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Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 1 of 34




Derivatively on Behalf of Nominal :
Defendant SOLX ENERGY, LLC, :
502 Washington Avenue, 8th Floor :
Towson, MD 21204 : CIVIL ACTION NO.:
: (Jury Trial Demanded)
Plaintiffs, :
v. :
1143 Windsor Court :
Cape Coral, FL 33904 :
Unit 1 The Old Sawmill, Shawbridge Street, :
Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 ILY :
INC. :
1007 NE 7th Terrace, Suite 5 :
Cape Coral, FL 33909 :
Serve: Resident Agent :
Darrin Schutt, Esq. :
12601 New Brittany Blvd :
Fort Myers, FL 33907 :
Defendants, :
-And- :
Serve: A Registered Agent, Inc. :
8 The Green, Suite A :
Dover, DE 19901 :
Nominal Defendant. :


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COMES NOW SB Energy Investments, LLC (“SB Energy”), by and through its

undersigned counsel, and hereby brings direct claims against Mark Crabtree (“Mr. Crabtree”),

SolX Energy Limited (“SolX Ltd.”), and SolX Energy International, Inc. “SolX Intl.”) and, in

addition, brings derivative claims on behalf of SolX Energy, LLC (“SolX Energy” “Company”

or “Nominal Defendant”), against Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd. and SolX Intl, by averring as



1. The present action asserts derivative and direct claims for breach of fiduciary

duties, fraud, tortious interference with prospective and existing business advantage, breach of

contract, and other related claims.

2. Plaintiffs seek declaratory, equitable and injunctive relief, as well as economic

damages, restitution, punitive damages, attorneys’ fees and costs.

3. These claims, supporting facts and damages set forth in this action are referred to

individually or collectively as the “Lawsuit.”


4. SB Energy is a limited liability company formed and organized in the State of

Maryland on or about February 8, 2017 with its principal place of business at 502 Washington

Avenue, 8th Floor, Towson, Maryland 21204. SB Energy is a company in good standing with the

State of Maryland, and is fully owned and controlled by its sole member - Scott Battaglini (“Mr.


5. SolX Energy is a limited liability company formed and organized in the State of

Delaware on or about February 8, 2017. Its principal office is listed at 8 The Green, Suite A,

Dover, DE 19901.

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6. Mr. Crabtree is an adult male (non U.S. Citizen) who is currently living at 1143

Windsor Court, Cape Coral, Florida, 33904. Mr. Crabtree holds himself out as the Chief

Executive Officer (“CEO”) and Manager of SolX Energy, SolX Ltd, and SolX Intl. Mr. Crabtree

also holds a percentage of ownership in SolX Ltd and SolX Intl.

7. Mr. Crabtree previously applied for and was granted entry into the United States

on an E2 treaty investor visa, which allows foreign investors to enter and work inside of the

United States based on a substantial investment in a bona fide enterprise.

8. Upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree did not make a substantial personal

investment into SolX Energy as required but, instead, obtained entry into the United States

through an entity known as Cool ROI, Inc. (“CRI”), a Delaware company he had previously

formed and operated to sell solar assisted air conditioning, which was sued for patent and

trademark infringement in 2015 and 2016.

9. SolX Ltd is a corporation formed and registered under the laws of the United

Kingdom, with its primary office at Unit 1 The Old Sawmill, Shawbridge Street, Clitheroe,

Lancashire, BB7 ILY.

10. SolX Intl is a corporation first formed and organized in the State of Florida on or

about January 22, 2019. Its principal office is listed at 1007 NE 7th Terrace, Suite 5, Cape

Coral, Florida 33909.


11. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §

1332 in that Plaintiffs and Defendants are citizens of different states and/or foreign states and the

amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 exclusive of interest and costs.

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12. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant SolX Ltd., SolX Energy and

Mr. Crabtree as claims involving these persons and entities arise from the operating agreement

(“Operating Agreement”) of SolX Energy, which provides that all disputes be litigated in this

court. This court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant SolX Intl as it has purposely availed

itself of the protection of laws of the State of Maryland by transacting business in the State of

Maryland and by tortiously interfering with SB Energy, a Maryland company.

13. Venue is proper in the Baltimore Division of the United States District Court for

the District of Maryland as many of the claims herein arise from the Operating Agreement of

SolX Energy, which expressly states venue shall be in this Court.


Background of SolX Energy Limited

14. SolX Ltd is engaged in the business of supplying solar assisted commercial

energy reduction systems developed for modulating refrigeration and air-conditioning systems of

all sizes, serving customers in the private industry and governments in more than 48 countries


15. SolX Ltd focuses on patented renewable or solar thermal, energy assisted

refrigeration and HVAC systems designed to use solar power to increase the efficiency of

conventional systems.

16. SolX Ltd markets itself as having “The Most Energy Efficient Refrigeration and

Air Conditioning System in the World.”

