Lab Report 1

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Lab report 1


In this experiment I have collected data more temperature and mass measurement as well as
volume, accuracy and precision measurements.

In Part A (temperature Measurements) I have simply used a thermometer to determine the

temperature of Tap water, Boiling water ,ice slush and ice slush + sodium chloride.

In Part B I have used a balance to measure the weight of objects, I weight each object 3 times to get
a more accurate data and then find the average weight of the object by adding all 3 data taken and
divide by 3,the more time the measurements are performed the more accurate the data.

In Part C I have found whether the data I have collected is precise and accurate a method .The first
method is to measure the mass of a dry 250 ml beaker and add 10 ml of deionized water and weight
it again. I repeated this for 3 times. Then I used a 10ml volumetric pipet to obtain 10ml of deionized
water and later added it to the beaker which already contain the 30 ml of water. Once everything is
added I then weigh the beaker and it’s content accurately. By theory my experiment result should
have high accuracy but low precision. It has high accuracy because I have used a volumetric pipet to
obtain 10 ml which is more accurate than using a graduated cylinder.

The both sets of data are not identical due to other factors that may affect the experiment. For
example I may have read the graduated cylinder or the volumetric pipet wrongly, I may have added
a drop of extra deionized water or I could’ve measured the weight of the beaker wrongly as well by
not calibrating the balance properly.


This experiment Is to show how minor factors could affect your experiments, even if there was a
drop of extra liquid it may cause the data being recorded to be less precise. This experiment is also
to prove that the more repetition of the experiment is being performed the more accurate the data
will be.

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