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Company /Division :
Project Name :

Auditor :

Date :


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Previous Audit Findings....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Health & Safety Policy......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Leadership & Management Commitment.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Safety Reports...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Safety Training...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Hazards Identification Risk Assessment........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Employee Motivation............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
HSE Monitoring Meeting...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Evaluation of Compliance.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Communication, Participation & Consultation.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Emergency Preparedness & Response............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Objectives & Programme(s)................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Safety Inspections................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Accident/ Incident Reporting & Investigation.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Incident Investigation........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Nonconfirmity, Corrective & Preventive Action................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Housekeeping/ Site access................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Edge protection..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Working at height (Scaffolding etc).................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Ladder.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

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Electrical Installation.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Electrical Extension Cords................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Portable Power Tools......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Hand Tools........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Lifting And Rigging Gear.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
(All type of slings, chains and related equipment).......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Mobile Cranes..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Permit To Work.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Excavations......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Chemical Agents................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Fire Prevention / Emergency Preparedness & Response............................................................................................................................................................13
Welfare Arrangements....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Personal Protective Equipment........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Plant& Equipment- Mobile Plant, Equipment And Vehicles..........................................................................................................................................................14
(i.e. any type of self-propelled vehicle or plant &equipment)........................................................................................................................................................14
Plant & Equipment- Welding Machines........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Plant & Equipment- Generators........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Plant & Equipment- General............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
(cement mixers ,conveyors compactors,etc).................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Gas Cutting Equipment...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Site Access And Traffic Controls....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

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Site House Keeping............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Waste Management........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Stacking &Storage.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Hazardous Substance Storage......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Gas Storage........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Noise Control...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Extreme Weather Control.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
High Temperature Controls............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
First Aid Facilities................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Emergency Response........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Signage................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

1.1 Previous Audit Findings AUDITEE
1. Is the action plan made to close the findings? Yes HSE Plan is Evident and approved
2. Is closing report with evidence of compliance has been Yes Records are evident and recordeded
made and recorded?
1.2 Health & Safety Policy AUDITEE
3. Is the policy displayed at conspicuous places? Yes Displayed on site office
4. Are the employees aware about key elements of the Yes
5. Is the policy explained to all new employees? Yes
6. The policy explained to all new employees during Yes

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induction and / or through TBT.
1.3 Leadership & Management Commitment AUDITEE
7. Does Leaders (eg:PM / CM) participate in safety Yes Participation in HSE walkdown /leadership tour are evident
inspection/tours regularly?
8. Does Leaders (eg:CM / RCM) attend on site HSE Yes Meering attendance records available
9. Presence/ cooperation of higher management during Yes High management visit are evident
10. Resource allocation to HSE (Housekeeping Team,PPE, Yes Mass housekeeping is conducted by all staff
training etc)?
Safety Reports AUDITEE
11. Is Safety Monitoring Report sent to HSE Manager on
time? Yes
Safety Training AUDITEE
12. Is the safety induction system in place? Yes
13. Are visitors given safety induction training? NO Need improvement
14. Is tool box training being conducted regularly? Yes TBT records are available
15. Is training matrix prepared and followed? No Matrix not updated
16. Are fire fighting training and other job specific safety
training being done regularly? No
17. Is there separate training hall with Audio – Visual systems
& sitting arrangements maintained? Yes Training hall functional
18. Are required 3rd party training Scaffolds, Rigging Slinging
etc) being done? Yes Rigging training certificates are not evident
19. Is the Training Calendar is available for the Month? No Training calendar not updated
20. Is the training feedback records available? Yes
21. Are training records, certificates and licenses available to
demonstrate the competence? Yes Few records are not evident
Hazards Identification Risk Assessment AUDITEE
22. Is project specific JSA conducted for all significant
activities? Yes JSA is available for relevant activities , need improvment
23. Are they fully documented? Yes

