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How To Fill Up Your Dating Funnel

By Emyli LovzMarch 26, 2017Strategy

It’s Emyli again, America’s dating coach for men. You’re watching EmLovzTV,
your place to be if you are trying to meet and attract the perfect partner.
Filling the top of the dating funnel…..not sure what a dating funnel is?
Similar to a sales funnel or sale pipe, a dating funnel is a way to visualize
where various prospects are in the conversion process to your desired
outcome. If your desired outcome is a date, then your funnel is the visual
expression of your steps toward the desired outcome.

The 4 Steps to Filling Up Your Dating Funnel

 Step 1: Fill the top of the dating funnel with prospective women whom you
would like to go on a date with. See my articles on Tips to Get More
Matches On Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder and Where to Meet Women other
than Bars.
 Step 2: Outreach (message these women). See my articles on how to ask a
girl out online, best Tinder icebreakers for men, and best opening lines on
dating sites.
 Step 3: Close for the TDL (time, date, location).
 Step 4: Go on date #1. See my first date tips for men article to help you get
to the second date.
Now Let’s Set Some Dating Funnel Expectations…
When undertaking a particular dating goal, it’s important to understand the
reality of the venture. Therefore, you should assume a 10-20% success rate.
Let’s pretend you are a baseball player. The best baseball players in the major
leagues fail about 70% of the time- and they’re the best. You too are going to
fail more often than you’re going to succeed. Accept that fact up front, and it
will save you a ton of frustration and disappointment.
Another important step in overcoming disappointments is to measure your
outcomes and progress. In the beginning, you will likely fail at least 90%. As
you improve and continue to measure your progress, you will see your rate of
success go up and your rate of failure go down. If you fail 90% of the time, in
baseball terms….you are probably still learning how to play the game. If you
fail 80% of the time, you’ve progressed enough to be on an actual team. You
jump just 10% better, and fail 70% of the time….you could be as great as Babe
Ruth! Well, maybe.
Managing your own expectations is key to winning the game.
Beautiful women receive hundreds of messages a day, therefore you are in
competition with hundreds of men. There will always be some who are
smarter, sexier, richer, funnier, taller, etc than you.
You must set yourself apart from them. The most effective way to do this is
through compelling messaging.
Truth: Women Don’t Care About Your Self Summary, Focus
Maximize your odds and do the math. If you want 1 date per week and you
expect 10% response from women, you’ll need to message at least 10 women.
I would recommend messaging 20 women, just in case one responds but does
not agree to a date.
If you use my messaging strategy, I would expect (conservatively) a 20%
response rate.

I expect 10% who respond to agree to a date, if you’re not using my messaging
strategy and are approaching it like every other guy.
If you use my strategy, I expect (conservatively) that 50% of the initial 10%
that responded will meet you for the date.
So, to be effective using this channel (online dating) to fuel the top of your
dating funnel, it’s clear you need to set specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and timed goals. Also, before you actually meet these women, make
sure and read up on some of my first date tips for men and also who should
pay on first date.
Don’t forget, if you want me to help you build a strategy, head on over to my
book page and book a coaching session on my calendar.
With Love,

our Perfect Match

Last updated on September 11, 2018 by Ted Vrountas in Conversion Optimization

Videos of proposals gone wrong make me cringe more than any

other kind. Whether they happen at half-court in front of 10,000
people, or at a food court (really?) in front of Sbarro’s, as a
marketer I can’t help but think the same thing every time I see one:
This relationship wasn’t nurtured properly.

The same thing happens to businesses every day. They pop the
question too early: “Will you buy mine?”, and visitors scramble for
the “X” in the upper-right corner of their browser. The blunder might
be less damaging to their ego, but not to their bottom line.

To earn new customers — to get that “yes” — you have to nurture

relationships properly with the right post-click landing page and the
right content at the right stage of the marketing funnel.
To earn new customers you have to nurture
relationships properly.

What is a marketing funnel?

Your marketing funnel is a representation of the journey your
prospective customers take from the moment they find out about
you to the last transaction they make with your business. It can be
separated into many stages, but the most basic is broken down into

The awareness stage

This is at the top of your funnel when your prospect has a problem
they need solved but doesn’t know about your business. In a
human relationship, people in this stage would know they wanted to
date, but not who, or what their “type” was.

The consideration stage

In a real-life relationship, this would be like dating. It starts when

your prospective customer has identified you as a possible solution
to their problem. As you get to know each other, they determine
your knowledge, authority, and trustworthiness to narrow down their
list of potential choices.

The decision stage

This is where customers are made. In the decision stage, your lead
has to do just that: make a decision based on what they’ve learned
about you thus far. Can your business meet their needs better than
any other? Is it you they’re looking for?

In a human relationship, this would be a little like marriage, but with

much less commitment. It takes a lot to gain a customer, but only a
small mistake to lose one.

What follows is a trip through the marketing funnel in the form of a

story that may look familiar. Keep track of the offers and pages
used at each stage of the funnel, or risk losing a lead and bruising
your bottom line with a proposal made at the wrong time.

The top of your marketing funnel

You always dreamed of finding the one — the perfect customer.
Your business partners told you no such thing existed, but you paid
no attention.

Instead, you spent late nights developing buyer personas and

researching the demographics of as many online channels as you
could — all the way from Bing to Yelp.
You’ve optimized your traffic, and today you begin your search by
drawing prospects to your website with the help of a paid ad. With
a squeeze page or lead capture page, you put yourself out
there, like this:
You don’t want to pry — after all, this is your first official interaction
— so you ask for email and possibly name. In return, wanting to
make a strong first impression without seeming overeager, you offer
weekly expert marketing tips.

“Hey, maybe I could send you a newsletter sometime?”, you ask.

One intrigued prospect thinks, “Why not, it’s just my email address.
If they’re creepy, clingy, or uninteresting, I can just mark them as
spam and be rid of them forever.”
They enter their email in exchange for the promise of some
valuable insight. You show your gratitude genuinely with a “thank
you” page, and let them know when they can expect to hear from
As they go back to browsing, you try to keep your cool, but inside
you’re dancing to Tom Jones like Carlton from the Fresh Prince of

You have their awareness. They like you too.

Almost immediately, though, that excitement turns to panic when

you realize you have to follow through with the promise you made.
What if they don’t find you interesting?
(For more information how to use post-click landing pages at the
top of the marketing funnel, check out our guide.)
The middle of your marketing funnel
Now you’re sweating in front of your laptop, hoping as you punch
each key that your new lead is going to swoon over their first batch
of expert tips. Luckily, you use Google Analytics, so you know
which of your web pages they spend the most time on:

“Easy Reading Ain’t Easy: post-click landing page Copywriting Tips

to Keep Readers Engaged”
“Your Words Matter: 5 Tips to Better post-click landing page
“16 Ways to Write a Better Business Proposal”
“Okay,” you think to yourself. “They like writing. I’ll send them
expert writing tips.”

After adding the finishing touches to your first email, you send it off.
If it’s possible, you’re somehow more nervous than you already
were. You hold your breath for what seems like an eternity as you
stare at your email analytics dashboard.

Will they open it? Will they click through to your content? You close
your laptop to find a distraction.
Hours that feel like days go by, and you return to find that… yes!
Oh, yes! They clicked through to your blog post and even
followed that call-to-action in its conclusion to your lead capture
page, which looked something like this:
But… hold on. They didn’t fill out your form. What went wrong?
 It might’ve been something you said (or asked)

Look, we’ve all been there. Maybe you overshared, or asked a

question that was a little too personal. Was your form 15 fields
long? Did you ask for salary, phone number, and job title?

