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Who Will Win in Congo-Kinshasa? By Kibwe Tcha-Malenge NORMAN BETHUNE INSTITUTE 1976 WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! Published by NORMAN BETHUNE INSTITUTE Printed by: PEOPLE'S CANADA PUBLISHING HOUSE Distributed by: NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS CENTRE Distributors of Progressive Books & Periodicals Box 727, Adelaide Stn. Toronto, Ontario ‘Canada Who Will Win in Congo-Kinshasa? By Kibwe Tcha-Malenge In todays world, the struggle between exploited and exploiter, has become the axis around which present day social life is revolving. The question ‘of who Is going to win victory in a given Country isa matter of ‘ardinal importance, Ouingthstrugge, each forceis inspired by "sont ideology an fights forthe tumph ots most sacred pin ‘ples, The forces ol reaction are ighting forthe mumph of heir i:peope eas, while the orces of progress are lighting forthe “mancination of mankind the world over, Therefor, the question of inal victory, a¢ logical outcame of the stragle between opposite forces with divergent interests, hhecomesa matter of paramount significance. This question spar ‘ularly esental under the conditions of people's war which Semands 2 sprit of volunteering to make sacrifices and the «courage to face any onslaught launched by the enemy class, I every single thought ofthe revolutionary fighters isnot channeled Sand oriented towards fundamental objective for which we have Sccepted to fight and evento di, tis very dificult to arouse the treat determination necesay ‘Starting trom this principle nd considering the complexity of ‘thestragges within the Congolese society where the physicaland ‘moval forces are engaged ina igh, the outcome of which certain ‘observers finddifeutto predic, tought f was essential townie these few pagesin order o explain the relationsol forces between ‘onticting parties and ideologies, to eliminate the doubts and to {show which party andwhich ideology meet the requrementsta ‘sin final victory im Congo-Kinshasa, ‘he calection of aces on this mtr ntiled “Whe Shall. Win in Congo-Kinshasa?” The tile already indicates the ex ‘tence of some inercton based on force, between the various cal and moral persone POH course there is a struggle between the international imonopaiss, Le between the U's persis andthe oi Began Somat, competing for raw mater and hegemony over ther Congo. “here stage waged agains the people by the Congolese seaction in oder to perpetuate mperalit explosion. ‘nd nay there fa supe waged by the Congolese people against both US. imperialism and Began Imperairy wel 5 faint Congolese reaction in order 10 achieve. genuine independence and socal liberation. ‘ne Congolese soley therefore engaged ina process n- solving rues on various Irons. fe govng twin all here Styles! Such ithe question on which intend throw some igh ' The Congolese Nation and the Contention Between the Imper The Congo accupies a vast territory of 2.64932 square kilometers covered with ferle land, big mountains, gant forests and having a wemendous amount of weath ordered in the north by the People’s Republic of Congo: razzie, the Central African Republicand Sedan nthe cat by Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi nthe south by Zant and Angola: andi the west bythe Aantic Ocean our country in the heart of the Alrcan continent of whick i constitutes Therefore the centre of gravity. “Compared with other countries the Congo has 3 surlace ates five times that of France. eihtycimes that of Belgium, and one thiveenth that of the African continent. Is extaordinary mine fesources make i he best supplied countey in the entice Aiea, From the point of view of both variety and quality ofthe minerals textacted. The Congo therefore occupies 2 poston of primary Signitiance, “The Congo f the biggest producer inthe world of cobalt and dlamopds abo ranks among the top producers of uranium, opper. tin and um. Besides these, manganese, on, ting 0, const. ser plain, ttl, pala bau and Develeum, ee ate” ako. found, te acura produets Se: cocoa, cafe, rubber, copa. cotton, banans peas and palm ol not to speak a ait and vegetables whee represent Sinica weak The satepic and economic mporance of these resources explain why any event in the Congo unleshesan Uproar inthe Western medi The Congo among the mos prvleged counties not ony in Ares, bat inthe wor for hydography, attr tras Much more than the st ether Arcan couse te ‘ame of a tver (Senegal Gambia, Upper Vota, Niger, Nigeria, Congo-Sraczvie. it name elie fundamen yeowaphc teay. The Congleseterttorycorespondsalmon entreltothe thainage basin forthe Congo ther which basin one of he chest and largest in the world Lengths, te Cong River the shin the worl but fom the pot of vew of ts daa {ren andthe vlume o ts flow comes second only to tee Xmazan, Together wh talents the Congo ver 40 Iilometes of nasgale routes for ship of 100350 ons and athe tor ships of 80 tons and ver Is fw excepinaly ‘exulrsaryng om 230s etre 7B000eubic eter Soprosimatel tm 110 3 whl the flows ofthe Misp an ihe Nit vary respectively fram’ ta 2 and tom 1048 Fons paint exewes of ysvsecn power estates sore 13 Iillon ktowats,e13 pe contol ewer eapacy, Theta Sivalone lose intelower-cango epresenva potential oD inion kona» posy of 25 lion Elomat nou vear, Stewie the toa producion of France Our county amos of varios ties, numbering about 20 events he Congolese popultion can be ctegroed i foun man groups. The Pygmies consttue the odes stat of he population. they 1 ped in the forest by he Banton dun te inst cere, Now some small aroupngy ae found tothe Kibale surin the Kivu ea Lake Nay-Nombe the Sona ‘he ants comtute the msinpar of the population Theyoe- cup two thirds ofthe Congolese terion. Te language In wolves pret, fes and sues, The sy of the Bante Tanguages leads tothe conchnon that they Rave @ common 5 ‘The Sudanese came fromSudan between the Ath nd the 8th centuries. They occupy acertainamount of tertoryioatedinthe North-tastern part of the country and along Lake Albert They are the Aura the Kakwas, the Bar the Lendus andthe Lugbaras. Their languages are of NiloSudanese inspiration Indeed, each Congolese tbe speak is own diferent language cr dialect. There are over thre hundred diferent languages or ‘lets spoken, Nevertheless, there are four main languages. ‘he Kiva language spoken from theaster coastandinthe isangani province region ta Bani language enriched with Arabic clement, “The Tshiluba language is spoken 2 its name indicates, bythe population he tubs” ethniegroup: theLuntus, the Lula the Balas andthe Koni The Kikongo language, spoken by the Bakongos, used inthe LomersCongo and in pat ofthe Kwang. ‘The Lingala language, spoken all long the Congo river 3s wellasinine Ubangus inthe Ute andin the province at quator. “the Congolese nation not only hassich mineral andariulural resources, but also long tration of revolutionary stuggles. A: Soon a the Belgian colonials invaded our country, ou people fected them with atms. The Battelas rebelled in Kost in u85 and_ shorty after the Bampendes, in. Kw vet Kasongo Nyembo waxed guerilla warfare fron 16t0 1917. The Beigian pubic Force, forthe Year 1915, had to undertake thirty armed expedition. n 191, Sankuru, Equator andthe May Néombe regions