Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan and Need For Reforms and Institutional Building

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Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan and need for reforms and institutional Building

1) Introduction
2) Good governance and its indicators
3) Importance of good governance and its importance for a country

Importance for economic sector

Importance for political sector

Importance for social sector

Is Pakistan confronting a crisis of good governance?

-General public’s shattered trust in Government.

- Absence of accountability culture at all levels.
- Lack of transparency in functioning of public organizations..
- Persistent existence of evil of corruption.
- Absence of rule of law.
5. Major Causes of the Deplorable
Frequent derailment of democracy.
- Impotent and puny judiciary.
- Absence of free and mature media.
- Shortsighted and self centered approach of politicians.
- Failure of educational institutions to produce good citizens.

6. Some Measures Taken by Government to Ameliorate the Situation:

Government initiates to improve governance
- Establishment of monitoring organizations and committees.
- Deliberation of introduction of civil services reforms.

7. Recommended Reforms for Institution Building and Improved

Governance in Pakistan:
- Independent and responsible role of judiciary.
- Prudent and mature role of media.
- Introduction of civil services reforms to improve performance of bureaucracy
- Accountability at all level.
- Public participation in decision making.
8. Conclusion

Good governance or its absence is a main theme in Pakistan. Without good governance, the dream of
progress and prosperity cannot be materialized. For a state to perform efficiently, good governance is
needed at all level. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been facing a crisis of good governance since its
inception. As the indicators set by World Bank to evaluate good governance such as accountability,
political stability, absence of violence and rule of law are yet to be achieved. Major causes o
governance crisis is attributed to frequent derailment of democracy, impotent judiciary, curb on
media freedom, and short sighted approach of rulers. Government has taken few initiates such as civil
service reforms, establishment of watchdog departments and programs to address social and
economic issues of people to assuage the situation. However, more measure is needed to be taken to
ensure good governance. These measures may include accountability at all levels, independent media
and judiciary, public participation and robust civil service reforms.

The term good governance is used with great flexibility depending on the context. However there is
significance degree of consensus that good governance is a process whereby public institutions
conduct public affairs, manage public resources and guarantee the realization of human rights in
manner essentially free of abuse and corruption, and with due regard for the rule of law. The indicators
of good governance according to World Bank is voice and accountability, political stability and absence
of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption.

Good governance is crucial for economic sector. Numbers of economists consider that good
governance, defined as quality management and orientation of development policies has positive
influence on economy. Good governance ensures economic growth and stability while poor
governance leads to poor functioning of markets and low economic growth. One can compare
economy of Pakistan with that of Bangladesh. Both are underdeveloped but due to good governance
Bangladesh economic growth is expected to be 7.20 percent while Pakistan growth rate is expected to
be 2.80 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models.

Governance is basically linked with political matters of sate such as the status of bureaucracy,
election, rule of law and accountability and transparency in each institution. Poor governance leaves
negative impact on every sector while bringing political instability. However, good governance brings
stability and prosperity while pave way for smooth running of state affairs. Example of good
governance is manifested in western countries where political stability is at peak. Their political and
democratic process cannot be disrupted by undemocratic forces as their policies are balanced and
people centered.

In addition, good governance is measured with the help of freedom of speech, security, health
facilities and education to mention few. Through good governance, the system of a state move
smoothly and government at its best try to work for its people by proving and protecting their rights.
Actually, good governance and social sector are linked and without good governance, social life of
people are shattered which have impact on every other sector. In developed world, people pay taxes
because they trust their government and know that this money would be spend on their welfare.
Pakistan has been facing crisis of good governance since its inception. Since good governance creates
a relationship between government and its people, based on trust, there is no such relationship
between the government of Pakistan and its people. Governments in Pakistan never include people in
decision-making and the policies which it formulates are not people centered. People face several
problems ranging from education and health to environment but they see no one to solve them. This
trust deficit was evident in recent incident when Indian media circulated false news that Pakistan has
been black listed by FATF. Despite government clarification that there is nothing as such, people kept
on sharing Indian propaganda until FATF itself called it fake news.