That was presumptuous of you. It’s a little too early for that.
 It wasn’t what you said, it was how you said it
You’re no Ryan Gosling or John Caples, but you consider yourself a
pretty smooth operator. Your new lead, on the other hand, might not
have been so impressed.
Did you emphasize the benefits of your offer with compelling copy?
Did you make it easy to read by using bullet points and
subheadings to create a visual hierarchy? Did you craft
an irresistible call-to-action?
Even the font you use gives off subtle signals. Make sure they’re
the right ones.
 You were moving too fast

You were just getting to know each other. They weren’t ready to
spend a full hour on a call with you. The time wasn’t right for a trial
of your software. And they certainly weren’t ready to buy.

Conversions like those take weeks, months, and sometimes years

to elicit. Be honest with yourself — were you moving too fast?
You’re disappointed, but not discouraged. After all, you believe in
happy endings, glowing testimonials, and the kind of customer
lifetime value that’s worth fighting for. You’re not giving up so
With the help of A/B testing, you optimize your post-click landing
pages, and next week you make another offer in addition to expert
“post-click landing page Copywriting Tips For Maximum
Conversions” reads the subject line of the email. Curious, your lead
clicks through to your ebook post-click landing page and decides to
give you a second chance. As they read it, they’re glad they did.
“Hey, maybe I was too quick to judge,” they think. “Maybe
they are right for me.”
Feeling a renewed sense of trust, your lead starts to take some
initiative. They navigate to a few more of your resources. They visit
a white paper post-click landing page, an ebook post-click landing
page, and with each form they fill out, they open up to you a little

Slowly with the help of your CRM, you begin to form a picture of this
lead. You learn their marketing budget, and their goals and
challenges. Officially, you discover, your lead identifies as a
“content strategist.”

Weeks go by, and you personalize their content even further while
doing your best not to smother them with too many emails. At this
point in your relationship, you realize your lead prefers white
papers, ebooks, and reports.

“They’re in the ‘consideration’ stage,” you remind yourself. “I need

to prove myself as a trustworthy authority.” To do so, you pack your
content full of expert insights, original research, and best practices
from professionals to ensure it’s always worth claiming.

Eventually, your efforts are rewarded. Today, your lead attended

their first webinar, and they remained engaged for the entire hour.
They even stuck around for the Q&A portion to ask your speaker a

Things are getting serious.

As the relationship blossoms, your lead takes note of how
thoughtful you are. You consistently direct them to content they
might like, show unfailing gratitude with “thank you” pages, and
your webinar post-click landing pages always feature the date, time,
and duration so they can adjust their schedule to attend.
You notice that the more valuable resources you offer, the more
your lead consumes. And they notice that the more they consume,
the more they trust you, and the more they consider you might be
the one.

Three months have passed since that fateful day your prospect
became a lead, and it seems like nothing could go wrong between
you. “My lead will always be here for me,” you think. “They love my

But soon, as it happens in so many relationships, you get

comfortable — maybe a little too comfortable.
You publish post-click landing pages with CTAs that read “Submit,”
“Download,” and “Register.” You start recycling old content. And
your “thank you” pages look like this:

The result is predictable. Your lead stops opening your emails.

They don’t come around to your post-click landing pages anymore.
You fear the worst — they’ve left you for another business that
doesn’t take them for granted. And they did it without so much as a

The bottom of your marketing funnel

Distraught, you spend the next few weeks in sweatpants, binge-
watching B-list horror movies on Netflix as you weep over KPI
reports. You’ve generated some interest from a few Twitter
followers since your lead split, but nothing compares to the
relationship you two had.

Just when you’re about to throw in the towel — to give up building

post-click landing pages and creating content forever — you
remember something that gives you hope:
Your lead hasn’t unsubscribed from your email list yet.
You’re going to win them back.
With newfound determination, you purchase a membership to some
industry research sites. Over the next month, you create content
that your leads can actually use instead of just read, and you
construct a marketing stack that offers your visitors personalization
at scale.

“Come back, I’ve changed,” you say with a retargeting ad that offers
a master class copywriting course as part of your new Marketing
Academy. As a copywriter turned content strategist, your stale lead
can’t resist clicking through that PPC ad.
As they watch video after video, they reminisce about the quality
content you created back when you two were just getting to know
each other. Quickly, though, they return to reality.

Your lead already gave you a second chance. Getting a third one is
going to take some grand gesture conjured with marketing magic.

Fortunately, you’re prepared for that.

The new you can prove the two of you belong together, with a step-
by-step case study that shows your product grew the ROI of a
similar business by 500%. You send it out in an email and wait
anxiously for metrics like you did months ago.
“Please,” you plead with the cap-wearing monkey staring back at
you from the MailChimp analytics dashboard, “if you help us make it
through the decision stage together, I swear I’ll never take another
lead for granted.”

And so, impressed by the new you, your lead re-enters your
marketing funnel — albeit skeptically.

Little by little, you regain their trust by offering industry-wide

research, blueprints and tools, and webinars taught by the biggest
marketing influencers in the business. You dig into Google
Analytics to offer personalization like never before.

Data says your lead views most of your post-click landing pages on
mobile, so you optimize them for every device with responsive
design. It says that your lead’s favorite time to open emails is in the
morning, so you schedule them to send at 7AM.

“You make me want to be a better marketer,” you tell your lead by

investing in qualitative feedback tools like heat maps and surveys.
“How can I improve?”
With that insight, along with the help of not only A/B testing,
but multivariate testing as well, you create post-click landing pages
your lead loves.
Before you know it, things are better than they’ve ever been. Email
open rates soar, post-click landing page conversion rates are
through the roof, and your confidence is just as high. So, you offer
a demo with a page like this:

And it goes so well, you’re thinking of popping the question.

You know what you need — a click-through post-click landing page.
Luckily for you it won’t cost three months’ salary, but it will require a
lot of work. As the final step in the decision stage, click-through
post-click landing pages often pre-empt the sales page, on which
the last obstacle to partnership sits:
The dreaded credit card form.
So you design one that looks something like this:

You reinforce your USP in your headline and remind your lead why
you’re perfect for them with benefit-oriented copy.

You use social proof like logos and tickers to showcase your
popularity, and testimonials to highlight other successful
You feature hero shots that help your lead imagine what life would
be like as your partner, and use infographics pulled from real case
studies to prove that you can deliver on all your promises.
You offer them a guarantee that you’ll help them overcome the
challenges and meet the goals they shared with you back in the
consideration stage. And you even let them start using your product
without entering a credit card number.

“What do I have to lose?” your lead thinks. And the longer they trial
your product, the more it becomes clear you two could share a
future that lasts a customer lifetime. With each feature they test and
integration they try, they discover hidden depths to you they
couldn’t have imagined.

“Even three weeks into my trial and months into our relationship,
I’m still learning new things about you,” your lead thinks fondly.

Thirty full days pass before the trial concludes, and on day 31, your
lead gets an email: “Will you buy mine?”

As they click through to your sales page they recall the sadness
they felt at the sight of an error message on your login page this
morning: “Email/Password not valid. Your free trial has expired.”

They miss you dearly, but looking down that long credit card field to
the “Buy” button at the end of it, they wonder if they’re ready to take
the plunge, or if they’ll become another runaway lead.