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24. Is JSA being reviewed? Yes
25. Are JSA and evaluations communicated to all concerned? No Commination records not evident
26. Is the JSA available for all routine activities? Yes
27. Is the JSA available for all non-routine activities Yes
Employee Motivation AUDITEE
28. Is any key safety promotional activity organized i.e. safety Yes
contest/ safety exhibition/ safety campaign/ safety day?
29. Is suitable display boards (Safety Notice Boards etc) made Yes
30. Is effective use made of promotional materials e.g. Yes
Mandatory Sign Board, Warning & Prohibition sign,
posters, safety alerts etc?
31. Is Safety Suggestion scheme in place? Suggestion Boxes Yes
are available?
HSE Monitoring Meeting AUDITEE
32. Is meeting conducted periodically? Yes
33. Are the minutes of meeting approved? Yes
34. Are the previous MOM reviewed and status of compliance
maintained? Yes
35. Is the attendees records available? Yes
36. Are the target date and closing date mentioned? Yes
37. Are the RCM/CM chairing the meeting? Yes
38. Are duties and responsibilities defined during the meeting
for the compliance? Yes
Evaluation of Compliance AUDITEE
39. Is the applicable legal requirement is checked at regular
intervals? Yes
40. Are the records available for compliance verification? Yes
Communication, Participation & Consultation AUDITEE
41. Is the records available for all internal communication
within the site on HSE issues Yes

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42. Is the records available for all external communication
including complaints Yes
43. Is there a worker representative appointed? Yes
44. Is he aware of his roles? Yes
45. Is the safety representative appointment communicated to
all persons? Yes
Emergency Preparedness & Response AUDITEE
46. Is the emergency situations are identified ? Yes
47. Is the records available for mock drills for identified
emergencies Yes
Objectives & Programme(s) AUDITEE
48. Are objectives and targets documented? Yes
49. Is the organisation objectives are communicated to all
persons? NO
50. Is the records available for monitoring identified objectives
at site? Yes Regular audit, Inspection records are available
Safety Inspections AUDITEE
51. Is daily safety inspection carried out? Yes Site Observation records are maintained
52. Is weekly safety inspection carried out? Yes Walk around are carried out and recorded
53. Is violation notice being issued to violators? Yes Violation notice records are evident
54. Are safety inspections being followed and closed Yes
Accident/ Incident Reporting & Investigation AUDITEE
55. Accidents/ incidents are reported & investigated Yes
56. Are corrective/ preventive actions closed? Yes
57. Has a non-injury (Near misses) reporting system been Yes
58. Is injured person being followed to know the health status? Yes
59. Reports are forwarded to HO in time. Yes
Incident Investigation AUDITEE
60. Is there any incident recorded? Yes

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61. Is the investigation records available for all incidents? Yes
62. Is the Investigation reports is complete with all completed Yes
63. Is the report circulated and communicated among site Yes
Nonconfirmity, Corrective & Preventive Action AUDITEE
64. Is there any non conformances identified at site? yes
65. Is the Non conformances are closed ? yes
Housekeeping/ Site access
66. General Cleanliness of all areas. yes
67. Are walking ways clearly defined, unobstructed and width NO Few are materials stacking obstructing walk ways
adequate for needs?
68. Are stairs well cleaned and properly maintained? Yes
69. Are work areas accessible, fenced / barricaded? Yes
70. Are rebar protection caps used for protruding rebars? NO Rebars are found without protection
71. Are waste skips/ bins provided separately for food, yes
chemicals & construction waste, and being used?
72. Is there regular removal/ disposal of the waste? Yes
73. Is temporary storage of materials and supplies done in an yes
organized fashion? Ex: Segregation, Visual Display
74. Adequate lighting / Ventilation is maintained wherever Need Improvement
75. Is dedicated housekeeping team deployed? Yes
Edge protection AUDITEE
76. All edges (excavations ,heights, manholes, etc) identified
and controlled NO Heights work area hand rail and midrail to be install
77. Are leading edges protected by providing Suitable toe
board, intermediate & main railings? Yes
78. Is open excavation, manholes, uneven surfaces
barricaded? yes
79. Is edge protection removal permit system in place? yes

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80. Warning signs posted Yes
Working at height (Scaffolding etc) AUDITEE
81. Is erection, dismantling, alteration being done by
competent scaffolders? Yes
82. Scaffolders are given required 3rd Party as well as in-
house safety training. NA
83. Is correct sequence for scaffold erection / dismantling
being followed? yes
84. Are operatives adequately supervised? Yes
85. Are scaffold components visibly free from any physical
damage? yes
86. Is scaffold erected on a firm and substantial surface with
base plate, bracing, ties and other requirements? Yes
87. Is the toe board, mid and top railings provided? Yes
88. Are loose planks being left on scaffold? Evidence of using
untied planks. Yes Advised to remove loose materials
89. Are planks in good condition and properly installed? Yes
90. Is Ladder provided / secured for access to scaffold work
platforms? Yes
91. Is Scafftag system in place? Yes
92. Is the scaffolding inspected periodically by competent
person? Yes
93. Correct use of Safety harness (twin lanyard) by scaffolders
& Others Yes
94. Safe access provided Yes
95. Adequately braced Yes
96. Secured to fixed structure Yes
97. Planks in good condition and secured properly Yes
98. Safe work at height by other workers Yes
99. Is there proper ladder for the job being used? Yes

