) and charge capacities is also noticed, with all eight cells settling at a
+100 A (charge), respectively. These pulses, which occur at the 5 Ah final capacity of approximatively 250 Ah, 2.5% higher than the
charge/discharge capacity point, and at every multiple of 50 Ah rated capacity of the cell. While cells 4.2TC, 5.6TC, and 7.0TC offer
charge/discharge capacity points thereafter, are used to determine higher discharge capacities than cell 2.8TC, the difference is rela-
the d.c. IR of the cell. During these current pulses, cell voltages tively insignificant when compared to the additional formation
were logged every second in order to provide a higher resolution that is required. Based on these results, it had previously been
of IR measurements. Pulse magnitudes of 39 A for discharging, determined that the ideal formation level for this cell is between
and +39 A for charging were chosen as they correspond to the dif- 2.3 and 2.8 times the theoretical capacity of the cell, and depends
ference between the regular cycling current of ±60.93 A and the on the future applications of the battery [3].
±100 A current limits of the Arbin power-cycler. Furthermore as
stated in Section Background and Motivation, Kirchev et al. [25] Ten seconds d.c. internal resistance results
found that the EDL pulse response of a LAB electrode was able to
approach equilibrium with a pulse duration of 5 s when alternating Fig. 3 shows the resultant IR values for cycles 1, 3, 4, 6, and 10 of
between a 10-h rate current and a resting state. Thus, a pulse dura- discharging pulses using 10 s voltage intervals as a function of
tion of 10 s was chosen for this study with the intent of providing cycle number and discharged Ah.
enough time for the capacitive pulse responses to stabilize, with- As shown in Fig. 3, it is clear that the higher the formation level,
out greatly affecting the SoC of the battery during the respective the lower the IR when respective discharging capacities are com-
charging and discharging pulses. Since diffusive mass transfer pro- pared. It should also be noted that the cell IR values of the different
cesses are much slower than ohmic and EDL processes, diffusion formation levels start converging after 4 cycles, which coincides
effects were not taken into consideration. Finally, it should be with the convergence of total capacities as shown in Fig. 2. In other
noted that current pulses only occurred during the CC steps of words, as the cells continue their formation process due to their
the cycling algorithm, as this allowed for the base current to respective deep-cycling operation, increasing amounts of PbO
remain at 60.93 A. (1012 X cm [28]) and PbSO4 (0.3  1010 X cm [29]) are formed
into PbO2 (105 to 1.2  106 X cm [28]) for the positive plates,
Results and discussion and Pb (20.6  106 X cm [30]) for the negative plates, which
both have ohmic resistances lower than PbO and PbSO4, thus
Each cell was cycled 10 times using the cycling algorithm pre- reducing the overall IR of the respective cells. Furthermore, it is
sented in Table 3. Fig. 2 shows the measured discharge capacities important to note that the positive active material of a LAB is com-
of the cells through all 10 cycles. More details of these results, prised of a-PbO2 and b-PbO2 crystal zones, and hydrated gel zones
along with an analysis of formation can be found in Part A of this (i.e., Pb(OH)2) [31]. The a-PbO2, which is created during the first
study [3]. The average coulombic efficiency of the eight cells was stage of formation and forms the active mass skeleton, has a speci-
calculated to be 87.4% after 10 cycles. fic resistance of 8.4  104 X cm, while b-PbO2, which is created

Fig. 2. Cell discharge capacities as a function of cycle and cell formation level.
130 J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133

Fig. 3. Discharge IR with 10 s voltage intervals (cycles 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10).