17. Until recently, SolX Ltd did not sell products or operate within the United States.

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The Decision to Do Business in the Americas

18. At all times relevant to this Lawsuit, Mr. Crabtree was the moving force who

controlled, directed and managed SolX Ltd as a shareholder, owner, director, officer and CEO.

19. In or around 2016 and early 2017, Mr. Crabtree and other directors of SolX Ltd

engaged in ongoing discussions about penetrating the untapped and potentially lucrative markets

in North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean (collectively the

“Americas”) for SolX Ltd products and services.

20. In broad terms, it was discussed and agreed that an entity would be formed in the

United States that would be a “replica of the UK business trading in the Americas” with “infinity

rights” on all “patented process solutions.”

Formation and Ownership of SolX Energy, LLC

21. On or about February 8, 2017, SolX Energy was formed and organized in the

State of Delaware to serve as the vehicle by which SolX Ltd would do business within the


22. To that end, a pre-formation Operating Agreement was executed for SolX Energy

dated January 25, 2017 confirming that the purpose of the company was to “build the local sales

force, distribution and dealer networks” necessary to grow sales of products and services within

the United States.

23. Pursuant to the express terms of the Operating Agreement, ninety percent (90%)

of SolX Energy was owned by SolX Ltd, with the remaining ten percent (10%) ownership

interest held by SB Energy.

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24. The Operating Agreement defines “Required Majority” to be a simple majority of

the percentage interests of all members (i.e. 50.1%). SB Energy was, and continues to be, a

minority owner/member of SolX Energy.

Potential “Additional Interests” to SB Energy

25. Section 5(a) of the Operating Agreement provides that SB Energy could earn,

accrue and vest additional ownership interests of up to twenty (20%) percent in SolX Energy

based upon SolX Energy’s attainment of certain annual sale benchmarks (1% interests for every

one million dollars in sales during any year). Such additional interest would result in a

concomitant reduction in the interests held by SolX Ltd.

26. Similarly, Section 5(b) of the Operating Agreement provides that SB Energy

could obtain up to an additional five (5%) percent ownership interest based on certain triggering


27. SolX Energy did not attain its financial and market goals due to Mr. Crabtree’s


28. SB Energy, therefore, has not been granted additional interests due to the

malfeasance of Mr. Crabtree.

Licensing Rights

29. In or around February of 2017, SolX Ltd and SolX Energy entered into a contract,

the “Master Dealer Agreement,” which gave SolX Energy exclusive licensing rights of all

trademarks, patents, proprietary information and products held by SolX Ltd and to be held by

SolX Ltd, for SolX Energy use in the Americas.

30. The Master Dealer Agreement bestowed and granted immediate exclusive

licensing rights to SolX Energy in North America and the Caribbean (“Initial Territory”), and

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provides for further exclusive rights over Central America and South America (“Other

Territories”) upon attainment of certain sales and volume requirements.

31. Section 3 of the Master Dealer Agreement states that the length of the contract is

for a term of five (5) years commencing upon execution of the Master Dealer Agreement, with

continuing automatic five-year term renewals.

32. The Master Dealer Agreement states that SolX Ltd cannot terminate the contract

except for certain acts of default, events or instances outlined in Section 10 of the Master Dealer


33. SolX Ltd never terminated the Master Dealer Agreement.

Management of SolX Energy

34. The Operating Agreement identified the initial “Manager” for purposes of running

the business of SolX Energy as SolX Ltd, which Mr. Crabtree controlled.

35. Mr. Crabtree held himself out as an officer of the CEO of SolX Ltd and SolX

Energy and controlled, directed and managed SolX Energy, SolX Ltd and other SolX Intl.

36. Mr. Crabtree had access to all bank accounts and had check writing authority for

the bank accounts of SolX Energy.

Fiduciary Duties

37. By reason of his position as Manager, CEO, officer, and director of SolX Energy

and SolX Ltd, and due to the fact that Mr. Crabtree controlled and ran those companies, Mr.

Crabtree and SolX Ltd, owed the minority member, SB Energy, the fiduciary duty to exercise

good faith and diligence in the administration of SolX Energy affairs and in the use and

preservation of its property and assets, along with the highest obligations of fair dealing.

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38. Similarly, Mr. Crabtree in his capacity as CEO of SolX Energy and SolX Ltd was

required to act in furtherance of the best interests of SolX Energy and to exercise good faith and

diligence in the administration of SolX Energy affairs and in the use and preservation of its

property and assets, along with the highest obligations of fair dealing.

39. Mr. Crabtree, because of his positions of control and authority in SolX Energy

and SolX Ltd took actions that harmed SolX Energy and SB Energy and did so willfully.



40. In or around May of 2017, SolX Energy first opened a bank account with Wells

Fargo for purposes of operating its business (“Bank Account”).

41. From May of 2017 through present, Mr. Crabtree has misused, diverted and

plundered the funds and resources of SolX Energy, using it as a personal piggy bank.

Use of SolX Energy Funds for Payment of Personal Legal Fees

42. On multiple occasions throughout 2017, 2018 and 2019, Mr. Crabtree diverted

funds of SolX Energy for payment of his legal fees, legal expenses and in settlement of a

personal lawsuit.

