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January 20, 2017

Ultimate Equalizer
World In creation there is justice
31.4% Christians
3. Covenant Relationship
23.2% Muslims
16% Unaffiliated Mutual Understanding in a Relationship

15% Hindus In order for love to have justice, it

should have agreement
7.1% Buddhists
.2% Jews 4. Community
A group of people where there is
something in common
5. Anawin
85% Catholic
The Neglected
10% Muslim
5% Others -Widows, orphans and aliented
*Catholic Social Teaching

*Far too many Catholics are unfamiliar with the -CSI attempts to understand how societies work
basic content of the Catholic Social Teaching
-it makes moral judgements about economic +
- Our faith is profoundly Social social matters in light of the Revealed Truth

We have to interact with people We’re trying to get back our Humanity

- We are called to serve those in need and work *Sources of the Catholic Social Teaching
for justice and peace
1. Sacred Scriptures (Thy 1)
2. Reason
*Constitutive Elements of the Church
A part of your humanity/ conscience
Important elements of the Church
Affected by Tradition and Human Experience
1. Scripture
3. Tradition
2. Sacraments
4. Human Experience
3. Social Mission
Splunkin- Greek word of your bowel moved
Action of giving to the poor – Catholic Social
Biblical Themes of the Justice
Action (Transformative and Justice)
1. God is active in Human History
Antroposintism- People comes first before
animal, etc.
Present in your history

2. Presence of God in Creation

January 24, 2017 3. Inalienable (Cannot be denied)
Characteristics of CST (Catholic Social *3 generations of Human Rights
1st generation (Civil + Political)
1. Permanent
2. Developing  Ability of Human beings to challenge
the use of power which oppresses
*Catholic Social Responsibility them. (Limits, Should show respect)
1. Right to life
1. To help in Social Transformation
2. Equality before the law
2. Proclaim the Kingdom of God on Earth 3. Freedom of speech
4. Fair Trial
3. Make God’s image manifested 5. Freedom of Religion
Aspects of Catholic Social Justice 6. Voting Rights

1. It gives us principles for reflection 2nd Generation (Economic, Social, Cultural

2. It provides criteria for judgement Rights)
3. It gives guidelines for action  Essential to the development of
*Rights- a moral or legal entitlement to obtain human beings
something or act in a certain way 1. Health Care
2. Employment
Can be moral or independent 3. Housing
4. Education
*Human Rights- are inherent to all human
5. Adequate income
beings whatever nationality, place, sex,
6. Social Security
ethnicity, color, religion, language or status
*Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Holocaust- To burn everything, to destroy
Dec. 1, 1948
Hitler’s book- My Struggle (Mien Kampf)
Eleanor Roosevelt (Wife of Theodore Roosevelt)
Hitler’s Promise: 1 hectare per German
Why are there still a lot of problem regarding
Give 1 hectare to every German-> Lack of
Human Rights, especially with countries that
Land-> Sieze Israel-> Kill Jews
SHOULD promote this right.
Euthanasia- consent of the person to let
No Particular laws solid enough to fight for
someone kill him (?)
Human Rights
*Human Rights are a consequence of Human
1. Inherent (Born with it)
Equality of people, especially slaves
2. Inviolable (Cannot be violated)
January 31, 2017 February 21, 2017
3rd Generation: The Historical Development of the Catholic
Social Teachings (Johans Gutenburg)
(Collective Rights)
- At the dawn of the Renaissance came
- Basic needs for survival without which the freethinkers who started to
Human beings would not be in a question the church’s dominance on
position to claim other rights
the socio-political and economic
1. Economic Development environment at the time.
(Maunlad ang bansa) - The freethinkers wanted to replace
2. Prosperity obedience + faith with person and
3. Benefits from economic growth initiative.
4. Social Harmony - Innovations + inventions at the time led
5. Healthy Environment to industrialization + mass production
*A Concise Catalogue of Human Rights n/c in turn led to Surplus (+ effect=
Capitalism) (- effect=
I. Biological + Physical Integrity - Surplus made it possible for capitalism
- The right to life + Physical Integrity to rise in society.
- Capitalism believes in self direction and
- The Church recognizes that this right is social mobility.
also applied to the CHILD even at the - Capitalism made way for the rise of the
moment of Conception. salaried worker.
- In reality, in capitalism if is almost
II. Right to respect for One’s Person,
always impossible to achieve social
Reputation + Freedom
mobility + self-direction
- Condemnation of Torture and of cruel, - Competition favors the rich + powerful
Inhuman or degrading treatment or and thus only the rich and powerful can
punishment self-direct.
- Right to a good reputation
With Capitalism’s seeming failure to address the
- Right to respect for one’s privacy,
worker + the poor, socialism grew.
family, home + correspondence
- Socialism believes in the power if the
III. Right to security
government to lead the people to the
- Prohibition of arbitrary arrests + common good.
detention - Communal Ownership.
- Right to asylum in other countries from
With the extreme polarities of Capitalism and
religious or political persecution
social grew the Church’s need to protect Human
IV. Right to Liberty dignity and rights.