roseupinrebeion Toalithsmuxtbeaddedthe Tesstonce sugges waged by the Kings Sef Lumpur Kalam ba, Lukengu and Abily AI these restance struggles had one fea: defend the Congolese nations sovereignty agaist the ged ot imperilism Vac, this greed has been and is aroused by the Congo's peculiar natural features and coritions, compared with other Rivcan countries itispertinent tostate without any fear of denial that because of fs geographic location, ss a crossroad state tween northern, southern, eastern and western Afric, a wel ds because offs mineral aticultral and energy resources, the Congo represents a great interest or word imperialism Strategie Interest The Congo hte ony country in Aca wih huge dveried resources thas amateral base for potential development which ‘rou allow ito eventually rank amongst the counties that re “conomicaly ble to Take Up the responsibilty of supporting {evolutionary svuggles agaist imperialism, neo-olnilm and {eacton for genuine independence and socal liberation ofthe ‘rorking peoples. An economic power having sich stategc [roduct Scquies moral and pallial authority and would ata Teabe rear base forthe antrmperialst frces an fs heel very much sought bythe eapitls The captat powers fear such development, which would upset thet whole sategy of Aca. They are making ever ert {© ensure thatthe Congo remain ted to them inthe hope tht Staring trom is terrtory they wil be ble fo even tha idence, ab wells threaten and enslave other Afican counties. Lange military alports have been bu ofaciate an exes stop for miltary area and wading troop comin rom Ero _and America before continuing to the rest of Africa. re Today, many Arican counties ate sending thei troops for taining inthe Congo. lage number of paratroopers rom coun: ten such ap Chad Baron Rwanda, Gabon andthe Cent. ‘ian Repub arebeingtsinedinthe Congo US, Belgon and teal ofcers atthe aseschaminaand tons Many oicrsot these counis are rained a the Lluaburg Commander Schoo! inkasat miliary equipment walla rans are proved bythe Imperaiats through the Congolese government. During the tring, the instructors ar cleating the endshie of theo fiers m order to corrupt them and bring the to work forthe imperiain These profesional traning courses are simed 3t grooming agentsof imperil whine national armies oalthese cous ten, agen hove” misson Isto. overtvow progressive fovecment that might come up andihreatentheiterentst he rronopates It must be state that fr llimperiais the Congo sa point for thet ams of domination and exponation, ‘Mennen Wiliam former US Deputy Seretary of Sate niet cltiod the sue in the Alea Report of August 196, when he 7 atenic \wcote: "The fst and possibly the most important base fact about the Congo is that this county isthe geographic 2s well 35 the Strategie hear of Arica. What happens inthe Congo has the srestest impacton the rest of Aiea andallitsneighbours.Forthis eason, added tothe Congo's tremendous wealth, contol over th country has been and remains sought for by many ea base area The Unite States isinterested in everything that happens in the Congo, They cannot tolerate communist control over this couniry Fconomic Interest in addition 1 strategic purposes the Congo coveted by the capitalit powers because of agtcultual and indus raw materi that ae necessary to feed ther inhabitants and make their trade prosperous From palm oll to cobalt thehugereseves ‘of stl unexploted wealth are making the vultures of Western Europe and North America go wil. Private fenders found in the Congo an opportunity for profitable investments of helt ‘opt. The imperialists referee competing in order to suppiy Spare pats 8 well a fo sell ther good inorder to have a good understanding of their fierce competion, one must goback tothe year 198 Before theend of, that year and more precisely, on Tune 24,196, the Mobuty government promulgated an investment code which opened all ‘oor the Congolese economy for monopoly penetation. Ths ode allowed iter-imperialst competition ‘Si months afters implementation, the puppet Deparment of Economy had regstered. more than a investment projec ‘epretenting 3 tol capital of more than $100 milion. axed on ‘maximum prof-seeking nd competion thes projects were of US.-trench, Japanese and Brith origin and involved the mos iver sector he economy. "US businesren uted ta invest inthe mining sectorin order to squeeze out the Belgian financal circles, The projects sub ‘nite by "Leon Templesman and Sons forthe exploration and ‘iploiaton of katang's copper and tin reserves were not en {hunastcaly greeted in Begin. French projects were a numerous. In the main, they wanted to build» Renault assembly plant, a match factory, an Indust bakery, leather tanning factory and atextilefactoryin Kisangani Refusing to leave the market tthe sole disposal of the Americans and French, the British ako showed interest in the sting up of ‘eyland Motors” asembly plant and 2 textile factory. The Japanese who already owned an important mining concession ia Katanga were aso concerned withthe setting up of & giant fsalanised sheet metal plant, the building of textile factory and Of a "Toyota assembly plant tis not usles to repeat that this hot of investments turns our «country into a source of raw materials and market for dumping the finished products ofthe capitalist world The economie interest that the |Congo represent for the capitalists is at par with Hs strategic interest and indicates its political interest Political terest For anyone who understands that poles W the concentrated ‘expression of economics, the imperali’- meddling, im the politcal sphere cannot be mysterious. The imperialist powers are ‘ot only using the Congo 3s2 profitable sphere of investment for their capital, but aso as am important political instrument in thei ‘counter-revoltionay srugle in Afia ust as onthe military font, the Congo has taken up the res pponsibltyof raining the journalists of many French-speaking At Fican countries. The number of journals sever increasing in both electronic and writen media The journalistic training of foreign Alvcans in the Congo is sinanced by mining corporationssthis way, the imperialists exer= {cue a day today control over what these journalist wrte once they have left the Congo and are back inthe own counties, These journalists are pressuring public opinion towardsaccepting the so-aled "fre worl” polis of imperialist exploitation. Furthermore, inorder to protect thei interests, the imperialists axe tying 1 make the eological and politia line ofthe African fovernments consistent with their own warld outlook. Mary ‘coups Eat n Cental Africa have been staged from the Can: the funos for these coups have been prowded by the foreign ‘monopolies gathered inthe “Genérale Congoie des Miners The people of the People’s Republic of the Congo will never 9 forget the counter-revolutionary commandaes which, fom Kin- ‘has, had ried in 1970 to overthrow theleovernment, ith the Support of Mobuta and his masters, The plot against Congo-Brarraille is part of the new US. Impeitis strategy in Contral Africa, This strategy mas dengned ater the monopolist cicles had fled in thet mongcusres tose tip the United States of Central Africa, under the leadership of Congo-Kinshasa and with Mobutu a leader. ‘All thi lusates what interests the Congo