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100. Are ladders in good condition (no missing or broken
rungs)? Yes
101. Designated place for damaged ladders with Do not use
sign. NO Do not use stickers not available
102. Is the step ladder placed at 75 degree from the ground? Yes
103. Is anybody holding the ladder while ascending on/
descending from the ladder? Yes
104. Is top end of the ladder tied up properly? Yes
105. Is the ladder inspected periodically? yes
Electrical Installation AUDITEE
106. Are all temporary circuits properly guarded and grounded? Yes
107. Are correct sockets in use? Yes
108. Are cables routed safely i.e. away from water, No tripping
hazards at work place and walkway/ passage. NA
109. Is ELCB of suitable tripping current incorporated? Yes
110. Is system in place to inspect electrical (DB, ELCB, DGs)
installation? Yes
111. Are inspection tag / stickers of ELCB, DB tag provided for
evidence? Yes
112. All cable connections in good condition Yes
Electrical Extension Cords AUDITEE
113. No joints in cable Yes
114. Weather proof connections Yes
115. Plugs fitted correctly Yes
Portable Power Tools AUDITEE
116. Are tools inspected for damaged cords? Yes
117. Are tools and cords properly grounded? Yes
118. Is the power tools inspection / tagging system in place? Yes Need improvement
119. Are shields and guards in place on the tools and in good
condition? Yes
Hand Tools AUDITEE

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120. General safe condition yes
121. Used for the purpose designed Yes
122. No home- made tools NO Hammer was found fabricated , removed from site
123. Are tools free of any obvious physical damage / mushroom
heads on chisel / hammers? Yes
124. Are handles on all tools in good condition? Yes
Lifting And Rigging Gear AUDITEE
(All type of slings, chains and related equipment)
125. Are valid third party test certificates available? Yes Area need more improvement
126. Correct storage facility yes
127. Condition good (No fraying, stretched, birdcages, etc.) Yes
128. Proof of inspection (correct colour coding for the period) yes
129. Hook safety latches fitted and operational No Latches are found lose in F15
130. Are lifting equipments (slings loading buckets, concrete
basket etc) in good conditions? na
131. Are lifting machines / tackles & hoist being inspected
periodically? Yes
132. Is all other construction equipment being inspected
internally? See evidence of inspection. Yes
Mobile Cranes AUDITEE
133. Are valid third party test certificates available? Yes
134. Is the operation authorized and competent? Yes
135. Are trained Rigger /signalman /slinger available? NO Training records are not evident
136. Are the rigger /signalman /slinger authorized and
competent? NO Riggers training in progress
137. Is the area barricaded? NO
138. Are taglines/Guide ropes used? Yes
139. Is the load chart available and visible to operator yes
140. Is the load indicator operational Yes
141. Functional reverse alarm Yes
142. Adequate machine guarding fitted on all moving parts Yes

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143. Limit switch working yes
144. Daily check sheet and operation log up to date available Yes
145. Fire extinguisher on board and working No Few area fire extinguisher not available
146. Outriggers placed correctly yes
147. Crane hook(s)in good condition Yes
148. Valid, up to date certificates for SWL and ropes. Yes
Permit To Work AUDITEE
149. Is the PTW followed? For example: Hot work, Working
inside the lift shaft, working inside the confined space,
removal of edge protection. Yes
150. Is PTW register maintained adequately? Yes
151. Is mobile crane approval / inspection in place? Yes
152. Are all Permits closing out after the completion of the task
and returned to the issuer? Yes
153. Are Permit issuer and receiver authorised and aware of
their duties? Yes
Excavations AUDITEE
154. Excavation permit in place Yes
155. Sufficient shoring, sloping, benching NA Sloping is provided
156. Edges , protected properly Yes
157. Proper access and egress provided Yes
158. Warning signs posted Yes
Chemical Agents AUDITEE
159. Are all chemicals stored as per MSDS / Shaded area
segregated and controlled?
160. Are required hazard warnings, signboards & Fire Fire extinguisher are not available at some specific location
extinguishers placed? NO tank area
161. Are hazardous chemicals listed out? NO List is not prepared
162. Are MSDS of the chemicals available? Yes
163. Is emergency first aid facility - eyewash available? Yes
Fire Prevention / Emergency Preparedness & AUDITEE

