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Hkkjr ljdkj

dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx

dk;kZy;% lgk;d vfHk;Urk ] Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mieaMy]
Qksu ua-&07524&275353

Ø0 54¼179½@,- bZ@Vh-lh-,l-Mh-@17@ fnukad %&


dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark
Xokfy;j dsUnzh; e.My]
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx]
35 flVh lsUVj Xokfy;j A
fo"k;% Construction of Infrastructure /Development at newly upgraded STS BSF Academy Tekanpur. SH- C/o
FO’s /R&D Block SO’s Mess with 10 suites SO’s Mess with 15 suites and MP Hall including internal
water supply sanitary installation drainage providing internal electrical installations Conducting for
LAN telephone cable TV & its wiring power wiring main board and DP’s lightening conductor etc.
Agmt. NO :- 15/EE/GCD/2013-2014
Agency :- eSllZ nsosUnz ds “kekZ ,.M ,lksfl,Vl ubZ fnYyh
estimated cost :- Rs
tendered cost :- Rs
date of start :- 10-9-2013
date of Completion:-
a- stipulated :- 9-12-2014
b- actual :- 24-4-2017
lUnHkZ %& Bsdsnkj dk i=kad fuy fnukad

mijksDr dk;Z dks djkj vuqlkj fnukad 10-9-2013 ls vkjEHk gksdj 9-12-
2014 dks iw.kZ fd;k tkuk Fkk tofd dk;Z dks okLrfod :Ik ls 24-4-2017 dks iw.kZ fd;k
x;k A ftlesa dqy 867 fnuksa dh dk;Z esa vMpu jgh A dk;Z dk izFke ekbY”k LVksu
Jheku v/kh{k.k vfHk;ark bUnkSj ds i= la[;k 23¼233)@b ds i@2015@2322 fnukad
15-9-2015 ds }kjk fnukad 2-9-2014 rd Lohd`r fd;k x;k ftlesa dk;Z ds vkjEHk o lekfIr
dh frFkh 15-9-2015 rd oBkbZ xbZ gS A ftlesa dk;Z esa 275 fnukas dh vMpu vkbZ
Fkh A i= dh izfr layXu gS A vr% mDr dk;Z dk vfUre le;ko`f} izdj.k oukdj Bsdsnkj
}kjk izLrqr fd;k gS ftl ij bl dk;kZy; dh fuEukuqlkj gS A Bsdsnkj }kjk izFke
Milestone shifting case tks fd fnukad 02-09-2014 rd consider fd;k x;k gS ftlesa 275
fnuksa dh vMpu vkbZ Fkh ,ao~ vkxs dk;Z dks djus esa vkbZ vMpuksa ij bl
dk;kZy; dh fuEuor gS A
1- work held up due to colour scheme of R&D block are not reveived from Senior Arch. Bhopal :-
colour scheme hended over to the Agency on 17-4-2015 vr% 10-2-15 to 17-4-2015 67 days tks

fd vMpu jftLVj ds vMpu dzekad 8 ij ntZ gS dk 20 izfr”kr ls 14 fnukas dh

vMpu izdj.k gsrq Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A
= 14 days
2- Development plan for 10 suites & 15 suites and FOs R&D Block and MP hall not received from
Senior Arch. Bhopal : Development plan handed over on 1-5-15 total days 10-2-15 to 1-5-15 ;g

vMpu iSjk dzekad 1 esa 17-4-15 rd ijLij O;kih gS vr% 18-4-15 ls 1-5-15 rd
14 fnuksa dk 20 izfr”kr ls 3 fnu dh vMpu gS A tks fd vMpu jftLVj ds vMpu
dzekad 9 ij vafdr gS A 3 fnu
3- Plinth beam for curtain wall not received from consultant . Drawing hended over to Agency on
24-04-2015dormiting roff eform date dormityu vare on 10-2-2015 to 20.4.2015 total hindreance
days tks fd vMpu jftLVj ds vMpu la[;k 10 ij ntZ gS dk 20 izfr”kr ls 16 fnukas

dh vMpu bl en esa Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A

16 fnu
4- Extension of conopy porch for R&D block drawing not receved for SA Bhopal drawing issued to
agecy on 20-5-15 total delay 23-3-15 to 20-5-15 59 days bl djkj ds vUrZxr 4 dk;kZs dks

tkss fd vyx&vyx dk;Z LFky gksus ds dkj.k vkj ,.M Hkou esa ;g vMpu gqbZ
vr% bl vof/k dk 10 izfr”kr ls 6 fnukas dh vmpu Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A
6 fnu
5- Work could not be started as pattern /Drgs.& bar counter in 15 suites is not decided by the
client department :- due to which counters, flooring , finishing etc. wrons in Dining area are also
held up 25.5.15 to 20.6.2015 = 27 days i.e. @20% = 6.00 days 6 days
6- Finial finishing work held up due to not fixing of electrical fixture like tube light fittings fans etc
in 10 & 15 suites from20-6-15 to 15-9-15 total 93 days bl okor~ Bsdsnkj ds i= dzekad
2015-16@13 fnukad 24-6-2015 bl ij fo|qr foax dks fo|qr ds tYn dk;Z djus ds fy;s
vkxzg fd;k x;k A bl en eas bl dk;Z gsrq 88 fnukas dk 40 izfr”kr ls 35 fnukas dh
vMpu dks Lohdk;Z fd;k tk ldrk gS A 35 fnu
7- Glazing work in frount area of R&D block held up due to drgs not received from Senior Arch.
Bhopal from 20-6-15 to 30-7-15 total 41 days bl en esa bl Oyksd ds fy;s 20 izfr”kr ls
vMpu Lohdk;Z djus dh flQkfj”k dh tkrh gS vr% 8 fnu dh vMpu dks Lohdk;Z fd;k tk
ldrk gS A 8 fnu
8- External development work like road work etc held up due Electrical cable net work comes
behind library building & front of porch area . from 30-7-15 to 15-8-2015 for 17 days i.e. @ 15%
total hinderence for 3 days for this EOT case. 03 days
9- Work held up due to door & window details in M.P. hall ,yoga & Gymnastic are not received for
SA form 1-9-15 to 6-10-15 =36 days bl vMpu ds fy;s 25 izfr”kr ls 09 fnukasa dh

vMpu bl en esa Lohdk;Z fd;s tk ldrs gS A

09 fnu
10- Internal final finishing work held up due to not fixing of Electrical fixture like fans/ tube
light , fittings etc. in R&D Block 15-1-16 to 30.3.2016 = 75 days i.e. @ 20% 15 days
15 days
11- Work con not be started due to Internal finishing , external finishing , false ceiling
pattern, toilet details are not coming from Senior Arch. Bhopal 23.10.2015 to 15.2.2016 =116
days i.e. 25% -29 days for total hinderence in this para
29 days
12- Work can not be started due to false ceiling , flooring , finishing & related work in M.P.
hall , Gymnsium hall , yoga hall with held due to Electrical ducting for AC work in ceiling & walls
connot be started for 15.2.16 to 25.1.2017
(i) Part 15.2.16 to 13.6.2016= 120 days i.e 50% = 60 days 60 days
(ii) 14.6.16 to 25.1.2017 = 225 days i.e. 100 % = 225 days 225 days
13- Sone & steem bath & related work with held due to extra item are not finalized from 20-
6-2016 to 28.6.2017254 = 254 days bl vof/k esa iSjk dzekad 12 ds ikVZ 2 esa ;g vMpu
ijLij O;kih gS vfr fnukad 25.1.2017 to 28.2.2017 =35 days dk 25 izfr”kr ls 9 fnuksa dh
vMpu dks bl en esa Lohdk;Z fd;k tk ldrk gS A
09 fnu
14- Work hindered due to non availability of fund of BSF :- ch,l,Q dk mi;qDr Q.M u

