NonNegative Matrix Factorizations For Multiplex Network Analysis

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4, APRIL 2019

Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations

for Multiplex Network Analysis
Vladimir Gligorijevi
c , Yannis Panagakis, and Stefanos Zafeiriou , Member, IEEE

Abstract—Networks have been a general tool for representing, analyzing, and modeling relational data arising in several domains.
One of the most important aspect of network analysis is community detection or network clustering. Until recently, the major focus have
been on discovering community structure in single (i.e., monoplex) networks. However, with the advent of relational data with multiple
modalities, multiplex networks, i.e., networks composed of multiple layers representing different aspects of relations, have emerged.
Consequently, community detection in multiplex network, i.e., detecting clusters of nodes shared by all layers, has become a new
challenge. In this paper, we propose Network Fusion for Composite Community Extraction (NF-CCE), a new class of algorithms, based
on four different non-negative matrix factorization models, capable of extracting composite communities in multiplex networks. Each
algorithm works in two steps: first, it finds a non-negative, low-dimensional feature representation of each network layer; then, it fuses
the feature representation of layers into a common non-negative, low-dimensional feature representation via collective factorization.
The composite clusters are extracted from the common feature representation. We demonstrate the superior performance of our
algorithms over the state-of-the-art methods on various types of multiplex networks, including biological, social, economic, citation,
phone communication, and brain multiplex networks.

Index Terms—Multiplex networks, non-negative matrix factorization, community detection, network integration

(or graphs1) along with their theoretical
foundations are powerful mathematical tools for rep-
resenting, modeling, and analyzing complex systems aris-
communities) that are more densely connected to each other
than they are to the rest of the network [4]. Even thought the
volume of research on community detection is large, e.g., [5],
ing in several scientific disciplines including sociology, [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], the majority of these meth-
biology, physics, and engineering among others [1]. Con- ods focus on networks with only one type of relations
cretely, social networks, economic networks, biological net- between nodes (i.e., networks of single type interaction).
works, telecommunications networks, etc. are just a few However, many real-world systems are naturally repre-
examples of graphs in which a large set of entities (or sented with multiple types of relationships, or with relation-
agents) correspond to nodes (or vertices) and relationships or ships that chance in time. Such systems include subsystems
interactions between entities correspond to edges (or links). or layers of connectivity representing different modes of
Structural analysis of these networks have yielded impor- complexity. For instance, in social systems, users in social
tant findings in the corresponding fields [2], [3]. networks engage in different types of interactions (e.g., per-
Community detection (also known as graph clustering or mod- sonal, professional, social, etc.). In biology, different experi-
ule detection) is one of the foremost problems in network anal- ments or measurements can provide different types of
ysis. It aims to find groups of nodes (i.e., clusters, modules or interactions between genes. Reducing these networks to a
single type interactions by disregarding their multiple
modalities is often a very crude approximation that fails to
1. we use terms graphs and network interchangeably throughout this
capture a rich and holistic complexity of the system. In
order to encompass a multimodal nature of these relations,
 V. Gligorijevic was with the Department of Computing, Imperial College a multiplex network representation has been proposed [14],
London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom, and now with Flatiron [15], [16]. Multiplex networks (also known as multidimen-
Institute, Simons Foundation, New York, NY 10010. sional, multiview or multilayer networks) have recently
 Y. Panagakis is with the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, attracted a lot of attention in network science community.
London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom, and also with the Department of They can be represented as a set of graph layers that share a
Computer Science, Middlesex University London, London NW4 4BT, United common set of nodes, but different set of edges in each layer
Kingdom. E-mail: (cf. Fig. 1). With the emergence of this network representa-
 S. Zafeiriou is with the Department of Computing, Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom. E-mail: tion, finding composite communities across different layers
Manuscript received 25 Jan. 2017; revised 10 Jan. 2018; accepted 12 Mar.
of multiplex network has become a new challenge [17]. We
2018. Date of publication 3 Apr. 2018; date of current version 13 Mar. 2019. refer a reader to Kivel€ a et al. [18] for a recent review on mul-
(Corresponding author: Vladimir Gligorijevic.) tiplex networks.
Recommended for acceptance by G. Elidan. Here, distinct from the previous approaches (reviewed in
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. Section 2), we focus on multiplex community detection. Con-
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2821146 cretely, a novel and general model, namely the Network
0162-8828 ß 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tp:// for more information.

extensive experiments on a wide range of real-world multi-

plex networks, including biological, social, economic, cita-
tion, phone communication, and brain multiplex networks.
In particular, we compared the clustering performance of
our four methods with six state-of-the-art methods and five
baseline methods (i.e., single-layer methods modified for
multiplex networks), on nine different real-world multiplex
networks including three large-scale multiplex biological
networks of three different species. Experimental results, in
Section , indicate that the proposed methods yield much sta-
Fig. 1. An example of a multiplex network with 11 nodes present in three ble clustering results than the state-of-the-art and baseline
complementary layers denoted in different colors. Two different commu- methods, by robustly handling incomplete and noisy net-
nities across all three layers can be identified.
work layers. The experiments conducted on multiplex bio-
Fusion for Composite Community Extraction (NF-CCE) logical networks of three different species indicate NF-CCE
along with its algorithmic framework is developed in as a superior method for finding composite communities (in
Section 3. The heart of the NF-CCE is the Collective Non- biological networks also known as functional modules).
negative Matrix Factorization (CNMF), which is employed Moreover, the results also indicate that NF-CCE can extract
in order to collectively factorize adjacency matrices repre- unique and more functionally consistent modules by con-
senting different layers in the network. The collective factor- sidering all network layers together than by considering
ization facilitate us to obtain a consensus low-dimensional each network layer separately.
latent representation, shared across the decomposition, and Notations. throughout the paper, matrices are denoted by
hence to reveal the communities shared between the net- uppercase boldface letters, e.g., X. Subscript indices denote
work layers. The contributions of the paper are as follows: matrix elements, e.g., Xij , whereas superscript indices in
brackets denote network layer, e.g., XðiÞ . The set of real num-
1) Inspired by recent advances in non-negative matrix bers is denoted by R. j  j denotes the cardinality of a set, e.g.,
factorization (NMF) techniques for graph clustering jSj. A binary matrix of size n  m is represented by f0; 1gnm .
[19], [20] and by using tools for subspace analysis
on Grassmann manifold [21], [22], [23], we propose a
general framework for extracting composite commu-
nities from multiplex networks. In particular, the 2.1 Single-Layer (Monoplex) Networks
framework NF-CCE, utilizes four different NMF In graph theory, a monoplex network (graph) can be repre-
techniques, each of which is generalized for collec- sented as an ordered pair, G ¼ ðV; EÞ, where V is a set of
tive factorization of adjacency matrices representing n ¼ jV j vertices or nodes, and E is a set of m ¼ jEj edges or
network layers, and for computing a consensus low- links between the vertices [28]. An adjacency matrix repre-
dimensional latent feature matrix shared across senting a graph G is denoted by A 2 f0; 1gnn , where
the decomposition that is used for extracting latent Aij ¼ 1 if there is an edge between vertices i and j, and
communities common to all network layers. To Aij ¼ 0 otherwise. Most of the real-world networks that we
this end, a general model involving factorization of consider throughout the paper are represented as edge-
networks’ adjacency matrices and fusion of their weighted graphs, G ¼ ðV; E; wÞ, where w : E ! R assigns real
low-dimensional subspace representation on Grass- values to edges. In this case, the adjacency matrix instead of
mann manifold is proposed in Section 3. being a binary matrix, is a real one i.e., A 2 Rnn , with
2) Unlike a few matrix factorization-based methods for entries characterizing the strength of association or interac-
multiplex community extraction that have been pro- tion between the network nodes.
posed so far, e.g., [23], [24], [25], [26], that directly Although, there is no universally accepted mathematical
decompose matrices representing network layers definition of the community notion in graphs, the probably
into a low-dimensional representation common to most commonly accepted definition is the following: a com-
all network layers, NF-CCE is conceptually different. munity is a set of nodes in a network that are connected
Namely, it works in two steps: first, it denoises each more densely among each other than they are to the rest of
network layer by computing its non-negative low- the network [4], [29]. Hence, the problem of community
dimensional representation. Then it merges the detection is as follows: given an adjacency matrix A of one
low-dimensional representations into a consensus network with n nodes and k communities, find the commu-
low-dimensional representation common to all net- nity assignment of all nodes, denoted by H 2 f0; 1gnk ,
work layers. This makes our method more robust to where Hij ¼ 1 if nodes i belongs to community j, and
noise, and consequently, it yields much stable clus- Hij ¼ 0 otherwise. We consider the case of non-overlapping
tering results. communities,
P where a node can belong to only one commu-
3) Four efficient algorithms based on four different nity, i.e., kj¼1 Hij ¼ 1.
NMF techniques are developed for NF-CCE using the To address the community detection problem in mono-
concept of natural gradient [22], [23] and presented in plex networks, several methods have been proposed. Com-
the form of multiplicative update rules [27] in Section 3. prehensive surveys of these methods are [4] and [13]. To
The advantages of the NF-CCE over the state-of-the-art make the paper self-contained, here, we briefly review some
in community detection are demonstrated by conducting of the most representative approaches, including graph