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164. Are extinguishers readily accessible and serviced
regularly? Yes
165. Are No Smoking signs are available? NA
166. Is smoking zone provided with all requirements? NO Designated area with signages not available
167. Are Employees trained in Emergency Evacuation? Yes
168. Is emergency exit provided and marked? Yes
169. Are all escape routes clear? Yes
170. Is Assembly point marked & known to all? Yes
171. Availability of Fire Hose reel. NA
172. Availability and adequate location of Man Basket. NA
173. Availability of Fire Alarm & Siren Yes
174. Is the mock drill conducted? Yes
Welfare Arrangements AUDITEE
175. Are adequate nos. of toilet & urinal provided? Yes
176. Is daily/ weekly drinking water facility is monitored? Yes
177. Is the plan (safety activities calendar) displayed, followed
and reviewed. NA
Personal Protective Equipment AUDITEE
178. Are proper PPE provided and used task-wise? Yes
179. Are the conditions of PPE good? Yes
180. Is the site having adequate stock of safety appliances for
their day-to-day use? No Few PPE not found adequate stock quantity
181. Employees awareness / training in correct use of PPEs. Yes
182. Are the issue records being maintained properly? Yes
Plant& Equipment- Mobile Plant, Equipment And AUDITEE
(i.e. any type of self-propelled vehicle or plant
183. Daily check sheet and operation log up to date and
available Yes

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184. Emergency equipment on board (fire extinguisher No Few vehicles found without fire extinguisher
185. Valid site vehicle pass and registration Yes Two vehicles Tag with other agency
186. Used for the purpose designed yes
Plant & Equipment- Welding Machines AUDITEE
187. Machine guarding in place yes
188. Earth leakage device fitted Yes
189. Hot work permit requirements adhered to Yes
190. Fire extinguisher serviceable, identified and in place yes
191. All cable connections in good condition Yes
Plant & Equipment- Generators AUDITEE
192. Daily check sheet and operation log up to date and
available Yes
193. Numbered and identified Yes
194. Machine guarding in place Yes
195. Earth leakage device fitted Yes
196. Fire extinguisher serviceable, identified and in place Yes
197. No oil leaks (bunted/ spill kit/drip tray available) Yes
198. Fuel supply controlled( bunted/spill kit/drip tray available) Yes
199. All cable connections in good condition Yes
200. Access restricted Yes Cable found crossing on road side
201. Warning signs posted Yes
Plant & Equipment- General AUDITEE
(cement mixers ,conveyors compactors,etc)
202. Daily check sheet and operation log up to date and
available Yes
203. Machine guarding in place Yes
204. Fire extinguisher serviceable, identified and in place Yes
205. No oil leaks ( bunted / spill kit/drip tray available) Yes
206. Used for the purpose designed Yes
Gas Cutting Equipment AUDITEE
207. Numbered and identified Yes

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208. Flash back arrestors fitted yes
209. Cylinders individually secured No Proper locking system to be develop
210. Cylinders in trolley yes
211. Hose condition good Yes
212. Fire extinguisher available
Y Yes
213. Fire extinguisher in place Yes
214. Hot work permit requirements adhered to Yes
Site Access And Traffic Controls AUDITEE
215. Vehicle routes clearly demarcated No Routes drawing are submitted
216. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic separated clearly Yes
217. Traffic management plan in place and updated Yes
218. Access route indicator signage in place NO
219. Clear road and walkway surfaces Yes
220. Relevant road safety signs in place Yes
221. Sufficient and adequate lighting on all routes Yes
222. Flagman /traffic monitors in place where required Yes
Site House Keeping AUDITEE
223. All cables and piping routed properly Yes
224. Unobstructed access to all areas NO Cables and materials found on access
225. Work and access ways clearly separated No Few working area access found not clear
226. Demarcated storage areas for material and equipment Yes
227. Dedicated hose-keeping team yes
228. Active housekeeping program in place Yes
Waste Management AUDITEE
229. Active waste management plan in place Yes
230. Waste separation maintained and supported by
demarcated waste point Yes
231. Sufficient bins (with lids)provided in all areas NO Need more waste bin at site
232. Waste removed regularly (no overflowing bins/skips) Yes
Stacking &Storage AUDITEE