represents forthe impevaiss Contention for Influence The importance ofthese interests has generated a igh fori fluence among the imperialists, The old. Belgian colonaiss do hot want the advantages of the Congo to. profit other ‘masters They want the postion that hey have acquired since the Colonial eratoremain ntact, reelromanycovetingand sabotage, ‘On the other hand, the new colonialist, be, the US. imperialists, being amongst the biggest consumers of raw materials in the vod, cannot accept that the Conga andits potential remain out of thee dvect control The wo contending parties are thus fighting each other: onein order to maintain ts postion, the other in order to conquer this Postion Indeed the inte-imperalist contention forhegemony over the Congo isnot anew phenomenon it dates very fat Back. The only thing that a certain numberof obstacles and some historical cr cumstances had prevented it rom gaining momentum. in 185, the Colonial Conference of ferlin made the Congo the propery ol the King of Begum. Even then, the huge wealth ofthe Conga had arouted the greed ofthe othercolonahss, Th, Leapoldthe Ivhad to ight agains France over Dubange, agaist the Brith, ‘who had designs about Katanga, and aainst Portugal. The origin ‘9f European contention forthe Congo can be traced back 0 this petiod. But because ii of lite intrest 10 us, we wil nat analyse is schemes now. Today it isthe struggle between the old Belgian ‘olorialssand the US. imperialists whichisrelevant;itisthisone Struggle which i important TRimust be remembered thatthe colon it designs ofthe US, 0 imperialists in the Conga are not a new phenomenon. They hhecameknown inthe beginning ofthe 20h century. At that time 2 publ opinion favourable to U.S. colonisation of the Cong fined momentum amongst the ruling cicles of Washington. ft tsi between the two world wars that the U.S designs were made public inthe March 1921 sue ofthe magazine Negro World. hoon, journalint forthe monapalis, wrote in pater "Ine apanieof ruling ts colony to develo tor to efficiently work to improve the conditions of the natives, Belglum should hand over the Congo to the United Slates Under the leadership of the United Sates, the Congo would make U.S, trade independent of Europe and would provide it with abundant raw materials and humerous markets: ft would make necessary the creation of 3 merchant navy which would allow us to seize monopoly over tworld trade This dream ofthe Americans could not come ue 2 that time, because the Congo was, in accordance withthe Belin Charter, property of the Belgian monarchy. ince 1808, the Congo was trendy secutedasaBelgiancolony. Therefore, the Americanshad to be patient and they prepared themselves to concretse thei ream once Belgian power over the Congo had weakened, e aiterthe Congo tained independence, Independence and the U.S. Attempts ‘On June 30,1960, the Congo won independence and was recognised by the US, who immediately established diplomatic rections. Because ofthe dificules generated by the Katangese ecession and the aggression by the Belgian troops, the Prine Miniter of the time, Patrice Lumumba, went to the United ations and from there visited the United States ‘When he was In Washington, Lumumba had discussions with themonopalstauthoriies ofthe White Houseabout hesitation Inthe Congo. At expected, the US. government seized the oc {clon and made proposals concerning US. investments inorder to “ensure” the fast development atthe Congo, 3Hch country ‘ahich hod been held back for a long time by the "Belgian Colonials", ‘Lumumba promised them that he would fist sus the bse withthe members of is government and that he would answer them through plomaue channels. Back in the Congo, he denounced the neo-colanisst designs of the U.S. monopolist: hes santero uy the Cong thes kane 0 hae i 0h rll tut ehused- The Congolese agape wil never aot Thee beween the od Belgian colonists and the US sot ates not taught open, or everyone 1c, wth each seeing sown troops tat the nner on he bald aa ect have he Congo Inte Tough nthe mos aaa eerie an inible way or ayone sullen pola incor who unnated othe ingues of he iperas Frown veo overs competi each one ofthe sheloes not mpor nar mari nea each one wes he dered able inthe Congo. Tote mens are he Teagsesterpelves who are already rlng the county of Seta The Blganar US colonials, manipulate them Shee hem agit te opponent. "he Cong nes pail lenders Each one of ther has sown poten efegitaloulock. bow preference inthesocal anomie apie, hapa or replian towards igre he ated Sates of Kneis, Wester Europe othe 2 Socialist camp, Common otlonks and sympathies unite the Inder etfront eee die them, Trisseeviden: thar leader with common outook, romnon mvloperstence, were bramorasvedby te Belgian capita Some Cnulese compradors are shareholders nthe sine companies ‘ithe Begin busnesmen, Allo them agree tht cooperation ‘Sang s beter than that with he United State tn eer Mord, decoding to them, Belgian neo-clonainm more flex ihlethan US. neo-olonsitm' They consider the United tates as ‘xremaly greedy and chauvnite, capable of swallowing the sthole Congo The "big tnance” group is pro-US. It comprises leaders fom various region ofthe Republic many of whom were clservats Linder the colonial administatin, who have been corrupted by bie US. liunce, bribed and. made to sere the CIAL A fod number of offer inthe Congolese puppet ary are ako parol hs grup they aesuppotedby thea Tsar hing for many hourgeos intelectual Tie “hatondl tits” group, for sparta meting pot of Congolewe poiicane. with, ambiguous phraseology sbout ‘atonal, They come tom vaiouspartso the country. Some of therm have been miltants in old independence movement The ‘octal and economic programme quite equiocal At one tie, a they stand for economic eral, and at another time, they ate hal” supports of “chron ena such nccherence ‘Stmaterof frat oy fr he US npeiasa he ol ean Scanlan he gonp of seguan capa alton for exampie, when revluionaty war agains imperial 3s ‘eprom bythe group i power i Advancing he US td telvion pent who ear toloxe everthing by wanting fen tooth get econced the cecurmancex i oder to oe the treat peopl’ war they unite putin power one ofthe Ie of the “raion ator” group They reno toch 9 Scheme because tl leader, thanks to salons reputation, trl hoodvin the revluttates with some empty phates sBoUt Totowa nd risen them into ging up resance ann {icon the aa maton concord Ths what happened invioed when the US-telgian imperlite agreed om ytle ‘doula and made him Pie Miner inorder toputanendtothe timed vero inte eater par of te county As ener oF the government, Adoua promised “Bann socal and the Continuation slong Lumumba’ path But becuse the weet tnae the forest the people found Aduls to be an agen of imperial ook up se aga “ne example of Adouta Mustates ow the imperialists se the rational wator la ove! tl the glance of he people and Perpetonte explotation, Because ofthe preset advance of out $tugee could happen ala oda. Therevoluonaieust nei oad ‘The Mission of Fach Group, The thee aforementioned groups are the agencies of US stan impenin in te Congo. ft through them that he ‘pens contend fo acheve thei especie goa I 280 iin hee woups that hey find pola teasers tat they we “ete pro he cone pli seve meso ihe ene tean perm arenes heya rcenaedin he