partitioning, spectral clustering, hierarchical clustering, modular- can be represented as a set of adjacency matrices encoding
ity maximization, statistical inference and structure-based meth- connectivity patterns of individual layers, AðiÞ 2 Rnn , for
ods, as well as method that rely on non-negative matrix i ¼ 1; . . . ; N. The goal of community detection in multiplex
factorizations: networks is to infer shared, latent community assignment
that best fits all given layers. Given that each layer contains
 Graph partitioning aims to group nodes into partitions incomplete and complementary information, this process of
such that the cut size, i.e., the total number of edges finding shared communities by integrating information
between any two partitions, is minimal. Two widely from all layers is also known in the literature as network inte-
used graph partitioning algorithms that also take gration (fusion) [25], [35].
into account the size of partitions are Ratio Cut and Unlike the case of monoplex networks, research on com-
Normalized Cut [30]. Graph partitioning algorithms munity detection in multiplex networks is scarce. Existing
can be alternatively defined as spectral algorithms in methods extract communities from multiplex networks first
which the objective is to partition the nodes into by aggregating the links of all layers into a single layer, and
communities based on their eigenvectors obtained
then applying a monoplex method to that single layer [25],
from eigendecomposition of graph Laplacian matrix [31].
[36], [37]. However, this approach does not account for
 In hierarchical clustering the goal is to reveal network
shared information between layers and treats the noise pres-
communities and their hierarchical structure based
ent in each layer uniformly. Clearly, this is not the case in
on a similarity (usually topological) measure com-
real-world multiplex networks where each level is contami-
puted between pairs of nodes [32].
nated by different noise in terms of magnitude and, possibly,
 Modularity-based algorithms are among the most
distribution. Thus, by aggregating links from different layers
popular ones. Modularity was designed to measure
the noise in the aggregated layer significantly increases,
the strength of partition of a network into communi-
resulting in a poor community detection performance.
ties. It is defined as a fraction of the edges that fall
Current state-of-the-art methods are built on monoplex
within the community minus the expected fraction
approaches and further generalized to multiplex networks.
when these edges are randomly distributed [5], [29].
They can be divided into the following categories:
Various algorithms have been proposed for modu-
larity optimization, including greedy techniques,  Modularity-based approaches that generalize the
simulated annealing, spectral optimization, etc. [4]. notion of modularity from single-layer to multi-layer
 Statistical inference methods aims at fitting the genera- networks. Namely, to alleviate the above mentioned
tive model to the network data based on some hypothe- limitations, the Principal Modularity Maximization
sis. Most commonly used statistical inference method (PMM) [25] has been proposed. First, for each layer,
for community detection is the stochastic block model, PMM extracts structural features by optimizing its
that aims to approximate a given adjacency matrix by modularity, and thus significantly denoising each
a block structure [33]. Each block in the model repre- layer; then, it applies PCA on concatenated matrix of
sents a community. structural feature matrices, to find the principal vec-
 Structure-based methods aim to find subgraphs repre- tors, followed by K-means to perform clustering
senting meta definitions of communities. Their objec- assignment. The main drawback of this approach is
tive is to find maximal cliques, i.e., the cliques which that it treats structural feature matrices of all layers
are not the subgraph of any other clique. The union on equal basis (i.e., it is not capable of distinguishing
of these cliques form a subgraph, whose components between more and less informative network layers,
are interpreted as communities [34]. or complementary layers). Even though the noise is
 More recently, graph clustering methods that rely on properly handled by this method, the complementarity
the Non-Negative Matrix Factorization [27] have been aspect cannot be captured well by the integration step.
proposed e.g., [19], [20]. Their goal is to approximate On the other hand, Mucha et al. [16] proposed a
a symmetric adjacency matrix of a given network by modularity-based method for multiplex and also
a product of two non-negative, low-rank matrices, time-dependent networks that can handle layer com-
such that they have clustering interpretation, i.e., plementarity. Namely, in addition to inter-layer con-
they can be used for assigning nodes to communi- nections, their generalized modularity function takes
ties. The proposed methods here, follow this line of into account the coupling between nodes of different
research, but as opposed to the existing methods layers. To optimize the modularity function, the
[19], [20], the NF-CCE can effectively handle multi- authors proposed Generalized Louvain (or GenLouvain,
plex networks. GL) algorithm that has been shown to be most effi-
cient algorithm for their generalized modularity func-
2.2 Multiplex Networks tion [38]. Despite the efficiency, the method is not
A multiplex network is a set of N monoplex networks (or designed to find consensus clustering assignment
layers), Gi ðV; Ei Þ, for i ¼ 1; . . . ; N. The number of nodes in across different layers; instead, it only provides node
each layer is the same, n ¼ jV j, while the connectivity pat- clustering assignment for each individual layer.
tern and the distribution of links in each layer differs,  Spectral clustering approaches that generalize the
mi ¼ jEi j (see Fig. 1). Similarly to monoplex networks, we eigendecomposition from single to multiple Laplacian
consider the case where each layer represents a weighted, matrices representing network layers. One of the state-
undirected graph, i.e., Gi ðV; Ei ; wi Þ. A multiplex network of-the-art spectral clustering methods for multiplex

