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Nicole Spiteri English Language Notes Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns List

Collective Nouns are used to describe a group of
persons, animals, or thing.

Collective Nouns of Things:

1. a bale of cotton 23. a stack of wood

2. a chest of drawers 24. a shower of rain
3. a packet of letters 25. a sheaf of corn
4. a basket of fruit 26. a sheaf of grain
5. a bunch of keys 27. a set of clubs
6. a collection of coins 28. a reel of film
7. a batch of bread 29. an outfits of clothes
8. a heap of rubbish 30. a library of books
9. a pair of shoes 31. a forest of trees
10. a battery of guns 32. a hail of bullets
11. a stack of wood 33. a group of islands
12. a comb of bananas
13. a block of flats _________________________________________
14. a cloud of dust _________________________________________
15. a quiver of arrows _________________________________________
16. a bowl of rice
17. a pack of cards _________________________________________
18. a galaxy of stars _________________________________________
19. a wad of notes _________________________________________
20. a string of pearls _________________________________________
21. a string of beads _________________________________________
22. a stack of hay _________________________________________
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Nicole Spiteri English Language Notes Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns of Animals:

1. an army of ants 27. a board of chickens

2. a flight of birds 28. a string of horses
3. a haul of fish 29. a band of jays
4. a bevy of quail 30. a stud of horses
5. a gaggle of geese 31. a flock of sheep
6. a hive of bees 32. a bed of eels
7. a trope of loin
8. a herd of cattle
9. a kindle of kittens
10. a catch of fish _________________________________________
11. a host of sparrows
12. a nest of mice _________________________________________
13. a train of camels _________________________________________
14. a litter of cubs _________________________________________
15. a plague of locusts _________________________________________
16. a murder of crows
17. a school of wolves _________________________________________
18. a colony of gulls _________________________________________
19. a pack of wolves _________________________________________
20. a clutter of spiders _________________________________________
21. a swarm of bees ___

22. a pride of loins

23. a mob of emus
24. a team of oxen
25. a shoal of fish
26. a litter of puppies

Nicole Spiteri English Language Notes Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns of Persons:

27. a team of players

1. an army of soldiers’
28. a crowd of people
2. a bevy of ladies
29. a panel of expert
3. a patrol of policemen
30. a regiment of soldiers
4. a troupe of artists
31. a dynasty of kings
5. a body of men
32. a party of friends
6. a posse of policemen
33. a hack of smokers
7. a staff of employees
8. a gang of prisoners
9. an audience of listeners
10. an army of musicians
11. a group of dancers
12. a band of musicians
13. a board of directors _________________________________________
14. a horde of savage _________________________________________
15. a company of actors _________________________________________
16. a caravan of gypsies _________________________________________
17. a host of angles
18. a choir of singer _________________________________________
19. a bunch of crocks _________________________________________
20. a line of kings _________________________________________
21. a troop of scouts _________________________________________
22. a class of student _________________________________________
23. a mob of rioters
24. a tribe of natives
25. a crew of sailors
26. a pack of thieves

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