gksus ds dkj.k dk;Z dh izxfr ij vlj iMk ftldk fooj.k fuEEukuqlkj gS A

a- 20-4-15 dks dk;Z dk 8okW@9okW py ys[kk foy e.My dk;kZy; esa ikl ,ao~
Hkqxrku gsrq tek fd;k x;k ftldk Hkqxrku 29-5-2015 dks Q.M vkus ds okn
Hkqxrku fd;k x;k Avr% bl vof/k esa Hkqxrku u gksus ij dk;Z dh izxfr ij vlj
iMk A fnukad 20-4-15 ls 29-5-15 rd 40 fnu dk 30 izfr”kr ls 12 fnuksa dh
bl en gsrq vMpu Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A 12 fnu
b- June July & Augt. ch,l,Q dk Q.M ugha vk;k A Q.M vkus dh lEHkkouk ij
10okW py ys[kk foy dks 5-7--15 dks Hkstk x;k ftldk Hkqxrku Q.M vkus ij
31-8-2015 dks fd;k x;k A vr% 5-7-15 ls 31-8-15 rd 58 fnu dk 30 izfr”kr ls
17 fnuks dh vMpu bl en gsrq Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A
17 fnu
c- September & Octuber esa ch,l,Q dk dksbZ Q.M ugha vk;k A
d- Q.M vkus dh lEHkkouk ij 11okW py ys[kk foy dks 6-11-2015 dks ikl ,ao~
Hkqxrku gsrq Hkstk x;k ftldk ikVZ Hkqxrku 21-11-2015 dks ,ao~ “ks’k
Hkqxrku Q.M vkus ij 4-6-2016 dks fd;k x;k A (i) 6.11.15 to 5-2-2015 = 92 days @
20% = 18days
e- fMlEoj ] tuojh ] ekpZ vizSy] ebZ esa ch ,l ,Q dks dksbZ Q.M ugha vk;k A
f- dk;Z dk 12 okW py ys[kk foy 5-2-2016 dks 1-07 djksM dk Hkstk x;k ftldk
Hkqxrku Q.M vkus ij 13-6-2016 dk fd;k x;k A vr% 5-2-16 ls 13-6-2016 rd
dqy 129 fnuksa dk 20 izfr”kr ls 26 fnuksa dh vMpu bl en gsrq flQkfj”k dh
tkrh gS A 26 fnu
g- 13 okW py ys[kk foy dks 29-8-2016 dks Hkstk x;k ftldk Hkqxrku 27-9-
2016 dks fd;k x;k A Oct.,Nov,Dec16.,Jan.,Fab.,Mar., Apl.,2017 rd ch ,l ,Q dk
dksbZ Q.M ugh vk;k Q.M vkus dh lEHkkouk ij dk;Z dk 14 okW py ys[kk
foy 22-4-17 dks Hkstk x;k ftldk Hkqxrku 17-5-17 dks fd;k x;k A 26-1-17
ls 22-4-2017 87 fnuksa dk 35 izfr”kr ls 31 fnuksa dh vMpu dks bl en
gsrq Lohdk;Z djus dh vuqla”kk dh tkrh gS A
31 fnu
MP hall :- Door window details not reived %& bl dk;kZy; ds i= le la[;k 152 fnukad 7-9-
2015 ds }kjk vkids dk;kZy; dks fy[kk x;k Fkk ftl ij vkids dk;kZy; ds i= la[;k 855
fnukad 18-9-2015 ds ek/;e ls fMVsY”k exokus gsrq i=kpkj fd;k x;k tks fd fnukad 6-
10-2015 dks ofj’B okLrqd ds i= dzekad 690 fnukad 23-9-2015 ds }kjk Hksth xbZ
vr% fnukad 7-9-15 ls 6-10-15 rd 30 fnu dk 50 izfr”kr ls 15 fnuksa dh vMpu bl en
esa Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A
a) internal finishing details external final details false ceiling , toilet details flooring :-
details demanded vide subdivision office letter No 79 H dated 23-10-2015 & 01 dt,
02-1-2016 , agency letter 108 dt. 15-1-2016 .finishing details received for SA &
issued to agency vide letter No 38 dated 15-2-2016
b) sona steam wath :- details w/s finishing vide letter No 02 dt. 2-1-16 & EE letter No
3628 dt. 15-12-2015 recevied of details from SA on dated 05-1-2016
False seiling , finishing , flooring withheld due to electrical ducting for AC not started :-
,e ih gky esa mijksDRk fo|qr dk;Z le; esa u gksus ds dkj.k dk;Z fnukad 12-12-
2016 ls 3-10-2016 rd dk;Z :dk jgk bl okor~ bl dk;kZy; ds i= la[;k 66 fnukad 19-3-
2016 o le la[;k 96 fnukad 28-4-2016 ds }kjk dk;Z :dk gksus dh lwpuk nh xbZ ftlesa
vkids dk;kZy; ds i= la[;k 1044 fnukad 2-4-2016 ] o la[;k 1816 fnukad 3-6-2016 dks
ds i=kpkj fd;k x;k A bl dk;kzy; ds i= le la[;k 273 fnukad 3-10-2016 ds }kjk fxzM
ouk;k x;k ,ao~ ftlls VkbY” lwpuk nh xbZ ftlds okn

15- mDr dk;Z ds v/khu pkj dk;ksZ dks fd;k tkuk Fkk ftuesa fofHkUu
vMpusa mRiUu gqbZ ftldk O;kSjk vyx&vyx dk;kZs dk oukdj i= ds lkFk lyaXu
fd;k tk jgk gS A
16- pukRed uD’ks esa Discrepency gksus ds dkj.k lajpukRed uD’ksa esa
okLrqd uD’ks ds vuqlkj u gksus ij Discrepency gksus ij Layout Marking,
Excavation etc. dk dk;Z vkjEHk u gks ldk A dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark }kjk bl

Discrepency dks i= dzekad 23(627)AE(P)/GCD/15/2453h dated 12-9-2013 ds }kjk

Discrepency nwj dh xbZ A vr% fnukad 1-9-2013 ls 12-9-2013 rd 12 fnu ftlesa
vMpu dzekad 1 esa 60 izfr’kr cover fd;k x;k ,ao~ 40izfr’kr ds fglko ls 5 fnu
dh vMpu dks vMpu gsrq Lohdk;Z fd;k tk ldrk gS A
= 5 days

17- Fund /Sufficient fund u gksus ds dkj.k vMpu %& lhek lqj{kk cy }kjk Fund
/ sufficient fund tkjh u gksus ds dkj.k dk;Z esa vMpu jgh a Hkqxrku fuEu
vuqlkj gq, A bl okor~ Bsdsnkj }kjk i= dzekad 289@dslhlh@fnukad 18-
6-2014]9-03-2015]25-03-2015 ds i=kpkj fd;s x;s A
A. izFke py ys[kk foy fnukad 3-10-13 dks Net Hkqxrku 120 yk[k gksuk pkfg,
Fkk ijUrq sufficient fund u gksus ds dkj.k 75 yk[k dk CV No 03 dated 5-10-2013
ds }kjk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k A
B. uoEoj fnlEoj tuojh 2014] Qjojh 2014 ekpZ 2014 vizSy 2014 eas ch ,l ,Q
ls Q.M ugha feyk ftlds dkj.k dk;Z okf/kr jgk A
C. f}rh; py ys[kk foy dks 12-5-14 dks Q.M vkus ds okn fd;k x;k A
D. r`rh; py ys[kk foy dks 26-4-2014 dks ftldk Amount 266-80 yk[k Fkk e.My
dk;kZy; esa izLrqr gksus ij bldk Hkqxrku flQZ 50 yk[k gh fnukad 27-6-
2014 dks C.V. No 79 ds }kjk fd;k x;k okdh dk Hkqxrku fnukad 04-8-2014
dks C.V. No 19 ds }kjk fd;k x;k A
September 2014 esa iwjk Q.M consumed gks x;k A
E. vkBokW py ys[kk foy 132 yk[k dk fnukad 27-1-2015 dks e.My dk;kZy;
esa izLrqr fd;k x;k ftlesa Sufficient fund u gksus ds dkj.k flQZ 50 yk[k dk
gh Hkqxrku fnukad 29-01-2015 dks fd;k x;k A
F. 28 Qjojh 2015 (x.kuk fnukad rd ) rd Q.M ugha vk;k A
i) vr% fnukad 30-10-2013 ls 19-3-2014 (140 fnu dh vMpu )dh vMpu
iSjk dzekad 1 esa overlapping gks jgh gS vr% bl vof/k esa 30 izfr’kr
ds fglkc ls 42 fnuksa dh vMpu Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS A
= 42 days
ii) fnukad 20-3-2014 ls 23-9-2014 rd 137 fnu dqN le; bl vof/k esa Q.M u

gksus ds dkj.k vf/kd okf/kr jgk ,ao~ Bsdsnkj }kjk dqN le; ds fy;s dke Hkh
oan dj fn;k x;k vr% 21-3-2014 ls 20-6-2014 rd dk;Z oan jgk Fund /Sufficient
fund u gksus ds dkj.k Bsdsnkj dks Hkqxrku dh vfu’fprrk gksus ij le; ij