graphs is the Spectral Clustering on Multi-Layer (SC- To alleviate the drawbacks of the aforementioned meth-
ML) [21]. First, for each network layer, SC-ML com- ods, the NF-CCE framework is detailed in the following sec-
putes a subspace spanned by the principal eigenvec- tion. It consists of 4 models, where each layer is first
tors of its Laplacian matrix. Then, by interpreting each denoised by computing its non-negative low-dimensional
subspace as a point on Grassmann manifold, SC-ML subspace representation. Then, the low-dimensional sub-
merges subspaces into a consensus subspace from spaces are merged into a consensus subspace whose non-
which the composite clusters are extracted. The big- negative property enables clustering interpretation. The
gest drawback of this methods is the underlying spec- models are conceptually similar to the SC-ML method, since
tral clustering, that always finds tight and small-scale they use the same merging technique to find the common
and, in some cases, almost trivial communities. For subspace of all layers.
example, SC-ML cannot adequately handle network
layers with missing or weak connections, or layers 3 PROPOSED FRAMEWORK
that have disconnected parts.
Here, we present four novel metods that are built upon
 Information diffusion-based approaches that utilize the
four non-negative matrix factorization models, SNMF [19],
concept of diffusion on networks to integrate network
PNMF [46], SNMTF [47] and Semi-NMTF [48], and exten-
layers. One of such methods is Similarity Network
ded for fusion and clustering of multiplex networks. Since
Fusion (SNF) proposed by Wang et al. [39]. SNF cap-
the derivation of each method is similar, we present them in
tures both shared and complementary information in
a unified framework, namely NF-CCE. NF-CCE extracts
network layers. It computes a fused matrix from the
composite communities from a multiplex network consist-
similarity matrices derived from all layers through
ing of N layers. In particular, given N-layered multiplex
parallel interchanging diffusion process on network
network represented by adjacency matrices, fAð1Þ ; . . . ;
layers. Then, by applying a spectral clustering method
AðNÞ g, NF-CCE consists of two steps:
on the fused matrix they extract communities. Another
Step 1. For each network layer, i, we obtain its non-
widely used method that uses the concept of dynamics
negative, low-dimensional representation, HðiÞ , under column
on network (i.e., diffusion) is Multiplex Infomap [40].
orthonormality constraints i.e., HðiÞT HðiÞ ¼ I, by using any of
Namely, Multiplex Infomap optimizes the map equa-
the non-negative factorization methods mentioned above.
tion, which exploits the information-theoretic duality
Step 2. We fuse the low-dimensional representations into a
between network dimensionality reduction, and the
common, consensus representation, H, by proposing a collec-
problem of network community detection. However,
tive matrix factorization model. That is, we collectively
for noisy networks, the diffusion process, i.e., informa-
decompose all adjacency matrices, AðiÞ into a common matrix,
tion propagation, is not very efficient and it may
H, whilst enforcing the non-negative low-dimensional repre-
results in poor clustering performance [41].
sentation of network layers, HðiÞ (computed in the previous
 Matrix and tensor factorization-based approaches that
step), to be close enough to the consensus low-dimensional
utilize collective factorization of adjacency matrices
representation, H. The general objective function capturing
representing network layers. A few matrix and ten-
these two properties is written as follows:
sor decomposition-based approaches have been pro-
posed so far [24], [26], [42], [43], [44]. Tang et al. [42] X
introduced the Linked Matrix Factorization (LMF) min J ¼ J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ þ a J ðiÞ ðiÞ
c ðH; H Þ; (1)
which fuses information from multiple network i¼1 i¼1
layers by factorizing each adjacency matrix into a
layer-specific factor and a factor that is common to where, J ðiÞ is an objective function for clustering ith layer
all network layers. Dong et al. [26], introduced the and J ðiÞ
c is the loss function quantifying the inconsistency
between each low-dimensional representation HðiÞ , com-
Spectral Clustering with Generalized Eigendecom-
puted in Step 1, and the consensus representation H.
position (SC-GED) which factorizes Laplacian
Below we provide the details of the second step for each
matrices instead of adjacency matrices. Papalexakis
individual factorization technique.
et al. [43] proposed GraphFuse, a method for cluster-
ing multi-layer networks based on sparse PARAllel
FACtor (PARAFAC) decomposition [45] with non- 3.1 Collective SNMF (CSNMF)
negativity constraints. A similar approach has been We factorize each individual adjacency matrix using Sym-
adopted by Gauvin et al. [44] who used PARAFAC metric NMF in the following way:
decomposition for time-varying networks. Cheng
et al. introduced Co-regularized Graph Clustering AðiÞ  HHT
based on NMF (CGC-NMF). They factorize each under the following constraints: H  0 and HT H ¼ I;
adjacency matrix using symmetric NMF while keep- where, i ¼ 1; . . . ; N.
ing the euclidean distance between their non- The first part of our general objective function in Step 2
negative low-dimensional representations small. As (Eq. (1)) has the following form:
already pointed out in Section 1, one of the major
limitations of all of these factorization methods is J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ ¼k AðiÞ  HHT k2F ; (2)
that they treat each network layer on an equal basis
and, unlike PMM or SC-ML, for example, they can- where H is the consensus, non-negative low-dimensional
not filter out irrelevant information or noise. matrix, and F denotes Frobenius norm.

Multiplicative Update Rules (MUR) for Single-Layer and Multiplex Network Analysis

Method Single-layer MUR Multiplex MUR

  Hjk Hjk  T
Aavg H
ðiÞ ðiÞ AðiÞ HðiÞ
SNMF Hjk Hjk  jk  HH Aavg H
HðiÞ HðiÞT AðiÞ HðiÞ PN ðiÞ
Aavg ¼ þ a2 HðiÞ HðiÞT
i¼1 A
  Hjk Hjk 
Aavg H
ðiÞ ðiÞ AðiÞ AðiÞT HðiÞ
 jk  HHT Aavg H
PNMF Hjk Hjk jk
HðiÞ HðiÞT AðiÞ AðiÞT HðiÞ PN
ðiÞ ðiÞT
Aavg ¼ þ aHðiÞ HðiÞT
i¼1 A A
 PN PN ðiÞ ðiÞT 
  AðiÞ HSðiÞ þa2 H H H
AðiÞ HðiÞ SðiÞ Hjk Hjk  T  P
N ðiÞ ðiÞ a
N ðiÞ ðiÞT
ðiÞ ðiÞ þ2
SNMTF Hjk Hjk  jk  HH
HðiÞ HðiÞT AðiÞ HðiÞ SðiÞ  
HðiÞT AðiÞ HðiÞ
ðiÞ ðiÞ
Sjk Sjk  jk 
HðiÞT HðiÞ SðiÞ HðiÞT HðiÞ
h þ  i
AðiÞ HðiÞ SðiÞ þHðiÞ HðiÞT ½AðiÞ HðiÞ SðiÞ hP  þ     i
ðiÞ ðiÞ
Hjk h þ i
jk AðiÞ HSðiÞ þHHT AðiÞ HSðiÞ þa2 HðiÞ HðiÞT H
Hjk  i¼1
SsNMTF AðiÞ HðiÞ SðiÞ þHðiÞ HðiÞT ½AðiÞ HðiÞ SðiÞ Hjk Hjk h P     þ i
jk AðiÞ HSðiÞ þHHT AðiÞ HSðiÞ þa2 HðiÞ HðiÞT H
 1 1 i¼1
SðiÞ HðiÞT HðiÞ HðiÞT AðiÞ HðiÞ ðHðiÞT HðiÞ

