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Religions of Karameikos 1

Religions of Karameikos
Religions of Karameikos 2

Traladaran life (accepted, as was Zirchev accepted by

Halav), and the responsibility of every Traladaran to
fight evil in its myriad forms (including both passive
and militarised resistance against invaders). The Church
also serves the community by providing guidance,
performing ceremonies, and supporting traditional
cultural expressions, such as the Shearing.
Religions of Karameikos
Followers of the Church of Traladara attend a formal
by Giampaolo Agosta ceremony, which involves an elaborate ritual granting
forgiveness for repented misdeeds, prayers for the ill
and the dead, and readings from the Song. Such
This chapter expands the description of the religions and
ceremonies are held once daily in Mirros, and once
cults present in Karameikos. While the Church of
weekly in smaller parishes throughout the countryside.
Karameikos (20%) and the Church of Traladara (70%)
Churches are always open, however, as it is common to
together attract circa 95% of the human population of
find a handful of faithful there, praying, at all hours.
Karameikos, there remains a 5% of the population that
either follow foreign cults (e.g., churches from Thyatis,
Darokin or the Minrothad Guilds) or even darker, Larger churches also typically contain three or more
entropic cults. small shrines in niches off of the main sanctuary. These
shrines are each dedicated to a particular aspect of one
of the three Traladaran patron Immortals. Halav, Petra,
The Church of Traladara and Zirchev each have countless aspects, as every
village worships one particular to their local area. Sages
Circa 70% of the human population of Karameikos believe these aspects reflect guises in which the
belongs to the Church of Traladara, the major native Immortals have given aid or comfort to Their chosen
religion. While its belief date back to the Traldar Age over the centuries, as well as remnants of ancient
of Heroes, the church itself has been around for circa six Traldar Immortals. The most common aspects are given
centuries. It has suffered several major setbacks with below:
the Silver Purge, the holy wars, and finally the
Marilenev rebellion, which all but destroyed a Pantheon
generation of church leaders. The Church of Traladara worships primarily the three
Great Heroes, Halav, Petra and Zirchev.
The Church of Traladara concerns itself primarily with None of the three is given precedence over the other, as
the behaviour and morality of its followers. Church the church stresses the importance of cooperation and
doctrine, therefore, forbids that followers should cause strength found in unity.
harm to others or their property. Such unlawful
behaviour is considered to contradict the examples of Halav: Beast-Slayer; Lawgiver; the Eternal Champion;
proper comport as given in the Church's holy text, The the Celestial King; the Unconquerable Warrior; the
Song of King Halav. Therefore, the Church supports Just; the Wise; Divine Judge
punishment for said immoral acts (as these are
blasphemy), in proportion to the crime - up to and Petra: Defender of the People; the Divine Mother;
including the death penalty, for heinous crimes such as Weaver of Fate; Hearth-Maiden; Sacred Healer; the
murder. "As the Beast-King did slay Halav, so Halav Fair Warrior; the Gentle Queen
slew him in kind," goes a common sermon on such
solemn occasion. Zirchev: Mageborn; the All-Knowing; the Sly;
Nightwalker; the Blazing-Arrow; Elf-Friend; the Wild
Other Church dogmas are supported by the Song, such Huntsman; the Changeling; Unerring Councilor.
as the proper behaviour of women (strong defender of
the home, and supporter of men), the role of magic in
Religions of Karameikos 3

Several other Immortals are acknowledged as powerful, When the Thyatian missionaries started collecting the
but remote, forces. These are mostly the Immortals Song of Halav, and taught the Traladaran how to write,
worshipped by the ancient Traldar -- Ixion, Khoronus, they set the basis for the unification of the religious
Djaea, Tyche, Asterius, and so on. thought across all of Traladara.
However, these Immortals are not generally worshipped Three main ways of thought emerged, based in the
and only theology specialists are aware of their towns of Svoga (near Halag), Marilenev and Selenica.
existence, names, and rituals.
Most clerics just know that the Tarsian Twelve are The Selenican church was heavily influenced by its ties
powerful Immortals that were once the patron of the with the Darokin monarchy, and, while named Church
Traldar people, but left that role to Halav, Petra and of Halav, did actually retain much of the older Traldar
Zirchev. pantheon, including Ixion, Khoronus and especially
Modern Traladaran cleric associate the Tarsian Twelve Asterius.
with natural phenomena that are beyond the control of It quickly spread across the mountains to the northern
humans -- such as the sun, earth, and weather. Traladaran clans in Lugsid (modern Threshold) and
Vaion (near the site of modern Penhaligon, but on the
Finally, several lesser heroes are also acknowledged, northern bank of the Shutturga).
and local cultural activities are held to honour them. Its coat of arms displayed per pale: azure, the moon; or,
These may be Immortals, such as Chardastes, or simply Halav proper.
long-gone mortal heroes or kings, such as Tarhek the
Radiant or Prince Ithron. The Marilenev church was more similar to the modern
Church of Traladara, and was the first to bear that
The church activities and rituals focus on the historical name.
events of the Song of Halav, with festivals where the It was more influenced by Thyatian missionaries, and it
battles against the Beastmen are re-enacted, and, on a was the first to adopt the brown robe as a formal clerical
smaller scale, on the spiritual needs of the worshippers. vestment.
Traladaran priests are generally down to earth, and so Its coat of arms displayed natural, a priest argent.
are their teachings -- generally, they are oriented toward
tolerance, goodwill, respect of fellow humans and The Svogan church had more influences from the
similar virtues. neighbouring Five Shires, as well as from Harbortown --
The concept of sin is not clearly distinguished from that the real power behind the throne in western Traladara at
of crime -- in general, the Traladaran priests did act as that time.
judges in the pre-Thyatian clan system, and the modern This church focused its worship on Halav alone, leaving
theology closely reflects that approach, even though only a lesser role to Petra and Zirchev.
modern priests do not have judiciary powers. It was also more militant, and in the decades between
400 and 450 AC, it raised a military order, the Knights
History of Halav.
The Church of Traladara was formed around 400 AC in Its coat of arms displayed natural, a sword or armed
the town of Marilenev, as a result of the closer argent.
interactions between the local Traladaran population and
clerics from Thyatis, Harbortown and New Alphatia. The three churches had slightly different beliefs and
philosophies, and controlled territories allied with
The original Traladaran cult had been much more different powers.
informal, with clerics generally trained in a master- Thus, they did not last long -- a cruel civil war erupted,
apprentice system within each major clan. and the Svogan Church of Halav was all but destroyed,
Since the Traladaran culture was orally transmitted, the while the Selenican church survived beyond the
priests served primarily as bards, advisers and healers to mountains under the Alasiyan emirs.
the Traladaran nobles, in many ways like the The modern Church of Halav in the Gulf of Hule and
modern godi in the Northern Reaches. the Church of Olgar in Hule are direct descendants of
Halav was the most popular patron, though Petra was the original Svogan Church of Halav, brought to the
also well liked by the townsfolk, and Zirchev had some Savage Coast by exiled priests from the Halag region.
following in the more remote communities.
Religions of Karameikos 4

