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1. The Living World.

2. Kingdom Animalia.
3. Tissue Level of Organisation.
4. Organ and Organ system in Animals.
5. Digestion and Absorption.
6. Respiration.
7. Body Fluids and Circulation

Prepared by :-
P.SENGUTTUVAN. M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil. &

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.



1) In 2016 the new animal species discovered in India 258 are Invertebrates and 55 Vertebrates.
2) According to IUCN ______ species of animals are considered globally threatened in India – 172.
3) The term biodiversity was first introduced by – Walter Rosen (1985).
4) A branching diagram showing the relationship between a number of species – Cladogram.
5) Relationships among various biological species based upon similarities and differences in their physical or
genetic characters – Phylogeny.
6) The scientific term indicates catagories at different levels of Animals kingdom – Taxa.
7) The science of classification of animals – Taxonomy.
8) The word taxonomy was coined by – Augustin Pyramus de Candole (1813).
9) The father of Taxonomy (classical) – Aristotle.
10) The father of modern Taxonomy – Carolus Linnaeus.
11) The ability to grow in extreme conditions like volcano vents, hot springs are called – Extremophiles.
12) It is one of the benefical probiotic bacteria usedful for curd is – Lactobacillus sp.
13) Three domain classification was proposed by – Carl Woese.
14) Who proposed the five kingdom classification – R.H. Whittaker.
15) The book “origin of species” explain the evolutionary connection written by – Charles Darwin (1859).
16) To identify an individual from a sample of DNA by looking at unique patterns in their DNA is – DNA
finger printing.


1. All the above 5. a. Taxonomic key
2. a. Species 6. a. Walter Rosen
3. a. Taxon 7. b. Evolutionary and Phylogenetic
4. a. Primata 8. a. DNA and RNA

1) Differentiate between probiotics and pathogenic bacteria ;-

Probiotic Bacteria Pathogenic Bacteria
1. It is Useful bacterias it is Harmful bacterias
2. Convert Milk into Curd. ex: Lactobacillus Causes Disease in plants&animals.
ex: Vibrio cholerae causes cholera.

2) Why mule is sterile in nature?

 Crosses between the male donkey and female horse ,they can produce sterile offspring.
 Because of mating with closely related species, and it can‟t make sperm or eggs.

3) What is the role of Charles Darwin in relation to concept of species?

 In his book “Origin of species” - explains the evolutionary connection of species by the process of
natural selection.

4) Why elephants and other wild animals are entering into human living area?
 Destroying the forest and wild areas for human activites.
 They are entering into human living area for searching its foods and shelter.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

5) What is the difference between a Zoo and wild life sanctuary?
ZOO Wild life Sanctuary
1. Animals are kept for public exhibition wild animals are protected and preserved.
2. It is an artificial habitat and supplied prepared food They live natural habitat, and get their food
for kept animals. from natural environments.

6) Can we use recent molecular tools to identify and classify organisms?

1. DNA barcoding - to identify it as belonging to a particular species.
2. DNA hybridization - measures the degree of genetic similarity between pools of DNA sequences.
3. DNA fingerprinting - to identify an individual from a sample of DNA.

7) Explain the role of Latin and Greek names in Biology.

 To uniformity of scientific names all throughout the world.
 So latin and greek words commonly used in Systematic names and to understand the scientific names of

8) Define – Ecosystem :-
 Ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants and animals), non-living environment (including
minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight) and their interrelationships.

9) Taxa:-
 The scientific names, it indicates categories at different levels, for example Kingdom Animalia, includes
multicellular animals such as reptiles, mammals, etc.

10) Taxonomy:-
 It is the science of arrangement of living organisms along with classification, description, identification,
and naming of organisms which includes all flora and fauna including microorganisms of the world.

11) Cladogram :-
 It representing evolutionary relationships with the help of a tree diagram known as cladogram.
 Arranging organisms on the basis of their similar or derived characters which differ from the ancestral
characters produced a phylogenetic tree or cladogram.