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233. All stacking done neatly Yes Area need further improvement
234. Proper access provided for all equipment(e, g, forklifts,
trucks, etc) yes
235. Stacking and storage areas demarcated clearly and in
required location Yes
236. Safe lifting and stacking practices applied Yes
237. Separation applied in relation to material type stored yes
Hazardous Substance Storage AUDITEE
238. MSDS readily available for all substances Yes
239. Storage, area bunted (maximum volum+10%) NA
240. Correct PPE readily available and used Yes
241. Area clearly separated from other areas Yes
242. Warning signs posted NO Warning signs for storage area not evident
243. Warning signs posted
Gas Storage AUDITEE
244. Area clearly separated from other areas Yes
245. Access to and area controlled Yes
246. Gas types stored separately and demarcated Yes
247. Empty and full cylinders stored separately and demarcated Yes
248. Storage area ventilated and shaded Yes Proper shed to be provided
249. Cylinders secured and upright Yes
250. Cylinders in good condition Yes
251. Warning signs posted Yes
252. Electrical distribution boards conforming to requirements
253. Electrical power supply and installations conforming to
254. Machines guarding in place Yes
255. Machines placed in safe area to allow correct operation Yes
256. Machines numbered and identified
257. Machines operated by competent authorized persons only Yes
258. Overhead cranes/lifting devices conform to safe operation Yes

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and certification
259. Warning signs posted Yes
260. Specialized PPE available and used correctly Yes
261. Noise conservation controls in place Na
262. Good housekeeping maintained Yes
263. Sufficient and adequate lighting in all areas Yes
Noise Control AUDITEE
264. High noise areas identified NA
265. Noise monitoring conducted NA
266. Noise control program applied NA
267. Appropriate noise reduction PPE provided and used as
required Yes
Extreme Weather Control AUDITEE
268. Weather monitoring in place Yes Followed up Cairn whether monitoring massage
269. High wind controls in place ( cranes, working at heights,
dust. visibility, etc) Yes
270. Extreme weather work restrictions (high temperature,
rain ,wind. etc, limit) Yes
271. Extreme weather awareness program and related
notifications in place Yes
High Temperature Controls AUDITEE
272. Temperature, humidity and air flow/quality monitoring in
place Yes
273. Limited direct exposure to sun work areas (enough
shading in place) Yes
274. Provision of sufficient drinking water to all areas at all
time Yes
275. Clearly identified drinking water supply points Yes
276. Cooling rooms’ provided
277. Hot weather awareness campaign in place and active
278. Heat stress related cases treatment in place and active Yes

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279. Sufficient task cooling provided by fans, and/or air-
conditioning Yes
First Aid Facilities AUDITEE
280. Are required first aid kits available and properly stocked? Yes
281. First aid boxes centrally located and accessible from all
work areas Yes
282. Are first-aid material & equipments available? No Area need improvement as per the requirement
283. Is qualified male nurse/ first-aider available? Yes
284. Is list of first-aid items & first-aider displayed?
285. Is first-aid box/ room inspected periodically? First aid
boxes stock checked and immediately replenished as
required Yes
286. The size of first aid room is 20x12 feet. ?
287. Is injury records are being maintained? Yes
288. Appropriate signage indicating first aid box location
289. Secondary medical treatment available ( I, e, clinic, doctor,
ambulance) Yes
Emergency Response AUDITEE
290. Emergency procedures posted in all areas NO
291. Emergency assembly points demarcated Yes
292. Emergency telephone numbers posted in all areas Yes
293. Emergency services ( ambulance, fire engine, rescue,
etc.) available Yes
294. Emergency alarms in place and audible /visible all over
work site Yes
295. Emergency response team member identified Yes
296. Symbolic safety signs posted (highly visible colour with
picture) Yes
297. Signage durable and weather proof NO
298. Correctly placed and type in all relation to its purpose Yes

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299. Old/invalid signage removed Yes

Auditor Name :
Date :

Signature :

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