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Name: Jud Rossette R. Arcebes Section: K5.

Subject: Science, Technology and Society Date: September 20, 2019

How did the Aztecs build a city in the center of the Lake?

According to the history, the Aztecs was instructed to find a place where they will
saw an eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in his mouth. They search was took a
thousand of years before they found it. The Aztec chooses the lake to build their city in
the middle of the Lake because no one wants it, the people also doesn’t want to be live
near with them. For the Aztecs the place was ta holy spot, appointed by their God so
they can live in. They also found the reason why of all the place it were the place it is
because it can help them to live in their daily life, they built a stone canals to bring water
to the city and floating gardens to raise their foods and flower and built up islands so
they can grow crops.

The city they built in the centre of the lake or known as Tenochtitlan was built in
just sixty days, ending by early December. The Tenochtitlan was a large city with a size
of about 2,189 square miles (5,670 km2) and over 500 feet (150 m) deep and the
people nearly 200, 000 can lived in there. They built an island with a system of canals
and causeway to supply the hundreds of people. The canals was became their canal
road so the people can easily travel around their big city and water is also for their
defense against the attack from the other cities. There were 2 aqueducts over 2.5 miles
to provide the people living in there fresh water.

The Tenochtitlan was became the largest and most powerful city in
Mesoamerica. They create a large area for the public activities. They build as well a
court where they can play their ball game called Ullama. They build their largest temple
called Templo Mayor, the tallest building they have to get closes to their Gods. They
also build other buildings including the priests’ quarters, schools and a rack of human
skulls they called Tzompantili

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