Leadership and Personality Development

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Subject: Leadership and Personality development

Sample Questions:

Section I: Subjective Questions

1. Write down the stages of Relationship Development in one line each.

2. Write a short note on Organisational Commitment.

3. What do you understand by decision-making?

4. What are the major determinants of personality of an individual?

5. List down some work-related behavioural symptoms of stress.

6. Explain 'Organisational Stressors'.

7. What are the factors that regulate different interpersonal conflict handling styles? Name
these conflict handling styles.

8. Explain the concept of 'role conflict' with a suitable example.

Section II: Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Single Response

1. The following refers to strong co-operative and assertive behaviours:

1] Competing style
2] Collaborative style
3] Avoiding style
4] Accommodating style
2. The following refers to behaviour at an intermediate level of cooperation and

1] Avoiding style

2] Competing style

3] Compromising style

4] Accommodating style
Subject: Leadership and Personality development

3. People who come together to achieve common objectives:

1] Friendship group

2] Group

3] Formal group

4] Informal group

4. Joint goal setting , individual and mutual accountability, constant and open
communication etc. is expressed in ;

1] Group think

2] Group maturity

3] Collective leadership

4] Relationship orientation

5. A structured approach to shifting / transitioning individuals, teams and

organisations from current state to a desired future state is known as;

1] Change Management

2] Shift Management

3] Re-organisation

4] Re-structuring

6. While listening, nodding your head while listening to someone, tilting your head
and displaying open palms are considered to be cues for;

1] interest and honesty

2] shrewedness

3] shyness

4] arrogance

7. The skills we use to interact and deal with others.

1] Communication Skills

2] Interpersonal Skills

3] Personal skills
Subject: Leadership and Personality development

4] Negotiation skills

8. A pre disposition to develop competence by acquiring new skills and mastering new
situations is;

1] Performance goal orientation

2] Learning goal orientation

3] Locus of control

4] Intra psychic theory

9. In the following stages of Alarm reaction, the defense mechanism becomes active:

1] Resistance

2] Shock phase

3] Counter shock phase

4] Exhaustion

10. when individuals differ in their process to achieve an objective, it leads to;

1] Cognitive conflict

2] Goal conflict

3] Procedural conflict

4] Affective conflict

Multiple Choice Multiple Response

11. Development stages of teams are;

1] Forming
2] Norming
3] Storming
4] Starving
12. In public speaking we are evluated on the basis of;

1] What we do

2] How we look

3] What and how we say

Subject: Leadership and Personality development

4] Our past speeches

13. Various personality theories are as follows:

1] Intrapsychic theory

2] Type theories

3] Self theory

4] Intraphysiological theory

14. Morale surveys include:

1] Drafting a questionnaire

2] Exit interviews

3] Interviewing people

4] Tabulating and analysing data

15. Negative results of conflicts:

1] Lead to stress and strain in interpersonal relationships

2] Violence among employees

3] Affects employee performance

4] Compromise

16. Avoiding style may be desirable under the following situations:

1] Individual needs more preparation

2] Other party is too strong

3] Issue is of minor importance

4] Achieving win-win is impossible

17. Principles of Integrative negotiation are:

1] Separate people from problems

2] Focus on interests and not positions

3] Insist on using objective criteria

4] Show mutual acceptance

Subject: Leadership and Personality development

18. High productivity involves a combination of;

1] Money

2] Ability

3] Training

4] Work habits

Fill in the Blanks

19. ________ is influenced by the degree of compatibility between team goals and
individual member goals.

1] Cohesiveness

2] Positive multiculturalism

3] Diversity

4] Empowerment

20. ________ is done keeping in mind various aspects like the attitude, perception and
cultural background of the receiver.

1] Decoding

2] Encoding

3] Interpreting

4] Coding

21. ________ are generally used to assess the attitudes of individual employees in an

1] Bogardus's social distance scale

2] Likert scale

3] Bipolar scales

4] Guttman scale

22. A student who could not pass the entrance exam for MBA, decides not to pursue
further, is an example of ________

1] Negativism
Subject: Leadership and Personality development

2] Aggression

3] Flight

4] Regression

23. ________ Leadership climate produces the greatest number of aggressive acts from
the group.

1] Laissez faire

2] Authoritarian

3] Democratic

4] Autocratic

24. A palm-to-palm handshake suggests the ________ of the person.

1] honesty and confidence

2] shrewedness

3] shyness

4] arrogance

25. ________ represent pre-dispositions to respond.

1] Prejudice

2] Opinion

3] Attitudes

4] Beliefs

26. Human resource required to take decisions because it is more ________.

1] Subjective

2] Objective

3] Alternative

4] Affirmative

27. In ________ decisions you act as an initiator.

1] Proactive
Subject: Leadership and Personality development

2] Reactive

3] Leadership

4] Policy

28. ________ skill is the distinguishing feature of job performance at the operating

1] Technical

2] Human

3] Conceptual

4] Autocratic

State True or False

29. Functional teams frequently address quality or cross problems.

30. Functional teams exist within functional departments.

31. A good attitude shift can minimize and even overcome resistance to change.

32. Prolonged or consistent negative appraisals tend to increase learning achievement.

33. What is appropriate in one individual's culture and society may be totally
unacceptable in another culture.

34. Greater the prestige of the communicator, more is his ability to change the
employee's attitude.

35. Self-esteem is an important individual difference in terms of effective behaviour

36. The higher the rate of rejections of finished products by the quality assurance
department, lesser is the morale.

37. Human behaviour is conscious behaviour.

38. Leadership based approach helps to control and direct behaviour.

Match the Following

39. 1] Strengths: 1] Attributes of the person that is helpful

in achieving the objective.

2] Weaknesses: 2] Attributes of the person that is

harmful in achieving the objective.
Subject: Leadership and Personality development

3] Opportunities: 3] External conditions that is helpful in

achieving the objective.

4] Threats: 4] External conditions which could do

damage to the business’s performance.

5] Attributes of the person that is helpful

in achieving the physical strength.

6] External conditions that is helpful in

achieving promotions internally.

40. 1] 1st stage of relationship development 1] Acquaintance

2] 2nd stage of relationship development 2] Build-up

3] 3rd stage of relationship development 3] Continuation

4] 4th stage of relationship development 4] Deterioration

5] Maintenance

6] Termination

41. 1] Ectomorphs 1] Linear and fragile

2] Visceretonia 2] Love of comfort and affection

3] Cerebrotonia 3] Restraint and inhibition

4] Extrovert 4] Socially gregarious and outgoing

5] Tough and muscular body

6] Love of physical adventure and risk


42. 1] Reason for conflict 1] Job design

2] Variety of conflict 2] Procedural

3] Middle ground to resolve conflicts 3] Compromising style

4] Achieve a balance in situational 4] Key task in a mediator's role


5] Attitudinal structuring

6] Accommodating style

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