43. By way of background, on December 29, 2015, Mr. Crabtree, along with others,

was sued in his individual capacity by Genevieve Hammond and Sedna Aire USA, Inc., in

federal court in Florida in the matter styled Sedna Aire USA, Inc., et al. v. Sunologi, Inc., et al.

(S.D. Fla. 2015)(Case No. 15-cv-24753) (“Hammond Lawsuit”).

44. One of Mr. Crabtree’s other companies, Cool ROI, Inc. (“CRI”), was also named

a party defendant in the Hammond Lawsuit.

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45. On or about December 19, 2016, judgment in the Hammond Lawsuit was entered

against Mr. Crabtree, CRI and others.

46. Upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree, CRI and/or others also entered into a

settlement agreement requiring the payment of monies to Plaintiffs in that matter and the case

was closed.

47. Mr. Crabtree and CRI were represented by the law firm of Johnson & Martin,

P.A. in the Hammond Lawsuit, with offices in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

48. Upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree incurred significant legal fees, costs,

and expenses in connection with the legal representation by Johnson & Martin, P.A. in its

defense of the Hammond Lawsuit.

49. SolX Energy was not a party to the Hammond Lawsuit and had not been formed

and organized at the time judgment was entered against Mr. Crabtree and CRI.

50. Despite this, Mr. Crabtree used monies of SolX Energy to pay for some, if not all,

legal fees, costs and expenses he and/or CRI incurred in the Hammond Lawsuit.

51. There are corresponding entries in the General Ledger of SolX Energy reflecting

over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in legal fees paid from the Bank Account to Johnson

& Martin, Mr. Crabtree’s personal attorneys, in several installments, between September of 2017

and February of 2019.

52. In addition, upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree directed a payment of

twenty-thousand dollars ($20,000) directly to Ms. Hammond from the Bank Account as part of

the monetary settlement in his lawsuit. That payment is reflected in the General Ledger as a

payment to “Ginny Hammond- legal fees.”

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53. Upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree used SolX Energy funds to pay the

personal legal fees he incurred with his immigration attorney – Elliot Green - totaling

approximately seven thousand dollars ($7,000). It is reflected in the General Ledger as a

payment to “Elliott Green- Green Card.”

Use of Company Funds to Build or Improve Personal Property

54. Mr. Crabtree obtained the title and rights to a parcel of land and improvements

located in Lee County, Florida by warranty deed on or about May 18, 2016. The site address of

the property is 1457 Vendome Court, Cape Coral, Florida 33904, not far from Mr. Crabtree’s

current residence.

55. Upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree hired a company named M1 Builders

to build or renovate a home on this site for his personal benefit and that of his family using SolX

Energy funds.

56. On or about September 14, 2018, Mr. Crabtree wrote a check for fifty thousand

dollars ($50,000) to M1 Builders but did not enter the transaction on the company’s General


57. Approximately three weeks later, on October 8, 2018, Mr. Crabtree recorded this

payment on the company’s General Ledger as an expense under the entry “Net Zero House


58. The phrase “net zero house” is in reference to an energy efficient home which

incurs no energy utility bills over the course of a year. Net zero solutions are just one of the

services offered by SolX Energy to the general public.

59. By designating an expense of $50,000 dollars to “net zero house” on the General

Ledger, Mr. Crabtree was masking the real use of the funds and attempting to cast the use as a

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deductible expense of the business, even though it was for his personal use only and there was no

business purpose for the use of those funds.

60. After being confronted about this fraud, Mr. Crabtree, on or about June 14, 2019,

instructed his bookkeeper, Nicole Zarobinski (“Ms. Zarobinski”), to change retroactively the

General Ledger entry for this expense to a “dividend” to Mr. Crabtree.

61. On or about December 5, 2018, Mr. Crabtree authorized and caused a wire

transfer from the Bank Account to M1 Builders in the amount of twenty thousand dollars

($20,000). Upon information and belief, these monies were, once again, for improvements and

renovations to Mr. Crabtree’s personal property.

62. After being confronted about this fraud, on or about June 14, 2019, Mr. Crabtree

instructed his bookkeeper, Ms. Zarobinski, to change retroactively the General Ledger entry for

this expense to a “dividend” to Mr. Crabtree.

63. In addition, upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree has diverted over twenty

thousand dollars ($20,000) more in SolX Energy funds for building materials and solar

equipment for his personal property from 2018 through present.

64. Mr. Crabtree had these payments entered on SolX Energy’s General Ledger as

“net zero” expenses in an attempt to mask the true reason for the payments.

Cash Withdrawals and Wire Transfers

65. Between June of 2017 and May of 2018, Mr. Crabtree personally made cash

withdrawals and/or wire transfers from the Bank Account totaling ninety-thousand seven

hundred dollars ($90,700).

66. Mr. Crabtree designated these withdraws and wire transfers as expenses on the

General Ledger as “Consulting Fees” of CRI.