12) Extremophiles :-
 The prokaryotes which have the ability to grow in extreme conditions like volcano vents, hot springs and
polar ice caps, hence are also called extremophiles.

13) Monotypic Genus :-

 In some genus there is only one species which is called as monotypic genus
 ex : Red panda is the only species in the genus Ailurus : Ailurus fulgens

14) Tautonymy:-
 The practice of naming the animals in which the generic name and species name are the same, is called
Tautonymy. ex: Naja naja (The Indian Cobra).

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

15) Polytypic Genus :-
 If there are more than one species in the genus it is known as polytypic genus, for example „cats‟ come
under the Genus Felis, which has a number of closely related species,
1. Felis domestica - domestic cat.
2. Felis margarita - jungle cat.
3. Felis silvestris - wild cat.


1) The basic need for classifications :-

1. To identify and differentiate closely related species
2. To know the variation among the species
3. To understand the evolution of the species
4. To create a phylogenetic tree among the different groups
5. To conveniently study living organisms

2) Rule of Nomenclature :-
 The scientific name should be italicized in printed form.
 The generic name‟s (Genus) first alphabet should be in uppercase.
 The specific name (species) should be in lowercase.
 The scientific names of any two organisms are not similar.
 The name or abbreviated name of the scientist who first publishes scientific name may be written after
the species name.
 If the species name is framed after any person‟s name the name of the species shall end with i, ii, or ae.

3) List any five salient features of the family “Felidae” :-

1. It is basically a cat family.
2. They are obligate Carnivores.
3. They have sharp teeth and claws to catch and eat prey.
4. Mostly solitary, secretive and nocturnal.
5. Acute sense-hearing,smell,vision and touch.

4) Systematics of Human being :-

1. Kingdom - Animalia.
2. Phylum - Chordata – Animals with a notochord or vertebral column (Back bone).
3. Class - Mammalia – Body covered with hair or fur. Mammary glands are present.
4. Order - Primata – Mammals with forward looking eyes and grasping fingers.
5. Family - Hominidae – Primates with relatively flat faces and binocular vision.
6. Genus - Homo – Hominids with large brain and upright posture.
7. Species - Homo sapiens – Bipedal and higher intelligence.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.




1. a. Radial 8. c. circular, longitudinal 15. d. Crocodile
muscles and setae
2. c. Coelenterata 9. a. Insects 16. d. Whale – Ammonotelic
3. b. Flame cells 10. a. Prawn 17. c. Ornithorhynchus
4. d. Liver fluke 11. Non of the above 18. b. Aves
5. b. Flame cells of Planaria 12. c. Arthropoda 19. b. p-(iii),q-(iv),r-(ii), s-(i)
6. b. Pheretima 13. d. Fish 20. b. Echinodermata
7. a. Annelida 14. a. Icthyophis 21. a. Physalia – Portugese
man of war

22). Why are spongin and spicules important to a sponge?

 The sponges body is supported by a skeleton made up of calcareous and siliceous spicules or
spongin or both.

23). What are the four characteristics common to most animals?

1. The arrangement of cell layer .
2. The levels of organisation- diploblastic/triploblastic organisation.
3. The patterns of symmetry- asymmetry, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry.
4. Types of Coelom – acoelomates, pseidocoelomates, eucoelomates, and schizocoelomates.
5. The presence or absence of segmentation , notochord and organisation.

24). List the features that all vertebrates show at some point in their development. ?
 They have notochord during embryonic stage, it replaced by cartilaginous or vertebral column in adult.
 They have paired appendages, and ventral muscular heart.

25). Compare closed and opened circulatory system:-

Open type circulatory system Closed type circulatory system
The blood remains filled in tissue spaces due to the The blood is circulated through blood vessels of
absence of blood capillaries. - arteries, veins, and capillaries.
ex: arthropods, molluscs, and echinoderms. ex: annelids, cephalochordates and vertebrates.

26). Compare Schizocoelom with enterocoelom :-

Schizocoelomates Enterocoelomates
The body cavity of this animal is formed by The body cavity of this animal is formed by
splitting of mesoderm. mesodermal pouches of archenteron.
ex: annelids, arthropods, molluscs. ex: Echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates.