unversites amongst ary ofce,cisenan ‘the nate costae The inperisithave sist oftheichenchmen. They now thee personaly the has and how ingen each one of hem When one of them dies, deceives them or goes ove tothe enemy '10Up, they automatically replace him by someone ele I's op this reason” that in the many Yeats since, independence, despite many changes ot governmentsand leaders mec ongo or not yet found any solution to the evs that the people sve sulfering. No solution has been found precisely becnose the People who succesively held power came either from the “mining group, or fom the "big finance” group or even from the “national tators” group, al of which ave agencies o inte ‘ational impetai in the Congo. |i order to mainain their poston, the ad Belgian colonialist strive to put in power a leader ofthe "mining" group, fle the USS. imperiaiss, because they want fo replace the Began lane ‘al ccls, wish to have one of theirs in power Therefore, each group has one misian to accomplish once it takes power The bro-Belglan block has the mision of safeguarding the interest ofthe Belgian financial cles, protecting them seat ‘the ambitions ofthe US. tustsandofrestcinginvestments noes Washington, so that the Belgian captains: postions not eower died. The mision of the “big finance” group isto replace Belgian financial circles’ domination with the. U.S. monopolies ‘domination. As far asthe “national itor” ate concerned, they have seen what is their use: they come tothe help of the tre ther oppesing groups whenever they are threatened withthe loss of everything because of people's revolution, Such I the ‘outline ofthe struggle between the U.S, and Belgian capitate ‘On the other hand, puting aside the three pro.mperais '10ups, there is the fourth one tx made up ofthe penuine sons {tthe Congolese people, those wn fight both the ld Belgon colonials and U:S. imperialism, ae well 35 Congolese reseon ‘Those who fight for genuine independence and socal liverstion, This group called the “people's” group. It comprises the workers, peasants, small producers, revolutionaty intelectual and the enlightened native antmperalist captalie, Since |Lumumba's death the vee ts roupsalonehave partcpated in holding power, the people's” group, forts parts hos been kept say from the affairs ofthe state The imperial fear 6 The Contradictions Within One Group and Its Loss ‘of Power tothe Advantage of the Opposing One Tris extend to emphasize B Each one of the provmperia blocks ha a leader. Uni 1967, the “mining” group was led by Moise Tshombe, Since his death, his responsibilities are looked titer by someone else, who, for security purposes, docs notcome ‘our inte the open “he "big finance” group, for ts par, i headed by Mobutu, ‘Mos of his competitors within the group have been eliminated ‘Adouls, former member of the national traitors” group who erved Mobi at an ambassador to Washington, had already Ssitched camps and had joined the "big finance” group. The CIA, ‘eas grooming him to become Mobutu's successor, But Mobutu hae alot of experience with neues and was very much aware of the fet that hi masters often use tactic of replacing one puppet whose pro-U.S. policy fs becoming too obvious, with another ‘one; therefore he quickly realised the risk and had fis val posoned. While these lines are writen, Adoul's brain i tiered apd he doesn't even krow where heis nor how towrite ths mame The other significant vals ike the ulra-reacionary Nendaka and fomboko have been dxmissed. They owe thei ives tothe US. embassy in Kinshasa, which waened Mobutu against mang these two selouts dsapoeat Having eliminated most of is dangerous opponents, Mobutis, ow governing with 3 bunch of "yes men”. The others do not Show up. They ypocttically Obey him, operate inthe bbuckground and weit a have thee say. Mobutu has become the ‘chest man in Aiea and one a he big money-bags inthe world He has achieved ths through the plunder of the Congo's wealth tnd outight theft of public money. Milions of dolars loaned to the Congo for various projects reach the pocket of Mobutu, tvho transfers them into his accounts. During fen years of Mobu: tat power, foreign investment has reached 200 billion French francs. France secount for 200 milion, agains 800 milion forthe German federal Republic and Billion for Belgium. The debt to France is 2 illon, Investments aside, the’ U.S. authorities have loaned,” through the fapor-import Bank, up. tO 400 milion dollars. And so an. Despite all these fabuiows sums 6 stl only 8 ofthe land is ulated, while 20% is arable, abutu’s colleagues inthe "big nance” group think that hes rich enough andhopeto take ther urna theheimat the country. But Mobut dogent see that way, Faced with this covetousnes, he organises kidnappings andaeatsiationsf the members ol hs Bock whom he suspecs to be burning with ambition, The same apples or those ofthe “elsing” group whom he hinksare active and dangerous. Such practices are not unique to Mobuty, They ave actions 10 ‘whichall agents of mperalembolcing power inthe Tits World resort, According tothe conditions of a given county, the CIA tho resort appropriate schemes. Thus, once the contradictions within the pro-US. group become acute, once the reactionary policy of a regime i brought into broad daylight and once the people alse he lackey nature the government and et rey to overthrow ithe CIA comes forward and replaces one hen thunan with another to continue the same palicy under new grb, This man wil modify some tacts ll the viglance of he people with nsigniticany praca wellare measuees rec alectingbe peaple, such a wage increases, the building ofsome hospital or bridges, punishment of soldiers who misbehave with the population. promises concerning future accomplishments Simulated attacks. against imperialism. and exploitation, the Propagating. of some theories of “lacal” social, the Fehabitation of an assassinated patlot Ike Lumumba, the pationalstion of some unimportant companies while letting the large monopoly corporations of scot fee, et et us get back to out problem and say that the stugale for power within one group aves the opposing groun the op: portunity to mobilise the amy and seize power. Its because of Eontradictions within the “mining” group thal Mobutu and his fang took power Ines very simple. tn 1965, the "mining eroup with Tshombe as leader fraudulently won the so-called legislative Elections. According to the provisions ofthe bogus constitution, Tsmombe was 0 form the government. But kasa-Vubu, president fof the Republic and also member of the “mining” group, at= bitraniy reused to nominate Tshombe as Prime Miniter and chose instead another member ofthe “mining” group, named kKimba, who therefore came before the parliament fora vote of ‘onlidence, But under the pressures of the monopolies which prelered Tehombe the parament rejected him and asked that Kita-Vubu nominate someone stho would holdimajority i the v putlament. ut agin, forthe second time, Kasa-Vubu nominated Kimba. Such an atitude of Kasa-Vubu was caused by the fear fenerated by Tshombe’s manoeuvres. The latter wanted to Fhecome Prime Minister in order to get elected President at 3 ‘ote date. kasa-Vubu'sdecsion was maintained, partly because ff the insidious asrances made to him by Mobutu: "Mr President” sid Mobutu, "the parliament