Hkqxrku u gksus ds dkj.k dk;Z dh izxfr esa vlj iMk o dk;Z /kheh xfr ls
pyrk jgk ,ao~ le;^le; ij dk;Z complete cUn jgk A
a) vr% fnukad 21-3--14 ls 20-6--14 rd 90 fnu dk 100 izfr’kr dqy 90 fnu dh

vMpu dks Lohdk;Z fd;k tk ldrk gS A

= 90 days
b) fnukad 24-6-2014 ls 30-06-2014 rd dk;Z can jgk A 7 fnu 100 izfr’kr
= 7 days
c) 1-7-2014 to 24-7-2014 rd 24 fnu dk 40 izfr’kr =10 days
d) 25-7-2014 to 22-9-2014 rd dk;Z cUn jgk A vr% 60 fnu dk 100 izfr’kr = 60 days
= 167 days

ii) fnukad 27-1-2015 ls 28-2-2015 (x.kuk fnukad rd )32 fnu @30%= 10

fnu dh vMpu Lohdk;Z
dh tk ldrh gS A = 10
4,5&6:- Hindrance Due to all the material drainage from toilets / Dhobighat collexted at site and
water logged at site :- rRdkyhu lgk;d vfHk;ark }kjk vMpu jftLVj esa bl en ds fy;s

le; ] le; ij vMpu ntZ dh gS iwoZ esa dk;Z LFky nwljs dsEil esa Fkk ch ,l ,Q
}kjk dk;Z LFky dks STS wing low laying area esa dk;Z LFky dk p;u fd;k x;k tgkW ij
Block cottan soil gksus ij ,ao~ fofHkUu Toiletes blocks /Dhobighat dk Drainage Hkh
dk;ZLFky ij gksus ij ,ao~ layXu okm.M~h oky ds okgj izkbosV edku dk Drainage/
waste water etc. dk Hkh Drainage bl Low laying area gksus ls water logging gks tkrh gS
,ao~ Block cottan soil gksus ij water logging gks tkrh gS A (Bsdsnkj dk i= fnukad 30-
6-2014 o 22-7-2014 ,ao~ 16-7-2014 dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark dk i= dzekad 2413 fnukad
5-9-2014 ds }kjk i=kpkj fd;k x;k )
fnukad 21-3-14 ls 18-6-14 ] 24-6-14 ls 30-6-14 o 1-7-14 ls 24-7-14 mijksDr
vMpusa iSjk dzekad 3 ij over lapping gS fnukad 01-7-2014 ls 24-07-2014 rd
24 fnu dk 20 izfr’kr ds fglkc ls 5 fnuksa dh vfrfjDr vMpu Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh
gS A = 5 days
7- Hindrance due to Approch road closed by BSF Authority and materials con not
reached at site , other approach road was water logged so that material could not be
dumbed at site and non availability of fund work hindred stoped dated 25-7-2014 to
28-2-2015 :- mijksDr vMpu ds dkj.k dk;Z okf/kr ,ao~ can jgk A fnukad 25-
7-14 ls 22-7-14 rd mijksDr vMpu dks iSjk dzekad 3 esa lekfgr fd;k x;k gS
A fnukad 23-9-14 ls 21-10-2014 = 28 fnu dk 40 izfr’kr
&11 fnu
,ao~ 22-10-2014 ls 27-10-2014 rd & 6 fnu dk 100 izfr’kr &
= 6 fnu
28-10-2014 ls 6-11-2014 rd & 10 fnu dk 50 izfr’kr &
= 5 fnu
7-11-2014 ls 23-11-2014 rd & 17 fnu dk 100 izfr’kr ls & =17
24-11-2014 ls 28-2-2015 rd 96 fnu dh 25 izfr’kr ls = 24 fnu dh vMpu dqy
VksVy vMpu & 63
fnu dh vMpu dks Lohdk;Z fd;k tk ldrk gS A =63
8- work hindred due to non availibility of details of suite toilets ,cup board details ,
details of kitcken hand wash, bar pattern in lounge etc. :- mijksDr fMVsY’k le; ij
miyC/k u gksus ij dk;Z okf/kr jgk A toilets details u gksus ij Internal water
supply pipes ds Hkh order ugha fn;s tk lds A fnukad 20-10-2014 ls 26-12-2014

;g vof/k iSjk dzekad 7 esa Overlapping gS vr% 23 fnu overlapping at SL No

7 &vr% 67&23& 44 fnu dk 15 izfr’kr & 7 fnu dh vfrfjDr vMpu Lohdk;Z dh

tk ldrh gS A bl okor~ Bsdsnkj ds i= dzekad 289 fnukad 5-1-15]27-1-

15 24-2-15]11-11-14]26-12-2014
= 7 days
9- lhfyax dk IykLVj djkj esa u gksus ij fu.kZ; ds vHkko esa IykLVj dk dk;Z
vkjEHk u gks ldk A lhfyax esa IykLVj djkj esa gksus ij o foHkkx }kjk
Decision ds vHkko esa nhokjksa ij Hkh IykLVj ugha fd;k tk ldrk Fkk vr%
IykLVj dk dk;Z okf/kr jgk A ;g vof/k iSjk dzekad 7 ds over lapping esa vk jgh
gS A vr% fnukad 23-12-2014 ls 28-2-2015 (x.kuk fnukad rd )= 67 fnu dk
20 izfr’kr ls 13 fnu dh vfrfjDRk vMpu dks Lohdk;Z fd;k tk ldrk gS A bl
okor~ Bsdsnkj ds i= dz-289 fnukad 6-9-2014]5-1-2015]27-1-2015]24-2-
2015 ds }kjk i=kpkj fd;s x;s A
= 13 days
10- Hindrance due to non availability of details of flooring pattern scheme in the suits walls and
floor tiles, balcony, mess portion etc. fnukad 31-1-2015 ls 28-2-15 (x.kuk fnukad

rd ) mijksDr fMVsY’k ds vHkko esa eVsfj;y dks [kjhnus o vkMZj nsus

,ao~ dk;Z vkjEHk ugha fd;k tk ldk A bl okor~ Bsdsnkj dk i= dzekad 5-1-
2015 o dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark dk i= dzekad 108 fnukad 13-1-2015 ds }kjk
i=kpkj dh xbZ gS A ;g vof/k iSjk dzekad 7 ds over lapping esa vkrh gS A
vr% fnukad 03-1-2015 ls 28-2-2015 (x.kuk fnukad rd )= 56 days @ 15% = 8
days dh vfrfjDr vMpu dks Lohdk;Z dh tk ldrh gS Abl okor~ Bssdsnkj dk i=

dz- 289 fnukad 5-1-2015]27-1-2015] dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark dk i= dzekad 108

fnukad 13-01-2015 ofj"B okLrqd dk i= dzekad 61 fnukad 22-01-2015 A
= 8 days

vr% iSjk dzekad 01 ls 10 rd 100+5+42+167+10+5+63+7++13+8= 420 days dh vMpu

dks izLrkfor fd;k tk jgk gS A
layXu %& le;ko`f} izdj.k Hkkx ,d o nks
e; vMpu jftLVj o i=ksa dh Nk;k izfr;kW lfgr A
, 0 ds 0 xqIrk
lgk;d vfHk;Urk
Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mieaMy&1]
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx VsduiqjA
Hkkjr ljdkj
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx

Ø0 1¼ 1½@,- bZ@Vh-lh-,l-Mh-@17@ fnukad --

dk;kZy; vkns”k
ua- 03255283 vkj{kd Jh “kSys’k dqekj jk; ] vdkneh ,e Vh] lhek lqj{kk oy
vkdneh ] Vsduiqj tks fd Jheku~ jln vf/kdkjh ds i= la[;k 3577@izksfo-
@vkokl@2017@1036&37 fnukad 10-03&17 tks fd izlk”kfud vf/kdkjh dh flQkfj”k ds vk]/kkj
ij vkokl la[;k 03@Vkbi&1 fuEufyf[kr “krkZs ij vkoafVr fd;k tkrk gS A
dzekad vkoafVr O;fDr dk uke vkoaVu djus dh frFkh vkokl
o in dzzekad
1- Jsth-Uak 03255283 ftl fnu DokVj dk dCtk vkokl la[;k vkj{kd Jh vkj oh vkj jsMMh }kjk
vkj{kd Jh “kSys’k ysxsa A 03 Vkbi&1 fjDr fd;k x;k vkokl
dqekj jk;
1- mDr vkokl mudks vLFkkbZ rkSj ij vkoafVr fd;k tkrk gS A Hkfo’; esa dsUnzh; yksd
fuekZ.k foHkkx dks vkokl vko”;drk dh fLFkfr esa ,d ekg ds ukSfVl ij jn~n dj fn;k
tk;sxk A o vkoaVh dks fu/kkZfjr le; lhek esas vkokl [kkyh djuk gksxk A

2- vkoaVu izkIrdrkZ ls fu;kekuqlkj vkokl dk jsUV o ykbZlsa”k Qhl dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark

