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Amazon’s Trustworthy Leader and Business Growth

Jesus Bautista

South Texas College

Ruben G. Flores, PhD., MBA, MPA



In the worldwide focused condition, viable effective leader is important to decrease the steady

loss rate. From the successful administration styles, it is conceivable to accomplish organiza-

tional goal productivity. Reliable trustworthy leaders influence on the employee execution and

efficiency. This research paper is about Amazon Company as it has achieved great prosperity for

its organization by operating strategic ambidexterity to continue business success. Jeffrey Bezos

consistently lead the exchange by taking an interest in the groups as opposed to going about as

Boss. This kind of approach caused Jeff Bezos to keep up a better organizational structure as

well as to give satisfactory help to its worker.

Keywords: Leadership, customer obsession, employees


Amazon’s Trustworthy Leader and Business Growth

Jeffrey Bezos has been very widely effective as a primal leader of Amazon. Jeffrey Bezos

has not only adopted innovative leadership styles from his dad, mom and grandparents in Texas,

Bezos support helped create a business through theories and concepts. Amazon is regarded as the

world’s most client driven organization and Bezos is credited with setting the standard by how

purchases over the globe see online business shopping. Bezos is viewed as a surprising business

leader in terms of value and Amazon has seen exceptional growth under his leadership.

Jeffrey Bezos exhibits self-confident and compelling leadership skills from the start with a

long haul for success. Jeffrey has obtained a fundamental leadership technique which his clients

are placed at or close to the top in ranges of their needs and wants. Jeffrey Bezos is neurotic as he

appears to show emotional stability when he takes risks and might fail. Jeffrey Bezos openness is

shown through his dynamic business visionary demeanor and his energy for steady development

of his Amazon Company. His receptiveness to experience is shown through his gratefulness for

imaginative thoughts and ideas and has never been a substance with his organization’s achieve-

ments and consistently endeavors to look for new doors for what’s to come. Bezos uprightness is

appeared for his work ethic and sorted out nature. Bezos can be demanding and meticulous by

undertaking and there is a relation between strategic leadership that Bezos communicates to his

followers and has a business success. His leadership style provides his followers to accomplish

objectives even through complexed circumstances setting on their choices.


Literature Review

Change with your followers

In the year 1999, Jeffrey Bezos had two billion dollars of debt. Back in those days Ama-

zon Company had one person than ten employees and now, there are over six hundred thousand

employees. However, when Jeffrey started the business as one person, he would drive the pack-

ages to the post office and he knew most of the UPS workers so well, that even after five minutes

of closing time, they would still let him deliver the packages. Amazon logistic operations were

so new and inefficient that when there were ten employees working for Amazon, they packaged

the boxes on the floor on their hands and knees.

It was a challenge, but every business starts from the bottom. An article states,” Although

the rich do get richer, these “started-from-the-bottom” stories truly remind us that, with enough

grit, determination and a bit of luck, anyone can overcome their harsh circumstances and achieve

extraordinary things” (Gulf Elite Magazine, 2015). Bezos innovating mind, he thought that by

purchasing knee pads, work would run smoothly. A frustrated engineer working tirelessly next

him, looked at Bezos and said, “We should get packaging tables instead” after purchasing the

packaging tables, that variable made Amazon productivity double the profits. For someone that

articulates his vision and energy at the start of a business, Jefferey has influenced the employees

in certain ways. Bezos technique requires customer service needs as an obsession. This obsession

to keep his customers happy and maintain costs would allow Amazon to develop quickly and ex-

pand beyond dreams.

Initiating the Process


Amazon is an elite organization even though the stock was unrewarding, yet Jefferey Be-

zos proceeded with his mission to differentiate his online book shop despite the odds. So, in

2000, the internet was like a bubble burst and it affected everyone. Amazon company was mak-

ing rapid growth in the online book shop. Jefferey Bezos allowed small groups to deal with in-

coming new employees which he motivated, although they felt Bezos conduct as out of norm.