during the second stage of formation and is electrochemically words, the higher the IR, the lower the available power in the cells,
active, has a specific resistance of 1.4  104 X cm [31,32]. Thus, which in turns adversely affects its energy efficiency.
in fully formed batteries, the b-PbO2 crystal structure is simply Fig. 4 shows the results of the calculated IR values for cycles 1,
consumed/rebuilt over the already existing skeleton of the positive 3, 4, 6, and 10 of charging pulses using 10 s voltage intervals. It
plates during discharging and charging operation, respectively. should be noted that as the charging current pulses only occurred
Although changes do occur to the primary structure of the positive during the first phase of the charging process (CC phase only, see
active material (i.e., a-PbO2) throughout the cycle life of the bat- Table 3 – Step 4), IR values obtained at a charging capacity of
tery, these changes are much slower [33]. On the other hand, the 200 Ah correspond to approximatively 73% of the total Ah input
gel zones, which are electron and proton conductors, and which received by these cells during their respective charging processes.
facilitate the discharge reaction resulting in PbSO4 and H2O, have Furthermore, it is important to note that these charging IR values
relatively high resistance values when compared to the crystal are dependent on the status of the previous discharge. Specifically,
zones [34,35]. as each cell had previously attained a different discharge capacity
The shape of the IR curves shown in Fig. 3 can be explained as value, the corresponding Ah depletion values for the Charge (Ah)
follows. The first two values of IR, 5 and 50 Ah, are higher than values listed in Fig. 4 are different for each cell. Nonetheless, one
the IR values measured at a discharge capacity of 100 Ah, with should note that from the perspective of a fully discharged state,
the exceptions of the cells which have not yet finished forming. the cells are all on the same basis.
This is due to the oxygen layer which forms on the positive plates As shown in Fig. 4, the IR charging trend is relatively similar to
of the cell during the overcharge of the charging phase. As stated the discharging trend discussed above albeit with higher magni-
by Shukla et al. [36], this oxygen layer acts as a barrier during tudes of IR values (e.g., 0.94 mO discharging vs. 1.3 mO charging,
the discharge of the cell, which limits its performance. This effect equivalent to a discharging/charging ratio of 72%, for cycle 1 of cell
would be less dominant if the cells were rested for an extended 2.8TC at the 100 Ah value). As was observed during discharge, the
period of time before discharging, instead of the prescribed higher formation levels correspond to lower values of IR when
30 min rest period. The cells which are achieving rated capacity respective charging capacities are compared. Furthermore, cell IR
will at this point experience their lowest measured IR values at a values once again start converging during charge after 4 cycles. It
discharge capacity of 100 Ah. The IR for these cells then increases is important to note that the higher the IR during the CC bulk
significantly until the end of discharge due to a reduction in avail- charge (see Table 3 – Step 4), the higher the cell voltage. This
able active material due to the conversion of Pb and PbO2 to PbSO4, results in a premature shift to the absorption phase of the charging
and a reduction in electrolyte SG (see Fig. 5 for an example). algorithm (see Table 3 – Step 5), which can thus increase total
Finally, it is important to note that IR during discharge is a charging time. As such, for cells that are under-formed, the voltage
direct representation of the available power in the cell. In other setpoint indicating the end of the bulk charge should be increased,

Fig. 4. Charge IR with 10 s voltage intervals (cycles 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10).

J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133 131

Fig. 5. SG, IR, and temperature as a function of Ah depletion where D = discharge and C = charge (cell 2.8TC, cycle 10).