3.2 Collective PNMF (CPNMF) 3.4 Merging Low-Dimensional Representation of

We factorize each individual adjacency matrix using Projec- Graph Layers on Grassmann Manifolds
tive NMF in the following way: For the second term in our general objective function
(Eq. (1)) in Step 2, we utilize the orthonormal property of
AðiÞ  HHT AðiÞ non-negative, low-dimensional matrices, HðiÞ , and propose
a distance measure based on this property. Namely, Dong
under the following constraints: H  0 and HT H ¼ I; et al. [21] proposed to use the tools from subspace analysis
where, i ¼ 1; . . . ; N. on Grassmann manifold. A Grassmann manifold Gðk; nÞ is a
The first part of our general objective function in Step 2 set of k-dimensional linear subspaces in Rn [21]. Given that,
(Eq. (1)) has the following form: each orthonormal cluster indicator matrix, Hi 2 Rnk , span-
ning the corresponding k-dimensional non-negative sub-
space, spanðHi Þ in Rn , is mapped to a unique point on
J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ ¼k AðiÞ  HHT AðiÞ k2F ; (3)
the Grassmann manifold Gðk; nÞ. The geodesic distance
between two subspaces, can be computed by projection
where H is the consensus, non-negative low-dimensional
distance. For example, the square distance between two
subspaces, Hi and Hj , can be computed as follows:
3.3 Collective SNMTF (CSNMTF) X
k X

We tri-factorize each individual adjacency matrix using d2proj ðHi ; Hj Þ ¼ sin2 ui ¼ k  cos2 ui
i¼1 i¼1
Symmetric NMTF in the following way:
¼k trðHi Hi Hj HTj Þ;

ðiÞ ðiÞ
where, fui gki¼1 are principal angles between k-dimensional
subspaces, spanðHi Þ and spanðHj Þ.
under the following constraints: H  0 and HT H ¼ I; where To find a consensus subspace, H, we factorize all the
i ¼ 1; . . . ; N. adjacency matrices, AðiÞ , and minimize the distance between
The first part of our general objective function in Step 2 their subspaces and the consensus subspace on Grassmann
(Eq. (1)) has the following form: manifold. Following this approach, we can write the second
part of our general objective function in the following way:
J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ ; SðiÞ Þ ¼k AðiÞ  HSðiÞ HT k2F ; (4)
J ðiÞ ðiÞ T ðiÞ ðiÞT
c ðH; H Þ ¼ k  trðHH H H Þ
where H is the consensus low-dimensional matrix. (5)
¼k HHT  HðiÞ HðiÞT k2F :
In the derivation of our algorithm, we distinguish
between two cases. In the first case, we consider S matrix to
be non-negative, i.e., SðiÞ  0. We call that case CSNMTF. In 3.5 Derivation of the General Multiplicative
the second case, we consider SðiÞ matrix to have both posi- Update Rule
tive and negative entries. We call this case collective sym- In Step 1, we use well-known non-negative factorization tech-
metric semi-NMTF, or CSsemi-NMTF (or CSsNMTF). niques, namely SNMF, PNMF, SNMTF and Ssemi-NMTF, for

which the update rules for computing low-dimensional non- Following Panagakis et al. [23], the natural gradient of J on
negative matrices, HðiÞ , have been provided in the correspond- Grassmann manifold at H can be written in terms of the
ing papers [19], [46], [47], [48], respectively. They are summa- ordinary gradient as follows:
rized in Table 1. As for the Step 2, we derive the update rules
for each of the collective factorization techniques presented in reH J ¼ rH J  HHT rH J ; (7)
Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. The details of the derivation are given
where, rH J is the ordinary gradient given in Eq. (6).
in Section 2 of the online supplementary material, which can
Following the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) complemen-
be found on the Computer Society Digital Library at http://
tarity condition [49] and preserving the non-negativity of H,
the general update rule for H matrix using the natural gra-
Here we provide a general update rule for Eq. (1).
dient is as follows:
We minimize the general objective function shown in
Eq. (1), under the following constraints: H  0 and HT H ¼ I. ½reH J 
Hjk Hjk (8)
Namely, we adopt the idea from Ding et al. [47] to impose ½reH J þ jk
orthonormality constraint on H matrix, i.e., HT H ¼ I; that
has been shown to lead to a more rigorous clustering inter- X
½reH J  ¼ HHT ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þþ
pretation [47]. Moreover, assignments of network nodes to i¼1
composite communities can readily be done by examining X
the entries in rows of H matrix. Namely, we can interpret þ ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ þ a HðiÞ HðiÞT H
matrix Hnk as the cluster indicator matrix, where the entries i¼1 i¼1
in ith row (after row normalization) can be interpreted as a
posterior probability that a node i belongs to each of the k ½reH J þ ¼ HHT ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ
composite communities. In all our experiments, we apply i¼1
hard clustering procedure, where a node is assign to the clus- X
ter that has the largest probability value. þ ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þþ þ aHHT HðiÞ HðiÞT H:
We derive the update rule, for matrix H, for minimizing i¼1 i¼1
the objective function (Eq. (1)) following the procedure
The concrete update rule for each collective factorization
from the constrained optimization theory [49]. Specifically,
method is summarized in Table 1 and united within NF-
we follow the strategy employed in the derivation of NMF
CCE algorithm (see Algorithm 1).
[27] to obtain a multiplicative update rule for H matrix that
can be used for finding a local minimum of the optimization
problem (Eq. (1)). Algorithm 1. NF-CCE
The derivative of the objective function (Eq. (1)) with Input: Adjacency matrices AðiÞ for each network layer
respect to H is as follows: i ¼ 1; . . . ; N; number of clusters k; parameter a; factoriza-
tion technique: FACTORIZATION 2 {SNMF, PNMF,
rH J ¼ rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ  a HðiÞ HðiÞT H; (6) Output: Consensus cluster indicator matrix H
i¼1 i¼1
where the first term under summation can be decomposed case ’SNMF’:
into two non-negative terms, namely: for i 2 ½1; N do
rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ ¼ ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þþ  ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ ; end for P
Aavg N
i¼1 A þ a2 HðiÞ HðiÞT
where, ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þþ  0, ½rH J ðiÞ ðH; AðiÞ Þ  0 are H FACTORIZATIONðAavg ; kÞ
non-negative terms. Depending on the type of collective fac- case ’PNMF’:
torization technique represented in Sections 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, for i 2 ½1; N do
the first term represents the derivative of the corresponding HðiÞ FACTORIZATIONðAðiÞ ; kÞ
objective function, i.e., Eqs. (2), (3) or (4), respectively. end for P
ðiÞ ðiÞT
The second term represents a derivative of Eq. (5) with Aavg N
i¼1 A A þ aHðiÞ HðiÞT
respect to H. H FACTORIZATIONðAavg ; kÞ
To incorporate the orthonormality constraint into the case ’SNMTF’:
for i 2 ½1; N do
update rule, we introduce the concept of natural gradient by
following the work of Panagakis et al. [23]. Namely, we
end for
shown in Section 3.4 that columns of H matrix span a ðiÞ N
i¼1 ; fH gi¼1 ; fS gi¼1 ; kÞ
vector subspace known as Grassmann manifold Gðk; nÞ, i.e., end switch
spanðHÞ 2 Gðk; nÞ [23]. Using that, Amari in [22] has
showed that when an optimization problem is defined over
a Grassmann manifold, the ordinary gradient of the optimi-
zation function (Eq. (6)) does not represent its steepest 4 EXPERIMENTS
direction, but natural gradient does [22]. We test our methods on synthetic, as well as on real-world
Therefore, we define a natural gradient to optimize our data. We designed synthetic multiplex networks with clear
objective function (1) under the orthornormality constraint. ground truth information and different properties in terms

