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Physical Activity Assignment Grades for Submission - Dylan Smith/Alex Moncrieff

Student Grade Comment

Aberley, D Failed to submit assignment


Joshua, B A good effort Joshua. You have displayed your knowledge of the
Barnes physical activity guidelines, and heart rate training zones in order to
evaluate and apply these concepts to your own engagement with
Physical Activity. Coupled with some thoughtful reflection, you have
constructed a well thought out assignment.

Kian, Bather C Good analysis and amendment of your training program Kian. More
information in the reflection was required to meet all of the
assessment criteria.

Adam, C Thanks for your submission Adam. You have made some good
Boode assessments of your involvement with physical activity and
amended your training program to reflect this. Please ensure that
when you are completing assignments, information is presented as
per the task requirements. Well done on the inclusion of some
meaningful reflection, although it was a little light on.

Craig, Oscar D Failed to submit assignment

Kye, De B Good effort Kye. The assignment was well presented and included
Laine your knowledge of various influencing factors that impact people's
involvement with physical activity. Parts one and two could have
been elaborated on slightly with some more information displaying
your knowledge of heart rate training zones and training styles.

Cody, D Failed to submit assignment


Daniel, B Thanks for your submission Daniel. You have done well to reflect
Ferguson on your own and other engagement with physical activity and the
factors that influence this. In future, the better use of your class time
would have enabled you to finish parts one and two to a higher
standard, achieving a better grade.

Declan, C Displayed knowledge verbally to an acceptable standard.


Kotaro, Unable Due to late admission to the class.

Horiguchi to be

Stephen, D Failed to submit assignment


Khaliq, B Great submission Khaliq. You have reflected on physical activity

Harris and engagement well, displaying your knowledge by making links
between engagement and the associated health benefits. Ensure
that you read all of the assessment requirements in order to meet
all of the criteria, in turn maximising your grade.

Jake, A Terrific job Jake. You have taken time to assess your engagement
Lambden- with physical activity, making amendments to your training in order
Stewart to better adhere to the physical activity guidelines. Coupled with a
meaningful reflection you have displayed your knowledge well, nice

Liam, Lloyd D Failed to submit assignment

Mackenzie, B Great submission Hayden. You have made some meaningful

Hayden amendments based on the benefits we explored in class. Your
reflections are informed and personal, contributing to a well thought
out assignment, well done.

Calem, D Failed to submit assignment


Daniel, B Good work Daniel. You have made meaningful amendments whilst
Menzies reflection on various factors influencing societies and your own
involvement with physical activity.

Jean-Luc, C- Thanks for your submission Jean-Luc. In future may I suggest

Murabito spending more time reading the assessment requirements. All parts
of your assignment had vital pieces of information missing. You
have however put forward some valid ideas displaying your

Nathan, B Thanks for your submission Nathan. You have included some well
Narin throughout amendments in your training program, plus some
valuable reflection that displays your knowledge of this topic.

Joshua, C+ A good submission Joshua. Part one was executed perfectly,

Read however your assignment was lacking content after this point. You
have put forward some good ideas but would have benefited from
some elaboration.

Liam, Reid C Thank you for your submission liam. You have displayed some
knowledge of the concepts covered but really needed to elaborate
in all areas to construct a high quality piece of work.

Kyle, Stacey C Displayed knowledge verbally to an acceptable standard.

Blake, C+ Thank you for your submission Blake. You have demonstrated that
Stubbington you know how to track and categorise your involvement with
physical activity over a week. Some amendments in part two would
have provided greater evidence of your understanding. Your
reflection also introduces some good ideas, well done.

Jacob, Walsh D Failed to submit assignment

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