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Question 1 ........................................................................................................... 2
1.1 ................................................................................................................. 2
External factors: ..................................................................................... 2
Internal factors: ...................................................................................... 3
1.2 ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 ................................................................................................................. 6
1. Job Posting ......................................................................................... 6
2. Employee Referrals ............................................................................ 6
3. Nominations ....................................................................................... 6

The least risky approach: .................................................................... 7

QUESTION 2 ...................................................................................................... 8

First question: ............................................................................................ 8

Title:Change in the nature of work and organization .......................... 8

1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................... 8

2.0 Reasons for the changing nature of work .................................. 8
2.1 Market development .................................................................. 8
2.2 Continuously updated technology ............................................. 9
2.3 Changes in the labor force ......................................................... 9
3.0 Reasons for organizational change ............................................ 9
3.1 Changes in business environment (external) ............................. 9
3.2 Changes in internal conditions of enterprises .......................... 10
3.3 Requirements for enterprise growth ........................................ 10

4.0 Conclusion ............................................................................... 10
Second question ........................................................................................... 11

Title:Human resource manager ......................................................... 12

1.0 Introduction ............................................................................. 12

2.0 managers and service providers ............................................... 12
3.0 Based on service people .......................................................... 12
4.0 Conclusion ............................................................................ 13
QUESTION 3 .................................................................................................... 14
Phenomenon and cause ........................................................................ 14
Shortage of funds ................................................................................. 14
induction programme take time ........................................................... 15
No trainers ............................................................................................ 15
Formalism ............................................................................................ 15

Question 1


The enterprise is an open system. Its behavior pattern is and influenced by

various external and internal factors.Recruitment is an important process and
has the power to define the future of the company. Recruitment, as an
important part of an enterprise, is also restricted by internal and external

External factors:

1. Employment rate
Employment rates have a big impact on the hiring process.In a booming market
environment, the employment rate will increase significantly.However, it is not
conducive to the development of enterprise recruitment behavior. Faced with
fewer applicants, companies are unable to hire suitable candidates on their own
terms, complicating the recruitment process.

2. Competition
With the intensification of competition between enterprises, the recruitment
process will become more complicated. The advantages of the enterprise are
redefined, it is difficult to attract candidates, and candidates will have more

3. Law
National policies and regulations objectively define the restrictions on the
recruitment of enterprises. For example, labor laws in most countries stipulate
that gender, race, age, religion, etc. cannot be prioritized in recruitment
information.Enterprises must design their recruitment plans and methods to
attract qualified candidates within a specific group of people, including women,
local residents, foreigners and disabled.

The demand for a specific skill in the market increases the worth of the talent.
The shortage of the specific skilled professional required by your firm will
make you suffer in the search. You can either have to struggle hard to find one
or have to train in-door employees for the desired skill.

Internal factors:

Recruitment is a HRMS. It defines the objectives and implementation of the
recruitment process. The development strategy of the enterprise provides more
posts.For instance, KFC will set its recruitment plan for specific people when it
transforms itself to obtain more orders online.

2. Development of the company

Business development defines the scope and needs of recruitment. Small
companies on the edge of the market, struggle to earn profits, and have fewer
human resources.As organizations grow, so complexity of recruiting. The
hiring process will become more time-consuming, requiring more attention and
lots of data processing.

Recruitment demands a reasonable amount of cost over it. Organizations do
have to analyze the cost to calculate the return on the investment of recruitment.
Every organization defines their budget level, pre-defined for the recruitment
process. If your firm is already in the loss, you would hardly afford the
recruitment budget on a big scale.

Recruitment and company’s reputation has a strong connection. In
multinational worldwide recognized organizations, the HR department would
receive hundreds of entries for a single job opening, where all of them being
competitive. This generates huge talent pool to select from. The recruitment
process in this scenario is very systematic, planned and documented. The
timeline would be longer too from advertisement to the final hiring.


Recruitment is a complicated process, including the selection of recruiters, the

training of new employees, performance appraisal, and the cost and value of
new employees. Therefore, enterprises should adopt alternatives plans before
recruiting new employees, and they cannot completely replace them.

1. Employee leasing: The enterprise borrow the employee from the leasing
company or other cooperating enterprise, and all expenses incurred are borne
by the organization.For example, in supply chain relationship management in
China, enterprises lease technicians from other member organizations of the
supply chain. But much of that is in the state of corporate cleansing.

