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Institute of Nursing
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila

A case of:

Presented by:

Liwanag, Rein A.

Macalos Shanniah Renn S.

Submitted to:

Mr. Nemencio Santos

Submitted on:

October 4, 2019
I. Initial Data Base
A. Family Structure, Characteristics, and Dynamics

Name of household Relationshi Birthdate Age Sex Civil Position in the

members p to the Status family
head of the
1. Benjie Cocoy Head of the March 03, 33 M Single Father
family 1987 y/o

2. Grace Romanos Partner May 05, 32 F Single Mother

1986 y/o

3. Gretchen Cocoy Daughter October 05, 12 F Single Eldest

2006 y/o

4. John Paul Cocoy Son October 06, 10 M Single 2nd Child

2008 y/o

5. Graciel Cocoy Daughter October 10, 8 F Single 3rd Child

2010 y/o

6. Apple May Daughter May 21, 2 F Single Youngest (4th)

Cocoy 2017 y/o

The Cocoy Family consist of 6 members. The father and the head of the family is Benjie
Cocoy, the partner and the mother of their children, Grace Romanos and their children namely
Gretchen, John Paul, Graciel and Apple May Cocoy. According to her, she and Benjie are not yet
married which happened the family structure to be cohabiting, unmarried couple living together.
Grace Cocoy also reported that when it comes to making decisions in health care, the dominant
figure of the family is Benjie Cocoy. She said that they choose to live in Rizal, because it’s where
they both grew up thus the type of locality is classified as both matrilocal and patrilocal Grace
Romanos also stated that the communication of the family in the house is good, when
misunderstanding arises between and her partner Benjie, they do not do anything about it, because
eventually they will be okay again after 2 days or so. When Grace was asked if they have a family
member whose helping them when it comes to resource generation, she answered that there’s
B. Socio economic and Cultural Chracteristics

Names of House Hold Members Educational Attainment

1. Benjie Cocoy

2. Grace Romanos Primary

3. Gretchen Cocoy Currently Grade 6- Primary

4. John Paul Cocoy Currently Grade 4- Primary

5. Graciel Cocoy Currently Grade 2- Primary

6. Apple May Cocoy

Grace Romanos stated that the Religious affiliations of all of the members of their family
are Catholic. According to her, she’s an elementary graduate then proceeded to first year high
school but sadly she did not finish high school. Benjie Cocoy, according to Grace did not finished
primary school, he only studied up to Grade 5, then decided to stop. Three out of four children are
currently studying now in the Primary Level. Grace Romanos is a house wife/partner, so, according
to her the only working family member is her Partner Benjie Cocoy working as a delivery guy, he
delivers dextrose in different Hospitals, and his income is 500 pesos per delivery. The father,
Benjie Cocoy is in-charged of budgeting the money for their daily needs, according to Grace
Romanos. When she was asked to arranged monthly financial priority as 1 being the most priority
and 10 as least priorities, she rated food as their number one priority, next is Bills which she
specifies as electricity bills, third are the fees of her children in schools, and health was rated as
4th priority, next is the necessities in the house and lastly, the clothes. She reported that, the income
of her husband is enough to sustain their needs when it comes to food, when asked on how often
she goes to market to buy for their food, she answered that she goes every week with the budget
of 2,000 pesos excluding the meat and 2,500 pesos if she includes meat in her grocery. The family
eats 3x a day. In shelter needs, the client reported that the only time that she buys things in the
house is when it is already broken or not useful anymore. But, she stated that when there is a need
for them to fix something in the house, they set aside a budget for it. In clothing, according to
Grace Romanos there is enough clothing for each family member. Grace Romanos is a member of
4P’s, she said that the only time that she can buy clothes for the family most especially her children
is when there is a 4P’s pay-out. Grace Romanos answered that her role in the family is a
wife/partner and a mother.\

C. Home and Environment

According to Grace Romanos, the house that they are currently living is not owned by
them, it is rented for 500 pesos a month. She mentioned that, she bought a lot just near the area
where they are currently residing, but since there’s still no house in that lot, as of the mean time,
their only choose is to rent. The rented house is a mixed of hollow blocks, woods and bamboo. It
is a one-story house, with 1 bedroom, a kitchen and toilet. According to Grace Romanos, the
materials they use to sleep is a mattress with pillows and blankets, she said that all of them sleep
in the same room and in the same bed, and for her even though they all sleep in the same bed, it
still feels comfortable. In lighting facilities there source of light is electricity and according to her,
there is an adequate lighting in their house. According to our observations, the general sanitary
condition of the house is not that good because the first thing that we observed when we entered
the house was the clothes, the clothes were everywhere in the kitchen floor. In terms of water
supply, according to Grace Romanos, their general water source is from deep well, human
activities around the water source are bathing and washing of clothes. The drinking water source
of the family is commercial water, and they store it in a water jug. In the kitchen, the type of stove
that the family uses are electrical and traditional (pile of woods), the traditional type of stove is
just placed outside the house in a soil type of floor. In waste disposal, the family uses a plastic bag
as a container when they need to throw garbage such as the diaper of the kids in the cliff but the
method of disposal for the other types of garbage is open burning, and they burn it just outside
their house. In the toilet, the type of toilet that the family uses is a pail system. The toilet of the
family is just located inside their house. Based on the objective data/ observations the sanitary
condition is not good. The bathroom is dirty with apparent cockroaches and there is no soap or
other bathroom and hygiene necessities to be used. The family does not own any kinds of animals.
According to Grace Romanos, there’s a risk of a possible breeding sites of vectors just under their
house and they can’t seem to do something about it because there’s no way to get in and clean it.

D. Health Status of each Family Member

According to Ms. Grace Romanos, there is no data or information that she can show to us
since they seldom visit to hospital or health center and opt to self-medicate instead. The most
convenient health center nearby their house is Wawa Health Center, they visit the health center
when necessary for their children but depends on the severity of the sickness. They only visit
doctor if there is unusual feeling or illness arises meaning that they do not have regular check- up.
They often consult to albolarios, rather than health professionals. Also Ms. Grace Romanos stated
that they use herbal medicine such as tawa-tawa. According to Ms. Grace Romanos, the
immunization record of each family member is not complete. The only vaccine that the family has
received in common is the MMR vaccine which is a vaccine for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.
She also mentioned that she received Tetanus Toxoid only once and did not stated the date when
she received the vaccine. Out of 4 children the household of Cocoy, only Gretchen has received
the BCG vaccine. In sleep and Rest, the average hours of sleep that Ms. Grace Romanos usually
get rangers from 8-9 hours of sleep. She sleeps around 7 in the evening and wakes up at 3 o’clock
in the morning. Benjie Cocoy’s average number of sleep is 5-6 hours, but changes due to schedule
of work of the father. The children have similar number of sleep as stated by the mother which
they usually get 11 hours of sleep. In protective use, Ms. Grace Romanos stated that they use
mosquito net and insect repellant specifically “katol” for protection against mosquitos.

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