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67. CRI, however, was not a consultant for SolX Energy and did not provide any

form of consulting services for SolX Energy.

68. Upon information and belief, Mr. Crabtree diverted these funds for his personal

use and identified the transfers as supposed legitimate expenses of SolX Energy.

69. In addition, SolX Energy’s General Ledger reflects other entries indicating more

misappropriation and diverting of SolX Energy funds by Mr. Crabtree from the Bank Account

and making use of SolX Energy assets to fund a personal lifestyle, which included paying for a

family cruise on Royal Caribbean, paying Sea Tow cost for his personal boat, travel, and many

other personal expenses.

70. At this juncture, based on limited access to information, the General Ledger

reveals that Mr. Crabtree diverted nearly a quarter of a million dollars from SolX Energy for his

personal use and benefit. Discovery in this matter will shed greater light on this ongoing pattern

of misuse and fraud.

Use of SolX Energy Funds to Make Patent Payment Obligations

71. In addition to misusing SolX Energy funds for his own personal benefit and self-

dealing, Mr. Crabtree repeatedly used and misused SolX Energy funds to make payment

obligations of other entities, including payment obligations of SolX Ltd.

72. For example, throughout 2017 and 2018, Mr. Crabtree wire transferred a total of

$60,000 dollars ($60,000) from SolX Energy to certain individuals to pay for SolX Ltd

obligations regarding certain patents.

73. By depriving SolX Energy of needed capital and resources at a critical period

following startup operations, Mr. Crabtree caused deleterious harm to SolX Energy.

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74. Mr. Crabtree’s actions also prevented SolX Energy and SB Energy from reaching

sales and revenue goals that would have brought revenue into SolX Energy and would have

allowed SB Energy to obtain an additional ownership interests in SolX Energy in accordance

with the Operating Agreement.

Mr. Crabtree Seeks out an Accredited Investor for Funding

75. Having plundered the accounts and resources of SolX Energy, Mr. Crabtree set

about looking for new investors and a capital infusion into the business to continue his lavish


76. In 2018, Mr. Crabtree, diverted SolX Energy funds to pay a total of seventeen

thousand dollars ($17,000) to an individual named Steven Lyga (“Mr. Lyga”) and an entity

named the “Deal Making Institute” to assist SolX Ltd in finding an investor.

77. In or around mid-to-late 2018, Mr. Crabtree had multiple meetings and

conversations with an individual named Sean Campbell (“Mr. Campbell”), purportedly to pitch

SolX Energy as an investment opportunity.

78. Mr. Campbell, thereafter, pledged to invest, based on a delayed payment

schedule, a total sum of two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) of capital

funding, to begin in February of 2019. Neither SolX Energy nor SB Energy benefitted from this

investment. The investment, instead, went into a new company – SolX Intl - and, thereafter,

SolX Energy’s assets and funds were diverted and used to support SolX Intl, further harming

SolX Energy.

SolX Energy International, Inc. is Formed

79. On or about January 22, 2019, SolX Intl. was formed and organized in the State of


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80. Neither SolX Energy nor SB Energy were part of the formation of SolX Intl.

Further, they did not consent to the formation of SolX Intl, and were given no ownership

interests in SolX Intl.

81. The Master Dealer Agreement gave SolX Energy exclusive rights to sell in the

United States and the Territory. SolX Energy has not assigned any of its rights to SolX Intl.

82. Upon information and belief, Darrin Schutt (“Mr. Schutt”) of The Schutt Law

Firm, P.A., represented Mr. Campbell in connection with his investment into SolX Intl, including

negotiations. Mr. Schutt also prepared the documents to create SolX Intl.

83. Mr. Crabtree used SolX Energy funds to pay for some of Mr. Shutt’s legal fees

and expenses, in violation of his fiduciary duties and obligations to SolX Energy.

Conversion of Warehouse Product and Equipment

84. Between August of 2017 and January 22, 2019 – the day on which SolX Intl was

formed - SolX Energy had spent in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) on air

conditioning equipment, solar panels and product (collectively “Product”). The Product was to

be sold by SolX Energy as part of its business.

85. The SolX Energy Product was stored at a warehouse in Cape Coral, Florida,

which was rented and paid for by SolX Energy. The warehouse also contained tangible personal

property belonging to SolX Energy, including, but not limited to, a forklift, racking and an

assortment of other items.

86. Upon information and belief, at the time SolX Intl was formed, SolX Energy still

owned and had possession of nearly one half of the Product and the Product remained in

inventory in the Cape Coral warehouse.

87. Following the formation of SolX Intl, Mr. Crabtree, without authorization, took

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the Product and has been selling it through SolX Intl but has not paid SolX Energy for taking its

Product. Upon information and belief, monies and revenue derived from the sale of these

Products have been placed in accounts owned and/or controlled by SolX Intl.