2. Overtime: market demand is affected by multiple factors. When the

temporary demand reaches the peak, the enterprise's recruitment plan cannot
meet the market demand.Working overtime is good for both employees and
managers, who get paid for the extra work and save time. However, excessive
overtime leads to fatigue, reduces employee productivity, and ultimately leads
to more accidents.

3. Subcontracting and outsourcing: they delegate some work to other

organizations to meet the growing demand for goods and services or the
win-win situation of enterprises. Here are examples:

Subcontracting: the act of a construction company to subcontract a part of a

construction project to a corresponding qualified contractor in accordance with
the law.
Outsourcing: the manufacturing of Iphone, the core technology of which is
provided by the United States, and the manufacturing of the shell will be
outsourced to China and Vietnam.

4. Temporary employees: temporary employees refer to those who are

employed by the enterprise in a specific period of time within a
limited.Temporary employees are good for the company, they have experienced
technology, and they can deal with the market demand flexibly.However,
temporary employees lack labor commitment to the organization, and they do
not understand the company's culture and work process.



1. Job Posting

It is an open invitation to all employees in the organization to fill open

positions. Its purpose is to provide equal opportunities to all employees in the
organization. Managers provide recruitment system to encourage employees to
acquire more knowledge and skills in daily life, and create more talents and
value for enterprises.

2. Employee Referrals

Employee referral is recruiting new people based on the reference of the

current employee. One of the most effective methods to attract loyal,
productive employees is to rely on employees to spread the word to their
friends, former co-workers and family members about job openings available.
Under this method, a candidate is appointed on the recommendation of some
currently working employees.

Usually, this is nomination by supervisors. It is effective generally particularly

to find the critically skilled candidate for an organization. It has been a major
source of new hires at many levels including professionals. It can be a good
method of internal recruitment when employees recommend a successful

3. Nominations

Some companies have a more closed approach to internal recruitment and may
ask managers to nominate high-performing individuals as candidates for
internal roles. This tends to be an informal system, yet it may be highly
effective in smaller organizations in which individuals are familiar with the
work of employees in other departments. Such employees become familiar
with the organizational structure, style, culture, and system. They possess
required skills and experience. So, rehiring becomes a more appropriate source
of recruitment.

The least risky approach:

I think the approach with the least risk is Job Posting. Using this method can
find more suitable candidates within the enterprise and save recruitment costs.
The second method may be influenced by the relationship between friends or
family members in the organization. The third has a negative impact on
corporate culture, such as bribery and unfair.



First question:

Title:Change in the nature of work and organization

1.0 Introduction

Instructions from different times:Many years ago, we needed to use a CD

player to listen to music, take pictures with a camera, but now a mobile phone
can replace all the functions.Previously, the companies that made these
products needed to employ many workers, but now single technologies are
almost obsolete.

2.0 Reasons for the changing nature of work

2.1 Market development

The increasingly fierce market competition, along with globalization and the
narrowing of the scope of state intervention in the economy, has brought about
two types of changes.
1. Downward pressure on prices leads to a decline in labor and other
production costs.
2. The competition pressure in terms of innovation and diversification is
increasing day by day.

2.2 Continuously updated technology

While technology has created many new posts, it has also reduced or
eliminated some existing ones.
While technology has raised the skill requirements of some professions, it has
undeniably lowered those of others.

2.3 Changes in the labor force

Today, men and women can worked multiple careers. Moreover, the workforce
is now more diverse. For instance, the people who make CD players may be
mostly male.

3.0 Reasons for organizational change

The development of enterprises cannot be separated from organizational

change. The changes of internal and external environment and the constant
integration of enterprise resources have brought opportunities and challenges to

3.1 Changes in business environment (external)

The change of national economic growth rate, the adjustment of industrial

structure, the development of technology cause the change of products and
skills.Organizational structure is the means to achieve the strategic objectives
of the enterprise, the change of the external environment will inevitably require
the enterprise organizational structure to make adaptive adjustments.

3.2 Changes in internal conditions of enterprises

1. Changes in technical conditions, such as technical transformation and

introduction of new equipment.
2. Changes in personnel conditions, such as improvement of personnel
structure and quality.
3. Changes in management conditions, such as the implementation of
computer-aided management, and optimized combination.

3.3 Requirements for enterprise growth

Enterprises in different life cycles have different requirements for

organizational structure. For example, small enterprises grow into medium or
large enterprises, and single product grow into multi-species enterprises.

