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The Indian Society 8S

Guru Nanak Found it


OD created man in .HIS own Image ana oasIs. Men are men all the world over,
G , as a member of the human family made whether white or coloured, Eastern or Western,
him equal with others. In the eyes of the belonging to this country or that, rich or poor,
Lord there is no difference between man and Jews, Christians or Muhammadans, or
man. There is no high-born and there is no developed or undeveloped are the same.
low-born. There are no people chosen of Him,
and none condemned and discarded by Him. The unity of mankind is undeniable. It is
The differences of race 'and colour are due to only when the self in the man gets the upper
geographical situation and climatic conditions hand in him that he seeks _to see or invent
of the land of their birth. With his migratio~ distinctions. He excites and exploits the
to hot and dry climate, the white man's skin narrow religious or national sentiments of
changes its colour and becomes brown and a people to justify and further his ends and uses
coloured man's complexion gradually changes means to perpetuate the exploitation of the
to whitish . in cold climate. The difference of simple and gullible folk. This exploitation of
race and colour, therefore, is meaningless. the simple by the clever is the root cause of
The political boundaries of countries also are the miseries in the world and is the basis of
not , permanent. With changes in them, irritation and hatred among people and of
nationalities of people change. They also disturbances and wars among nattons, leading
change with permanent migration ' of people to massacres of millions of innocent people and
from one country to another. The Britishers destruction of invaluable national property.
and French thus become Australians, As This is neither religious in any sense of the
history knows it, several groups of people have word, however stretched, nor moral by any
Qisappeared without any visible trace of their code of society. This spoliation and destruc-
nationalities and many a new nation have come tion of God's creation, simply because it either
into existence. Like the Canadians, the belongs to a persuasion other than that of the
Americans, the Australians, the Indians, the aggressor or that its eIiminatioIl: or weakness
Pakistanis and others, nations are amalgams will add to hiss resources and power, is a sin
of different groups and races of people coming, both against God and man, No true religion
in course of time, from different climes and or religious prophet sanctions it. It is anti-
countries. Similarly different creeds and God, inhuman and irreligious in the extreme.
religions of people change with changes in No honest believer in God could do it. It is
their professions and vocations. Ths:se only a selfcentred lip-believer who indulges in
oifferences, therefore l h~ve no permanent it., And he digs his own grave with it.
6 November 1978

It is not in keeping with the philosophy of between the oppressors and the oppressed, the
atheists either. They believe in the natural evil-doer goes down and meets his deserts in
evolution of tli.ings and in their causes and perdition, to the eternal disgrace of his com-
natural effects. The natural effect of aggression, munity and nation.
of spoliation and destruction, and of distur-
bance of peace through riots, invasions and In tbe last quarter of t·he fifteenth century,
wars, opposition and hatred which multiply northern India was ruled by tbe Lodhis. They
and continue, adding to physical and mental had inI:)erited a tradition of unbridled auto-
agony and misery to both sides. The distur- cracy which had not unoften reduced itself to
bance of peace retards the progress of science, ruthless tyrauny, making the lives of the people,
art and culture and does incalculable harm to their subjects, miserable. The pages of the
the advancement of human civilization:··· Above history of this period written by the best
all, it feeds vanity and self-couceit of the informed even Muslim cbroniclers, nearest to
a!!Oressor, deadens his conscience and kills his
~ " the royal courts, are fulI of heart-rending tales
sense of regard for the rights and aspirations of persecution, tortures and executions of their
of others. GradualIy the aggressor develops non-Muslim subjects. They are too horrible
the habit of self-centred bigotry and fanati cism to be related here. It will do for purpose to
in his conduct and behaviour. With the give some of the observations of a contem-
spread of this contagion among t~ose so porary saint of the Punjab, Guru Nanak, who
inclined, around them, it vitiates the atmos- was born in 1469 during· the reign of Bablol
phere and so affects their mental and pbysical Lodhi ( 1450-1488 ) and was twenty years old
activities as to become a source of danger to when Bablol's son Sikandar Lodbi, the bigot,
their peaceable neIghbours, and to humanity came to throne in 1488. Guru Nanak saw the
at large. 10 their lust for power and greed for whole of Sikandar's reign and that of his
unlawful booty, these brutes pounce upon successor Ibrabim (1517-26). He had first
unsuspecting and Jess warlike people carrying hand-knowledge of the devastation and
fire and sword into their land, causing untold massacres, particularly of Saidpur· ( now known
mIsery and devastation to them. But ultimately as Eminabad in West Paldstan), during the
it wqrks to the ruin of the aggressors and
invasions of Babur, the founder of the Mughal
tyrants themselves. Sin and tyranny are the
dynasty in 1526. Referring to his times,
worst enemies of the tyrants. When tyranny Guru Nanak says:
pushes too far and becomes unbearable, a
revolting reaction takes place on the other The Kal age is a knife; kings are butchers;
side. Under such circumstances, a will to Iustice has taken wings and fled.
resist and retaliate is tbeu created and
In this dark night of falsehood,
strengtbened even in the meekest and a new
the moon of truth is never seen to rise.
life is infused in tbem to oppose evil.
Sparrows then turn into hawks and jackals 1 have become perplexed in my search;
iuto lions. 10 the crontest that then ensues io the darkr!ess ~her~ is no way to b~ s~vn,
TRB SlltH REVl!W 7