88. Between January 24, 2019 and April 17, 2019 (after the formation of SolX Intl),

Mr. Crabtree continued to use SolX Energy accounts and funds to purchase approximately two

hundred and twenty three thousand dollars ($223,000) of additional Product for the benefit of

SolX Intl.

89. Between February 25, 2019 and July 23, 2019, Mr. Crabtree used SolX Energy

accounts and funds to pay the monthly rent for the Cape Coral warehouse that is now being used,

operated and controlled only for the benefit of SolX Intl.

Use of SolX Energy Funds for SolX Ltd Payroll

90. On four separate occasions between January 31, 2019 and March 29, 2019, Mr.

Crabtree used SolX Energy accounts and funds to meet payroll obligations of SolX Ltd in the

collective sum of ninety-three thousand, seven hundred thirty one dollars and sixty cents


91. By April of 2019, Mr. Crabtree had drained nearly all assets, accounts and

holdings of SolX Energy, leaving it gutted.

Discovery of Fraud and Financial Irregularities

92. David Parsons (“Mr. Parsons”) was the only individual, other than Mr. Crabtree, who

had access to the General Ledger for both SolX Energy and SolX Ltd and in April of 2019, Mr.

Parsons indicated to Mr. Battaglini that there appeared to be some very concerning entries and

financial irregularities in the General Ledger of both entities.

93. Mr. Parsons addressed these concerns with Mr. Crabtree.

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94. On June 10, 2019, Mr. Crabtree sent an email, wherein, in partial response he

admitted that he had taken fifty-thousand dollars ($50,000) from SolX Energy to make an

installment payment on the settlement in the Hammond Lawsuit, but that he just “borrowed” the

money to avoid the “poor exchange rate” in the United Kingdom.

Internal Audit is Authorized

95. On or about June 11, 2019, an extra ordinary (a/k/a emergency) board meeting

was held with regard to the SolX Energy and SolX Ltd General Ledgers. During that meeting,

the irregularities were discussed and it was agreed and approved that Mr. Parsons would perform

a preliminary internal audit regarding Mr. Crabtree’s dealings in SolX Energy and SolX Ltd.

96. After that meeting, Mr. Crabtree sent out another email, wherein he desperately

set out several post hoc rationalizations for his conduct. In that same communication, he

threatened various persons and insisted he had not done anything illegal. The email concluded

that “I will be taking a paid vacation from now until such time that David [Parsons] is ready to

present his findings.”

97. On June 12, 2019, Mr. Crabtree sent yet another mail stating he had spoken with

“counsel” and was demanding the right to receive questions from Mr. Parsons and give written

responses in regards to anything Mr. Parsons uncovered in the internal audit review process.

98. Later that same day, Mr. Crabtree sent a letter to various SolX Ltd board

members, via email. The letter was dated January 29, 2017 and stated, in part, that Mr. Crabtree

was “the sole beneficiary and owner of SolX Energy.” When this letter was actually created is

not known.

99. The letter was signed by Mr. Crabtree and, purportedly, witnessed by an

individual named David Turner (“Mr. Turner”).

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100. Notwithstanding the self-serving proclamation contained in the letter, neither SB

Energy nor Mr. Battaglini ever agreed to a transfer of shares or units giving Mr. Crabtree all

membership interests in SolX Energy. Similarly, upon information, no board members of SolX

Ltd had ever seen, let alone agreed, to the representations made by Mr. Crabtree in this letter.

Internal Audit Questions and Responses

101. On or about June 17, 2019, Mr. Parsons completed his initial internal inquiry and

delivered a lengthy list of questions and issues to Mr. Crabtree, for his response.

102. Two days later, on or about June 19, 2019, Mr. Crabtree provided written

responses to Mr. Parson’s questions and admitted to taking many of the actions that are alleged

in this Lawsuit.


103. Plaintiff SolX Energy, via its minority member SB Energy, incorporates by

reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of the Complaint as if more fully set forth


104. The derivative claims in this action address injuries suffered and continue to be

suffered by SolX Energy as a direct result of the actions by Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd. SolX

Energy is named as a nominal defendant solely in a derivative capacity.

105. SB Energy was a member of SolX Energy at the time of wrongdoing alleged

herein, and continues to be a minority member at this time.

106. SB Energy will represent SolX Energy adequately and fairly in enforcing and

prosecuting its rights. Prosecution of this action must occur without SolX Ltd and without Mr.

Crabtree’s involvement because it is due to his conduct, personally and as CEO of SolX Ltd and

SolX Energy, that SolX Energy has been harmed. Notwithstanding SolX Ltd’s attempts, via its

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other officers, to rein Mr. Crabtree’s rogue behavior, Mr. Crabtree continues to make decisions

and take actions as CEO of both SolX Energy and SolX Ltd that continue to harm SolX Energy.

107. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Mr. Crabtree violated corporate

governance principles and committed the wrongdoing set forth in this Lawsuit.

108. Due to the fact that Mr. Crabtree represents that he controls the SolX Ltd voting

majorities and has, as set forth herein, engaged in brazen acts of theft, self-dealing and fraud, any

demand upon Mr. Crabtree or SolX Ltd to sue on behalf of SolX Energy would be futile.

