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Speaking: Hobbies/ Leisure Activities

1. Do you have any hobbies?

 Well, to be quite honest I think I have a wide range of interests in quite
a wide range of activities such as: swimming, listening to music,
reading books, watching movies and things like that.
2. What do you do in your free time?
 Well, in my spare time, I frequently take part in playing sports in the
park with my friends. Recently, I’ve taken up swimming. You probably
know that swimming is one of the healthiest sports because it
strengthens all of the muscles equally. In addition to this I really get
into the feeling that I can float as free as a fish when I’m in the water.
3. What hobbies/ free time activities are popular in your country?
 Well, there is certainly a wide variety of hobbies in my
country. Though I think the most popular would be traveling. And the
explanation for this could be that people can take it easy (relax) after a
long hard working week. Furthermore, it’s a good time for all family
members to see and visit new places together. Other common hobbies
would be music or sport. And the main characteristic of these is
that both music and sport help people to unwind (nghỉ ngơi) after a
busy day. Additionally, there are many-others, such as reading and,
playing board games but they are not as widely enjoyed as the first
three I mentioned.
4. Is it important to have a hobby?
 Well, actually, I guess that in many ways it is very important;
especially when you consider that a hobby can allow people to use
their leisure time constructively for developing a talent. But you also
have to understand that some people have low salaries, so they work
not only in the daytime but also in the evening or at night. Therefore,
these people have no time or money to pursue hobbies. All in
all (everything considered – sau khi cân nhắc hết mọi thứ), I guess my
answer would be yes for most people but no for some.
5. Why is it important for people to have free time activities?

By Phung Minh Thuy

 Well, first of all, it is a very good way for people to let off steam (allow
anger or frustration to evaporate) and relieve stress by taking it easy
after a hard working week. Free time activities refresh them and make
them more energetic. Another important reason is that taking part in
group games provides them valuable chances to socialize and improve
their relationships. In addition to this, if people play sports they will
become healthier and more resistant to diseases (kháng bệnh).
6. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
 Honestly, I guess that in many ways it can be pretty (quite) harmful
because of negative impacts (ảnh hưởng tiêu cực) to their work, study
and personal relationships. But we should also understand that in
some cases, it may be good for older people to idle away their
hours (spend time) on a favorite hobby. Considering everything (all in
all), my answer would have to be yes for most people, but no for some.
7. What free time activities would you like to try in the future?
 Well to be honest, I would say that I would really like to try
windsurfing in the future. I guess the reason why is that it is an
exciting, adventurous (phiêu lưu) sport. In addition to this, I would
really love to go surfing and master the natural power of the ocean.
8. What is the relationship between leisure and the economy?
 Well to be honest, I would say that I would really like to try
windsurfing in the future. I guess the reason why is that it is an
exciting, adventurous (phiêu lưu) sport. In addition to this, I would
really love to go surfing (luot song) and master (lam chu) the natural
power of the ocean.
9. How does the economy benefit from people’s leisure activities?
 The leisure industry makes a huge contribution to the economy. As I
said before, it keeps millions of people in employment, and all of these
employees pay their taxes and have money to spend on other goods
and services. At the same time, most people spend some of their
earnings on leisure activities, and this money therefore goes back into
the economy.
10. Do men and women enjoy the same type of leisure activities?

By Phung Minh Thuy

 Yes and no. I think both men and women enjoy things like eating in
restaurants or going to the cinema, but I'm sure there are other
activities that are more popular with one gender. For example, I think
more men than women go to football matches.
11. Do you have a hobby?
 I don't really have a regular hobby, instead, there are some temporary
ones I have in a short time period. For example, there was a time I love
reading fairy tales and old fables. Then, I change to listen to classical
music. Currently, I spend most of my leisure time to read Chinese
12. Did you have a hobby as a child?
 When I was in grade 7 and 8, I did enjoy painting and drawing in
Japanese manga's style. My dream at that time was to become a manga
artist. I have a really great and vivid world in my imagination and
drawing is the best way for me to approach my world.
13. Do you think hobbies should be shared with other people?
 Yes, I do think so. Sharing something in common is the best measure to
connect people together and help one's hobby develop in a more
positive way.
14. What hobbies are popular in your country?
 There is a wide range of hobbies in my country. For young people,
travelling and photography are the two most popular hobbies. For
senior citizens, playing chess and practising Tai Chi in parks in the
afternoon is the most enjoyable leisure activities.
15. Why do you think people have hobbies?
 I think people have hobbies because they are extremely keen on
particular things. I'll take my mom as an example. She really loves
cooking and she likes decorating her dishes beautifully. Therefore, her
subsequent hobby would be collecting Japanese ceramic tableware,
such as plates, bowls, teapot.
16. What is your favorite leisure activities?
 Well, I usually listen to music in my spare time. Music is the best way
for me to let my hair down and escape the real world.
17. What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a child?

By Phung Minh Thuy

 When I was in grade 7 and 8, I was keen on drawing and painting in
Japanese manga's style. I used to stay up all night just to finish my
drawing and went to school the next morning with my tired eyes.
18. Do you prefer to spend your free time with other people or alone?
 I prefer to have my alone time rather than to spend time with someone
else. I'm an introvert person so being alone is the best therapy for my
 I prefer to spend my spare time with someone else, like my best
friends or my family members. Simply having a good gossip about the
latest news would be very enjoyable for me.
19. What is a common leisure activity in your country?
 I think the most common thing Vietnamese people like to do in
their leisure time is surfing the internet. They like reading online
news and checking social networking sites, such as Facebook or
20. Do you think leisure time is important?
 Needless to say, it is very crucial. Leisure brings about the chance
to balance one's life and reduce stress. It also recreates a positive
flow of energy in a person.

By Phung Minh Thuy

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