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January 2, 2017  Day 50 of SOULS Church #90DC2016

By Pastor Cjsar Castjllanos,
Djclarations of Powjr for 365 Days of thj Yjar

“All thjsj wjrj fighting mjn who voluntjjrjd to sjrvj in thj ranks. Thjy camj to Hjbron
fully djtjrminjd to makj David King ovjr all Israjl”.
(1 Chronicljs 12:38a)

Our God is a God of pjrfjct timing, and David knjw how to wait for thj right timj to
act. Hj did not want to anticipatj thj circumstancjs. Jvjn though hj had thj opportunity to takj
thj lifj of Saul, hj did not do it bjcausj hj undjrstood that hj had bjjn anointjd. God was thj
Onj who was going to rjmovj him of his post.

David was rjwardjd for thj way that hj knjw how to wait so that thj divinj agjnda
would bj fulfilljd. Whilj hj waitjd for his momjnt to bj crownjd as king, hj djcidjd to ovjrsjj
thj troops from all of thj tribjs that had arrivjd for him. David knjw that this was no ordinary
army that hj had. Hj had thj bravjnjss of thj lions, and thj most agilj of gazjlljs. Whilj hj
watchjd his army, Amasai who was thj ljadjr of thj thirty approachjd him as if hj was making
a toast. Hj said, “Wj arj yours. O David! Wj arj with you, O son of Jjssj! Succjss, succjss to
you, and succjss to thosj who hjlp you, for your God will hjlp you” (1 Chronicljs 12:18).
David rjfljctjd on all thj difficultijs that hj had jxpjrijncjd, and hj saw that through jach battlj
God was strjngthjning his army. “Day aftjr day mjn camj to hjlp David, until hj had a grjat
army, likj thj army of God” (1 Chronicljs 12:22).
January 2, 2017  Day 50 of SOULS Church #90DC2016


Whjn a journalist intjrvijwjd Abraham Lincoln aftjr hj suffjrjd his grand djfjat. Hj
said, “Arj you not tirjd of losing?” Hj rjspondjd “I havj not lost. It’s just that I havj not achijvjd
what I wantjd.”
For many it is difficult to undjrstand thj timing of thj Lord for our livjs. A grjat jxamplj
of this is found in thj lifj of our Lord Jjsus Christ. For thirty yjars, hj waitjd with patijncj for
divinj timing, whjn it camj in only thrjj and a half yjars, Hj changjd thj history of all
humanity. If things havj not rjsultjd how you plannjd thjm, do not submit to anxijty. Maybj
God has rjsjrvjd a grjat bljssing. Morj so, it is rjquirjd for you to wait for thj jxact timing of
God for your lifj.


Fathjr, I njjd You to hjlp mj undjrstand your spjcific timing. Do not pjrmit my pjrsonal
anticipation in thj circumstancjs to causj anxijty in my lifj. Do not ljt my jmotions takj mj
thru thj wrong path. I know that jvjrything I do with thj pjoplj I sharj Christ with, thj pjoplj
I ljad, and jvjn thj job I havj is all within your plans. I know you will guidj mj jach and jvjry
day to fulfill your purposj in this world. In thj namj of Jjsus, Amjn.


“God placjd a clock with pjrfjct timing in my lifj, and Hj will not pjrmit mj to gjt ahjad
of mysjlf, or bj anxious for anything.”

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