Suddenly panic-stricken, they look around but find no easy escape

routes. There’s no navigation menu, no sitemap in the footer, nor a
logo hyperlinked to the homepage. If they want to leave you, they’ll
have to do it for good by clicking the “X” in the corner of their
They take a deep breath and remember all the valuable content
you’ve offered, the enterprise-level features of your software, and
the guarantees you made on your click-through post-click landing
page. And then, a “Norton Secured” badge catches their eye.
Your lead smiles, trustingly. “Oh, you had me at 20+ integrations!”
they think as they complete the form and hit the “Buy” button.

One last “thank you” page officially pronounces you “business and
customer.” They may now use the software.

This isn’t the end of your marketing funnel

At this point, too many businesses believe the marketing funnel
ends. It doesn’t. Once your lead makes the decision to purchase,
they have to make the decision to purchase again.

This isn’t a happy ending; it’s a new beginning for you and your
customer. They trust you now, until you give them a reason not to.
Never forget the lesson you learned in the consideration stage:
Keep proving yourself worthy and never get too comfortable. All it
takes is one slip-up to lose a customer.

How do you keep your customers coming back for more? What kind
of loyalty programs have you put into place?
Let us know in the comments, then try the most designer-friendly
post-click landing page platform on the web.
The Similarities Between
Dating Hot Women And
by Alonzo
Dating is the only situation in which we sell and buy at the same time. If you think you
have difficulty selling yourself to hot girls, please keep reading.

Women VS qualified women = leads VS

qualified leads:

• When you meet women in general, you’ll realise that most of them aren’t qualified
women because they can be your boss, your teacher, your client, etc. They can also be
ugly or obese. Or perhaps they are lesbian women. These women are general leads,
not qualified leads. However, when you go to a nightclub to do night game, you’ll meet
qualified leads because these hot women in the nightclub are already there to meet
men for dating and relationships. In other words, they get dressed up in order to be
approached by men when they go out at night. They are already in the right mindset.
Approaching women = lead generation:

• Yes, you are already in the right environment as you are surrounded by
qualified women, but you still need to approach women – that’s called lead
generation. Most women won’t proactively chase you because they have been
conditioned not to do that. Therefore, it is your responsibility to approach girls first.
You’d better get rid of fear of rejection because rejection is only a part of the process. In
fact, if you are doing it right, you should be rejected, as when you never get rejected,
that means you are only reaching for the low-hanging fruit & you’ll never realise your
Where to meet attractive women = sales funnel:

• A funnel is where you accumulate qualified leads and sell something to them.
Similarly, the venue for you to meet hot ladies is just like a sales funnel – it’s a place for
you to sell yourself to these sexy girls. If you are doing night game, the nightclub is
your funnel. If you are doing day game, the busy location in the city centre is your
funnel. That is to say, the funnel provides the platform for you to approach beautiful
girls. So, you have to leverage what the funnel has to offer and appreciate these
opportunities. Remember: Most men aren’t aware of these funnels or can’t sell
themselves efficiently when they are in these funnels, so you are very likely to be
successful if you can leverage the funnels effectively.
Yourself = the product:

• Keeping working on yourself will improve what you have to offer because in
this analogy, you are the product. Having said that, working on your product is less
important than selling yourself. In business, we all know that marketing strategies
are much more important than the quality of products. For example, there are countless
smoothie products that are very healthy, but are these businesses more successful than
Coca Cola? Definitely no! Coca Cola sells the least healthy product in the world, but it
makes billions of dollars every year. Why? Well, that’s because Coca Cola has powerful
and effective marketing strategies. Therefore, Coca Cola is more financially successful
and can sell many more products every day. Clearly, the way you sell yourself is more
important than your whole package. For instance, if you are a charismatic club
promoter, you can definitely get laid every single day because you have access
to attractive women and you know how to get them. In contrast, if you graduated from
Yale and have a successful career in Wall Street in New York, you probably get
fewer hot ladies than the charismatic club promoter. Even if a Yale graduate can get
hot girls, chances are these women choose him because of logic rather than emotion.
Nevertheless, when women choose the charismatic club promoter, they are with him
because of emotion as opposed to logic. This world is filled with talented men who
can’t get laid. A case in point is Tim Ferriss who has fame and money, but he has very
bad game and can’t get a hot girlfriend. There is a TV show called The Tim Ferriss
Experiment. Episode 1 of Season 2 is The Dating Game which shows you how Tim
Ferriss can’t get laid and was looking for help. Obviously, he is fit, good-looking, rich
and powerful – the product is seriously perfect, but he doesn’t know how to market
himself as a sexy man in front of women. At a 21 Convention event, retiring pickup artist
James Marshall even pointed out that Tim Ferriss has no game by saying, “Tim Ferriss
has great morning routines and night rituals, but where is his woman?” Yes, James
Marshall has a very good point: Tim Ferriss has excellent marketing skills when it
comes to business and investing, but he doesn’t have enough marketing skills in terms
of dating and relationships. If you go to an event where Tim Ferriss is the public
speaker, you will notice that Tim has fantastic information to offer, yet you just don’t feel
the charm or charisma from him. This is the feedback from someone who actually went
to his live event.

Your lay count = conversion rate:

• How many sexy women have you slept with so far? The truth is most men don’t
have as much sex as you think. This is especially true in English-speaking countries. It
is said that the average guy in an English-speaking country like the United States and
Canada only sleeps with 10-12 women maximum in his entire lifetime. That’s quite
limited. By contrast, a competent seducer sleeps with at least 400 women in his lifetime
– that’s the sex life of an ancient emperor. If you meet 100 women a year and you sleep
with one of them, your conversion rate is 1%. Nonetheless, if a seducer meets 100
women a year and sleeps with 50% of them, his conversion rate is 50%. Thus, don’t
focus on how many women you have met. Instead, focus on how many women you can
convert into your lovers. A simple tip is assuming all women that you’ve met already like
you. Although that’s not a true fact, this mindset will help you attract more
women because that’s Law of Attraction. It’s much better than having a fearful mindset.
Also, when you are interacting with a hot girl, remember to treat her like she is already
your lover – make sure you are well-calibrated and adjust what you do according to her

The Casual Sex Funnel

June 3, 2019Culture, SexRoosh

Because you were likely born after the sexual revolution, you may not realize that so
much of your reality is nudging you towards casual sex. From the sexual stimuli you
perceive in a normal day out in the city to the specific venues you frequent where
casual sex can be quickly achieved, you are constantly being funneled into desiring
shallow intimacy. Many corporate industries and globalized forces are controlling
this funnel, which all depend on you believing that having a “sex life” is one of the
most important features of your existence.

You’ve likely purchased products and services from internet websites. From your
perspective, the process is easy and seamless: you’re presented with images, videos,
a sales page, and an easy checkout process. Behind the scenes, however, the owners
of a website have done extensive A/B testing to maximize sales. Changing the color
of the font, presenting the product within a different layout, or tweaking upsell offers
are all factors that go into an optimized sales funnel. The same thing is happening to
us in society. Engineers and scientists have done countless A/B tests to drive “sales,”
which in their case is non-reproductive sex that damages an individual’s ability to
reproduce in the future.
When a man starts his day, he begins seeing women in revealing clothing on his way
to school or work. If a woman is wearing yoga pants, he may even be able to identify
the shape of her labia, and imagine it in the nude. This is a surefire method to rouse
up sexual desire and keep it there. He then spends hours in a co-ed university or
workplace that further amplifies sexual thoughts. During breaks, he uses his
smartphone to observe more sexy women on social networking or on articles that
need his clicks to sell advertisements.