of noise and complementary information of network layers. community probability p12 ¼ f0:02; 0:04; . . . ; 0:2g of the first
The goal is to address the robustness of our methods against layer, while keeping the between-community probability of
noise and their ability to handle complementary informa- the second layer fixed, p12 ¼ 0:02, across all multiplex
tion contained in layers. The real-world multiplex networks networks.
are taken from diverse experimental studies to demonstrate For each set of within-community, pii , and between-
the applicability of our methods in a broad spectrum of dis- community, pij , probabilities, we generate 100 different ran-
ciplines. Namely, we consider social and biological net- dom realizations of multiplex networks. This allows us to
works, networks of mobile phone communications, brain compute the average performance and the standard error
networks and networks constructed from bibliographic for each artificial multiplex networks. The spy plots of
data. The biological networks are treated as a special case adjacency matrices representing layers of SYNTH-C and
because of their lack of ground truth clusters. We provide SYNTH-N are given in the Section 1 of the online supple-
detailed analysis of such networks based on the functional mentary material, available online.
annotations of their nodes (genes). We present results of
comparative analysis of our proposed methods against 4.2 Real-World Multiplex Networks
state-of-the-art methods described in Section 2.2. Specifically, Below we provide a brief description of real-world multi-
we compare our methods against PMM, SC-ML, SNF, LMF, plex networks used in our comparative study:
GraphFuse and CGC-NMF. Moreover, we adopt the follow- Bibliographic Data, CiteSeer. The data are adopted from
ing single-layer methods, SNMF, SNMTF, PNMF and MM [51]. The network consist of N ¼ 3; 312 papers belonging to
(modularity maximization) to be our baseline methods. 6 different research categories, that we grouped into k ¼ 3
pairs categories. We consider these categories as the ground
4.1 Synthetic Multiplex Networks truth classes. We construct two layers: citation layer, repre-
We generate two sets of synthetic multiplex networks. First senting the citation relations between papers extracted from
type, that we denote SYNTH-C, is designed to demonstrate the paper citation records; and the paper similarity layer,
complementary information in layers; whereas the second constructed by extracting a vector of 3,703 most frequent
type, that we denote SYNTH-N, is designed to demonstrate and unique words for each paper, and then computing the
different levels of noise between communities contained in cosine similarity between each pair of papers. We construct
layers. Our synthetic networks are generated by using planted the k-nearest neighbor graph from the similarity matrix by
partition model [50]. The procedure is as follows: we choose the connecting each paper with its 10 most similar papers.
total number of nodes n partitioned into N communities of Bibliographic Data, CoRA. The data are adopted from [51].
equal or different sizes. For each layer, we split the corre- The network consists of 1,662 machine learning papers
sponding adjacency matrix into blocks defined by the parti- grouped into k ¼ 3 different research categories. Namely,
tion. Entries in each diagonal block, are filled with ones Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks and Probabilistic
randomly, with probability pii , representing the within-com- Methods. We use the same approach as for CiteSeer dataset
munity probability or also referred as community edge density. to construct the citation and similarity layers.
We also add random noise between each pair of blocks, ij, Mobile Phone Data (MPD). The data are adopted from
with probability pij , representing between-community probabil- [26]. The network consists of N ¼ 3 layers representing dif-
ity. The larger the values of pij are the harder the clustering is. ferent mobile phone communications between n ¼ 87
Similarly, the smaller the values of pii are the harder the phone users on the MIT campus; namely, the layers repre-
clustering is. We vary these probabilities across the layers sent physical location, bluetooth scans and phone calls. The
to simulate complementary information and noise in the ground truth clusters are known and manually annotated.
following way: Social network data (SND). The data are adopted from [52].
SYNTH-C. We generate two-layer multiplex networks The dataset represents the multiplex social network of a cor-
with n ¼ 200 nodes and N ¼ 2 communities with equal num- porate law partnership, consisting of N ¼ 3 layers having
ber of nodes each. We generate 11 different multiplex net- three types of edges, namely, co-work, friendship and
works with different amounts of information between two advice. Each layer has n ¼ 71 nodes representing employees
layers. Namely, we vary the within-community probability in a law firm. Nodes have many attributes. We use the loca-
p11 ¼ f0:05; 0:075; . . . ; 0:3g of the first community of the first tion of employees’ offices as well as their status in the firm
layer across different multiplex networks, while fixing the as the ground truth for clusters and perform two different
within-community probability of the second community, experiments, namely SND(o) and SND(s) respectively.
p22 ¼ 0:2. In the second layer, we represent the complemen- Worm Brain Networks (WBN). The data are retrieved from
tary information by fixing the within-community probability WormAtlas,2 i.e., from the original study of White et al. [53].
of the first community to p11 ¼ 0:2 and varying within-cluster The network consist of n ¼ 279 nodes representing neurons,
probability of the second community p22 ¼ f0:05; 0:075; . . . ; connected via N ¼ 5 different types of links (i.e., layers),
0:3g across the multiplex networks. For all multiplex net- representing five different types of synapse. We use neuron
works, we set the same amount of noisy links, by fixing types as the ground truth clusters.
between-community probability to p12 ¼ 0:05. Word Trade Networks (WTN). The data represents different
SYNTH-N. Similar to SYNTH-C we generate two-layer types of trade relationships (import/export) among n ¼ 183
multiplex networks with two communities (n and N are the countries in the world [54]. The network consist of 339 layers
same as in SYNTH-C). We fix the within-community probabil- representing different products (goods). Since, for some
ity of both communities and both layers to p11 ¼ 0:3 and
p22 ¼ 0:3 across all multiplex networks. We vary the between- 2.