The Church of Traladara managed to survive through a Church of Karameikos in Threshold still render this
number of other crises, including the Vampire Wars and project infeasible.
the Marilenev Rebellion.
The rebellion brought the death of many church officials
who had sided with the Marilenev against young Duke The current status of each Patriarchate is reported in
Stefan, leaving the church with few experienced Table 1.
Only now is the church recovering, under the leadership
of Patriarch Aleksyev Nikelnevich. Patriarchates of the Church of Traladara
Patriarchate Holder Current see
The church is led by the Patriarch of Marilenev, Marilenev Aleksyev Nikelnevich Specularum
Aleksyev Nikelnevitch (C11), a capable, middle-aged Krakatos Vacant since 995 AC Specularum
warrior priest. Vidrin Tamara Iliescu Vorloi
Unfortunately, there are few other experienced clerics, Dmitrov Zoltan Shtolin Dmitrov
as the old generation priests are getting too old, and the Halavos Vassily Balahov Kelvin
best members of the generation of the 940 died in the (regent)
conquest and rebellion. Vaion Vladimir Marushka Penhaligon
Moreover, Sergyev's schism of 995 brought away more Lugsid (not assigned since Threshold
priests -- Sergyev himself was the second highest 900 AC)
ranking church official, the Patriarch of Krakatos.
Lumm (not assigned since N/A
721 AC)
A crop of younger priests is being named to important
Halag Vacant since 1000 AC Luln
positions, such as the freshly-named Bishop of Kelvin,
Balahov, and the Patriarchs of Vaion (Penhaligon) and Ourosco Jozsef Kazmarek Vandevicsny
Vidrin (Vorloi). Koriszegy (not assigned since N/A
However, the Patriarch of Luln (actually, of Halag in 743 AC)
exile), Arkadi, has recently died of old age, and the Svoga (merged with Halag) Luln
Patriarch is looking for a suitable replacement.
Below the Patriarchs, the traditional organisation only
Historically, the Church was organised into twelve had Priests and Novices.
Patriarchates (Marilenev, Vidrin, Dmitrov, Krakatos, In modern times, Bishops have been introduced,
Halavos, Vaion, Lugsid, Lumm, Halag, Ourosco, modelled on the Church of Thyatis, to take
Koriszegy, and Svoga), four from each of the three responsibility for populated regions that are not part of
original branches of the church. one of the historical Patriarchates, such as Rugalov.
In time, the see of the Patriarchs of Krakatos moved to Bishops also replace Patriarchs in some recently re-
Lazkow, the Patriarchates of Halag and Svoga were established sees, such as Kelvin and, until a few years
merged into a single see, and the Patriarchate of Halavos ago, Penhaligon, or help the Patriarchs of sees that have
moved first to Volaga and in modern times to Kelvin. grown beyond the managing of a single person, such as
During the Vampire Wars, the Patriarchates of Vaion, in Specularum.
Lumm, Koriszegy, and Lugsid were all but destroyed,
and have since remained vacant, or assigned as honorary Holy / Feast Days
titles to high-ranking priests in Specularum.
Only the Patriarchate of Vaion was re-established about Church holy days often change locally, according to an
twenty years ago, in Penhaligon. important regional feast-day, or a day holy to a local
Immortal aspect. However, the High Patriarch of Mirros
- head of the entire Church - sets common holy days,
There have been talks of re-establishing the Patriarchate which all faithful observe. The most important of these
of Lugsid in Threshold, but the loss of the Shield of major feast days fall close together, making summer the
Halav, the famed relic traditionally protected by the holiest season for the Church. Holy days include:
Patriarch of Lugsid, as well as the strong presence of the
Religions of Karameikos 5

 Beasts' Day (1 Felmont ) - The battle between years, radical Traladarans on this day have
Halav and the Beast-King, and the end of the taken to fomenting unrest with speeches of the
gnoll invasion, is observed. In Mirros, a large "necessary" removal of the Thyatian-controlled
parade of celebrants, force, if necessary.
including charmed magical beasts, takes place  Days of Darkness (Klarmont 26-28 ) - Faithful
before a grand celebratory Church ceremony. observe Halav's ultimate sacrifice for the
This marks the beginning of the official Church Traldar people these three days. It is considered
calendar year. Beasts' Day is the only ill form (and very bad luck) for Traladarans to
Traladaran holy day recognised by the celebrate Halav's victory against the Beastmen
Karameikan and Thyatian governments (it's just on 1 Felmont without having gone to Church to
too big to ignore). "mourn" his necessary sacrifice first.
 Feast of the Three Stars (15 Felmont ) -
Traladarans celebrate the ascendance of Halav,
Petra, and Zirchev to Immortality. As legend
has it, three new stars appeared in the evening
sky, close together, in the weeks following the
defeat of the Beastmen, representing the new
Powers. On this night each year, children eat
star-shaped cakes and gaze up into the heavens
to see if the Immortals will "wink" at them for
good fortune.
 Feast of Tidings (15 Ambyrmont ) - The
faithful observe the meeting of Halav and
Zirchev, the magic-trained huntsman who
comes from the north with ill news of
Beastmen, massing for war. Traladarans honour
Zirchev's loyal service to Halav by honouring
magic (including hedge-magic and folk-magic)
and magic-users this day. Traladaran mages also
traditionally give a gift to the leader of their host
town or village.
 Queen's Day (28 Sviftmont ) - This holy day
marks the day Queen Petra of Krakatos allied
herself with the warrior Halav and his adviser,
Zirchev, in preparing for the coming war. On
this day, Petra is honoured in all her aspects,
from Maiden of the Hearth, to Mother of the
Traladarans, to Warrior Queen, to lover of
Halav, to Wise Matriarch. Festivities range from
solemn processions carrying images of Petra to
grand feasts. Women are honoured this day by
not having any domestic duties from dawn till
 Day of the Dark Champion (15 Kaldmont ) -
This day observes the dark necessity of Halav in
slaying the King of Lavv, who disbelieved the
Trio's warnings of the invasion. No bells are
rung, and faithful gather in church for solemn
ritual. Church fathers preach on Halav's
desperate choice: the death of one man, his
King, or the deaths of all unprepared
Traladarans in the coming invasion. In recent
Religions of Karameikos 6

The Church of Karameikos deliberate matters facing the church in the Great Synod.
Most patriarchs also periodically invite their subordinate
priests to elect twelve delegates to meet with them
The Church of Karameikos is yearly as a synod for their district, although this is not
a modern religion with roots in required.
Thyatian theology and
It is the religion followed by The Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Church
the vast majority of Thyatian- All Patriarchs and Matriarchs are at least ninth level.
blooded Karameikans, as well
as by many Karameikans of High Patriarch: Olliver Jowett. He doubles as Patriarch
mixed blood, and some of Specularum, watching over the church in the southern
Traladarans. seaboard.