To relieve stress at the end of the day, he seeks an alcoholic drink or two in the bar,
where there are loose women who are quite willing to give up immediate sex if he’s
able to turn them on. In the case he fails to score with a woman, there will be dating
apps for him to use. Even more potent is the unlimited free porn that can serve as a
masturbatory aid in relieving the sexual tension, but which feeds the sex urge
further. The cycle will repeat the next day.

The Casual Sex Funnel For Men: Surplus sexual imagery that excites (online
and offline) → Co-ed spaces that keep the mind on sex → Alcoholic venues or apps
that allow potential fulfillment of sexual desire → Act of casual sex or using free
hardcore porn to keep the desire inflamed

The funnel for a woman is different: it doesn’t sell her the prospect of sex as much as
fulfilling her desire to appear beautiful or sexy to the multitude. It begins in the
shopping mall, the fashion magazine, Facebook, and Instagram, where she is
bombarded with images of beautiful women who seem to be happy and desirable
while exhibiting trendy mannerisms and wearing fashionable clothing and makeup.

When a woman wakes up, she picks out an outfit from her closet that was sold to her
as something that would garner sexual attention from men. On her way to school or
work, she morphs—even in a subtle way—into a sexual weapon that excites men,
which is exciting to her initially, but as she enters adulthood, she becomes numb to
affections from men she deems as “average.”

During the day, she snacks on Instagram and other dating apps, trying to get the
attention of a higher standard of man that doesn’t seem to give her attention in real
life. In school or work, she competes with other attractive women and gets annoyed
at the ugly men who flirt with her. She also gives positive signals to the good-looking
men she hopes will validate her, and when that fails, she goes to the bar or club to
drink with her girlfriends, but only “losers” talk to her. She wonders why Eric from
last week didn’t text her back. Wasn’t the blow job she gave him on the first date
good enough? She goes home, takes off her yoga pants, which are now imbued with
vaginal sweat, and eats a little bit more than her appetite demands, ensuring that she
gains weight and is required to buy more expensive products in the hope that she
will still feel attractive.

The Casual Sex Funnel For Women: Buying commercial products that make
men desire her → Co-ed spaces that keep her aching to score the best men → Venues
or apps that give her access to good-looking men who don’t want to commit to her →
Act of casual sex or using alcohol, food, social media, and pills to relieve the pain of
not being with a man who loves her

Consider the industries that are an integral component of the casual sex funnel for
both men and women:

 Nightclub and bar industry

 Alcohol
 Porn
 Sex toys and lubricants
 Birth control
 Antibiotics (for sexually transmitted diseases)
 Abortion
 Dermatology and plastic surgery
 Restaurants
 Fashion and clothing
 Female magazines and websites
 Pop music
 Dating apps
 Social networking
 Processed foods and ice cream
 Anti-depressants
 Boutique cats and toy dogs
 Entertainment and other media options designed for barren women
 Marketing for all of the above

Tinder alone, which is just one app in the entire funnel, is slated to earn over $1
billion this year, almost entirely from men in a state of loneliness or lust. When all
the above industries are combined, there are hundreds of billions of dollars
dependent on you consenting to casual sex and then spending money and attention
on the paraphernalia that is associated with it. If casual sex were eliminated today,
most of these industries would drastically contract or go bankrupt. At the minimum,
they wouldn’t be such an integral driver of the culture that uses the natural sex urge
to manipulate both men and women.

Most people are blind to how their behavior is impacted by the casual sex funnel, but
it is affecting them every hour of every day. The funnel’s effectiveness is proved by
the fact that most people today believe that casual sex is acceptable, or at least not
immoral, when that simply wasn’t the case fifty years ago. In essence, you are being
stuffed through a cultural grinder that parts with your money, time, youth, and
ability to meaningfully bond with someone of the opposite sex. During the whole
ride through, you genuinely believe you are acting on your own volition in a
“biological”, “scientific”, or “evolutionary” way, when in actuality the casual sex seed
was artificially amplified in your psyche through a relentless barrage of social

The biological sex urge is strong, but it is certainly being manipulated in ways that
take you away from the reason we have it in the first place: to bond with one person
to create a family. Instead, you have come to overvalue a purely physical act that
even the stupidest, most braindead animals are capable of doing. The guilt,
frustration, and dissatisfaction that are created from committing acts of casual sex
merely keep you in the funnel, thinking that more of it is what will satisfy you.
When you fail at the game of using sex to achieve happiness, and you will fail at it,
the pharmaceutical, alcohol, and food industries will be there to soothe your pain.
While those of the elite profit off of your manipulated sex drive, the unseen super-
elite watch the population suffer from sterility and atomization to achieve their
ultimate goal of human control, and the benefits you perceive from “free” sex turn
out to be anything but.

Read Next: Contraception Prevents Love

How to Design a Funnel to Pickup Women

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Posted: November 14th, 2017 @ 2:23 pm PDT By:RSDLuke Views: 5971

What up!

Luke here,

Bringing you a SUPER HIGH-LEVEL talk where I reveal me and my crew’s system
for funneling stunning girls into our lives. This includes event planning, social
circle game and social media strategy. Do you even tag bro?

Click below to see how we managed to throw the biggest Maxim Halloween After Party
of the year and literally had mobs of Maxim Models banging on our door.

Oh, and witness Owen’s reverse motorboating prowess…

Thanks for checking out the vid!

I implore you to start implementing these events and geo-tags into your social life
NOW! After you set your funnel in place, building your social circle will be set to

P.S. Head over to and drop your name on name on my VIP List
and get exclusive content up to and during the SCB 2.0 Launch!

The Dating App Funnel (for the Average Joe)

With millions of young people on the dating apps, you’d expect it to be easier than
ever to find “the one”. For some people, it may be. But if you’re just an average
Joe, good fucking luck.

Average Joe, let me introduce you to something we in the business world (and I’m
quite the homme de business) like to refer to as a funnel. More specifically, we’re
going to be talking about the funnel leading from swipe to relationship on the dating
apps. Even more specifically, we’re going to be talking about this funnel in the lens
of the unfortunate, average Joe. Sorry Joe, this could get cringeworthy.

On an app like Tinder or Bumble, you’re served a plethora of singles (some eligible,
some fugly) in your area. All the people that show up on your screen make up the
top of your funnel. Average Joe is a solid 5/10 on the attractiveness scale, very
average. He’s 25 years old, went to an average school, is of average intelligence,
has an average office job, has an average personality, has an average a pp profile,
and is of an average build (so in the United States, you could say that he’s rocking a
dad bod). But Joe knows his worth, and he only swipes right on average and above
girls. The below average girls that he swiped left on (let’s call it 50% of them) have
just leaked out of his funnel as potential matches. Let’s say that Joe swipes 100
times a day for four years. That’s ~150,000 swipes in total, 75,000 of which were
right swipes and 75,000 of which were left swipes.

Okay cool, so Joe’s got 75,000 honeys to choose from, right? Wrong. Girls on the
app tend to be even pickier than guys. A medium article cited that the bottom 80%
of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and
the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men (source). If you
assume that guys on the apps are representative of the attractiveness of the
general public, you’d expect men to be doing a hell of a lot bit better. This is the
unfortunate reality of dating app inequality. So yeah Joe, girls on the apps are about
to tear you apart.


Let’s say that of the 75,000 girls that Joe swiped right on, only a measly 1% (and
this could honestly be generous) swipe right on him. That means that Joe only gets
750 matches over those 4 years, or ~0.5 matches a day. Another 74,250 girls have
just leaked from Joe’s funnel.

