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101. Anti-aliasing is important to improve readability of text. It deals with the : (1) elimination of “jaggies” __( spacing between two indivi characters. @) underlining of spacing of a 101. as Bh ween qs for a eT weeny t) ae feed defers #7 0) “ta ser QS aen-sen al & te ae @) aes ae ect @ TTS ww ap Hae n tasks with kr rn, to be run 102. ‘nw’ wre & ew Be fren aifan fee a TUES IS (TTR) rl, 12... m, € FR ves Frenfer fe att . Which o frofefas 4a fen cree fregien ae “ : 3 afer ae fea? Q) waa freqicin one @) Round - robin @ waiwa @) FS @ weave .% ek tae ) 103, FF a feet eee maa % fee sage wiz frofetas 22 ar awe? cae q@) Var @ Var Be o® Dim @ $ (4) Set ta ard & fe HIE / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 105, fargsre afte & ed 3 aa yay 107. 108. Soci a ww aOt (sk) tata ee 10s, Semen’ of Views Satie afte 8 Ser ae wate Feats controls of the same type can be grouped went: tay a sm ame. fea eS ees eer - Such a groupin, () Prem Cg) ah a ; Q wate ait -o aad @) fetes act @ a ‘ @) 7 @) yates aot ()aninteger arr a Ean etiietoese cnt 10 ee? ee a SH2cHEHRIR SRST tai i sin R and 2 tuples inS. Wh: Grae sae) # frend 2 aa} ag s number of tuples that coud afraay cae8 St en aT Sri? the natural join of R and? @ 6 6 ; @ 2 2 8 3 § ay ® 3 ee @ 5 107. Which of the following protocol is used fi transferring electronic mail messages fra ‘one machine to another ? @ HTTP @) FIP 8) SMIP (SNMP ate ¢ nestathe at satte sepie 108. OLE, a Microsoft's component docume eat. technology, means : (a) aad fifi we AS SRE FEES (2) aitreres fifi wre wae ae (sa aa ere 8 pane (4) sites felt wos WATE" A Object Linking and Embedang 109, ‘SATA wratfted ferqyfeir sree’ F | 109, The problem of indefinite blockage o “aarti sta" at oftiea erat at low-priority jobs in general priority Fae FT TT wi rer 8 scheduling algorithm can be solved fea m1 waM th using : Q) BR (1) swapping Q) Sa fae 2) dirty bit @) Wr —@) aging S @ ier @ compscton no, Prafefen wa ey vet ad 8 a ator az | 110. reat st tare rom the ‘thera rer 8? 2 Select customer_name, telephone r_name, telephone From customers Where city in (Jaipur’, ‘Delhi’, "Agra’); re city in (Jaipur’, ‘Delhi’, “Agra’); Q) wit sniensi & snten_aa st (1) The customer_name of all customers Feeett ar sina F ae wea 1 *) who are not living in Jaipur, Delhi or Agra. saien_art sit e 2) Thecustomer_name and telephone of @ all customers. agar )_- The customer_name and telephone of Steha a all customers living in either Jaipur, Delhi or Agra. feret sh srt (4) Thecustomer_name and telephone of Steir all customers living in Jaipur, Delhi and Agra. 11. Grefaas staat & qeaies & fore efor 111. Which of the following da Ha ea ta deen aad shes sega? ae most suitable for evaluating postfix expressions ? a # () Tree @ -@) Stack @) fetas fore @) Linked list @) Queue PRY AN/CS vx, atten fee Weft oT WEEE ay () etesret dure frat @ () Waa srereyes vax eet welt ys CU TA) F Preaterten a Q wis ar fermiee feseften ur 2 @ wefere Q Wet ® wea @ tiiee ma 8 fags / fra aT 800x600 freee wetifen (creates) wer tH a 40 Beer daftr we] fore fae () 1536 Mbps @ 24 Mbps LS “ oO ¢ athe: yee e atte aber” IF Q =F & ter F He () eR st cat Fr yan we afer? HaRET’ B THE asin ts (a) ere wey wae ole ate TERE wee ree errs WS MRT 112, The major goal of object ~ oriented programming in: () Top- down program development 2) Speed (User - interface (4) Reuse e e default Server Pages 113. Which of the follo scripting language (ASP) ? « @ @ ipt t is the bit rate for transmitting uncompressed 800 x 600 pixel color frame with 8 bits/pixel at 40 frames/second ? (1) 1536 Mbps e ct @) 24Mbps G4 (3) 15.36 Mbps qes Ue 153.6 Mbps B72 “a \S> MIS. “Assume the C++ definition : class circle : Public point Which of the following is false ? (1) “Point is the base class and ‘circle’ is the derived class. The colon (:) in the header of class definition indicates inheritance. The keyword ‘public’ indicates type of inheritance. Alllthe public and protected members @ @) Of class ‘circle’ are inherited as public een eye a a ratte PoE TEE ead ps : into class ‘point’. — ‘wag / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK mg nays = Ste o=t with four rows and five colamny aes ae ® mtamay] yj =, BIg, @ oil 2 imtany — signals, each requiring 3000 Hz. ax smulupiexed onto 2 smgle channel using DM. How much minimum bandwidth reguized for the muiltiplexed channel ? Assume that the guard bands are 300 He wide. “@ 27m sith an OK and » CANCEL ‘button appons 7 ‘prompt () pR=stit) aien() sean Be eset NTT AS FTG, Fag, & 0 ® ® @ 0. 22 onl version "1.0 /> xml version = '1.0'/> <<) xml version = "1L0°7> yan, Prenfteften 88 te He TeTETSh EE parka & fer eT HEA SVT Fey tp (ay free Re! eer ®) @&@sray @ Fe osray @ Fe osray ® sa << xml version *"1.0'/> <<} yan| version = "10°/> “ un, Which of the be themain describes relational database ? 0 tm ve) physical data data anomalies (insertion, deletion, anomalies). ro save space on disk, @ @. Maran @ Mand ({) only @ Mand Mi) only _-® Mand Mi) only 122, A thread is also called : a scheduler a virtual process a heavyweight process a lightweight process 223, Seq WAG Se VER FF He FA | 128. Copying a process from memory to disk te SaaS aad S few a Sh Sa TT wat. ’ fester allow space for other processes is called @) demand paging @ deadlock © pagefanit —® swapping ere aE / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK tag, ar dha ter” fre a arte a wer aed ee aye TT ae ene Q) Sta aravez Q @) Se ae 4) Terre Frafefan gz are wr fran sifam : FF (¥<0) K=-%Y=-Y¥] Z=0; ‘TERRE (Y>0) {Z=Z+X;Y=Y-1) am a fe x,y, az qos ae onifen @) fra ta en ee ae wa aetta ais are 8? @ Q) ZxvR 124. When a subroutine is called, the ade the instruction following the ~-#!) program counter (2) stack {Z=Z+%Y=Y-1j Assume that X, Y and Z are inte variables, and that X and Y have b initialized. Which of the following | describes what this code segment does (1) Sets Z to be the product X*Y (2) Sets Z to be the sum X+¥ Sets Z to be the absolute value of @) Sets Z to be the value of Y A combinational logic circuit that is ws when itis desired to send data from two more source through a single transmissi line isknown as (1) Demuttiplexer Q Encoder wn sat ele HI tay as What 4 garbage collection in the conta of ? Jove wy a 1H C9) Pa, “) The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Ae Tee FY Em gy checks the output of any Jaya eh Prete (Fete) TAT fg program and deletes and a ae does not make sense at (2) sandtftn fereen, free At Herm yp @) The Operating ea get rt Fett amy deletes afl of the Jay: available th on the system. Ue 8) We figfr nvr fra fern ert A oD, ay, not being used, is fonts Hah Bi eos wa fel) oo) woh TH we ne ew all references to an object are ovine rT egy agf A eer, ee in, ,, then the memory used by the ht ah (fowr ay oh ty object is automatically reclaimed. a) 1s, Feveh XHTML, ene wh om 124, What is the full form of DID that is used AT ep DTD wy to describe content in an XHTML document 7 (ly () Document To Definition A) Document Type Definition ©) Document Towards Definition 4) Document Text Definition 1%, 9h forth shart | 129, 6 rexeter in the microprocessor that keeps a aes sary coms ms omen 4 tack