- Right of freedom of thought, Theme:

conscience, and religion
1. Autonomy/ self-direction
- To choose freely the state of life which
2. Just distribution of goods
one prefers.
3. Equality
Care for the dignity of the worker
Capitalism lead Americans to be obese,
hoarders and consumerists.
March 7, 2017 - The need to balance Personal Freedom
vis a vis The Common Good and
I. Rerum Novarrum equality.
- By Pope Leo XIII - The Principle of Subsidiarity as a
- Published May 15, 1891 support for both empowerment of the
- On the condition of labor lower bodies and their accountability
- The First Social Encyclical for a responsible performance of their
- Considered as the Magna Carta of the actions.
Social Encyclicals - QA also warns against Imperialism
Themes: - States that imperialism is the new form
of colonialism
- The gap between the rich and the poor a. Economic Imperialism
and the uneven distribution of wealth b. Political Imperialism
- It affirms the moral question about the
concentration of income in the hands of Economic Dictator- His/ Her decisions affect
the capitalist and affirms the the whole are of the economy
importance of labor March 28, 2017
- Inequality is a scandal to our common
humanity III. Mater et Magistra
- There is a moral decline among people
- We justify our indifference towards the - “Mother + Teacher”
needs of others - “On Christianity and Social Progress”
- Rerum Novarum also affirms the
legitimacy of private property and it -Published May 15, 1961
should be safe guarded. -Author: Pope John XXIII
- But property must be made available
for common use if there is a dire need Social Situation:
- Contracts through rightly governed by
-Post World War II
mutual consent may not be sufficient to
guarantee the just wage of the worker. -Nations have been rebuilding after World War
- Contracts can still be manipulated and II
exploited by the employers
- There has to be wages enough to -The Ideologies of Capitalism and communism
support the needs of the worker. have been adopted by USA and Russia (USSR)
- Unions are supported by the church in (Union Soviet Socialist Republic)
safeguarding the common good of the -The growing animosity between the two
workers. superpowers led to the cold war.
II. Quadracesimo Anno
- By Pope Pius XI -Arms Race (Unang makakagawa ng nuclear
- Published May 15, 1931 stock piling)
- The 40th Year of Rerum Novarum
Nuclear Fallout: Dust, Debris, Water and Air
- Or the reconstruction of the social
becomes radioactive
-Space Race (1961, paunahan magdala ng tao
papunta sa outer space)
- The call to move towards better power
-Introduction of innovations and inventions
sharing in the economic system.
-To promote the formation of family signed responsibly carry out the common
corporations and cooperatives good.
- Increased cooperation of nations
-To support local products (only way capitalism through a global community
doesn’t work) - Call per disarmament
-To develop a culture of excellence among local - Call for mutual trust among nations.
V. Popolurum Progrecio
-To educate people on critical buying
-The underdevelopment of the people - Pope Paul VI
- On the development of people
-The poor remain to be poor not because they - March 26, 1967
are not working hard enough but rather they
are being exploited
-The principle of subsidiarity must also be
complemented by Social Inclusion - Integral Human Development

(The recipient must be enabled to become a - Countries that development must also
productive contributor to the common good) have social development

April 4, 2017 - The irony is the more the country

developed economically, the people find
IV. Pacem in Terris less meaning in life.
- Pope John XXIII
- April 11, 1963 - There’s a growing dissatisfaction in the
- “Peace on Earth” economy

- Order and Peace VI. Laborem Exercen
- We could only guarantee peace if there - On Human Work
is proper order among relationships of - Work needs the find spirituality/ value
people and nations. in work
- Order between Individuals
- Peace starts with the Order of our
Personal Relationships
- Personal Relationships start with the
recognition of the rights of each
- An extensive discussion of Human
- Order between citizens and
Government Authorities
- Upholds the legitimacy of State
- Government Authorities are reminded
that their mandate comes from the
people and they would have to

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