Bezos has used a few power strategies to control the course of his organization and give his repre-

sentatives a feeling of strengthening to have any kind of affect to his customers.

An article stated that,” His leadership approach is based on sustained pressure that comes

from hybrid style developed by combining the three main leadership styles” (Rodrigo, 2014). Be-

zos is a man on a mission who sees how unethical behavior and use it as a well spring of inspiration.

Jeffrey Bezos won’t stand for heartless management practices. Leading Amazon Bezos has actu-

alized a few innovative tools into the organization moving amazon towards success usage of new

innovations. Bezos consistently lead the exchange by taking an interest in the teams as opposed to

going about as a Boss. This kind of approach caused Bezos to keep up better adequate structure by

giving enough help to its employees.

It is Unbending

It provides inability to the managers to viably manage several variables according to their

needs. Bezos leadership provides several variables that influence productivity of the team and it

provides a fundamental ability of task-oriented leader that can affect the team as long as the team

is highly structure as well as have a clearly defined task. In a journal article by Business today is

states, “They then bring the people along and align them to those ideas” (The boss that is Jeff

Bezos, 2014). Jeffrey Bezos company Amazon effectiveness has been a history of customer ob-

session. If Bezos were to sees that his employees are not customer focused, then he would really

worry. According to Bezos, Amazon managers, leaders and followers must be inventive, and his

principle rely on three concepts at Amazon which are: customer centricity, passion for inventing

and think long-term. Amazon can be viewed as the world’s most client driven organization and

Bezos is credited for his creation and profitability. Also, Amazonians contribute to his vision has

seen an outstanding development under his administration.

Democratic or Autocratic Leader

Great leaders must tune in, which it is not the same as a democratic leader. Bezos does not

make all the decisions, yet leaders make sense of who is best situated to settle on making decisions

but pays close attention to that person. Bezos demands that his followers are correct, even though

they might wrong every now and then. Bezos believes that when he listens to his followers and his

followers listen to his customers, this would continue business success. In an innovation article its

states, “It is the product of strategic thinking, a supportive culture, great talent, managers who

know when to be involved and when to step back, and leaders who listen support risk, and learn

from failure” (Soken & Barnes, 2014). For Amazon company to be successful, individuals should

guard their principles and have the conviction to give shape to the given ideas. Bezos has gotten

more clarity on making situational decisions. You need to match designs and at time you need to

be exceptionally quick or delay in conveying. Through time and experience Bezos has managed

to not always be in rush but take things slow.

Amazon is Toast

When you think about the Barnes & Nobles and you add the internet, what do you get,

Amazon company. The real test to Barnes & Noble started in 1995 when Jeffrey Bezos chose to

set up Amazon and sell books on-line. During Amazon’s initial couple of years, the website bust

happened and there were few theories that Amazon would die like numerous other website new

businesses. In any case, despite the challenges Bezos stayed in his position, growing Amazon’s

contributions, diminishing its expenses, and developing its deals and benefits. Bezos technique

was to focus on development and provide customers with an incredible web experience on-line.

To achieve this, he contracted the best and most imaginative individuals who would de-

velop innovation and infrastructure for Amazon. A journal article states that,” Amazon expanded

its research and development activities, and hired several thousands of the best high-tech internet

savvy employees available” (McCray, Gonzalez & Darling, 2012). Barnes & Noble tried to expand

on the on-line but it was too late as it was a crisis to the business.

Amazon was growing so fast that it had already established as the central on-line retail

book store. A very significant point to this is that Jeffrey Bezos and his followers were able to

control Amazon management in a way that they controlled the planning phases. Jeffrey Bezos can

be viewed as the best case of being creative leader. For an organization to be innovative, it is

important that the leadership also thinks the similar way. Inventive leaders are propagators with

creative thinking and instinct to their company’s and become the market leader.

