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Janiel Felecidario Barotil Field Study 3

BSEd- English Episode 2


At Naga View Adventist College (NVAC), there are a lot of bulletin board displays around the school. Bulletin
boards may be seen from Elementary Department, Old Administration Building that which compose of Secondary and
Tertiary bulletin boards, yet the Junior and Senior Bulletin Boards are inside of every levels classrooms and the college
bulletin boards are in the hallways together with the School bulletin board of in formations, activities, School Map and
many more. In connection to this type displays, every department college and high schools have their prescribe bulletin
boards. In this school, there are a lot of bulletin boards can be seen in the hall way that are made of plywood coated with
colors. Some other bulletin boards are ventilated and covered with a glass. It has their different design from painting with
matches’ colors, letter cutting and boarder designs from art and colored papers. In departmental and classroom bulletin
boards are decorative because of their visual appearance. It is also a motivational bulletin board because the grade of the
highest students are displayed and also quotations that encourage the students to; learning to be, learning to do, learning to
live together and learning to learn. It is also informational because the parent may be able to know when they come to
school for a meeting and also they are able to see the upcoming schedules of activities, announcements, students’
performance, vocabulary words for the week/month and other information. As I have observe, since the school year
started last July, the bulletin board was not yet updated because the activities and information was still from the last year.
As I have survey, some bulletin are empty others have only boarders and design.
Indeed, I have chosen the school bulletin that was located in the old administration building in front when you
fully enter into the building. This board was the biggest among all bulletins around the campus. There is a lot of
information there that gives info to teacher, parents and students. This bulletin wasn’t really updated, because the
decorations styles looked old and some information’s there are taken last year.

In the internet, there’s a lot of idealistic bulletin boards that are made of different kinds of information s they
wanted to show. It is very important to have different kinds of bulletin board of information; it is more attractive if
the bulletin board is more on specific. In my research some pictures in the internet are blurring but mostly are
clear to understand. When it became to inform the viewer and the reader, it must be clearly written, grammar,
spellings and many more so that the viewer or the reader won’t criticize the misspelled words and grammar.
Indeed, they will understand the message or the information would like to give. The purpose of the bulletin board
is to inform.

Or, the skills that a teacher should possess in order to come up with an effective board display are 1) Creativity-
she/he must be able to come up with unique ways to portray lessons or concepts. 2) Elegance–she/he must strive for
balance between vibrant and conservative design so that the message will be delivered properly. 3) Ingenuity-she/he will
be able to apply problem solving skills incoming up with a display. 4) Resourcefulness–she/he will be able to come up
with an effective board display using the available resources at hand. 5) Innovativeness–she/he will be able to introduce
contemporary topics to his/her board display. For further, a teacher should be an artistic and decorative in making
bulletin because the first that attracts the viewer are the decoration. He/she may have the a good background of grammar
with spelling because the students nowadays are very good in criticizing others work that’s why we must be very careful
of feeding information that denotes wrong interpretation. He/she must be factual, direct to the point, brief and concise
to avoid errors. A teacher knows; the arrangement, the orders of information and synchronize. Creativity that leads the
viewer does tend read the information. And also it must be neat and clean, so the information will not void and useless.
As an artist and stylist, it’s not only about the decors and creativity. It must be valid and acceptable to the viewers
the right way to inform them with making effort. Be genuine enough to catch the viewers, reader’s attention. In these
ways you’re not only a teacher, indeed you are a globally, good, idealistic, competitive teacher too. For further, your
viewers won’t able to miss the information that are posted on the bulletin. The skills that I already have are creativity,
resourcefulness and innovativeness. I do not have much experience in making board display, the one that I could clearly
remember was in elementary, but I am able to practice these skills through the lessons in the Ed. Tech course I am taking
right now. The skill I should develop the most is grammar, I think I must be good in constructing grammars to avoid
criticizers. I must practice and be good to it due to avoid vivid. I feel that I need to develop more elegance and ingenuity
in coming up with designs not only in making a board display and other instructional materials. I can improve on these
skills by constant practice and by research on various designs helpful in coming up with instructional materials.

Field Study Book

Educational Technology
Book ©2016

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