Xofy;j dsUnzh; e.My dsyksfufo 35 flVh lsUVj ds uke ls demand draft ds ek/;e ls tek
fd;k tk;sxk A tks fd gj NS% ekg esa vfxze ds rkSj ij tek djkuk gksxk A

3- fuokl LFkku dh leLr Fixtures & Fittings dh lqj{kk o blds j[kj[kko ds fy;s vkoaVh
ftEesnkj gksxk A vU;Fkk mDr lkeku dh oktkj nj ls osru ls dVkSrh dh tk;sxh A
4- jsthesUV ua- 03255283 vkj{kd Jh “kSys’k dqekj jk; 2584@jsUV o ykbZls”k Qhl
115@izfrekg dh nj ls NS ekgs ds fy;s 16194@vfxze dss rkSj ij Demand Draft No
565005 Dated 19-7-2017 Amount for Rs 16194/-tek fd;k tks fd dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark Xokfy;j
dsUnzh; e.My dsyksfufo ]Xokfy;j ds uke ls ns; gS A

5- dfFkr vkokl x`g esa fo|qr dk Hkqxrku vkoaVu drkZ dks Loa;~ ogu djuk gksxk A
,ao~ vkokl NksMrs le; ch ,l ,Q ls fo|qr odk;k ls lEcfU/kr ,u vks lh ykuk vko’;d gksxk

6- vkoklx`g fdlh vU; O;fDr dks u rks fdjk;s ls vkSj u gh lk>snkjh esa fn;k tk ldsxk A bl
fLFkfr esa to fd ;g fl} gks tk;sxk fd mlus vkokl x`g fdjk,@lk>snkjh esa fdlh vU;
O;fDr dks fn;k gS A rks mlds uke ij vkoaVu fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxk rFkk vkoaVudrkZ ls
,l vkj 45 ch ds rgr tqekZuk fdjk;k oktkj nj ds vUrZxr tks Hkh ml vof/k ds fy, vf/kdre
gksxk olwy fd;k tk,xk A

7 vkoaVh }kjk tks “kiFk i= fn;k x;k gS og bl vkns”kksa ds fy, ,d vge fgLlk gksxk A
ftlesa deZpkjh }kjk vkokl dks [kkyh djkus ds fy;s fn;k x;k gS A

Lkgk;d vfHk;ark
Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mie.My
dsyksfufo ] Vsduiqj
izfrfyfi%& lwpukFkZ o vko’;d dk;Zokgh gsrq izsf"kr A
1-Jheku~ dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark ] Xokfy;j dsUnzh; e.My dsyksfufo Xokfy;j dks vkids }kjk
uksV”khV ij nh xbZ vuqefr ds lUnHkZ esa lwpukFkZ izsf’kr A deZpkjh }kjk mDr
vkokl dk jsaV o ykbZlsa”k Qhl tks fd vxLr 17 ls 31 tuojh 2017 rd ns; gS dk fMek.M
Mk~QV jkf”k :I;s 16194@layXu gS A
2-milekns"Vk ]jln] lhek lqj{kk cy vdkneh Vsduiqj dks lwpukFkZ A
3-lgk;d vfHk;ark fo|qr VhlhbZ,lMh dsyksfufo Vsduiqj A
4-iz/kku fyfid ] th lh Mh Xokfy;j dks lwpukFkZ A
5-la[;k 03255283 vkj{kd Jh “kSys’k dqekj jk; lhek lqj{kk cy vdkneh Vsduiqj d`I;k og
dfu’B vfHk;ark ls
lEidZ dj vkokl vius vf/kxzg.k djus gsrq vko”;d dk;Zokgh djsa A
6-Jh ih ds frokjh dfu- vfHk;ark dsyksfufo Vsduiqj A

lgk;d vfHk;ark

Hkkjr ljdkj
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
Ø0 54¼1½@lv-@Vs-ds-mi-e-@17@ fnukad %&

dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark
Xokfy;j dsUnzh; e.My]
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx]Xokfy;j A

Following details /authenticated, copy of documents are to be sent to higher office by 30-7-17 .
lUnHkZ %& vkids dk;kZy; dk i=kad 5(1)Conf./GCD/2017/34 dated 11-7-2017
mijksDr fo’k; esa ys[k gS fd lanfHkZr i= esa ekWxh tkudkjh iSjkokbZt
fuEuor gS A
iSjk dzekad 1%& bl iSjk esa bl dk;kZy; ds rhu dk;kZs dh tkudkjh pkgh gS A tks fd
fn;s x;s izksQkekZ esa gS A
SL Agmt. No Status of Status of final Status of EOT Copy of Copy of Copy of site
work if bill if work sanctioned sanctioned order nook
completed completed EOT along with statement of hinderance
then actural other wise the processing 10C/10CA register and
date of status of last bill note of cement register,
completion paid division and material at site
circle office register
1. 14/EE/GCD/13-14 Final bill paid Sanctioned To be Yes Enclosed
attended at
Division office
2. 27/EE/GCD/13-14 31.12.16 Final bill is EOT sent to SE Yes Enclosed
under process
3. 03/EE/GCD/15-16 24.4.2017 final bill not EOT not Yes Enclosed
submitted by submitted by
Agency the Agency

Copy of EOT sanctioned vof/k 18-4-15 ls 6-5-15 ,ao~ 25-2-16 ls 31-3-16 A e.My dk;kZy; }kjk
dk;Zokgh dh tkuh gSA
iSjk dzekad 2%& bl iSjk ij ekWxh xbZ tkudkjh bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr ugha gS A
iSjk dzekad 3%&Detail in respect of chowkidar of engagement in the work of (i) KV boundary wall in
Tekanpur and (ii) C/o BSF Tekanpur executed under NIT NO 29/EE/GCD/15-16 is required in the following format is

required .:- bl dk;kZy; ls lEcf?kr dksbZ dk;Z ugha gS A vr% bl dk;kZy; }kjk nh tkus
okyh tkudkjh “kwU; gS A
iSjk dzekad 4%& Details in the following format is required for the works executed by shri S.C. Gupta & Shri
D.K. Sharma during the period from 05-11-2014 to till date in BSF campus ,Tekanpur and ITBM Karera.