(Defendants Mark Crabtree and SolX Ltd)

109. Plaintiff SolX Energy incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all

paragraphs of the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

110. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd owed and continue to owe SolX Energy various

fiduciary obligations, including, but not limited to the obligations of good faith, fair dealing,

loyalty, care, oversight and responsibility for safekeeping and proper commercial use of all

funds, accounts and assets of SolX Energy.

111. Mr. Crabtree and/or SolX Ltd. repeatedly breached these fiduciary responsibilities

by misusing funds, accounts and assets of SolX Energy for Mr. Crabtree’s own personal benefit

and the benefit of other entities Mr. Crabtree was involved in, thereby causing damage to SolX

Energy, compromising its viability, devaluing its worth and affecting its past, current and future


WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendants and seek the following


a. Injunctive relief to:

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i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

ii) enjoin SolX Ltd from making any decision pertaining to SolX Energy from this

point forward, without approval of SB Energy;

iii) enjoin SolX Ltd and Mr. Crabtree from allowing use of SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


iii) direct SolX Ltd to reform and improve its corporate governance and internal

procedures to protect SolX Energy from further damaging events such as the ones

alleged herein;

iv) enjoin SolX Ltd, Mr. Crabtree and any other individual or entity from using

any assets, funds and property belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and

fees associated with defending this action;

b. Award SolX Energy compensatory damages against Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd,

jointly and severally, for all damages it sustained as a result of the wrongdoing

alleged herein;

c. Award SolX Energy restitution from Mr. Crabtree for all gains to him from the

wrongful acts alleged herein;

d. Punitive Damages;

e. Attorney fees and costs;

f. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

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(Defendant Mark Crabtree)

112. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

113. As Manager and CEO of SolX Energy, Mr. Crabtree had a duty to use his best

commercially reasonable efforts to advance the purpose and business of SolX Energy.

114. Mr. Crabtree repeatedly breached his duty to use his best commercially

reasonable efforts for SolX Energy, including, but not limited to: theft, self-dealing, misusing

SolX Energy funds for his personal use and to advance his personal interests; by weakening

SolX Energy assets and exclusive licensing rights to support a competing venture; by converting

SolX Energy Product and equipment for the benefit of SolX Intl; by willfully taking purposeful

actions to devalue SolX Energy; and by affecting SolX Energy’s current and future profitability.

115. Mr. Crabtree’s actions were intentional, willful, malicious, and in reckless

disregard of his duty to SolX Energy and proximately caused damages to SolX Energy.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant Mr. Crabtree and seeks

the following relief:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

ii) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from allowing use of SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


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iii) enjoin SolX Ltd, Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award SolX Energy compensatory damages against Mr. Crabtree for all damages

it sustained as a result of his breach of duty to SolX Energy;

c. Award SolX Energy restitution from Mr. Crabtree for all gains to him from the

wrongful acts alleged herein;

d. Punitive Damages;

e. Attorney fees and costs;

f. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Defendant Mark Crabtree)

116. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

117. During the time period relevant to this Lawsuit, Mr. Crabtree, as alleged herein,

suppressed and actively concealed the true facts concerning his self-dealing, theft and misuse of

SolX Energy funds, accounts and assets for his personal benefit.

118. Mr. Crabtree had exclusive knowledge of these true facts, and engaged in

suppression and concealment of these facts with the intent to deceive and defraud SolX Energy.

119. Plaintiff actually and justifiably relied on the state of the facts as they were given

and on the absence of the facts that were suppressed and concealed.

120. Mr. Crabtree’s actions were made with actual malice, evil motive, ill will, fraud

and intent to injure.

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WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant Mr. Crabtree and seeks

the following relief:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

ii) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from allowing use of SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


iii) enjoin SolX Ltd, Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award SolX Energy compensatory damages against Mr. Crabtree for all damages

it sustained as a result of his fraud;

c. Award SolX Energy restitution from Mr. Crabtree for all gains to him from the

wrongful acts alleged herein;

d. Punitive Damages;

e. Attorney fees and costs;

f. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Defendants Mark Crabtree and SolX Intl)

121. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

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122. Specific benefits were conferred upon Mr. Crabtree by virtue of his authority as

Manager and CEO of SolX Energy, and he had unfettered access to the funds, accounts and

assets of the company. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl were conferred benefits that belonged to

SolX Energy.

123. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl had knowledge of the benefits that belonged to SolX


124. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl accepted the benefits, and thereafter used SolX Energy

monies, funds and assets under circumstances that make it inequitable to retain those benefits

without the repayment of their value.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant Mr. Crabtree and SolX

Intl and seeks the following relief:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

ii) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from allowing use of SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


iii) enjoin SolX Ltd, Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award damages for the amounts Defendants Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl were

unjustly enriched;

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c. Punitive Damages;

d. Attorney fees and costs;

e. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Defendant Mark Crabtree and SolX Intl)

125. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

126. During the time period relevant to this Lawsuit, Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl

unlawfully exercised personal ownership, dominion, and control over SolX Energy’s personal

property - product and equipment - inconsistent with Plaintiff SolX Energy’s rights and so as to

deprive SolX Energy of its use.