TABLE 2 network P described

by the following adjacency matrix:
Real-World Multiplex Networks Used for Our Comparative Study A ¼ N1 N i¼1 A .
Net name n N ground truth Ref. PMM [25] has a single parameter, ‘, which represents the
number of structural features to be extracted from each net-
CiteSeer 3,312 2 known (k ¼ 3) [51] work layer. In all our runs, we compare the clustering per-
CoRA 1,662 2 known (k ¼ 3) [51]
MPD 87 3 known (k ¼ 6) [26]
formance by varying this parameter, but we also noted that
SND 71 3 known (k ¼ 3) [52] the clustering performance does not change significantly
WBN 279 10 known (k ¼ 10) [53] when l k.
WTN 183 14 known (k ¼ 5) [54] SNF [39] the method is parameter-free. However, the
HBN 13,251 8 unknown (k ¼ 100) [55] method prefers data in the kernel matrix. Thus, we use dif-
YBN 3,904 44 unknown (k ¼ 100) [55] fusion kernel matrix representation of binary interaction
MBN 21,603 10 unknown (k ¼ 100) [55] networks as an input to this method.
SC-ML [21] has a single regularization parameter, a, that
balances the trade-off between two terms in the SC-ML
products layers are very sparse, we retain the layers having objective function. In all our experiments we choose the
more than n  1 links, which resulted in N ¼ layers. We use value of a that leads to the best clustering performance.
geographic regions (continents) of countries and economic LMF [42] has a regularization parameter, a, that balances
trade categories for defining ground truth clusters.3 Thus, we the influence of regularization term added to objective func-
perform experiments with this two ground truth clusters, tion to improve numerical stability and avoid over fitting.
namely WTN (reg), denoting geographic regions and WTN We vary a in all our runs, and choose the value of a that
(cat), denoting economic categories. leads to the best clustering performance.
In Table 2 we summarize the important statistics and GraphFuse [43] has a single parameter, sparsity penalty
information of real-world multiplex networks used in our factor , that is chosen by exhaustive grid search and the
experiments. value of  that leads to the best clustering performance is
4.2.1 Multiplex Biological Networks CGC-NMF [24] has a set of parameters g ij  0 that bal-
ance between single-domain and cross-domain clustering
We obtained multiplex biological networks of 3 different
objective for each pair of layers ij. Given that in all our
species, i.e., human biological network (HBN), yeast biolog-
experiments the relationship between node labels for any
ical network (YBN) and mouse biological network (MBN),4 pair of layers is one-to-one, we set g ij ¼ 1 (as in [24]) for all
from the study of Mostafavi and Morris [55]. The network pairs of layers and throughout all our experiments.
layers are constructed from the data obtained from different GL [16] has two parameters: the resolution parameter, g s ,
experimental studies and from the publicly available data- that affects the size and number of communities in each
bases. The network layers represent different types of inter- layer, and the coupling parameter, v, that affects the cou-
actions between genes,5 including protein interactions, pling strength between network layers. We chose the opti-
genetic interaction, gene co-expressions, protein localiza- mal parameters by exhaustive grid search.
tion, disease associations, etc. The number of nodes and Infomap [40] has one parameter, relax rate, r, which is a
layers in each network is summarized in Table 2. For each probability of diffusion process happening between layers.
network and its genes, the corresponding GO annotations It is a measure of coupling between different layers. We use
has also been provided by Mostafavi and Morris [55]. For the top cluster indices for each node as a final clustering
details about network statistics and layer representation we assignment, and we choose the value of r that leads to the
refer a reader to Mostafavi and Morris [55]. best clustering performance.
4.3 Setup for State-of-the-Art Methods 4.4 Clustering Evaluation Measures
Each of the state-of-the-art method takes as an input parame- Here we discuss the evaluation measures used in our
ter the number of clusters k that needs to be known in experiments to evaluate and compare the performance of
advance. Also, some of the methods take as input other types our proposed methods with the above described state-of-the-
of parameters that needs to be determined. To make the com- art methods. Given that we test our methods on multiplex
parison fair, below we briefly explain each of the comparing network with known and unknown ground truth cluster,
method and provide the implementation and parameter fit- we distinguish between two sets of measures:
ting details that we use in all our experiments (for detailed Known ground truth. For multiplex network with known
procedure on parameter fitting, please refer to Section 3 in ground truth clustering assignment, we use the following
the online supplementary material, available online): three widely used clustering accuracy measures: Purity [56],
Baseline, Single-Layer Methods (MM, SNMF, PNMF, Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) [57] and Adjusted Rand
SNMTF and SsNMTF). In order to apply them on multiplex Index (ARI) [57]. All three measures provide a quantitative
network we first merge all the network layers into a single way to compare the computed clusters V ¼ fv1 ; . . . ; vk g
with respect to the ground truth classes: C ¼ fc1 ; . . . ; ck g.
3. data about countries are downloaded from http://unctadstat. Purity represents percentage of the total number of nodes classified correctly, and it is defined as [56]:
4. The network can be retrieved from:
sara/SW/ 1X
5. genes and their coded proteins are considered as the same type of PurityðV; CÞ ¼ max jvk \ cj j;
nodes in networks layers n k j