SL Name of work Name of Agency Agreement No Qty. of moorum What is the Whether in principle
executed under source of approval of competent
the agreement as moorum authority was obtained
an extra item used in the for executing this extra
(copy of extra item work and item, if yes than
statement along the provide the copy of the
with copy of distance of same .
analysis of rates source of
may also be Moorum to
enclosed) the site
1 Infrastructure M/s Suresh 46/EE/GCD/13-14
augemnation of training Chand Gupta
facality at STS BSF
Academy Tekanur
SH:- C/o 1 No Trainee
officer mess with 30 suites
and mess accommodation
2 SH:- Senior officer mess M/s Devend K 36/EE/GCD/13-14 Nil NA NA
with 30 suites Sharma &
3 SH: STS wing Block M/s Devend K 03/EE/GCD/15-16
Sharma &
4 SH:- C/o FO’s/R&D Block M/s Devend K 15/EE/GCD/13-14
,SO’s 10 suites, SO’s mess Sharma &
with 15 suites and M.P. Associates
5- Details of works awarded on work order by EE,GCD to shri Alock Bansal, shri Anand Kumar, Shri Banti Chourasia
, M/s Krishna Constructions and Shri SC Gupta from 05-11-14 to till date and details of work order issued by AE shri
S.K.Agrawal in financial year 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 in following format along with copy of work order and copy
of last bill is required.
SlN Name of Name of Estimated Amount of Work Recorded Status of Status of Whether the
work agency cost work order order No reason of work final bill if quotation
awrding whether work /tender were
work on completed completed called online or
work or not offline
1 Nil
2 Nil
bl dk;kZy; ls lEcf?kr dksbZ dk;Z ugha gS A vr% bl dk;kZy; }kjk nh tkus okyh
tkudkjh “kwU; gS A
6- Following documents/details in respect of work executed under agreement No- 27 /EE/GCD/13-14 is required :-
a) copy of Agreement :- e.My dk;kZy; ls nh tkuh gS A
b) copy of cement register , site order book and hindrances register %& dk;Z lacf/kr jftLVjkas dh
Nk;kizfr;kW layXu gS A
c) bl iSjk dh tkudkjh bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr ugha gS A
d) copy of 1st,2nd,&4th RA bill along with copy of measurements book, enclosures and copy of processing
notes of division office in respect of agreement No 27/EE/GCD/2013-2014 :-bl dk;Z dk fjdkMZ e.My
dk;kZy; ls fn;k tkuk gS A
e) bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr ugha gS A
7]o 8 %& bu iSjkvksa ij ekWxs x;s dk;ksZ dk fooj.k bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr ugha gS A
9- copy of extra item/substitute item statement along with the copy of analysis of rate submitted by the AE to EE
and copy of sanctioned statement along with the analysis of rate carried out in division office for the works
executed under the agreement No -03/EE/GCD/2015-16 , 27/EE/GCD/2013-14 & 15/EE/GCD/2013-14 is required .
bl ij e.My dk;kZy; ls dk;Zokgh dh tkuh gS A
10- Following documents/report are required :-
i) copy of completion certificate recorded by the competent authority for the work executed under Agmt.
No -14/EE/GCD/2013-14 :- e.My dk;kZy; ls dk;Zokgh dh tkuh gS A
ii) bl iSjk ij e.My dk;kZy; }kjk vko”;d dk;Zokgh dh tkuh gS A
iii) bl iSjk dh tkudkjh Xokfy;j dssUnzh; mie.My dzekad ,d ls nh tkuh gS A
iv) djkj la[;k 08@bZbZ@thlhMh@2015&16 bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr ugha gS aA
v) djkj la[;k12@bZbZ@thlhMh@2012&13 ds dk;Z ls lEcfU/kr fjdkMZ bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr
ugha gS A
vi) copy of 15th RA bill along with all enclosures including Extra item /Sustituted item for Agreement No -
27/EE/GCD/2013-14 %& ;g tkudkjh e.My dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr gS vr% e.My dk;kZy; ls
dk;Zokgh dh tkuh gS A
vii) djkj la[;k 05@bZbZ@thlhMh 2014&15 ds ekWxs x;s fjdkMZ bl dk;kZy; ls lEcfU/kr ugha
gS A
viii) The details of work executed whthin the campus of BSF, Tekapur and ITBP Karera in which recovery @ 1%
for the water charges not made. Reasons along with supported document for non-recovery may also be
given :- Vsduiqj dsEil esa fd;s tk jgs fuekZ.k dk;ksZ ij Bsdsnkjkas }kjk ikuh dh O;oLFkk
Loa; ds [kpsZ ij dh xbZ gS A
ix) Following details of work executed in BSF Campus Tekanpur and ITBP campus Karera during 05-11-2014
to August 2016 in which clause 36 of agreement is applicable.
a) Agreement No . along with copy of agreement :- enclosed
b) Number of technical representative was to be enganed as per the provision of agreement :- yes
c) Copy of letter vides which the contractor sought the approval of the Engineer in charge regarding
enganging the technical representative in respect of each agreement :- yes
d) Copy of the letter vide which the Engineer in charge accorded the approval of technical
representative in respect of each agreement. yes
ekWxs x;s fjdkMZ esa djkj la[;k 27@bZbZ@thlhMh @2013&14 ds jftLVjkas dh Nk;k
izfr;kW layXu gS A
layXu %& mijksDrkuqlkj

lgk;d vfHk;Urk
Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mieaMy
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx VsduiqjA
Hkkjr ljdkj
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx

Ø0 54¼202½@,- bZ@Vh-lh-,l-Mh-@17@ fnukad %&


The Krishan Construction Co.,
Govt. Contractor,
B-158 North ,Ex. Mall, Sector -9
Rohini Delhi -110085

fo"k;% Construction of Infrastructure /Development at newly upgraded STS BSF Academy Tekanpur. SH-
C/o SO’s
Mess with 60 suites No including internal water supply sanitary installation drainage providing
internal electrical installations Conducting for LAN telephone cable TV & its wiring power wiring
main board and DP’s lightening conductor etc.
Agmt. NO :- 27/EE/GCD/2013-2014
19th &Final bill
mijksDr fo’k;kafdr ys[k gS fd mDr dk;Z vkids }kjk Xokfy;j dsUnzh; e.My
dsyksfufo Xokfy;j ds ek/;e ls 19 okW o vfUre foy dk Abstract izLrqr fd;k x;k gS ,ao~ bl
dk;kZy; esa M.B. izLrqr dh gS ftlds fy;s bl dk;kZy; dk i= le la[;k 155 fg fnukad 6-07-2017
ds }kjk o nwjHkk’k ij tkudkjh nh xbZ Fkh ftlesa vkids }kjk vkt fnukad rd dksbZ bathfu;j
@izfrfuf/k bl dk;kZy; esa ugha Hkstk ,ao~ bl dk;kZy; }kjk foy ds Measurements tkWp fd;s
x;s ftlesa dbZ correction gq, A ,ao~ vkids }kjk tks Qk;uy foy dk Abstract izLrqr fd;k gS
mlesa Hkh vkids }kjk iwoZ foyksa dh HkkWfr u djrs gq, Deviated Qty. @fopyu bqbZ
ek=kvksa dks ,d lkFk tksMk x;k tofd py ys[kk foyksa esa fopyu lhek ls vf/kd ek=kvksa
dks Extra for Devaited item esa fy;k tkrk jgk gS A vr% vkils iqu% vuqjks/k fd;k tkrk gS fd vki
vius bathfu;j@ izfrfuf/k dks Measurements & Abstract dks Bhd djkdj izLrqr djsa ftlls fd Qkbuy
foy dks e.My dk;kZy; esa izsf’kr fd;k tk lds A

lgk;d vfHk;Urk
Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mieaMy]
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx VsduiqjA
izfrfyfi %&
1- dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark ]Xokfy;j dsUnzh; e.My] dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx] 35
flVh lsUVj Xokfy;j dkas bl dk;kZy; ds i= le la[;k 156 fg fnukad 6-7-2017 ds
lUnHkZ esa lwpukFkZ o vko”;d dk;Zokgh gsrq izsf’kr A
2- Jh ,l ds feJk] lgk;d vfHk;ark Xokfy;j ifj;kstuk e.My] fdyksfufo Xokfy;j dks bl
dk;kZy; ds i= le la[;k 156 fg fnukad 6-7-2017 ds lUnHkZ eas d`I;k mijksDRk
dk;Z ds Qk;uy foy dks Complete tkWp dj izLrqr djsa A


Hkkjr ljdkj
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
dk;kZy;% lgk;d vfHk;Urk ] Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mieaMy]
Qksu ua-&07524&275353

Ø0 10¼1½@,- bZ@Vh-lh-,l-Mh-@17@ fnukad %&


dk;Zikyd vfHk;ark
Xokfy;j dsUnzh; e.My
Dsyksfufo Xokfy;j A

fo"k;% esMhdy foy okor~ A


mijksDr fo’k;kafdr ys[k gS fd i= ds lkFk Jh jrhjke eksVj ykjh pkyd

dk ,d ux esMhdy foy e; dS”k okmpj lfgr vkidh vksj ikl ,ao~ Hkqxrku gsrq izsf’kr
gS A
layXu%& mijksDRkkuqlkj A

lgk;d vfHk;Urk
Vsduiqj dsUnzh; mieaMy]
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx VsduiqjA
Bill No. Date:

Sl. Name & Relation & Amount of Total Amount

No. Designation Medical Bill
01 S/Shri Ratiram, MLD Self 2823.00
Self 3137.00 11529.00
Self 2785.00
Self 2784.00
02 Smt. Savitri Devi, Beldar Self 2085.00 2085.00

03 Suresh Kumar, Plumber Wife 1586.00

Self 1456.00 3042.00
04 Mathura Prasad Meena, Wife 490.00
Beldar Wife 678.00
Wife 713.00 4199.00
Wife 1062.00
Wife 1256.00
05 Vinod Kumar Meena, Beldar Wife 1650.00
Self 1783.00
Wife 1607.00 5040.00
06 Tika Ram, Mason Son 2199.00 2199.00

TOTAL: 28094.00
Passed for Rs.28,094.00 for payment :

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Name of Work: C/o Boundary Wall around the ammunition and explosive depot with
Tactical guard room and over fhead sentry Post i/c. Pdg. IEI Service connection, fans and
fitting compound lighting and street lighting at SPT Bn ITBP, Karera (M.P.).
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount
01 Bennet Coleman & Co Ltd. BCM17RV- 2013 dated 23548
0000868 17/7/17
02 -do- BCMP17RV- 2006 DATED 31084
000833 14/7/17
03 -do- BCMP17RV- 2006 dated 14483
0000831 14/7/17
Total: 69115

04 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23GWO/17/359 2006 dated 9321

Total: 9321

05 Dainik Bhaskar 0711858991 2006 dated 18051

06 -do- 0711858989 68 dated 17/7/17 14441

Total: 32492

07 Swadesh Prakashan Gwalior 2017-18/91 2017/2000 dated 8529

Pvt. Ltd. 14/7/17
TOTAL: 8529

Name of Work: C/O. Additional Class Room to convert into “A” type school bldg. i/c. IEI
fans compound and street lighting and service connection for K.V. at ITBP, Karera.
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Bennet Coleman & Co Ltd. BCM17RV- 2006 dated 1348