27). Identify the structure that the archenteron becomes in a developing animal.
 In the process of gastrulation , the primary gut that is archenteron developing the embryo.
 Later it develops into the ectoderm and mesoderm of an animal.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

28). Choose the term that does not belong in the following group and explain why it does not belong?
Notochord, Cephalization, dorsal nerve cord, and radial symmetry .
Ans : 1. radial symmetry – is not belong in this group, because chordates are bilaterally symmetrical.

29). Observe the animal below and answer the following questions
a. Identify the animal-Adamsia(Sea anemone)
b. What type of symmetry does this animal exhibit?-Bilateral Symmetry
c. Is this animal Cephalized? -No
d. How many germ layers does this animal have?-2Layers(Diploblastic)
e. How many openings does this animal‟s digestive system have?-One open only
f. Does this animal have neurons? –Primitive Nervous Systems

30). Why flatworms are called acoelomates?

 Flatworms are called acoelomate animals.They donot have a body cavity or coelom.
 In these animals their body is solid without a perivisceral cavity, this restricts the free movement of
internal organs.

31). What are flame cells?

 Flatworms have Specialized excretory cells in flat worms.
 It helps in osmoregulation and excretion.

32). Concept Mapping - Use the following terms to create a concept map that shows the major characteristic
features of the phylum nematoda:

Phylum : Nematoda / Aschelminthes

Round worm

Coelom Digestive tract Cuticle Nutrition Reproduction

pseudocoelom complete alimentary canal collagenous parasite sexual dimorphism

33). In which phyla is the larva trochopore found?

 Ans : Phylum Annelida and Mullusca

34). Which of the chordate characteristics do tunicates retain as adults?

1. Dorsal tubular nerve cord is present only in the larval stage, dorsal ganglion is present in the adults.
2. The heart is ventral and tubular.
3. Respiration is through gill slits and clefts.

35). List three features that characterise bony fishes.

1. They are marine and freshwater living with bony endoskeleton and spindle shaped body.
2. Skin is covered by ganoid, cycloid or ctenoid scales.
3. Respiration is by four pairs of filamentous gills and is covered by an operculum on either side.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

36). List the characteristic features that distinguish cartilaginous fishes with living jawless fishes:-
S.N Jawless fish ex: Lamprey, Hag fish Cartilaginous fish ex: shark,Sting ray, Saw fish
1. All are class – Cyclostomata. primitives. All are class – Chondrichthyes.
2. They are jawless, and mouth is circular and They have powerful jaws and located in ventral side
suctorial. of the head.
3. They are ectoparasites. They are Predactors.
4. Respiration takes place 6-15 pairs of gill slits. Respiration by lamelliform gills without operculum.
5. They are oviparous, larvae - ammocoete They are viviparous.

37). List the functions of air bladder in fishes.

 It helps in gaseous exchange in lung fishes.
 It is useful for maintaining the buoyancy in most of the ray fishes.

38). Write the characteristics that contributes to the success of reptiles on land.
1. They are mostly terrestrial animals and their body is covered by dry skin with epidermal scales.
2. They have three chambered heart but four chambered in crocodiles.
3. Reptiles lay cleidoic eggs with extra embryonic membranes like amnion, allantois, chorion and yolk sac.
4. Excretion by metanephric kidneys and are uricotelic.
5. They are monoecious.Internal fertilization takes place and all are oviparous.
Examples : Cobra,Turtle, Tortoise, Houselizard,Crocodiles.

39). List the unique features of bird’s endoskeleton.

 The endoskeleton of bird is fully ossified (bony) .
 The long bones are hollow with air cavities (pneumatic bones).
 It helps to fly in air with low weight.