i aempting atrial of {orees with you. You therefore have no right to capitulate. You ‘unt once again give Kimba the responsibilty of forming the government. He wil take al the time required. Andi aftr that, the parliament rejects im fora second ime, then we shall act 3: cordingly and you shall ake your responsibiles. The army at your dspowal While the partment was getting ready forthe second vote, Mobutu motive the army and overthrew Kasa- Vu, Tshombe and al their group. He seized power for himself and his own ‘foup, and in ths way, won 3 medal from the White House “The Rule of the Big Finance Group and the Wat for ‘Hegemony Between the US. Imperialist and the Old Belglan Colonaists ‘Dace power, Mobuta sated accomplishing hi groupis mis. sion replace Belgian domination with Yankee domination, He began by attacking the Belkin mining corporations unl the hoa of defending the Congo's economic independence. “But the Belgian financial cirles had enough warning and thertore, they had no illusions. They were very quick to tease that Mobutu's verbiage mas all phony with the sole purpose of ‘winning the people's confidence. They quickly understood that Mobi wastrying to absinthe peope'sendorsement or throw ‘ng out the Belgan corporations so that they could be freely ex- ploited by the US. monopolies Incapable of getting involved with their own troops against Mobutu, the Belgian capitals used their puppets in the ‘mining group, who proceeded torganse,inthesime mane, 4 coup d'etat in order to wipe out the "big finance” Rroup. But thanks to the CIA intrigues, the plot was discovered and the conspirators were hung ‘Ae was expected, the failure of the conspiracy and the physical iquidation of its protagonists forced the Belgians ® to retort to violence. In. 1967, acting on orders through Tenombe, the former police ficers and mercenaries of Katangese secession since then incorporated into Mobutusarmy {order tosmash the people's wat rebelfedagainsthim, occupied Kivu province and setup a pro-elgian government which they Taied “Government of Public Salvation”. From Kivu, ths {fovernment launched an offensive against the rest of the Congo Sihncver the Belgian interests were threatened by Mobutu for the benelt ofthe US. imperialists The frst few weeks following the seizure of Ki were marked by ery deadly bates between Mobutu’sroops fighting for US, Ripert domination over the Congo and those of Tshombe Thing to safeguard te interests ofthe old Belgian colonialist, Hundreds of innocent people fost ther lives inthis war of contention for hegemony in the Congo. comenion for hegemony oe End ofthe Wat for Hegemony eee ‘ecowding to many observers, the continuation of this war would have been dangerous for both the od Belgian colonalits Sha the U.S imperil. It created ideal conditions forthe es Calation and vicroryof the Congolese people's iberaionstrugale Shas. two competitors, amare of the ask, sated consultation Imorder to stop the wat ‘they finally decided to make mutual concessions: on the selglan sige, the police oficers and mercenaries were ordered to fewstuate the occupied ateasi on the US. side, Mobuty {fusranteed to respect the Belgian franca ices imerets. tis ho scident that PerreDavster Belgian journals andspokesman for Mobutuin Belgium, wrote afew yeaslatr: "The posit of IMendship for Belgium that exists i the Congo remains intact.” ‘Open nar was ths terminated [Neither Victor Nor Vanquished TTone athmetically analyses the igurestolind out whichofie two rials came out as 2 winner, oF loser from the war for Fhegemony, the falling points come tothe fre: Tint 1965, before Mabutu took power, 96% ofthe $ billion » invested in Congo belonged to Belgiam, ‘Second’ came the non-Belgan corporations such a Bish ‘Tangamika Concession, Anglo-South-AtrieaLontho, Nippon Min. ing Company and. Sodico’ Company of Japan. Direct US, investments then accounted only Tor Po the total Sur thanks to Mobutu's accestion 10 power, they significantly ‘expanded. Since 1870, US, investinents have teached! over 31 hilion, mos of which are in the mining sector. Today, the US. tuustshavecontrolaver ihe concessions tor most ofthe are metals with stategle importance for manufacturing. nutlest weapons: they hold 100% of cobalt, 90% of uranium, 8%. of diamond, 79% of tantalum. 64% of manganese, 50% of tin and Thiam concessions ad om Mobutu is bending over backwards in oxder to ensure US. supremacy over the Congo. Allthe pro-Belgan element nthe Mouvement Populaire dela Revolution, politcal pay of Us sbedience, ae continuotnlydianssd nl replaced th pro US, elements. The key ministerial postions though whieh US ‘consolation canbe aecompshed are given to peeple of the big finance sroun Onthe potical ont, Belgian influence s decreasing withevery posing das. while the US, positions gaining sensi But the dovs not mean that the Belgian financial cites: have ow ‘everythin As pat of his igh again! Begiom inorder toopen thedoor or USexploittion, Mebutuhad "nationalised the" Union Minitre ‘du Katanga". nis place he stp the “Generate Camgoase des Mineras"= Géocomin But in the 1957 agreement, Mobutu reassured the Belgians and told them that their company had mot been nationalised, But ‘Congofsed, and tat is name alone had ben changed and 4 Congolese nominated as manager. He sid that the Belians sil had usa inthe pas, the monopoly over extraction, nancial ad ‘ministration, marketing and conto ‘On the other hand, the Belgian financial icles sill contolled ‘many subsitiries ofthe "Union mimire”, representing a capital ‘of hundreds of milion of Belgian Iranes. Ta this one must add | numberof other domains throughout the Congo. nol fo mention | ‘he bilion invested by Belgium during the ten years Mabutuhas been in power Therelore, despite some US. victories here and there and des pite the succes ofthe Belgian countercotfesive heve and there, 0 thore 8 po victor and no vanquished, in the real sense of these words, a5 was the case between the French and the Americans Viet Nam, In the same way, the Belgian counter “itensive has not yet diamante the stategie postions seized by the U.S impenalis Thesitxgle’s going on, politically swells economy " People’s War Against U.S. — Belgium Expl Un the previous pages. we dscunel what interes the Congo sepresents tor org exposes forthe pola groups created bythe impesiat o ensure their domination and ther conten ‘ron through these groups, We aso soe that the prosper leader have an sy plying he rle of watehdog and protector ‘ithe monopolies Wheneverthe people ee against exptaton, ‘hestraupim poner use th army to suppress this popular ction ‘Vinout attempt by he people to size power irom the hands af thereatonay block by following the peaceful ond dit pve ny rea gute the canta. they were drowned ina ocean of Bloodshed This tution hasbvoug the peopefacetoface wth swo ate Tchiece liberation They ehovevesitance, As everybody Krom, thev rested he own army which now wagingaresatancewar tor national bersbon. ‘Hiseeutance ha sbeays been a matter of great concern forthe U5. Belionmpesins fn order fo protect het tress they Supply their lackey regime ith the mos sophisticated wat intel Graig hyper emupnet whe ato “Sppressing the people's eral to how dawn betore the wil of therresplotershasmade many observersdoubitlaboutthe al curcome of