750 honeys, not quite 75,000 but not so bad, right? Wrong again, Joe. Upon
second glance after matching, Joe realized that 30% of the girls that he swiped on
were bad, real bad. He chose not to message any of those. There go another 225
from the funnel, leaving only 525. Joe is only human, and he was too lazy to
message another 20% of his matches, eliminating another 150 and leaving 375
potential soulmates.
Joe actually messaged the rest of the 375 girls. For about half of them (let’s say
200), he was lazy and only messaged them “Hey.” Joe didn’t do so hot with these;
only 20% (40) actually responded. Of those 40 ladies, only 20% (4) responded more
than once. Of those 4, Joe was only able to successfully convince 25% (1) lucky
lady to go on a date with him.

Of the other 175 girls that Joe messaged, he put more effort into his opening
line. The extra effort resulted in a higher response rate of 57% (yeah weird number,
but I wanted to make these numbers easy to work with), or 100 girls. Joe ran out of
fire lines after his opener, and only 20% (20) responded more than once. Of those
20, Joe was only able to convince 25% (5) lucky ladies to go on a date with him.

So Joe got 6 dates over those 4 years. While Joe is an average guy, he’s a very
solid closer. Joe was able to convert 50% (3) of those girls into relationships. That
means that Joe only ended up in a relationship with 3 of the original 175,000
swipes, giving him a success rate of 0.002%. If you’re looking at only the girls that
he swiped right on, he’s got a slightly better 0.004% success rate. Oof.

Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking. Samuel, you’re just being harsh on Joe.
there’s no way that an average guy would only match with 1% of his right swipes.

Fair point, valued reader. I may have been a little harsh, but I wasn’t that far from
reality. From the same Medium post that I’ve been citing throughout the article, a
man of average attractiveness can only expect to be liked by slightly less than 1%
of females (0.87%). Check out these Tinder funnels that were recently posted by
guys on Reddit:

Yeah, dating in the modern world can be tough for an average Joe, even soul-
crushing at times. But there’s good news! There are things you can do on and off
the apps to increase your chances at success. You’ll have to be on the lookout for
future articles on those topics to figure out what they are though 😉


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What is a Relationship
Funnel? How Is It
Different Than A
Normal Marketing
Posted onUpdated February 28, 2019 by Bastian Ernst
Quick Summary
Here’s a quick summary of this article so you can decide if you are interested
in it or not.

I’m going to explain what Relationship Funnels are and how to create them.
Including the following…

1. What is the definition of a Relationship Funnel?
2. How are Relationship Funnels different from normal marketing funnels
or sales funnels?
3. Do Relationship Funnels actually work?
4. The strategy behind Relationship Funnels explained.
5. How you can build your own Relationship Funnel in 9 steps.
6. Benefits to Relationship Funnels

Video Summary
Listen To Podcast
Wild Audience FM
Relationship Funnel vs. A Sales Funnel. Which performs
better? Relationship Funnel vs. A Sales Funnel. Which performs

When I started my own business selling information products, I struggled

to even make a full-time income using marketing funnels and product

With this approach, I also had to keep doing launches which were very
I also knew that if one of my launches failed, my cash flow could be crippled.
And one day that’s exactly what happened.

That’s when I came up with the idea for Relationship Funnels and
quickly grew my business to 5-figures a month!

Relationship Funnels are a powerful tactic. Other businesses have

implemented them to boost engagement, achieve higher email open rates,
better conversion rates, and significantly more sales.

And the best part is that it can be fully automated!

Do you want to learn how to implement this powerful marketing funnel

in YOUR business?

Great! Let’s get started.

1. Relationship Funnel Definition

So what exactly is a Relationship Funnel?

Relationship Funnel is optimized for two things:

1) To establish a relationship with potential customers on autopilot and

install buying beliefs

2) Once they are ready, present our offer as the solution to their problem at
the perfect time.

Relationship Funnels focus on building a real relationship first. Build

trust by teaching and focus on giving value to your audience.

Later, sell prospects the solutions to their problems. If you’ve done a good
job of building the relationship, your prospects will be willing and even
eager to buy from you.
2. Relationship Funnels vs a Regular
Marketing Funnel – What’s the Difference?
Some people might compare Relationship Funnels to typical sales or
marketing funnels, but they have some important differences.

Sales funnels often apply sales pressure tactics like scarcity and urgency to
pressure prospects to buy now.

Relationship Funnels, on the other hand, don’t rely on high-pressure sales

tactics. Instead, they focus on building relationships with prospects
by giving value through content and education.

In fact, good Relationship Funnels may even cause prospects to ask you to
buy something even before you present your offer.

Don’t be surprised if you start getting messages like this:

People that are exposed to a Relationship Funnel don’t feel pushed or
pressured into buying something. Instead, they feel pulled towards
buying due to the positive experience that they received through the
Relationship Funnel.

A real-life example..
We achieved an incredible 8.66% sales conversion rate with our
company Relationship Funnel.

3. Do Relationship Funnels Actually Work?

While most online entrepreneurs know about sales funnels, many still
haven’t heard about Relationship Funnels.

Are they new?

Do people actually use them?

Do they actually work?

While Relationship Funnels are newer than sales funnels, they have been
around for a while. Relationship Funnels have been featured in top media
outlets and marketing podcasts including Neil Patel’s Marketing
School, Mixergy, Forbes and many more.
More than 1,100 online businesses worldwide use Relationship Funnels in
their business to sell their products or services.

Wild Audience clients have gotten results like this:

 Joe generates 1 million Euros each year with Relationship
 Matias achieved an amazing 34x increase in his click through rate from
1.7% to 58%

 Mubaid achieved a 9-10% funnel conversion rate, converting roughly one

out of 10 prospects into sales.

And hundreds of other students have shared testimonials, videos and

screenshots of their results here.
If you want to see a real-world case study on how a 7-figure online business
does this step-by-step, click on the image below and download your PDF.

4. The Relationship Funnel Strategy

The strategy behind a Relationship Funnel can be explained in 4 simple

Step 1 – Get the attention of your audience & maintain it.

Getting attention is hard, but retaining attention is even harder. Figure out
the best way to get the attention of your prospects.

 Select lead magnets that target the pain points of your prospects.

 Stimulate their curiosity by sharing information they can’t easily find
 Test out different headlines and copy. See what works and what doesn’t.

Focus on creating awareness for your brand and and keeping their
attention once they are in your funnel.

Step 2 – Segment your people. Understand that each person has different
problems and different goals. Figure out how you can help them.

You can use your opt-in form to segment new subscribers by asking them
4-5 questions about their goals, problems and interests.

Here’s an example of how we segment people during the sign-up process.

After clicking on an image or button to opt-in, the reader can answer a few
quick questions.

When people answer these questions, the email marketing software will
automatically tag them or segment them into groups based on their

Step 3 – Use the data to personalize the experience.

With email marketing tools like Active Campaign, you can send different
emails to different segments of your email list based on what they are
interested in.

You want to send content that is relevant to your prospects because it will
increase engagement. Higher engagement leads to more sales.

Help your prospects first. Build the relationship and gain trust. Then sell.

Step 4 – Engage your audience through content

Besides creating a personalized experience, you also want people to engage

with you and take action.

So how do you engage your readers?