40). Could the number of eggs or young ones produced by an oviparous and viviparous female be equal? Why?
 The numbers of eggs produced by an oviparous and viviparous female be not equal. because:
 In oviparous animals, produced eggs to environmental conditions and are face several problem for
predators , unfertilization, attack and then able to survive and produce youngones.
 On the otherhand in viviparous animals,the development of youngones takes place in safe conditions
inside the mother‟s body, and are less exposed to environmental conditions and predators.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

1. Phylum - Porifera :-
 Marine , asymmetrical, cellular level of organization.
 Have water canal system. Digestion is intracellular.
 They have Choanocytes, collar cells line in the spongocoel.
 Skeleton made up of spicules or sponging fibres.
 Hermaphrodite –male and female organs present on the same animals.
 Reproduce asexually by fragmentation , sexually by gametes.
Ex. Sponges, Sycon, spongilla.

2. Phylum – Coelenterata/ Cnidaria :-

 Aquatic ,Marine ,Sessile(fixed ) ,free swimming animals.
 Radially symmetrical , Tissuelevel of organization , Diploblastic
 Have cnidoblasts, cnidocytes, stinging capsule on tentacles to capture the prey.
 Mouth on hypostome.Digestion extracellular and intracellular.
 In the life style two basic forms called polyp (sessile) and medusa (free living).
 They show alternation ofgeneration ( metagenesis ) where polyp forms medusa
Ex. - Hydra, Physalia, Sea anemone, Sea pen, Sea fan, Brain coral.

3. Phylum - Ctenophora :-
 Marine animals, radially symmetrical,diploblastic condition.
 Tissue level of organization. Bioluminescence is well developed
 Body bears eight rows ciliated comb plates help in locomotion.
 Sexes are not separate(monoecious). Sexual reproduction occur.
 Fertilization is external and indirect development in life cycle.
Ex. - Pleurobrachia and ctenoplana( sea walnuts/comb jellies )

4. Phylum – Platyhelminthes :-
 Dorso-ventrally flattened body ,Organ level of organization.
 Bilaterally symmetrical, Triploblastic , acoclomate ,Endoparasites.
 Hooks and suckers are present. Flame cells for excretions.
 Sexes are not separate, fertilization is internal.
 Have high regeneration capacity.ex : Tape worm,Planaria, and Liver fluke.

5. Phylum - Aschelminthes / Round worms :-

 Circular boby, terrestrial parasite, Organ system level of body organization.
 Bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic, Pseudocoelomate animals.
 The alimentary canal is complete, well developed mouth, pharynx and anus.
 Sexes are separate ,female are longer than males.
 Fertilization is internal and majority are oviparous.
Ex. Ascaris, filarial worm and hookworm.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

6. Phylum – Annelida :-
 Aquatic or terrestrial, Free living, some are parasites.
 Organ system level of body organization. coelomate animals.
 Bilaterally symmetrical, Triploblastic, Metamerically segmented.
 Possess longitudinal and circular muscles help in locomotion.
 Closed circulatory system.Nephridia help in osmoregulation and excretion.
 Some are monoecious (Earthworm), while some are dioecious(leeche).
Ex: Nereis, earth worm and Hirudinaria .

7. Phylum – Arthropoda :-
 Largest phylum (2/3) , jointed leg animals, Bilaterally symmetrical.
 Organ system level of body organization , Segmented and coelomates animal.
 Chitinous exoskeleton, body has head, thorax and abdomen.
 Respiratory organs are gills , Book lungs and tracheal system.
 Open circulatory system, Excretion by malpighian tubules .
 Sense organs are antennae, eye, statocysts ( balance organs ).
 Sexes are separate, fertilization is internal, Oviparous animals.
Ex : Honey bees, Silkworm, Mosquito, Housefly crab, and prawn

8. Phylum - Mollusca: -
 Second largest phylum, soft bodied and shelled.
 Terrestrial and aquatic,Organ system level of body organization.
 Bilaterally symmetrical,Triploblastic and Coelomate animals.
 Calcareous shell and unsegmented body with head, muscular foot and
visceral hump.
 Feather like gills (ctenidia) for respiratory function.Head has sensory
 Mouth has file like rasping organ for feeding radula with chitinous teeth.
 Excretory organs are nephridia. Open type of circulatory system.
 Blood contains haemocyanin, a copper containing respiratory pigment.
 Sexes are separate (Dioecious), and oviparous,development is indirect with veliger larva.
Eg. Pila, Oyster, snail, squid, Sepia, Loligo, Octopus- devil fish.