the wr, ‘Many ar asking whether the Congolese peopel winsictry cormbether theimpera orcs wi win, Other ask whether he Congo wil suvve such pray. criminal and power enemies Sch ae the questions that our Congolese bothers, a wal 3 ‘many peronaltiesn Alvis andtheoughourthe word sessking a (Gur answer to these questions isn the present war.the victory willbe won by the side whichis favoured by the balance of forces by the side which wl bring tether the necessary conditions for the tna tamph ‘Such being the situation [et us nov Fook into the elation of forces between the two warring des “The Balance of Forces In the present war, each side has strong and weak points advantages and disadvantages. To findout who sgoing 0 init fssental to fst analyse the two opposing forces and in this, folate whats he nate of the advantages and disadvantages of tchone,and finaly assess shich one has aslid baistor victony. ‘As faras the imperaliteae concerned, we have explained that, they actin the Congo through their agents entrenched in three froups. Inthe present war, tis through them that they fight the people. Even when they are forced ta intervene physically, they ti i by hiding behind these men and carrying the banner of Tegitamacy. Thus ater the U-Belgian aggression (November 24 9b) against the revolutionary forces at Kanga, the Belgium and US. governments justified themslves in this way: "We interered militarily following the request othe Tegal Congolese fovernment led by Mote Tshombe ‘We should not forget ths point. When we talk about waring forces, we mean the antagonistic asses of Congolese society, some of which are fighting for national liberation anthewell- be: ing ofthe people, the others for imperialist domination and ex ploitation tn the Congo. ‘Clases fighting for Hberation and the well-being ofthe people are called people's forces: they belong to the “people's” group, The onestightng tor mperalis damnation over the Congo are called the lorces of imperialism: they belong tothe “mining”, ‘setinance” and “natonal traitors” groups the people's forces ate composed of five clases: the working clas the peasantry, thepety-bourgeosie, thelumpen proletariat and portion of the national, antimpeatst bourgeoisie, The ‘evolultonay intllogentsia also a part ofthe peopte’s forces, hese canes of forces are waging war against imperialism Tr independence and reson, his gives them courage, the sau a ‘chest fighting spirit and the highest sense of sacrifice. They ‘epresent aver 70%, the tal population The working class and the peasantry are exploited by Imperialism. The. pety-bourgeoisie i threatened with ban Lruptc. The lumen prolearatiscandemnedta unemployment The rational bourgeois’s development Is hindered by the capitalist monopolies. the intelligentsia is oppressed because of ‘ts ant-imperiast and progressive tendencies. [AL the present time, the people's forces have very serious ‘weakest on the material ftom thelr weaponry is weak com- pated to that ofthe enemy. Tet troope are mainly made up of ‘nen coming fom the peasantry having had nomiliaytaningin Camps, and their level of organisation tat up to the re- {quirements of the war. Thsis clearly manifested onthe military, oriomie and propaganda fronts. On the other hand, because ‘heir wari against international imperialism, tenjoysthesuppor fof the worl's people wha form the majority in Asia, Aca, Europe, America and Oceanis {As tothe lorces of pera they are composed ofthe com= prodor, bureaucrat bourgeoisie. and the naive eapitalistssold out to imperiaism. The bourgeos intelligent sides with these these clases 2s agents of imperialism inthe Congo, are waging war agains the people inorder to peepetuate foreign domination nd exploitation. They represent only 20% ofthe population, ‘On the paltieal and ecanomic ont they hold state power and have huge material and financial resources. This allows them 0 recruit numerous and well-trained oops, equipped with guns, tanks andmodernarillery. The Congolese puppet army i thebest ‘cquipped inal of Asca south ofthe Sahara, team mobilise over tone hundred thousand troops ‘On the military, economic and propaganda fronts, is level of xanisation sup tothe requirements ol the wae, But onthe inter national front, only enjoys the support of reaction, which i repudiated by the majoaty Such are in the man the features of the to opposing forces From this we can se that each o the two warting sides has is ‘weak points and stong pots. Thus, victory can only Belang 10 the side whose advantages ll outweigh th seakeses, whose tssentiat points will be dominant compared to Its secondary pints ets thus mak objective comparison ofeach ofthe warring sides’ advantages and weakneses. hep rhe long anaes They are waging» jal wor agai explotiton and for independence sn Hseraon 2: "They represent the marty ofthe population and form an an-tnpvait Ute Front inwhich over 7001 he Poputaon i pntcpating. 1 They havea people's army made up o son ofthe exploited classes having the staunchest fighting spirit, ” wb the hare he spt fv mary of he wos Their weak points at: 1. They have aman which sins tained and poorly cawiped d b 3. the miltay, economic and propagand fonts, hey ae not well organised, propaganda ‘eye ‘Onteather hand he fore f mpm hae he owing They are waging an unjust eactonay wa, frp ploitation and domination, * i 2 amy a ing copa oat of he people'sarmy. The soir of samy are anyone the ex Mle aang ara soon ashy became rors of thefacttha they aetighingon behalf forces cpposte nat interests they desert and go ove to the people's ores. In 1964, in the fst phese of our wor thousands of enemy sok cme onward 0 join ou rank 2 The force ingen te 3 minor oivat he population eptesentng only 4. On the world scale. they are supported by the minority counter-revoutin and have mote enemies than fiends, §& Thehave no rel United Front and are weakened by the con- traditions dividing thet masters for hegemony over the Congo, 1. Because they ae ihing for imperialist domination, they ceo no supp rm te mms who decide he etory many “And here ar tele advantages 4. they have modern armaments 2. numerous and well-trained 10098 3. as well, good organisation on every front. Thiscomparsonon therelationsof forces between therwo wat Py sing ses leads us to the thee following observations: ‘ist observation’ The pants which represent an advantage for the people forces ave weaknesses forthe forces of imperialism, AMhestnese which are weaknesestor the forces oftmperialismare ‘vantages forthe people's frees. Scand observation: The people! forces have two weaknesses and tout advantages, whi the forces of imperialism have six Welksewee and three. advantages Therefore, the forces of Innperatism Beat the record in weak points "Prd observations The advantages of the people’ forces a poltiet and moral. while those of the imperialist forces are rterial and orgessationl. This shows that the advantages ofthe people's forces are on the essential points, while those ofthe Fnperialstforees ae on secondary points Pv us, he revolutionaries, te esata points in the war ar the support ofthe people. the just characte ofthe war the high Tigi sir the sense of sacrifice, the consciousness of the ener which we fight and the support which this cause enioys PoSkuhe major of the people bothinsideandoutsde