4.0 Conclusion

Employees should learn new knowledge and skills to cope with the changing
world. Employees should view the changing market with the perspective of
development, such as the work that can be completely replaced by machines.
There is no need for employees to make self-breakthrough.(in my opinion)

Enterprises need to understand that the equality and timeliness of market

opportunities determine that corporations must take the first step in taking
advantage of opportunities.In order to find the "blue ocean" in the market, it is
necessary to form the mechanism of market investigation and predict and
analyze the information of various factors in the marketing environment.

What businesses perceive as opportunities, other businesses do as well. This

requires enterprises in the use of market opportunities must be bold innovation,
found others did not find the new method, rely on technological innovation to
improve the competitiveness of enterprises.When facing threats, enterprises
should try to reverse the adverse factors in the environment and change their
business strategies through their own efforts.

Second question


Title:Human resource manager

1.0 Introduction

Most people believe that human resource managers, like others who are policy
makers,engaged in corresponding management activities, including planning,
organization and control.They formulate corresponding personnel policies or
systems according to the needs of enterprise development and their own
management functions.From the perspective of HRM practices in most
enterprises, employees at all levels in the enterprise agree with this role
positioning. In my opinion, this concept has seriously hindered the
development of enterprise human resource management and directly affected
the value of human resource management, which is not suitable for the era of

2.0 managers and service providers

As managers and service providers, they are different in essence. Based on

such different functional positioning, the roles, work plans and environmental
requirements of human resource managers in enterprises are different. Such
differences determine the value and results of HRM in enterprise management.

Managers acknowledge that people are important, but the brain drain is also
severe. Human resources are strategic resources, however, human resource
managers pay too much attention to low value-added works. For example,
record attendance and so on. Their focus on improving service quality is the
core of the function.

3.0 Based on service people

Managers always assume high-level roles. For instance, work behavior is done
by command. Regardless of external service objects, in the enterprise, the main
body that has an interest relationship with HRM is the employee. Human
resource managers in enterprises should strive to provide professional services
to maximize the value of employees.

4.0 Conclusion

The purpose of enterprise HRM, in essence, is to meet the needs of enterprise

development and personal development of employees as much as possible
under the premise of complying with national laws. Human resource managers
should strike a balance between business interests, social interests and
employee interests. Any behavior that maximizes one kind of benefit by
sacrificing another benefit runs counter to the development of society.



New employee induction is the first formal contact with the enterprise, which
plays an important role in the rapid integration of employees into the enterprise
environment.However, many enterprises have little awareness of the induction
programme. In terms of training content, it is a common phenomenon that the
training is a mere formality and cannot effectively to the training objectives. By
analyzing the main contents of the induction training for new employees, try to
finds out some common problems and causes in the training.

Phenomenon and cause

Shortage of funds

SMES are short of funds, leading them to pay less attention to the induction
programme, and enterprises prefer to focus on the market and production rather

than on training.This is a common phenomenon. There are a large number of
SMES with a wide range of business. SMES have been struggling on the
bottom-line, especially in the manufacturing industry.

induction programme take time

This is also the problem of most SMES. Small and medium-sized enterprises
have no competitive advantage, and generally adopt the marketing mode of low
price and high sales. Every employee is a resource for them, and managers are
not willing to waste time on training.

No trainers

There are no trainers in the company. The HRM department still focuses on
salary payment and labor relations management, and does not provide unified
training for new employees.This kind of problem generally appears in small
and medium-sized enterprises, but some state-supported oligopoly or complete
monopoly of the super-large enterprises will also exist, especially the bottom
employees. Due to the complex structure and personnel relationship, the
training of low-level employees is often neglected.


Most enterprises take induction training as a form. For example, in the

induction programme, employees are only introduced to the development
process and organizational structure of the enterprise, or the problems to be
paid attention to in the work are briefly explained.The most important aspects
of corporate culture and skills training are rarely covered. The training content
is monotonous and boring, the staff has no passion, and lacks the sense of
belonging to the enterprise.

In addition, the appropriate training method is very important, it can determine
the degree of knowledge and skills of employees to master.The diversity of
training methods can improve the learning enthusiasm of employees and the
training effect.
However, most enterprises often adopt formalism in the induction programme.
For example, the traditional lecturing method is used for new employees on the
production line, and the training method is not flexible.As a result, the training
effect is equal to 0.


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