0000835 14/7/17
02 -do- BCMP17RV- 2006 DATED 15542
000830 14/7/17
Total: 16890

04 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23GWO/17/358 2006 dated 7251

Total: 7251

Name of Work: C/o. STC at BSF Academy, Teekanpur. SH: C/o. Residential Qrts. 10 Nos.
type- 6 Nos. type-III 4 Nos. Type-IV 2 Nos. Type-V BSF Qrts. At STSm, BSF Tekanpur.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Bennet Coleman & Co Ltd. BCM17RV- 2006 dated 674

0000832 14/7/17
02 -do- BCMP17RV- 2013 dated 963
000870 17/7/17
03 -do- BCMP17RV- 2013 dated 22203
000869 17/7/17
TOTAL 22877

04 Swadesh Prakashan Gwal 2017-18/104 2017/2013 dated 4467

Pvt. Ltd. 17/7/17
Total: 4467

05 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23/GWO/17/414 2013 dated 10358

TOTAL 10358

Name of Work: A/R & M/O to CPWD Office –cum-Residential Bldg. at 35-City Center,
Gwalior dg. 2017-18 and A/R & M/O to AGMP Colony, Shastri Nagar, Walior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

05 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23/GWO/17/1046 2307 dated 6682

TOTAL 10358

Name of Work: A/R & M/O to Non-Resdl. Bldgs. At DRTS. I.B. M.V. Palace, Shivpuri.
SH: Misc. Work such as water proofing flooring finishing alum. Etc.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23/GWO/17/440 2043 dated 8321


Total 8321
02 Pradesh Today Gwl-D170700034 2043 dated 2160
Total 2160

Name of Work:- C/o 250 persons Auditorium at BSF Academy, Tekanpur.

SH: Pdg& Fixing of Auditorium Chairs.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 H.T. Media Ltd. 0103862767 2556 dated 7493

02 -do- 0103862764 2556 dated 17834
03 -do- 0103862765 2043 dated 16559
Total 41886

04 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23GWO/17/1379 68 dated 13/9/17 18707

Total 18707

Name of Work:- C/o. Toilet and Ramp for Physically challenged student at JNV
Khiriyadevat, Ashok Nagar (MP).

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Raj Express Gwl/07-17/00292 2007 dated 8900

Total 8900

02 Nai Dunia LG/1/NG1707000099 2007 dated 1625


Total 1625

Executivee Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work:- Post C/o Anti-termite Treatment to Auditorium and furnishing with
wooden work in Auditorium at IGFRI Jhansi. SH: Post Construction
Anti-termite treatment of various in the Campus.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Raj Express GWL/10-17/000662 2069 10012.00
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712342402 dt.28/10/17 3672 3672.00

03 Swadesh Prakashan JHs/2017-18/254 dated 2069 2031.00

Gwl.Pvt. Ltd. 31/10/201
TOTAL: 15715.00

Name of Work:- Recarpeting of Internal Road from R.P. Gate to Vikash Hostel and
Misc. Works in Senior Officer hostel Mess Bldg. & Trainee officer
Mess bldg. at BSF Acaemy, Tekanpur.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Raj Express GWL/11-17/00689 dt. 3030 8900.00
02 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. 23GWO/17/2333 dt. 3030 13652.00
Ltd.. 04/11/17
Total 22552.00

Name of Work:- A/R & M/O to AGMP Resdl. Accommodation and Non-Resdl. Bldgs
at Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Benette, Coleman & Co. BCMP17RV-0002867 2488 482.00
Ltd. Dt. 15/9/17
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712210580 dt 09/9/17 2488 6939.00

03 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23GWO/17/1323 dt. 2488 7133.00


Name of Work:- Infrfastructure for Augmentation of Training Facility at BSF

Academy, Tekanpur SH: Multipurpose Hall . SH: P P/F of
Accoustical Wall panel with densified calcium silicate panels/tiles for
MP hall at BSF Academy, Tekanpur.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Dainik Bhaskar 0712209511 dt. 2736 12034.00
02 Bennet, Coleman & Co. BCMP17RV-0003490 2736 20016.00
Ltd. Dt. 30/9/17
03 Nai Dunia LG/1/NG179000187 2736 1625.00


Name of Work:- Up gradation of CPWD –CUM-rResdl. Bldg. at 35 City Center,


Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia NG1711000043 3109 3908.00
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712444397 dt. 3109 7220.00
03 Raj Express GWL/11- 3109 3438.00

Total 14566.00

Name of Work:- Rennovation of Children Park at AGMP Colony, Shastri Nagar,


Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Pradesh Today GWL-D171100004 3030 2160.00
dated 04/11/17
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712372086 dt.04/11/17 3030 2856.00


Name of Work:- A/R & M/O to CPWD Office-cum-Resdl. Bldg at 35 City Centre,

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Raj Express GWL/08-17/00459 2307 3929.00
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712005174 dt. 20/8/17 2307 4080.00


Name of Work:- Pdg & Fixing carpet and Chair in 250 persons capacity Auditorium at
BSF Academy, Tekanpur SH: Pdg & Fix flooring carpet and wooden

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Dainik Bhaskar
07122120240 dt 14/9/17 2556

02 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23/GWO/17/1378 dt. 2017 18707



Name of Work:- Infrastructure for augmentation of training facility at BSF Academy ,

Tekanpur. C/o. Pdg. & Fixing carpet and chair in 250 persons
caacitgy/Auditorium at BSF Academy, Tekanpur. SH: Pdg. & Fixing
flooring carpet and wooden flooring.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika 23GWO/17/1393 2564 33674.00
Pvt. Ltd., dated 15/9/17
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712133547 2564 21661.00
Dated 15/9/17

TOTAL: 55335.00

Name of Work:- Rennovation/Up gradation of Sports Hostel at K.V. No.1, at Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Bennet, Coleman & Co. BCMP17RV-0004862 2978 578.00
Ltd.. dated 31/10/17
02 Bennet, Coleman & Co. BCMP17RV-0004862 2978 14129.00
Ltd. dated 31/10/17


Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work:- Rennovation/Up gradation of Sports Hostel at K.V. No.1, at Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Partika Pvt. Ltd. 23GWO/17/2244 dated 2978 6215.00
02 Dainik Bhaskar 0712359186 dt. 29/10/17 2978 7220.00


Name of Work:- C/o. Training B lock for signal training school at ITBP, Shivpuri i/c.
Pdg.IEI & fans fittings Air-conditioners, lightning conductor, S/C.
com pound light, DG Set.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount G.Amount

01 Bennet, Coleman & BCMP17RV- 262 963.00 963.00
Co. Ltd. 0007935 dated
02 HT Media Ltd. 0103893832 dated 84- 12738.00
10/01/2018 09.01.2018
0103893833 dated
01/01/2018 18501.00
84- 5763.00
03 Nai Dunia NG1801000048 84 dated 6128.00 6128.00
dated 10/01/18 09/1/18

04 Dainik Bhaskar AD1723086775 84 dated 4491.00

dated 10/01/18 09/1/18
AD1723087940 84 dated 2448.00
dated 10/01/18 09/01/18 6939.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Name of Work:- A/R & MO to AGMP Non-Residential Building at Gwalior. SH:

Supplying of Materials.

Sl.No. Name of Bill No. RO No. Amount G.Amount

01 Nai Dunia NG1801000117 171 1625.00 1625.00
dated 25/01/18

02 Pradesh Today. GWL-D180100087 171 dated 1800 1800.00

dated 24/1/2018 23/1/18
04 Dainik Bhaskar AD1723086777 171 dated 2407.00
dated 24/01/18 23/1/18
AD1723086778 4710.00
dated 24/01/18 7117.00


Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.
Name of Work: C/o. 250 Persons Auditorium at BSF Academy, Tekanpur.
SH:- Pdg.& Fixing of Auditorium Chairs.

Sl.No. Name of Newspapers Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 H.T. Media Ltd. 0103862767 2556 dt.13/9/17 7493.00

02 H.T.Media Ltd. 0103862764 2556 dt.13/9/17 17834.00

03 H.T. Media Ltd. 0103862765 2556 dt.12/9/17 16559.00

04 H.T. Media Ltd. 0103862771 2564 dt.14/9/17 35666.00

TOTAL 77552.00

.05 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. 23GO/17/1379 2556 dt.13/9/17 18707.00


G. Total 96259.00

Name of Work: Infrastructural Development work at newly upgraded STS, BSF

Academy, Tekanpur (SH: C/o. 50 KL under ground RCC Sump
Well for CSMT at BSF Academy, Tekanpur.