It is mainly a Lawful religion, even though its pantheon Patriarch of Threshold: Sherlane Halaran. Northern
includes Immortals of all alignments. Karameikos is his responsibility.
It basically teaches that the fate of each soul in the
afterlife is based on its balance of sins. Commander of the Order of the Griffon: Alfric
The Church provides rituals through which worshippers Oderbry. He supervises the Order of the Griffon.
may free their souls from sins.
As such, the beliefs of the Church of Karameikos tend to Patriarch of Kelvin: Baron Desmond Kelvin II (He is
take the form of very detailed precepts of life, with the also a member of the Order of the Griffon, but was
associated penances for each violation. chosen for the Patriarchate on the death of his uncle, the
former Patriarch). Central Karameikos is under his
In this sense, the Church is much more dogmatic than its supervision.
Thyatian ancestor -- which simply mediates between
Immortals and mortals, generally letting every Matriarch of Luln: Natasha Markova. All of Western
Immortals' priesthood set its own standard and preach its Karameikos is effectively under her supervision.
own doctrine, within a general framework.
This policy was chosen by the founders to ensure a Matriarch of Rugalov (based out of Rugalov keep):
greater cohesion of the new Church, and avoid the Anastasia Romanova . Eastern Karameikos is under her
periodic crises that affected the Church of Thyatis. supervision, though at the present she's largely stuck
playing chaplain to the Rugalov garrison and squabbling
The Church of Karameikos is also bent on with Oderbry over who has jurisdiction
proselytising. Missionary efforts have been mostly over several Order of the Griffon
directed towards the Traladaran natives, though recently fortified monasteries in
clerics are being sent to the Five Shires as well -- the Dymrak.
though, once more, with no success to report.
The Order of
Organisation: the Griffon

The Church of Karameikos is a fairly well ordered The Order is

hierarchy. Its head is the high patriarch, currently the military
Olliver Jowett, who serves for life once elected by the wing of the
patriarchs and matriarchs of the church. Church, led by
Patriarch Alfric
Each patriarch oversees the church in a region of the Oderbry. They
country radiating out from the city in which his temple provide
sits, appointing priests to all the temples within his bodyguards for the
district. One patriarch serves as the head of the Order of Patriarchs, guards for the major
the Griffon, the Church's military arm. Every year, the temples, and provide the manpower which the Patriarchs
patriarchs assemble for two weeks (or longer) to call on in times of war to fulfil their duties to the Duke
Religions of Karameikos 7

as landholders. The Order is a mix of Paladins, Fighters, Up to thirty years ago, its founders were priests of the
Clerics, and Warriors. It has two branches: the Soldiers Church of Thyatis.
of the Griffon, who are a mixture of low level Warriors They were called by Duke Stefan Karameikos to cater to
and Fighters who serve the church, providing temple the spiritual needs of the Thyatian settlers who were
guards, garrisons for the fortified churches of the colonising Traladara.
wilderness, and military forces to meet the feudal
military duties of the Church. The Knights of the Under the leadership of Patriarch Olliver Jowett, these
Griffon are a mixture of Paladins and Clerics who priests decided to leave the Church of Thyatis and found
perform holy quests, bodyguard the Patriarchs, and a new church.
command the Soldiers of the Griffon in garrison duties There were several reason for leaving the Church --
and peacetime. All are at least fifth level. political ones, as Duke Stefan wanted the Church to
work towards the full independence of Karameikos from
The order mans a dozen or so fortified Thyatis, but also philosophical and practical ones.
monasteries/manors built in wilderness zones, whose The Church of Thyatis was indeed prone to infighting,
revenues help to fund the order and whose dangers keep due to the many different Immortals and philosophies
it in fighting trim. accepted, and to corruption, since position were awarded
by the Emperor, the Senate, or by election rather than by
Pantheon the will of the Immortals.
The major Immortal patrons recognized by the Church The constant quarrels between radical followers of Ixion
of Karameikos are and Vanya might be tolerable in cosmopolitan Thyatis,
but would be a fatal weakness in a frontier land like
Asterius Karameikos.
Pax Bellanica (Tarastia)
Vanya Thus, Patriarch Jowett and his followers selected a
Valerias smaller set of Immortals that would be looked up as
Ilsundal models for the new church, and used their own
Kagyar philosophies as the one and only doctrine of the church.
Since many of Duke Stefan's followers were Kerendans
Ilsundal and Kagyar were chosen by the founders to or Hattians, Vanya included in the pantheon, but Ixion
appeal to the demi-human inhabitants of the Grand was left out.
Duchy, though with very limited success, as the demi-
humans have a very different view of religion, more The new church was very successful in converting the
related to personal or family worship than to public, Thyatian colonist, most of whom had been fairly poor, if
ritualistic worship. not ruined, in Thyatis, and wanted to build a new life in
Karameikos, much less in converting the Traladarans.
Vanya, Valerias and Tarastia were chosen as the Thus, fanatical factions developed within the Church,
major Thyatian Immortals -- the presence of these preaching the forced conversion of unbelievers.
Immortals guarantees that the Thyatians who come to Only the authority of Patriarch Jowett keeps these
Karameikos see the Church as simply a national variant factions from launching a crusade against the Church of
of the Church of Thyatis. Traladara.
The philosophy of the church actually does not agree Unfortunately, Jowett is now old, and will not be able to
much with the teachings of Valerias, but the Girder-On keep the leadership for long.
of Weapons is so popular that the new Church could not It is impossible to say whether the moderate wing, led
expect much following, had it not included her. by Patriarch Sherlane Halaran, will be able to rebuff the
extremist wing of Patriarch Alfric Oderbry.
Asterius is the personal patron of Patriarch Olliver
Jowett, the leader and founder of the Church. Organization
This Immortal is worshipped in his aspect as the patron The Church of Karameikos has many more Patriarchs
of trade and merchants. and Bishops than the Church of Traladara, even though
it has a much smaller number of Priests.
History Most priests of the Church of Karameikos live in
The Church of Karameikos is a recent creation. structures owned by the Church itself, and work
Religions of Karameikos 8

exclusively for the Church. Domains: * Good, Healing, Law, Protection

Thus, there are fewer itinerant priests and even fewer
village priests than in the Church of Traladara. The Church of Karameikos was an effort to blend
On the other hand, each temple of the Church of Traladaran religion with Thyatian; the result is not
Karameikos is generally manned by more priests and always entirely self-consistent, especially as they
novices than the typical Traladaran shrine. desired to appeal to all the races of Karameikos. Each
immortal represents one of the twelve virtues. The
Geographically, the structure of the Church mirrors the twelve immortals of the Church of Karameikos are:
administrative organisation of the Grand Duchy of
Karameikos. * Cleverness--Korotiku the Trickster (Thought)
Each fief is considered a Diocese, which may be the see
of a Bishop or a Patriarch. * Compassion--Chardastes the Healer (Time)
The Patriarchal or Episcopal titles, however, are not
directly linked to the sees -- though there are enough * Courage--Halav Red-Hair (Thought)
Patriarchs that none of the baronial Dioceses is held by a
Bishop. * Craftsmanship--Kagyar the Artisan (Matter)
Indeed, Patriarchs like Alfric Oderbry and Aleena
Halaran are not attached to a specific see, having instead
* Defence of the Weak--Petra the Holy Defender (Time)
other positions in the church -- either as high officials
(Marshals) in the Order of the Griffon, or as Vicars
(overseers of a single city) or Legates (ambassadors to * Discipline--Djaea, Averter of Catastrophes (Matter)
other nations).
The same happens for Bishops not awarded their own * Justice--Tarastia the Just (Energy)
* Love--Valerias, Patron of Lovers and Girder-on of
Also, some Dioceses are not truly active, especially Weapons (Matter)
those in Traladaran fiefs like Marilenev, Sulescu,
Vandevicsny, Rugalov and Dmitrov. * Patience--Khoronus, Father of Time (Time)
The titles are still awarded to Bishops, but these priests
actually reside in Specularum, mostly involved in * Peacefulness--Koryis, Patron of Peace and Prosperity
political manoeuvres to obtain funds for missionary (Thought)
activities from the Duke.
* Respect for Nature--Zirchev (Energy)
In addition to the Dioceses, there are Chaplaincies,
which are associated with less civilised territories under * Scholaship--Ixion the Adventurous Scholar (Energy)
military jurisdiction.
Currently, the Order of the Griffon does not have any
hall or monastery outside Specularum.
It does, however, provide military chaplains to the five Cleverness--Korotiku the Trickster (Heaven of Winds)
keeps of Karameikos.
Any Priest-Knight of the Order of the Griffon can be Ruler of the Heaven of Winds, Korotiku is the trickster
assigned as Chaplain, though often this is a position whose pranks bring wisdom and laughter to all who
reserved to Bishop-Knights. meet him. He encourages his followers to puncture the
pretensions of those who have become lost in their own
* Symbol: A twelve-pointed star self-importance and to bring comfort to those in pain
through humour. Korotiku was one of the ancient
* Colours: Blue and Yellow Traladaran patrons, although the Thyatians also
worshipped him, especially the Pearl Islanders.
* Sacred Days:
Compassion--Chardastes the Healer (Heaven of
* The first day of each month; each month is sacred to a Waters)
particular Immortal.
Religions of Karameikos 9