Here are a few suggestions…

1. Add a CTA within your Relationship Funnel. A simple example might be
to ask your readers to post a comment in your Facebook group.
2. Allow readers to choose how frequently they receive emails. Give your
readers a choice so that they can choose their own path.
3. Use the Gmail-Zapier hack. By integrating Gmail and Zapier, you can
send your readers an automated email if they take a specific action.

For example, if they click on the link to your sales page a couple of times,
you can send

Then a message like this:

What’s awesome is that even though the email is automated, it looks like a
personalized email that I sent directly to one person.

For more ideas on creating engagement, check out these 7 funnel

techniques to increase your conversion rate.

Step 5 – Automate the whole thing including the email sequences,

advertisements, and the entire sales process. Software tools make it easy
for you to scale your business by automating everything.

This is what that looks like inside Active Campaign ..

5. How to Build Relationship Funnels in 9
Step 1 – Define Your Value Ladder
Start with a lead magnet, which can be a PDF or video or some other type of

After that, offer a low-end product that is inexpensive, but has high
perceived value. This is called a front end offer.

For example, let’s say you are selling a $10 eBook as your front end

Make sure you deliver so much value in this eBook that your customers
will be blown away by how much value you gave them for $10.

Focus on creating an experience that will let customers feel like you over
delivered and that they got a ton of value for their money.

Why do you want to do this?

Because providing an amazing first purchase experience will get them

excited about buying your next product! Since they know you deliver a
ton of value in your lower-priced products, they’ll be eager and willing to
buy your higher priced products or services.

To break even on your customer acquisition costs have an upsell behind

your front end product.

A $50 – $100 upsell can increase the average order value on your front end
product. This upsell will help us cover the cost of Google and Facebook ads.

You can then sell your core product to customers who purchased your front
end product. Price this product higher than your front end product.

People who purchased your front end product will be pre-sold on this
product because you’ve already delivered them a lot of value on their
previous purchase.
You can also have additional back-end products that you can sell at even
higher prices. For example, a few high-end customers might be willing to
purchase a $10,000 done-for-you service or in-person consultation.

Existing customers are more likely to buy from you because they are already
familiar with your brand and they’ve already had a positive experience and
relationship with you from their previous purchases.

Start with just the core product and lead magnet and come up with your
front end product later.

Step 2 – Creating Your Belief System

A belief system consists of any biases or beliefs that a person will have
about you and your products.

For example, if a person eats an orange for the first time and has a bad
experience because the orange was old and rotten, then they may believe
that oranges are bad.

To convince the person that oranges are good, you will have to install a new
belief. You may have to explain that oranges are healthy and convince the
person to try oranges again to overwrite their old belief system.

What does your ideal customer need to believe before he or she can
become your customer?

Write down all ideas that come to mind. You may come up with a few ideas
or even a dozen beliefs that you will need to install into your customer’s
belief system.

Step 3 – Map Your Beliefs

Ask yourself where you will install each belief. Each piece of content you
create should be designed to install a new belief in your customer’s mind.
Step 4 – Create a Lead Magnet
A good lead magnet will filter out the wrong people and lead the right
people to you.

Here is an example of one we use at Wild Audience. The article below

displays an image that offers a free download of my Relationship Funnel

Only people that are interested in Relationship Funnels will click on it,
which allows us to build a highly targeted list.

Step 5 – Build a Relationship Building Sequence (RBS)

Your email sequence will build a relationship with your prospects and also
install the right beliefs into their belief system. Your RBS should also be
optimized to engage your audience so that they get excited, hyped and
eager to purchase your product.

Step 6 – Decide On Your Sales (or Conversion) Event

Your sales page can be a text sales letter, video sales letter (VSL) or a
hybrid page which contains both text and video. You can also use an
evergreen webinar.
Keep in mind that what gets people to buy is not the sales event so much,
but everything that happens before it. The RBS gets people excited for your

Step 7 – Launch Your Funnel

Try to launch to 250 new prospects to test your funnel. Facebook ads or
groups can be a good way to get new prospects into your funnel.

You want to get new prospects into your funnel to test it because your
existing customers already know you and are more likely to buy. Testing
the funnel with fresh prospects is a great way to make sure that your funnel

Your funnel might not be profitable initially and that’s ok. It may take 2-3
iterations to test your funnel and get it ready to scale.

Step 8 – Optimize Your Funnel

Once people have gone through your funnel, look at your numbers and
figure out where the weak points in your funnel are. Improve on those
areas, fix any mistakes and once you’ve optimized your funnel, you are
ready to scale.

Step 9 – Scale Your Growth

Now that your funnel works the way you want it to, you can increase ad
spend and maximize other lead generation channels to get as many people
into your funnel as you want.

6. Benefits to Relationship Funnels

So what are the benefits of a Relationship Funnel? And why not just use a
traditional marketing funnel?

a) Relationship Funnels work better (especially over the long run) because
they focus on building the relationship first before selling.
Once people trust you and see that you are someone that delivers a lot of
value, selling becomes much easier.

b) Relationship Funnels combine marketing automation technology and

human psychology to achieve optimal results. They allow you to get into
people’s hearts and minds and ultimately generate sales that will allow
your business to grow.

c) Wild Audience customers achieve high click-through rates, open rates,

and sales conversion rates. They achieve extraordinary results by
engaging with the right people using what we call “engagement hooks”
including open loops, cliffhangers, micro investments, and frequency

For example, Landon Porter achieved a 6% conversion rate and made

over $6,000 in 6 weeks from his Relationship Funnel:
d) Relationship Funnels also allow you to scale your business while staying
relevant and forming a personal connection with your audience.

e) A Relationship Funnel is a 100% evergreen system that works 24/7,

365 days a year to generate more predictable and consistent revenue each

f) Unlike other marketing funnels, you won’t have to rely on repeat product
launches and your revenue won’t rely on a single launch. You won’t have to
go through the stress and work overload of preparing for launches.

Instead, Relationship Funnels are a well-optimized selling machine that you

can continue to improve as time goes on. They use automation to continue
to sell to new prospects as they enter your funnel.

g) And the best part about Relationship Funnels..

You won’t feel salesy, fake or slimy from doing them. You can just be
yourself and use your own personality to establish a real connection with
your audience.

Don’t be surprised if you start getting messages like these:

h) Relationship Funnels are future proof because they work with any
platform and human psychology won’t change.

i) Because you are focused on creating real value for your audience and
forming a real relationship, Relationship Funnels will also allow you to
boost your engagement levels, sales conversions, and ROI.

Focus on bringing the right prospects into your funnel and your
sales WILL increase.

j) Another benefit of Relationship Funnels is that they are more cost

efficient because you won’t waste money on people who won’t naturally
engage with your content. Focus on creating engagement and you will end
up converting more people with less traffic.

You can actually decrease your marketing spend and achieve a higher level
of profitability with this approach.

k) With a Relationship Funnel, you won’t have to worry about finding a

constant stream of new customers each month. You also won’t have to
come up with new promotions every month to sustain your business.

l) Unlike sales funnels, Relationship Funnels will give you predictable cash
flow, profits, and ROI each month.

To Sum It Up
Relationships and trust are everything in business. People seek to connect
with other people in business, but many businesses focus on selling rather
than building genuine relationships.

Be the business that focuses on relationships and you will experience

more growth than you ever thought was possible.

To learn more about my Marketing Funnels, read this article.

And if you want to see a real-world case study on how a 7-figure online
business does built multiple sales funnels and turns website visitors into
paying customers, download your PDF below.


