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FET Assessment task 3: Storytelling Video

MMC 512 Semester 2,2019

Learning Outcome
Covering all the Learning outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5 & LO6 of the
course to recognize present-day importance and development of IS in
organizations. Even it identifies pressure businesses facing today in this
environment and the complex and interdependent nature of managerial work.

Details of the Task

Students will work individually or in pairs to create a short video presentation
(Max 5 minutes) on the topic " present-day importance and development of IS in
an organizations". (Please read themes carefully)


 The content of the video needs to answer topic in the context of growth of
organizations due to IS and its benefits.
 The 'story' told in the video must demonstrate your understanding of the
complex and interdependent nature of managerial work (challenges).

Theme of the Topics

1) Type of Information System used in a particular organizations and its
2) Alternative system building methods of IS used by a particular organization
3) Journey of a particular organization from failure to success due to IS
4) Software's (ERP and SAP) used within a particular organization and its

You are very welcome to consult (please take appointment or email me your
doubts) regarding the topic and approach you have chosen or you are thinking of
Creativity, innovation, free thinking and critical analysis is encouraged for this
A selection of the most informative, creative and entertaining videos will be
chosen to show to the higher authorities of your university with the authors
Suggested software for making your video (Suggestions only, you are free to
choose the software and equipment you use for this task):
 iMovie; Windows Moviemaker
 Powerpoint; Keynote
 Adobe Spark (was Adobe Voice) free iphone app
 Youtube editor (free online)

Assessment type: Individual or in pairs

Value: 7% of overall course FET grades (Raw marks will be given out of
100 and converted to 7 percent)

Assessment breakdown:
 80% by course convener and 20% will be graded by your peers. These two
components will make 80% of the overall grade;
 A further 20% will take into account your assessment of the work of other
students and the quality of assessment. (If you don't participate in the peer
assessment you will receive 0 for this component).

(All videos will be played in the classroom on Friday 16th Nov,2018 in the
afternoon and those will be assessed by the audience)

Length Limit: 5 minutes maximum

Submission: Group assignment (Max 4 students each group)
You need to submit two components separately:
 Upload the video on the YouTube and one team member must submit
the URL of video at
 One team member must submit the script (or transcript) (a Word or
PDF file) of your story at
(script will be written content of what is mentioned in the video in
addition to references cited).

File naming: Please name your script file as: Course code_ Assessment
title_ Video Group No_ Division. ( e.g. MMC 512_FET 3_01_A)

Due date: 2nd April, 2019

Deadline: till 11.59 P.M.

Due date for return of assessment: One week after the due date with

Marking Criteria/ Rubrics (Video + Written Script):

Mark Comments
1.Point of View (Establish a purpose 25%
early and maintains a clear focus
2.Voice-Pacing & Economy of detail 15%
(Makes story interesting, engrossing,
rhythm and voice punctuation)
3.Images (communicates symbolism, 15%
metaphors and distinct atmosphere or
tone that matches different parts of the
4.Content (Accuracy, researched in 25%
depth and well presented)
5.Grammar (Clarity, Style, and 10%
character development)
6.The details and students following 6%
instructions with an eye for detail
7.Academic Integrity (References, 4%
citations and web resources)
These tasks will allow students to creatively apply knowledge and
demonstrate it in relation to your course.
It will reflect your analytical, logical and problem-solving skills and your
ability to understand situations and diagnose problems.

Referencing requirements
Reference styles should follow APA style.
More information is available:

Extensions and penalties

Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the
Student Assessment (Coursework).
The application must include all supporting documentation and will be
assessed by the School of commerce and Management’s I/C Dean. You will
be notified by your Course Convenor if an extension has been approved.
Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalized at
the rate of 5% of the possible marks available per working day or part
Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted 10 working days after
the due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline for the
return of the assessment item.

SGU policies
SGU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are
designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s
academic standards, and implement them.
Key policies include:
Code of Practice for Student Academic Integrity
Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure

Academic Integrity (Please be aware)

No plagiarism (copying, cheating, circulating, discussing one assignment
between all…. prohibited)

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