Career Wheel Er

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1. Yes there are challenges in doing this because you have to strive
harder to make your career successful. You need to have goals in life.
But for me as a 18 year old pupil. Whenever i encounter challenges i
talk to God and ask what should I do to overcome this challenges and
thank God that i can overcome those challenges.

2. Family because i know that the most important thing in the world is
my family. Because they will be there. And they don't want me to ne
unsuccessful. All they want is for me to become successful. And
every decision I will make I will consult it first to my family.

3. One of the most important things you can do before looking for work
or an alternative career is to consider what skills and abilities you
already have. These are your most valuable assets and are very
important. It also helps you to consider other patterns and forms of
employment and should enable you to explore realistic work options.

4. My realizations after this exercise is that i need to study well in order

for my grades to become higher. And i will do everything that i can in
order for this to be true. While it’s important to attain goals in a timely
manner, I realized that you can’t cast aside the process and the way
you work with others to get there."

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