127. Mr. Crabtree has altogether failed to provide for the return of such personal


128. The actions were taken with actual malice, evil motive, ill will, fraud and reckless

disregard of Plaintiff’s rights.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant Mr. Crabtree and SolX

Intl and seeks the following relief:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

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ii) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from allowing use of SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


iii) enjoin SolX Ltd, Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award damages for the amounts Defendants Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl were

unjustly enriched;

c. Punitive Damages;

(Defendants Mark Crabtree and SolX Intl)

129. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

130. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl have interfered with the contractual rights of SolX

Energy and have interfered with its future business expectancy by misusing SolX Energy assets,

funds and property to pay for Mr. Crabtree’s personal expenses, by diverting exclusive licensing

rights held by SolX Energy; by willfully taking purposeful actions to devalue SolX Energy; by

converting Products and equipment belonging to SolX Energy and by SolX Energy current

business and business opportunities.

131. Defendants were aware of the exclusive rights given to SolX Energy and knew

SolX Energy had certain assets, funds and property belonging to it. Defendants intentionally and

wrongfully interfered with those rights by disregarding the Master Dealer Agreement and/or

Operating Agreement between SolX Energy and SolX Ltd, diverting funds belonging to SolX

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 26 of 34

Energy for their own use, using exclusive rights belonging only to SolX Energy, taking and

diverting current and potential business opportunities belonging to SolX Energy, and using other

SolX Energy assets and Product in furtherance of their own benefit, without consent.

132. The actions of Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl were intentional, willful and with

actual malice and caused SolX Energy serious financial harm.

WHEREFORE, as a result of said conduct, Plaintiff seeks:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

ii) enjoin SolX Intl and Mr. Crabtree from using SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


iii) enjoin SolX Intl from using SolX Energy exclusive rights without agreement

with and consent of SolX Energy and both its members;

iv) enjoin SolX Intl and Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award SolX Energy economic damages it has suffered against Mr. Crabtree and

SolX Intl jointly and severally as a result of their tortious


c. Punitive Damages;

d. Attorney fees and costs;

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 27 of 34

e. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Plaintiff SB Energy against Defendants Mark Crabtree and SolX Ltd)

133. Plaintiff SB Energy incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all

paragraphs of the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

134. An Operating Agreement existed between SB Energy and SolX Ltd for the

running of the affairs of SolX Energy and for right SB Energy has a minority member of SolX

Energy. Mr. Crabtree held himself out to be the designated Manager under this Operating

Agreement and served as CEO of SolX Energy and SolX Ltd.

135. Mr. Crabtree as CEO of SolX Ltd breached the Operating Agreement and took

actions that harmed SB Energy.

136. Mr. Crabtree as CEO of SolX Ltd caused SolX Ltd to breach the Operating

Agreement by willfully and recklessly misusing SolX Energy funds to pay for his personal

expenses; by failing to make distributions to SB Energy even though he made distributions to

himself; taking purposeful actions that have devalued SolX Energy and, thereby devaluing SB

Energy; and for causing SolX Energy to not be able to perform as promised pursuant to the terms

of the Operating Agreement so as to interfere with SB Energy economic rights and expectations as

minority member.

137. SB Energy performed as promised under the Operating Agreement.

WHEREFORE, as a result of said conduct, Plaintiff seeks:

a. Injunctive relief to:

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 28 of 34

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy;

ii) enjoin SolX Ltd and Mr. Crabtree from using SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


iii) enjoin SolX Intl and Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

iv) direct SolX Ltd to reform and improve its corporate governance and internal

procedures to protect SolX Energy from further damaging events such as the ones

alleged herein;

b. Award SolX Energy compensatory damages against Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd,

jointly and severally, for all damages it sustained as a result of the wrongdoing

alleged herein;

c. Award SolX Energy restitution from Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd for all gains to

them from the wrongful acts alleged herein;

d. Punitive Damages;

e. Attorney fees and costs;

f. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Defendants Mark Crabtree and SolX Intl)

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 29 of 34

138. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

139. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl have taken intentional and willful acts against SB

Energy by misusing SolX Energy funds to pay for Mr. Crabtree’s personal expenses; by

diverting exclusive licensing rights held by SolX Energy; by willfully taking purposeful actions

to devalue SolX Energy; by converting Products and equipment belonging to SolX Energy and

by attempting to transferring business out of SolX Energy and placing them into SolX Intl.

140. These acts were calculated to cause damage to SB Energy in its lawful business.

141. These acts were done in breach of the Master Dealer Agreement and/or Operating

Agreement between SolX Energy and SolX Ltd, and therefore done with the unlawful purpose to

cause such damage and loss, without right or justifiable cause on its part, which constitutes


142. The actions of Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl were intentional, willful and with

actual malice and had the natural, proximate and direct effect of damaging SB Energy.

