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Transcript presentation of ayu nari and nurul khairunisa

By : dafa diya and nova p

Assalamualaikum wr.wb, hello everyone we meet again. So today in here me and my friend mm
nurul khoirunisa will explain about rights and obligation in nursing ethics, so what definition of
rights and obligation. In here rights are demands for something, where a person has rights to him,
such as powers and privileges in the form of demands based on justice, morality or legality. Rights
can be viewed from a legal and personal perspective. Obligation is a burden to provide something
that should be left or given by a certain party cannot be by another party which in principle can be
prosecuted by the interested party.
So there are three are types of rights
One,freedom of rights, the rights of freedom is expected as the right of people to life according to
the choices with leading the presc.. I mean limits. So for example, as we know nurse who works
in a hospital can can near the uniform she wants, as long as if is it’s clean and polite in accordant
with the limit.
Two, welfare rights, welfare rights given lowfuly ethic are specific 70 standar, standars sorry in
particular area, for example the rights of patient to okay nursing care the rights of residence of
kind clean walker and order
Three, legislative right are of wide on the concept case of justice, for example a women has a legal
rights not to be mis…. By her husband
So next, the next. Okay this is the role of the rights and obligation
One, rights can be to get expression of powers it conflict between person and groups
Two,rights can be provide to justification for an action
Three,rights can resolve disputes
And why is the right and obligation and right of nurse, the rights of a nurse to open legal protection
and the professional standar and standar operative procedure and nurse obligate to provide nursing
service in accordance to ptofesional standar and next this is there are five types of rigths of nurse.
One nurses have legal protection, two have to develop themselves, three reject the wishes of
patients, four get complete information from patients, five get the opportunity to develop career.
Nurul khoirunisa will explain about
Okay i will explain about obligation of nurse. One,provide nursing services in accordance with
professional standard. Two, respect the rights of patients. Three, collaborate with medical
personelor other health workers. The principle of nursing ethics is the principle, truth which is the
basic principle or benmake of a nurse to think, acts to make decisions that direct moral
responsibility that underlist the implementation of nursing practice where a nurse always others to
the principles of nursing ethics so that so that the occurrence of ethical violations can be avoided.
One autonomy, the principle of autonomy is based on the belief that individuals are able to think
logically and are able to make their own decisions. Adults are considered competent and have the
power to make their own, choose and have various decisions or choices. Two beneficience,
beneficience means, only do something good and every action given to the client must benefit to
the client and avoid disability. Goodness, requires prevention from mistakes or crime, elimination
elimination of errors or crime and an increase in goodness by oneself and others.
Three justice, the principle of justice is needed to be achieved equally and fairly towards others
who uphold moral, legal and humanitarian principles. This value is reflected in professional
practice when nurses who for work sorry work for appropriate therapies according to the law,
standards of practice and correct beliefs to obtain quality health care.
Four nonmaleficience, this principle means sorry mean that it does not cause physical and
psychological harm or injury to the client. Veracity the veracity principle means full of truth. This
value is needed by health care providers to convey the truth to each client and to ensure that the
client is very understanding. The veracity principle relates to one's ability to tell the truth.
Six, fidelity the principle of fidelity is needed by individuals to respect the promises and
commitments to others. Nurses are faithful to the commitments and keep the promises and keep
client's secrets. Obedience, loyalty, is a person's obligation to maintain the commitment he makes.
Loyalty, describes the nurse's compliance with the code of ethics which states that the basic
responsibility of the nurse is to improve health, prevent disease, restore health and minimize
suffering. Seven confidentiality, the rules in the principle of confidentiality are that information
about the client be maintained by the client's privacy. Everything everything contained in the
client's health record document may only be read in the context of treatment of the client. No one
can obtain this information unless permitted by the client with proof of approval. Acountabillity
deficince standar that action professional can be in situation exempel of nurse, responsible for
themself to profession client and community. If the nurse respectly to the nurses’s client it can be
chould the doctor and the community an demand proffesion, okay, thank you . Nine respect,
respecting and pride of the client, simphaty and empathy the client. Okay, thank you. Any question.

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