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Sample Question 1

Your cousin, who studies in a boarding school, has written to you recently asking for tips on how to score in
examinations. Write a letter to your cousin advising him/her what he/she should do to score in examinations.

Use the notes below to write your letter.


 Set short-term and long-term goals

 Be persistent
 Clear your doubts
 Create a timetable
 Complete the given tasks on time
 Revise consistently
 Form a study group
 Be active in sports
 Give full cooperation


 Procrastinating

When writing the letter, you must remember to:

 Include your address

 Add a proper salutation
 Have a closing
 Use all the notes given
Common Errors in an Informal Letter

Sample 1


1 MUKIM 4,
2 20 SEPTEMBER 2016
Dear Jeremy: 3

4 Hey! Whassup my dear cousin? 5 I m fit as usual, only rather busy with my tuition classes as 5 Im going
to sit for the SPM examination next year. 5 I m not a genius but a person who gains abilities through experience
so 5 I ve to prepare early for next year’s examination.
In our previous letter, you asked me for tips on how to score in examinations. Although 5 I m not the most
outstanding student in my school, I indeed have some tips that I can share with you.
First and foremost, in order to score in examinations, 5 you ve to set short-term and long-term goals.
Short-term goals are what you want to achieve within a short period of time and long-term goals are what you
want to achieve in the long run. You need to target to pass your monthly tests with consistent improvement
and finally aim to pass the SPM examination with distinctions.
In addition to this, you must be persistent when learning in class if you want to score in examinations.
Listen attentively to your teachers’ explanation. Then, you need to ask questions to clear any doubts.
The 6 following tip to score in examinations is to 6 form a timetable to divide your time properly. You 5
cant do everything at the eleventh hour. Instead, 5 you re to allocate time for revision, homework and
practice. Also, try to complete the given tasks on time. Moreover, revise consistently on all the subjects. Then, in
order to share the knowledge, you can form a study group with a few classmates. This is a better way to study
effectively and 5 is nt this time saving?
Apart from the above tips, 5 you ve to be active in sports to have a healthy body and clear mind. Give
full cooperation to your teachers and other students in whatever activities you do.
Last but not least, 5 you ve to avoid procrastinating if you want to score in examinations. You 5 should nt
postpone to tomorrow the things that need to be done today.
7 As I have mentioned earlier, if you want to score in examinations, you can practice the tips 5 I ve
given. 5 I m sure the tips will come in handy for you.

Your sincerely 8

Do come to stay in my house during the coming holidays.

My mum will cook your favourite dish, fish head curry. 10
Sample Question 2

Common Errors in an Informal Letter

Sample 2

24/7 Taman Puteri,

83000 Batu Pahat, 1
Johor, Malaysia
2 13rd February 2016
Dear my cousin, 3
How are you getting on there? I am fine here and I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. How is the
weather in Australia. It is summer now so I guess the weather must be warm and nice with the scent of wild
flowers blooming everywhere. Your parents are both fine here, don’t worry about them.
Well, studying overseas needs a lot of money. Though your parents have never said anything, I think it is better if
you can plan your expenditure properly and save some money for rainy days. Thus, I have decided to write this
letter to you to advise you on how to spend your money wisely especially when summer vacation is just around
the corner.. There are actually many ways to be thrifty.
First and foremost, you must prepare a shopping list before you buy anything. Write down the things you want
to buy according to your priorities. Buy only the necessary items when you are shopping. Sometimes, you will be
tempted to buy other unnecessary things due to sales or discounts offered, so you will have to curb your
desires. Then, remember to compare the prices of items sold at different places to get the best bargain. Opt for
cheaper brands of similar quality.
In addition to this, plan your expenditure in order to spend your money wisely. Buy only what you can afford
and not what you crave for. Abort your plan to buy any signature brands if they are not within your budget.
Bear in mind to buy things during sales as you will get special discounts during certain periods such as festive

The next trip is to prepare your own meals Buy the ingredients and cook at home rather than dine out in
restaurants and cafes. Preparing your own meals is cheaper and healthier. You are killing two birds with one
stone; saving money and gaining better health as well.

Last but not least, think twice when you plan to indulge in leisure activities. Think about the cost before you
proceed with your plans. An outing or a picnic at the park with friends is more economical compared to a
gathering with friends at a fancy restaurant.

In conclusion, you have to practice the tips given in order to spend your money wisely. I am sure you will find
my tips beneficial in the long run if you always practice them. I think I have to stop writing now. I need to go off
to buy some groceries for my mother at the nearby shop. 5 i have got the shopping list ready in advance
tucked safely in my pocket do take care of yourself bye

Your cousin
P.S Attached is the latest photobook of your favourite Korean band, FTI. Hope you will like it.

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