Another crisis of good governance which has plagued Pakistan state of affair is lack of accountability
at all levels. Accountability of every individual’s actions, specifically actions and attitudes affect public
interests. However, in Pakistan there is selective accountability and sometimes no accountability at
all. Public office holders have been busy in making money through dishonest ways and violating
merit. Might is right rule has been prevailed in every power corridor without any regard for rule of
law. The recent accountability of only opposition members indicates the state of accountability which
has lost legitimacy due many loopholes into the whole process.

Moreover, transparency which is the main indicator of good governance does not exist in Pakistan.
People have right to know information about decision making and financial and security affairs. But in
Pakistan, these have been kept in secret which has led to violation of masses’ fundamental rights and
merit. The heads of institutions are appointed through political influence and key policies are made
without people participation creates questions. The recent appointment of Minister Zartaj Gul’s sister as
Necta DG raised questions on the transparency of appointment on key post.

Likewise, the evil of corruption has taken position in Pakistan which is the result of poor governance.
Corruption is at both financial and moral level. Due to corruption, Pakistan is facing existential threat as
both its social justice system and economy are at the brink of collapse. The corruptions of Pakistani
rulers were printed in panama papers while corruption in courts and offices is not a secret. Pakistan has
been ranked 117 out of 175 members in corruption index by Transparency International.

One of the most important crises of good governance in Pakistan is absence of rule of law. Rule of law
means peace, order, and justice. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, there is rule of jungle and might is right is
the norm. Rule of law is there but only for poor as there is another standard for rich in this regard. We
see there are facilities for politicians and rich criminals in jail while poor remain in dismal in the same

The crisis of good governance has attributed to the frequent derailment of democracy in Pakistan.
Democratic form of government constitutes all elements of good governance ranging from
transparency, rule of law to public participation in decision-making and free and independent media
and judiciary. In Pakistan, undemocratic forces overthrew democratic time and again and then each
one had kept power for decades. Since in authoritarian form of government negate the concept of
democracy, it causes irreparable damage to state. For instance, the unilateral decisions made by
former dictator General Zia and General Musharraf regarding security issues nurtured extremist
mindset and pushed country towards violence and instability.

In addition, free and independent judiciary is one of the indicators through which good governance is
evaluated. However, judiciary in Pakistan has been used for political goals since 1950s. Judges always
came in support of unconstitutional acts committed by military junta and politicians. The law of
necessity caused unprecedented damage to Pakistan. Recently, NAB judge Arshid Malik triggered
controversy by meeting with former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s family members after convicting
him in corruption cases indicate how justice is sold in Pakistan and how independent judiciary is

Media role for ensuring good governance is crucial, however, throughout years; the Pakistani
government has implemented mix of measures to curb media freedom in the country. Government
used such tactics to cover up loopholes in its policies. Since media keeps an eye on government and
update people about day to day government’s affairs, government uses tactics to bar media from its
duty. Recently, Pakistan most popular TV station, Geo News, was abruptly forced off the air in many
parts of the country just hours before Prime Minister Imran Khan landed in Washington for talks with
U.S officials.

Another cause of this crisis is shortsighted and self-centered approach of politicians. When they
campaign for election, they accuse ruling party for poor governance and mismanagement. However,
when they take over power, they themselves manhandle affairs and follow the previous government
footsteps. Prime Minister Imran Khan used to criticize PMLN government for poor performance and
corruption, but now he himself cannot smoothly run government affairs as curb on media freedom,
selective accountability, inflation and unemployment are main problems today masses are facing.

Failure of educational institutions to produce good citizens is partially a cause of the crisis of good
governance crisis. Educated citizens use their vote responsibly and elect good representatives. They
fulfill their responsibilities and contribute to country progress and development. However, in Pakistan,
educational institutions performance is dismal and its focus is on creaming not the wellbeing of its
students. It does not produce good citizens and leaders who can address people’ issues and elect
responsible representatives. The dynastic politics of PPP and PMLN and selling votes to candidates
from elite class show the mindset of Pakistani citizens.

