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1. Peserta lomba adalah anak SMP, Tsanawiyyah dan sederajat.

2. Kuota peserta adalah 20 orang.
3. Peserta lomba adalah perorangan atau individu.
4. Utusan setiap sekolah maksimal 2 orang.
5. Peserta wajib melakukan registrasi ulang sebelum lomba dimulai.
6. Tema cerita diambil dari cerita tradisional daerah.
7. Naskah cerita difotokopi rangkap 3.
8. Naskah cerita diserahkan selambat-lambatnya pada saat technical meeting.
9. Apabila sekolah ingin mengganti peserta lomba, maka pihak sekolah harus menghubungi
panitia dengan batas waktu sampai technical meeting dilaksanakan.
10. Apabila pada hari pelaksanaan lomba peserta tidak hadir, maka peserta tersebut dianggap
gugur dan biaya pendaftaran tidak dapat ditarik kembali.

1. Peserta wajib melakukan daftar ulang pada hari yang telah ditentukan.
2. Peserta diwajibkan hadir paling lambat 15 menit sebelum perlombaan dimulai.
3. Peserta tampil berdasarkan nomor urut yang telah diundi pada saat technical meeting.
4. Durasi waktu tampil adalah 5 menit.
5. Peserta diwajibkan memakai pakaian sekolah yang rapi dan sopan atau memakai kostum
dan properti yang mendukung penampilan.
6. Penilaian berdasarkan 5 kriteria yaitu Pronunciation, Fluency, Accuracy, Clarity, and
Performance skill.
7. Peserta diharapkan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan tempat perlombaan.

Aspects Score
1 2 3 4
Pronunciation Speaking words Speaking with Speaking with Speaking with
incomprehensively incorrect several correct
pronunciation incorrect pronunciation
but still pronunciation
Fluency Speaking with Speaking too Speaking Speaking
many pauses slowly generally at fluently
normal speed
Accuracy The serious errors The errors Speaking is still
The errors
present in present in understood present in
speaking make the speaking would although it speaking are so
story difficukt to frequently consist of manyminor so that
understand create errors the story would
confusion be easily
Clarity Often mumbles or Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly
cannot be and distincly and distincly and distincly all
understood, more most of the nearly all the the time, no
than one time, no more time, no more more than one
mispronnounced than one than one mispronounced
mispronounced mispronounced word
word word
Performance Speaking in Mumbling, flat Speaking is soft Speaking
skill volume which is facial voice but can clearly and
almost inaudible, expression, and be understood, loudly, good
no facial less good facial facial
expressin, and not communicative. expression, and expression, and
communicative. communicative communicative.

Maximum score = 100

Minimum score = 25

Student score = total score x 100


1. 25-54 = Poor
2. 55-69 = Okay
3. 70-84 = Good
4. 85-100 = Very good

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