Sl.No. Name of Newspapers Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Dainik Bhaskar 0711849664 2007 3264.00

02 Pradesh Today Gwl- 2736 2520.00
D170900083 dt.30/9/2017

TOTAL: 5784.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work: Infrastructural Development work at newly upgraded STS, BSF

Academy, Tekanpur (SH: C/o. 50 KL under ground RCC Sump
Well for CSMT at BSF Academy, Tekanpur.

Sl.No. Name of Newspapers Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Dainik Bhaskar 0711849664 2007 3264.00

02 Pradesh Today Gwl- 2736 2520.00
D170900083 dt.30/9/2017

TOTAL: 5784.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work: A/R & M/O to Non-Resdl. Bldgs. At DRTS, IB at MV Palace,

Shivpuri. SH:- misc. Work such as Water Proofing Flooring finishing Alum. Etc.

Sl.No. Name of Newspapers Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. 23/GWO/17/440 2043 dt.19/7/17 8321.00


02 Pradesh Today Gwl- 2043 dt.19/7/17 2160.00


03 Dainik Bhaskar 07118666090 2043 dt.19/7/17 2448.00

G. Total 12929.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : AR & MO to DRTC, IB at MV Palace, Shivpuri. SH: Retroffing work for
buildings occupied and fully operational to make them barrier free for differently abled persons
at DRTC, IB, MV Palace, Shivpuri.
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount
01 Nai Dunia. NG1803000081 536 dated 9/3/18 5253
dated 11/3/18
02 Raj Express GWL/03- 536 dated 9/3/18 3438
18/01099 dated
03 Dainik Bhaskar AD1799001636 536 dated 9/3/18 2407
dated 10/3/18
Total: 11098

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : C/O. Accessible India Campaign (Retrofitting works) various central
government buildings at Gwalior..
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Dainik Bhaskar AD1799001636 655 dated 24/3/18 6573

dated 10/3/18
Total: 6573

Name of Work : Up gradation ofr Conference hall and Parking at Income Tax Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd.` 23GW0/17/3572 262 dated 9471

dated 03/02/2018 02/02/2018
02 Dainik Bhaskar AD1799000291 262 dated 7668
dated 03/2/2018 02/02/2018

TOTAL 17139

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work: C/o Accessible India Campaign (Retrofitting Works) various Central
Government Building at Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Dainik Bhaskar. AD179900979 68/1/ICD/2018/655 6573

dated 25/3/2018 dated 24/3/2018

02 Nai Dunia NG1803000171 2006 DATED 5253

dated 26/3/2018 14/7/17

TOTAL: 11826

Name of Work : AR & MO to DRTC, IB at MV Palace, Shivpuri. SH: Retroffing work for
buildings occupied and fully operational to make them barrier free for differently abled persons
at DRTC, IB, MV Palace, Shivpuri.
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia. NG1803000081 536 dated 9/3/18 5253

dated 11/3/18
02 Raj Express GWL/03- 536 dated 9/3/18 3438
18/01099 dated
03 Dainik Bhaskar AD1799001636 536 dated 9/3/18 2407
dated 10/3/18
Total: 11098

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : Accessible India Campaign (Retrofitting works) various Central Governent
Building at Gwalior..

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia. NG1803000171 655 dated 26/3/18 5253

dated 26/3/18
03 Dainik Bhaskar AD1799002979 655 dated 24/3/18 6573
dated 24/3/18
Total: 11826

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Name of Work C/o. 2 Nos.120-men Barrtacks for STS at ITBP, Shivpuri.

Sl.No. Name of Payee Amount TDS Net

@ 10% Amount

01 M/s. Bhargava Building 10974 1097 9877

Atelier (P) Ltd.
86848 8685 78163

3658 366 3292

21948 2195 19753

123428 12343 111085

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Name of Work : A/R & M/O to AGMP Colony, Shastri Nagar, Gwalior. SH:
Distempering/painting & Misc. work related to newly allotted qrts. .
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia NG1807000197 1794 6004

dated 27/07/18
02 Raj Express Gwl/07-18/00365 1794 dated 3929

Total: 9933.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : Renovation of 6 Nos. toilets at 1st floor at K.V. No.1 Rana Pratap Marg,
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. 23GWO/18/798 1076 dt. 18/5/18 1841.00

dated 19/05/2018

Total 1841.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Name of Work : C/o Annimal Breading Ceentre i/c providing elecdtrical installation fans fire
alarm and fire fighting system air conditioning system class room system and substation
equipment at Regional Ayurvedic Research Institute (RARI) at Gwalior.
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

1 Bennet, Coleman & Co. Ltd. (1) BCMP18RV- 1234 13321

0001955 dated
(2) BCMP18RV- 1234 14286
0001956 dated

2 Nai Duniya NG1806000007 dated 1234 7148

3 Dainik Bhaskar AD1899003054 dated 1234 6573

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : Providing services of Computer Operaters -3 Nod. Snf vlrtk 01 No. snf 02
Nos. MTS in the office the Executive Engineer/GCD/CPWD/Gwl..

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

1. Swadesh Prakashan Gwalior Pvt. Gwl/2018/-19/653 1443 1625

Ltd. dated 23/6/18
2 Dainik Bhaskar AD18999003862dated 1443 2407
3 Raj Express GWL/06-18/00254 1443 4350
dated 23/6/18

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : Rain water Harvesting at AGMP Office Bldg., Gwalior. SH: Rin water
harvesting in record room caretaker and staff qrrts. And misc. works for caretaker qrt. At AGMP
Colony Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

1 Nai Duniya NG1807000166 1732 6004

dated 21/7/18
2 Raj Express GWL-07-18/00336 1732 3929
dated 20/7/18

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : AR & MO to AGMP colony, Shastri nagar, Gwalior.(m.p.)

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount
01 Raj express GWL/11- 2730 dte. 3929
18/00628 31/10/18
02 Nai dunia NG1810000157 dtd 2670-A
2670 dtd 27/10/18 3250
NG1810000156 dtd
03 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt.Ltd. 23GWO/18/3504 2730 dtd 31/10/18 14169
dtd 01/11/18
26710 dtd
23GWO/18/3447 26/10/18

23GWO/18/3446 2670

Total: 21348
Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

List of Stationery required for bonafide official uses:

1. Sancturay Paper Rim (A-4) 24 Packets

2. Envelops (Size: A-4) 500 Nos.
3. Envelops (Size: 4x9 ) 1000 Nos.
4. Envelopes (5x10) 1000 Nos.
5. Envelop (Big Full Size) 250 Nos.
6. File Covers 1000 Nos.

Name of Work : Office Expenses.

Sl.No. Name of Agency Account No. Phone No. Amount

01 B.S.N.L, 1002698019 0751-2340446 2189

02 B,.S.N.L. 1002678453 0751-2235087 1875

TOTAL 4064

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : Office Expenses.

Sl.No. Name of Agency Account No. Phone No. Amount

01 B.S.N.L, 1002678453 0751-2235087 1913

02 B,.S.N.L. 1002698019 0751-2340446 2233

TOTAL 4146/-

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : Repair & Maintenance of Narcotics Colony, 19, Mall Road, Gwalior.
Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia NG181000157 2670-A 1625

dated 29/10/18

02 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt Ltd 23GWO/18/3446 2670 4475

dated 28/10/18

Total: 6100

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : AR & MO to CPWD-cum-Residential Bldg at 35 City Centre, Gwalior.

SH:- Supply of Wachman for Watch & Ward CPWD Office-cum Resdl.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt Ltd 23GWO/18/3504 2730 dated 5219

dated 01/11/2018 31/10/18

02 Raj Express GWL/11-18/00682 2730 3929

dated 01/11/18

Total: 9148

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : AR & MO to AGMP Colony, Shastri Nagar, Gwalior SH:

Distempering/Painting of Ty-II, III & IV Qrts.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt Ltd 23GWO/18/3504 2670 dated 14169

dated 01/11/18 31/10/18

02 Nai Dunia 2670 dated 3250

Raj express
03 3929

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : c/o 05 no. rampe and 04 no. toilet for physicaly challenged boys and girls of
school at JNV Tikamgarh.