However, government has taken initiatives to improve governance in Pakistan. It has enacted many
laws and launched programs to address issues which are impediments in development of country and
welfare of people. These include access to justice programs, Tax reforms, rights to information act,
Citizens porter, Sehat Cards and Ahsas program to mention few. These have tremendous impact on
overall state of affairs as they ensure public wellbeing, transparency, accountability and economic
progress. The World Wide Governance indicator ranked Pakistan at 31 out of 200 countries. It also
observed improvement in governance from 2013 to 2018.

Bureaucracy plays significant role in governance by implementing government policies. In Pakistan,

government established National Commission for Government Reforms in 2006 and mandated it to
prepare proposal for civil service reforms in Pakistan. These were open merit, performance based
promotion, effective trainings, equality of opportunities, performance evaluation to mention few.
Recently PTI government has established committee under Dr Ishrat Hussain to help government in
preparation of proposals to overcome problems in civil service.

Likewise government has made several committees and organization to monitor government policies
and departments performance. These include National Accountability Bauru, Committee to improve
performance of Pakistan International Airway and still Mill, Educational Monitoring Teams to visit
schools and ensure teachers presence, Pakistan Citizens Portal and introduction of Biometric
verification machine in government departments to monitor staff arrival at time. These initiatives
have really helped strengthen of governance in Pakistan. Though, more needs to be done in this
regard to connect the dots.

Independent judiciary has important role to play to preserve rule of law and is, therefore, most
important facet of good governance. It creates trust between institutions and people by dispensing
justice and ensuring accountability and transparency. An independent judiciary keeps the whole system
in balance and address issues if arise. It plays a huge role in eradicating corruption at all levels.
Therefore, for good governance, independent judiciary is crucial. The role is has played in Asiya Bibi
case, a Christian woman accused of blasphemy manifest how important it is for maintaining law and
order situation and justice.

Good governance without independent, mature and responsible media would be a dream. Media
highlights human rights violation issues, corruptions cases, loopholes in government policies and social
issues related to women rights and child abuses. Without free press all these issues cannot come to
surface and thus governance in a state then would be poor rather good. The PTI rise to power when it
accused other political leaders of corruption was highlighted by media and created awareness among
masses. Similarly, government acts cautiously because it knows any illegal act would be given coverage
by media. The illegal appointment of Minister of Environment Zartaj Gull’ sister as a DG nacta triggered
much outcry and criticism from masseuses and government had to withdraw notification.

Good governance is partially built on modern, efficient, professionally competent and depersonalized
bureaucracy. Therefore, to make bureaucracy efficient and strengthen institutions, civil service reforms
are necessary. Government needs to ensure that officers are trained to deliver services to people.
Moreover, reforms must be made to create fearless environment for bureaucrats to work
independently as they are sometimes targeted by politicians for their narrow interests. It is observed
that PTI government has used NAB against bureaucratese that was close with opposition members
such a Fawad Hassan Fawad and Ahad Cheem.

Similarly accountability without any discrimination is essential for good governance. Selective
accountability raises questions over the whole process and becomes a game of revenge. Such
accountability does not prove fruitful but bring more miseries of poor governance. Therefore,
accountability of all is necessary to eradicate corruption, establish rule of law, and punish guilty and
put country on a right path towards progress and prosperity. A country where everyone is treated and
trialed equally regardless of their background becomes stable.

Likewise Public participation in decision making is significant for good governance. A centralized
approach in government affairs leads to autocracy and poor governance. While public participation in
decision-making proves beneficial for the wellbeing and welfare of the people. Since good governance
revolves around masses, public participation would be helpful in understanding their problems.
The World Bank in its report asserts that governments are more effective when they listen to
businesses and citizens and work in partnership with them in deciding and implementing policy.

In short, Pakistan has beset by crisis of good governance which has consequently weakened its
institutions and the whole system. Instability, selective accountability, crippling economy, restriction on
freedom, and poor rule of law and violence have been thriving and made Pakistan fell in the lowest
rank in good governance among five South Asian countries, according to UN report. The programs such
as Ahsas, Rozgaar scheme, economic and civil service reforms introduced by government are
appreciable, but it needs to stop influencing and using institutions for petty interests and introduce
more robust reforms to cope with challenges and overcome governance crisis.

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