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Weekly Teaching Plan

Subject Facilitator: Ms Petit, Ms Meitta and Mr Red, Term 1 Week 10 Date: 16-20 Sept. 2019
Subject: English
Class: Y2
Language Learning Outcomes Materials Approach Assessment HW Reflection
Components: Tools
Day 1 TQ corrections (i) Discuss and do corrections TQ 2 copy 1. Let the students discuss
on TQ 1 and do corrections on TQ 2
Copy of
Writing (ii) Write a story based on the writing 2. Let the pupils look at the Story Writing
- Diagnostic given picture using the guide paper picture given. Tell the
Test words. students to tell and write all
the describing words that they
can see on the picture.

2. Write a short story based

Language Learning Outcomes Materials Approach Assessment HW Reflection
Components: Tools

Day 2 1. Recall the informational Writing paper

(i) Be able to create their writing activity. (coloured)
own origami dog by Writing the
following visual and oral 2. Do activity on animal Information
Activity instructions. origami. Follow the given Report


(ii) Express feelings and

thoughts through a free-
selected topic
Journal Writing
3. Let the students have
Journal writing on free-selected
notebook topic but encouraged them
to write on :

- Mid-Autumn festival

- Making origami

Language Learning Outcomes Materials Approach Assessment HW Reflection

Components: Tools
Day 3
Research and Writing 1. Tell the students that they
Research and skills: PpT will be writing their own
Writing information report.

(i)Research basic information Model of 2. Ask the students to pick an

about an animal. information animal that they want to write
report the information report abouy.

3. Group the pupils into 5 and

(ii) Write about that animal let the group leaders pick from
using a graphic organizer the handout the animal they
want to write about-

1. Penguins
2. Spiders
3. Elephants
4. Crocodile
5. Blue Whale

4. Show the model text and

explain to them that they will
pattern their information report
on this model text.
5. Give the students time to
work on their information
Research and report.
checklist and 6. Use the given checklist
evaluation to reflect and evaluate on
the informational writing.

(iii) Participate in the practice

7. Have the students
of activities for English Fun
practice for English Fun
- Group the students into
four. Each group will be
given 3 minutes to answer
all the questions in each
Station 1 – Grammar
(5 Question )
Station 2 – Vocabulary
(5 – Questions)
Station 3 – Listening
( 1 Listening activities)
Sation 4- Reading
( 1 short passage with

There will be 2 mins to

submit the answers and
prepare to the next station.

NOTE : Choose 3 students

or 4 students who can
serve as station masters.
- English Teacher is
assigned in Reading
- Support Teacher is
assigned for Listening

Day 4 Scholastic Lit 1. Have a short story telling – Q and A

Pro (i) Story Telling The Goose Girl Story about the
Identify key details, main idea 2. Have a short discussion story - The
and moral of the story on key details and make Goose Girl
Youtube : Story
simple generalisations like
https://ww telling the moral of the
(ii)Continue the reading story.
strategy “ One Book, Two
Readers” om/watch?v
Guide questions:
(ii) Practice the RZ1I -What can we learn from
reading strategy the actions of the maid and
“Search for TREASURES” the Princess?
- Facts
- Unfamiliar words - What is the moral of the
- Values – can be taken story?
from the short story
heard 3. Use the reading strategy
done in previous weeks.
 Let some students share
their experience with the
strategy “ One Book Two
 Introduce the strategy
” Search for Treasures”
( Treasures are
interesting details or facts
the students have never
known. Or Word/s that
they do not know the
 Instruct the pupils that
they will again do the
same procedure like last
week, however, this time
(ii) LitPro – Lexile Test they will need to find
“ treasures”
 Write the “treasures” in a
notebook. Be ready to
share in one of the
sessions within the week.
 Let some students take
the Lexile test
Day 5 English Fun (i) Answer the questions in Questions in 1. Group the students into English Fun
Day each station every four. Each group will be day
stations given 5 minutes to answer
all the questions in each
Station 1 – Grammar
(10 Question )
Station 2 – Vocabulary
(10 – Questions)
Station 3 – Listening
( 3 Listening activities)
Sation 4- Reading
( 2 short passages with

There will be 2 mins to

submit the answers and
prepare to the next station.

2. Reflection of the activity.

( Write on your Journal
What is your favourite
station? Explain why
How can you improve next
How importance the value
of teamwork is?
What other values have
you learnt?

Red written text – from SG Curriculum Checklist

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