The Sales Funnel of Dating

Men's Advice Dating Tips, Uncategorized
By David Wygant November 16, 2015 107 Shares
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Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail”
openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.

For those of you who are old school, or those of you who are salesmen, you’ll
understand this analogy well.

If you’re in sales, you’re always building a pipeline of leads. Potential people

that you hope will become customers.

You’re documenting each phone call.

* Called them on 9/10, pitched them.

* On 9/12 they called back and said they have some personal issues going
on, and will be getting back to me at the beginning of October.

You follow up at the beginning of October with an email or a phone call.

You’re constantly building a funnel. So what happens several months into

your new sales job or your new career, the sales start to fall in? You start
getting customers.

That’s how it works in the business world. It’s not exactly spontaneous. It’s
very rare that you go on a sales call and immediately somebody says “yes, I’m
going to do that right now.”
It’s about building rapport. It’s about building comfort. It’s about building a

Dating used to be about spontaneity

It used to be, boy approaches girl on the street corner. They have a
moment. Boy and girl look at each other. Boy is a real boy and he gets her
phone number. They go out that weekend and fall head over heels in love

That’s how it used to be. Nowadays, dating is like building a sales funnel.

Everybody is swiping and texting all over the place.

People are on their ass. People aren’t meeting out and about. People are
creating rosters.

Don’t laugh.

I have tons of friends who have rosters. As a matter of fact, a really good
friend of mine writes down everybody he’s about to date.

He’s created a roster.

He’s got them ranked from 1 to 10, like it’s a draft

People are not spontaneous, because in today’s modern dating world, all
people are doing is selling. They’re pitching each other via texts nonstop

They’re consistently re-evaluating things.

They’re creating a sales funnel.

As a matter of fact, a friend of mine called me the other day. He matched with
somebody on Tinder. Back in July. No kidding.

They texted back and forth. They’re finally going to get together towards the
end of October, when she’s back from her trip.

He had to work three months to get this lead? A person he’s never met
before. Just to go out and have a face-to-face meeting.

In sales that works, because you don’t care what the prospect or client looks
You don’t care if you’re attracted to the client at all. You want to get the client
so you can build your business.

There’s no such thing as chemistry, between you and the client. You’re not
thinking about making out with the client, or throwing the client on the desk
afterwards and having your way with them.

But three months to get a date and the second you see them you may have
zero chemistry. You’ve wasted three months on a prospect? This is what
dating has come to, a bunch of people cold calling one another and not ever
really connecting.

Every lead you get on Hinge or Tinder or any of the other dating apps is just a
cold lead. It’s a cold call. The longer you wait to meet this person, the less
chance you have of connecting. Yet people are chasing each other for

It’s time we stop dating like we’re doing sales calls. It’s time to make a
decision. As a matter of fact, just get on the phone, spend five minutes on
FaceTime, and see if you’ve got chemistry with somebody. Instead of months
and months and months of building the sales funnel.

What happened to the magic of boy meets girl?

hy Marketing Funnels are Like the
Online Dating Scene

By Michelle EichnerApril 25, 2018

Anyone who has been persistent in sales while making a concerted effort not to annoy their prospect
probably doesn’t have much trouble making the leap to an online dating metaphor. However, the
more you examine why marketing funnels are like the online dating scene, the more realistic the
statement becomes.

At the top of your marketing funnels is a giant cluster of “eligible bachelors or bachelorettes,” most of
whom will never make it to “first base.” They’re either not compatible, not serious about engaging
with your company or not ready to commit to your product. Meanwhile, the bottom of your marketing
funnels is like serious relationships lasting a few months to a year, or those dedicated customers
that become brand advocates and are “married” to your product or service.

The stats on marketing funnel conversions vs. online dating relationships are eerily similar as well.
According to a SimpleTexting study, 7.2 percent of relationships on the popular dating app Tinder
last between six months to a year, while a MarketingSherpa study revealed that nearly 6.3 percent of
leads across all major industries are converted to customers. That data suggests we need to court
our leads with marketing strategies that mirror successful dating habits.
Included below are four marketing tips for successfully “wooing” your leads:

1. Introduction – finding the right match

In online dating, there is a lot that goes into building an online profile. The goal is connecting with
people with which you are compatible. You want to be honest about your character traits and
interests to ensure the automated system that matches you has the correct information for a higher
chance of success.

In a nutshell, this is branding. There is a lot that goes into positioning your company to attract
specific target markets. Building an extensive network of leads means crafting honest and
compelling messages and pushing that messaging out through the correct channels where your
target market will see it. Don’t skimp on this step, or the marketing funnel will start and end at the
very top. You will become flooded with individuals that are not the right fit for your product or service
and are inconvertible.

2. Communication – not too much, not too little

This is where managing content is incredibly important. Marketing funnels requires precise timing of
ads served, or e-blasts sent, which keeps your content top of mind for leads. Your content strategy
and the accessibility of content needs to be well-organized and well defined by your marketing and
sales team.

You don’t want to be a clingy company that bombards a lead with marketing content, but you also
don’t want to “ghost” your leads and never follow-up. The goal should be to deliver a steady stream
of content that lets them know that you are interested in their business but respect their time and
other obligations. And as they get more engaged with your brand, you can serve them more in-depth
content, more frequently.
This is similar to the dating cycle in that you chat online or via text in a limited fashion, and
eventually, go on dates and learn more about your partner as your comfort level, interest and
communication increases.

3. Closing – are we official now?

You’ve built a network of qualified leads, and you have supplied them with a steady stream of
engaging content. Now it is time for conversion. Some might relate this to marriage, but we are not
there yet. Converting a lead means you are official, they like what they see, and they want to be your
“boyfriend or girlfriend.”
How do you cross the barrier between dating and official? You begin supplying the lead with a strong
call-to-action, set an in-person meeting to discuss a service contract, or you provide them with a
discount offer to purchase your product. This will hopefully lead to your first sale with this nurtured
lead. You’re now official.

4. Loyalty – you’ve found yourself a winner

Your lead has purchased the introductory level of your product or service and are testing the quality.
Your marketing efforts are finalized, and it’s now up to the user experience and service to nurture
this relationship, right? Wrong. Now is the time for marketing to start engaging on a more personal
level. Communicating with customers directly via social media, sending surveys, offering loyalty
discounts and/or membership perks, as well as getting them excited about innovations to products or
services in the pipeline.

The goal of these relationship-building techniques is to create brand advocates. These loyal
individuals will help do your job for you by telling their friends and family and sharing your content on
social media. This is the final step in a perfect relationship ─ the marriage. Just like dating, it is
incredibly difficult to get to this point, but with the right blend of content strategies, product
quality, and engagement, you will find a few diamonds in the rough. Of course, this metaphor only
works for marketing since you probably shouldn’t strive to marry multiple people.

How Marketing Funnels Work

Home » Blog » Conversion Rate Optimization » How Marketing Funnels Work

If you’ve spent any time learning about marketing analytics, you’ve

probably come across the term “funnels.” If you’re curious about what they
are and how they can help, this post is for you.

What Are Funnels?

You undoubtedly want visitors on your website to take certain actions.
Maybe you want them to make a purchase, sign up, or fill out a form.
When someone does something you want them to do, it’s known as a
conversion. The visitor converts from browsing to taking the action you
want them to take.

A funnel is the set of steps a visitor needs to go through before they ca n

reach the conversion.