9. Phylum - Echinodermata:-
 Spiny skin has exoskeleton which is calcarious ossicles, Radially
 Marine organ level of body organization,Coelomate,Triploblastic
 Mouth of the lower side and anus on the upper side.
 They have water vascular system, help in locomotion,to capture and
transport of food and for respiration.
 Dioecious and fertilization is external,development is indirect with free
swimming larva. Some are have remarkable powers of regeneration.
Ex. Starfish, sea urchin, sea lily, sea cucumber

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

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10. Phylum – Hermichordata :-
 Under non chordate, Worm like marine animals.
 Organ system level of organization,Bilaterially symmetrical , triploblstic.
 Coelomate – body has anterior proboscis , a collar and a long trunk.
 Circulatory system is open type , Respiration is through gills.
 Excretory organ is proboscis gland,
 Sexes are separate ,Fertilization is external.
 Development is indirect with a free swimming tornaria larva.
Ex. Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus, Ptychodera flava- indian hemichordate.
11. Phylum – Chordata :-
1. Presence of elongated rod like notochord below the nerve cord and above the alimendary canal.
2. A dorsal hollow fluid filled nerve cord lies above the notochord.
3. Presence of pharyngeal gill slits in their lifecycle.
4. Bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic, Coelomates with organ system level of organization.
5. They possess post and tail, and closed circulatory system with a ventral myogenic heart.

12. Difference between Chordates - Non chordates :- Chordates Non chordates
1. Notochord present. Notochord is absent.
2. Dorsal, hollow and single nerve cord. Double ventral solid nerve cord.
3. Pharynx perforated by gill slits . Gill slits absent.
4. Heart is ventrally placed. Heart is dorsal or laterally placed.
5. A post anal tail is present. Post anal tail is absent.
6. Alimentary canal placed ventral to nerve cord. Alimentary canal placed dorsal to nerve cord.

13. Sub Phylum – Urochordata / Tunicata :-

 It is exclusively marine, sessile, some pelagic or free swimming.
 Body is unsegmented and covered by a tunic or test.
 Notochord is present only in the tail region of the larval stage. Hence named
 Dorsal tubular nerve cord is present only in the larval stage.
 Mostly hermaphrodites and development is indirect with a free swimming
tadpole larva.
 Retrogressive metamorphosis is seen in Ascidian.
 Ex : Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum.

14. Sub Phylum – Cephalochordata :-

 Amphioxus is a marine animal, found in shallow waters, leading a burrowing mode of life.
 The notochord, dorsal tabular nerve cord and pharyngeal gill slits are present throughout their life.
 Closed type of circulatory system is seen without heart.
 Excretion by protonephridia.
 Sexes are separate, fertilization is external, development is indirect and includes a free swimming larva.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

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15. Sub phylum – Vertebrates :-

 It divided in to two divisions :
1. Agnatha - without Jaw - Class : Cyclostomata, ex : Lamprey, Hagfish.
2. Gnathostomata - with jaw - Class : Chondrichthyes , ex : Shark, sting rays.

16. Agnatha (without Jaw) Class : Cyclostomata :-

 Primitive, poikilothermic, jawless, aquatic animals.
 Some are ectoparasites, having sucking circular mouth without jaw.
 Body is slender and eel –like bearing 6-15 pairs of gill slits for
 Heart is two chambered, and circulation is of closed type.
 Cranium and vertebral column are cartilaginous.
 They are marine living, but migrate to fresh waters for spawning
(anadromous migration). larvae – ammocoete.
Ex. Lamprey, Hagfish

17. Class : Chondrichthyes :-

 Cartilaginous endoskeleton. Skin is covered by placoid scales.
 Body is stream lined, caudal fin is heterocercal, Pelvic fins in male with claspers.
 Mouth is located ventral, Respiration by lamelliform gills.
 Excretory organs are mesonephric kidneys. 2 chambered heart.
 They are poikilothermic and viviparous.Sexes are separate.