Of the answer or result of any ran 8 ot wm wv 8 *rithmetic: on logic operation is the —W) Accumulator (1) wages (2) tom enter ) hack pointes ©) Soave sererex ) Propyem comptes 6) sein omter (9 Wwenuetion pointer 130, af ara aaien ara ATG a 2 are t Bite | 130, If the time quantum size is 2 units of feat Sa 314 aa aha ar ert TH and there is only one job of 14 time uni ‘aia’ @, cave-dfer fireqfein srerifter aready queue, the round-robin schedu —__ FRE feel ft eT algorithm will cause con switches. @ 8 8 CG Q 5 Q 5 q fase ®) b= @ o ie Iai. 8 ayfeel fara faye ongfi ede a oa ‘he memory which does not loose i content on failure of power supply i knownas___ memory. () Main memory (2) Volatile 8) Non-volatile SF ar st waa get | 132. The easiest method in Flash to draw a St BAT SAT BI heptagon, is to use the (@) Polystar Tool with the “Polygon” style. ~ Polygon Tool. @) Lasso Tool with the “Create star” option. 4 “ra ree a isthe za ee O/Page 10 ‘ward & (C587 SPACETOR ROUGH WORK PKJ 17-1/CS @)_— Polystar Tool with the “Star” style. a. ate feat ‘ferret! BT BTA 1000 ms frcteds A erat sara at eh 2 (Q) 10°" KHz ® ®@ @ ta 1 kHz 10-3 kHz 10-2 kHz frafefen ¥ 8 at a fergert afte ae fer AReTE xB, Atkerery @, fer QUICK) HR WOM HAT B? M y="THE QUICK RED FOX JUMPED 133, If the period of a signal is 1000 ms, then what is its frequency in kilohertz ? () 10-1 kHz . (2) 1kHz we ) 10~> kHz (4) 10-2 kHz og 134. Which of the siled Visual Basic the value “QUICK” y to the string variable statements from QUICK RED FOX JUMPED OVER THE DOG” THE DOG” (i) x=Middle (y, 5, 5) 6, x=Middle (y, 5, 5) Q) x=Left (y,5) x Q) x=Left (y, 5) @) x=Mid (y,5,5) gy — @) x=Mid (y,5,5) @ tr (5 Ven (4) x=Instr (6, y, “QUICK”) Y attra arafete afte =o FEA! @) ©) =m arate afte safer FET (6) trae arte ae efit HET | 135. In structured Programming, a program is decomposed into modules. Coupling and cohesion describe the characteristics of modules. A good decomposition should attempt to : Q) Minimize coupling and minimize cohesion. @) Maximize coupling and minimize cohesion, \—©) Minimize coupling and maximize cohesion, 1) Maximize coupling and maximize Cohesion, SPACEFOR Ri VPage a1 ram ward oe fer E/ ‘OUGH WORK PKJ 17-1/CS fr eater 28S 136. Consider the database table "Persons" fra 16, tate afte K having person_ID as the primary key : eek re ofan’, seis a CHEE) eevit, wat? above table ? Q) eee (1) Rel pabtegrity Q See tet Phd @ @) eed oth tite Ra domain integrities tial and domain integrities 137, frefefan 43 fea wero mem a, On which of the following storage media, BOER URS Hae YATE ae storage of information is organized as a ‘Sega fers qa) ey single continuous spiral groove ? ft) CD-ROM @) RAM @) Hard disk (4) Floppy disk ‘i feaft we ‘Bet | 138. The kernal keeps track of the state of each ere w) aera a ah (2a) a aT executing program by using a data fra wa ore th structure called 2 (1) process control block process control block Q e (2) user control block (3) _ fille control block memory control block @ pata sie aa feast ver a GML frat | 139, Recursive procedures is impleme * at? using : w (t) Sting @4 (2) Queue @ 8) Stack @) fee fore (4) Linked List wa Fa UH WE 9S (A) H few, Herts, wt | 140. Fora tree i jugf one node the motns 78H Sag ya vionita at me @, afe ea a FIs S11 SR a eR a ai oa Gis ga feted we pial, fe wd feu Ty Sqan UH aa TOF i jinary Search Tree is built according the usual rules with the following six key inserted one at a time as given : B,L.N,A,R, Y. What is the height of th tree? ” a) 7 a On - on uw 1 Frtafea a & fare aneren sree (aren Seca) H cares (fered) a1 aT FT ne? (2) Insertion Sort + Insertion Sort ) Heap Sort 8F Heap Sort ®) Merge Sort ® Merge Sort PK] 17-1/CS 142, Bhier om wh ont oh RR oped ®? ® | 142, Mechanism that is used to convert do foo ah ef se —— name into IP address is know, wn ot) ncnaalesah q) HTTP Ql) HTTP Q) URL (2) URL @) FIP (3) FIP (@) DNS yw DNS 143, ere wwe we} erefl Pend Be AT | 143, The unit O's era fre ore fet Fearne er A. wiaual e went) ot ents pee & ate ea va ipt BAG irpsat wie aero < plea, eet strobe control (2) wetrafen ; . @) handshaking (4) piggybacking @) Xength (), Xength Bn afin (4) Pes, P41 en arf O/Page 14 fe | 144 What correction is required for fllowig Java code snippet to compile ? int[] X=new int (10); {or (int P=0; P= XJength (); Pe#) XIP}=5; ©) length () should be Xen (4) P+ should be P+ 1 15 word & fom aE SPACE FOR PKI ITS pete 94 71ST rite Ue es 6 dt? SQL command ? ) BA4* Rollback) (1) Rollback 2 (Commit) (@) Commit () FAR Gelect) py Select @) #4 Gevepoint) (6). Savepotet © go OST CHA TIA (HTB) Prim | 146, Concurrency at RDBMS is frofeten fre are 8 cerry £7 important foi if the following reasons ot ensure data integrity when updates occur to the database in a single-user environment. 2 To ensure data integrity when updates occur to the database in a multi-user environment. (4) To ensure data integrity when reads occur to the database in a single-user environment. ) eye ara a arta A tee a Rta tein afters arm 147. An operating system contains 3 user Processes each requiring 2 units of resource a award a ae te Seed oa eed R. Theminimum number of units of Rsuch Sena wt Sente ae Om : that no deadlock will ever occur is : a 5 @ 5 2 2 3 8 3 4 -—® 4 iment a feared 8" 148, eres se eres! Q) 16 Q 10 68 2 @ 1 149, Freferfian ¥ a ata a eat area wfeerar # WR at 8? () sore ef (afar Fh) Q) wefre afr 8) fedtre ayfa @) aftr ata (a Ae) 148. The number of bits require to r decimal number 4096 in binary form j (l) 16 oi Q) 10 e a (3) 12 2 or 8 ey 149. Which of the followin memory improves the speed of ex: of a program ? e (i) Vi ory 150. Sheet rent ean | shih of the following statements is false Oana er Te? é Q) seats varia aes wean frafetas afiam op Bo Fa Fe foot reer eit ? Bis : AC + ABC qa 4 @ 1 @) 2 @ 3 -@ 3 nee Tw ed & fe SE / SPACEFOR with respect to Relational DBMS ? (1) A disadvantage of highly normalized tables is that queries may require too many time consuming joins. (2) Foreign key constraints are referential integrity constraints. @) A primary key uniquely identifies 2 tow ina table. 9 Nulls reduce space requirements in tables, 151. How many gate(s) would be required © implement the following booleat ©xpression after simplification ? Expression: AC+ ABC q) Q1 ® 2 ROUGH WoRK PKJ 17-1/CS pa teeese FHA AE Beg? e 152, What do data warehouses support ? a * (1) Operational databases @ our LAP P oI a.” x @ OLTP e Aer sour (4) OLAPand OLTP x Gon} Soe F rE ats 153. The term sum-of- Boolean (wRate-Were) WK SH Hel aun: (The AND function of several AND of several AND functions. @ The AND function of several OR functions. 'D function of several OR e OR function of several AND functions. (4) The OR function of several OR functions. @ The OR function of several AND functions. @ The OR function of sever functions. ’ ! A wae ‘1 | 154. Whatis the correct HTML tag for the largest heading ? fh) 2 =large @) =large (@) Be Retefen & 8 few rete TRIN’ ST) OE Which of the following techniques allows Fewest” ea EE execution of programs larger than the size went? ee a cand Thrashing = @ pMa ® guar @ : O wei ey > H @ Rents ise a ag) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PKJ17-1/€S reat fy tf 3 156. For the