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Subject: Research Methodology &Statistical Quantitative Methods

Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions

1. Compare structured and non-structured questionnaire.

2. What is correlation? Explain the significance of coefficient of correlation.

3. Explain the term Queuing theory.

4. Explain any one criterion of a good research design

5. Write the objectives of social survey.

6. Write a short note on the merits of survey method.

7. Write the advantages of secondary data.

8. Write the advantages of the interview method.

Section II: Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Single Response

1. Drawing inferences on the basis of characteristics of respondents by presenting

them to stimuli constitutes the
1] Projective method
2] Observational method
3] Simulation
4] Experimental method

2. Data collected previously

1] Hard Disks
3] Secondary Data
4] Tertiary Data

3. Grouped outcomes with something in common

1] Experiment
2] Trial
3] Event
Subject: Research Methodology &Statistical Quantitative Methods
4] Probability of an Event

4. In static arrival process, the control depends on the arrival rate's

1] pattern
2] nature
3] type
4] mode

5. Game Theory when specialized to one-player, the theory is called

1] game theory
2] decision theory
3] line theory
4] probability theory

6. When the population is very small, the best suited sampling method is
1] Simple random sampling with replacement
2] Simple random sampling without replacement
3] Stratified random sampling
4] Multi stage sampling

7. The question "Do you use a mobile phone? YES/NO" is an example of

1] Factual survey
2] Experimental survey
3] Opinion survey
4] Interpretive survey

8. Mean = Σwx / Σw

1] Heavy Mean
2] Light Mean
3] Weighted Mean
4] Sumo Mean

9. Limitations of research methodology include

1] Problem of Conceptualization
2] Problem of Publicity
3] Problem of Association
4] Problem of Disclosure

10. Qualitative differentiation between the items of a given population is referred to as

1] Attribute
2] Characteristic
3] Sample
4] Variable

Multiple Choice Multiple Response

11. The base of framing a hypothesis are

1] Previously established facts
2] Investigator's experience and observation
3] Investigator's reasoning and insight
4] Investigator's whims
Subject: Research Methodology &Statistical Quantitative Methods
12. The statistical method includes
1] Correlation
2] Regression
3] Chi Square test
4] Questionnaire

13. The different operational measures in an experiment are

1] Verbal
2] Electromechanical
3] Direct
4] Indirect

14. In deciding about the type of tabulation one has to keep in mind the
1] Nature of enquiry
2] Scope of enquiry
3] Object of enquiry
4] Cost of enquiry

15. Some drawbacks of the sampling method are

1] Chances for bias
2] Lack of trained manpower
3] Difficulty of acquiring truly representative sample
4] Lack of internet facility

16. The analysis step of the experimental method involves

1] Collection of data and processing
2] Computation of test statistics
3] Interpretation of results for the experiment
4] Clear statement of objective

17. Important points for measurement of attitude are

1] What has to be measured
2] How much accuracy is desired
3] How much is the permissible cost
4] What is the attitude of the researcher

18. Statistics provides a method for

1] Collecting, Analyzing the Data
2] Interpreting, Presenting the Data
3] Meaningfully Arranging the Data
4] Storing the Data

Fill in the Blanks

19. :BLANK is a technique of performing sampling experiments on the model of the

1] Simulation
2] Pilot Study
3] Projection
4] Interview
Subject: Research Methodology &Statistical Quantitative Methods
20. Questionnaire is an :BLANK technique.
1] Impersonal
2] Insensitive
3] Important
4] Evasive

21. Lack of :BLANK is one of the major limitations of research.

1] Resources
2] Judgement
3] Vision
4] Responsibility

22. Proper data analysis results in :BLANK observation.

1] Unambiguous
2] Ambiguous
3] Irrelevant
4] Inconclusive

23. :BLANK constitutes a social situation between two persons requiring both
individuals to respond mutually through the social research.
1] Interview
2] Premonition
3] Observation
4] Sampling

24. The clusters in Cluster Sampling method are known as :BLANK sampling units.
1] Primary
2] Secondary
3] Tertiary
4] Unitary

25. Unstructured interviews permit the :BLANK response.

1] Unexpected
2] Expected
3] Reserved
4] Precise

26. :BLANK is a graphical presentation of frequency distribution.

1] Frequency polygon
2] Frequency hexagon
3] Frequency histogram
4] Cumulative frequency curve

27. An educated guess :BLANK .

1] Classical
2] Nominal
3] Physical
4] Subjective

28. :BLANK involves study of independent variables under controlled conditions for
evaluating their effect on a dependent variable.
Subject: Research Methodology &Statistical Quantitative Methods
1] Experimentation
2] Observation
3] Simulation
4] Interview

State True or False

29. Histogram is not a graph of Frequency Distribution.

1] True
2] False

30. A player need not consider others' strategies before choosing his strategy.
1] True
2] False

31. Flexibility and ingenuity are vital for exploratory studies.

1] True
2] False

32. Raw data becomes information only when they are placed in a meaningful form.
1] True
2] False

33. In formula, Mode = l+ h [(f1-f0) / (2f1 â f0 â f2)], h is class interval of modal class.
1] True
2] False

34. Data that provides facts and figures should be statistically analysed
1] True
2] False

35. In quasi experiment, there is manipulation of variable and random assignment of

1] True
2] False

36. Diaries and Focus Group Interviews also can form main methods of Primary Data
1] True
2] False

37. Observation and inference are separable.

1] True
2] False

38. Without a hypothesis, research becomes a random wandering.

1] True
2] False

Match the Following

Subject: Research Methodology &Statistical Quantitative Methods
39. 1] Explanatory research problem 1] Explanatory Design
2] Research problem involving historical 2] Historical Design
analysis 3] Diagnostic Design
3] Research problem aiming at solution 4] Experimental Design
of particular problem 5] Descriptive Design
4] Research problem involving causal 6] Regulatory Design
relationship among variables.

40. 1] Watching customers purchase in a 1] Natural Observation

general store 2] Contrived Observation
2] Observing the wait time in a caf by 3] Indirect Observation
changing attire in every visit 4] Participant Observation
3] Observing the empty mineral bottles 5] Subjective Observation
in restaurants to understand the 6] Controlled Observation
preference of customers
4] Observing the behaviour of class
mates to a lecture in MBA class

41. 1] Freedom of respondent to express his 1] Open ended questionnaire

views 2] Close ended questionnaire
2] Responses limited to alternatives 3] Mixed questionnaire
3] Both open and close ended questions 4] Pictorial questionnaire
4] Use of pictures 5] Audio visual questionnaire
6] Group questionnaire

42. 1] Bench mark data 1] Descriptive Analysis

2] Study of functional relationship 2] Causal Analysis
3] Correlation between two or more 3] Correlative Analysis
variables 4] Inferential Analysis
4] Tests of significance for testing 5] Regression Analysis
hypothesis 6] Canonical Analysis

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