 Ex: Shark, sting

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

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18. Class : Osteichthyes - boney fish :- Ex. Angel fish, Clown fish, Rohu, Katla,Tilapia, Hippocampus.
 Marine and freshwater fishes, bony endoskeleton.
 Spindle shaped body, Skin is covered by ganoid / cycloid / ctenoid scales.
 Respiration is by four pairs of filamentous gills and covered by an operculum.
 Air bladder is present, it helps in gaseous exchange (lung fishes), and buoyancy (ray fish).
 Heart is two chambered. Excretory organ are mesonephric kidneys, and are ammonotelic.
 Presence of well developed lateral line sense organ.
 Sexes are separate , fertilization is external and oviparous.

19. Class – Amphibia :- Ex. Toad, Frog, Icthyophis.

 They live both in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Poikilothermic animals.
 Body has head and trunk, no neck. eyes are with nictitating membranes.
 Skin is smooth and moist with mucous glands.Tympanum is ear drum.
 Heart is three chambered ( 2 - auricle and 1- ventricle ).
 Respiration by gills , lungs, through the skin. Kedneys are mesonephric.
 Sexes are separate and fertilization is external. Oviparous and development is indirect.
 They show hibernation and aestivation.

20. Class – Reptilia :- Ex. Snake, Tortoise, Turtle, Viper, Lizard.

 They live in terrestrial, Skin is dry without glands.Covered by scales / scutes .
 Heart is 3 chambered, but 4 in crocodiles.Cold blooded amniotes.
 Most reptiles lay cleidoic eggs with extra embryonic membrane-amnion, allantois, chorion & yolk sac.
 Excretion by metanephric kidneys, and are uricotelic.
 Sexes are separate , internal fertilization, oviparous animals.

21. Class – Aves :- Ex. Pigeon, Crow, Sparrow, Ostrich.

 Commonly called birds, and are homeothermic animals.Presence of feathers.
 forelimbs are modified into wings.Hind limbs are adapted for swimming, running, and perching.
 The skin is dry and devoid of glands, except the oil gland at base of the tail.
 The exoskeleton consists of feathers, scales, claws on legs, and horny beak.
 The endoskeleton is fully ossified and the long bones are pneumatic bones.
 Respiratin is by elastic, spongy lungs, that are continuous with air sacs.
 Heart is 4 chambered.Urinary bladder is absent.Migration and parental care is well marked.
 Sexes are separates, in females only the left ovary is present.
 All are oviparous, eggs are megalecithal and cleidoic.

22. Class- Mammalia :- Ex : Platypus, Kangaroo, fox, Dog, Cat, Elephant,Horse, Dolphin, Tiger, Human.
 Variety of habitats, homeothermic, body is covered by hair. Presence of mammary glands.
 They have 2 pair of limbs, skin has sweat glands and sebaceous gland and glandular in nature.
 Exoskeleton includes – horns, spines, scales, claws, nails, hooves, and bony dermal plates.
 Teeth are thecodont, heterodont, and diphyodont. External ears or pinnae are present.
 Heart is 4 chambered, and possess a left systematic arch.RBC-are circular, biconcave, non-nucleated.
 They have large brain, and show greatest intelligence among all animals.
 Kidney are metanephric and are ureotelic,Sexes are separate and internal fertilization.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

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3. Tissue Level of Organisation

