Skills Analysis

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Skills Analysis

For each section, you must consider what your strengths and weaknesses are based
off the previous few weeks (and anything you may have done prior to the course).
Please write in sentence format.

My camera work has significantly improved as I know understand
how to operate the settings on a DSLR, I still need to improve on my
shot types though as I am not very good at framing scenes.

Editing My main strengths are in editing as I enjoy it as a hobby outside of

this course, I understand how to operate premiere pro comfortably
and am confident in the editing techniques I apply. My weakness
would probably be that when I am rushed for time I significantly
drop in quality as I am more worried about deadlines than a good
final cut.
Idea My strengths in idea generation would consist of spit-balling of
Generation other people’s ideas in a group, If people start off with a concept I
am quick to give my own opinions. My weakness however is that If I
am left to make an idea on my own I can be slow to begin and
find it tough to expand on my own thoughts.

Analysis Another one of my big strengths is analysis, I very much enjoy the
art of film so I am quite passionate about analysing film techniques
being used. One of my weaknesses is that if I do not have prior
knowledge of a technique, I find it hard to grasp.

People My strength in people management is that I am very comfortable

Management working in a group, I enjoy listening to what people have to say
and deciding on an idea together. My weakness is that I am not a
very good leader and cannot handle managing an entire group
on my own.
Time Keeping My time keeping is one of my weakest skills. I am a very slow worker
and struggle to make deadlines. However, I am passionate about
my work and although I am slow I do not give up or ignore a
project or task.

Improvement My improvement plan is to work on my time keeping by finding the

Plan most efficient way to keep up with the class, I will also learn how to
recognise good framing for a shot, on top of this I will begin to work
on being less stress when under time pressure.

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