WHEREFORE, as a result of said conduct, Plaintiff seeks:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have an impact

on SolX Energy, including withdrawing and/or using any funds of SolX Energy in

any manner;

ii) enjoin SolX Intl and Mr. Crabtree from using SolX Energy assets,

funds, and property to be used for any benefit other than the benefit of SolX


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iii) enjoin SolX Intl from using SolX Energy exclusive rights without agreement

with and consent of SolX Energy and both its members;

iv) enjoin SolX Intl and Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award SB Energy economic damages it has suffered against Mr. Crabtree and

SolX Intl jointly and severally as a result of their tortious interference;

c. Punitive Damages;

d. Attorney fees and costs;

e. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Plaintiff SB Energy against Mr. Crabtree)

143. Plaintiff incorporates by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

144. During the time period relevant to this Lawsuit, Mr. Crabtree, as alleged herein,

suppressed and actively concealed the true facts concerning his self-dealing, theft and misuse of

SolX Energy funds, accounts and assets for his personal benefit.

145. Mr. Crabtree had exclusive knowledge of these true facts, and engaged in

suppression and concealment of these facts with the intent to deceive and defraud SB Energy.

146. Plaintiff actually and justifiably relied on the state of the facts as they were given

and on the absence of the facts that were suppressed and concealed.

147. Mr. Crabtree’s actions were made with actual malice, evil motive, ill will, fraud

and intent to injure.

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 31 of 34

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant Mr. Crabtree and seeks

the following relief:

a. Injunctive relief to:

i) enjoin Mr. Crabtree from being involved in any manner with SolX Energy and

order that he cease and desist from taking any action that could have a negative

impact on SB Energy;

ii) enjoin Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd from allowing use of SolX Energy assets,


iii) enjoin SolX Ltd and Mr. Crabtree from using any assets, funds and property

belonging to SolX Energy to pay for any costs and fees associated with defending

this action;

b. Award SB Energy compensatory damages against Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd for

all damages it sustained as a result of his fraud;

c. Award SB Energy restitution from Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd for all gains to him

from the wrongful acts alleged herein;

d. Punitive Damages;

e. Attorney fees and costs;

f. Such other relief as may be just and proper.

(Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201, et seq.,)

148. Plaintiffs incorporate by reference all allegations contained in all paragraphs of

the Complaint as if more fully set forth herein.

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149. A present, actual and justiciable controversy exists as between Plaintiffs and

Defendants, Mr. Crabtree, SolX Ltd and SolX Intl regarding (i) the indemnification provisions in

the Operating Agreement; (ii) the licensing rights conferred by the Master Dealer Agreement;

(iii) the use of the assets belonging to SolX Energy; (iv) the business opportunities belonging to

SolX Energy; (v) the rights of SB Energy as minority member of SolX Energy; and (vi) the

actions taken by Mr. Crabtree individually and as CEO of SolX Energy, SolX Ltd and SolX Intl.

WHEREFORE, as a result of the actions alleged herein, Plaintiffs request that the Court


a. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd have breached the Operating Agreement by taking

actions that reach the level of “willful misconduct” and “gross negligence” and, therefore,

Defendants are not entitled to indemnification from SolX Energy under Operating Agreement;

and that neither Mr. Crabtree nor SolX Ltd can use funds of SolX Energy to pay for the legal

fees and costs of this action;

b. The Master Dealer Agreement between SolX Energy and SolX Ltd remains in

effect and has not been terminated;

c. SolX Energy has exclusive licensing rights under the terms of the Master Dealer


d. SB Energy may maintain this action on behalf of nominal Defendant SolX Energy

and that SB Energy is an adequate representative of SolX Energy;

e. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd have breached their fiduciary duties to SolX Energy

and SB Energy;

f. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd have breached the Operating Agreement;

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 33 of 34

g. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Ltd have taken actions that amount to “willful

misconduct” and “gross negligence” and, therefore, they are not entitled to indemnification from

SolX Energy under Operating Agreement;

h. Mr. Crabtree and SolX Intl have tortiously interfered with Defendants contractual

relations and future business expectancy;

i. Mr. Crabtree improperly diverted funds when making distributions to himself;

j. Neither Mr. Crabtree nor SolX Ltd can use funds from any SolX entity to pay for

the legal fees and costs of this action for himself, itself or any other Defendant.

k. Mr. Crabtree can no longer be involved in any matter regarding SolX Energy and

shall have no authority to take action on its behalf.

l. Mr. Crabtree, SolX Ltd, and SolX Intl caused harm to SolX Energy and to SB



Plaintiffs demand a trial by jury.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ruth Ann Azeredo (MD 16175)
1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway
Suite 300
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 558-1915
(410) 558-1917 Fax

Timothy W. Romberger
Fed. Bar No. 014408
1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20046

Case 1:19-cv-02522-GLR Document 1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 34 of 34

(202) 248-5053
(703) 582-6494 Cell

Date: August 30, 2019


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