1) The main function of the cuboidal epithelium is – d). Both (b) and (c).
2) The ciliated epithelium lines the – d). Trachea.
3) What type of fibres are found in connective tissue matrix?- a). Collagen.
4) Prevention of substances from leaking across the tissue is provided by- b). Adhering junction
5) Non-shivering thermogenesis in neonates produces heat through – b). Brown fat.
6) The study of tissues is called – Histology.
7) It secretes the protective lubricating mucus- Goblet cell.
8) How many persentage of Adipocytes in the tissue mass – 90%.
9) Which fat produces heat by non-shivering thermogenesis in neonates- Brown fats.
10) It maintains the pulsatile flow of blood through the arteries- Elastic connective tissues.
11) The bone cells (osteocytes) are present in the spaces / cavity called – lacunae.
12) The fluid connective tissue is called – Blood.
13) It is a contractile tissue present only in the heart – Cardiac muscle tissue.
14) Defect in the synthesis of collagen in the joints, heart valves, organ walls and arterial walls
- Ehler‟s-Danlos syndrome.
15) Affects collagen and results in facial abnormalities – Stickler syndrome.
16) Life threatening soft tissue tumour of head, neck and urinogenital tract – Rhabdomyo sarcoma.
17) The immune cells attack and inflame the membranes around the joints – Rheumatoid arthritis.
18) Progressive inability to secrete saliva and tears – Sjogren‟s syndrome.
19) Which tissue exerts the greatest control over the body‟s responsiveness to changing conditions- Nervous
20) ________makes up more than one-half of the volume of neural tissue in our body- Neuroglia.
21) The cells arranged into a circular secretory unit is called – Acinus.
22) The specialized connective tissue with a mineralized matrix- Bone.
23) A triple helix protein which allows for great tensile strength – Collagen.
24) Which cell located in the respiratory tract and intestine and secrete mucus – Goblet cell.
25) The cell secretes histamine during inflammatory and allergic reaction – Mast cells.


6. Some epithelia are pseudostratified. What does this mean?

 These cells are columnar, and are unequal in size.
 It made up of single layered, yet it appears to be multi-layered because the nuclei lie at different levels in
different cells.

7. Differentiate white adipose tissue from brown adipose tissue.

White adipose tissue Brown adipose tissue
They are also found in subcutaneous tissue, These tissue which contains abundant mitochondria
1. surrounding the kidneys, eyeball, heart, etc. is called „Brown fat‟.
Adipose tissue is called „white fat’.
2. White fat stores nutrients It is used to heat the blood stream to warm the body.

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

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8. Why blood is considered as a typical connective tissue?
 It is a fluid connective tissue containing plasma, RBC, WBC and platelets.
 It functions as the transport medium for the cardiovascular system, carrying nutrients, wastes, respiratory
gases throughout the body.

9. Differentiate between elastic fibres and elastic connective tissue :-

Elastic fibre Elastic connective tissue
It is found in the skin as the leathery dermis It contains high proportion of elastic fibres. It allows recoil
and forms fibrous capsules of organs such as of tissues following stretching. It maintains the pulsatile
kidneys, bones, cartilages, muscles, nerves flow of blood through the arteries and the passive recoil of
and joints. lungs following inspiration.

10. Name any four important functions of epithelial tissue and provide at least one example of a tissue that
exemplifies each function.
 The functions of epithelium includes protection, absorption, filtration, excretion, secretion and
sensory reception.
1. Absorption - Simple epithelium.
2. Secretion - Columnar epithelium / Pseudo-stratified epithelium.
3.Protection - Pseudo-stratified epithelium.

11. Write the classification of connective tissue and their functions :-

 It develops from the mesoderm and is widely distributed in the body.
 There are four main classes – connective tissue, cartilage, bones and blood.
 Major functions of connective tissues are binding and support, protection, insulation and
transportation of substances.

12. What is an epithelium? Enumerate the characteristic features of different epithelia?

Epithelial tissue Function Found places
1. Squamous Diffusion and filtration kidney, lungs, air sacs of lungs.
2. Cuboidal Secretion and absorption Kidney tubules, ducts of small glands, ovary.
3. Colummar Absorption and lubricating micro villi, goblet cell.
4. Ciliated Mucus by Ciliary action small bronchioles, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

All the best * God bless you

P.Senguttuvan.M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil.& C.Valarmathi. M.Sc., M.Ed.,M.Phil. TNHSPGTA –Dharmapuri.

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