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How true are the

following about you?

Record your answers on this page first (don’t look Rate 1 to 5
at answer sheet yet). Then transfer answers to the 1 = Never True
Gift Answer Sheet when you’re done. 2 = Seldom True
3 = Sometimes True
4 = Often True
5 = Always True
1. I enjoy organizing programs, tasks, and people to reach a goal.

2. I would like to start new churches in places or cultural settings

where they do not presently exist;

3. I have used my ability in music, acting, visual arts, or graphic

arts to help the other believers.

4. I can often discern whether a person's words, actions, or

motives have good, bad or downright evil sources.

5. I serve others by offering practical counsel and guidance helping

their spiritual growth.

6. I enjoy talking about Christ to those who don't know him, and I
often receive a positive response.

7. I have had the experience of knowing that God will do

something and then saw him do it in response to faith and prayer.

8. I enjoy sharing the money and/or possessions God has shared

with me.

9. I know that God heals supernaturally, and I have seen him do


10. I like to provide a welcome for others and take an interest in

unexpected visitors.

11. I find it satisfying to be praying for the needs of others and do

it often.

12. I sense what God is saying when I hear someone speak in


13. I can distinguish my own thoughts from thoughts I have

received from God's Spirit.

14. In the past, God has given me a vision for a task that attracted
others to get involved.

15. I feel deeply for hurting people and try to turn that into
practical, cheerful help.

16. I am confident that God does work miracles today because I

have seen them.

17. I've been led by God, sometimes strongly, to encourage

believers to follow God.

18. I enjoy doing tasks that help others serve more effectively.

19. I find it rewarding to support the spiritual growth of others and

have seen them helped to grow spiritually through my help.

How true are the
following about you?
Record your answers on this page first (don’t look Rate 1 to 5
at answer sheet yet). Then transfer answers to the 1 = Never True
Gift Answer Sheet when you’re done. 2 = Seldom True
3 = Sometimes True
4 = Often True
5 = Always True
20. Spiritual content seems to come alive for people (young or old)
when I teach.

21. I pray in an unknown language at times.

22. I have given people practical insights that helped them solve

23. I like to help teams and projects get more organized.

24. I can adapt well to different cultures and surroundings, and

relate to others in culturally sensitive ways

25. I enjoy expressing myself creatively for God through music,

drama, poetry, visual arts, or graphic arts.

26. I feel strongly that something must be done when false

teaching and false practices are in a church.

27. I hurt along with hurting, troubled, and discouraged people,

and want to help them see God’s answers to life's problems.

28. I have seen others respond as I have tried to share my faith.

29. I find myself taking God's promises and having a clear sense of
how they apply to certain situations.

30. I am easily moved to give when I become aware of need or

opportunity in people's lives.

31. A deep compassion for the sick often motivates me to pray for
their healing

32. I've found myself offering small acts of kindness toward guests
or strangers.

33. I am sensitive to the needs of others and desire to give them

support by praying for them.

34. I am drawn to worship services in which tongues are a part,

and I have a sense that God speaks to believers through tongues.

35. I have received impressions that I believe came from the Holy

36. I am able to tell a group the vision for a task and move others
to get involved.

37. I find myself drawn to hurting people, and I desire to help


38. I have sensed instances when a miraculous display of God's

power would strengthen people's faith.

39. I receive spiritual insights from the Bible and/or Holy Spirit
concerning people and situations, and I desire to share them.

How true are the
following about you?
Record your answers on this page first (don’t look Rate 1 to 5
at answer sheet yet). Then transfer answers to the 1 = Never True
Gift Answer Sheet when you’re done. 2 = Seldom True
3 = Sometimes True
4 = Often True
5 = Always True
40. I sense when others need a helping hand, and I like to be
ready to give them help.

41. My desire to see believers grow in spiritual ways has led to my

willingness to be personally involved in nurturing and discipling
activities for them.

42. I have a strong desire to communicate things that will help

believers (young or old) to grow in the faith.

43. I really try to remain open to the supernatural influence of the

Holy Spirit, and I allow the Spirit to talk using my voice.

44. I sometimes have had extraordinary, God-given insights into

situations, even if I was not very comfortable expressing those

Answer Sheet

# Rate # Rate Total Gift

1 23 administration

2 24 apostleship

3 25 creative ability

4 26 discernment

5 27 encouragement

6 28 evangelism

7 29 faith

8 30 giving

9 31 healing

10 32 hospitality

11 33 intercession

12 34 interpretation

13 35 knowledge

14 36 leadership
15 37 mercy

16 38 miracles

17 39 prophesy
18 40 serving

19 41 shepherding

20 42 teaching
21 43 speaking in tongues

22 44 wisdom

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