Worksheet: Skill Has Been Acquired Requires Mindful Rendition

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Dr Dan’s Online Singing Course!


Skill is ‘second nature’ Blissful Ignorance

Skill can be performed simultaneously UNCONSCIOUS UNCONSCIOUS
COMPETENCE INCOMPETENCE May deny the necessity of skill
to another skill rendition

Skill has been acquired CONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS Recognition of skill deficit

Requires mindful rendition Willingness to acquire a new skill
Can be the most frustrating phase

After completing the worksheet, place this sheet in a prominent place so that
TOP TIP you can regularly be reminded and inspired by your SMART Goals.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Based

Outline your goal in a How will you measure your Your goal should be Goals should be Time constraints help
precise and detailed way. goal and what milestones challenging but should also appropriate to your current to motivate us towards
will you set along the way? be attainable. situation and skill level. the finish.

What are your SMART singing goals? Write down 3 for each of the following areas:

PERFORMANCE (e.g. sing publicly for the first time)

PRACTICE (e.g. develop a consistent practice regime 3-4 times per week)

NEW SKILL (e.g. refine better breath management)

© 2019 Dr Daniel K Robinson (All Rights Reserved)

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