Think about the Amazon purchase funnel. There are a few steps a visitor
has to go through before they can purchase a product. Here’s how it looks:

 They have to visit

 They have to view a product
 They have to add a product to the cart
 They have to purchase
There are additional steps/actions that can be taken in between each of
these steps, but they do not matter in the purchase funnel. For example, a
visitor may view Amazon’s About page, Contact page, and Careers page,
but we don’t need to count these in the funnel because they aren’t
necessary steps.

Why is the set of steps to conversion called a “funnel”? Because at the

beginning of the process, there are a lot of people who take the first step.
Then, as the people continue along and take the next steps, some of them
drop out, and the size of the crowd thins or narrows. (And even further
along in the process, your sales team gets involved to help close the

The top of the funnel is where everyone goes in (visiting your site). Only
the most interested buyers will move further down your funnel.

So when you hear people say “widen the funnel,” you now know what they
are referring to. They want to cast a larger net by advertising to new
audiences, increasing their brand awareness, adding inbound marketing,
etc. in order to drive more people to their site, thus widening their funnel.
The more people there are in a funnel, the wider it is.
You aren’t limited to using your funnel strictly for signing up and/or
purchasing. You can put funnels all over your website to see how visitors
move through a specific website flow.

You may want to track newsletter signup (Viewing newsletter signup

form > Submitting form > Confirming email) or a simple page conversion
(Viewing a signup page > Submitting signup). Figure out what your goals
are and what you want visitors to do on your site, and you can create a
funnel for it.

Once you have the data, you’ll be able to see where roadblocks are and
optimize your funnel. Let’s dig a little deeper into that.

Why Funnels Are Beneficial

With a funnel report, you can see where you are losing customers.

Let’s take your average SaaS business as an example. Here’s how a

funnel may look for them:

 Visited site
 Signed up for a trial
 Used product
 Upgraded to paying
Do people have to use the product before paying? They don’t, but it’s a
good idea to track it so you can see if it’s a roadblock for them.

A Funnel in Real Life

Funnels occur everyday with consumers. Let’s look at the funnel process
for a retail store and see the corresponding steps in an ecommerce store.
We’ll be tracking a purchase funnel.
The Ecommerce store has the fortune of being able to see a funnel. It
would look something like this:

Okay, so now we have an understanding of what a funnel is and why it

helps. Let’s take a look at a product that offers funnels – Google Analytics.

How Google Analytics Funnels Work

Google Analytics offers funnels, and we’ve written extensively about it in
the past. There are a couple things you’ll need to know when creating
funnels in Google Analytics:
 It’s a pretty basic funnel. If you don’t want to dive deep into the data
and optimize, you can go with this.
 You cannot go back and retroactively view data. Once you create your
funnel, you’ll only be able to the funnel going forward as the data comes
Click here to learn how to set up a conversion funnel in Google Analytics.
We’ve gone through a fair amount, here’s a recap:

 When someone on your website does something you want them to do

(i.e., sign up, make a purchase, fill out a form, etc.), it is known as a
 A funnel is used to track the steps that lead up to that conversion. For
example, Ecommerce companies want people to purchase products on
their website. Their funnel may have these steps – visited site > viewed
product > placed product in cart > purchased.
 Using a funnel report you can see where people are dropping off in the
path to conversion.
 Google Analytics provide funnels as part of the free Google Analytics
About the Author: Zach Bu


Sales Funnels: What’s that and Why

should I use it for my dating site?
Jun 6, 2019
In a few of our latest articles, we’ve touched upon the term ‘sales funnel’ and some of
you contacted me, asking to tell more about this funnel thing. So here we go, today,
we’ll look into: what’s a sales funnel? What are the funnel stages? Example of dating
sales funnel. And how to work with sales funnels.

What is ‘sales funnel’?

The sales funnel is the process that a customer goes through starting from getting to
know your business and ending in making a purchase.

The funnel is divided into several stages depending on the actions and motivation of the
user. The product and business specifics will influence what actions the user takes inside
the funnel. Let’s see what stages the sales funnel is made of.

Stages of the sales funnel

We’ll refer to the classic AIDA model. This model helps to understand and organize the
behavior of the buyer at each stage of the funnel and facilitate in getting more

AIDA is suitable for any type of business, but depending on its specificity, the funnel
stages may differ.

So, the AIDA sales funnel consists of four stages:

 awareness;
 interest;
 desire;
 action

At the first stage of the funnel, the user finds out that your company exists. For example,
he sees an advertisement in the social network or a link in search results (awareness).

Further, the user is interested in the offer: looks at the offer, examines the prices,
payment methods and other details (interest).

Then the user adds the product to the cart and wants to buy it (desire).

At the last stage, the user performs an action: places an order, subscribes to the
newsletter, calls the contact number, and so on (action).
This model looks like a funnel because the number of people is reduced at each stage.

12545 people visited the site. If each of them went further, you would be fabulously rich,
and the sales funnel would cease to be a funnel, but, usually, it does not happen.
As you can see, only half of the users are interested in the offer. Perhaps the rest did not
like the design of the site or did not want to waste time viewing it.

Of all the curious, 3921 people wanted to buy something, the rest can live without you.

In the end, 468 of them became customers. Perhaps, those who left did not want it or
did not find an opportunity to place an order.

It is very important that as many people as possible go from one stage to another. If
one of the stages of the funnel loses too many visitors, you need to check whether
everything is okay. The clients may refuse to order due to a suspicious payment system
or stopped checking the search page because they did not find suitable filters and etc

Example of datings site sales funnel

Awareness: Peter decides to find a girlfriend. He searches for a dating site with singles
from his city.
Interest: Peter creates a profile on the site, tries the trial and starts looking for a girl. He
liked the search fields and different option to attract a girl’s attention.

Desire: Peter has found several candidates and he wants to continue to use this service.

Action: Peter pays for the full membership when the trial ends.

How to work with sales funnel

It is important to work with each funnel stage so that as many users as possible convert
to the next.

To do this, collect data on user behavior at each stage and draw up a customer journey
map (CJM), adapt the marketing strategy to the user’s behavior, try different options
and monitor their effectiveness.

Different customer scenarios will depend on what stage of the funnel, the customer is at
the moment.

At the first stage, it is important to collect the contact information of the user to work
with him further, at the second – to provide the most personalized offer, at the third- to
push the user to the order page and finally make him into a regular customer.

However. you can also lose a client if you scare him with an offer he is not ready for yet.
For example, a pop-up with a discount for the first order will not work if it appears
immediately after the visitor opens your site. The user did not have enough time to get
acquainted with your site and what it offers.

A little about working with users at different stages of the sales funnel:

 Lead generation. The first step of the sales funnel is to collect potential customers’
contact details. These can be emails or phone numbers.
 Warming customers up. Now, these leads need to be worked through, otherwise, they
will go to competitors, when they are ready to buy, or won’t buy at all.
 Sale. Discounts, gifts or special offers will help the client to decide on a purchase.
 Customer retention. When a customer has made a purchase (and you have already
drunk champagne celebrating it), there is no time to relax. Continue to work with this
lead: it is much easier to earn on repeat sales than on new ones. Such a client can be
pleased with loyalty bonuses, selling related products or discounts on repeat sales.
The main thing is to increase the conversion at each step of the funnel. Simply put, the
wider each stage of the funnel and the more people move to the next, the better it


Sales funnels help you understand how users behave in order to find a key to their
hearts and wallets. With the help of this article, you now learned a little bit more about
the users, how to warm them up, how to conquer them and how not make fatal

Feel free to share your experience or thoughts on this article.

tl;dr – If you don’t want to read the whole article, you can check this video

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