as this would overcome said IR limitations and allow for faster for- than every 50 Ah), a longer pulse duration (i.e., 20 s rather than
mation completion of these cells. 10 s), and a faster data logging rate during the pulse (i.e., 50 Hz
The first IR value during charging (i.e., 5 Ah) is shown to be rather than 1 Hz). The voltage responses during the discharging
higher than the next two IR values for all eight cells, which is and charging pulses are shown in Fig. 6. During a given current
due to the presence of PbSO4 on the positive and negative plates. pulse, the initial ohmic voltage response occurs instantaneously,
The measured IR values reach their lowest point during charging after which the EDL is charged or discharged until a new equilib-
at a capacity of 50 Ah due to the dissolution of the unstable PbSO4 rium is achieved, or until the pulse terminates. Ideally, the EDL
crystal structure. IR values are then increasing until charge com- would reach its new equilibrium before a d.c IR measurement is
pletion due to the increasingly limited reaction rate as the bulk made, as explained in Section Background and Motivation. Since
of the electrode materials become fully converted to their charged the EDL can be modeled as a capacitor, the charging rates of the
state. This corresponds to a significance increase in the charge EDL during a pulse can be approximated by taking the time deriva-
transfer resistance (see Rct in Fig. 1), which will neglect the tive of the voltage response. Actual EDL charging rates can be cal-
decrease in ohmic resistance (see Ro in Fig. 1) associated with the culated if the value of the EDL capacitance is known, as shown by
conversion of PbO and PbSO4, to PbO2 and Pb. The progressive Kirchev et al. [25]. However, this requires more complex methods
appearance of H2 bubbles which block the active material, as pre- involving electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and was not
viously stated by Huet et al. [22], will also contribute to an increase addressed in this study.
in IR towards the end of charge. A 50 Hz logging rate of the voltage values during the pulses
An example of the influence of electrolyte SG and cell tempera- allowed for moving averages to be applied to the time derivative
ture on IR as a function of Ah depletion is shown in Fig. 5 for cycle of the voltage response, as shown in Fig. 6. Since charging pulses
10 of cell 2.8TC. It should be noted that the cell temperature has were only applied during the CC portion of the charge, the highest
been divided by 10 for presentation purposes. SoC shown in Fig. 6 corresponds to the end of the bulk charge, or
As shown in Fig. 5, the SG of the cell decreases linearly during approximatively 80% SoC. For comparison purposes, the differen-
discharge, yet does not start increasing significantly during charge tial voltages for discharging and charging pulses are plotted on
until an Ah depletion value of 50 Ah, corresponding to the CV the same scale, revealing that the overall capacitive effects are
phase of the charging process (see Table 3 – Step 5). However, it much less pronounced during discharge than on charge, and most
is believed that the SG values did increase at the start of the charg- pronounced at the end of the bulk charge. These results are in
ing process, yet as the electrolyte samples were limited to being agreement with Kirchev et al. [25].
taken from the top of the cell, the increase in electrolyte SG was Thus, the results in Fig. 6 show that the capacitive effects during
not noticeable until the gassing process became more pronounced discharging pulses are dissipated within the first 2–3 s for all SoCs.
(i.e., CV phase of the charging process). Thus, it difficult to deter- In contrast, the capacitive effects during the charging pulses are
mine the influence of electrolyte SG on the rise in IR which occurs shown to dissipate within the first 4–5 s for lower SoCs (i.e.,
between amp-hour depletion values of 100 Ah and 50 Ah. Addi- <50% SoC), but require more time to dissipate at higher SoCs (i.e.,
tionally, one should note that the cell temperature increases by >70% SoC). In fact, the capacitive effects during the pulse at the
about 4 °C during discharge, and by a further 4 °C during charge. highest SoC (i.e., 225 Ah charging pulse) required the majority of
the 20 s pulse duration to fully dissipate. This means that any IR
Effect of pulse duration on d.c. internal resistance results measurements taken near the end of the bulk charge may have
been slightly underestimated by using the prescribed 10 s pulse
In order to verify that the selected pulse duration of 10 s was duration. However, since the IR trends have already been shown
appropriate in determining the d.c. IR, a follow-up test was per- to increase rapidly at the end of the bulk charge, correcting for a
formed on an additional LAB of the same type as all other cells slight underestimation would not provide any additional informa-
tested in this study. This cell was discharged and charged using tion regarding the trends of IR during deep-cycling operation.
the same algorithm outlined in Section Cycling Algorithm, with To further explore the impact of the EDL on the observed IR
the exception of smaller pulse intervals (i.e., every 25 Ah rather trends during cycling, IR values taken after 1 s of pulsing were
132 J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133

Fig. 6. voltage and differential voltage values during discharging (left) and charging (right) pulses.

Fig. 7. IR trends calculated after 1 s and 10 s of pulsing (discharge & charge, cycle 10).
J. Deveau et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 11 (2015) 126–133 133

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