Barnes & Noble had an opportunity to pay more attention on increasing operational sales,

instead they became the deep-rooted amid of a major disaster. Amazon would have never gone

through a mismanagement as Barnes & Nobles, they should have ad a planning system where the

organization still had a chance for immediate attention instead Barnes & Noble fell on a transfor-

mational crisis management. Crisis management is not just a handy solution, its more of forecast-

ing, distinguishing, contemplating to establish and act upon crisis emergency. Bezos openness to

experience creative ideas and concepts, he appreciates his followers in Amazon and strives to look

for opportunities for the long-term. Bezos can be difficult through his attention to detail and exe-

cution, which is why his concept with the “empty chair” has been effective.

The Empty Chair

Jeffrey Bezos understood that customers love low prices, big selection and fast delivery

and so far, after twenty years Amazon has become a conglomerate multi-billion-dollar company.

Bezos incorporates a vacant seat at his management conferences to represent the chair as the cus-

tomer, who should be the only focus. The empty chair infers that somebody is absent from the

conversation, from their place at the table. In a journal it describes, “The Bezos quick that intrigued

reads the most: using an empty chair to symbolize customer during Amazon’s strategy meetings”

Elliot & Colao, 2012). Jeffrey Bezos doesn’t make it about himself but about the group which is

Amazon. As Bezos is an effective leader the elements that he adds to create and innovate in be-

lieving that customer centric is the only way to have business success. Also, an effective team with

an active joint effort, and brilliance, becomes even more important that managers and followers

collaborate in inspiring critical thinking and encouraging to present new ideas and results.

Jeffrey Bezos is a trustworthy leader who remains undaunted in any crisis. He does not

fold under pressure and has an emotional intelligence that enable his feelings for himself and oth-

ers. Even through periods of losses with Amazon, Bezos has never wavered. He listens to his

followers and is always in contact with others around him the needs of what the organization is

going. Jeffrey Bezos has shown signs of a transformational leader as he empowers his followers

to create and develop their skillset to improve their performance and ensure his employees to fol-

low the set values for customer and organization by projecting ethics, standards and beliefs. Bezos

has always shown these leadership style by influencing his followers to enhance awareness and

expected work outcomes.



The general point of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship between a trusting

leader and follower. The six-article peer review research paper supported the details that there is

a direct relationship between Amazon and Jeffrey Bezos and his follower for business success.

All the provided articles established that a great leader as in Jeffrey Bezos with a great support

group as his followers and Amazon will continue to achieve wealth. The articles came down to

an equivalent conclusion: if a company continues to embrace the Amazon way with customer

centric and the focus of the organization during meetings as followers will simply think of what

the customer wants and are expected to execute their tasks. All of the approached legitimate

word is based on making this article positioned for the organization while keeping up with the

competitive advantages and investing in new regions.


The study between the relationship between strategic ambidexterity and business success

is seriously important because if both the trusting leader and the trustworthy follower, Amazon

company has and will continue organization prosperity. Jeffrey Bezos has all the attributes of a

creative leader. Under his innovative administration, Amazon is surpassing their full potential and

the organization has an extremely splendid future. Bezos unique leadership style can be at times

challenging and his practices might seem customer-focused, however these traits have diminished

throughout the years, but the workplace at Amazon is positive and flexible. Jeff Bezos may have

an unorthodox and strange style, but he realizes his customers consistently come first and this has

made Amazon a main business in the world. Nothing has been easy for Bezos, although he is

continuously makes success after succes.



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Gulf Elite Magazine. (2015). Started from the Bottom: 7 Billionaires Who Were Once Dirt Poor.

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McCray, J. P., Gonzalez, J. J., & Darling, J. R. (2012). Transformational Crisis Management in

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Rodrigo. (2014, April 7). Leadership and Motivational Styles of Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs. Re-

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Soken, N. H., & Barnes, B. K. (2014). What kills innovation? Your role as a leader in supporting

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