consistency of each cluster, i, obtain by our method, by com-

puting the redundancy [6], Ri as follows:
 l¼1 pl log2 pl
Ri ¼ 1  ;
log2 NGO

where, NGO represents the total number of GO terms con-

sidered and pl represents the relative frequency of GO term
l in cluster i. Redundancy is based on normalized Shannon’s
entropy and its values range between 0 and 1. For clusters in
which the majority of genes share the same GO terms (anno-
tations) redundancy is close to 1, whereas for clusters in
which the majority of genes have disparate GO terms the
redundancy is close to 0. When comparing clustering results
obtained by different methods, we use the value of redun-
dancy averaged over all clusters. Furthermore, the redun-
Fig. 2. The clustering performance of our proposed and other methods dancy is a very suitable measure for clustering performance
on 11 different SYNTH-C multiplex networks measured by NMI. On comparisons because its value does not depend on the num-
x-axis we present within-community probability, representing the density ber of clusters and unlike others evaluation measures for
of connections of communities in the two complementary layers.
biological network clustering [59], it is parameter-free.
where n is the total number of nodes, and jvk \ cj j repre-
sents the number of nodes in the intersection of vk and cj . 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
To trade-off the quality of the clustering against the number 5.1 Clustering Evaluation on Artificial
of clusters we use NMI. NMI is defined as [57]: Multiplex Networks
The ability of our proposed methods to extract clusters from
IðV; CÞ complementary layers, represented by SYNTH-C networks,
NMIðV; CÞ ¼ ;
jHðVÞ þ HðCÞj=2 is shown in Fig. 2. The performance of our methods is com-
pared with other methods and it is measured by NMI. By
where I is the mutual information between node clusters V decreasing the within-community probability of comple-
and classes C, while HðVÞ and HðCÞ represent the entropy mentary clusters in both layer, i.e., by decreasing the density
of clusters and classes respectively. Finally, Rand Index rep- of connections within communities and thus making com-
resents percentage of true positive (TP ) and true negative munities harder to detect, we see a drastic decrease of per-
(TN) decisions assigns that are correct (i.e., accuracy). It is formance in many methods, including SC-ML, PMM, SNF
defined as: and CGC-NMF (Fig. 2). Furthermore, below some value of
within-community probability, i.e., < 0:1, the performance
TP þ TN of these methods is equal or close to zero. Unlike them,
RIðV; CÞ ¼ ;
TP þ FP þ FN þ TN our proposed methods, particularly CSNMF and CPNMF
show significantly better performance. Specifically, CPNMF
where, FP and FN represent false positive and false nega- demonstrates constant performance for all values of within-
tive decisions respectively. ARI is defined to be scaled in community probability. The similar results can also be
range ½0; 1 [57]. All three measures are in the range ½0; 1, observed for GraphFuse and LMF. Given that, we can
and the higher their value, the better clustering quality is. observe that CPNMF method is mostly successful in utiliz-
Unknown Ground Truth. For biological networks, the ing complementary information contained in all layers and
ground truth clusters are unknown and evaluating the clus- achieving the highest clustering results.
tering results becomes more challenging. In order to evalu- In terms of noise, incorporated into SYNTH-N networks,
ate the functional modules identified by our methods, we the ranking between the methods in terms of clustering per-
use Gene Ontology (GO) [58], a commonly used gene anno- formance is different. By increasing the between-community
tation database. GO represents a systematic classification of probability of the first layer, and thus introducing more
all known protein functions organized as well-defined noise between communities, the clustering performance of
terms (also known as GO terms) divided into three main all methods decreases (Fig. 3). Our proposed methods,
categories, namely Molecular Function (MF), Biological Pro- CSNMF, CSNMTF and CSsNMTF, along with SC-ML dem-
cess (BP) and Cellular Component (CC) [58]. GO terms (i.e., onstrate the best performance across different values of
annotations), representing gene functions, are hierarchically within-community probability, which makes them more
structured where low-level (general) terms annotate more robust to noise than other methods. On the other hand, other
proteins than high-level (specific) terms. Thus, in our analy- methods methods are characterized with significantly lower
sis we aim to evaluate our clusters with high-level (specific) clustering performance.
GO terms annotating not more than 100 genes. Addition- Out of all four methods, CPNMF is a method that per-
ally, we remove GO terms annotating 2 or less proteins. forms reasonably good in both situations (i.e., in both
Thus, for each gene in a network, we create a list of its corre- SYNTH-N and SYNTH-C networks). However, it is not to be
sponding GO term annotations. We then analyze the expected that one single method can be equally good in in

5.2 Clustering Evaluation on Real-World

Multiplex Networks
Table 3 presents the Purity, NMI and ARI of our four pro-
posed collective factorization methods, along with five dif-
ferent baseline methods and eight different widely used
state-of-the-art methods on six different real-world networks.
The first important observation is that all four proposed col-
lective NMF methods (CSNMF, CPNMF, CSNMTF and
CSsemi-NMTF) perform better than their corresponding
baseline methods (SNMF, PNMF, SNMTF and Ssemi-
NMTF) on all real-world multiplex networks. Thus, the
strategy of merging layers into a single layer always leads
to underperformance. Moreover, single-layer modularity
maximization (MM) algorithm is outperformed by baseline,
single-layer NMF methods in almost all real-world net-
works, except for WTN networks where MM significantly
outperforms baseline NMF methods, and SND(o) where
Fig. 3. The clustering performance of our proposed and other methods MM performs better than SNMF, SNMTF and Ssemi-
on 10 different SYNTH-N multiplex networks measured by NMI. On NMTF, but not better than PNMF. In comparison to the
x-axis we present between-community probability, representing the
noise level between communities in the first layer.
state-of-the-art methods (PMM, SNF, SC-ML, LMF, Graph-
Fuse, CGC-NMF, GL, Infomap), at least one of our proposed
handling both noisy and complementary network layers. methods outperforms them all (in terms of either Purity,
Furthermore, it is expected that our four methods are com- NMI or ARI or all three measures) in all real-world multi-
plementary to each other; i.e., CSNMTF is better in handling plex network. Moreover, for example, on MPD network,
complementary network layers (SYNTH-C) than noisy net- both CSNMF and CSsemi-NMTF perform better than all
work layers (SYNTH-N); whereas, CSNMF is better in han- other methods, with CSemi-NMTF being the best in terms
dling noisy network layers (SYNTH-N) than complementary of Purity and NMI; on SND(s) network, CSNMF, CSNMTF
network layers (SYNTH-C). This is also reflected in the per- and CSsemi-NMTF perform better than all other methods,
formance of our methods on the real-world networks (see with CSNMTF performing the best in terms of all three
Table 3), where we do not have a situation in which one sin- measures; on WBN network, both CSNMF and CSNMTF
gle method outperforms all other methods in all data sets. perform better than all other methods, with CSNMTF being

Clustering Accuracy Measures for Methods (from Left to Right): MM, SNMF, PNMF, SNMTF, SsNMTF, PMM, SNF, SC-ML, LMF,
GraphFuse, CGC-NMF, GL, Infomap, CSNMF, CPNMF, CSNMTF, CSsNMTF Applied on Real-World Multi-Layer Networks
(from Top to Bottom): CiteSeer, CoRA, MPD, SND, WBN, WTN, HBN, YBN and MBN. AVG Row Represents
the Average Performance of the Methods Over All Datasets