Sl.No. Name of newspaper Bill no. R.O. no. Amount

01 Dainik bhaskar AD1899010144 2670 dtd.

dtd 27/10/18 26/10/18

AD1899007747 2162 dtd

dtd01/09/18 31/08/18
AD1899009159 2476
dtd06/10/18 dtd05/10/18

AD1899011184 2730 dtd

dtd01/11/18 31/10/18
Total 24533

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Cha. To:

Sl.No. Name of Agency Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 My Travel Axis MTA/593/2018-19 5935.00

My Travels Axis MTA/592/2018-19 2310.00 8,245.00


Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Cha. To:

Sl.No. Name of Agency Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Ashish Gupta Bill No. Nil dated 3928.00

09/03/2019 3928`

Bill No.Nil dated

07/03/2019 3386 3386.00

TOTAL: 7314.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Cha. To:

Sl.No. Name of Agency Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 B.S.N.L., Gwalior Bill

No.WDCMP0006894291 1951.0
Dated 03/03/2019

Bill 2195.0 4146.00

Dated 03/03/2019 TOTAL:
Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Cha. To:

Sl.No. Name of Agency Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Bharat Sanchar Invoice 1951.00

Nigam Ltd. No.WDCMP1900028723
dated 03/04/2019
No.WDCMP1900032645 2196.00
dated 03/04/2019 4147.00

Passed for Rs.4147.00 for payment.

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Cha. To:

Sl.No. Name of Agency Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Shri Pradeep Kumr -- 8015 10415.00

Tiwari, AE

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Cha. To:

Children Education Allowanc .

Sl.No. Name of Incombent Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Shri Vinod Kumar -- 54000 54000.00

Meena, Plumber.

02 Shri Angad, 24846 24846.00

03 Shri Dilip Singh 51850 51850.00
Meena, Beldar
TOTAL 130696.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Cha. To:

Children Education Allowanc .

Sl.No. Name of Incombent Bill No. Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Shri Anand Kumar -- 27000 27,000.00

Gupta, AE.
02 Shri S.K. Gaikwad, 27000 27,000.00
03 Shri P.K.Tiwari, AE 54000 54,000.00

TOTAL 1,08,000.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Name of Work C/o. 2 Nos.120-men Barrtacks for STS at ITBP, Shivpuri.

Sl.No. Name of Payee Amount TDS Net

@ 10% Amount

01 M/s. Bhargava Building 10974 1097 9877

Atelier (P) Ltd.
86848 8685 78163

3658 366 3292

21948 2195 19753

123428 12343 111085

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior


Name of Work

Sl.No. Name of Payee Amount TDS Net

@ 10% Amount

01 M/s. Bhargava Building 90506 9051 81455

Atelier (P) Ltd.

14632 1463 13169

105138 10514 94624

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior

Name of Work Repair & Maintenance of R.R.I. (Ayurvidic) at Amkho, Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Raj Expreess Gwl/02-19/00839 339 dated 4911

dated 08/02/2019 07/02/2019

02 Dainik Bhaskae AD1899014952 339 dated 3131

Dated 08/02/2019 07/02/2019
TOTAL 8042

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work Auction for Coal Road Roller at Shastri Nagar, Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Rajasthan Patrika Pvt.Ltd. 23GWO/18/4887 365 dated 2238

dated 14/02/2019 13/02/2019

02 Dainik Bhaskae AD1899014903 365 dated 3131

Dated 08/02/2019 13/02/2019
TOTAL 5369

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Cha. To: 0071-NPS-RAT

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Axis Bank Remitance of NPS 77086

(NPS Trust Account Contribution. Month:
No.2022694) 03/2019

Remittance of NPS 200516.00

Contribution . Month 6360

Remitance of NPS 117070

Contribution . Month: 200516/-


Passed for Rs.200516/- for payment.

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior


Cha. To: 0071-NPS-RAT

Gwalior Project Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Axis Bank Remitance of NPS 53932

(NPS Trust Account Contribution. Month:
No.2022694) 03/2019

Remittance of NPS 104864.00

Contribution . Month 3234

Remitance of NPS 47698

Contribution . Month: 104864/-

Passed for Rs.104864/- for payment.

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior


Cha. To: Depoisit-II

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Amount being Total Amont


01 Shri K.K.Chaurasia Release of EMD & SD 20765/-

Release of EMD & SD 10959/-

Release of EMD & SD 11170/-

Release of EMD & SD 10238/- 1,24,981.00

Release of EMD &SD 18260/-

Release of EMD & SD 4601/-

Release of EMD & SD 26856/-

Release of EMD & SD 22132/-

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Name of Work Auction for Coal Road Roller at Shastri Nagar, Gwalior.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Raj Express Gwl/04-19/00002 937 dated 4096.00

dated 23/4/2019 22/4/2019
02 Dainik Bhaskar ADI999000892 937 dated 3131.00
dated 23/4/2019 22/4/2019


Passed for Rs.7,227.00 (Rupees Seven thousand two hundred twenty seven only) for payment.

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Cha. To: Deposit –II

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Shri Kamlesh SD CV No.62 dated 4949.00

Kumar Ojha 23/9/16
02 Shri Kamlesh SD CV No.106 dated 8231.00
Kumar Ojha 28/10/16
03 Shri Kamlesh SD CV No.126 dated 9234.00
Kumar Ojha 31/03/17
04 Shri Kamlesh SD CV No.37 dated 19231.00
Kumar Ojha 21/4/17
05 Shri Kamlesh SD CV No.24 dated 5697.00
Kumar Ojha 09/3/17
TOTAL: 47342/- 47342.00

(Rupees forty seven thousand three hundred forty two only)
Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Ch. to: Deposit –II

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 M/s. Alliance SD 159448 159448.00

Construction Co.
02 M/s. Shravan SD 6413 6413.00
Security Guards
03 M/s. Dropex India SD 111805 111805.00
Tar Product (P)
TOTAL: 277666 277666


(Rupees Two lakhs seventy seven thousand six hundred sixty six only)

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Name of Work : A/R &MO to Residential Colony, at Shastri Nagar, Gwalior. SH:
Replacement of damage waterline, sewerline in Qrts.

Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia NG1901000049 12 dated 2030.00

dated 12/01/19 10/01/2019

02 Patrika 23GW0/18/4358 12 dated

dated 11/01/19 10/01/2019


Passed for Rs.4268/- (Rupees four thousand two hundred six eight only) for payment.
Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Cha. To: Office Expenses

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Bharat Sanchar Telephone Bill Invoice 1951.00

Nigam Ltd. No.WDCMP1901027742
dated 03/07/2019
Telephone No.0751-
2235087. 4151.00

Telephone Bill Invoice 2200.00

No.WDCMP1901030815 4151.00
dated 03/07/2019
Telephone No.0751-


Passed for Rs.4151/-/- for payment.

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior


Sl.No. Name of Newspaper Bill No. RO No. Amount

01 Nai Dunia NG19070000165 1661 dated

dated 29/07/2019 27/07/2019
= 2030
NG1907000086 1546
dated 13/07/2019 dated11/07/19
= 2030

Passed for Rs.4060/- (Rupees four thousand sixty only) for payment.

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Cha. To: Office Expenses

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Giriraj Bill No.435 dated 1900 1900.00

Departmental 04/7/19

02 Shri Arvind Singh -- 9344 4344.00

Pal, LDC
TOTAL 6244.00

(Rupees Six thousand two hundred forty four only)

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior


Cha. To: Office Expenses

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 M/s. Om Sai Bill No.217 dated 925/- 925.00

Beverages 04/08/19

02 Sanjay Gaur Bill No.11/2009 dated 800/- 800.00

03 Hetram Meena, --- 5320/- 5320.00
TOTAL 7045.00

(Rupees Seven thousand forty five only)

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior


Cha. To: Office Expenses

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Ashish Gupta Dated: 3/9/19 3504/-

Dated : 03/9/19 3949/-
7453/- 7453.00

TOTAL 7453.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Cha. To: Office Expenses

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Rajasthan Patrika 23GWO/19/1486 dated 1864/-

Pvt. Ltd. 12/7/19
23GWO/19/1699 dated 2238/-
28/7/19 4102/-
TOTAL 4102.00

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

Cha. To: Office Expenses

Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Shri Arvind Pal, Reimbursement for 1280 1280.00

LDC petty purchase for
Office Use.
02 M/s. Giriraj Bill No.479 dated 1900
Departmental 19/9/19

Bill No.470 dated 3/9/19 1030 4410.00

Bill No.471 dated 4/9/19 1480

03 Rajindra Book Bill No.12414 2900 2900.00
TOTAL 8590.00
Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.


Cha. To:
Gwalior Central Division

Sl.No. Name of Agency Description Bill Amoumt Total Amont

01 Shri Kamlesh H.R. 15500 15,500/-

Kumar Ojha
02 Shri Ashok Singh H.R. 3000 3,000/-
TOTAL 18,500/-

(Rupees eighteen thousand five hundred only)

Executive Engineer
Gwalior Central Division
C.P.W.D., Gwalior.

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