following binary tree, inyy 156, Preaferfins gett ae ( a ae (aan) agen (pd) 49 aren totam; # (1) = +*/abdef (2) atbd*~ef/ (3) abdeft/ + = (4) atbtd=e/f _elf atbtd~e/f *? a ne IS opecial effect in motion Pictures and animations that changes one image or shape into another through + seamless transition. (1) Tweening (2) Inverse Kinematics (1) Based Indexed mode (2) Absolute mode (3) Immediate mode (4) Register indirect mode O/Page 18 _ pefefon 18S 51 OT Fray a, e 159, which of the following is not a program ; control instruction ? oo q) CMP — . @ MOV cal @ IMP . (CALL aon Seana & sree, a a ys . aan ates Pitch B) ————— & | 160. Based Oe By. : ql) CMOS aD @ TIL e @ MOS a Ges @ ECL o a. Fefefas 4A a or aie fare aw | 161. ollowitig ropetliesoian fife ter-am can & 2 ae () Design + Analysis + Coding + Operation and Maintenance Testing ® Analysis + Design + Testing >» Oper: "ea fet 2p yey ap atin fort SER | 162. Bam 169 ate ate Reaver 1920 10 Sehr a hard fest ert? () % % 2 853%4 10.79 4 19.17 4 . Design — Analysis > Coding > Operation and Maintenance + Testing Analysis + Design + Coding > Testing -> Operation and Maintenance Design + Analysis > Coding > Testing -» Operation and Maintenance Analysis + Design + Coding > Operation and Maintenance > Testing Given that a 22-inch monitor with an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 has a monitor resolution of 1920x1080, what is the width of the monitor ? (1) 22 inches (2) 8.53 inches @) 10.79 inches (4) 19.17 inches PKJ 17-1/CS 163. The five items P, Q, R,$ and T are pushey 1. Meee Q RSH TR HREM AT Ba RR te Be ow eT MEET in a.stack, one after the other starting fron ser aeen (tare) st wee eee AY HT P. The stack is popped four times and eac fire feet men) serra faa (RD AS clement is inserted in a queue. Then tw, Sea et few re sR) elements are deleted from the mi Fae wee eq am, ee We A ET pushed back on the stack. i (mee) od ty seer et ee (TS ZH) popped from the stack. tte %: is 3) e é (9) ® s ue & st Q @ P @ P e ® Q ast " . ats eee How many bits are used in the exponent part of IEEE single precision format for the representation of floating - point poten RT Eg gat atte TTL STINT HE wa TUES! STE hy F RET! TT Ra vad we o | 166, Which one of the following most accurately describes “multiple inheritance” ? (1) When a child class has both an “ig.a” anda “has a” relationship with its parent class, @ WATCH TA remy, Ca “Wis fr a other, 8 SN net wt weal (3) Whena te ae @ Fe Tee’ a FS oT fie ie witat: derived cl —*) has two or more t a ade ) wa feet ASP.NET Wee US BATH ST and viewed through a browser, the iting HTML page contains ? Q a mix of ASP.NET and HTML code Q wt AsP.NE 2) all ASP.NET code 8 « ©) all HTML code (4) as much ASP.NET code as is in the ASP.NET file 168. In C++, which of the following statements correctly returns the memory from the dynamic array pointer pp to the free store ? @ <---> © @2508 ane 99. Prefertins apuri ferent wifad : Sl: Days aren aad qe ate! wet ti 199. Consider the following statements : Sl: a small page size causes large pa, tables, SQ: Bie et a catattas ferarves # afe wrth $2: internal fragmentation is 1 with small pages. S38: ae TSA 1/0 stem ohh afew eA $3: 1/O transfers are me wit Bam t) large pages. Freatertios #3 wha on ft 87 Which of the ? Q) SL met ts3 9a t (1) Slistrue false (2) Siais2mht are true GB) S2aesamht are true 4 Sight ts27mt 200. eH ADD X,Y % aren # wpe aera addressing mode used in an instruction fafa: -900- O/ Page 30 ‘we ard & fore WIE / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK mg nacs

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