In the wake of the great war against the beast-men 2000 Discipline--Djaea, Averter of Catastrophes (Heaven of
years ago, Chardastes travelled between the villages of Stone)
Traladara, healing all those who had suffered at their
hands. He even healed beast-men he encountered along Djaea rules the Heaven of Stone, the world as it was
the way, which proved his downfall, for a band of them intended to be before the plotting of the Fiends of the Pit
tried to carry him off to keep as a healer. He offered no marred the world. She it was who laid out the plans the
resistance, but refused to offer obeisance to their foul Immortals used to forge it, and she who was first to see
gods, so they slew him in a fit of rage. The Immortals the plots of Entropy. Her struggle against them is patient
then took him up and made him one of their number. and endless. She it was who warned Halav and Petra and
Chardastes is the steward of the Heaven of Waters, Zirchev of the coming of the Beast Men, and she it was
tending to the needs of its inhabitants with quiet cheer. who still cries for fallen Blackmoor, which failed to
He encourages his followers to offer compassion and heed her warnings. She and Khoronus were wed in the
forgiveness to all, especially to their enemies. dawn of the world. She encourages her followers to be
steadfast and true, to resist the temptations offered by
Courage--Halav Red-Hair (Heaven of Winds) the Fiends, to never abandon a project from boredom or
exhaustion, but instead to persevere to the end.
Halav was the leader of Traladara in the great war
against the beast-men, and it was he who slew their
hideous leader in battle, he who brought the arts of
metal forging to men. He now leads the griffon-riding Justice--Tarastia the Just (Heaven of Fire)
Hosts of the Heaven of Winds in their wars against the
Fiends of the Pit. He is husband to Petra the Defender. Her worship in Traladara is recent; Traladarans always
He encourages his followers to be steadfast and brave. looked to Halav and Djaea for justice. The Thyatians
say she is one of their own, the legendary empress
Craftsmanship--Kagyar the Artisan (Heaven of Valentia the Justiciar, who united the Thyatian Empire
Stone) in its early years by fairly offering equal citizenship to
all its subjects, making one people of all the nations.
Kagyar it was who forged the Dwarves from rock, Duke Stefan has followed her example in his efforts to
Kagyar it was who raised the mountains which shield make one people of Traladar and Thyatians. She leads
Karameikos from invasion, Kagyar it was who taught the hosts of the Heaven of Fire in their wars with the
Halav to forge metal, and Kagyar it is who watches over Fiends of the Pit. She encourages her followers to treat
the Dwarves and Gnomes of Traladara. His blessing others fairly, and to be just in all their dealings.
shines upon all those who build things which will stand
the test of time. Kagyar is the steward of the Heaven of Love--Valerias, Patron of Lovers and Girder-on of
Stone, ensuring that it will endure through the ages. He Weapons (Heaven of Stone)
encourages his followers to be craftsmen in stone and
metal, to build things which will endure forever. Valerias is another Thyatian goddess. She is the lover of
Ixion--their relationship is legendarily passionate and
Defence of the Weak--Petra the Holy Defender tempestuous. Like him, she is ancient beyond reckoning.
(Heaven of Waters) She is the especial patron of star-crossed lovers who
must battle against the odds, and has been known to
Wife to Halav and Queen of Traladara in the time of the bring weapons to those who must fight for their love.
beast-men, it was she who invented the arts of pottery She guards the Heaven of Stone with her Sacred Band.
and weaving, she who insured that none would starve by Her followers are encouraged to love with all their
beginning the storage of food against the famine the hearts and to open their hearts to others.
beast-men brought, she who called down the gods to do
battle against the demons who aided the beastmen, and Patience--Khoronus, Father of Time (Heaven of
she who found Halav's fallen body and preserved it from Waters)
desecration. To her is given the guardianship of the
Heaven of Waters. She encourages her followers to Husband to Djaea, Khoronus rules the Heaven of
protect the weak and innocent from assault and injustice, Waters, sailing his great ship down the rivers of time.
and to prudently prepare for hard times to come. He brings patient, purposeful change, change brought
Religions of Karameikos 10

about through careful planning and deep thought. The Fiends:

Unwilling to act until he thinks things all the way
through, he sometimes drives the other Immortals insane There are five great fiends who plot the destruction of
by being a little too patient, but when he acts, he is as all the works of the Twelve Immortal Guardians. Each is
decisive as anyone. He teaches his followers to both served by many lesser fiends. They are lead by
patiently accept what changes are beyond their control, Thanatos, He who is Death, the End of All Things. He
and how to intelligently guide the course of history so seeks to destroy all four of the Four Heavens, while the
far as it is within their power. other four Great Fiends each target a single Heaven.

