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(Based on “All you need is Kill” from Hiroshi Sakurazaka) Group:

Some questions are related to a time mark for you to do during the movie.

1:00 – 11:00
What’s the nickname given to Rita Vrataski? ______________________________________________
What can you see on the wall behind General Brigham at his office? ___________________________
Who is the Sergeant in charge on base Heathrow? __________________________________
Where is he from? _____________________________________________
According to the Sergeant, what’s the only true redeemer that can create heroes?
a) Courage b) Rank c) Battle d) Time

20:00 – 35:00
What kind of alien killed William Cage on the beach on the first battle?
a) Mimic b) Omega c) Alpha d) Gamma
What did Rita steal from William on the beach?
a) Gun b) Power source c) Chest part d) blood
What game are the soldiers playing on the barracks?
a) Poker b) Cards c) Blackjack d) hide and seek
What does it say on private Kimmel’s shirt? _____________________________
What is Kimmel wearing in front of his battle suit? ________________________

40:00 - 1:30:00
What is the name for the creature that can reset the day? _________________________________
What vehicle do they use to escape from the battlefield? a) Car b) Train c) Helicopter
Why does William refused to continue with the plan on the farm?
Where is the omega hiding? a) Dam b) Louvre Museum c) Paris

Use Past simple or continuous:

When private Kimmel ___________________ (scream) “We made it!” a plane_______________ (fall)
over him and he _______________ (die).
When William ___________________ (break) his back, Rita _________________ (kill) him.

This is a fragment from the book, please read it an answer the questions below.

Rita was bored of the life on Pittsfield True False

Rita doesn’t like daydreaming True False
Pittsfield is a big town True False
You can buy natural coffee on a small general store in town True False
The text takes place before the war with the mimics True False

Can you explain the movie? (Please write on the back)

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