On account of others' ego, the world is heavy taxes were levied upon them. In their
crying in pain. own homes they had neither the freedom of
Saith Nanak, how shal1 deliverance be worsbjp, nor of expressio n and action. With
obtained? the loss of their political independence was
Mii jh ki Viir, xvi-I. also gone the freedom of their conscience and
its voice and expression.

In another hymn he observes : Why was this land of philosophers and

The kings are tigers, their muqaddams great scholars reduced to this state of abject
the dogs. slavery? It was because their house was
They go and disturb people at all odd times. divided into innumberable sections and sub-
The officials of the king cause wounds with sections and they all pulled in different and
their nail-scratches, and the dogs lick the opposite directions. Whatever were the
blood and bile t hat' trickle. intentions of the originators of classes or of
When men will be judged, these shameless the castle-philosophers, the .classes and castes
fellows will not be trusted. had developed into water-tight compartments
Viir Malar k!, xxii of the privileged and power-mad few and of
tlfe working and serving masses, of the
exploiters and the exploited, of the superior
The dispensers of justice, the qazls, tell lies
castes and the lower ones, who were further
and eat dirt.
discriminated against as depressed slldras and
The qaz! sits to dispense justice-he counts
condeinne.d untouchables. All this was t he
the rosary and mutters the name of God,
negation of the oneness of the human-ldnd. It.
But he takes bribes and 'decides against just
bred hatred and separateness and removed
them, both m~ntal1y and spiritually, away from
If anyone questions, he quotes authorities.
one a uother. And the pity of it is that this all
(Ramkall k! Viir, xi) came to happeD. in the name of religion, and of
gods and goddesses. With the passage of time,
Suppressed by the ruling class, the Hindu this divisionism acquired so strong a hold on
subjects, depressed in spirit, were lost to all them all that it became a second uature with
sense of honoUl' and self-respect. Like dumb them and could not be shaken off.
driven cattle they meekly submitted to the rod
of the foreigner. The Kshatriyas, whose dharma Added to this wa's 't he life of inertness
it was to defend the country and its people, preached by various sects of ascetic sadhiiS who
adopted the ways and manners of their alien moved about in the country telling people that
masters, and be<;ame their agents and played human life was maya and mirhya, an illusion
as their engines of suppression. In their own and unreality. The most prominent and
land, the temples of Brabmanical gods and influential among them during the days of
goddesses were desecrated ;lDd demolished or Guru Nanak were the Nath Panthi yogIs who
8 Novemb~, 1973