Peacefulness--Koryis, Patron of Peace and Prosperity Death: Thanatos

(Heaven of Winds) Koryis is revered by the Ochaleans
of Thyatis, and with the integration of Traladara into At the End of All Things, the very bottom of the Pit, sits
first Thyatis and now Karameikos, his worship has Thanatos, as all things tumble down into his maw. He is
spread west. Koryis advocates trade as a way of building patient, for he believes that in the end, he will devour
networks between people that channel their energies into everything in an apocalypse from which there will be no
peaceful competition instead of war. He is the steward rebirth. He is too foolish to understand that death is
of the Heaven of Winds, encouraging its mercurial merely the prelude to new beginnings. Death has no
inhabitants to live in fruitful peace with one another. He especial foes, for he intends to devour everything in the
teaches his followers how to find the mutual interests end.
they share with others, and how to then cooperate with
them in order to benefit both. Destruction: Orcus (The Enemy of the Heaven of
Stone) Favoured by orcs.
Respect for Nature--Zirchev (Heaven of Fire)
Zirchev the Hunter aided Halav and Petra in the war Orcus is destruction made flesh,
against the Beastmen, learning the arts of the hunt, of the active principle which
scouting, and of ambush. His studies taught him the smashes big rocks into smaller
secrets of nature, and he learned to use its power by rocks and turns all to dust in the
flowing with its rhythms, instead of against them. He is end. It is by his plots that the
the steward of the Heaven of Fire; under his care the world was marred, and he hopes
Fire Forests have flourished. He teaches his followers to to one day destroy the Heaven
respect the wild places and the animals they hunt. of Stone, so that even the
memory of the world in its
Scholarship--Ixion the Adventurous Scholar (Heaven first bloom of perfection
of Fire) will be lost. His greatest
enemy is Djaea, Queen of
The King of the Heaven of Fire, Ixion is like fire: he the Heaven of Stone.
both warms and burns those who come close to him. He
advocates the life which balances action and Malice: Loki (Enemy of the Heaven of Winds)
contemplation, doing and being, war and wisdom. He
strives ever to learn more, and to do things with his Loki is malice, and jealousy, and spite and all the
knowledge. He encourages his followers to study the emotions which inspire people to hurt others and pull
world in order to change it. them down. He is the trickster whose pranks bring pain
and suffering to others, who bullies and mistreats the
weak and leads the proud to destruction. He is the
rubber of salt in wounds, the joker who kills, the fire
which burns all it touches. His greatest enemy is
Korotiku, King of the Heaven of Winds.

Despair: Hel (Enemy of the Heaven of Fire) Hel is

the greyness of despair, the one who whispers in your
ear that it is best to give up, to surrender, to accept that
there is nothing you can do about a bad situation. Why
Religions of Karameikos 11

fight? Why struggle? Why not just give in and accept Each of these Heavens cast a shadow, the so called
you cannot change the world for good or ill and spare 'Elemental Planes', where dwell many strange and
yourself the pain of your inevitable failure? That is the wondrous creatures, and they float in a great ocean
message she brings. Her greatest enemy is Ixion, King known as the Astral Plane, through which runs the
of the Heaven of Fire. Silver Road that leads from the Mortal World to that of
the Immortals.

As their light shines upon our world, our world casts a

Selfishness: Talitha (Enemy of the Heaven of Waters) shadow across the Astral Plane, a shadow known as The
Talitha teaches that one should always put one's self Pit, home to the Fiends, Immortals who have been
above all others, that everyone else exists only to serve swallowed by their own darkness and strive to mar all
you and your pleasures. Greed and self-indulgence are that the Immortal Guardians create. The Pit has five
the highest virtues in her sight. She struggles with great layers to it, four of which parody the Four
Khoronus, the King of the Heaven of Waters. Heavens, and the fifth of which lies below the other
four, the End of All Things, home to Thanatos, He Who
The Four Heavens and the Pit: There are four Is Death.
Heavens, each home to three of the Immortals who
watch over it. Those who die purified of their sins The Hell of Rubble is ruled by Orcus the Destroyer, a
ascend to dwell with the immortal whose virtue they great void full of broken chunks of all that is solid,
best manifested in life. constantly being broken into tinier bits. The Fiends of
Destruction, who live only to smash all else that is,
The first is the Heaven of Stone, ruled by Djaea, the dwell here, gradually destroying their own home.
world as it was before the Fiends of the Pit marred it in
the War of the Gods at the dawn of Time itself. The The Hell of Ash is ruled by Two-Faced Hel, the Lady
roads are made of silver so that no fell werewolf may of Despair and Misery. It is a grey and dismal hall built
walk them, and the sun never ceases to shine, driving from the fingernails of the dead, which stands in a great
away the vampire and all his foul kin. bleak plane of ash. There is no fire, no light, no hope
here, only dismal grey twilight and an eternity of
The second is the Heaven of Air, a great kingdom of existence without purpose or meaning. The Fiends of
clouds and wind, ruled by Korotiku. It is an ever Despair dwell here, moaning and bewailing their fate.
changing land, constantly reshaped as the clouds drift
about at the direction of those who rule them and dwell The Hell of Sand is ruled by Talitha the Vain, who
upon them. All the creatures of the sky find havens here, dwells within a great palace made entirely from stolen
and noble cloud and storm giants build their flying goods, surrounded by a bleak and lifeless desert of
citadels. endless sand under a constantly present hot summer sun.
Every wall is mirrored so that she and her Fiends of
The third is the Heaven of Water, a great ocean dotted Selfishness and Vanity can gaze upon themselves,
with islands green with life. Fishermen dwell upon the admire their own beauty, and count themselves lucky to
islands and gather their harvest from the sea, while not be among the hapless evil souls condemned to toil
beneath its surface dwell a million glorious civilisations. endlessly in the desert.
Khoronus rules there from his floating citadel where he
keeps the Great Book, in which all that ever happened is The Hell of Fire is a great charnel house ruled by Loki
written down. the Jealous, who dwells in a great hall built of the
charred and forged souls of the damned. All those
The fourth is the Heaven of Fire, where all is made of consumed by their own jealousy, hatred, and envy of
light and fire, a world we can hardly imagine. It is home others fall into the Hell of Fire where they are turned
to Ixion the Sun King, who makes his dwelling place into tools and money and food for the Fiends of Malice,
upon the back of a gold dragon the size of a continent. who fatten upon them. Sometimes Loki invites the
Here, all people become magicians of puissant power, newly damned to compete with him for the right to join
and fire burns without consuming. his fiends. The games are rigged so that no one but him
can win; Loki greatly enjoys the joke. The losers
become dinner for the winner.
Religions of Karameikos 12

The End of All Things is a great conical void whose Holy Books:
walls are made of solid nothingness, a funnel down
which all things slide into the waiting maw of Thanatos Most of the holy texts of the Church of Karameikos are
himself, who sits at the bottom, letting all things come either Thyatian or Karameikan in origin, and have been
to him as he believes they inevitably must. gathered together by Patriarch Jowett into what is called
'The Book of Twelve Stars'. It consists of:

* The Vision of the First Dawn (An account of the

Philosophy and Theology: creation of the universe as seen by Patriarch Jowett in a
The Church of Karameikos' most fundamental practice
is that of taking responsibility for one's ill deeds and * The Marring of the World (An account written from a
doing penance for them. Anyone can be redeemed if vision by the seventh century AC Thyatian visionary
they are willing to accept their own guilt and pay for it. Epithelius of Retebius. It deals with the rise of Entropy
The state of your soul at death is determined by how and the fall of the world from its first perfection.)
many of your sins you have done penance for. The
problem with this is that some abuse it as a blank check * Korotiku Steals the Secret of Death (Pearl Islander
to do evil things and pay for it later. story about how Korotiku stole the secret of death from
Thanatos, thus enabling himself to become immortal
The Church's ideal is the marriage of discipline and and those held prison in Thanatos' cave to escape)
creativity of thought and deed, but in practice, the
disciplinary aspect tends to predominate. This often * The Works of Kagyar (This is a spiritual history of the
leads to clashes with the various Traladaran faiths and Dwarves and of the deeds of Kagyar over the centuries.
with anyone else who deviates from the cultural norms Some now forgotten dwarven mystic wrote this at least a
of the Thyatian elite who currently dominate the thousand years ago. It contains an extensive description
Church. It also leads some to be willing to crusade of the Heaven of Stone)
against other faiths or lands to spread the faith.
* The Path of Light (an ancient text of Tarastia
Marriage is very sacred to the Church because mortal worshippers which lays out the twelve virtues and how
marriages are symbolic of the union of discipline (law) to follow them. As might be expected, it especially
and creativity (chaos) which forms part of its exalts the virtue of Justice.)
philosophy. It is to be noted that many of its patron
immortals are either married or in extremely long-term * The Five Curses of the Fiends (This dark and gloomy
relationships. Divorce is highly frowned on, and book was also written by Patriarch Jowett after a vision,
adultery and pre-marital sex are seen as grave sins. and describes the Five Hells and the Five Fiends in
disturbing detail and the curse which each of them has
The state of one's soul at death determines one's fate in put upon all the sentient races.)
the everlasting life. Those who die without repenting
their ill deeds sink into one of the hells, as appropriate * The Fall of Blackmoor (This is a lament by Djaea for
for their greatest sin. Those who die with their soul the fall of Blackmoor and for the destruction the Rain of
sufficiently cleansed by repentance and penance rise to Colourless Fire brought upon the world. It is a
the heaven which most closely reflects their greatest traditional Traladaran text.)
virtue. The most holy of those join the ranks of the
Champions who serve the Immortals. * The Song of Halav (Traditional Traladaran epic poem
about the Traladar-Beastman war of 1000 BC. Halav,
The Church of Karameikos condemns the various Petra, and Zirchev figure prominently)
divination practices of the populace of Karameikos
because they believe such methods are subject to * Zirchev's Testament (Traditional Traladaran text
manipulation by the Fiends, and are in fact a major tool which sets out Zirchev's warning to the Traladarans to
by which the Fiends tempt and destroy humanity. They respect the powers that dwell within the forests of their
also believe that they don't work and are foolish lands, said to have been dictated before he went forth to
Religions of Karameikos 13

war on the Beastmen and passed on by his children. Entropy corrupts and destroys.
Traladaran tradition holds that it was the failure to hold Once all were one,
to these commands which enabled the Five Fiends to But then the world was marred,
twist some of the forests dwellers into the lycanthropes And strife entered in its wake.
which plague Karameikos) Death seems everywhere triumphant.
For every soul he waits
* The Life of Chardastes (This is an account of the life At the End of All Things.
and death of Chardastes written by one of his followers.
It is Traladaran in origin) But he has forgotten the circle,
misreads the seasons,
* Love Songs (This book has three chapters, each of ignores nature's every sign.
which is a love poem from one of the Immortals to After fall comes winter,
another. The first is 'The Song of Petra', which is a but after winter is spring.
traditional Traladaran love poem written by Petra to The world's springtime will come again."
Halav on the eve of the battle with the Beastmen. She --The Marring of the World
clearly fears she will never see him again, and pours out
her heart to him. The second is 'The Passion of Valerias', "Those who cannot take a joke are the ones who most
written by Valerias to Ixion. It is a strange combination desperately need one to be given to them."
of pornography and spiritual ecstasy. The third is 'The
Pledge of Khoronus', in which he pledges his love to --Korotiku Steals the Secret of Death
Djaea. It shows the love of an old and stable couple in
whom the flame of love burns lower but more steadily.) "It is not easy to forgive, to love one's enemies. But
none of the good things in life come easily. Hate and
* The Analects of Koryis (This is a strange and destruction are the road that leads into the Maw of
enigmatic book which consists of 144 sayings, each of Thanatos. I will walk the harder road that leads into the
which is a four line poem. The book is divided into light."
twelve sections of twelve sayings each, with each
section being a different kind of poetry and focusing on --The Life and Death of Chardastes
a different topic. While of Thyatian origin, it has
circulated in Traladara for several centuries, being used "Halav shoved himself up the spear,
as a divination system. The Church of Karameikos and hacked off the Beast King's head.
frowns on its use for divination, regarding it as a For 'tis better to die a hero's death
depository of spiritual wisdom) than to live a coward's life."
--The Song of Halav
* The Prophecy of Hope (This was proclaimed by a
priest of Ixion in ancient Traladara after the destruction "Fires consume their fuel and die,
of the Beastmen. It contains twelve prophecies of future songs fade and stories are forgotten,
Traladaran triumphs, culminating in the utter overthrow wood burns and flesh rots away,
of evil and the restoration of the world to its original but stone and metal endure.
And so I command my children
to build their homes and tools
Selected Quotes from the Book of Twelve Stars:
on a solid foundation
for stone and metal endure."
"Eyes cannot see, words cannot tell
--The Works of Kagyar
the glory of the world in the first spring,
in the days when all was new,
"Fight not for your own glory, my love.
in the days before the world was marred,
and yet, I must try."
;Fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.":
--The Vision of the First Dawn
--The Song of Petra
"Before you can bring order to the world,
"Order protects and sustains
you must bring order to yourself.
Chaos creates and changes
Religions of Karameikos 14

Blackmoor never learned this lesson;

do not walk their road."
--The Lamentations of Djaea
"Let not the judge forget that one day he too will be
--The Path of Light
"Forge me with your hammer. Mould my clay into
something beautiful and harden me with the fires of
love. You are copper; I am tin. Let us become bronze."
--The Passion of Valerias
"In the winters of our love, remember the past and know
that spring always comes again. Winter is but a rest that
makes the spring all the sweeter. Be like the willow
which bends in the wind and returns to stand upright
when the wind passes, for it always does."

--The Pledge of Khoronus

"Everyone is someone else's stranger.

When you look upon a man you know not
and tell yourself he is odd and dangerous,
you ensure he will come to think the same of you."
--The Analects of Koryis
"Did you make the forest? Did you set the plants to
grow and the animals to their grazing and hunting? Can
you make more land, set a sun in the sky and rain to
fall? If so, then you may say the forest is yours, but you
know that is not so."
--The Testament of Zirchev
"Without knowledge, action is aimless. Without action,
knowledge is pointless. Do not choose merely to know,
or merely to do. Use your wisdom, or you will lose it."
--The Book of Hope.
Religions of Karameikos 15

The Cult of Halav

The Cult of Halav is a small, newer religion.

It was born in 995 AC, when Patriarch Sergyev received
a vision in dreams, which told him that the Immortals
had reincarnated King Halav in Stefan Karameikos.
Surprisingly enough, Sergyev was able to persuade a
number of clerics of the Church of Traladara, and
founded his own cult.

While the priests of the Cult are generally considered

madmen, they receive clerical powers, which means that
theirs is not a fake religion.
However, their powers do not mirror those of the priests
of Halav, though this is not apparent.

The Cult has no strict organisation.

Patriarch Sergyev is the unchallenged leader.
Under Sergyev there are cell leaders, who are in charge
of smaller or larger groups of cultists.

The Cult of Halav currently exists only in Specularum

and Kelvin, and has only a very limited number of
followers, less than 1\% of the Karameikan population.
Religions of Karameikos 16

In addition to the traditional Goblinoid Immortals,

several Entropic powers are worshipped, especially
Demi-human Religions Orcus and Leptar.