Purity 0.500 0.407 0.405 0.377 0.371 0.302 0.214 0.419 0.235 0.512 0.212 0.669 0.509 0.501 0.519 0.416 0.404
CiteSeer NMI 0.187 0.222 0.221 0.170 0.164 0.145 0.023 0.191 0.013 0.211 0.013 0.323 0.265 0.237 0.216 0.172 0.195
ARI 0.152 0.059 0.057 0.042 0.038 0.008 0.001 0.169 0.005 0.201 0.001 0.155 0.157 0.207 0.185 0.093 0.089
Purity 0.706 0.669 0.660 0.669 0.669 0.496 0.733 0.787 0.492 0.642 0.678 0.781 0.922 0.802 0.790 0.683 0.684
CoRA NMI 0.340 0.385 0.353 0.382 0.382 0.085 0.449 0.480 0.002 0.201 0.389 0.418 0.373 0.514 0.480 0.346 0.390
ARI 0.257 0.280 0.247 0.277 0.277 0.030 0.470 0.485 0.001 0.209 0.296 0.334 0.016 0.491 0.470 0.279 0.288
Purity 0.563 0.678 0.666 0.620 0.678 0.689 0.620 0.701 0.471 0.689 0.678 0.678 0.701 0.701 0.655 0.655 0.724
MPD NMI 0.313 0.471 0.466 0.384 0.473 0.533 0.395 0.495 0.191 0.565 0.457 0.467 0.410 0.504 0.451 0.458 0.521
ARI 0.147 0.268 0.259 0.228 0.272 0.383 0.280 0.379 0.029 0.411 0.357 0.372 0.115 0.394 0.368 0.346 0.422
Purity 0.929 0.943 0.943 0.676 0.943 0.943 0.943 0.943 0.788 0.943 0.943 0.929 0.676 0.943 0.943 0.943 0.943
SND(o) NMI 0.618 0.681 0.681 0.133 0.681 0.675 0.689 0.681 0.303 0.675 0.673 0.618 0.001 0.681 0.685 0.773 0.678
ARI 0.460 0.493 0.493 0.021 0.493 0.477 0.515 0.493 0.239 0.477 0.472 0.460 0.012 0.493 0.503 0.811 0.484
Purity 0.619 0.577 0.633 0.634 0.619 0.591 0.633 0.591 0.633 0.619 0.662 0.671 0.507 0.633 0.633 0.747 0.605
SND (s) NMI 0.038 0.025 0.052 0.055 0.041 0.037 0.057 0.030 0.053 0.045 0.0781 0.097 0.001 0.053 0.053 0.276 0.034
ARI 0.024 0.012 0.058 0.058 0.043 0.022 0.058 0.021 0.059 0.044 0.092 0.089 0.001 0.059 0.059 0.234 0.031
Purity 0.473 0.512 0.501 0.476 0.523 0.473 0.534 0.272 0.283 0.509 0.516 0.566 0.401 0.577 0.537 0.548 0.530
WBN NMI 0.333 0.382 0.400 0.327 0.363 0.373 0.425 0.079 0.098 0.426 0.370 0.398 0.355 0.463 0.432 0.404 0.424
ARI 0.199 0.226 0.213 0.112 0.180 0.130 0.211 0.001 0.009 0.216 0.211 0.185 0.200 0.291 0.233 0.237 0.225
Purity 0.506 0.475 0.464 0.388 0.284 0.388 0.289 0.497 0.453 0.415 0.278 0.783 0.453 0.579 0.420 0.371 0.420
WTN NMI 0.231 0.269 0.242 0.176 0.077 0.205 0.073 0.226 0.191 0.176 0.072 0.426 0.273 0.322 0.172 0.154 0.155
ARI 0.080 0.114 0.114 0.073 0.001 0.039 0.005 0.133 0.094 0.107 0.002 0.068 0.273 0.160 0.094 0.035 0.088
Purity 0.613 0.608 0.610 0.548 0.583 0.554 0.566 0.601 0.479 0.618 0.566 0.725 0.595 0.676 0.642 0.6233 0.6157
AVG NMI 0.294 0.347 0.345 0.232 0.311 0.293 0.301 0.311 0.121 0.328 0.293 0.392 0.239 0.396 0.355 0.369 0.342
ARI 0.188 0.207 0.205 0.115 0.186 0.155 0.220 0.240 0.062 0.237 0.204 0.237 0.110 0.300 0.273 0.290 0.232

Clustering Accuracy Measures for Methods (from Top to
ML, LMF, GraphFuse, CGC-NMF, GL, Infomap, CSNMF,
CPNMF, CSNMTF, CSsNMTF Applied on Biological
Multi-Layer Networks (from Left to Right): HBN, YBN and MBN


MM 0.180 0.027 0.015
SNMF 0.325 0.374 0.416
PNMF 0.350 0.336 0.387
SNMTF 0.322 0.372 0.462
SsNMTF 0.326 0.358 0.441
PMM 0.351 0.343 0.355
SNF 0.141 0.163 0.211
SC-ML 0.266 0.257 0.320
LMF 0.045 0.100 0.180
GraphFuse 0.203 0.005 0.298
CGC-NMF 0.320 0.085 0.002
GL 0.161 0.114 0.014
Infomap 0.172 0.311 0.328
CSNMF 0.341 0.383 0.422
CPNMF 0.364 0.342 0.401
CSNMTF 0.339 0.383 0.416
CSsNMTF 0.342 0.381 0.433

Fig. 4. Average redundancy of each individual network layer (in blue),

the best in terms of Purity and ARI, and CSNMF being the computed by SNMF, and of their fused representation (in red), computed
best in terms of NMI. by CSNMF, for networks: HBN (top), YBN (middle) and MBN (bottom).
The ethod parameters are: k ¼ 300 and a ¼ 0:01.
5.2.1 Clustering Evaluation on Multiplex Biological
low-dimensional feature representations that are the larger
Networks distance from the consensus feature representation contrib-
In Table 4, we also present the average redundancy (Ravg ) ute less than those that are at the smaller distance from the
obtained by clustering multiplex biological networks with consensus feature representation. The results for biological
our four methods, as well as with state-of-the-art and baseline multiplex networks are shown in Fig. 5. Comparing these
methods. The results, again, indicate the superior perfor- results with the ones shown in Fig. 4, we can see that, for
mance of our methods over the state-of-the-art and baseline example, in HBN, layer 3 is the least informative (Fig. 4
methods, except in the case of MBN, where SNMTF, applied (top)) and also with the largest projection distance (Fig. 5
on merged network layers, yields the highest redundancy. (top)). Furthermore, in YBN we observe that the two least
Furthermore, we compare the functional consistency of informative layers are layer 23 and layer 41 (Fig. 4 (middle))
clusters obtain by collective integration of all network layers are also those with the largest distance (Fig. 5 (middle). Sim-
with the functional consistency of clusters obtained from ilar observation holds for MBN. This is an interesting obser-
each individual network layer. The results for all three bio- vation and it suggests that the projection distance could be
logical networks, obtained by applying SNMF on each indi- used as an indicator for selecting more or less informative
vidual network layer and CSNMF on all network layers network layers even before the clustering is performed.
together, are depicted in Fig. 4. We observe that each indi-
vidual network layer has biologically consistent clusters. 6 CONCLUSION
However, the highest level of biological consistency, mea-
In this paper, we address the problem of composite commu-
sured by the average redundancy, is achieved when all the
nity detection in multiplex networks by proposing NF-CCE, a
layers are fused together (red bars in Fig. 4).
general model consisting of four novel methods, CSNMF,
CPNMF, CSNMTF and CSsemi-NMTF, based on four non-
5.3 Contribution of Different Network Types to negative matrix factorization techniques. Each of the pro-
Clustering Performance posed method works in a similar way: in the first step, it
We have seen in Fig. 4 that different network layers carry decomposes adjacency matrices representing network layers
different information and thus the clustering of their nodes into low-dimensional, non-negative feature matrices; then, in
results in different performance. In order to estimate the the second step, it fuses the feature matrices of layers into a
contribution of different network layers to the final, consen- consensus non-negative, low-dimensional feature matrix
sus clustering performance and to distinguish between common to all network layers, from which the composite clus-
more and less informative network layers, we compute the ters are extracted. The second step is done by collective matrix
distance between the consensus low-dimensional feature factorization that maximizes the shared information between
representation, H, and the low-dimensional feature repre- network layers by optimizing the distance between each of
sentation of individual network layers, HðiÞ , as introduced the non-negative feature matrices representing layers and the
in Eq. (5). We hypotheses that the network layers with the consensus feature matrix.

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