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Physical Activity Date Released 10/05/19

Assessment Type Fitness Plan and Checkpoint Date 21/05/19
Weighting 25% Final Due Date 31/05/19

With one quarter of children and adolescents and nearly two thirds or adults being overweight or
obese, inactivity and sedentary behaviour is a major public health issue that has significant health and
financial costs. Issued by the Australian Government Department of Health, it is recommended that
13-17 year olds participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity

• Design, implement and evaluate personalised plans for improving or maintaining their own
and others’ physical activity and fitness levels (ACPMP102)
• Plan and evaluate new and creative interventions that promote their own and others’
connection to community and natural and built environments (ACPPS097)
• Examine the role physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport play in the lives of Australians
and investigate how this has changed over time (ACPMP104)

Word Count/Length 500 Words
Format/Text Type Physical Activity Log/Plan – Reflection

Task Description

1. Over a week period record your physical activity engagement. Ensure you also state the
intensity of your activity

2. Using your knowledge of the training principles, create an exercise plan allowing you to meet
the physical activity guidelines

3. Keep a journal/record of your progress

4. In written form:
a. Discuss why you believe society’s and your own physical activity is decreasing
b. Discuss the benefits of enhanced physical activity has had/is having on your health.
You may wish to discuss health and skill related fitness components and chronic
adaptations to training.

NOTE: To document your exercise intensity, use the exercise intensity rating guide located below in
figure 1.0. Calculate your max heart rate and use the guide to position your activity into an intensity

Part 1. Physical Activity Log

Name……………………………. Start Date, End Date……………………………

Activity Intensity (Low, Moderate,
Vigorous to me measured in
percentage of max heart rate)







Part 2. Exercise Plan
Activity Intensity (Low, Moderate,
Vigorous to me measured in
percentage of max heart rate)






Part 3. Reflection (to be presented in written or a multimodal form such as a power
point or oral for example. You will also include appropriate referencing for information sighted in your
responses using APA format)

a. Why you believe society’s and your own physical activity is
b. Discuss the benefits of enhanced physical activity has had/is having on your health.
You may wish to discuss health and skill related fitness components and chronic
adaptations to training
c. Explain the reasons for your choices in training styles and intensities contained within
your fitness
d. Finally, discuss how the implementation of this knowledge places you in the best
possible position to be involved in physical activity and sport for

Figure 1.0. Rating of perceived exertion and talk test (Productive Fitness, 2015)

Mark: _____________________

Comment: _________________

- Application and Communication Exploration, Analysis, and Reflection
A • Students demonstrate a very high level of • Students critically analyse contextual factors that influence
leadership, fair play and cooperation across a identities, relationships, decision and behaviours to a very high
range of movement and health contexts. level

• They apply an extensive range of decision- • They thoroughly analyse the impact attitudes and beliefs
making and problem-solving skills when taking about diversity have on community connection and wellbeing
action to enhance their own and other’s
health, safety and wellbeing. • They evaluate the outcome of emotional responses to different
situations to a very high level
• They consistently apply and transfer
movement concepts and strategies to new and • Students access, synthesise and apply health information
challenging movement situations. from a large variety of credible sources to propose and justify
responses to health situations
• They consistently make judgements about
and refine their own and others’ specialised • Students propose and evaluate a wide range of innovative
movement skills and movement performances. interventions to improve fitness and physical activity levels in
their communities
• They work collaboratively to design and
apply a range of advanced solutions to • They comprehensively examine the role physical activity has
movement concepts. played historically in defining cultures and cultural identities

B • Students demonstrate high level of • Students critically analyse contextual factors that influence
leadership, fair play and cooperation across a identities, relationships, decision and behaviours to a high
range of movement and health contexts. level

• They apply a variety of decision-making and • They extensively analyse the impact attitudes and beliefs
problem-solving skills when taking action to about diversity have on community connection and wellbeing
enhance their own and other’s health, safety
and wellbeing. • They evaluate the outcome of emotional responses to different
situations to a high level
• They regularly apply and transfer movement
concepts and strategies to new and • Students access, synthesise and apply health information
challenging movement situations. from a variety of credible sources to propose and justify
responses to health situations
• They regularly make judgements about and
refine their own and others’ specialised • Students propose and evaluate a wide range of interventions
movement skills and movement performances. to improve fitness and physical activity levels in their
• They work collaboratively to design and
apply a range of solutions to movement • They extensively examine the role physical activity has played
concepts. historically in defining cultures and cultural identities

C • Students demonstrate leadership, fair play • Students critically analyse contextual factors that influence
and cooperation across a range of movement identities, relationships, decision and behaviours to a
and health contexts. satisfactory level

• They apply decision-making and problem- • They analyse the impact attitudes and beliefs about diversity
solving skills when taking action to enhance have on community connection and wellbeing.
their own and other’s health, safety and
wellbeing. • They evaluate the outcome of emotional responses to different
• They apply and transfer movement concepts
and strategies to new and challenging • Students access, synthesise and apply health information
movement situations. from credible sources to propose and justify responses to
health situations
• They apply criteria to make judgements about
and refine their own and others’ specialised • Students propose and evaluate interventions to improve
movement skills and movement performances. fitness and physical activity levels in their communities

• They work collaboratively to design and apply • They examine the role physical activity has played historically
solutions to movement concepts. in defining cultures and cultural identities
- Application and Communication Exploration, Analysis, and Reflection
D • Students demonstrate some leadership, fair • Students analyse contextual factors that influence identities,
play and cooperation across a range of relationships, decision and behaviours to a basic level
movement and health contexts.
• Students give limited analyse of the impact attitudes and
• They apply some decision-making and beliefs that diversity has on community connection and
problem-solving skills when taking action to wellbeing
enhance their own and other’s health, safety
and wellbeing. • They somewhat evaluate the outcome of emotional responses
to different situations
• They apply movement concepts and
strategies to movement situations • Students access, synthesise and apply health information
from limited sources to propose and justify responses to health
• They make some judgements about and situations
refine their own and others’ specialised
movement skills and movement performances. • Students propose some ways to improve fitness and physical
activity levels in their communities
• They design and apply some solutions to
movement concepts. • They demonstrate basic knowledge of the role physical
activity has played historically in defining cultures and cultural

E • Students demonstrate little leadership, fair • Students analyse contextual factors that influence identities,
play and cooperation across a range of relationships, decision and behaviours to a very basic level
movement and health contexts.
• Students give very limited analysis of the impact attitudes
• They apply minimal decision-making and and beliefs that diversity has on community connection and
problem-solving skills when taking action to wellbeing
enhance their own and other’s health, safety
and wellbeing. • They provide minimal evaluation the outcome of emotional
responses to different situations
• They apply some movement concepts and
strategies to movement situations. • Students access health information from very limited sources
to propose and justify responses to health situations
• They make little judgements about and refine
their own and others’ specialised movement • Students propose very limited ways to improve fitness and
skills and movement performances. physical activity levels in their communities

• They design some solutions to movement • They give very basic knowledge the role physical activity has
concepts. played historically in defining cultures and cultural identities

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