eco or the reactionaries, the essential poitsare: quality and quan- 1 ot armaments srl Irsining f troops, a sense of having an aniston capable of meting the requlvemens ofthe war and SMeaLorchesrated propasanda allot which or usaresecondary. “The mature of these two types of points Yeats the observers to must diverted outlooks reading the inal outcome ofthe war. Those who sick to mibtarim and overestimation of the im etance of ieapans declare that because of the quality and eecaty of ther armaments and oops the frees of mperais Sone ate int good station to achieve itor. The shortcoming seis satement that # only considers the material side. Sica the Great October Revolution Ted by Leni, the ex pounce of tevlutionary sruggle teaches us the following Pane “Without han any. weapons in the beginning, the ‘eople end up by defeating the reactionary forces equipped with Urzmodern aaments. The masses ofthe people, armed with echoes and speats: ended up by winning. victory against Tapert, with guns. tanks and advanced alley at 1 dis posal “his ruth has been tested in many counts In China, when the Chiang Kabshek reactionaries were im posing cil war on the Chinese people, the balance of forces was ra unequal: the reactionaries had superiority. They had a army of ‘more than four milion men. They conirolled areas with 4 population representing over two-thirds of the county They had Seized the equipment of more than a milion soles of the ine ‘ating Japanese army and they received massive aid from US. Imperainm. The Chinese People's Liberation Army, ted by the ‘Communist Paty and Chatman Mao Teetung, wa by far interior to Chiang Kai-shek army fromthe point of view of numbers sd equipment. The liberated areas under is control were alsomuach fmaller than that ofthe Kuomintang. ut fer the fercestrugale| ‘ofthe Chinese people, rhe powerful enemy was deleated and 22 ‘ears of domination ty the reactionary Chiang Ka-shek dynasty twas put to an end. ‘Despite extremely diicult conditions and ater 2 Tong and fierce struggle of eight years 196-1954, the Vietnamese people ledby Uncle Ho inalydeeatedthe French colonalstsupported by the U'S. imperialists, thereby putting an end to more than tighty years of French clomilst domination in the norhere part fot viet Nam In Albans, the huge naziascst armed forces of accupation were greeted by 9 armed uprising ofthe Albanian people when they invaded the county. Though equipped with guns and tank, fh having more than 360,000 soldiers the occupation ary was confronted by the Albansan guerilay resistance. Thelguerls “were by far inferior tothe fais from the point of view of ar tmaments, numbers and military organisation. At the cost of a fiewce resistance and. innumerable dificultes, the Albanian ‘people ed by thet Communist Party and Comrade Enver Hoxha thew the occupiers out of thee motherland and raised high the boner of liberation, scilsm and proletarian internationalism ‘atthe beginning ofthe Algerian people's struggle against the French colonialist the partisans were oly thee thousandstrong The French colonials threw an ary of 600 thousand men into the battle. Despite this huge number, the Algerian people's revolutionary torrent forced France to admit Alger Independence and put an end 10.4 Nundeed and they years of| «colonial domination ‘During the Second World War, Hilerite Germany, Japan and sualy had skilled mutay stl and wel-tained soldier. The ate, honever& known to everybody they were defeated {In South Viet Nam, the U.S. imperass had more than one million tops at thei disposal a well as ulamodern materia 6 ‘unequalled military organisation and an economy capable of sus taining the war effort Despite all the material advantage, they sullered a crushing defeat atthe hands of he Vietnamese people, 5 people much inferior to them in terms of materia. ‘The same thing was ‘epeated in Cambodia and Laos Inthe Portuguese excolonis,thecolonalistswere shamelessly eleated, despite the support ofthe NATO imperialist powers. ‘lth ample proo! hat quality and quantity of armament numbers and raining of troops high evelot military organisation nda goud propaganda sytem ate useless the fighting spe of sne’s amy slow if one weakened ti internal contradictions, thesoldersaredesertingand poingovertotheenemy theteare ‘more enemies than frends there s no support rom the people Und tone is ina minority postion waging an unjust wae ‘Such ae the historical teachingsof war betweenthe people and the forces of reaction and imperalis ‘Who it Going to Win Victory Tn the present war, even # our armaments and Woops are inferior 0 those of the enemy. we have the inextinquishable ‘ral resources which constitute the decisive fatorin any tial of forces between parties, clasesand peoples, Wehave the courage, fighting morale, pritolsacrlice, supportof the peopleand world ‘ube opinion a wall 3s the people's United Front 'By persisting in the war and Increasing the level of mabilsation ‘of the masts, we willbe able to develop our material potential, reduce our weaknesses and reverse the balance of foes to our sdvantage. ‘Based on our own experience rom 1964, when we started with soweaponsatalland succeeded inliberting three quarters ofthe Country, we can conclude that inthe present wa victory wal belong othe orcesot the people. Nevertheless, our ieory also linked with these three lator: 1. Wemmust svengthenthe unity of therevolutionay foreesand ‘organise them so that they can meet the requirements of he wa. Victory in a revolutionary war requites 3 good organsation and ‘arelul preparation. The suppor. both moral and materia that we ‘an et om the friendly countries ofthe socialist eamp and rom the peoples ofthe worl, will contribute greaty tothe success of ay ‘ur stuggle, but the fina victory will be decided by ourselves, by ‘our will trey on our own forces and by our perfect and straight forward unity based on principles lrely agreed upon. 2, We must aecepallstcrifices andl deprvations of any type and wage 4 protracted war until victory, without any wavering he protracted character of the war wil steel our cadres and fighters and will worsen the dificulties ofthe enemy. 1 wil i= {ease our advantages and reduce out weaknesses 3 Wwe mut strengthen propaganda work ax wellaspoltialand ‘eological work + 35 to oppose any ell ideas and destroy all, tweeth capable of dsonganiaing the struggle and delaying the vic. tory of the revtotion, The. bureaucrats, the opportunsts, and the wavering and eles elements mus be kept away from the leadership ofthe movement, The ators mus be severy punished Socialism or Capitalism? ‘Now that we know which forces are going to win in the Congo, another question comes to the foe. What wil happen to the ono alter the people's tory? Will it ake the socialist oad oF the espa road? The answer to this question of eacinal ine portance since ts away tha very dente future in mind thata County takes up struggle Any cewolutionary movement iting twthout knowing the final outcame a struggle. suture cane hot win eal victory stor abright future thatthe war's waged “dy between the exploted and the exploiters of the world Because i everybody had decent food and clothing, and i everybody had » better te and if there were no oppressed and ‘oppresing, exploited and exploiting clases, no ch oF Poo. then, there