The three demi-human nations of Karameikos have their The Dark Triad
own cultures, laws, and religions.
Also known as the Temple of Evil Chaos in ancient
The Kingdom of Highforge is, like most dwarven and sources, or as the Cult of Demons, the Dark Triad is a
gnomish groups, very secretive about its religious powerful force for evil in Karameikos.
The dwarves worship Kagyar, and the Gnomes worship Pantheon
Garal Glitterlode. This cult worships primarily Orcus, but also other
The followers of this two Immortals generally do not Immortal Fiends, especially Leptar and Demogorgon --
interfere with each other, and keep their beliefs to together, the three Entropic form the Triad that gives the
themselves. name to this cult.
In ancient times, Demogorgon was the primary focus of
The Callarii Elves follow Ilsundal and Mealiden, while the cult, but since the great lycanthropic plagues, the
the Vyalia follow Ordana and Ilsundal. Orcus faction has gained the upper hand.
Both clans have their own Tree of Life, though the
Vyalia tree resides in Thyatian territory. The other Immortal Fiends are seldom worshipped, but
are still part of the cult's pantheon.
Karameikan Hin are mostly clanless.
Most of them remember the legends and songs of the History
High Heroes, but there is no organised cult. The origins of the Dark Triad are lost in the depths of
Few demi-human have any interest in human religions. The Temple of Evil Chaos already existed in the heroic
Those who do are seen as eccentrics, but are generally age of the Traldar.
left to their own devices. At that time, Demogorgon was the unchallenged leader
of the pantheon, but was largely ineffectual in
undermining the Tarsian Twelve.
The Goblinoid Pantheon Thus, other Entropic Immortals took the initiative,
leading the Gnollish hordes to the lands of Traldar.
Since Karameikan tribes are smaller than Broken Lands The cult barely survived the Beastman war, and was
tribes, they generally stick with one or two Immortals at reduced to individual witches and the occasional
most. isolated village of entropic cultists.
As usual, worship of opposed deities often leads to
feuds and even open war between neighbouring tribes. Then, Orcus came, set on becoming Halav's nemesis.
However, the Bugbear followers of Bartziluth and the First, he sent his pawns, the Witches of Dymrak, to
Gnoll followers of Ranivorus are divided by large recruit a great hobgoblin king, Leptar, securing many
expanses of Elven and Human territory, so open wars goblinoid clans to the cause of Evil Chaos.
are uncommon. Leptar succeeded in his goals to a great extent, joining
the cult pantheon as an Immortal, and leading to the
Wogar is the most popular goblinoid Immortal, since modern Dark Triad.
there are many more goblin than goblinoids of other
races. Then, Orcus engineered the theft of the Black Opal Eye
Bartziluth, Karaash and Ranivorus follow, with and the corruption of the magician Trinkla, reducing the
Jammudaru, Yagrai and Kurtulmak having the smallest power of the Seer of the Lake of Lost Dreams.
cults. However, his plan was for a short time foiled by the
Alphatian-trained, Thyatian-born wizard Elyas, who
became the new Seer and recovered the Eye.
Orcus sent the three witches, Karelena, Solorena and
Religions of Karameikos 17

Trilena, to kill Elyas.  The Witches of Dymrak. These nine mysterious

They succeeded, but Elyas was able to bind the spirits of witches have been around for almost two
the three witches, and the Black Opal Eye was lost. millennia, plotting and scheming -- often
furthering Orcus' goals, other times their own.
The Dark Prince then brought the lycanthropes, who The witches control several strong goblin clans,
desired revenge for the Silver Purge, into the cult, but have a powerful enemy in the Seer of the
making it easier for the cultists to survive in the Lake of Lost Dreams.
dangerous wildernesses of Traladara.  The Gambler. The devil swine known only as
The influx of lycanthropes in the cult brought not only The Gambler is a travelling agent of the Dark
the werewolf's hardiness, ferocity and survival skills,
but, perhaps more importantly, the devil swine's ability
 Several werewolf clans in the Wufwolde Hills
to control and manipulate others.
As the dust of the Traladaran Wars settled down, the and the Cruth Lowlands. The werewolf priest,
cult was able to infiltrate the towns. Kalkask, leads the Cult of Demons in the
Vaion especially fell to the cult, leading to the Wufwolde hills.
corruption of the Monastery on the Hill, and the rise of  Ilyana Penhaligon. This warrior woman, the
Queen Elendorath during the Vampire Wars. half-sister of Lady Arteris and self-proclaimed
"Queen of Vaion", is dominated by the spirit of
In the end, the Cult of Demons was defeated, Vaion was Elendorath, the old Queen of Vaion, who was
destroyed and the Monastery on the Hill razed. herself a cultist of Orcus. The evil priest, Bernal,
The cult itself, however, survived -- in the werewolf acts as her adviser. Ilyana has recruited a
lairs of the Wufwolde hills and the Cruth Lowlands, in number of mercenaries, both human and
the goblinoid holdings in the Caves of Chaos, and in the goblinoid.
dread forest of Dymrak.  Elwyn the Ardent. A former priestess of the
Church of Karameikos, Elwyn is now devoted to
Organization Leptar, and is the driving force behind the
The Cult of Demons is a chaotic organisation -- almost a resurrection of the Cult of Demons in the area
contradiction in terms. between Penhaligon and Threshold.
Personal power and pacts with the Immortal patrons  Other goblinoid tribes. The ancient Temple of
rather than hierarchy drive the cultists, making it Evil Chaos still survives in the Caves of Chaos,
difficult to eradicate, as not even the most powerful
near the Castellan's Keep, and attracts a
members have control over the whole structure.
On the other hand, the organisation suffers from number of orcish and goblin tribes. Also, the
infighting, conflicting personal agenda, and lack of dungeons of the Monastery on the Hill are still
communication. home to goblinoid cultists.

The Cult of Demons is stronger in eastern Karameikos,

especially in the Altan Tepee mountains, the Wufwolde
hills and the Dymrak Forest.

The main strength of the Dark Triad is in their

numerous, powerful pawns, including the following:

 The green dragon Argos the Worrier. From his

lair under the Rugalov River, Argos controls
several goblin tribes and a number of lesser
dragons. In spite of his power, the dragon is
exceedingly careful, as if his secret allegiance to
Orcus was exposed, all other dragon kings
would team up against him.
Religions of Karameikos 18