were responsible for creating in the people, differences and antagonism had rendered them
particularly of northern India, an indifference too weak to manfully face the persecuting
towards life of action arid social obligations aggressors. The former in their misguided zeal
towards society to which they belonged and and power madness forgot the teachings of
which co ntributed to their very existence and their religion that there was but One God who
maintenance. This was the attitude of was the creator, the father, of the whole
defaulting debtors who betrayed their universe anci that entire mankind was but one
benefactors a·nd helpers and disappeared from brotherhood, regardless of race and creed, and
their normal places of residence and activity to that He had not sent ,men into the world to be,
avoid payment, even in part, to their creditors. despoiled and slaughtered by their own kith
These defaulters deserve and should r~ceive n~ and kin. Tile latter too in their forgetfulness
shelter. They are punished and chastised by and disregard of the Oneness of God and in
the defenders of the rights of others and the their faith in the multiplicity of deities were
dispensers of justiee and are thrown into jails qUal·eUing among themselves and spreading
to save the society from their further mischiefs. hatred among different castes and classes,
Even their sureties, at times, have to suffer for damning and condemning those who did not
the sins and crimes of the defaulters. This belong to their own self-created higher castes
applies equally to individuals as well as to as sfidriis, untouchables and malechlziis or
groups of people regardless of the garbs and yavanas. Both classes of people, had apparently
philosophies assumed by them. only lip-belief in the existence and omnipresence
of God, while, in practice, with daggers drawn
In the field of religion, the preachings of il). hands, they flew at one another's throats,
the ascetics of this type had so affected shouting the, cries "Of their respective gods who
the lives of people as to . make them in reality and truth, were the same One God,
cowards who lay sheepishly prostrate at the Alliih (wiihid-hfi-lii-shrlk) or ,Brahm (eko
feet of the misguiding priests and political brahm dUliyo nasti). Thus truth had come
aggressors. During his extensive tours to be forgotten and ignored, and the Brahmans
throughout the Asiatic world Guru Nanak was and Mullas continued their mutual friction and
paine~ to see vast masses of mankind subjected and wranglings-such kiniire rairl giii, khaih
to spiritUal and political tyranny in the name khailz miirde biihman mauliine ( Bhar GurdaS,
of religion and God. He found this world Var 1-21 )
divided into two classes of people-one who in
the name of God carried fire and sword to This was the state of religious affairs which
enforce their political sovereignty over others prevailed in India and the neighbouring coun-
to be able to use their physical power and tries in the middle of the fifteenth century as a
authority to destory their·faithsaud to convert result of the wranglings that had exited for
them to their own creed, the second who in the some centuries of the world. Bhai Gurdas, a
names of their innumerable god and goddesses learned scholar of the sixteenth and seventeenth
were divided into various groups .whose mutual centuries, born within a decade of the death of
11'111 SIKH RIVll!w

Guru Nanak, has drawn a very realistic picture Without a (real) saint, no one can put a
of this period. He says : stop to it, and a saint is not to be seen in
the world.
There are four castes among the Hindus,
(Ibid, 1- 2)
and four sects among the Muslims in the
world. In the words of Lord Krishna in the
In legoism, arrogance and avarice, they are Bhagvad Gila (iv, 7-8) reiterated by Guru
meaninglessly pulling and hauling. Gobind Singh in the Dasam-Granth :
The Hindus have their places of worship on
the Ganges ( at Hardwar ) and at Benaras, Whenever there is decay of righteousness,
and Muslims at Kaaba in Mecca. and unrighteousness exults in pride, then
my spirit arises on earth.
The Muslims perfoim circumcision and the
For the prot ection of the good, for the
Hindus are enamoured of the sacred-thread.
destruction of the evil-doers and for firmly
The One God is called Rama and Rahim,
and both ( Hindus and Muslims) have lost establishing righteousness, dharma, I am
the way ( to Him ). born from age to age.
Having forgotten (the teachings of) the This saw its fulfilment in the appearance of
Vediis and the Quriin, they are enticed away Guru Nanak in the world t o bring back to God
by avarice of the Satanic world. the strayed mankind and to make them realize
Truth has come fo be left aside and the through precept and example, 'the Oneness of
Brahmans and the Mullas are dying of the Lord and the closest brotherly relationship
mutual friction and wranglings. between them regardless of the country, colour,
( Viir 1-21 ) race or class.
How and how far he succeeded in his
Continuing his observations, Bhai Gurdas mission may be studied in his teachings incor-
says in the next stanza: porated in the Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth
Without the True Guide, there is all dark- S[lhib, and in the lives of his successors and
ness. People are dying (suffering) in many followers' which are a living story of impact of
(spiritual, social and political) ways. Guru Nanak on history.

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