would be no wars ustor unjust Thenon-antagonisti ‘contradictions inthe human Society would be resaved by means fother than wa. Taday, the contradiction between socialism and capitalism the bass ofall present wold developments Iisthus important Tak into the question of socialism and capitalism inthe Congo. he war that we are now waging fs a national and democratic ~ ‘evolution, Our goal in this revolution the following 1. Thvow out the forces of imperialism and reaction 2 Seize power from the hands of the lackeys of lope, traitors to the Congolese nation, 5 Transform the neo-colonised Congo into 3 genuinely lemocraic and independent cour Such are the thre tasks that he national democraticrevalution must accomplish. These tasks, by thei very nature, are politcal and not soctl, Theretore the present revolution ‘ss political evolution, and not 3 socal one. ‘Ate the completion of these tasks, eater our victory then be twa roads the capitalist road nd the sell road "st posubleatter victory inthe present democratic revolution, to take the road of building a capital society under the de ‘atorship of the bourgeosie? OF course The fOad of building » capitalist society unde the dictatorship fof the bourgeoisie was the old roa followed bythe ald demac- acis of Europe and America after the vitor of their bourgeois {evolutions Inthe presenters the national aswellasintenational Situation forbid the Congo toll suchan already old youd nd thi fr three reasons First: The mses of the people’ making up over 70% of the Congolese population, oppressed by foreign forces andsubjeced to the dicatorship of the bourgeois bureaucratic agents of Imperialism, will never aceept to change one dictatorship for another ane, whatever is nature ‘Second: The ling inthe Congo ofa capitalist society under bourgeois dictatorship capable of competing wth international capitalism would not be allowed by thesnternational monopolist bourgeoie Imperalism som is deathbed. Therefore it must rely on the ‘wealth of Congo and other neo-colones in order to survive For this eason i will oppose the estblshment of capitalist sacety in Congo which would use the wealth ofthe country for is own development. Such a development would deprive imperilom at ‘one oft important means of sv. Thied: The present international stuation is mainly characterised bythe struggle between capitalism andsoialisn by the downlall of capitalism and the rie of socialism, Capitalism ‘ving and being superceded bysocalm.Giventhese conditions, to take the road of bulling capitalist society would be a step backward, and nonsense. ould liketryingto push backward she wheel of histor Farhermore caps an etaion Whee eres cexplotation there struggle realism were established er ‘hereylutonsine mse explo unde th sytem, woul be lorcet rie and srs sect china after their tthe tis one. lis theefore fnpesative to sete accounts with ‘Spam once ano al Miter the vitry of te democratic revolution, we wil thus immeditly sta the soci revolution. The to phases of tevoltion willhveto follow one nother without bourgens de ‘Gorship in between. Tie prevent democratic revolution i the prpaatin fr the souls revolution and thesoc is evolution wl bethe natural ercome ofthe demorratewsution Ie socialism which will Sin over captain and not tne oer way around Scam wil up ad hn coment mith the fat ut ssi kind ol seit, Atuean™ “Christan or "national? This {hueston hardly needs answer The question of soc has Siteady generated lots oF dsesson. Some even talk about a Chea Socal, sn order to sovealled espe the local a ‘eulartien ths plethora of names spur distortion. Frome tng mutiform, sacasm con ony be scientfi. An sectonic tnschine operate 2ccoring To cielo on. Socialism “Thoeasvonyinaccordance wh cerain aver apphvngtoall Counres without exception These laws have been formulated by ‘The Communist and Workere Paris ina Declaration adopted in November 957, Declaration reflecting teareadysequited x pretence inthe builing of social inthe ight of Marais Tenia they are the tolling T'seaure of pial power by the working chs, es talnhment of he dictators af the proletarit, democracy for the workers and leading role ofthe Marnst-Lerins Paty +, Manco the working clase with he baie masses of the peasantry ad al ther working mane FT Anchiton of cipal propery snd establishment of soca sper ofthe main means of production PR Graal wc ransosmation of agcultureon the bassot cooperation Manned development of the national economy. oriented tonmarth he constuction of socio ad communi, towards {he raing ofthe working people's standard of Ting “Soctlst revolution onthe ideological andculturalfront and creation ofa large contingent of intellectuals dedicated to the ‘working class and people, tothe cause of socialism, 7. Liquidation of the national yoke and establishment of ‘equality and fraternal bonds between people. ‘Consolidation and development of the socialist sate, defence of the achievements of socialism against the en. ‘roachments of internal and external enemies. 5 Solidarity between the working cass ofa given county with the working clssof other counties: proletarian internationalism, ‘Wherever these lans ate not applied, there can bemo socialism, ‘And such the type of socialism which we will have to establish er victory. ‘On the other hand, socialism dots not reject local par: sicuaries They can manifest themuelves in the forms and methods of socialt constrution.AI mations. wil avve. at ‘odalism thisisneitable,” Lenin said “bot all wil don notex- {cy the same way each will contribute something of own to Some frm of democracy, tosome variety ofthe dictatorship of the proletariat, to the varying rate of socalst transformation In the Uiferent aspects of social fe.” (1) Differences inthe practical ‘methods for socials construction can show up for example inthe forms taken ofthe management of production, in such and such method of agricultural cooperation, but the dictatorship of the proletariat, the abolition of private ownership of the means of Production, the callectivisation of agriculture andthe other basic [ows of continuity, et, constitute what is applicable toll coun- tees and without which no socalism can exist. Socialism and Nationalization ‘Another question which gives rise toa lot of controversy and which sconfoundeds the question of nationalisation. eeertain| “Arian country nationals a bank or some private company, ts ‘shouted: "Oh, that country has become socialist” Again this isa misunderstanding Nationalisation, in its social aspect, creates the material con- ditions for socialism. Bu tsimplementation daesnotmean the es {ablishment of socialism. Some capitalist countries aboundertake rationalisation In France, measures of nationalisation began duting the period a that followed World War I Various firms in Alsace and Lorraine were then put into the hands ofthe French tate and were given the status of state institution (production of potash, nitrogen, ee), “The victory ofthe popular font in 1936 ed to the broadening ofthe state sctor.Thestatecrested a nationalued veronauti core poration, reformed the status of The Bank of France and Inaugurated the natonsl corporation of French railroads. The Detence Ministers were given the right fo natioalse the war n=

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