The Gens Celaenes His own shady past gave him the right contacts, and he
was able to persuade a high ranking Shadow Hand
guildsman, Lamacus, who had made several powerful
This fractious cult is based in Fort Doom, and finds enemies within the guild, to move in Fort Doom with
most of its adepts among the members of the Iron Ring his followers, where they would enjoy the Baron's
(Slavers Confederation). protection in return for taking care of the local thieves.
It is a Thyatianized version of the cult of Kala, which
the Iron Ring clerics have taken up in Jaibul.
Within three years, the newly formed group, not yet
known as the Iron Ring, got rid of the local opposition
Table 2: The Iron Ring Pantheon with the help of Pamphilion and his apprentices.
Meaning However, there was little left for them to do -- they
Standard Thyatian could not steal from the rich, since the Baron had
Sindhi name of Sindhi
name name reduced the Traladarans to poverty, nor they could take
"The over the protection racket from their Traladaran
Kala Hel Celaene predecessors, since the Baron was already squeezing the
local merchants dry.
Mahavasha Masauwu Magnanimus
Then, one of Pamphilion's apprentices had a brilliant
"Killer in
Jammudaru Jammudaru Antiphon idea -- the Black Eagle's rule was raising more and more
revenge" discontent among the local population.
"The Aphantos, While the Baron seized as many political opponents as
Bhajyagwan Loki Veiled Farbautides he could, his dungeons were getting full of them.
One" (rarely) So the wizard proposed to Von Hendricks to let the
"He who unemployed thieves dispose of the prisoners.
Bhrsharadha Brissard Hybristes
through This led to the formation of the modern Iron Ring, as
violence" former Ierendi pirates joined in to provide the means to
transport the prisoners to Jaibul, the prime market for
Pantheon slaves. Thyatis was originally avoided due to the enmity
The Iron Ring imported from its primary trading partner, between the Shadow Hand and Lamacus.
Jaibul, a number of dark gods, including Hel, Masauwu, Some of the most regular customers of the Iron Ring
Jammudaru, Loki and Brissard. were the priests of Kala, Bhrsharadha and Mahavasha.
The Iron Ring cultists rarely use the Sindhi names for As the slave traffic became the most important source of
the various Immortals, using instead the Thyatian names revenue for the Iron Ring, some members started
listed in Table 2. converting to the cult of these Immortals, especially
The cultists refer to themself as the Gens Celaenes, that
is the "House of Black Goddess". By 980 AC, the influx of political prisoner was down to
levels insufficient to support the market request for
History slaves.
The Iron Ring was formed when a branch of the Shadow So, the Iron Ring leadership, which, after the death of
Hand, the largest Thyatian Thieves' Guild, moved in to Lamacus, was composed of former apprentices of both
Halag in 973 AC. Lamacus and Pamphilion, had to expand their business
outside the Black Eagle Barony.
At that time, the Black Eagle was facing the opposition The Iron Ring was now structured in two layers: the
of a local Thieves' Guild, an organisation similar to Masters, leaders of the organisation, and the Reavers,
Specularum's Veiled Society. some of whom served under the Masters in Fort Doom,
He turned therefore to his court wizard for help in while others, more experienced, served as contacts in
dealing with these stealthy enemies, who had already the various Karameikan towns or as travelling agents.
tried thrice to assassinate him. Reavers were in charge of procuring new slaves by
The wizard, one Lucius Pamphilion, decided it was best kidnapping travellers, foreigners, or other people who
to use thieves to catch thieves.
Religions of Karameikos 19

would not raise much trouble on their sudden Masters appear to support the Jaibul priests, the issue of
disappearance. double loyalties has not yet arisen.

Contacts were established with goblinoid tribes such as Priests of this Sindhi cult often serve as support staff for
the Vileraider Bugbears to provide further slaves and the Iron Ring Masters or as liaisons with several
manage the secret transfers of slaves across the country. goblinoid tribes allied to the Iron Ring.
Meanwhile, the Reavers started working in the business Many lesser priests are also employed to "program"
of assassination as well as kidnapping rich people in animated corpses used as guards or to select and mind
order to exact a ransom. wash prospective Hounds.

The last major change to the Iron Ring structure came This cult is gaining some following among the most evil
when Bargle the Infamous slew old Lucius Pamphilion goblinoids that serve the Black Eagle Baron or work
and took his place as court wizard of the Black Eagle. with the Iron Ring.
Instead of killing the Iron Ring wizards, he helped them
in disposing of the non-magic using Masters, and in
establishing a further division between lesser and greater
The newly established leaders of the Iron Ring, working
on Bargle's recommendation, started investigating into
magical occurrences, old artifacts and treasures all over
the nation.
To this end, clerical help was now needed, and so were
The Iron Ring itself had many fighters, but they were all
needed to keep the flow of slaves, and to keep track of
their goblinoid allies, lest they started pocketing slaves
from the caravans.

So, the Masters turned to the Jaibul priesthoods.

They offered favourable trading conditions in exchange
for the training of priests, chosen among the Reavers of
the Iron Ring, as well as knowledge of the hypnotic
techniques developed by the priests of Bhajyagwan and
Armed with this knowledge, the Masters went on to
create their perfect tools -- the mind washed warriors
known as the Hounds of the Iron Rings.

Nowadays, low-level priests of the five primary

Jaibulite Immortals are quite common in the ranks of the
Iron Ring Reavers.
While these priests serve the Iron Ring, they also
advance the agenda of the Jaibul priests -- and therefore
of their allies from the Hulean Temple of Chaos.

In Karameikos, the Gens Celaenes is part of the Iron
Ring organisation, and shares its hierarchy and
However, the priests also answer to the high priests of
Kala in Jaibul.
Since these leaders are so distant, and the Iron Ring
Religions of Karameikos 20

Other Powers and Religions Foreign Religions

Several shrines to foreign Immortals and cults are found
in the Foreign Quarter of Specularum.
A few other powers are worshipped in Karameikos, These include the Eternal Truth, Minrothism, Augrism,
thought these cults are generally followed only by a few the Church of Thyatis and the Church of Darokin.
These shrines mostly serve the foreign communities, or
Nyx act as embassies for the churches to the Karameikan
Nyx is worshipped by a few humanoids (the Dark Web government.
tribe under the Zargash mountains), as well as by a few
Nosferatu, "grey" necromancers, witches and other odd
A. Allston, GAZ1: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos
However, several major underground temples of Nyx
are hidden in various locations under Karameikos.
These are actually ruins of the Taymor civilisation, and G. Gygax, B2 Keep on the Borderlands
several contain sleeping undead servants of this Entropic
power. D. Niles, B5 Horror on the Hills

Thanatos J. Bambra, G. Morris and P. Gallagher, B10 Night's

Like Nyx, Thanatos was the focus of much worship Dark Terror
during the Taymoran Age.
Often, ancient temples to Thanatos are easy to confuse C. Sargent, B12 The Queen's Harvest
with those to Nyx, since few people are familiar with the
esoteric Taymor symbology, and the underground D. Brown, Church of Traladara Hierarchy
temples have been abandoned for centuries.
F. Defferrari, Dhrom Dhum Speaks
One such error led the Count of Koriszegy to his tragic
end -- what he thought an altar of Nyx had actually been Håvard, The Witches of Dymrak
the focus of bloody rituals of Thanatos, and his attempts
to contact the first Immortal attracted the attention of the Håvard, Mighty Argos
Grim Reaper, who cursed Koriszegy and destroyed his
county. Håvard, The Seer of the Lake of Lost Dreams

Alphaks S. Wilson, Karameikan Timeline

Followers of Alphaks are fairly rare in this part of the
Alphaks is worshipped by the Temple of Evil Chaos, but
is not part of the Dark Triad.
His major foray in Traladara happened two centuries
ago, when he gained the allegiance of Morphail
Gorevich-Woszlany, a wizard and noble in the Moor in
north-eastern Traladara.
Morphail, however, was defeated and forced into exile
by his enemies, and was never especially useful in
establishing a strong cult of Alphaks.

Nowadays, some followers of Alphaks of Thyatian

origin are found in Fort Doom and in Specularum, and a
tribe of Hobgoblins has been converted to the worship
of the Roaring Fiend.

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